BAULAND T SEW MAN, Allegheny Street, Jlellrfonte, l'n. • B-A.TTL.A.ISriD <sc K"EW^EA.nsr'S " tttAPQUARTERS FOP BARGAINS | —AT THE— *" BEE HIVE ONEPRICE STORES. WINTER GOODS. We have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Please call and examine our stock, And oblige BAULAND & NEWMAN. OLK MOTTO IS-"O.V£ PRICE—THE VERY LOWEST-ASH SO MtSREPRESESTA TIOS. " .> Advertisements. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. * r PHK circulation of this populnr X newspapar la constantly Increasing. It contain* all the leading HFI of the DULY HERALD, and is arranged in handy departm alt The FUR SIGN NEWS embrace* special dispatches from all <juartcrs of the glob*. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Di{ab hea • f the werk from all part# of the Union. Tine feature alone make* THE WEEKLY IIKRALI) the Binrt valuable chronicle in the aor I I. * it Is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete an<! comprehensive dispab he* from HASIIVOTO*, Including full report# of the •peach •# of eminent politicians on the<ju-*ti>(ui of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the WxKKLY IfatALO give* the lateftt as aeil as the m et practical suggestion* an ! discoveries relating ta the duties of the farmer, hints for raning CAYTL*, Poritmr, GRAINS. TRIM. YIOSTABLM, A . A<\, with suggestions for keeping buildings and utensils in re- pair. This is snpplemerifed by a well-edited depart c m*nt, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME, giving recipe* f„r practical dishes, hints f r making clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowt pries. Every Item of rooking or economy •aggest-d In this department is practically tested by eiperl* before publication. Lett-re from our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fash tons The II .me Department of the WBKRLY IIKRSLD will save the housewife more than one hundred !itu*e the price of the paper. The interests of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and everything pertaining to me chanics and labor saving is carefully recorded There • P*C" devoted to all the latent phases of the busi ness markets, I 'rope. Merchandise. Ac.. Ac. A valua ble faature i* found in the specially reported price* and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. SwifjM Niwfathome and abroad. together with a J'roßi'eTery week, a StaW"N by some eminent di vine. I.ITIMATR, Mi sir At. taunt TIC, PER*. *AL and MA NUTS-S There ia no |>*p*r in the world that con tain* so much news matter every week as the WtiK- j LT HTM ID. which Is sent, postage |siid, f-r On# Dol lar. You can aubecrtbe at any time. TIIK ) ( ONE NEW YORK In a Weekly Form, - DOLLAR HERALD j ( A TEAK Address. • NEW YORK HERALD. 3-1 Itruadwav and Ann Street. New York Notice. TN tho matter of the e-tate of .It )HN A ADAM M<nRE, late rf Millheim homngh. dee'd In the orphan* Court uf • entre rounty, the *| j raise nient to the widow of said John Adam M**r-, deceas ed Sally Moore, widow, for fVO And now, ffnvem bar 0, A. D. I*AO. appraisement read and conArmad Ml'si. and publication ordered, and unleat etreptb n are (lie. prior to neat term will I* confirmed absolute ly. By th# Court. 13t W E Pi RCIIFIELD. C 0 C CANCER REMOVED, > WITHOUT KNIFE, and in moat v v rases with >nt pain. Applv to C. w p FISHER, ftoalshurg. IWffl* Centre Coanty. Fa. S. f A. I.OKU, General Merchant*, Allegheny Street, lleUcfonte, Pa. S. &c LOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED BOCHBSTEB CLOfHIIG! Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, SUPERIOR in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work v generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S , WEAR. S. & A. LOEB,! !S. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. - - _ : THE WORLD FOR 1881. r rilE WORLD for 1881 will IM; the 1 l#-*t and cheapest newspaper published in the Knglish tongue on either side of the Atlantic. With new presses surpassing any ever t#*fre manu factured even by |(oe A(V ; with new and une.|usl*l I) 1 ("'graphical and busineaa facilities of all sort*, and vtth a letter organized telegraphic correepondetice throughout the world than any other Ameri< an jour nal. Tin WORLD for l*M will afford its readers daily, a complete, condensed and trustworthy record uf alt < urreiit eveuta. lu its Five Minute* with the New• of the IHVTHR WORLD meets arid keeps pare with the lurreasing de mand* made |y rapid transit, the telegraph and the tel-pUoiie. on the time and attention of business men Its dally cable |*t(ers from Loiidou bring the Old World to the breakfast table* of the In its Mall Mreet It.w-Ip and its Items for Itiv-ator*. taken together with ita< curate,caodid aud al*oiute|y imjatrtial Titian* tal Article. TUB M HID daily present* an unrivaled picture not only of the tru* • oodittou of tlie multitudinous enterprises in whi li the adventur > ous and a< live |*ople of this country inve*t their savings, but also uf ail the fluctuating influence* i --erted ii| -*II Ihuae enterprises by Ih# sj-e- uiation* and the spso-alaior* of the {itoek K&<hang- N<> man who owns r stpe ta to own an Interest in any corporate property can afford to mis# for a single day the information daily ami exclusively given in THE WORLD, not only as tu the natural and legitimate cohrse of affairs *!f> ting an* k value#, but alto a* to the plans, scheuiea and combinations which are inre*. santly making and unmaking in and out of Mall Street p. affect these tallies Tilt WoaLD contains sl*< every day the freheet. fudest and imst instru< lite notices of r- ry thing new and interesting in the rewdn* of art, of literature ami of surial life. It is the accredited MIBII of the college* of the Union, and the arrurwrywh I vivacity of It* spirting column*. covering all the various forms of athietir amusement *lu h have ruultiplied among us of late year*, commend it to the "rising generation" through out the country. A the only metropolitan morning Journal publish ed in the English language which maintain* an un swerving fidelity to the great enduring principle* of the tMMCVUIia fslth in MHlkg T* MOULD f-r IMM will 1# found, where for the last live year* TM WuULD ha# been fund. absolutely loyal to Dams* ratK princi ples . al'sulntely Independent of all pereons, clique* and faction* within the Democratic |*arty Tils WORLD will maintain tkf rauwe of the Union against sectionalism in ail it* forms, the cause of g*-i govern men l against orrnptb>it in all its forms, and th# cause of th- pesfde against monopoly in all it# form#. TERM*—FOOTAGE PAID Daily and Mondays, one year, Hi. sit months, SA. ; three months. st. Dally. without 8 today I, on* year, tlo. sit month*. fA , three month*, f.M), l-as than three per month. Tut