Lite (fUentw JBemcreat. Terms 51.50 per Annum, iu Advance. S. T. SHUQERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, January 20, 1881. From t!* Nfw York OlswrTer. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. RT REV. I. |>. B. B. J A N t - A II Y 28. Less on 4 : Tho Birth of Joruh. Ll'RI a : s—. UOLDIN Tut -" Glory to God in Hi" liikliml, ami ou ,-Rrtii peac., good will to turn."—l.ukt 1 2 : It. Central Truth A Saviour comes to re deem his people. Six months have passed since the date of our lost lesson, and Mary has remained in her quiet home at Nazareth. Then tho Emperor's decree, which com manded an enrolment of the people, obliged her to go to Bethlehem, the residence of her family, which was about ninety miles fiotn Nazareth, to bo enrolled for the tax which was to be laid on the people. This circumstance establishes the fact that Joseph and Mary were not very poor people, but that they had at least a comfortable estate, on which they paid taxes. The journey occurred at the last of Decem ber, and was made by easy stages, as was necessary to Mary's delicate condi tion. On their arrival at Bethlehem they found the village inn, or caravansary, was tilled with guests, and that they could not be accommodated there. This was probably owing to the fact that the Emperor's decree had summoned many people to journey to the place of legal j enrolment, and it was very natural that there ahould be scanty sccommodations in a small khan or hostelry. It was not uncommon iu Palestine to use the lime stone caves, with which the country abounded, for the housing of the cattle, I and frequently the inn was connected with these dry caverns which could he ' used in a strait for the entertainment of travelers. Thus Joseph and Mary found their quarters among the cattle, and here our Lord was born and cra dled. The most ancient traditions locate the place of our Lord's birth in a cave, and a stately church anil convent now mark the spot assigned by the old le gends as the scene of that most stupen dous of all earthly events. At this time, about a mile from Beth lehem. a company of shepherds were watching their flocks, as is said, on the spot where, in a grove of olive trees, now stands a chapel, known as the "Angel to the Shepherds," and said to he the identical spot where the shepherds encamped. The Jews say that the sheep intended for the temple sacrifices were paftured in the fields of Bethle hem. While the shepherds were engaged 1 in their ordinary occupation, they were surprised by a vision of a very remark able and glorious nature, which over whelmed them with surprise not un mingled with fear. An angelic messen ger appeared to them and made a grand communication. This was no less than the birth of Christ the Lord, which was announced as being "good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.'' They were told that they should find the facts proven at Bethlehem by the sight of the new-born babe, dressed and cradled in a manger. The good tidings were confirmed by the apje-ar j ance of a heavenly chorus, who were visible to the shepherds, and who sang the grand Doxology, " filorv to - ward by the Census of 1 sSO IMHO. IH7O I. N. Y.-rk ISO Ml . -. . rtiiljuMplila cTI'L'J L Bfoohl|i . . I Oblcifo MO KM 29ft ffi ft iotMl I St Loula IMXS .11.. I I 7. lUltiuior* .v£ Ifj _*f.7 .j , I ft &M IWlt • 7 - ftl •ft - # • ? 11l > r tt. •-.. . • • II 17 . ! | 10. Sew Ufleghi .'16,110 lVl.||w 1 i li. rj. i.tu i 160.Hi * li flltrtwurl i • * i , j 1.l ItiafTalo |V. 117 117.: 14 li WaafctafM 147 01 l"i r. I ! Nrwnrk I < I • 1 I 16, iMlattlU J - I , IT L'lljr I. 7.'* *„• p i l\ !• tc it 11l i. : v.:: ! I 19 IftllVAlltM I " T! |in . j ProvMritro I'M " • " • , 21. Allan?.. ■•'.'•a T' .j. j I ti ftotlmtn ft • • I SI All*ijh it v. I'a "-••I -• . 7 . "4 ;|4 1 ftft. Sdianfti. ~ frlstxi* New lU* n ...... •.**.' • •; > I ,ft Uwll - • I - i , Worrs*t*T £*-. j : 9ft Tr- •>, s y '■ :; t6 I I Kth't* t'il) '."I * - £fit It, < twini-n i K v m * •* 7M t .-v mm H . - . 1 1M * • I j93 CMmMMH, " 01,665 41.