Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 20, 1881, Image 4

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    ®he €rntrc ,33 moral
Tkt Lar|it, Oheipeit and Beit Paper
Itahml every Thunolay morning, At Ueltefonto, Centre
county, Pi.
TERMS—Ca*I in advance St bO
If nut paid In advanre 2 OO
Payment# within thro# month* will ho con
•i do rod In advance.
A LIVE PAPER—devoted to the IntereaU of tho
whole p|le.
No paper will h# dltrontlnuod until arrearage* ar*
pild, except it option of publisher*.
Papers going out of tho county most ho paid for in
Any poraon procuring u* tencmh subscribers will
ho aont i copy free of charge.
Our extennive circulation make* thla paper an tin
nauilly reliihlo ind profitable medium foranvertlaliig
We have the moot ample buMllib-# for JOll WORK
and are prepared to print all kind* of Hooka, Trm< l#,
Programme*. Posters, Commercial printing, Ac , In the
flneat atvle and at the loweat possible rate*.
All advertiieuieuU for a lea# term than three month*
20 cent* per hue for th# ftrwt three Insertion*. and '•
cent* a line for each additional Insertion. Special
notice* one-half more.
Editorial notice# 1.1 cent* per line.
A liberal discount ia made to p*r*on* advertising by
the quarter, half year, or year, aa follow*
' i w * .r
arid occrntn.
I i i i
Oue inch (or 12 line* tin* type) f • fv#l-
Two Inches. j 71 I'M H
Three Inchea. 1° l"
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Half column (or lo inchea) • ''■ v '
Une column tor 'in inchea *-• 1""
foreign advertisements must he paid fur before In
eortioa, except on yearly contract*, when half-yearly
payment* iti advance will he required.
Political Notica*. 1' • enu per line each Insertion*
Nothing inaerted for le** than 5o cent*.
Bust*!** Notice*, in the editorial column*, 11 cent*
per line, each Insertion.
Local Norlcia, in hcal columns, 10 centa per line.
from our Regular Correspondent
Washington, I>. C. .lan. 17, 1881.
The debate in the Senate on the
question of franking privileges has elic
ited the singular fact, as stated by Mr.
Edmunds, that the only public servant*
unsafe to be trusted with franking ofli
cial matter are the men who make the
laws. This permits every man. woman
and child in the Post < 'dice department, ,
to determine what is "ollicial business," j
and so in every other I'eparlnient of
the government, and yet a Senator may
not enjoy the privilege as the law now
stands. It is more than likely that tin
existing laws will be repealed and re
turn made to the old order of things,
under which our legislators sent all
kinds of matter through the mails,
though it is possible the repealing act
may contain a clause prohibiting some
impecunious Solon from sending his
clothes home to be washed and patched
as was done in antebellum times.
Uen'l Logan is warmly advocating his
bill to restore General Grant to his old
rank of General and then retiring him
on the corresponding pay. It seems '
that the Senate will pass it, but inas
much as the Ilou.e Military Committee
have by a vote of ft to .7 killed a similar
measure, there is no probability of its
becoming a law during this Congress.
Mr. Blaine is strongly in favor of it,
and has so put himself on record in the
N. Y. Tribune, yet his advocacy will not
avail, for it cannot be carried through
the House. A Mr. Sparks, from Boston,
is urging upon Congress his scheme for
lighting the Capitol and its grounds by
electricity and meets with a favorable
reception from the House committee,
controlling the Capitol. Though the
hold of our Gas company is as strong
here as elsewhere and it has all the re
quisite sleight of hand for disposing of
competitors which all cities find to their
sorrow it possesses, yet we believe it pos
sible for an electric light company to
succeed here if persistent and saga
cious. The fact that this system may
cost the Government one half less than
gas is not the issue, for economy does
not enter into this question at all. How
to defeat the gas company's machina
tions is the only rub. We lately in
spected the Xew York post-office build
ingand were delighted with the working
of the electric light in it, and we sin
cerely trust that the same undoubted
improvement may be introduced into
and around the Capitol. It is queer how
soon a legislator's interest in a change
for the better may cease when some
moneyed monopoly enters the lists
against it. A bill has just been intro
duced into the House which looks to an
organization in favor of cheap tele
graphy as against the exactions of the
recent consolidations of telegrsph com
panies, but we fancy it will sleep the
sleep of death, under tlje manipulations
of the committees by the existing mon
opoly. We have in mind an honorable
Senator who will not act or permit
action upon a certain measure which
has been referred to him. Yet his mo
tives cannot be impugned though be
' is the paid attorney for the railroad
which this particular bill antagonizes.
Still it would seem better if these in
famous monopolies could not secure
such staunch advocates among our leg
islator*. The nation is under deep
obligations to Senator Tburmsn for the
earnest fight be made against the Union
Pacific Haitroad. This bill, Sliich under
his able advocacy became a law and
saves the nation millions of dollus
yearly, will stand as a monument To
mark the first step taken by Congress
against • powerful and unscrupulous
monopoly. lleno.
Wrlllon fur th* Cruras llsmocsat.
School Teachors uud School Teach
ers' Hopoe-
School teachers are the potters, the
children the clay j they cun mould their
impressiblo minds almost at will. It
was Napoleon, if I remember rightly,
who said the greatest want of France
was "good teachers," and good school
teachers are to day the greatest want of
ours and every other nation in the
A teacher's knowledge should be
much beyond the range of science to
which actual teaching is confined.
There should bo something higher than
this, something more, even, than an
acquaintance with particular branches
for transcending that line. There must
be an initiation, at least, into what may
bo called tho science of sciences—the
knowledge of knowledges—• the sound
and healthy mind capable of distin
guishing in respect, not only to the
quantity, but the quality of different
kinds of knowledge-—of determining
what truly enters into the idea of edu
cation, and what belongs to the partial,
the sectional or the eraphemeral. It is
just such a class oi minds ns are now
most needed to perfect our common
school system—a class of thinkers who
shall gradually create a philosophical
ami learned interest, which will steadily
increase thedemand for the article they
represent, elevating the profession of
the teacher, and in this way, the com
mon mind, to support in a most liberal
manner all our institutions, the highest
as well as the lowest.
Put a well qualified teacher into every
school and give liitn all the appliances
needed to enable him to work in the
most cileclive manner ; provide a
supervision constant, close and careful;
make each one concerned in the admin
istration individually liable for tho suc
cess of the part assigned him, arid
evfry year will witness the improve
ment in our social structure.
