Sto , Thursday Morniug, January (3, 1881. . OuKStsroXPSNi'S. ronUinliic linl-"*" 1 "" Ml from stiy port of ho county. No romiuunlrnUono inserted utile* notn|nll by tlic tool tutiiin t the writer, Local Department. Barry Green rolls the best cigars in ( the market. I —-Tbo school teachers all visitetl the Philadelphia Branch. t —Tho public schools of this place will , begin again next Monday. t —For those distressing diseases peculiar ] to women Day's Kidney Pad is invaluable. —Many of the warm caps now worn by , tho male sex .come front the Philadelphia , Branch. < —The regular monthly meeting of the , Bellefonte Temperance Union will bo held this evening. t —Tho cold is intense ; but that warm , clothing sold at the Philadelphia Branch is simply immense. I —What the Philadelphia Branch don't ( keep in tho lino of gentlemen's clothing isn't worth buying. —Don't forget the best place to buy j cigar*. It is of llarry Green, in lite j Bush Ututs block. —"As the days lengthen tho cold , ( strengthens" says tho seer ; so purchase | , warm clothing at the Philadelphia Branch. —Tho Board of County Auditors is in session this week at the Court House, and wo will therefore soon have an official , statement of receipts and expenditures of | the county for tho year 18W). —There is always "room at tho top ■ for those who aspire high and like to ( I climb, but thero is room for all at Sechler & Go's grocery store, and it's not necessary to climb as the store is on the first floor of the Bush House block. —Tho sale of confectionery at Brew's | grocery during tho holidays *< tremend ous., It shows what confidence the people have in the upright dealing Mr. John Anderson f-r the supply <•:" line , oysters presented to thern •• liberally patronised. When you want nice lunch the Im-st and freshest oyst'uy found in the market, or nice i*h> of lager give * CJ him a call, and you |W|!ylp" convinced of tho truth of what tap, , —The following a|lpMg|foffi'-cr* of the M. K. Sunday-schooliJJei\d to serve for tbo year 18NI : S. D llrny ; First Assistant, J? (. IMJVC ; Sic ond Asistant, K. W. Crider : Secretary, James I. McC'lure; Treasurer, D. M I.ieb; Librarian, Kdgar Green ; As.sit*nt, M 11. Haines ; Organists, Misses Josie Chees man and Nellie Kline. —The hose carts were called out on Monday afternoon by an mcidont which occurred at Wm. P. Duncan's foundry. A mould containing three thousand |>ounds of hot iron bursted, and as there was dan ger that its fiery contents would be precip itated over the floor and thus endanger the building, the Arc department was summon ed and the flames easily controlled. —A frame dwelling house, located on the road to Boopsburg near tbu head waters of the planing mill dam, and owned and occupied by Mr. Theodore Steele, caught tire on Monday evening about 7 o'clock and was entirely consumed. The fire is believed to have originated from tho cook stove. Mr. Steele succeeded in saving most of the fukpiture. —Wm. B. Poulton, formerly of Harris burg, but at present manager of W. A. Hweney's billiard parlor, ia certainly one of the most expert billiard players in the country. The may'he handles tbo ivory beauties is Hit curve draw and Matar shots are all ited with the greatest degree of skill, while his fancy shots are ingenuity and dexterity. He