-4 I , M. |'tr*>!) >-•7 ! -• Tl*to. O I' 14 4 ,ft hnrliton, ft ♦i • w 4- .. ' •7 fn|| tlw. Man 4 Mmn 4' •- ' . .7' S rnt. ti .... 4 <■" -/r'. I lr, T. j, II 11l a 41 Ksa.ltn* 4 • ; 4: ihnf t i t j • WllmitiKt.-n, Ivi * 4" -41 I 44, i u.i Inn, s J • - 4 N| 41,4116 i I.**• rM 19,176 .• Ji •T ttaytiin.O 77 36.47 . M h. >1 i-. ft 4 ' !..,. r. 4'.|| .... . 4 ' I S Osklsml. < l ... I '*■• 1 i I M Mlmta. * * '!1 • i ".J. I tir ... '• .- • •4 | r rtku i Hi . Si lift i 4i !-4 Mrni|ihii s W • ' t 4. Mw ! • ! .*jV >jgtKtif*Ur, N II . . • < . *i I -7 ?*f f Ih. M ..... . 1 i * - Urnd Ha{ 4*l. M h ."I }• -7 : i." 1 • •*) M> Mol.ll* *l.-3* • C 4 i • I KM km • IS. Barvtifevff ID 70j ; ; 'M. Ollifcli* >•/!* I* sj A Snow -Burled Village. j Tilt CAI. IEITY THAT (111 111. \ MOI'XfAIV SIDE VII.I.AGE. ' Br.Rßvvit.i.r., \'a., .lan. 9.—Roger L. | Cooper, a resident of the little village of Pari*, Clarke county, situated on tin side of the Blue Bulge mountain, nesr the boundary line between I.oudon and Clarke counlie., bring, news ot a | terrible calamity in his native village, i He states that when lie left Paris the ; entire community of men, women , and children were suffering terribly from intense cold, while no |es than J five persons had been literally frozen to ; ' death. The snow commenced falling 1 December 20, and continued with una ; ' bated fury until Christmas, when the < 'hermorneter registered lx below zero, i Nearly every house in the village. , owing to its peculiar situation on the mountain side, was buried to the roo! in mammoth snow drifts, compelling residents to cut tunnels, in many in i 1 stances fifteen to twenty feet long, to ' make exits. So completely was the 1 country overwhelmed with snow thai ! i it was impossible to make any head • way in it with the most powerful horse. ; All communication being thus inter j ' dieted, it became apparent that resi ! : dents would soon be in imminent dan i ger for want of food and fuel. During Chriatmaaday the able bodied j 1 ( men who had succeeded in cutting their ! ' way out of their houses were busily en I I ! gaged in assisting many of their neigh- ! bora to cut tunnels through the snow | ] which completely enveloped some of j , the smaller cottage*. The safety of | fifty or seventy-five of the villagers 1 ' could not he pluced beyond doubt until ;' | late in the afternoon, when they cmerg 1 ' ed from the snow bound dwellings. ; < many suffering terribly from frosted i hands and feet, brought on by want of , liiel with which to keep the fires going. [ One cottage, occupied by a widow. Mrs. | Kate Whitman, and her two children, was the last for which the kindly offices ' of a rescue party were performed. 1 When an entrance to this house was I finally effected, after several hours' i labor, tbe unfortunate lady and one of ( her children were found dead upon a ( bed, frozen stiff. One child afterward revived, and, although terribly frost bitten. will prohaidy recover. The next ' day (Sunday | a meeting of the villagers 1 was held in the scbool-house, when it i wa* resolved to appoint a committee of i fifteen to take charge of all the wood ( and provisions in town. This was in i order to economize fuel. The number of sick and frozen became so great on I uesdaf that the committee converted 1 a dwelling house into a hospital, whith 1 er all the invalids were removed and I placed in charge of a body of physi- j nians. By Tuesday evening tho number j of patients, in various stages of sickness had reached seventy-five, while others . were coming in hourly. The committee then determined to reduce rations and ' send a message to Berry ville to ask that 1 assistance be sent as soon as possible. i (O-OTKHATION IN IHCKSN. rum NO KAT* FIELD'S ri.A N FOR EI.EUANT AND CURAT M.OTHINU TOR WOMEN. Emm tlit* Nrw York Tribune. The organization of a Ladies' Co" operative Dress Association in this city, which has thus far not met with success, is now to hav< the aid of Mr. I'ulbrookc, of l.oudou, who was in strumental in founding the Ladies' Dress Association of that eity two years ago. Mr. I'ulbrookc