At *DAT Witts, < ne year, f J TM MOWD4T WOLIY, ' titsining the R-k Reviews and "College Chronicle," ne year, fl./*i Tut Mrai Wrtiir H oftU> • Tueo*y* and Fridayay— Two Doi i.saj * year To Cit # Aurvts- An sttra cpy tr club of ten . the Daily for rlub of twenty Ave TH* WUILT VOMS IWEDNECUSYJ, flat DAITS a year Weekly f.r club f twenty, the Daily for club of Afty. W- have no traveling agents. Specimen mimUn s nt free on sppii ati -.n T#rma -Cash invariably in *dv*n< e Rend money blank draft or regie ' tar-d leir-. Bill* at risk of the sender. THE WORLD, j t-im *•. rfk Rnw. jt. r<wk For Sh*. VFARM containing Fitty Acres, nr| h>mt th.r-.-n .mint • TWit-irTonV KKAMK BI II.IJINO T,,l t.u11.11n,. Till- of A J * T K r,Ri,tf. nf UnU'DTll)-. C.ntr- ronnty. II ALBERT E. PAINE, l-it' t'.mitulaaioa.r uf Pat.nt., IIENJ. P. <iR \PT"N HTORY II LA DP. PATENTS. PAINE, GRAFTON A LADI), Attorneys at-1 taw ami Solicitor* of Amenean ami Foreign Patent*, 412 FIFTII Strict, WASHINGTON*, D. 0. Pnrlk' patent !i In all It* tranche* In th# Patent j i'fft'*, and th* StpTMM and ( IfCtll OMIItR of tb# I | "Mat** Puipllk tM• I free 4* tf : (11LM0RE k CO., " " LAW AND I'OI.I.ErriON llorgK, CM F Street, Washington. I. C. j Mak# liollMtloni, N*g"ti*t* l> t. and attand lo all 1 huainaaa <->nftd*d to th*m LAND H'KIP. N,Htr'i Additional l|.>m**<#*d Ktghta and LAN I VI A HRA NTR 1 bought and toll tf tf I ieec-i. ibbc-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. Th* •ut-w-nj tl. n pticm of tha WtfSlf PaTUP'T bsf . beau r*!ur*J to |1 j*f copy |*r annum. To cluta f Fim and upward* th* WtKtlT ParatoT I • ill I* furnlahed at th* aitraordinartly 'litp rata <>f I 75 acuta per cipy p#r annum Tm Uiit? l*4Tii..T will ba arnt to any addraaa. during th* Kwri'iu of C<<ngr*M and tb# lafiilatar* at tba rata of In rant* j*r month. L'ndar lb* act of C tb# puhliaher th* j-wUg# and •olMktlUri arw f!l?a| fro® that ipas. I*try lUbwripthn mu*t U accompanied l>y tba caab. N"* U th# tlma to mlartlU Th# approaching I MMiuM of Coogrwi anl tba Legislature will t*a of ! mra than ordinary intrmt and thalr pn--aedlga • 111 b* fully report**! f-r tb* latly g*nd a '••napiat* | •yopat af th*m will I* gtvan In tba Addraaa PATRIOT Ft RMJMtINO ft). <f tr ago Markat Rmt, HtrTliUrg. Llrcnsn Notice. NOTICE i* hetrby (fi\*on that the following nam~l pmi ha.. HUH ptl •Ion. Or llctw la lb. < lE', .f lb. rtk of lb.(' of o.nral 4'i.ror town. lb. P.w la an<l f..r lb. (Vwnty of r.otr., ant ib.l .„>lloalboi will b e.a-1. at lb. owilmii of all l oan to graM lb. IJarob W. Eaonk wbolaal*, Mlllh'fm lingo i Rabort Taylor, ..... iarn,........ Ebillrabnrg lh,rn , f II Kudo 1.11.r1| Top. j J I iM-ng tafara, ... Ijt .tt? Twi *1 ♦ J. <• HARPER. d.rk A. ST. XAYIEIt'B ACADEMY, NEAR LATROBK, I'A., NEARLY iialf n (Vntury olil, from which tba moat profuinant and eultlvat*d | In P*nn*yl*aata hat* graduated. <ff*r* ruwt thorough aducatianal ai l* and hit heat atandard of refining In finance* pm.tu admitted at any tlma T*arly at* I panta f?l. 1 Addraaa. fiIFTRII* OP MKRCT. j 50 Realty'• P. 0., Waatmoraland county, Pa j aOLDSMITir, S l ,( HKXTKK, ANryhrn,/ Htreel, Jtr/lrfonts, I'a. CLOTHING! CLOTHINC;!! —AT T II K PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. look -A- InT id compare ppices. Full Suits, - - $/kSO " - - 5.00 " ~ - 5.50 " - . - 7.50 " - - 9.00 AND AL li UOODS I,\ PROPORTION. OUR; ©RAND