gives and nightly inhibitions of bis of the ivories and is eagerly watcheWy all lovers of this noble game. —The annual meeting of the Centre Goupty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Patrons of Husbandry, was held in their office at the Bush House, of this place, on Tuesday last. At an election for officers of the company for the ensuing year, the following board was elected: President, Isaac H. Frain, of Marion township ; Vice President, Lafayette XefT, of Potter town rhfp; Secretory, George Taylor, of Boggs township; Treasurer, John U. Barnhsrt, of Spring township. This company has only been in existence about four years, and at this time carries risks to the amount of $1,1100,000, on tho mutual idan. The cost of a $6,000 potior of actual Insurance In the company is nine dollars, which ts certainly a reasonable rate for safe Insur ance. BRIE? PBMOHALS. —Mr. Thomas New oil, formerly of this piece end "• <" Clearfield, has boon visiting In town during the pact few days. HU frtend horo wore much pleated to too him. —Mra. Lydia H. Baldridge, a lady of wealth and high tocial potition, reeiding at Latrobe, Westmoreland county, forty miles east of Pittsburg, has boon spending the holiday teaton tit the residence of her tittor-in-law, Mr*, dames Mitchell, of this place. —Messrs. Ilal. Orblton, John Blenchurd and Charley Valentino are among tho number of our young tchool friends who spent their vacation at their homes in this place. Mr. Chariot Boozer, tho clerk in the meat market department of Sechlcr & Co * store, was rendered happy on New gear's day by being presented with a handsome girl baby. Miss Celia Armor, of this place, i visiting her friends in Mount I'nion, Huntingdon county. Mr. Al. llaupt, of this place, departed for Houtzdale, Cloarlleld county, on Mon day, to conduct a tobacco and cigar store. Al. lias always been a favorite in Belle (onto and bo witl lose no time in cultivat ing the friendship of those with whom ho is now surrounded. Mr. Samuel Lcwin, the affable mana ger of the Philadelphia Branch store, of this place, met with a -light accident while sleighing last Sunday afternoon. lli liorse became frightened when in the vicin- I ity of the toll gate on the LcwUtown turnpike, upsetting the cutter and it- occii- J pant. Mr. Lcwin't iiead came in contact with u stone, cutting it severely. —At the annual meeting of the State i (irnngo at Ureensburg, Mr. Leonard Rhone, of this county, was elected Master, \ and Dr. James Calder, of llarrii-burg, was chosen a- Lecturer. The choice of these I gentlemen i- very satisfactory to the mem* I hers of the Order in this county. Mr. Frank Montgomery is off on a tour of tlm metropolitan cities, mingling j bu-iness with pleasure. —We uotic** that Mr Michael Shields and Miss Mary Hazel were united in mar riage in the Roman Catholic church of this place, at H .'clock * n Tuesday morning **f last week. They are b<>lb well known an ! popular members of the youthful population of our borough, and have many sincere wishes I' r their future pros perity an 1 happiness. —The I,ewistow n I>er IVrs* sj ak n foiluws of tin- !