arrived in Sew York from Lnginnd lust Wed nesday, and will undertake the entire labor of organizing the association here at the request of Miss Kate Field, as it was thought that this preliminary work could not he accomplished with out the aid of au experienced hand. A reporter of the Trihunr. called on Mr. i'ulbrookc yesterday morning at the Fifth Avenue hotel. "We have two distinct systems in Fuglnnd," he said, "one which origi nated in the North among the opera ! lives in the large manufacturing towns, and the other upon which the societies in London are founded. In the form er ease the capital is subscribed by the shareholders, who get their regular profit, but tbo stores are open to the j public, and the goods sold at the ordi nary price. At the cud of the year the profits are divided among the cus tomer- in proportion to their purchases. The method pursued in Isndou*ditfers only in this, that the goods are sold at a reduced price, at a profit which only just covers expenses, and only the shareholders, or those w lio hold life ! tickets, are permitted to enjoy the ad -1 vantages of the association." "What societies are there in I/n --i don?" "There are two principal ones, the Armv and Navy t '-.-operative Society and the ( ivil Service Supply Associa tion. They have In en in existence about ten years, and last year the sales amounted to nearly tf lO.Ot'tO.tMMI. < inc, of which the capital was only SIO,IHHI, j has, by the accumulation of an aver age net profit of only three |wr cent., raised a working capital of over one million dollars, and its s' shares bring I ?37"> each. The shares in another the interest of which i restricted to j live per < ent., now obtain'l(H) aid I'm |x r cent, premium for the privilege of of dealing with the store." "W lint ha.s la-en the success of the Indies' |)rcss .\s-siciiition ?" "It has IWK-II wonderful. Although the association was fi>unded only two year- ago, we have been obliges! al ready to restrict our busines- for lack of room." "I- the business restricted to ma , terials of dress ?" "Not entirely. < fiir supply consists of dress materials nml the designs for making them up, mantles, hosiery, . fancy good*, rnillinerv, laces, under wear, !w.ots and -hoes, household linen, and in fn< t everything kept at a tir-t cla-s dry goods store, at prices con siderably below tlus'' demanded by anv of (he retail stores. Over twenty vi.-its arc made each year by our buy ers and doigners to Paris, where the bet models are selected from all the prineipal Parisian dressmakers and millim r*; and the silks and other goods -elected an- always of the be-t quality." "Do vou think the pro-pect of suc cess in Sew York is giMwl?" "From what I have seen of tlie stores in New York, I think there is a legitimate opening for the intended co operative store. If a woman can get comfort in shopping and the materials of the very best quality and nrtitic taste, with the economy of purchasing four dresses for the price ot three, she cannot IK- otherwise than pleased. It the system satisfies Ami ladies of title in Knglaml, I lielieve it will satisfy ladies oil this side of the water." "\\ hen do you think the arrange ment* will lie completed ?" "I shall probably remain here almut two month-, and hoje to complete the organization of the society." New Year in New York. Ifnwar'l in TltiU Time* Young men in dress coats and white cravats have made things lively in Ootham. \\ hat an abused eustom this N>w Year's calling is become. Fifty years ngo when the uptown limit of the eity was Canal street and when green fields and row pastures ex tended from the eity hall park up and on to Harlem creek, every laxly knew everybody else, and n day's calling could be made leisurely ntid comfort ably, |he good old Knickerlwickers enjoyed life, and a signal part of social delight wits this habit of which I write. To-day this is nil changed. Sensible people ignore literal phvsiral colling and utilize the mails by which to send their cards as courteous indi cations of remembrance on the first day of the year. With