Who can estimate the power of a
teacher upon the young mind* about
him, who is constantly pushing them
onward and upward. Could the hopes,
the feelings, the aspirations, which in
vigorate the effort* of the teachers of
youth, be attended with similar success,
ful result*, with which the pursuits and
aspirations of other men, in the differ
ent avocations of life, are attended, how
brilli int would be the prestige ? How
pure and hallowed would be the apoth
eosis to which, while living, or when
dead, they would be exalted? The
"tears which tell a nation's woe" —in
stead of hewaitiuc the demise of the
heroic chieftain of a hundred victorious
battles, or wasting their means in lavish
expenditures upon costly monuments
which would preserve hi* or her name
and brilliant achievement* for the con
templation of future generations,
would be wept for the fall of those pil
lar* of society—the teacher* of youth
who by their live* of unremitting toil,
of ceasele** application, and frequently
unrequited services, had fallen amid
the scene* of their lal>or, while *triving
to in*till into the niir.d* of the youth
the imperishable principles of science,
of virtue and religion, which would
servo them a* invincible bulwarks
against the ignorance, the corruptions
and vices of the world ujon, whose
tem|>e*tunu* bosom the frail harque of
their hopes would in later years he cast,
to seek amid its breakers and shoal* a
haven of secure repose.
It might, perhaps, be thought—and
thought even hy those who are not dis
l>osed to underrate their services ns
teachers—that we have placed too high
an estimate upon the vocation of the
teacher. They may, perhaps, consider
themselves a* merely secondary links
1 in the great work of enlightened ctvili
ration and refinement. But is this true?
| Goes not the history of the world and
' particularly of this portion of the
' world, prove that wherever happiness,
refinement, wealth and industry most
flourished, that there school house* and
school teachers—the benignant dispens
ers of those blessings—have been pri
marily established 7 Yes ! " 'Tis edu
cation form* the common mind," it
enobles man, it fits him to wield the
sceptre of Htate and the sword of the
soldier -, it fits him to repel aggression ;
to repel wrongs ; to still the troubled
elements of anarchical confusion; it
make* him a wise and order-loving citi
zen of the Htate or community in which
he resides; in fine, it makes him a man.
What constitutes the prosperous ele
ment* of a State 7 I answer in the
grsndly beautiful language of Sir Wm.
-lone* •
"Nit high mlc-l b.Kl.ment. of l*horr*d m-un-l'.
Tine* wall of got*.
Not tllle, promt with *pir** and turret* cemM—
Not Iwj* and l-r-Mrt *rm -I port*.
Whr* laughing at th* atorin, rlrh natle* rtdo.
Not alsrrwl ud .panglnl ronrta.
Wh*r* low-born honiwi weft, pwrfotn* to prt-l*.
No! Mn, high-minded mn.
With power a* far abo-e doll brnt** lal-ard
In fornt, brake or den.
As b*o*ta er*| add rnrkn. snd l-rsmhle* rttd*
Men, who tb*ir duller know,
Rnf know their right*, snd knowing, -tare maintain,
Pre.rnt the long-nlme-l blow.
And erwsh th* trmnt while the, rend th* ehnln.
These mnstitat* s Stats I
If such, then, are the legitimate re
suits of education, lo whom are man
kind indebted for thoso great blessings?
To the school teacher.
Heboid tlio teacher in tho school-room
surrounded by the young hopes of fu
ture eminence—the embryo great men
of this great Republic.
They are detained to perform impor
tant part* in the great drama of life.
How beautiful ! How auggeative of
noble napiratioiiH, ia the aceno here
presented to our gaze!
There amid that vaat throng of dili
gent and happy children, atanda the
teacher. They aeem, while thus encir
cled by the fruita of hi* or her intel
lectual labor*, to look proapectivoly to
tho great event* Of coming year* j their
mind penetrates through tho gloomy
vinta of futurity, and vivid coloring*
which fancy there portray* take the
imprea* of reality. They aee the youth*
—who now surround them -their mind*
having become enriched with all the
varied lore of ancient ami modern
science*, and their form* having become
expanded into perfect manhood and
womanhood. They see them step forth
into the world, and with laudible ambi
tion commence the Htruggle for emi
nence and fame. They noon reach the
ultimatum ol their deire*, (or here in
this great Republic "n pent up I'tica
contract* their power*"—their voice*
are heard pleading, in noble effort* of
forensic eloquence, in behalf of injured
innocence and tho bereaved, wronged
and helpless widow. Or, choosing the
facinating arena and political contest*,
political preferment soon place* them
in otlice* of power and emolument.
The vast and complicated machinery of
(ioverntnent i* placed in their hand*,
and they prove how nobly titled they
are for the fulfillment of their arduous
Thus nre the hope* of the teacher*
rewarded and realized. They hope not
for wealth ; they hope not for fame and
eminence. No; their only hope—and
this hope is the beacon-light whir!)
cheer* tiie |>oor, weary teacher through
many long years of painful anxiety—i*
that those tender | lant* which they
foster and cherish with such wonderful
care—those children into whose minds
they are instilling the eternal princi
ples of science and truth may, when
the\ come to years of maturity, l- not
only loved, respected and honored by
their fellow men, but that they, while
living, may 1 e identified with all the
gre it events of this nation'* glory, or
• lying and "leaving their foot-prints on
the *and* of time, may l>e wept for a*
the nntinn's loa*. Vici.
I'nionviile, dan. 17, l-'-l.
Rapid Railway Progress.
uvtsri rot in si'RXN MILES or SRW
Ta * Ik (.AID I.AST vr R.
The /f.ji/u ;y Ay, in the forthcoming
number, present* summary showing
the mileage of track actually laid down
in the I"tilled Mates during the year
I**ll. The footing* are astonishing,
showing a* they do that no leas than
7.207 rnile* of new trark were laid dur
ing the last twelve n)"nth* on at least
234 different line*. These figure* are
greater than any year since I*7l, and
the mileage i* greater by fitly tour per
cent, than that of 187'.'. The Ay an
ticipate* that the final figure* will in
crease the grand total to 7..V10 mile*, a
mileage greater than ha* t>een con
tructed in the foiled Slates or any
other country in any previous year.
The only State in which no work ha*
been done is Mississippi, and the only
Territories Idaho, Wyoming and Indian,
from which railway* are kept although
eager to enter, and Alaska. Another
year will see large addition* in these
territories. Dakota leads the country
with 6*o mile* of new track ; Texas
conies next with 659; then <<hio, 525;
New Mexico, 519; lowa, 445; Colorado,
401; Nebraska. 2*5 ; Illinois and Kan
ass, .340 each. The total mileage in the
I'nited States is 92,701. against 60,283
in 1871 and 74,090 in 1875.
Anwer This.
Did you ever know any peraon to lie
ill, without inaction of the .Stomach,
I.iver or kidney*, or did yon ever know
one who was well when either wa* ob
structed or inactive; and did you ever
know or hear of any rase of the kind
that Hop Hitter* would not cure? Ak
your neighbor this same question.—
Philadelphia Marhata.
Pna.KU.rgu, Jsnnar) 17, isl.
Th" breadstuff. market to-dap •*• dull, aad flour
ID'I crtfn WHII In prlf#
Fmi l-fkmr I* in limited r#-,u##t ami prirU ar#
w#ak of mi Inrnla, Inriudlnf Minft#*>u #*•
t r* aI |*V4-> ? *> for milium to choir* rl#ar, and at t*.
■t* ib T r straight, P#nnylranla #trw family at f.S
V* i waatprn do. at fV/dfe** IA. and patents at
9*i TS a*.2ft Ry# floor It st#aly at 9t TMn s* p#r barrel.
