Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 20, 1881, Image 8

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    tCrutrc jptmoctnt.
Thursday Morning, January 20,1881.
CoftRBtiMKitKNCB, containing Important Ufi, aollcit*
cd from any part of th county. N comuitiiiicittloiifi
timerlm! uulpm accompanied ly Mm ral nam* of Mic
Local Department.
Try tho five cent cigars nt Green's.
—Splendid cigarettes at live cent* a pack
at Green's.
—The Spring election occurs on the lxtli
of February.
—Before going to tho Inauguration buy
some new clothes at the Philadelphia
—Protracted sor\ice* have been held in
the church at Valentines' forge with en
couraging results.
Sell your old clothes to tho rag pedler
and buy a new suit at tho Philadelphia
Branch with the proceeds.
After spending hundreds of dollars
without relief Day 's Kidney Pad cured me,
are the words of thousands.
The Y. M. C. A , of Centre Hall, will
hold a public meeting next Sunday evening
in the Union church at Farmer's Mills.
—" Col. Daniel Hezekiah Hastings, of
Bellefonte," is the military-Biblical title
the Lock Haven Daily Journal gives to
our friend.
Mr. J. N. Van Ornier is ut present
deeply engaged in testing the merits of a
new invention of which ho hoard a few
days since.
—The ladies have to form a "co-opera
tive dress establishment,'' hut the gentle
men have their fondest hopes realized in
the Philadelphia Branch.
—lt hardly seems possible, but it is a
fact that Genuine Key West cigars, made
from Havana tobacco, are being sold at
five cents, at Green's Drug store.
—A musical convention will begin at
Boalsburg on Monday, tho 24th instant,
and continue through tho following week,
with a grand concert on Friday evening.
—The night* of the past two weeks have j
been almost perfect in their beauty. But '
now Miss Luna is withdrawing her beams
and nocturnal sleigh riders must travel in
the dark.
—A meeting for tho formation of a party
to support the temperance ticket is an- !
nounced to be held in the hall in the Bush
Arcade building on Saturday evening at
7 o'clock.
—We call attention to the advertisement
of the Bush House in another column.
This hotel is first-class in every particular
and no one can make a mistake by hang- |
ing his hat up with Mr. Peters.
—A work by Susan Ii Anthony has
just been discovered. It is entitled "Th- j
Flirtations of a Fashionable Young Lady." .
It was written B. C'. 20 and is dedicated to ;
Augustus Caoar. For sale by all druggists.
—The family of Mr. John Bhifflcr, of
Pleasant Gap, are greatly afflicted with
scarlet fever. Three of his children are
now prostrated by tho disease. It i* a
misfortune not only to Mr. Shi AW* fami
ly, but also to the community, as Mr. S..
who is a school teacher, has had to closo
his school in consequence.
—"O, woodman spare that tree," can he
quite appropriately addressed to Mr. John
Ardell, of this place, as ho is making tho
forest* of Blair, Cambria and Clearfield i
counties disappear this year to the extent
*of 4,000,000 feet of square and round tim
ber, which the first spring freshet will |
float down the Susquehanna.
—The annual meeting of the Pennsylva
nia Board of Agriculture will be held at
Harrisburg, commencing Wednesday, Jan
uary 26. Farmers throughout the county
will find it to their interest to bear this
mattar in mind, and also remember to buy
their groceries of Hechler A Co., the model
grocer* of this place.
—Consult the advertisement of a "Farm j
for Sale," on another page. Tho property
is located in Howard township, on the
north aide of the Bald Eagle creek, and is
described as beautiful for location and fer- I
tile in soil. It will make a pleasant home
for its purchaser. The owner desires to
sell, because he already possesses more
land than can be cultivated to the best ad
We understand that the grand concert
recently given at Lemont wa* a brilliant
success, both artistically and financially.
Among the musicians were the best pro
fessional and amateur talent of .State (Hi
lege and this place. As the element* were
propitious and the sleighing unsurpassed,
the audience was large and enthusiastic
and the receipts about fifty dollars over
and above expense*.
—Ol every 100,000 people in this coun
try, tays a statistician, l'.,000 get up
crow in the morning. That proportion is
about correct, but the people in Centre
county who buy their groceries of 8. A.
Brew & Son are among the 81,000 who
don't get up cross in the morning. They
are always in a good humor, because the
pure groceries they purchase give them
perfect digestion and sound health.
—The editor of the Daily Newt is ex
tremely anxious to have Bob Hurdelte,
John B. Gough, Tilton, Talmage or some
other celebrity letcure in Bellefonte. Why
don't he give them a personal invitation to
come ? They will cheerfully respond for
a couple of hundred dollar* ey-h, and the
editor of an important Republican news
paper like the Nncn should be glad of the
opportunity to lose money in an enterprise
so beneficial to the "dear people." Other
people have tried it and den t raro to re
pt the experiment.
Pkhtinknt I'krhonaui.—Misses Hollo
Hunkin mid Mollio Nesbilt, two of tho
fair lady Instructors in our public schools,
spent last wook in Clinton county, tho
latter tho guest of Mit Klla Ilarvoy, or
Flemington, and tho former visiting Mi*
Emma Saltamnn, of Lock ilavcn.
—Mr. C. L. Callaway, of Williamsport,
upont Sunday last in town.
—Mr. Harry Mark* who, lor a long
time, hat boon employed as clerk in tho
extensive mercuntilo establishment* of
Lyon A: Co. and Lane Guggenhcimor, of
this place, severed his connection with tho
latter tlrm on Saturday and departed for
Now York City, where ho will engage in
tho sanio business, lie is an efficient clerk
and proved valuable to his employers
while here. Tho Metropolitan city oilers
him a rich Held for the display of his lino
clerical abilities.
—Mr. S. 1). Wetzel, of Lena, Illinois,
bus been paying bis relatives in this vi
cinity a visit during the past two weeks.
—Superintendent Khoads has been in
Philadelphia attending the meeting of tho
stockholders of tho 11. & S. S. Hail road
Company which took pinco on Monday.
—Mr. Kdgar Green, of this placo, is
now in the employ of lloover, Hughes Y |
Co., at l'hilipsburg.
—And now another young gentleman
extensively acquainted in Hcllcfonte has
bade a tinal adieu to a life ol single b!es
edness. It is Mr. Harry 11. Kline, now
residing in Tyrone, lie was married on
the 28th of Inst month to Miss Laura Ei k
enroth, daughter of the proprietor of the j
Eagle Hotel, of that place. We drink I
deeply to the health of the fair bride and
brave groom.
—We believe that Mr. Ai. llaupt s brief
visit to town was the most momentous ;
occurrence of last Thursday, lie r-q-ort*
his recently established cigar business at !
Hout/.dale in a flourishing condition.
—Our old friend, J. M. Kepler, Esq., of
tho Forest Xationat, dropped into our
sanctum yesterday and rej-orted everything j
as lively along the Clarion. Jake Is un- I
dismaved at Hancock s defeat and hopeful.
i i
ly looks to tho futuro for a vindication of
Democratic principles.
M rs. Harbor, the authoress of " Wrec k
od, hut Not I.os 1 1 ' and other well known
works, is enjoying the hospitality of Mr.
and Mrs. .lohn Ardell, oa Linn street
Mr. William Ms Keever, the popular
and gentlemanly clerk of the II rocker ho IT
House, takes his departure from that hotel
to-day, to tho sincere regret of his hosts of
friends. Mr. MrKeevcrcarno hero a com
parative stranger, but his urbane deport- |
ment and genial ways soon won hitn the
good opinion <f ull with whom became in ]
contact, and he will be followed, wherever
be may cast his lot, with tho good wishes
of the traveling public as well a- of his
numerous friend* in Bellcfonte. Wo wish j
him success.
Mr. Lawrence L Brown is now con
ducting a branch grain depot at Pennsyl
vania Furnace, and is greatly pleased with
the business prospects at that point.
—Our friends Daniel ('. Keller and wife,
of Centre Hall, have returned from a pro
tracted visit among friend* in Illinois
Mr. John A. Hunter, of Half Moon,
called on Tuesday. He is an agreeable
gentleman and fluent talker.
—The Normal Bibl (,'!•, which meets !
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, made a happy
choice last Monday night in selecting Rev.
J. F. DcLong, of the Its-formed church, to
All the position of teacher.
■ —A meeting of the Centre County Mu
tual Insurance Company was held on Sat
urday the 9lh instant, at Centre Hall. :
The following efficient list of officers were
placed in nomination and elected
I'miiifnt —Henry Keller.
I'i et, /Vul'f-Bsmiwl L. Herring.
Secretary —D. F. Lusc.
Trmmmt —William Wolf.
Hnard of Director*—lt. C. Campbell,
John W. Crumrine, Joseph Baker, Fred
erick Kurt*, 11. G. Itoyer, J. II Musser,
J. B. Fi-her. Ib-nry Keller, Henry K
I Duck, John Kishel, Bamuel I Herring, j
Samuel (Iramley.