*•< lure delivered by ex- Governor Curtin in tic Court House of I that • place on Tu* - g- ing he would have to travel about twen ty-five thousand miles, but if he would turn j due north he would reach his destination : after traversing four miles. —fiemr few days past one of our worthy j • hoemakers was called upon to make a pair ■*f boots. The man of wax and awl had some doubts as to his customer a finaneial ' ability, and when the latter railed for hi ' | le-.ts he was met with the answer, "Your J Riots are not quite finished, hut your bill ' is ready." ; The festival given by tho Pleasant : (sap Band was a grand suercss. The com * moslious new ball was insufficient to hold ' the struggling masses of humanity who ! -ought admittance. The /.ion Band was ! present and discoursed delightful music, j Both'ladies and gentlemen exerted their i m*st vigorous efforts towards the success ! fui result, Mr. William if. Noll especially distinguishing himself by disposing of an I immense amoul of oysters. The order was excellent. Our worthy landlord, Mr ! "K. closed his bar in honor of the ooca ' sion, and although numerous requests were ! made for his spiritual aid, he and his good wife firmly answered in the negative. For which, of course, his friends and neighbors are extremely grateful. —Mr. John Barnes and wife have al most recovered from their recent attack of sickness, Mr. Barnes being so greatly im proved that he is now able to walk to and from his shop. • —Protracted meetings will begin in the M. K. church this evening, under the charge of tho pastor, Rev. Mr. Warner. Wc hopo they will be successful. —Thoee handaome Hambletonian horo driven by Abe Miller carried him from Rellefonta to the Oap recently In the ehort apace of twenty minute*. Mr. Miller *aya tbet notwithstanding the way he flew over the ground, r.ero kept pace with him. —Colder weather and better eleighing than the preaent have not viailed the Gap at the rame time for the laat thirty yeart. A Qoot> ArrotrrMKHT.—At ae**lo.i of the Grand Lodge of Maaone, held In Phil adelphia on Monday of laat week, Dr. Kliaa W. Hale, of thl* place, wa appointed District Deputy Grand Mauler for the countiea of Centra and Clearfield. Dr. Hale it an ardent, intelligent Maaon, poa weeing all the energy and tnap to make an efficient /epreeentatlve of the "ancient order." ITEMS AND IDEAS BCOQUTKD lIT THE TIIIRTR-rot-KTii SESSION OK THE TEACH, ERH' INSTITUTE.—AII our readers are aware itmt the annual meeting of tli Cen tre County Teachers' In*titulo began on Tuesday morning of last week and termi nated on Friday. Theproceeding* through out woro very interesting, but are entirely too voluminous for a detailed roporl in a weekly paper. The teacher* include in their number Homo of the l**t wit and ability in our county, rendering their annual gathering* of great interest. The day e**ioii* rival in interest those of the evening, and the instruction* given during thu day are a* valuable and entertaining a* are the evening lecture*. The Court room wa* exceedingly frigidi which, doubtless, deterred many of our citizen* from attending tlio Institute. Mirny brilliant hit* of wit and wisdom were marred or utterly ruined a* they is sued from between chattering toelb. The ladic* clung to their muffs and the gentle men to their overcoat* a* if they considered those article* their best friends. It i* a/iroji"H til state here that the beating lacil itio* at the Court House