Otuiu.—W"h#ut It quiet and |>rir#u are rather #an#r
Hal## of hnthe't, Including refected, at ft. 11l
fdl.ifl; r*d and on track, at $1
2 red. elavator. at fl.lfl. By# I# t#u4y at W for
fltana--<hod and rholca ##lls at Timothy
It nominal.
B*U*fst Marhata.
Dtiutrogrt, Jannarp an, I**l.
White wheat,per hutfhel 'old|Q M
Hel h<t ....(naw r,
Ry, par hnahal. no
CVm. rni 40
Com. ahellad ... AO
(Nil .YA
Floor, retail, per barrel...... 4 *<i
Floor, wholeaale 4 34
Provision Markat.
Corrected VMkly by ll|*t Brothers.
Apple*, drlsd. per jtnnnd *
Cherries, ilrlst, per poand, seeded |n
Bine i"-r < ( n*rl *
freeh butler per pound IS
Chicken* |>er pound *
Cheese per p0und...... 2"
Country hnme per pound „ |y
llama, sugar cured ,1 IV
Baron 1111,1,11, .................. *
lard per poan4.. M ,..m UMU .„, *
Kct per dot t.V
Nslieiptr bueh*!............... Ml
Pried hoof. — . is
.Vrut AilvrrtlMemrntn.
Ijunjfut mid lii'Mt Hotel in the (Jounly.
I.lbcral reduction to Jiirptn-u and other, attenillng
Court- 11. I* I'KTKHH, prup'r.
Farm for Sale.
IAVINU detcrioinctl to "Farm
• a leas land, and farm It bailor," Ibe .uW rlber
off- r. f-.r Mile on* of III* Itso farm, lie note occupies
Thl> farm is l.naied on Ibe north >l<! of i),o lul l
PUgle , reek, nrarlp oppoeila lb* lb,rough ..f Howard.
It be. frootoge of ii rods oh tho cr.ck, with ft high
lenk which near orerffow.
It c-ontatiift 2U) in;ret ..f Uo-I, more or im, ul--,.i: 140
of which Is cleared. The remainder le wo>jdland.
Il I. well watered, bating leel-lss Ihe creek front
age, a well at the hutlfte, • .prttiK run trarerelng the
whole length of Ihe piece, fttt.l .evernt .J,rlng. In the
Holds, nl least two of which are *crp line once, and a,
.11 lift lad lift lo l csilp plpml b, Ihe building.
The btilMing. are 1..-autlfull. I,*aid UJM.O a roll of
land, a few r,.|. f r „ u , Ibe <re. k, upon the public r..d
leading np and down Ihe creek, an I within len ruin
UtM walk of the |.| „ff|, e,.|e|.,l, .lures and .hur- BM
of Howard lloruugh.
The k-itiu-1, frame,and nMrlp new It u rshirjc; n.
iri .1 /e, tw, full .tsrh-. high, 1 "I,La 11, log eight large
rouUift, with hall both lip .Ulr. and d.wri, bMlde a
flral-claa* cellar and at lb, both of wbicb are the full
flu- <>( the bona*.
Conttnlenllp near thl. I. a g.d look barn, alao
nearlp new It I. C, bp Ml feet, containing two e.
cellenllp flnl.hcl thrashing floor., a g.ee| granarp,
Del rata .tabling and h.. attached to it a large corn
crib, and a wagon ibel, ltiU fret, sill: a I now over
A |-.rli n of Ibe land I. well ada|-te.| b, timotbp,
and ha. pielde.l, f,r It. present -wner.a. high as thrM
t n. Rr.tcdaM hap |r are A pssl p K Doderlrk
hap Iwling machine, awl Palrbank a e ales I .r weigh
ing the I-ales are now In Ihe barn, anl will In. aold
wllh th- Unit, if
Otbr |i#rta wf li.w Uf, 1 r* *-I| •tittr-J i< toUrm
cullurw, ti i yilt|iwi a numtswr uti* rrop |#t
Farm* lfh • mriy t iht* trp rur]y
Oflvfrsj ffjf Mjp- It 11l If Kfiii t U (air •Di oil
rr*-.4at-|r t#rtu.
K not •!<! noon It will U
For Rent to a Good Tenant
(<#r Hi* riming y pf
2 w Howard. I'a
I>Y virtue of suittlry writs of Levari
t Par las i..u-l out . I tb. C..nrt of ('. tun,- n PIMS
of Centre .smnlp, and t-. n.e dlr~t.-l ibere will 1-
etj.aod D, pub:- sale nt the (cult llmus. In ID. lie
(••ut", ob
Bnturdny, Janunry 22, A D. 1881,
at 1 J) • flc*k I' M . the- (-Il</Wlbg ts** rwl *w
taf. .( Ih* 'srf*-t Unt. V- Wil
All two f#riiin l#ne
r- etjft and tr% tt (4 gf uu I Otwal# In His- Ik r >Wgt <•(
lulirfobt* 1 MIU Ulcty .l'ft |. Uftlfd klf) .jHRVfjIMa)
*• Ml wa fffis tliera* f f-d-cinbtn* •> m mn*f ft
AI V .•*! bfid blUy twanty n nh of |of
ft K tt'# fatflh #*> (•-*! •! >t>g
Mm 1 tlrrel If.) ,f# Sk.l . ' M • f V% n M
(lotUbd f.d< M < affrrty thotxw sn-tiU,
>4 Und .SO Idvwf u bb bll#y . th-t, w#wt 3J>< t*. th*
l-iw/w < f bfinnißi Th* wul rw/ lylr t tb# t
•i ( Aliwub'-tiy •tt'sp-t N bulMiug
Th* utkrr tb#ff* I lyn* r, th* mI rtd# r.f All*>
fhetiy lUf-nait'i at a • f A'.Ufb'ti*
at ffs#| and bii •H* n- rlli ■ f It a.l-1 I-a Jan.-#
A >wjf | J la Nrlfi Hmn with : i
lwi'ta of ITiarla* M <llrli tt r' • *-at ni rg aail
lick :>•< Ile <4h lan la t *i IM < flrfly .
thfK #> h I'M t • •Ilea fl.vtje • exl
awj-l bil*y J** f*t laj |>l*r# • 1 Iw-fiT.tm f Nsf build
Alkn, all thut tr*nr*m^nl
r|itof gf nr. 1 ailt4l* in tb# li-* -.gh ..f lu M i.
O'Ubty of CVf.trw, Arid ?t#U -•( PpliM)ltailU. !*/<air 1 d
., • iaaerfM •• Ml • OB BM BBVOI If OLMTY
•Met A!