—At a regular meeting of Gregg Post,
No. t5, (1. A. R., held at their hail on
December 4th, 1880, the following named !
comrade* were elected officers of the Post
for tho ensuing year : C, George F. Har
| ris ; 8. V. 0 , 11. A. Williams , J. V. ('.,
S. 11. Williams; AdJ't, H. 11. Benner;
.Surg. Geo. A. Fairlamb ; Chap, George F
Hunter; (Jr. M., D. M, Glenn ; <>. of D. t
D. 8. Keller; O. of G., Lewi* Sunday;
8. M., George G. Tate ; CJr. M. 8., John
Whittaker; Ord. 8., William Jones; I.
8., Alf. Hassinger ; O. 8., Charles Gar
ner; C. of A., .las. A. Beaver, John 11.
Linn, Austin Curtin. Tho above officers
were installed at tho last regular meeting
I of tho Post.
—There was a notable group gathered in
tho office of the Brockerhoff House one
evening last week. There waa more cuss
edness, pure and simple, represented in it
to the square inch than can bo found in
any equal number of gentlemen any whore
within the geographical limits of Pennsyl
vania. There was Jake Ilahn, of Phila
delphia ; Nod Carjientor, of Baltimore;
Charlie Brelsfor-I, of Philadelphia; BrufT,
of Pittsburg, and Cam. Burnside, of Boil
ing .Springs, No wonder Mr. Teller's face
wore a look of apprehension a* he mourn
fully gar.ed upon this quintette of practi
cal Jokers. Ho knew they would need
watching all night or no sleep would visit
the eye* of his guests. As a last resort bo
was romps-lied to administer a powerful
opiate to each and this secured a peaceful
night to the inmate* of his hotel.
DUST TO Doer.—We learned with pain,
la,t week, that our valued friend, Mr.
Samuel K. Fouat, of Millhoim, ia lament,
ing tho death of hi* mother, Mr*. Marga
ret Fouat, who died recently at tho homo
of her *on in St. Charle*, lowa. Mr*.
Fount wa* the widow of tho lato John
Fouat, of Roborahurg, and wa* about
eighty year* of age. She waa tho mother
of fourteen children. A* u woman alio
was highly eateemed, and a* a mother
greatly beloved. In all the dutie* of life
alio performed her pmrt well.
—We moat reluctantly chronicle, thi*
week, the death of Mr. George Royor, of
Keboraburg, which *ad event occurred on
Wednesday laat at hi- late home in Rchera
burg, after quite a long illneaa. Mr. Rov
er leave* a wife and aevcral children, who
will deeply deplore hi* lo*#. He wa* high
ly I -teemed by a large circle of relative*
and friend*. Hi* ago waa about llfly-tbrco
year*. A very large concoureo of pieopde
followed him to hi* laat resting pduco on
Friday laat.
Mr*. Mngduline Dolby died at Madi
•onburg on Wedncadny of last week. She
wa* the widow of the late John Delby, of
Mile* townliip>, and wa* about aixty-Ave
year* of age. Thus, one by one, our ven
erable inhabitant, puis* away, hut it will he
long 'ere their |>reclou* memories are for
Mr*. Felix Mullen, of lllil pdace, died
quite suddenly laat Friday afternoon at her
home on Spring street. She ate a hearty
dinner and afterwards compdnind of a
pain at her heart and was removed to an
upip-er apiartment. Medical aai*lanco was
summoned, but she expired before it could
arrive. Mr*. Mullen wa* the mother of
Mr,. Margaret Brockerhoff. She also ha,
several a. n* residing in thi* community
ami one in the Wt. Her hu-band died
about two year* ago. She wa* a lady of
great personal worth and was about seven
ty-two year* of age. Her funeral took
pdace from the Catholic church on Tueaday.
From our daily contemptorary we
learn of the ,udden death, on Thursday of i
la-l week, of Mr Ji Fulton, who resided j
on Mr. M Thomp son farm in College
township. He had gone nut. a usual, to
feed hi* stock. Aa he did not return, a ■
search wa* made, and he wa found lying
cold in death. Hi* health hail !>een feeble
for a long time, but th sad event wa#
entirely unexpected. Tho funeral, on
Saturday, called together a large concourse
of relative* and friend*.
—Tho death of John P. Barker, Sr . ]
one of the oldeat and rnoal repxctel citi- )
r.en* of Lock Haven, occurred at hi* home :
in that pdace on Monday evening at 7 |
o'clock. Hi, age was 71 year,, 7 month,
and D* day*. Tho L<>ck Haven Oa\ty
Journal give* the following short history
of hi, life
John 1' Backer wa* born in Howard
township, Centre county, June I, ]"cr.i
He remained in Howard until IH.tO, when
be went to Virginia, where he resided for
about seven year,. While in Virginia he
extensively engaged In the building of
railroad* and canals, and waa the con
tractor who built the first railroad entering '
thecitieaof Fredericksburg and Rn hmond.