FALL AND WINTER. STOCK. IS COMPLETE, | COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A STKKSHKR.; Wll.l. hi. I-.,1 M, .VI nil- Allegheny Street. Wontt P. \ru> AftvertlnrmctitH. pOURT PROCLAMATION. \~J WIIRRRAV. Ui. Hon I'baHaa A Maw Pnwi daot cf tba i urt of • rum- n Plea* of tba 2Mb Ju ': lal Dlatrtct, consisting 1 tba -untie. f Vulva, i J.nt n and CTetrflald. and tba (I n. harnuel Prarck and tba lion John Dlrana. A lata Jiplgft |ti <Voter •utty, having lwua-1 thalr j<rTj t. tearing data 2d day of l*ecainlirr, to ma Oira* tad. for b'ddlng a Court >•( j oy*r arid Tartolnar and General Jail Delivery atid j Quarter ft*Mhta of tba pa. a In lull fnta. f r tba OPtlly of i antra at. I t MM I Monday of January nast, )>*ing thr .'lf. day of ! ry. iNwl, and ti conllnua tw.. w**rk. N ti'-a i hrrwby glvan to tba * r-'Oar. Juatlfaw .f th* I'aaca, Alderman •nd (Vfnatal la of aa.d rcunty of Cantra, that tbay U , than and (bar* in thalr |>, at J" " k ! In tba forenoon of aaid cUt. with tbrtr ra-. rd*. Injui aitfcon*. aiaminatlona. and tbair own nmnni rn to b tb'wa tiling* which to tbair nfßc-a a| p rtain* t U kna. and wb" ara U<md In ra*,uai.ra* p pr-wacuta again*t tba jiria. rar* that ara . r •ball Fa in tba jail c.ft antra mmty. U than and U*r to pruaa* tut* agair.t tb*m aa ahalt bajttat fllvan undar my hand, at Railafr-nta. lb* „ r lt day of Io etiJaf, in tba yrar of our b rd and tha on* btsndrad and fourtii j*ar of th !nda|wndenca > f tu 1 MM Btatr. obdt JOIIN 81'AN'if! P.ll. Mhanff Hottling EHtahiiHlinieiit. FVOTTI.KI) POUTKR. AI.K nd ItKKR. THE un<lrrninnp<l renpectfully in -1 f>rwa lb* r|tl*n* >t Cantra f only that ha La* p*n*d • RotlJlng Katabliabmant, on Huh j *trawt. In tha Borough of lU!|af.,nta K,l win l*a at ail tlma* S rapard to fumiab PORTER. ALP. and RFPR h th# d"t*n or cna* In auppiying th*aa r C r wbHbar to h"t*U, rattan rant* .r pneata rwkbno*. tbay wLI .* P>wn4 of th* and quaJity. Urftied in •web a maanar that tbair hfa and *f irtt* ara pei —c*ad aa freah a* though drawn from tba # a*k r larr I fl* CKLKBHATKD HOCIIKSTKK STOCK !• a irariaLt? Ordara (aft at hia plara of hwainawa, of a*nt by ptal curd, will rwtlu prompt atunlion AMnu. I. n SPITESR. 17 Xm ftallefonta, (Vntra Co . Pa. ; THOKOUOH EDUCATION —rot— IYOCXG I, AI) I ICS. Hollidaysburg Seminary, IIOLLIDATRRI RG. RLAIR OOCNTT, PP.NN A A **ry bawlthful hwatl' D . taautiful aummndiftg* I Hfata %n young ladle* all th* ad'antag"* .fa hrutUn born a, with thorough cvntra* of in*trut tiotw in tha bigb*r bran< be* of education Term*, $250.00 per Annum, Including tw®r4 and attandan**. ua* of H* rarv.period■ I Irali. and tultem in all Pnghah branch#* MU*K and 1 art eitra ANNUAL TKJIM, FORTY WKKKS. For catalogne. ulth full Inf f®ati.>r. addrwa* W. P. HUSSKY. AM, Princip*!. DR. JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., PHTRICIAN AND m-ROKoR. fL.m Eagt.r'a ffrag Ator*. *' RELI.RPORTR, PA. SECHLKIt .f CO., Ororcr*, Hu*h Hnunr Work. BcUrfontr, I'a. 3STIEW O-OOIDS —F() R TII K WINTER TRADE. W© have endeavored to jfet the very best of every thin# in our line, and now have Nome really elioiee kooilm. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Pruneiles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, _ _ _ —and- GJ" CD ID HE Sof all Sorts*and Kinds. p°pl© Centre County to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fall to please. SEOHLER CO. / 'll/ (htotln anii firorcrien. JI A RI'KR BROTH HUS, PPRIN.J BTREKT. bKLLEPOHTR, PA, Have th.