Bi#l* f> #trwwf. *Mt on tb# by I t of k I fnm
mu ( •! I lot (rr-nllni '• f##t * n Rub j. tnd
t*-ing kr-'-wn and d#an.Ml#d •• M Nr>. In tb#
gn*r*l j-ln -f Mid is- rtrtjfb Tb#f#n r#^l#l i two
a'.vty fT '4# fmrn# dw#)Ur.g hnix and .tb#r out
a '
A lmi. nil tlmt carlnin f-nrrcl r.r |oi of
|f"is'J aitikwt# in tb# Ik-f fh ft ruiMor.t# Trfpfinty
of * #nt# t.d JU# ••( fVnnai |*wrtw. h#flftd#d #nd d#
•' rIM a f t|.wa. In wt (Hi tb* noflh by Und* of
flb r?lidg# A • f> lb# #*•! by ob#Y Ui.da f I bw#
M * kffsfli, • n lb# w-utb I t • Mfa#t, ftr4 • tb# w#>t
by .tb#r lot .f (bftfi## MfCgfffdly,ko *ft|d#d in
t'*M by Ml ••#! K#tl#y taring ft frvnt of t#nty f#
n Miil *lf##-t ftr-d #t(-w4ing IM# k f##t t Ur.da '.•?
Hb rtJldg# A ( ThH#ofl #r##t#d ft dttibl# frarn*
dw#tllng h ft# rvl #*4b#r i-al-t n;ldtng# Vii#d. tftk#r
In #tf* uli tt fttf t !- #. 1 fta tb# pr. j-#fty •! ' bftrin#
41 * ftflpfty
Tiaw* (tm Nodnd will I# ftrkn wJ#*tg*-d until
tb# f'tmhfto# n. r.py i |.ad in full.
JnllN FFANGI.Fk i#nff
flb#nff # (MR #. R#sl#( ml#, Fft . Jn 11. !*)
Unseated Land Appeal.
APPEALS will I*c bald in tb#
2. m fVromlftrt.-ri#ra' efflr# R#U#f >r>(#. ( #r t (r# f -un
l Pft. f r lb# ptirp## "f ftdjo#tiug tb# i| p#al iftlo#
~i it •#*!#•! iftfi'ta, ft# miloaia
TtKMiAT. F#bfwury t. for tb# t -wntbipft of (lain#*.
Mil*#, l'#nn, <ir#itf. I'attH, llarrU, (Vliyt. F#rgu-n.
Half M'v-n and Fft?t<.n.
HRDhMIHT, F#bruftf? 2. t*if fh# towr.#hij# of
lUr n#r. .*|#trig. Uftik#r. Marion, librrty, II ward.
H ff I'*. inb*i. Ilna.jtn, Worth arid TftyUr
Tlit IU*DAY. M<rftrt t tr (b# townahi|> of Ruab
Mlll>\4 4#' f: ft f x 4 f r tL# t w - , - w
Nmw, Rnrnadd# and Cwrtln
All js#rfti.ni lt#r##d#w| t*h# Mtir#
OK'iKfiß fIW KB.
IUVBT Rtrt.nii. iAIMR I>t NRLR.
3-4* fount? (vwnmlft4on#fw.
Fag#w. (H# Color#d Fl< w#r Flat#, and btvi llbft
trati -n* with of th# l-#wt FTow#r and
4 #g#tabl##, and tHr#<tbrfift bf gmulng. Only 10
##nt ID RnfHab or t!#rman. If you afl#rwar4#
ord#r Molt A##tu#t th# 10 rntU
VICK'S St (OS ar# tb# lu tb# vnrld TIIR
FMHAI. 0! IDF wtll t#U bow to g#t and gmw th#ur
VicFi Fluwur and V#g#tabl# Qardau. I7S Pag••
A (Vt|.-r#<l Flat#-#. -W Kngrwrlngw. For '#• r#tf In pa
n#r ror#rw. ft • In #l#gnt rlotß. lu G#rutn ur
Vlch'i tllwatratad Monthly Mifotinu—l3 rttu.
a oobif#d Flat# In rrary nuint*#r and many fln# KB
grating# Prlroft.lA a y#ur..Fit# mpie# M |li OH.
flt>orti#n Nurebar# a#nt for l<4c#nta, S trial ropi#w for
2A fnti
A'tdr##*. JAM VJ* YfCK, Rorh#t#r. N. Y.
Administrator's Notice.
IETTEHsSof HilminiHtrntion having
J been granted to tb* undetwignerf on th# mfal* of
JARKD RTHt'BI.R, deceoaed, lale ... Hpring township,
Cenlre county Pa, all |.e,.,.. mdelderf to aaM do
ceased are requested lo make Homedlale papmen). and
all persona baring claim, against mid deceaaed will
premnt them dalp atilhenlicnled for aeltlemeul
ft# JOHN M PI'RRV, Admlntafratoe
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the exceptions to
tb* Accnonl of JAR. C. HOAL and CATHKRINR
DURHT. admlntetratora d. b. a. c. t. a. of Ih* satote of
PKTKR DUHHT, deeeaoed.
The unrfersignnd Auditor, tppointc-d by
lb# Orphan*' Court of Cenlre muulp, lo pan* npou Ike
e.ception. and make distribution of the haiance In
the hand* nf ih* accountant*, will attend to bis duties
at 111. olSce. In Rellefnuta. on HATCRDAT, Janu.rp
22, |HRI, nt 10 a'clock A M , nl which lime nnd plac#
all partlM Inlersatsd map attend
14* N. A. MeRRR, Auditor
Estate of Jno. D. Leib, Dec'd.
IN the matter of the petition of
ISRAEL PREKHR for spedkc performance of
Tho commfsolnnnr appointed to tak# loo
llmsnp In lb* aboe* naas will alfend to lb* da Urn of
bl. ajipolnfmenl al bis oflb-a. In Bellef.ito, on PHI
DAT, Ih* tlat dap of Jaaoarp. A. 0. IM|, at |o or lor k
A. M . when and wbar* nil pnnle* Intorsotsd naa nt
tend If thep so* proper
I-aw f I P POHTNET. Oaanmimtoner.
|>l virtue of aundry writs of Fieri
l!,e/™, l ,*\ , r ,r ' v *wd"lon| Kspufl*.,
roiiiit* >• l"! (^V Urt Comiuoo I'l'-ua 0 f iWuit*
i.id J me dlrectod, there .11! be esjMMMI t
public esle ,t II,„ Court 11,,,,.,-. |„ 8,|1.f0..t0, „„
Saturday, January 22, A. D. 1881,
uu.a'.t':,'.'.rJu 1 """"* ,l * v,m " **
No. 1,
i, *" rUi " '"t or piecs of ground
•iiosieiu lb-- .in.,.„ f p„, m hi,..., Hb,
uZ:r£j.:;r>- r* *'> ■i--rn,...i „
Boundail on th* north by lot of |f*-rh*rt Uii
bams, on th muiii by Fouith #tr*t ** , r i.L.t of
H now hliasflty,.,,, tU . #*#, by Norur," S7rJa. d
on tb** w##t by an ul|iy—onUlning two beta Thar*
on "t- irl a tw-atory (mtn* bouie and oth#r nut
buildlnga fb-lidMl, tak#n hi aiM ullon and v, |, aold
tlio ptoperty of JautM Iturnwa.
No. 2.