should bo more extensive so that the audience room may bo rendered comfortable in extremely cold weather. The Instructor* from distance in at tendance on the Institute were tirl-el* in every respect, l'rof. Angel! ha* a mind | cultivated to a high degree—almost equal- J ing that of the cclc-lial order of being* whoso name li'- b"ar. Mis* Florence ChidcstiT ha* the accomplished manner*, the thorough telf-jxo-<-ion and the artistic j grace of one who ha* made a life-study of the-,, acquirements. Mho i thoroughly practical, too, and proved herself abund antly able to maintain every position which sli" assumed. The Bellefonte teachers were present at every session of the Institute, aiwav* occu pied scat* near the rcyi's/rr and li*lened at tentively to all the proceeding*. In this they set a g'MHI example to the other teach ers. The detailed proceed,!,;;* of llio Insti tute were erv<-d up to the teacher* and the public generally in a neat little four-pag" publication tailed the 7VorArr' Journal which appeared every evening. It* edi tor- and proprietor* were Measr*. J. N. Van Ormer an i John Lynn. Mr. David I.iob, the able principal of the Bellefonte public schools, acted a* reporter. Consid ering the ry t,alc in which the.,- [ rocoeding* were prepared, they were tine en-amples of rcjxrrtorial skill Tic present < Ci- r- of the Institute are President, Henry Meyer, County Superin tendent ; Yico President*, J. A. New, comer, t'lara B. 1-uken* ; Secretary, T. M. lUrnlinrt; 801 l t'lork, ('. (' Zeigler; Treasurer, I) (i /.cfby. C xinty SuperioD-ndcnl Henry Meyer i* a very capable presiding officer. lie di*plays excellent judgn %->i in ,ii* of the programme of proceeding, and exer ci'e great dicretion in allotting time to the vsriou* exercie in proportion to their merit and utility. Sir. C. W. Scott, <>f Williamsport, was j>re*ent on Tuesday an-l WedneKlay. The publishing firm which he represent* have in him a live and energetic agent. He allow* no'opportunity to pa*s unimproved in advertising the merits of hi* book*. Prof. (' I. firatnley, ss*ial,-d by Pro f-*or Harpter at the organ, r- gale-1 the ear* of the audience at 'nlerval*. with vocal music of a very pleasing nature. "Life I-et ii* Cherish'" wa* hi* favorite selection—trilling the "r" in "cherish" most beautifully. He l*o ga* some at tention to the "Mountain Maid * Invite -1 lion.' 1 It i* universally acknowledged that the remarks of Prof. I). M Wolf, in hi* first speech on tha subject of " Professional Heading, delivered on Thursday after noon, were among the best hoard during the Institute. Superintendent Baker, of Huntingdon county, who is a former teacher of the Bellefonte schools, walked into the Insti tute on Wednesday morning, and was received with a hearty welcome from Prof. Meyer, who KK,n invited him to address the Institute, which he did very agreeably. In converaatioi). he after war da said that he allows an intermission of a few moments during each session of the Huntingdon county Institute, the teacher* employing the time In social Intercourse. l'rof. Thomas Meyer, a kinm*n of the Superintendent, wa* present In the Insli tulo on Thursday morning. The Professor D * line-looking, heavily moustacbed gen tlemen and had the temerity to differ with Mm Chidestcr in regard to the pronuncia