-ir (..uiitrrfgnd fhelve* filial with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT RATKS Purrhaaf-d at - BANKRUPT RATKS I BANKRUPT RATKS will. II THEY ORI'KR AT BOTTOM J'KICES, BOTTOM PRICES. 1 BOTTOM I 'RICES. OONMIITI.NO O. Dry Millinery Clothing, Fancy OfNfda, Notioni, Ac. BOUTS and SHOES BOOTS and at vrry low pricea. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Lat'-at ft.!<w of HATS and CAPS HATS ar.d CAPS Carjwt Hagf, Umbrella*, Parmanb, Lml;' C'-.akf, Car ting, (ir<tccri*, Ac. j cijiai.g n.ry thing lh.l (aa lw f,.aaj In a Brt (laaa *t<ra. , IIAKPER BROTHERS, SPRING BTRKET, • . BELLEfONTE, PA j ('"I NTH. PR.tI.rCE t.h.n la .ichang. .t 11.. ' bigh**f mar k#f prtr* I-IF | WOODWARD SEMINARY. ill 117 Z:lx\ fcr Uli.r I rlI Little luilirtL.I u ilirtL. i SKCONI) A Nil I.ooUsT STREETS 1! A RRISBURO, PA Ragalar t.m wltl t ,a *PPTr*IHKR |it> r.,„r. „f . !*,, .nil tv i.M.6. a lib and Art Board and tuition frc® fjvi t* |t.v<o i mr and no ettraa Pr •irct.lara and all d**irab)a inf >rmaticn addreat PRIXCIPAI \ J ILLIIKIM HOTEL, • l nam** AN. S MUSSKR, Proprietor. Th. towa r,f Mlllh.ifn I. In p. nn°. tall.y, • I.iit l.n fmm C". t nre >.n th. I. Imrg. Cwntr. .nil Bpnn. i r~.h Rallf.*.|. mir nminllng. that ni.h. It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. trotit ft.hlng in th. In.aiwrfl.t. , r .i, , rtin. t. ...i, train At th. Millbnm 11. t. I . i m .tall n. will to f mn.l law and w * Jon. Zt. MinrrUnnt nun. 'JMIE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE RUSH HOUSE 81/K'K, RKLLEKONTE, PA., IK NOW OFI'KKINti GliE A T I N DUO EME NT S TO Til OAS WIHHISO FI WiT-CLAM I Plain or Fancy Printing. \\ '• bvo ununihl fw ilitiei for printing I LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATAL< IGCES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCTLAILS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, HI SI NESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES I)E VISITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. tnf ' 'rder* by itiai! will receive prompt ■ Attention. baC Printing done in the l*t rtyle, on i khort notice end At the lowot fAtee. A G E NTS W A NT E I) T" ut> nhnl|iUnu lor the INTEH N ATIOX A L K KYIEW, lli- .nd l"t A Trier v. t'OlKMiin. of the higher! . ... ~11, , n t -,r,l I I.triliuu- in r. m the met J ' tinted enter, „~r, , , 1I)tr , Edited!* I .1 l". OAlrOf Ixelgr, gentlemen I .ne l.igbeet •tUtt.lDentt .rid ' ulttire. ..(1 whuee t.rr.. ,i. , h , f tin Kir ire \ .!• (tight :edltte .rut iri.trurtirr I .wtllipllll t,i. I iter.tor i [r ,gi e*lte in mrijir. .iir.twna Innllg -TI .ad prte> v. ,er,t * tiunter . %:■ • ■<w A rowr.let. Agent Outfit .em n reiei|.| of || id. a i* trf.y (rat I ny rut lira, I r lleent.. A fi fl\KM> A <XI. rut loiter.. 11l A II" W iliir.m fit , \. fort. OROCKKRHOFF HOUSE, ■ ' BKI.LICFoNTE. FA W. It. TELLER, Proprietor. Good Sam pit R<.m , Strand Floor, 11-l'ro Rm> i .rill fr im All Tr*tn M*. lal r.te. U> <i juror* 1-1? I \K. J. \\ . RHONE, Den tint, can I/i f. ii„d •! i I.ffiie And reeideri'e „n N.nh •l ie of lllgh Atre-et three d tr. lerl if Allegtienr Pa. lfi-lj ( 1 ARM \N' s HOTEL. " ■ <Wx*lteOwrt ll 0.., IIELI.EFONTB, PA. TIRMfi 11.2.1 ritß PAT. A g"od l.lrery .Hat hed. j.j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers