Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 20, 1881, Image 3
A KIVEK OF FIUE. Volcanic rriiptlnn In llawnll—Thandcr. In Kipln*loit—White Hot llorki and I'IUWIIIK Klame The Hawaii Gazette gives nn account of an eruption of the volcano of Manila Loa. exceeding in violence any ever be fore known on the island. The grand outburst of fire is described ns follows: It broke out about 7 I*. M. on Friday, about six miles north of the summit crater of Mokuaweoweo on Manua Loa. and flowed down tie elevated plateau lving between Maunn I*oa and Kea. sending out two branches, one from near' its source toward the old crater of Rilauen, and another branch further down, tending toward the east. On Wednesday the flow could be seen distinctly from flilo winding its wny toward I'una, with a small branch stream runuing toward liilo. Tne treani running toward Puna was übvut thirty miles in length, and from 100 to 200 yards in width, with a depth of about twenty feet. A correspondent of the Gazette accompanied a party to view the grand sight, and they climbed the mountain side Soon, he says, as the fog gradually cleared off" the sides of the mountain, we saw a tremendous river of tire pouring down the steep sides. We could sec it distinctly down the slope, till It ran into the fog bank, which had settled like a huge snow bed all over the lowlands. The tire was an intense white light and was running fuiiouslydownward. They then went toward Puna to seethe molten river by night, and, he adds, the moon set, and stili it was light enough to sec to read . Away above us in the heavens shone the brlliant fountain head, and thence to the end was a con tinuous stream of liquid lava. There lay a river of tire beneath us at least thirty miles long, every inch of which was one bright rolling tide of fire. There was not a single break in the whole length. The whole front edge, being about three-fourths of a mile wide, was a most intensely brilliant light, and as it slowly advanced ami rolled over the small trees and scrub, brigtit flames would flash up and die out along the whole edge. Then there were giant ex plosions, vast and terrible, as if the earth was being shattered by earthquakes, and ! all at once a huge dome of moiten lava was thrown up about half way up the i mountain side, and continue ' to flow over like an immense fountain. The j next day the party crossed the old lava beds for bout 1,000 tict. Not twenty feet distant was the immense bed of lava slowly moving forward with irresistible force, bearing on its surface huge rocks and immense boulders of tons weight. The whole front edge was one bright red mass of solid rook incessantly break- j ing oft' from the towering mass and roll ing down to the foot of it. to bo again covered up by ar.olhgr avalanche ol white-hot rooks and sand. The mas* v, is at its front edge from twelve to thirty feet in height. Along the line of its advance it was one crash of rolling, sliding, tumbling red-hot rock. We could see no fire or liquid lava at all, but the whole advance line of red-hot stones and scoria. There were no ex plosions while we were near the flow, only a tremendous roaring like ten thousand blast furnaces ail at work at once. Some fear 3 of the safety of Ililo arc stili • rU rl.air.cd, but the flow seems turning in another direction. A correspondent of the Honolulu Pres.', writing from Hilo, says: The sight on Saturday was indescribably grand. All day. with or without the glass, our eyes were turned toward th mountain. A fountain of liquid lava wa* pouring up from the summit line of Mauna !/. Two fiery streams were distinctly visible coursing down its side, one toward Mauna Kca, the other neater Hilo. At night the sky was a glare ol light that niadeobjects distinct!* visible in the streets and in our rooms. Wednes day night the sight of the mountain was most glorious. The broken clouds lying around the summit sides were irradiated and shone in wonderful splendor. The force of the eruption seems now dimin ishing. ________ A Farmer's Hlcader. A Scotch farmer, living near the sea const. sajr the shore on the morning after a storm strewn with jelly-fish. He knew in a sort of general wny that fish made good manure, and supposed that one suit of fish was as good as another. So blessing Providence for dumping such a iot of fertilizer so handy to his farm lie used all his men and horses that dny in carting load after lead of , jelly-fish