tion of several word*. Although the little lady successfully maintained her position, •he recngnixed in the Professor her moat formidable adversary. While alluding to Mitt Chideiter, we may mention the fact with which the ac quainted the Institute in her Introductory remark*, that h *> married to a gentle man of thia State about two week* ago, and U now only filling engagement* pre viously contracted. From which the girl* can learn that it ia not advisable to have too many engagement* on hand at a time. The subject of *peaklng Pennsylvania Dutch In the KuglUh school* of our county was well ventilated. The teacher* from abroad and tome in the county oppoaed it as inexpedient, while other* gave strong reasons in it* favor. An essay read by Mr. (i, W. Kumbar ger, a former teacher, on the subject of "Charity In Iba School," elicited much discussion. Its Interest was enhanced by a well delivered and pointed speech by Mi* Hhortlldge, a representative of Ches ter county's educational institutions. Hhe advocated the banishment of the rod from public schools. The subject was resumed on Friday morning, when Mr. N. G. Morrison endorsed this theory with several reasons supported by individual experience. Mis* Humes and Mis* Hwartz, of this place, both excel in penmanship, if the specimens of crayon writing placed bv them on the blackboard on Friday morning are true evidences of tboir ability. AH the evening lecture* were enjoyable, the reading* and impersonation* ori Friday evening being particularly so—that is, if you could pay twenty-live cents admission with a good grace. Mr. (leorgo Bible, a young gentleman of this county who tin* *|ienl one year at l'rof. Shoemaker'* College of Elocution in Philadelphia, was frequently called u|Kn to display bis elocutionary power*. Hi* effort* were alway* received with applause. He show* much natural übiety and, with sufficient care, will liecomo a good elocu tionist. tfilter addresses on miscellaneous sub ject- were delivered during the progress of the Institute, notably thai on "Compoai tion, by Prof. Kri*e; "Arithmetic,' by Prof. Itilner ; "Advantages of an Educa tional Column in our County Paper*," by Piof. N. G. Morrison ; "Exhibitions vs. Examinations," by l'rof. Wm. A. Ilarp ster; "Moral Training," by Prof. Henry Keller; "trustification* of Scholars on le'Hving the Public School*—what they are and what they should !■," by Prof, it. K. Cambridge; "lteview*,' by Itev. D Ci. Kline; "lie in Earnest, by Miss Kate Thompson, and "Music,' by Prof. C. L. Gram ley. A* the teachers filed from the Court House on Friday noon thoir ballot* for Institute officers were deposited in the I.and* of persons stationed at the entrance to receive thorn. An "honest count re sulted a* follows Vice Presidents, C. C. /.'•ig'.er and Maggie lliair : Secretary, K. K. Cambridge ; Treasurer, C. S. I>anley. NAWK AND ADDKX**<> llOOt DIRE'ToR*. lIEt.t.KKONTE Ji, . II 1. r. fr-ai-Wiii. I M Ik*". !* ! Un;,fTf4sr). lUiul* Je~l II II PHHIUM. J I' liters*, HclAftrlai l. M Halls HEX N FH. I'IUII Bt*. I M* H*f. Vet 1 |Ue|M. |*k. lUelst (Sail. l*lAUi| }ffi|k. j W m )kMhn>9, 4 4*fi. HI HNfll'K Wm (Mirt, M •Uttrg.ft. I Wli.fieM Ut, tiM Mm. J IWM.Irt \ l W \% til ; 1.. M /intt;sf m*ts hw iiiett j J II Bial*, a... COLL E's JC. I W im, Lrn> fit IW m fsftn. 