the exception of a few pleasant fnmily calls the en tire system has fallen Into the hands of young men, a majority of whom have most limited circles of acquaint ance. These cheerful members of the community, having purchased or hired dress mats, pool their lists and go from house to house in groups. Aside from the transparent folly of wearing even ing dress in the morning, and the utter unfriendliness of calling on ladies they never saw or heard of, is their abso lute ignorance of all that the eustom implies or means. Their sole idea seema to lie to make out a long list. The exchange of courteous desire and the extension of more than a perfunc tory wish of the compliments of the season never enter their "minds," With blue lips, red nose and white cravats they rush into u parlor, hob to 1 one and another, giggle und rush out. I think the women are quite as absurd . as the men. A custom bus grown up of late years which seems to me most reprehensible. Ladies intending to receive send their cards to all their acquaintances and often to men they don t know at nil. N oung ludies are anxious to have mutiy calls, and in their eagerness forget to be prudent, thus opening their door to itcople it may not be so easy to be rid of. In other days it was the universal habit to spread a generous table. Now a table of any kind is the exception, but I regret to say that wine and liquors are offered very freely. The effects, it stands to reason, on giddy-paled youths must be disastrous. A (>001) MOTTO. i M IIERE I'll) Jl'lMir. III.At K rixti IT? J Ml Oruiidjr 111 I'lilU'l'l|.l| THIK. W ben Judge lilaek was here to at tend the weddingol his granddaughter, ( Mis- Shunk and Lieutenant Kvuus, he unintentionally started a topic which ha.- now become a favorite subject for di-cussion when two or three legal minds are assembled at a state dinner. Judge Hlack told me the story, and I have repeated it to many, of the motto j ' on the attorney general's official seal, which the judge had placed upon it when be was attorney general in Hu ! daman's administration. The molt', is: "(/HI pro I him ino ./u/idlin mputur" \ —w ho prosecutes for our lady justice. Judge Jllark says that he made use ! of this, remembering the story which i be asserts Sir Kduard Coke tell- of bis inlcrvi" w with Klizabcth when lie was taken to Iter to "kiss j hands lor bis patent, and was intro- j duced as "Her Majesty's Attorney I < Jcneral : (/ni pro Jtomui't llryinu *r fjuUur." Klizabcth replies] with em- i phasis- "Nay, by Hod's teeth it shall j not be so; we must change that be ; shall be nv attorney general, (/ui pro Ifnmina JuMitia mipiitur." As Judge HI ick cannot now remem- ! j her where he found the story I ap pealed to a number of the highc-t officers of the government, all of whom have the reputation of great know!- | edge of the law and the literary a well, and not one of them bail ever heard the storv before, except one to whom Judge l'.la. k had told it, and none bail ever seen it in any of Coke's : w .rks. Therefore, ns I have Ih-cii in- ! firmed by one prc-etit at several state 1 dinners lately, the topic ha* been < much discussed and the burden of' proof now re-ls upon Judge I Alack. i who is more than sus[K-eted of having I originated the Coke-Klizabcth inter view. It is generally conceded that, whether he formed it or imagined it, the story i- an excellent one. Several ot the judges of the supreme curt are re-reading Coke - works now, I am t dd, and al-o, "The Lives of the Lord Chief .lii-tires of Knglaml," to find the anecdote, and Judge Swavne is so annoyed at not living able to point to the volume where it i- told that an eminent juri-t .-ays he does not believe be w ill 1M- able to write his resignation ' this winter. Ibis civil serire cxnmi- , nation i- sometimes extended to in clude the question : "How long has th- nttorucv general leen a cabinet officer?' I net i* to say, have those i holding thn! position since the adop tion of the Constitution all been mem- { her- of the cabinet ? It seems strange, but -onie high officio* have disputed the fact that all of our attorney gen erals have la-en members of the cabi net. Judge itlai'k Judge Swavne, Attorney tieneral Devens and others j agree that they have lwen from the ! tii-t. beginning with Kdmuud Kan dolph, appointed by Washington in .S'ptember, 17*!'