to his fields. Great were his expectations of large crops. Hut a neighbor, who had a little "hook lnrnin'," blighted bis hopes. "You've been watering your fields in stead of manuring them," said the neighbor, who knew thnt the jelly-fish is largely made up of water. The farmer rcse "a sadder and a wiser man" from that chat. For be leameo that a jelly-flab of two pounds contains nnly thirty grains of solid matter, and in spreading four tons of the fish upon his fields he had added but sixteen pounds of fertilising matteT thereto. A marriage notice begins. "John Knox has taken n wife." Well, that's nothing. It hn't near so bad aa il he bad taken tbe cholera, or smallpox, or yellow fever, you know. John ain't so had off as you think.— Williamspor Urealfatt Table. Maiden lady's quotation slightly al tered from an old aphorism! " Where singleness is bliss 'tis folly to be wives." j HE KNEW HOW TO TItAVFL. A Kallroad Incident In the Ufc nf * Humorist. We were rumbling merrily along to I'utnnm, Connecticut, when the new man got on. 1 think lie got on at Wal pole. He carried a valise, a blanket rolled Up in a shawl strap, a cane, an umbrella and a hook, lie wore a plaid suit and a silk hat, and a polo cap was roiled up in his ulster pocket. In one of them, that is, for they were legion. He carried his wax matches in a little pocket on his right cuff, his little ea°e ol gentle cigarettes in a little pocket just below the handkerchief pocket; his card ease in a little pocket near the right hip, then there were three other unas signed pockets on the rigtit breast and two other mysterious pockets on the left side of his ulster. Then I think there were two pockets on the back of that wonderful garment, just below the shoulders, but I will not be positive. His u.Bter was belted in with a In It that might have done duty on the big pulley in a saw mill. He parted his beard in the middle, combed his hair low on his forehead, was very broad across his back, and had a voire as big as his ulster. He paused beside me and looked down at me. " This scat occupied, sir?" And be said sir like a regular army officer, with an impressive pause be tween it and the rest of the sentence, a pause juat about as long as the regular nrmy officer usually occupies in saying "blessyou," or words to that indirect effect. "No, sir," I said, timidly, and then with a feeble attempt at cordiality. I added, " sit down, sir." "Sir,"said the new man. "I intend to I generally find a seat if the car is crowded, or I tell people wl at I think about it." And then lie sat down, partly on the sent and partiy in my lap, crushing rae up against the window. He put his si.k hat in the rack and the polo cap down over his manly brow; he stood his cone and umbrella up in my end of the scat and set his valise upon my feet. Then he folded his nrms so that one of his great elbow? jammed itself into mv cheek, and t' en he look<d comfortable. Once in a wi iie he would suddenly feci in his pocket for something, and every time he did so, that elbow went cruising up and down my ribs like a street crusher. In one of lhc3<? sudden disturbances I ve-ntured, with a feeble effort at timiel sarcasm, to " hqpc that I didn't incom mode him?" " No. sir!" said the new man, with considerable italics; "no. sir; I'd let you know very quickly if you did, sir. I'd tell you what I thought about it." Presently lie took out his little cigar ette case, and a neat little meerschaum holder and made preparations for the comfort of a imoke, hut the brakemnn touched his shoulder and told him he must ge> forward to the smoking car. " Isn't this the smoking car?" yelled the new man, many grinding me to powder a9 he turned to face the brake man. "No, sir;" replied that functionary, ; very airily; " this is a ladies'car." • Well, by jove," said the new man, " I took it for the smoking ear, and not 1 a very nice one at that. It looks like a smoking car, and the people in it like the peop!" I generally find in a smoker." And then he grc und around toward me again and said: "I'm an old traveler, and when 1 don't like anything I tell what I think ! about it. Tl. tis where you'll generally find me." I wanted to say something smart, but somehow or other I couldn't think of any thing very appropriate just then, so I beid my peace, and nerved my wrath against not only the new man but tbe fat passenger, whom I could hear behind me making pleasant re marks abou' aiy position. By-and-bye we stopped at some station where there was a great Concord stage waiting, and the new man was one of the first paen eers to rush out, saying he would have a box seat or they'd hear what he thought about it. Weil, I guess he ot it. He wa3 climbing up over the forward wheel, roaring at the apathetic driver to take his valise, when the train started and the noise frightened the horses, and they made a plunge. The new man stepped on the wheel and was thrown headlong on the ground, snapping his umbrella and cane in the spokes of the wheel as he fell. His hat rolled off, his valise fell in front ot the wheel, which passed over it, and two or three men, making a rush for ttie horses, stepped on his hat. I couldn't got my wirdow up in time to cheer, but the sad passenger got his head out. and as tbe train movrd off the crowd around the coach and the new men was thrilled by a tender, insinua ting voice, that came singing hack from tbe car window with a melancholy in tonation : " I say. tell 'em what you think about It!"— Jlurlivgtrm //• keye. When the nook pbced the f urkry o._ the table, upsh'e down on the dish— that is with its back up-(he in ad of the house got his back up, too, gave her a withering look nnd almost profanely asked it she "s'posed he was going to crawl under the table nnd cut a hole up through the plate, to get at tbe breast of tbe fow 1 ? Wnrristoim Her all A great many men are cottage-built; that is to say, they have but one story, and they are forever tellin£it.—Rntkm Transcript. A Helping Hand " Kvnry innn's Neniesn I.ion lies in wait lor him somowtiere " — Huikin. There was a small crowd ol boys and men congregated upon an uptown cor ner the other morning, and the occasion of it was a horse fallen in the harness— a respectable-looking horse drawing a respectable-looking milk wagon, and driven by a boy, who now tugged at his head, vainly urging him to rise. "Jerk him up," called a man who stood oa the sidewalk with both hands in his pockets. "(Jive him the whip," Each one shouted out some advice, but no one volunteer d to assist the boy, who was just far enough away horn bis childhood to feel like having a good ery; but he coaxed and pulled at the horse that now lay quite still, nnd with horse sense did uot try to move on the slip pery ice, hut stretched his neck out in a way that brought despair to the heart of the boy, who believed lie was going to die on Ins hands. Just then a man enme walking briskly along anil saw the prostrate horse, and the disconsolate-looking boy; he car ried a hnivy piece of machine! y in one hand, hut this lie laid aside as he stepped out to the horse and began to take off the harness. In a moment lie had run the shafts back and left the horse free. Then he took the briddlc-rein, gave a quick, sharp elierup and the animal sprung to his f<et and gave himself a great shake; the man helped the boy re harness him, the two exchanged a smile of thanks and welcome, and then the man picked up his machinery nnd walked cheerily off one way, as the boy drove on another. He had slain the Nemean lion to begin the day. and we may well believe that when evening came he would be one of tfiose who can sing: " Something Acron){<liflhfvl, ** Birthing -;orc Han a night'** An old colored woman stopped at a corner of one of the most fashionable thorough fares the other afternoon, just before nightfall, nnd looked disconso lately un and down the street; then she app< aied to a beautiful girl in a Raphael hat and with eyes like some pictured saint who tripped along in rich and costly attire: " l'icasc, miss, mought this be Anthony street, deary." hut only a look from the beautiful eyes was vouchsafed her. Then came some fi.ir and prosperous matron*, a 1 laughing and eimtting over their Christmas pur chases. The old aunty, with her with ered face stood in the way. " Please, honeys, will ye direct me to Anthony street? Ise done got iost." "We never heard of such astro they said, and wmt laughing on. It was a wcarv professor going home from instrumental lesson-giving, with the merest breath of life left in him. who stopped and said: " \\ u mean Antoine street, aunty." and ho turned her in tho right diro tion, and saw that she fol lowed it. And so he had slain his Nemean lion before lc slept. For the difficulty of moment in the path of everybody is the amaii, homely, unheroic duty, which is so unbrautiful we will not sec it. nnd has so little grandeup with which to inve-st us irh< n wo have p'r.'oriucd it. Who of u*<*rrs to be seen assisting an old woman with an oicrburd n of unwashed rlotln *. or a blind man groping behind a wheel barrow. Too h ar of ridicule is stronger than the rr ed of ages.