The dam in the James river, at Richmond,
wa* also built by Mr. Baker.
In 1817 he married Mr# Sarah H Rob
inson, of Richmond, daughter of James
Llewellynn, of Lynchhurg, and returned
to Howard to engage in the mercantile
and lumbering business. Subsequently be
contracted on the North Branch Canal
and the l'hiladelp.hia and Erie Railroad.
In Dbt'J he built the lock of the Bennayl
vania canal oppxxile this ritv, and later j
tho (lam at Loyal sock, on the S\'e#t Branch j
of the Susquehanna. In IWV! he came to !
Clinton county, located at Klemington,
and entered the general merchandise and '
grain bu#ine* In 1H7.1 Mr. Backer, with
hi* family removed to thi* city, where he '
ha# since ro*idod.
The Backer family i, descended from
English Quaker stock that settled in the !
State of Bennsvlvania in IC,V>. Dect-aw-d :
was the last of three brother,, well and '
favorably known throughout the State
Judge 11 II Backer and Ex-Governor
Wm. F Backer, of William,p#ort. and the
de< ea*ed constituted the trio
Mr. N.J Mitchell, Mr*. N L At wood
and Mrs Job Packer were hi* *iter*. tif j
tho entire family, Mr*. At wood alone re .
Mr. Packer wa, an elder in the Ditciple
church for 4" year,, and a mot exemplary
Christian gentleman, llw wa, one of the
pioneer, of the denomination in thi* part
of the State and hared tho trial, attendant
ujion the establishment of any new doctrine.
Deceased haves a family of Ave children
and a *tep>*on The youngest ia now a
resident of Ogden, I'lah.
—Mr. B. L. Batcheller, of Sutton,
Ma,,., died at hi* home in that place on
Sunday, the 2d instant. Many of our
citizen* will remember Mr. Batcheller and
hi* pleasant wife, who lived in this place
for several years, removing again to their
New England home altout four or five !
year* ago. While here Mr. Batcheller
conducted what wa* known a*the "Boston
boot and *hoe atore," occupying a atoro
room in the Bush Arcade building. Mr.
and Mr*. Batcheller were both very at
tractive, socially, although their •evidence
here wa* not diffidently remunerative,
financially, to induce them to remain. Mr.
B. wa* gentleman of considerable promi
nence In hi* native town a* may be Warned
by the following remark* of the Worces
ter, Ma**., Spy:
Mr. B. Lincoln Batcheller, who died
suddenly last Sunday, after a brief illneM
terminating in congestion of the brain,
wa* a man of more than ordinary ability
and influence, and alwav* prominent in
public affair*. He had filled various town
office*, and in alt displayed much executive
ability. Ho waa at the lime of hi* death
town clerk, to which office he waa flral
elected in 1877, and re-elected each suc
ceeding year, lie waa a representative in
the legislature of 1866-67, also on several
occaaions the agent of the town. But pier
hap* tho work in which ho look the most
pride wa* that he did In securing the pub
lication of the hiatory of hia native town.
He was chairman of the committee of
publication, and a* auch aceompliabnd
what no other one could have done. Ho
will bo greatly mlaaed, not only In hi,
family, hut by hi* many friend,, whom bo
wa, over ready to make sacrifice* in aerv
HOWAKI, ITKMH. —TIio excellent sleigh
ing rnakex mutter, lively about here, a,
else w hero. Farmer, are taking advan
tage of it to get In their ,upq>ly o! wood
a year in advance, market their crop>,, and
draw lime,tone for burning in put, in the
Mr. .I no. W. Cook 1 * mill, near Hub
leraburg, ,end largo quantitie* of timber
hero for thipment. Some of it ia very
—There are rumor, of prospective
change* in the managcnienl of the Iron
Work* which will add to their efficiency,
and materially liven up the liuaine,, of
the place. Mr. Lautli'A energy and bual
ne,a enterpriae bear the good truit of p>ro
perity for the entire community.
—General regret ia ex|>reeeod at the ex
pected departure of our excellent landlord,
MR. R. \ Shaffer, 110 BU, p>urcha**d a
hotel at Mill Ilall, and will remove there
about Ajiril I. Mr. Shaffer i, a gonial gen
tleman and good citizen ; and one of the
few men whom it i, ,afe to entru,t with a
licenae to aell liquor, being alwaya careful
to conduct hi* bu,ine*a etrictly within the
law, in the tpirit a, well a, the letter,
ilia removal will be a lo*, to our commun
ity, but will BE in a great meaaure atoned
for by the fact that ao good a man a* Jno.