1/ itmiit. J I* sift. j J f* Mu*;. I|(-uiriillr. i W m W'fslft. slo |w 9*om*U+t. d* CI HTIX. ' 'nM * njsf. ||rf. Jw m f.arffi*. Ruhr , 4* j I'Hat An. iL-larrt Ktftfe, 4 | W.C MilN, du. KKEOt'MTN. I> II MM DIMS. IJ. t M.i.h. 11, I'ln* Qrov* i K . li,M( 'I.. W N M. ,k R,-kN|.Ht,*. I Dail<) .Vu. I U. M. St-cmaV an URECU. Ik'ti R (lib 14* Inar-nl nrg. 1.1 n Il*rkwh/| I'-nnlUs) ' ' ttus lse. Hfsflffiir Will*. .* J. Ilstfir.g 4n. .IM4ffi| ftHl)*, 4a I 1H. W'e, At tIAIXM. Aarn lltirrwjl, AtDf*l'tin, j R ll Mem*B. Air nsl g , I. I Kuiti, An. ; Ota R *Utar 4> Tls's* >**■ V, iU. 111 W Ibusf,* sjatfj, lIALI !*M' Rssk. LntetUla. J J W finj. fflMtnffi'ffi#, ■ W I AuS, sin jA. J TROMI|*II, SKI WM WIIM.FI, | JAR* RJ H AHRlffi J II 4efff, |bi)(K?| I JAB 1 an-l, * | Xant BrnlnraM,WnlU, R Anatln Urkl.T. " I llenrj Ik,.r.i - MILESBURQ. ; 1'.J.1 1. M.lrk. Mlleabnrt | lli|>ilri|, Mllanbnrg. Jaa R"4ia. " R R El-a. Mm Ala a, a - | J C. P. Joaea, MILLHEIM. • Sa. DUilNw. Mlllbetn* I Tbe* Ffack. MillKWai WE. Widw, " 1 Annattm line, - S. t>. Mnawr, " | Al. W alter, " rATTOW. Oeorv* l>. flnal, minor* I tlen Bab* Nnffalo Ran Jnhn Mwmer. * I John (IKelm-t - " Hew, Ctark, RafTala Ran |W. I. Karat,. " r INN. J II Ktnnk. MiltbeSai. lIV K. (lentreli, (Mora. Jnreli Dntnetler, " Ella* lli-.rer •• O.W llarl-r. " I J N M't'i. I'-nn tlnll. roTTEE- J. M. milllnad, IX'ttam' M | W. A. Kerr, Centra Hall. Wm HrOnraitrk, " |W R. Mlncte. " E. 11. Araef.Ueatr* 11*11. | A. R Alesnader. " rniLiranußo. Dr.T. B r-Het. Rblttjai'l- I ■>" NlbM, KK,llpab K A DnrS*, " j Alfr-1 .t.aie.. Hem) Stmier. " | K I . Oettder, " RON It. Jagtev listen, PhiMpMi g. IJ. MUD lisle. MiUlpal. j TV*. M-o. " H. Hrtkine. fkoadr RISa J.A.Mali. " • Baft).-) Coyl*, Julian SROW SHOE U P. Horn mail. Bnatr a. I Jean* Una. Sana Bbne. Pnl. Retley, Bate* Sboe. 11. T, Imrna, W.t. Iklt, ' I Jn* Wntnen. " aPt 1 Nil. J. IL Roane. Relief.,r t* IW H. Nidi, Plesaant Has Ja.per N Broalus " I Jsa. R. Miller, llent) IWS, • I Dartd SRenret, " TATLOR. R. E. PrlSfla. PL MsuMn. I lima Eenrbmd, Pooler, dec. Mrr)ma, gaoler. I Vlaton N< -k a uh, * Wot. MIIM, - | UION. Hnrv*v Hoover, PViMng | Jmss* PfadarLk, Plemlng. Ilenty fnulH, " IIr.J.R. MUt, " lino. P tfsll. - I Jsawm HavMnsa, * UNION VILLI. T.J Ts)l..r, Fleming. I Jno Mns. fl amine. In <°ml>ilde, do. J.C.amiih do A. T. leathern, do 1 Dr. Hamuli. 'f~. -full. C. Ihruhan. hats H ' o If 7 . If I llMclereon, H T I T ah . 'i'V M K.lla. lUaojrk, . T. H ftu|,sit, Join, A Msg,, I J K"l.*r" C | K |?"V/ C - ■*" , E*s.J. L. DubUv, ' ill*, '• 1 ' "*n>s'sr, OW. tj|-„i., J..1.U I K "iloutir* J " C. 7.1-ler, llol.sf I J ii *• ■'"f'MUmtsoxk, T. i Ao'Jr'iJ!, j K w —• y w ""•. i MSl'll**'* - hsbsss, Ann* 11*1 n-s, W. T. Ilnlt, If* 1 "* o *.—Arrlisr, Untn V. A Mile < Hiwsr. J K.WmU, Usury W.1,1,.i; D. M-irs. Wu, "Mr. Kdw.r,l *■•., U < TI,II Rycr, W II ' .H. P. Ilmi, *r,. Mils* M slkat, TII Ar< list 1 i C. H Umttlft. i ustuu- hKgis llann*. Ctsrn iul*s, D. H. Wolf K ! ' P Jamlnva, 11. K. BHurr, K. K. Smiih, J. AUreuoWa. 1 llll asm Cain, J IV ll ktiian, J II CnM, < ..rnslius i Meter, W. A tills, J*uc-a Or,nobis. II *l*an-Kale J. Ttouieaeii. lb-lie I'reniulllet, Mar) i B- llliigsr, D. II Est... /. b Tti .wa., W. P. Koii.C if. Klu,. l. 11. i, W it, 1t.,1.