— Detroit Free /Vtu. *— • lite Hones of the Irhh Peasants It may bo well to give you a descrip tion of the in'.eriorcf *nm°of the dons, misnamed cot*. In which tlsr peasantry of Galway nnd Mayo counties live*, writes Edward Kmg from Dublin to the Boston Journoi. They are merely stone sh Iters; they are r.ot provided with any facilities fe r drainage, • nd are often incomparably filthy. The floo.s are of hard mud; it is rare to find more than one room in a hut, and only one story. Hods nnd l>edding are luxuries which the poorer tenants do not possess; old heaps of hay and straw are the couches on which the lovely brown eyed maid ens of Contiaught repose. Tin smoke fre>m a peat fire in a common peasant's cabin spreads through the room, and you narrowly escape strangulation on your first visit. I have had this experience in Herzegovina, and consequently minded the smoke but little. How family decencv is maintained in these dens is a mystery, nnd how tho people manage to keep clean—for they look clean—is a puzzle. 'lhe pigs run in and out of the doors— nnd surh wrctefied pigs! A North Carolina wild hog would lie an aristoerat beside tbrmt In di sens of these cabins sick people are to lie found -sick people dependent either on the charity of their neighbors or on friends in Amiriea who send th'm small sums. A gentleman in Galway told me that the agents of land lords treated the poorer tenantry ss if they were animals. He instanced the case of one agent who, on rent day. when any tenant was short a half crown in bis paymenL, would knock the money off the table on the floor, so as to humili ate the tenant before his fellows. Up to a very recent date even the better class of t<n:ints wouid not have dared to resent suclt behavior; they were reany to fnwn before the man who insulted them. Now the tables are turned nnd the agent sneaks in and out among the people, taking twenty-five per cent, less than the usual rental, if indeed he gets anything at all, and is glad to gel away again out of the farming district with his head still on his shoulders. A meteoiological station is to be es tablish'd on the celebrated Scottish mountain. Hen Nevis, I'OITLAK SLIKNCK. The fuel ol tlio living body ! fool It is known as a fact in p i-ology tliat below the depth of iliirly k-< I ! c i artli becomes rrgu arly warmer : ■■ <• de scend. On an average tin < r cie In at tlx* rate of one degree ol K.ihi i heit for every fifty feet A journi v across Africa from south to north is to be undertaken by Dr. Kmii Ifoiub, of Prague, under the auspices of the Vienna Geographical society. He liinks lie can traverse the continetnt lengthwise in three years. One of the most delicate instruments known to science is Edison's tasimeter or heat measure. The rapid of the hnnd before it. at a distance of tlilr- I ty-four feet, causes n deflection of tie needle of two liundred degrees. In his n< w scientific treatise on islar.el life Mr. Alfred H. Wallace, the eminent English naturalist, estimates the period embracing the formation of all the fossil-bearing rocks, since the Cambrian, at tw< nty eight millions of yenrs. Another unsuspcc cd k dangrr growing out of the inlirmiliesdf railway employ ees was suggested at the recent confer ence of instructors of deaf mutes at Milan It appears that locomotive en gineers are peeulia'ly subject to a certain disease of the ear, liable to affect their hearing in such away as to imperil the safety of their trains. Like color-blind ness, the defect seems to have been operative long before it was discovered. Ye Olden Times. Thirty years ago Michigan people wen a frank and truthful set. Strang! rs couid come here and trade horses with their eyes shut, and breach of promise ensrs were unknown. Folss meant what they said, and when they gave their word stuck to it. Exactly thirty years ago this month a widower from New York State appeared in Lansing on business. Tbat same business carried hint over to DeWitt, eight miles away. While en route lie stopped at a log farmhouse to warm his cold fingers. He was warmly wel comed by the pioneer and his wife, both of whom were well along in years, and after some general talk, the woman queried: "Am I right in thinking you ar a widower ?" " Yes." " Did you come out here to find a wife?" " Partly." " Did anylxxly u 11 you ol our Susie?' 