Tho following described real estate „{
tb* defendant*, b# *it: All th**a*> t|>r*w lot. or arkeral
plMoaot ground altuate in the b n of %| r.bannon
rtnow flhoa town.blp, Ontr* county, Fa . and a*tand-
Ing along the *aat alda of f beet nut atre*-t )*i p,
Mix'MlN allay •*!• lot containing QHfart front and
bounded on the by Moo* p| |(M . alley and numbered
, 3. I, In the general plan of ald town. Tberou
ere. te| a two-ab.ry frame boute and otb. r out build
• ug h.died, taken In MW ution and to h* <w,id a. tb
nr|arty of Jarue If funklu, adminUitrab/r of lid
Ida, 'le.eMfl,
No. H.
All that cortain lot or pl#yo r<f ground
tituat* in Hualt towntlilp, Centre **ronty, I'a Ik*un I
el or, the *-••( I>y Moahannori cr+rk.uu the r*t t-k
I'hilliwburg and t learflald turnpike, and on the *,utn
b* W boellDg— containing one-f .urtb a< r*, more -.t |.- M
No buildings
Alio, nil that certain lot or place of
ground altuate in Kub townhlp, Ontre rounty, I'a ,
hounded tig#- north and northweat by M whaniion
ereek, "I, tn# #B ,| a</utbeat b an all**, and * u
the aouth t y the turnpike road Im4lng froiu' I'billj**
burg to Cutwetiavllla—Oiiiiainlng one and one fotirOi
arret, m re r le# No buildings KefeJ, taken in
eie* ution and to h* aold as the property of Mr* I'at
r i k ( Ulna and Fat Oolltea, kar baabtad, lanea4|
Mrs fttrtdftnaatwrn,edertalaUmtrliof Pn EkdkUitM
and • te*-rge M IWitl/iu, guardian a/I nteu* for I'afer
ikonabua, John Donahue and Mary Donaliut
No. I.
All that certain tenement anl
tra/t of land altuate In Potter tnhlp, t entre ' n
ty, I'a .I# unde*] and deazrite-l as follow* Itegtninng
at Monea along lands of Oswrge llubler a- Id to J bn
Ib'Weraoi. aouth eaat '*4 ' 1< t er*ha* to t/*n* .
tketx* along land f John Neff and fl/d-ert * Matwin
north 6 4 Co perrhe* to *pn* . then** along
land of the aaid <#e- rge Hubbr rxxtb i4| a est -4
ler be* to a amall cbswtnut, tbenr# along Nlttany
iiMiuntaln aoutb '/• west tp> per* bs** to tb* place of
t<eglnnlng, /••nulritng a res and '.4 |er t,— i vat
measure Tksre n ere*t**l * twoatory log houae,
tank t*arn an 1 other - ut-buildings taken li.
*ie<uliou and lo be aold at the property of Henry
No. 6.
All the tulc nr.d intercut *#f do*
fendent in and t all that certain traM * j e*e ~f Und
•ituat* in fn-. w nb <e nwnsbtp, 1 oonti. I'a ad
joining land* of At II In ton, Jbn (i I /J* ant
land* /f the Bw * rixse |ttd A* ■ tafi r>, * wUtr.ing
I* vf more or !•♦• A'*oot li ar* *l#ardat
utMler fence without any other itnprotetnenu tbers* n
fleiasd. taken in eaecuti n anl to U wld as the j , p.
erty <f Harry ( naaman.
No. C.
All that certain lot or pi-c<* of ground
• Auele ID Hprir,, U-.t.rt.lp Cenll. .'HiDlp, i-e
leiubdea ee-l lee. . Ml . lUiilmd. .1 e
(-.1 MOTI ~f let.'l. - t Wo, 7. |.4 etel Wn, ) . 11
1 )ei.'e u, leo-l i-f letter r.-Mil -..) n
<)m I" • pel ItlMil. 1.-HI, l-t .ni np-irlM | lr ,
I-el llwet. It) Iwik.l 71.-.U.U nlele < .el
t ' |e| bee I- Pet ID t*l . lb. Dr. I)D 11.-l . „tb
♦ wl IV |ei iMI-11-.1, Den. I, lei.o . I W 11.
I* - nr.et, r> rth . I ee.l . 1 [e-r t he. 1 p.; Ih.i,'*l,
DDD.e lei.'l it, I I.D 1. ' I Je. vl. Iterl.ll . Dth . ' 'ur )
p. 1 I.e. I pel Ui.D . bp -ei,4 .-f W 1„.,j , ,
•S.I l-r-he. p. pel . u.er.(e e utl. ST tli:|er
r),ee P. Il.e pID. e .if t.e.iDDlD* f e.DpiDir.4- .. Dr.t
en-1 )eo t.ee r.eel tD"..ur
Also, all Hid! ccriain lt of ground sil
.l*l. ID th. le.r.'Db -4 hellef eip. Ce.tr. . uMp, |-e .
te-ur,4*4 er>4 -lee.tlte-1 •> l lloe. ik4.DDir.4- .I it.
Dotlh.e.l ' -ri.et of c T Al**D4*t l-l D 11.4-1,
♦ I,eel Iber.' e el<,D4' Ihe ee.nt .tr.el 14.: f.e-1 T e? ■
t ..t e l.t . II*.I, .k- 04 Ih. D -rib er-le .-f th. ... J ,
i.p n f.t D. u,e SHMMSMSBM* "f < T flln—iir
it U..0 • ei ..4 the ..el .Me <4 eei ! M IS- | t .
lb. pis.# of te-.tneiD.- 1 t,f-re.-D rtwti-4 ■ |DO.I rj
freTD' houes.,4 <-dO-ui.<iill...
AIIMI, gii that err lain lot or piacg of
ground aituat* In t*e N r -agb of Centre
'* •unty. I'* , t. ij. le-l ar,.i .))rilwl as f .;)oa* iWgit*-
ntng at a point in flmitb *treet, oorr* of lot * 1 *>>
Felt* ; tbotH* by *a*4 *tr*et, n -rtb 114 w*a*t 1* fsw t .
tbet S a.tifh TV *•!. IVt f*ei to an alley . (4SMS by
aa*d alley a.uib 11 g * ast. par f<el t lot . ( \K u .
Nty tlwiii In nwUmtfMMlMflMt I flwybM
1 legilihitir , tberwjo ere tej a frame dwellir.g b -tia%
Alao. nil that ci*rUin tcnc
ms- t and of land situate in tbr Ur tigb < f
|l#l if 'i.te, < er.tre r only. Fa . Urunded and
a# 1 How* lUgtnnii.g at * rof UP k tuldmg.