\V . Gardner, K-q , will T*> hi* ,ucce*or, a,
"mine boat of tho "Syrecuae Houae.*'
—"Protracted meeting, aie much in !
vogue hero now. The one which wa, be- J
gun in the new Evangelical church, AT the
time of it* dedication, DEED a few da\> '
•ince, and 1 am informed proved successful i
... , '
in adding a number lo the roll of the I
church. Juat now nightly meeting* are I
being held in both the Diaciplc end Meth- ;
(aJi,t chun he,. Tho former are under the I
charge ol Elder Blair, and in the latter
| the aervice* are conducted by Rev. Mr*.
I nlinage, of William,P-ort. The novelty
jof a "lady P'FEA, hi r and the g.#od aleigh
j ing combine t" , lire full bou,e, and 1
learn that great good i, resulting from the
Rev. lady A ministration,.
—lt ba been rumored bore for ome |
lime that MR Woodward would ell one j
of hi* large farm* ju,t aero** the CREEK j
from our village, and 1 notice by hi* ad
vertiaement in your I,ue of la, L week that |
thi, I, really the cae. Thi, it one of the I
, moat deairable localities in U# county, and ,
we hope that it, p.ufi ha,e will tecure P. !
tho townahip another good neighbor and |
< itir.cn.
— Tho new ateam factory of Meaira.
Shutt A Pout,ton for the manufacture of J
p>okca, handle,, <ant hooka, dec., ia ap
preaching completion, and will *o©n be in
operation, adding another to the perma
nent indu,trie* of our vi
[The criticism of our correspondent ia
omitted, and will be communicated pri
vately— Kl> ]
Tow n.—Un Saturday afternoon our
wa, vi,ited by a turbulent little tea of hu
man l#einga— boy* and girl*—from Belle
fonte, Tho young urchin* were out for a
aleigh ride, and knowing the fact that
I'nionville *• a temperance village and
that a temperance hole! wa, the best place i
lo cater to their appwtite*. They were a
lively, good humored p>arty and amu,ed
and enjoyed theme]ve hugely. They
took in the town and aurroundinga, rotat
ing down hill, viaiting the candy store*
and p>urrha,ing "aweeia" for the little
girla. At the auppxr table it waa amuaing
to aee and hear the little joker*. 11 remind
ed u older one* of our by-gone boviah
day*. Matter little Fatty Furat waa
,p>okeman for them and did hi, p>art wMI.
The other boy* and girl* had many joke*
at "Fatty A" expense. MIM Mamie Mer
ria repreaented the female pmrtion, and
took quite a motherly care of the amaller
girla. They were all wrappted up well,
p>acked away in the,led and returned home
with their little heart* Ailed with grati
tude and thankfulness for the boat and
hoatea* of the rnionvllle hotel. We will
•dd a more pwtlite, mannerly, courteou*
company of little people never viaited our
village which apxeak* well for their good
mamma* and papa, Tho Furat, llboada,
Valentine, Keller and Forater famtlie*
were repreaented in the piarty. Come
again and often. We will promise a good
time to you all. Bring aotne of the older
head, wilh you. Mr. A. O. Furat and
wife accompanied the pmrty to look after
their welfare. 17.
ERRATA. —Our reader* will diacover an
error In the "make up" of the agricultural
page. If thetable under the title "Young
eat Meat Moat Profitable," in the fifth
column, i* connected with the aixtb erticle
in the laat column, beginning with "Here
ia a wonderful difference," Ac., the two
articlee will read correctly.
FATHER laGrrrtKn WELL.— My daugh
ter* aay, '!How much better father la alnce
he uaed Hop Bitter*." He 1* getting well
after hit long auffering from a diaeaae de
clared incurable, and we are ao gled that
he uaed your Bitter*.— A lady of Hoc healer,
N. Y.— l'tira Herald.
—Hear the aleigh bella ringing
O'er the ice end anow j
See the happy people-
To Sechler'a atore they go.