1 " No." "Well, we've got as bouncing a girl of twenty-two as y>u eyr-r set eye* on. Site'* good-lookin.r, h allliy and good t nip rid, and I think she'll like your | looks.' " Where is she P" "Ovrr in the woods here, chopping down a coon-trce. Shall 1 blow the horn for her?" "No It you'll kfp an ye on my 1 horse I'll find her." "Well, th n's nothing stuck up or afl< ct/.d about Susie. She'll say yes or no as soon as she look* you ovrr. If yott want btr don't he afraid to say so,' Tl.c stranger heard the sound of her ax nnd foi.owed it. He found lerjust as tfm tree was r<ndy to fall. She was a .-tout, good-looking girl, swinging the ax like a man, and in two minutes he had decided to say: " Sm-ie, I am a widower from New Y< rk Slate; I'm thirty-nine years old, liav- oner! i d, own a g'od farm.and 1 want a wife. Wfil you go back home with me?" She leaned on the ax and looked at him for ha fa minute, and then replied: "(' i.' s.iy 'or ci rlain. Just wait til) I get thr e coons < ff my mind." S'ir s< nt the tree < rattling to earth, and with Ids h lp killed five coons, which wf re stowed tway in a hollow. " Well, what do you say?" he ash'd, as the last coon stopped kicking. " I'm your'n!" was the rep y; " and byMie l mo you get hack from DeWitt I'll have these pelts off and tacked up and be rcadv for the preacher!" He relumed to the house, told the old ! folks that he should bring a preacher back with him. and at dusk that evi n tng the twain w< re married. Hardly an liour hid been waited in courting, nnd yet he took home or.r of the best girls in the State of Michigan.— Jitlroxl Free /Ve*i. Iffert* or Fright on the Hair. The (/tu< tie elea Thp Inxtx gave an ac count lately of a si ngular cn.c uj com plrte alopecy. A girl, aged seventeen, who had always erjnjpd liealth had oi.e day a narrow escape Irom lieing cru-h< d by a floor giving way beneath her. She wna very much frightened, ar.d Hie same night began fo complain of h ad ache and chills. The next morning she felt restless, and had itching of the scalp. During the few following days she steadily improved, with the exception of the itching. One day. In combing her hair, ahe noticed f list it came out in large quantities. Three days later she was perfectly bald. Her general health was good, but her head continued bald, and wai still so when seen two years later by the reporter. A little boy having heard his father any that a certain neighbor was a fore handed man, became very anxious to •rclim; but when the coveted oppor tunity came, the little fellow, alter look ing at him carefully, nnd <wfng that he bad hut one arm,txclaimed in a tone of hitter disappoint menu "You ain't four handed a bit. You've only one hand. What makes ra fib soP " An explana tion was necessary. FOR Tlik FAIR HKX. Whsr* (lrlftm*t,d, It has often been a subject of won er ment to us whore our pretty giris got the notion from of combing tbefr front hair down over their forehc a, ar.d cutting off the ends so its U> make the inch and a half of hair which they k> t > hanging down marly to their eyebrow and which is irresistibly associated in our ruin' 1 with an imperfectly sheared mule's tail. The mystery we s ved to our satisfaction last night as we dropped into Dr. Jackson's. The doctor received from New Zealand, yesterday, among quite a variety of ferns and motes, ar.d other curiosities from that semi-barbar ous land, the pictures of two M (uri natives of that country—a boy and a girl—and the latter had her back hair looped upon tho top of her head, and stuck through with white-tipped turkey feathers, and the front hair was hauled down in front, the ends mingling with the eyebrows. Ho it is from the New Zealand savages, and not from the North American Indian squaws, ladies, that we copy the fashion.