..rner of Danlapand High •treed* . therx * r v Dunlap
str*et<.J fset V. tMt, * srner f liayaed lot. tb*n *
ab'ttg lard tf 4i* rge A Ikayard I*| I*-*% |.. . --rr.ee i f
Aof l i Rush . tbetk/e a U ng I I wf I • Mush, b.g
'• '| ' H | St: * I t .r. ' a, || 4?. Hf <♦ t J* |
fsst t the j are ..f l^gmmng. tb r*- n er tsd a
large trek building
Aino, nil thnt certain lot or of
grv ttnd actuate m the tw.r<>ugb of Relief-Mr. Centre
ocunty. I*a . H-undswl and dmtlM as foil t, t*. ait
► the n rib by High
M-ek, o* the *uth by an alley, and r. the west
by TV .mas *tree. fn-nting • fligk etreet 1X (*t and
sitendtng la k J * feet t" aacd alley , thereon erected
a l*skty fratT'S d ot le h ••#. one atngle dwlling
bouae. owe rot tags b"i*e and "tber • 'Uttmildings
flelred. taken in and to lw *cld a* the prop
erty of laaa< llaupt.
No. T.
All tbkt crrtiiin mo*auACf> or trgct of
land aituate ia M..rth trwnahln, Cent?* * onti.Fa
fieginnr.g at a pwt Hr* of Reuben Rmw <n tank
trf 'w) . Ibei.- * *Dth "I ' ... f) M" |<- .
p.I Ih.T, D -111 V-l >. l. 1 |>till .pet
then.e ec ofh Alt *•<■ >■ *lO ff< be. •)...( pel llf
n*4 l pnl . IbeDf* D.-rf bee.l, 3, 4-I*l ['. p.. p.
pm. fberw ereilh H *" I<l per.be. f. pie).
it...... 1,...1b S| Mel. . l-t ymhss " )-le >t
tbefee e-ulb S-ip. 1* pen ),e* u, Hesw, tlietr.'
w.ath TV M.t. * Jiee.be. 1.1 pet . tb'n.e eetllb 7°
Met. I*l fr. bee D. JMI . OSMS e..lb I* eel US I
jw. be. u, rei si public met. there* Dentli 41 *e.i.
*4 4 111 per. be. lo pl, D-uth eeel. 2 JrrhM b
peD*. Ibel* D-olli 4S seet, T4 JDfcbM U> be)*bli
tbDre Defib 0 De*t. ** per.be* pi Dek ODk .
tbet. - . Dcrlb 3J° .DDI *7 percbee P> pec ~D l*Dk l>f
.reek lb. p4" of )ee(4nDla(—rcwUiDlDC *cr*
Thereon .reeled e teeelnfj frDJD. h.tjee .d 4 other
.ait )-uil4trif. Set red. l*kti la eleraUon sod to te
eo!4 M lb* P I..peril of John He.ee
No. 8.
All that rprtain lot or plrcs of ground
.Ituele ID Softer teeo.blp, Cenlre ewDotJ, r*, lemod
e4 on Ihe north bp lnr>4 • f Mr. Specifier,on the en.l
bp In4. OC Srp nod others, on Ibe eulb bj lends of
■r. Hjengler. oa Ibe eeel bp lend, of Mrs frame—
roaUlnini A n.ree more or lee* Thereon ere.led a
lo.eelorp loj deellinc bone., stable an 4 olber .ml
bnildln*. Heir.-4. teken in eteratton and lobs sold
as the po-jmrlj of JoataOi Tspl.w.
No. 9.
All that csrtain lot or pfoce of ground
sflonle In the horoo|jh nf aellefonie. Centre .em tit p.
I'. Heplnnln* st e poet on the Dorth side nf allep.
ISO feel eaat erf corner of lanrfWnf Klinshefb Crnep
4*r 4 . thence east a I on* an! 4 allep Mi feot i.< land, of
Jshn P. Ilertl., thence north nk-n, land of Hurt.
ISO feet Anna allep: thence west ah.rig ear! allep o
feel lo lot .if Hugh Taylor; thence armth along lot of
aaid Hugh Taplnr ISO frrf to the place of tmglnnlng—
containing onc-f.mrth acre, more or lew Tberson
erertsrf a Iwnmtorp frame bone, and other ont-bnlM-
Ings gefterf, taken In etecnuon and lo be anld a. the
projrertp of Jams* liaplep.
No. 10.
AH that certain lot or piece of ground
eilnate la Mil*. towaeblp.Oatre rnnntp. Pa . hnendeg
ami dear rfl-ed aa fblloa. , Oa lbs north I.p racant
tract, on th# vast hp land, of J. Jones, on the enet hp
landed* W *<hreader and on ihe Dmih bp land, ol
Hamoel Hltona. containing It7 acre, more or I eat
Thereon erected a twosdnrp frame beam. eUble and
ober out haildinga Aelred. taken In nnrnuon and
lo be sold aa the projmrtp of Chrtstaan fk hade.
No. 11.
All ths right, title and Interest of De
fendant* la and to all that certain tract of land allnnl*
In Walker township. Center coonlj. Pa Hrgtnnlag *1
a post In road ; thence north XV enet T.V perches to n
post. thence north V m ll* perches to .tones ;
Iben.e nloag land erf Tilgbaun*. snath .17° tresl M
peer bee to n pant bp |4ne; thence smfb gV snM 4T
perrhen to n post bp rood, then re along said road an* lb
W' neel 2* parches to a post; thence annlh *M> met
TTf jrerrhsa to a poet. thence northhhe7 e met. M per
rhas to n |"t. thence north W went, W perrbe* to
the nlars of b*|pantog--coot*lnlng 10* acre, and HO
parctiM Thereon erected a two-ttorp frame bona*,
bank bora and other osl-baildlaga
AIo, two otbsr lots situate- In Walker
township. Centre rnonte. Pa.: Oa* thereof bounded
on thawed bp land* of Itearp Mrlnew* and on th*
east, north and sooth bp land* of Jease Heart.; and
tb* Other boondfd oa Ihe Sooth bp land of II Hrnwa,
on tb* sad hp J ease Swart*, on th* north and east hp
lands of Jesse Swart*—together containing * nrrea
more or Itoo. Ma bolMtng*. Seined, taken la ete
cntlon and to ha anld aa tb* pmpertp of Ueorg. Heart.
aodCHHsiloa Hearts
No. 12.
All lbs right, tills and interest of de
fnd**l la and to all (hat cortaia Wart of laod dtnoto
|f i Walker Onif rwtniy, f* h.- K lnt>h>r
•t pr| In r<mrl ; lL#nc* north W i ui, 1U |rch# to
po*t , th-ucm north Zn *(, lob j v atz/nM;
tbftflf * ftl'jfjg l|U)'l of TllgtilMll'l outl!I. 67 *Ht, '4
pf|ia to J„I |, pin#, ili#nr# atitifli yj ■ ***(. 147
prrrlifft n# fg,*t (,y rui*} , Ui#tir along a*j<l r,t*l
"° u 1 *** ! 2* V* 1 *'♦• I" • l"'*!. tl* *• ftooiit i'/>
"•*' y r ' ' ,H *" |"*t, tliw north W'
ftftftt, •> bft t #/ p,„f ' *•(, yj
|M-rr)tfa to lb* I'l* of > ginning "'nl*Jtjinj( I'M
wi™ ifi<l w , ('"I"* Tl, II i-rtviwl - two-, lory
Itaui. bulla., bait It ham and other outbuildings.