-, Msnjuiiiu kJmuicl*. lUir M s.s--1|..,. , km,, \ , Tbuuipaua. C, IV I Leltirlt, J. W Mlllsr, Darin* W *ll,. Il*aau- Halll, Ibm. J, nnl, Uuatsr, W |„ Ketw, J II Jamba, J W Keller ll.Beasi .H W ll, J..ha II Hrolll. | •Wewsaa Thu PMriwr, J. H HomtddaH Jam* I Oar lnsr. J D. 11*11, J I. |>|,trbsr, 11..., rebate k, E .il.,ii I'Dtsllrr. 111 •Tea- u*g(|, Itr'.wn, Kslll- Re hard*. V. K William*. Nil. W llliem. A I HlD* i). Kilt," Han.— Liatavr—Jennie Salmon, Mmy I. i lark Ism* V. Kureetnea, r.anl* fianlt.,r II if. Ilrtal, beir-i, A 11. | Du< *, llrr.ry 7 le.iepaon, bI( U t'lark H 4*ll*—iir N'S*. Wilbur Blckl*. D. O. Klins. J vi £lutm*rm*n. A*r..ii llmk Vina* r. M Urauil,). C. M Orauilrv, U.l. t l.rluuii, Co, Mallury, A I. Wult. Wn. i.rlin. A. b L'Sinau J (V M'.rria, J II n,|,,i.g Vlictaai *'. *lb< kl" M.1.11,|5), Ula Tavb.r, Jl A R,*-r still HUM D t Enrbr. Is,l Rniikls, M. I Jan.!* .. j Barf,* llalll, K Wilmn, Jubn Oi*. C. M Bu.b, dark, Klu.i'l* Cl*rk Fsaa- W I Nr.,111., J A Si-sr., C T. Ntlilub I |.v I, A J L*>k. A f. It nab. I'au IS*I * . Jai.m, sb Kill" llows, Clara H . I.uksua, Mar) Mullliu-r, V. 11. Naietlurd, E A. U,*i , Uft, l*.,rraa~ Kal- II ID *.,. Mr. Carris Wolf, J | j Millsr. Mbiiasl Sblm. J II Uw.A. I lU| k. I A ! r,Oian. W • Kl.sbsr, Tk. Nu,r , I an,,i'-1., KK. i aiui.riS*,, I. J fluff,),C. j C. situ Mr. Nana Nan* Ealli, A M~k, J,obi* M rrlw.n, Uml, | < *II, V|,. Kit. M Kasn tv.l saikr.ltlsr Nraiv. Mrs. J J J,l n, om VI |ML .'I Esll, I J I N II J A EatL J K V„ i.r, I ( Wss4 I K. Williams, J V Hsntaui, ltu(,rt, T M liarubsri J,ha l.ymi, 11,n,) Ib.lbrurk Toua-Asbl. Mtll,r. Jubn lean, Oso. I tu,'*(. ' I ' nurkst.D. (i A llal*kbar|sr, t io Magma em* x.m i ErfkieU A t : il',-.,r. J. V klrla, V lor,bl M,%-o*, ( urn. Karwis I Mtmuu Ka/li. H ill,), (j*,. W K<>rr,)* Mar y M Klu,,. M*ggi- M h-i.*, ff-i f' J. \ wu*.|*, II H Tsiio,>,r. M N. K,,miik J I. rh*,r.A A l-trt.b-r.W II Markls. I A Dr.lrl l, I W'wra- Mr. K H-„i,,1l rum, M i|a. Alii. Murk. Ken.* C. ConrsA, W Ella *s. I.„*h l:ir.r.u.| Noll. Ml. C. W Nrolt. Ed bal,. Irr Mil-s Kirk W A. ToOta*. iimie I Ekk J i Mricear, Chas Era an. Dr Jai MrlkUri Tka. Kl.b.r, ( IV l|,*s. 1,.h |I„U M J Wall, ! i J II Baakia, r-ulm-i, BaySar, Mr* fbiiiu Ki... r ■ ; 11.r.:.*i, Vlin.i., M .. M*,'s'i# K.*r.l-rt. Jt.l.t, IV U 1..,,.v.r t .71,.. I' M,sr, l.i|* ' Klark, Kslsia Twttaulrs, Dr Tb- KukJ lUIII'.MI. j Karl, Mis. A**l. Muiray, Mis. (. , Murray. Ml— j KIU Hails'- k. Mi. I.yd.a Aaron. Mis. KrdtaMrEl | . v Mi. J Ii Klut'.rre, M Tw,iaa H*ll Mis. Nai. M'muKl W A MomIOM, 1A.,. Ml*. M* Hall, j Kr*l,k M < J. Ml- Vj„.) M,, |, ) , I Mam. J V|il-a D I K .IIU". Tl,.* War, K. T. Mr- 1 |l.,r Mr. M KJiMb.ll, II r M.~ Ull) nwi, la- i !a* Ward, Uu, u.n , l ',n*n **** C W a il.rr.f K A Ar.g.ll. Mia* Kl'Cbrs 7ud : |aaSav,E A kut D K Smmii, aae* Hak*\ttaal* i Imil l, .inly. Mi- M si, rtli-lc. lb r J V. Dsts(. I IS- a Naumsl ram, R.a Julia 11. in. I !**.-!'■*• J. II Ronak, II, or) lull V T Dawthan. J. bt. I Sfnyd.J * I'i n !b*,<. 11-r.ry lb. *. ( D lff. I—, , | ] Job* ll.'ffar, Jai'-i ll.'