They buy the beat of grocerlea
And pay the loweat price p
And with them bake a big plum cake
And think It very nice.
interest i given, by the death of tho au
tbor, to the new edition of her master
piece, "Komola," Juat Waned by the Amer
ican Book Exchange, New York. It
ahowa her work at ita beat arid strongest,
and at the aatne time give* the reader the
opportunity to acquire a Waling familiarity
with the acenea and aoelety of medieval
Italy. It ia one of the few really great
hlatorical novel, of the world. It i. Waned
in bandy and beautiful form, eitra cloth
binding, aimple but rare elegance and tioto
in design, and like the other iaauea of the
"Literary Revolution" iu co,t ia almoat
nominal, via: :}.'# cenu. It ia one of a
aerioa intended to form a library of claatic
Action, which will include one repreeenla
live and charaeteriatlc work of eaeh of the
great author, who have won lasting fame
in the realm of Action. Life ia per abort
and Per full of work to permit the reading
of iill that ia beautiful and valuable in
theae creation, of the imagination, but
even very bu,y people ran And time lo
read onr book by each of the acorn of
author, who have won immortal fame and
place iu the affection, of the people. Not
to bo acquainted with them W to be igno
rant of much thnt i, moat important and
moat fntereating in the hiatory of nation,
and of men. Not to puaacna them ia pr be
deprived of moat fruitful and proAtable
source* of enjoyment. Among tboae iaaued
or nearly ready are Scott a "Ivanhoe,"
Bulwer , "Pompeii," Irving', "Knicker
botker," Cooper', "Mohicana," "Tom
Brown at Rugby, ' "Adventure* of Don
(Quixote and "I arda, a Romance of An
j (Stent Egypt Full catalogue of atandard
publication, will be ,ent on rcqueot, by
i the American Hook Exchange, Tribune
I building. New York.
i FRRK'id BUST FAIR.—T\ (• have rocciv
! Ed information, juat in time to make men-
I lion of it tbl, week, that Gregg I'oat, O.
A R., will hold a fair, beginning Mon
day, February 21, and continuing through
out that week. Tueaday, the 22d, wl j| p„.
the principal day. There will be a booth
for the sale of fancy article#, and the Poat
room will be converted into an art gallery,
in which will be displayed eiinr ol the rare
j old {minting, and article, of antiquity and
I value, of which uch a large collection
j may be found in tbia community. The
j beat muticai talent of thi# vicinity will be ,
constantly preaent to entertain vl-ilor, j
\N e will give more particular, in the fu- i
j sure. An admissii n fee w ill be charged U'
I the art gallerv.
j —The following from the William,port 1
, 'iaiettr ami HulUttn of l*#t week give#
| -ome idea of the way Rev. K C. Crillen
; icn employ, hit time in that vicinity
By poatal card communication from
I Rev. Crißender# it it learned that a meet
ing of the workmen and other, wa, held
yetlerday afternoon in the boarding hou,e
near the apinebreaker on the Philadelphia
and Erie railroad, about eight mile, below j
the city. The room wa, well Alid and all !
listened attentively P> the#ermon from the !
word,, "Prepare ye the way of the pxoople; '
cat up, catl up the highway; gather out 1
the alonaa, lift up the ,tandard for the ,
people _laaiah Ixii : 10. At the close of j
the aervice a Bible cla, wa, formed, which
it ia expected will meet regularly every
Sunday for the aludy of the Scrip'lure hs- !
aona in the International course.
—We k now of no new,paj>< r containing
more feature* which recommend it p>
reader, of all rlae, tfan the Philadelphia
Retard. None aurp.a,, it in the boldnc,
| with which it exp>o*c* fraud, of all de
acriptiona. Iu new,, which daily include,
the world in (omp>a*,, R printed in the
mo,i condensed form. Iu editorial re
mark, are up#on the prominent question, of '
the day, and express the mot aggressive '
thought toned by a high ,tandard of mo- '
rality. It ba, improved in typdiograpbical
app-earance, and ia now quite handsome
and readable. A daily p>erual of the Rrr.
ord will keep one well Informed on all im
portant topic,. Iu price ia ao low aa to
make one who know, anything about the
labor and expienae involved in printing a
new,paper fairly aUgger at the thought.
We are new informed that it will oon oc
cupy a new and elegant building, which
will be an ornameitl to the city aa the
Record ha* alwaya been to the new,papier
iCV>tnintaaU4 )
Mit.Ksnt ro, Pa., Jan. 17, 1881.
Mww. EniToa*.—l hereby, publicly,
eiprew, my thanka to the peop'de of Snow
Shoe, Moahannon and vicinity for a ,plen
did eipre*,ion of their kindness— a dona
fion—received unexpectedly on Saturday,
January 16. It came in the ahape of two
large boxes, quietly brought to our door
from the 8. 8. tation. by Mr. David Fu
rev, of Mile*burg. When the boxe* were,
wilh difficulty, tran,ferred to the house and
opened, lot there were found hama, lard,
flour, corn-meal, buck-wheat, dried cur
renu, raiaina, dried apple* and pieache*,
coffee (green and roasted), sugar, h-a, corn
• tar eh, canned fruits, jellies, chocolate,
hominy, sausage, spices. appde arid cherry
butter, dry good,, maleri*l for a cahmere
dress and four dollar* in money. Spvace
would fail u* to name over the individual
contributor*, but we expire** our incere
thank* to each and to all collectively.