Al', two othnr JoU Rituni" in Walker
tuwnablp, Centra 'oanty, I'. tb.r-.f .led
on 11,.. wot by lam). Il'i.ry M. .►!,., ,i,
<t, l„.1 111 H1,,1 e.tltb by |ml of Jh. rw,t,
111. otli'-r bounded on 111. -Mill. by Uii.J || Jj,.,w I,
on 111. .IUI I.J. J,*-- Hnartr, nod on u„ north ami
• ••I by l.ml. of .lev 8-sitr together .onl*tiita( W
•cm, iu"ra or Mo hoiMn.g. Reined, i—gen
.vrutloi, nod l !„■ mH •• lb. properly --f ll.my
No. 13.
All that certain lot or piece of ground
•II, II.I In Potter t .wii.1,11., Ontr. .oiinl) p. , 1.,u„,|.
e.| de— , .(,>.! Jo. follow. 11.(1 111111, If at a .1011. 11l
Iba I'Ulili, nl on III,* of lauds Uu, „l n i JSriwlili, ;
' r n0it1,"11..1, i j,.f, |t„ ituiiw, ihtßi. north
I I' weal. .VI p.1,., lll.brii|Rt|i 7|v W|,
i per. In* to •ton., tlin,'. tioitli f. vwt 111 p.r< lii •
lo .ton.., Ili.nr. north mat, 7'. |0 p.rrb"> iw
•ion.. U..1,.. Kiuili .i is. t io peril... to
• •mm , 11,.,,.. . - r —>Tl ft hiriin i
|l"-h. ..•""11l K! per. I.e. p, a ah,,,. i .
"I , .1 'art, I .>lO (..Hi,., lo , .ion. ■ tli.Hi.
■ ' ■ •"< 1 -•!" pm-ha. 1.. . .i,..,„, 11,.n..
mutt, . t-l oak 111.,,., •outn
. I on J. lo j„.,,|„.. , .• 11,.1. .
-m l. 4.i if ;. lo ,>,,|... t,, . iu .. f „>
-..111. Nil, li 1... lo ,|,W|, o | „, ~,
|..f i. , .1, „. ifi.n'. .nil,;..
iT V .! * ' "'"II. ~1, by Im.d of
II t. Hrt.bm, .|..uw-|. -p„ oiu.
of I"* 1,1,1 „( 107 a,,.. „„| 114
•ml l law a,.' , 11,,
luiua., bank I -mi, and oib.f . uUnjildliif.
Aim, all tliMl I .rtuin Jul ~r pie of
ground aitiial. n, I' .ll.r b.w„.t,l|. Onli. rounl. P.
lb kiiihlng ai a.bo. 11,. norlbw.., .o.owiof tl,'..
•""!"* """• 1 1.a no,ii. 410
lwr. li". a .lon. by landol Mm 3 r,..ny
l*r, dwrauwd, wmll, U , .* . | v ,
11,.m. b. land. ,1 il. f,„ t ~4w,,Mkvi'
aonll, ..| w..| ,7 1 )„ p|,,,
■ 3wdi . m. . ,r.,
Aim, all that c-rtain lot or pir-m of
kiound •ttuat. In p„u.r lown.lnp i.nlr. , u, I.
l-.ni,. Baglaalat 1 • wkMi man ,i
.- a,. . I 'a/ I .or i. ~J ~. in, ~aai. I f Kdw..d ' f ol'
II.. I* l of loan n.ounla.n 11,.m, a nil, 1' '
w.ai In a i f,walnut ..i n.. r, .
wl.',|i,l,w|, . , I,,tni,i ~ai. ll,i n., m ,1b 1'
. .1 4' pl'l.yl. a . 1,,a! i, ul 11,,,,.. I, rll, *. i
■wi ra p.,.!,.. , , .. ,b„„, nor it, J.
[ r—t '• I*" !.'• I', a |>< 11,-n,. M ~,, o,
LYAITKMUI A MMM: II,MI, 7 A. IIT liaiibn lii
"V" ►•••!'. ' • •'<! .-.I •, . ...
•ul a. Oi.m. ,11.1 WI ...
oak.Ui. pia. • f li. girininy nia., ..• .farirwai,)
aad ai.owar,.. ,\ • ..,13,1,4.,
lak.n in •• 4. ul, and u. Iw aoid u lb. nr i. iu i
Jobs llltn.r and Ju II Siti,.r.
No. II
A.l I..at certain ri,..40a0e t tencoifiil
•111I'1 of (I U,.d .il ,1. in 111. t..,„u,b of In||.| ~>
la,ill. .ounlj. Pa ln k M hit fala pal Tie ttia.
.tr.. t a U„ I. „ Mr. Land.
—n, I. t1i.,1.. •l'-iiir lb. aaln. , Ml, .a • a ran ~
i fm-i 1 at, al> y tt'le . al'iug lb, .an,, ~ ~tn 1 y
....I f, f M t lo , , |l,.| .. I), 4. , gt<
!" Ito a |*t. . It, mat t1f.,1 . Ib. nr. al ~. 1",,
| 1 * I"1 I tl . i a . I 1..
t„,.| MMagfti at,,., bit h !. 11 II M 111,*,..
.... 1 1., K., 1..,,.1 , „.. , IL,. J LIB DAY F
Jo 1 Ikf. K.,f led in il.ad I-. k "I ' I—4o t ■
• ll..ltmw . .. ~ fiaa,. I, uu .Ul I. and
oib., ouU.uiid,nr. 1.k.„ ....Mtaa ,nj
!.. • i i Hft m*. j.f. j /rt-t k :#• r. btrr.
No. 11,.
Ail that ceriain 1-t , r ; iec,. of land iit
nai. In paib.n I wn.l.ij , pmna
I ond.ll .F,l 4M,' filmd .. f. flow. IN, ni N,( ala
' 'l' li.' I, * .„M •: , . ' loj.i iinift,,.
bar. law-pan J tan 1. lb.nr. aim, 4 aatd' land a.uih
I* |" el,™ b .n,a!, .• 1, ~.a MMMI
1.4 lt. I. ! Tl. n.|w M. ,41 ntrMb." .art
M lea t a, 11 .. . ,
rt.-o.p-. M.4a. tI. > ft!, d .Tl J-. fwri b™ t ,
• ' 111 Mineral 4 lat > fJ. 1.. all kin. a nib
... wut Ma jw,.|i. tl lb. I lax ■ I 1wi.f.,.,,,4- ,
t a nine 1 a. r.a. ]'•■ prrtb™ ai.d aib'Waorw I],—,.
.fMtel a li™t tj fiajn. 1, oa. hat k ',a,n an l tl . r
"Ut! nildint. Pel red, lak.f, It. .y. ,t, h anl lo Iw
•old aa ib. ~t i . ,i } ~f I'billp (larptw
No. I'i.
A!i the rijrht, title ar.d inter*t of de.
f.ndai.l in and b. all ll.al plantain • , trwl . ( land
• uu.,. in pprlne t wr,.i , ~i. p. 4,..
jin,ti4 lit, it,, not lb St land, f 11.t,,, Hr..k.,1..e
and land, of ft... .IZ. KJn- on it,. . >ai ft Ut.d* f
J .„d I- Hatr.l.atl and 0. ,j. lai.t.tto., ~M .