— Columbia (H. (!.) Htyistcr. I*arl Its' I'atfhvi, The beauties of the court of Louise the Fifteenth thought they had mode a notable discovery when they gummed pieces of biaek taffeta on their cheeks to heighten the brilliancy of their com plexions. The ladies in England had before adopted patches, in quaint shapes, uof a crescent or coach and horses. An epigra u was written : Her p*tch *re of every cut, For pimple* nnd ior seer*; Here'* *ll the wandering planet*' mgn*. And *orne ol the fixed ular* 1 The coach and horse patch was an es pecial favorite. Anstcy, in his satire, " The Bath Guide," enumerates " velvet patches" as among a fine lady's neces sities; but about the beginning of the present century they seemed gradually to go out of fashion in England. fashion Linen "bunting." finished with row* of faggotting, is the new material for window curtains street jackets are not bordered with fur. hut have collar, cuffs and pocket welts made of it A fur is thought to detract from the style. Plnah and brocaded velvet fans come in dark Oriental colors, or in delicate evening shades, and are handsomely mounted with pearl or carved ivory. Rack basques and colored skirts are the latest combination. Big white- buttons on overcoats arc among the horrors of the winter. One-half of the lower part of a sleeve is occasionally covered with a netting of jet twad* matching a collar and cuff ol the same material. Gray silt stockings embroidered in colors for the house, light tint# for ro i eeptions, nnd reel stockings or those matching the- gown for the street, is the rule in l'aris. Some ofthe New York girls must look [like small hussars in their red jackets braided with gold. Collar, cuffs and sekel fairly glitter with metal, and the effect is decidedly military. Aprons nrc now shirred across their entire breadth, the fullness between the drawing threads be ing pressed into knife plaiting* and turned under at the foot to give a full, puffed )rx>k. Cash meres an- prettiest trimmed with velvets; cloths, as already said, with velvet or plush, but the prettiest fancy fabric* for trimming fine woolens are those of wool brocaded in tiny silk pat ; terns- The style is now more fashion able tlian I'rktns. Plaited waist* are again fashionable and are often made for indoor wear of material different from the dress. A flannel blouse of this sort is both com fortable and economical, inasmuch as it affords an easy method of utilixing old skirt*, the bodies to which are worn out Indies who are making whole gowns out of the brocade* now sold at bal price are informed by Harprr'a Batnr that the dresses should be very simple In style, with peasant waists, broad collars, wide belts with sashes, close sleeves, and a full round skirt with no trimmings at the ba -k. Many of the cloak sleeves are rather 1 short, the lower part being turned back to the depth of ten inches. This gives a bright and stylish gffeel, as the linings vre usually of some gay-colored plush The lower edge of the mantle not infrequently is turned up with a band cf tbe same, and the plush is then intro duced in the hat trimmings. Hpun-ailk stockings in solid colors on antique gold and all the lighter shades i f sulphur, cameo, salmon, straw and icmon are among the latest importations n hosiery. Toere are also handsome combinations of pale rose and bright coral, light blue and garnet, dark myrtle green and carnation, mauve and cream, and royal purple and very deli cate lilac. When a man want* to enlist in the arm/ ol China his courage is subjected to a very unusual teat. The recruiting officer places tbe candidate in a chair and proceeds to extract a tooth, and the conduct of the patient under this ordeal Is said to decide the question as to his fitness for the military service of the empire. If he howls and jumps up and down he is pronounced unfit; but if be smiles and exhibits generally a feeling cf satisfaction be secure* a permanent pln.-e in the ranks. A Marathon woman has a husband so sharp tbat ahs uses him to cut beef wfth.— Marathon ImUpemtmt. Anrlent Fair* and Wsrksts. During n recent lecture in New York on ancient fair* and (msrketi, Chief- Justice C'jvlei P. Djily siid: Fairs have -ouie down to ui from a remote antiq nty, and theirorigin w*i probxbly Asiat They were found in Mexico and Peru when those countries wore tir.il lin >vered by the .Spaniards, and W'-re ':n iffn in Karopo as early as the < venth century. From the fourth to the seventh century Europe wis devastated by the savage tribes of Asia, and com mercial intercourse wts almost com pletely destroyed. At the close of this warfare, the seeds of a n"w civilization were sown, and people were again brought together for mer :ntilo trans actions, but with great diffleu ty. Tiie roads were infested with robbers ad'f merchants were forced to unite and travel well armed for protection. It is probable that the great fairs held down to the sixteenth century had their origin in this way. M rohants encountered each other at certain seasons of the year at central points, and exchanged their commodities. Another circumstance fixed the places for these meetings, and gave rise to small lo:a! fairs. In the middle ages the devotional feelings of the people caused them to visit the shrines of the saints. Pilgrimages wre made at favorable seasons of tuo year, and as travel was difH .