. They were, how ever, not heads of a distinct dejiart ment until I*7o, when the law passed j creating the department of justice. The attorney general used to la- what in Knglaml is *tylcd " cabinet officer i without a portfolio." ♦ The Approaching Comet, COT.MSION WITH THE SIS SAID TO LIK CEB TAIN or MATTES*. I'rofesor l'roctor, the greatest of liviug astronomers, who has made the investigation of the approaching com et a special study, gives the result of , bis observations to the public, and his conclusions arc that an awful collision | of the suu and comet are certain, and , that changes in another stellar system | will take place, nnd the sun mav alter- . ward* resume its ordinary influence. , The menacing comet is the one re- | centlv visible in IHHtf in the Austra- , ban heaveur, and which i* one of the | most interesting comets ever seen by , man. Views respecting it, not by , fanciful theorize!*, but by matheina- , ticians of eminence by no means prone , to adopt vivid and startling ideas, | suggest the possibility —nay, even | some degree of probability, that the comet may bri£ some danger to the solar system. Like the comet of 1843, it passed within about 190,000 miles 1 from the solar surface, and on a path similar to that pursued by the comet I of 1843 while in Ilie neighborhood of 1 the sun. The comet of 1880 is, in j fact, identical with the comet of 1843, i hut its period is diminishing rapidly, i so that at an early date it may fall i into the sun, with this alarming im- j mediate result—that all higher forms i of life, at least, will he destroyed off < the surface of the earth. i ■ * i AI-PI.K J ACK is first cousin to James C Jams. i A NEW JEKMEY HKKKEMN. AN OI.D WOMAN WHO IS THE SENSATION or A 'MI Hi v|No lUKH 1.1.T1 RAI, < spread throughout the central portion of the State. Al ready the news of the wonderful pow er ot prophecy which she bus reached the ears of the quiet farmers in the upper counties, and small par ties come every day or two to visit her. Her name is t 'lark, and she is prolmbly about sixty-five years old. Lorn in Hunterdon county, sin- has, since her marriage, forty-three years ago, resided in various part* of Hun terdon and Warren counties. The first indication of the power which she is believed to |x>h*c*M ap|cared in early life, during a Methodist revival. From a girl she bad been of an emo tional disposition, readily moved to tours, and sometimes completely pros- J trated by an apfieal from the pulpit. ; It was during tboo nervous moments that she seemed imbued with the gift of remarkable foresight, und made predictions about the future weal or wis- of her family and friends. Many of these prophecies are suid to have been literally fulfilled. Her temper ament and power of foretelling filled | all her friends with a certain awe, which has always existed. Mrs. ("lurk is a sensible woman, however, and en- I deavored as Ix•t she could to drive away all fear of herself and her pow | ers, although maintaining her belief | iu some wonderful gift bc-lowed upon her. \\ herever she lived, sooner or lati r, reports would be circulated re i specting her nature, and she woubi be j called iijKiii to exercise her wisdom. As the years passed her nervous at tai ks were understood to have become more freijuent, ami therefore her pro | pbetic utterance- have Is-en more nuiu j crous. S ttling, simt- time ago, in her present home, she is known by every man, woman and child in the vicinity, and scarcely a |KTWII 1 iv< within a circuit of ten miles who ha- not bad 1 bis or bi-r history recounted ami for tune told. If they came when the old I lady was in robust health they some times failed to procure what thc-v wish* , ed, for she then bail neither the iucli : nation nor the talent to remove the : veil