-■utb I land, of J. fit, 1 nrt.t, ...I J. ||, y ,i„ ,
I and t. lb. wart bp land. I,|. ~! tb. #atat . • II s
M'Oalllat—r. de■. —cm.,1,114 4". . ... .nd
, |wfrbe. tjiot* of I™. tl,.f, n r,.f.1 , f. ~,
i train, .twilling t. nw bank t.ara ~,4 oiliw Mlliuild.
ngt if ladli.4 a fr.ft. 'wHltng b n, I , 1
Alt", all the ritfht, title ar.d inn ret
I f.r tb.d.f., dant 10 and t all tl.at ■. Man, liar t r
j I**"* ' land .dual. ,n ft| f 1.4 n at,at. ; 4Vt.tr,
I . wiait. Pa. km a. ib. 1,,..., ,|„k Man ~4
, >• mfttm m'>r+ yf h*f ,g t" vrral
j total! ( ftl ltit
Alatt, i! the right, title r,d interest of
j debwidant in and t nil that ~-lan 11 j-,(. ntn.t.
n I -Mr. f...,-tj . I', .' TIM t..; -||h a, , I MI,, rI.
lb# •• hag if If I. W lit. in. l-dtbg all tb. Lan 1. ,a
•in way M net. 1 lt„..with bating tbt. n .r.t.d
' tg. furr.fe'., ~a.lift,4 bnuM .lel otit.r 1. oar,
j !*itdirif
Aim. all the right, title gnd intereit of
I!. MMWt In and t. all that owfltiu |t#>.
11. t..n,.f,i. tt V T Or panel ..f land .unit. i,. li.gg.,
< "artln ar.d II aard l..,htpa .. I,taming tb,™ tb.wi
™ni bail bandied and r flt .• re. and on. bundled
and tbllen |er be., tttor. I.e. tb. aalu. b.ilig
km,—n u lb. . dill, t.inlet land* at Maxb <r...
[d. | wilt.
Aia., *1! the right, title gnd interest of
d.f.nd.nt !w ami 1 . all that terrain ike. of grrwiod
•float, in til. iHimngt. id Mileal—rg t'—tfw I—ot.tt,
I'. Profiting -n 14 >t.r and CV-tfw .tr™-1 in aai.l
1.-rt ugb kt. an a. tl,. Hi—, k 111,,., ],|,.j.. rf4 b.i,ng
tbefe n -rw ted a tw,.w,ior, dw.ll.ng mm- rogip
of •ton. and fram.
Alno. ail the right, title nd tr,teret of
def.ndant In and |. >ll that lot ... plerw of gtnnnd
•11 ijfcf/• Ir. ! ('* |. nrnch if ',•!•• ;• t
' *• th# fift( tit (htirrh, hat mg th^rrwn
tt**la-fa adO a frftKi# d!hne h. u#r
Aiao, all the right, title arid inl4>ret of
d.f.ndant In and to all that .Main n ~r pie. -f
ro-und aitnat. in tb. borongb of hl|.f r ,t. on tb.
eertt.t of ll,g|, anl Kidg, rtrnet. and mnnlng 1..k t..
Otrtrp ail., hating tb.te,n eye,tel a 1 aovtory
d-lling hen.. !Utr.|. tak.g in neotion tad to bi
•old a. tb. property of John lr,n (utl.t,
No. IT.
All the right, title and it)teret of de
f.ndant In and to all that mnaln lot of pie. f
grnno.i a,mat. in In —4. townabip. CVnir. eomtp. Pa
Bounded on tb. w.-rt by lan.l. fd „ ll.wt n oa tf,.
•r—tb by lands of Mbba.l H.*t,,n. en tha north t-yr
la—da of Cartim. and on the .-an 1, land, of Hanml
Wllltaaaa— rrwrtaitilng '4l arroa, -nr. or l™. Tb.re.-i
enbd a d—riling henee and .'th.r "Ut-bui!dif,g
Alao, all the right, title and intereat of
dep-ndant in and to all that certain lot or pie. of
ground altuat* In H.ga t woahip, Centr. county Pa.,
bounded and dea'fltwwl a. folio-. Hn the .a>t by
landa of Jonathan Pa. ke. on the aonth by Unda of
Pinl.y Riddle, on tb. noitb by landa of Jamea CV—h
lay. a let on the weal by landa of Plnley Riddle— c,—
talnlng two area. nam. <* lew Thereon meted a
t—o-.tory hotaae. uaed aa a dwelling and ah-r rem,
and at—< rtat-t. N-ired. Uk.n la eieution and to he
•old a. the property of B W. Ileaton.
Tkrm4 Ca-ii.—No deed will be wcknowl
edged until the purrhaae monay la paid in full.
RherlO'• Oftm. Bellefonla. Pa. Jan.l*ai. ,t
Report of Appraisers.
f X the Orphsnf' Court of Centre
A county. In th. matter of th. Ratal, of R. 8 PAR
ft KR. demauaed :
And no-. ROT. 31 IMft. repoH of appraa—tu aettlng V
• part lo Amanda Parnrr, wi.lo— of ,1,-ocaaed. tha fol
lo—ing de-Tlbed real eatam, aia; A lot of land alt-ale
in Potter t wn.bip, tvundet oa th. -eat by landa of
John Bttde, on th. north and .art by landa of John
Tamer, and on th. ao-th by n-btlr triad, a—d curtain
ing one act. and one hundred and fort rata per. low, at
th. Talnation of three hundred dollar. Ram. day
appr-ta.ni.nl read and confirmed at at. (to twenm. aK
-dm. It no .ac ptiona thereto b flbrt nrtor to nut
lor—I.( and pubtbaUoa mdcred agreeably to Rul* of
fVart. *1 R RI Rt liblßt.b,
I**W Plm* Orphaaa' Cn-rL
a m
Application for Charter.
TVOTICE IR herchv given, that an
I.* appltoaUon -111 h. nyada under the Art of Am
•emhly of the <\ma—nwealth of Pe-naylr-nla. rath
tied "An AH to prorida Rtr tha Incorporatb.g ,0,1
Regulati'Wi of i-ytnia Otpmlbta," approred Aprtl
and the RnpplMnenta thereto, for th. charter
of aa Intetaded c .ywitwtlon to b* tailed *"TMR RROR
•NOR WAL IXItirANT." the ekaract.r a-d otfen -f
which la t® carry on the hwtnwa of mining. ahlpeH*
and wiling at httuwlnow. cual.th. maaugactwrlag gad
•elling at inmbet. with the right to |wrrhnm. hold mad
dtapr—a of all neormary property, re.l and petwonal, in
connect Km with aaM b—ama. and for thewe t-trpma
to bam. yoaama and enp.y all Iha rtghta. Wedt.
fraccbtaea and p. i-ilege* w-Mrwd by aaM Ah at At
aewbly gad IM Tuprdementa
1-3 M KbMVRU BURCUARD, SoUcltag.