" The liberal oul hall be mad* fat. '
—We were agreeably surprised, on
Tueaday, with a vlait from George W.
Elder, K,q , one of the moat diatinguiahed
attorney* of Lewiatown. He I* a native
of Centre county.
—Step out of your old clothe* into acme
of the elegant garment* at the Philadel
phia Branch.
P*t* InaM vltM lo*#* tlx pan l-wot.
Tli* mil wore wfliw, H4 lb* nnan fw*|
AM lo*,* *ll* M wnod *M nid win* In rhnnr
Ilia qnakina b**rt Aaaaraeve.
—"Prid# goeth before deatruction," but
aenaible men and boy* go to the Philadel
phia Branch.
This January term of (Junrter Homiont
Court for Centre county will BEGIN next
Mori'Jay morning, when the followirigcivil
caE* will be trie<J :
J L. A I) II K<ITI*A Elitaheili Run'.
V 2"!7 "** KNM "t L.
U H Mfyftm.. ... ~** j,,Un II
K KR'W ' J II ll'.lr
William KM; W. || R o l<le.
It. .1 It.. k. r •• Joaeph 7reader.
Orat Mil A Co " Jonathan Kr*am*r
V Kii/fcoiM " p.,,,, „ n J.
Jonathan llertof " Jamn AnifMli.
L,< A I C. It IT On p "iray M~k
Hird CNEL and Iron CO S|
llra.ll*} CI. I Ida at al II Merrlman * ,| .
* '""I " Camurl Kr>det
f ;• Grey •• C Kharrar nl, rlana*
| I II Iteddlng •' A mean, or'. R RI
•Hoe 0M1*1.. . |„|„, M.'.L,**
A' ran, Etewart • |.
Tie-. "J h Z.n.m-rmel.
I-OM If J fa A 0. w BimAirau *T AL
' ".ira Min g AMI* 1., ... • ■ || M. miner. et al
l.O I tela A|.ar.*l*r • A II K..ne.
Jan.*. Hutu 1.1.1.,.. ..... Mr iiad.le i al fv
i 1 J'.1,., I. (, . I ,|.
| J- .i Erydar •• WIIIImb loUmo*.
I J K"1, • 'l. " ''-A
J la, . **"■■< •J M I TfcotiuwM
I J It A ■ 7 Ale.aoder J*... MRA.,I
' J .. V.1*,., la.,*.
™}>9 JiMii .i,. ■ y ,j. pn,
W .L.iarii ..I . " Jaike... A bale
i I.; N " M TRU.LEE,
, Jubh |i Uardlier •• J.,|„, W -.< Onk.
K ""a". O Malloty.
E,TJ u""" 4 '" ' '"-"••'.I'
A O Ml 0 llallle,.
J . 4, 7 NI MR,,,;,
I: f' "K J !I*•!•}< R-,R ( -T
A J - •Sb m • MM b i. ..1 . A 1..,..
befon ua, and IBO.E who MID 10 cent* to
J JAMEI VICK, Rochetter, N. V., for it will
BE dUappoinM. Inatead of GETTING a
I cheap thing, A the price would TEEM TO
J indicate, they T IJ] receive A very har.daorne
work of 112 pager, and perbapa 500 illua
, trationt— not cheap, but elegant lliu.tra.
lion#, on the very beat of calandered paper,
j and Ha T<t .FT to the whole, a beautiful
Colored Plate that i. worth twice the price
I of the book
—When you curne to Uellefoiite call at
. Lyon A < •> > and aee the largeat and lineal
| ABACK of overcoata that •an be found out*
AIDE of I'hilad ,pbia WE have them at
It~ ..and sl.. J. WE have brown braver
j overcoata at F.M and FC.SO. Vou can't
beat tbem an \ where eiae at fr.sUand
WE Lave the flneat blue and biac * beaver
overcoata. \\ .■ have a revernble overcoat,
two aide* to w.-ar out, or two coata in one.
WE have the I.ET cbinrbiila overcoat* at
F' 00 you ever raw they are worth FX to
f 10. We RAN ahow you over JLJKIO worth
of overcoata LYON JT Co.
I W. HAVE THE LIIWT rtoek OF auita in
J black diagonal, blue check and other dark
g od, heavy W.nter lu.la. We can abc.w
you the largeat and bet U>ck In the
' EOUNTY and guarantee THEM GO PER cent,
cbeafaer than any other houae.
— ln dry gooda, dreaa gooda, AHR** and
ladiew' millinery, we can ahow you the
largeat and beat aurck in the county.
LI oa A Co.
— Spring w..olen now ready. Karlv
ordera aoliciled. Money AAVED.
15-tf MOKTUOMERT A CO., Tailora
Buaioea* Noticea.
— hy are boraea and cattle after taking
Roberta Hor Powdera like A new laun
dried abirt , itrvauae they look aleK and
—At the preaent time when there are o
, many worthleaa linarnenta in the market,
lit would BE WILL TO inquire which >• the
TREAT Tlii. will b<- found in M II itobert *
! Kmbrocalion' — it ia a panacea fur ailment*
that require rubbing either on man or
L-aat Price 35 cent* per bottle.
—No more' *ick chicken*. Save vour
troultry and cure them of diaeaae. by uaing
Roberta' Poultry Powder. It haa* never
failed t cure Cholera, and all di'eaae* to
which fowia are aubject. Price 25 cent*
package. F,,r aale BY all druggiau.
—Way do vou cough when vou can
fin. l apeody relief in Sinea Syrup of Tar,
W ild Cherry and Horehound? It ia the
moat PLFUOANT and efficacinu* known
F >r C rugha, ('..lda, Croup, Aaihtna', and all
diaeaaea tending to pulmonary con turn p
lion. Haa BEEN told for over thirty year*
and it especially adapte.l to children." aa it
doe* not nauaeate, and conaequently it can
be uaed in aufflcient quantity aa to effect a
cure. Try one bottle and VOU will never
be without it. Price 25c. and 50C per bot
tle. Sold everywhere A*k vour drugeiat
j for it.
—The popularity of M B RoberU'
Horae Powder* ia proving Itaelf in the in
rreaaed demand throughout thi* State,
from the fact that the public are at laat
finding out that it ia priaaibie to obtain a
package of Horae and Cattle Powder which
it atrictly pure and free from *uch adulter
atio.lT at bran, cake meal, and other in
grerdienu calculated to puff the animal
inttead of curing it of the diaeaae it i* AUf
fering from. M B. Robert* Horae Pow
der* contain no adulteration, and are much
cheaper than any other, a* but a table
apnonful ia required for a doae. Aak any
old hor>eman a* to their merit*. For aalo
everywhere. Price reduced to 250. per
PI'RaTKK -IU lull R —At Ik* r*aaA*cr of IS. led.'!
WAhe. la MiWlntMir*. m Ih. as of Rnttart. S;
K. I llrl.r. t> 11. Mr Franklin IHrrla FrM*r. ef
Mi.Ml.Uir, !•. nn.l Mia. Sarah V Rather. Aawah
tar of F * Rather. Aer'A. of Mrffltnlair *
FORNTKR—WIIITI.ItY —AI the meiA.no* of Ike
fcrlAe, on ih# lltk of Janaari. bj R-= I rSr.er II I>.
Mr Mm K Fornter and MHO Annla F MhlUev,
hoik of MifDiahtira
Mt RKAY—IiILLILANP. —AI Ike realAeore ef the
InlAe'a father, im WeAneeAav. Jann.r. k, I Ml, bjr
Rer m II Mil. R.4vrt f fllllilae4.'of Ikooa Mm
• eatre nmnrv. and Mire Rank B Mnirar. ol (llrarA
toooahlp. Cleat Held ronnt;
SPROM" lIoRN IR -On the th of J antra rr. I*l. at
the maiden,, of Han 1.1 HnrtMat, hi Re. J K Miller,
Mr Jacob Sfmo and Mlaa Catkantm F Homer,
I*Ah of Potter tearnahfp.
REIBKR—ntU KKHT —On Ike ftk ef Jermart I**l,
h Her F M R.aAer, Mr William Kerher and Vim
Mar; R Dorkrrl. hntfc of Palter tavnaklp.
FTOVKR -On the ath Inatant. al Ike matdenro of key
eon, Mr Noah F. Worry, In Pakn teemahtp, Catka.
Hne. rrhtmr of DntlA * Sorer, dinom d, ayed k| nmn.
7 mrratka and II AnjV.
ROT NR.— ln Mile* lorrwakip, on Wednendn;. January
I*. IMb Mr. Ooertra *. Buyer. a*ed M yearn.
BATIIUBFT.—AI Ml Rale, Januat r. 11*1. Mart la
J. Rathent, a*ed 17 yaara, 11 atenUw and II day*.
HAMER.-U Pklllpahnrg, January 7, IMT, Mr. Flo.
■MM Ham.r, i|M } )earr. * mnnthi awl dara.