from the future. There are some, of course, who deride the whole thing, and laugh at Mr-. Clark'- predictions, • but the majority of the rural folk-, | being more or less superstitious, have ! great faith in her saying*. Several I eases of extreme m< Utnclmlv ami sick ! ne-* are -aiil to have IK* n prislucNl through unpleasant disclo-ure made by the old lady to the victims, and others have recovered from long ill ness when inspired with hojie by an interview with the prophetess. The neighbor! are usually loud in her praise*, aixl declare iu the most un qualified way that she lias told them circumstance* in tln-ir liv<* she could ; not pomibly have learned in the or dinary course of event*. Henre tin ir extreme faith iu her prediction*. \ oung men seek her advice regarding marriage, and, l>cing given a descrim i tion of their sweethearts, Ixddly lay -iegc to the damsel whose features sin portrays, confidently cxpe< ting a favor able response. Maidens of ru*tic be.autv * f'k this oracle to ascertain the con 'luct of their lover*, ami many a coun : try in-1 is iK-lievcil to have Iw-en re- j j pulsed by some hideous revelation of his life during one of the nervous spells. Industrious hu-bamlnien in | quire a to the prospect* for their crops, and the wayside grocer consults ) her a* to the size of his next invoice of merchandise. While many of her clients insist ! that her |w>wer is that of the spiritual- ' ist or clairvoyant, the old lady herself | protest* against such an accusation. She makes no pretentions to IK- under the guide of an Indian chief or a great i spirit of some kind, nor dm* she re j sort to any mysterious incantations. Her mode of procedure is by means of the palms of her hands or the veins of the temples. She requests her vis- j itor to hold out the band In-fore her j with the palm upwards and then dic tates what seems to her to be the truth bv reading the arrangement of the veins. Her utterances come freely, seeming to require little study. Once in a while she hesitates, and will some- | times place her hands upon the in- ; quirer's head. Considering the num ber of persons consulting her, there is very little repetition alwut her pre dictions. Her happiest faculty seems to lie the right use of names, both past and future, and the graphic descrip tions of |fiaoe and persons. The age of the woman and the continual strain upon her nerves renders her life very uncertain and scent* to increase the anxiety of those who have heard of her lest they should fail to have their future revealed before she die*. The Youngest Telegraph Operator. Vno lb* Vtmtv (T*ss) Ktuuln-r The frontier telegraph office at Wil liam's Ilaneh, is managed by Ilallie Hutchinson, a little girl only nine years of age. A gentleman who re turned from there a few days since says Hallie is the most remarkably , intelligent little elf he ever had the pleasure of meeting. She handles her instrument with the success and pre cision of an old operator. Recently, when election returns were coming in and the whole country was wildly ex- i cited to know the result, little ifallie sat at her instrument, her eyes aglow with intelligence, and gathered in the news from all over the L'nion, wliile dozens of brawny men crowded around to h she doc* J i:tl lie i* not utdike other little girl* of 1 | her age in her habit* and inclinations. I" or iuxtance, one end of her o|H-ratiiig tabic i* oiled full ol hahy doll*, and she spends a great deal of her leisure time dressing them. Drown county ' may claim the youngest ojs-rator in i the world. HI SSI A IN (HHISTMAS TJMK. When the leaves fall, the Kussian • j winter set> in at once, imprisoning the serls in their cabin* for seven dreary i ; months. I his is their |s-riod of do i mestic life. Home ha* to he made • J®* nio-t of. Dnp < at.on-like cuts lead from house to bouse, and there > an- frequent gatherings of young and - | old. . | W hen t bristmas comes the fathers of marriageable children arrange with t their neighbors, and the girls are all taken to one hou-< with their parents, r A Christmas tree is *et upon the table, | where brandy is dealt out to each : I comer with piroge—a meat biscuit. - Then the marriageable girls are placed I , in a row on a long bench, each one , j vailed. Ibe young men who have . I KM- n kept in an adjacent room, are Jet - in one by one by the master of the • house. With throbbing heart each-girl f awaits the entrance of the youth to ■ whom she ha-already given her heart, r | Will he h- -nr.