-ult and danger ous the pilgrims set out in large num ! bers. With an eye to business they usuaiiy managed to carry with them | goods which they knew would i>e in de mand at the holy pia ; and thus, not i only indemnified themselves for the ex- I perse of the pilgrimage but served (Jod ; and turned an honest penny at the same j time. After the religious ceremony < ame the iair and the busy scenes of traffic. The :<ame causes led to the es i tablishment of local f*irs or markets on Sundays and holidays in nearly every town where the church was established. They were a source of revenue to the religious houses, a toll being exacted Irom all merchants who engaged in ! traffic. There were seven or eight great fairs ■ in Europe, to which all the great mer- I chants iesorted. They were generally l held in an open plain, covering a space of six or seven mLcs If held near a town ah business was suspended there during the progress of the fair. The manner of conducting them was thor oughly republican, every p rion in terested having an equal voice in the govrnnjent A president was elected and a council of twelve, in whom all power was lodged. They also had a . <-ourt, ol twelve persons, and police to preserve order. The proceed ings of the court were summary and without appeal, and execution promptly followed the sentence. The court settled all disputes, and theli was punished by whipping the offender and exposing him, fastened to an iron chain, that all might know that he wsts a thief. The fair was opened and closed by public procama : tion, and merchants were exempt from arret in person and property while en gaged at the fair, and jn going to or re turning from it. When the fair was formaiiy opened the spectacle presented was striking and picturesque. Booths and tents were spread out in a.l direc tions, and amusements of all kinds were liberally provided. Everywhere, as now. the gambler was to be found, and the puppet-show divided attention with the rope-dancers and fortune-tellers. With the advance of civilization, safety of travel and the bui.ding of great cities ) —which are, in fact, but fairs, or mar kets, on a large scale—the necessity for holding these large fairs disappeared, and they began to be patronized more by tbe idle and vicious in search of amusement than by traffickers in the I necessities of life. A Forger's Career. A Boston Cincinnati Rn irtrcrsays: Advices jast received here go to show that tbe fugitive K v. Ezra U. Winslow, forge, who ran away from Boston with over sS<*\ooo. is now | editor ol the Buenos Ay res Herald, in j South America. The evidence shows that after the English government re , fused to surrender him he went to S >uth America, where he assumed the name of Lowe and became a great church member and sgent of the N clonal Bank Note company, of New York. By ciedlt he got control of the Buenos Ay res lit rail and got a fat billet as a mediator between the Argentine Con federation and Chili, out of which be ' reaped a good harvest with certain ! banner*. A short time- since he published a long obituary of his wife, at present living in Ibis city, and went into rooorn ing, but soon after married a sixteen* year-old girl, the naugbter of a wealthy larnily in Rumoe Ayrot. Last month the fact of the existence ol the first wife reached Burn >S Ayres. and there was trouble in his new family. He smoothed matters by claiming that wife No I had been divorced, when the oontrary is the fact, and he still continues to "roll la clover." Invest! gallon here goes to show that a few weeks since be wrote to parties here offering to place 915 000 in the hands of wife-No. I if she would get a divorce from h'm. She U almost brokrn'hrftted, and a physical wreck, bat yet is disposed to ooniinoe ber har den without complaint, although her fWnda and relatives have advised her to get a divorce from her notorious hatband. _________ " I'm drating a concimion," re marked Aminidab. as he pulled the oat's tail.—Ad, L. Adams.