- t., recognise h. r in her disguise ' We do not know wbeth • er the heart of the true lover i- pre terrjaturally keen, nr whether in the-*- • i cas<> there i- some preconcerted sig ■ nal, hut it rarely hapjKii- that when - a young man ! w- |.,w Is-fore a maid • en she does not rai-o a vail to me. t r i hi- glance with blushing looks of love. < t it aometiri). - occur* that a . blundering dolt hit- upon a girl whom i he does not love, or who ves him with I scorn. The unfortunate icllow is then - the butt of riui' ule fi >m all side*, and I can ercape only hv a considerable present in the way ■) damage- When the eon plea have all been satisfactorily told off, each bride and • griKiin proceed to tlc ir parent's cabin, where they enter vaih-d. The oldc-t . jof the family then exchange* rings between them three tu#K a holy . ! picture i- given to them to kiss, they embrace oue another, and are recog niztsl a- U'trothed. As the Hussiati government alwny- I gives n young niarri.-d couple farm land and wood ! r a I. u-c the mar ! riagc follows s .on after the engage ment. <>n the wedding day the friend" ol the bride dre-- her up, taking -dr , her maiden attire to invest her with that ola married woman, in which they lead Ugr to her groom. The wedding alwny- ends in copious liba tions of brandy. The next day the parents enter the house of the new-married couple to wish tneni happine—, and offer them br< ad and salt. Thus |-aee and hap pine*- cuter the new home, the host of ('hristmas gifts. t ses of (liareoal. Charcoal, laid flat, while cold, on a huru, causes the pain to abate itnme j diately ; hy leaving it on for an hour, the burn -cents a I mo-t healel when it is superficial. And charcoal is valu* ' able for many other purposes. Tainted meat, surrounded with it, isswcetcned ; strewn over heap* of decomposed pelts, or over dead animals, it prevents any unpleasant order. Foul water is purified by it. It is a great disin ! lee taut, and sweetens air if plaecd in trays around apartments. It is so very porous in its "minute interior." it absorhes and condenses gases most rapidly. One ruhic inch of Iresh charcoal will absorb nearly tine hun dred inches of gaseous ammonia ('har coal forms an unrivaled poultice for malignant wounds ant I sores, often cor j roiling away dead flesh, reducing it to lone quarter in six hours. In cases of ' what we call proud flesh it is invalu able. It gives nu disagreeable odor, corrodes no metal, hurts no texture, injures no color, is a simple and safe sweetener aud disinfectant. A tca j spoonful of charcoal in half a glass of water often relieve* a sick headache; iit absorbs the gases and relieves the distended stomach pressing against the nerves, which extend from the stomach to the bend. It often relieves consti pation. pain, or heartburn. NOTHING in the world is so strong a* a habit, good or had. The seaman cannot sleep soundly on the shore, he cause he misses the tossing of the ship and the roaring of the wind. We heard lately of a forlorn widow who the thin! night after her husband's death sat at the window watchiug the stars with sleepless eyes. At last her thoughts, sad and weary, hmke into soliloquy : ' This frying to go tosleep," she said, "without a quarrel of some kind is so new that 1 can't stand it" .lust then two men uuder her window fell to fighting. Bhc watched the con flict to the end, then quietly undress ed, flaying: "That's kind of homelike," and iu a few minutes was fast asleep. INSTRUCTION ends in the school room, but education ends only with life. A child is given to the universe to be educated. TAKEN on the spot—The measel;.