|.T, I ii*h Nlut,r,< i..i.i.. i j CjaaubrlAga, a. K Karat | HniTi AET. Mrr Mary Curlin Brew, I aged almost ninety-five year, and probably J | the oldest resident of this place, died after ; ! a long illness at midnight on Sunday last, j at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. : Hamilton, on Howard street. Mrs. Brew I was a native of Ireland, but removed to ' j thin country with her numerous family j many years ago. .She was an aunt of ex i Governor Curlin, of this place, tine aon and four daughters survive her. Mr. Aus tin Brew, her Km, and two of her datigh- ! ters, Mrs. McClain and Mr*. HamilDm, are among the mo*t reaper table re*idenls iof this piacp. Another daughter, Mrs. j Kel ley, resides in lowa, and still another, 1 Mrs. Thomas Nolan, in Washington, I). C. The late Mrs. Joseph Srhnell, of this i place, was also a daughter. So far as her Kwial surrounding* are concerned it is | rarely that one pa*sw to the grave so loved, honored and esteemed, agd folio ! by the care and attention of so many lives. To her was fulfilled the promise that her davs should "be long upon the ; land.'' 1 CENTRE HAUL ITEMS —tin New Year's night District Deputy Grand Master Dr. Elias Hale, assisted by Past Master Kev. Hewitt, of Bloomsburg Lodge, and Past Master F. P.Green, and other brethren of Bellefonte 1 lodge, installed the following j officers of Old Fort Lodge, No. 537 F. and I A. M. at Centre Hall: W, A. Krite, W. 1 M ; Dr. J. P. Alexander, S. W ; J. T. Lee, J. W.j J.J. Arney, Treasurer ; C. F. lierlacher, Secretary ; John Kishel, S. D.; II F Bitner, J. I). —The Evangelical Association of Centra Hall had a New Year's dinner and supper in the basement of their church. Ibe pro ; reed* to be devoted to furnishing the base meat. This denomination began building a church ait or seven years ago, but being few in numbers only succeeded in finishing the main audience room. It is to be hop ed that they will now be able to finish the building. Among those who partook of tapper we recognised the faces of quite a numbeawif Bellefonte citizens. —Oa New Year's day, Require Shannon, administrator of the estate of the late 8. B. Farner, disposed of the residence of the deceased's family on Church street at pub lic sale. Mr William Lohr purchased the property for $660. —The Commissioners of Centre county have made the following appointment* for the year 1881: Mercantile Appraiser, Dan iel F. Lose, of Centre Mall; Clerk to the Commissioners, Henry Beck; Attorney, C. M. Bower, Esq.; Physician to tha County Prison, Dr. Jamea H. Dobbins ; Janitor for the Court House, Bartrim Gal braith. Mr. Luse is an active, energetic and intelligent cttiaen of Putter township, and will perform the duties of his position with great cam and efficiency. The other gentlemen at pAeent fill the places for which they have been named for 1881- They havn proven themselves competent ' aad faithftil In the past and therefore welt deserve re-appotaUnenU No More Hard Times.— lf you wlli •top spending o mucb on flue clothes, rich food Mid atyle, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and bettor clothing j get more real ■nd tuUutiiial thing* of lift* every way, and eapocially rinptbe foolith habit of em ploying eapennlve, rjuack doctor* or using M much of the vile humbug medicine that doer you only harm, but put your trut in that simple, pure remedy, ilop Bitten; that cure# alwaya at a trifling coat, and you will *e* gK,d time* and have good health.— Chrnniclf. —When you come to Bellefonte call at Lyon X C'o.' and we the largest and flneat ►lock of overcoat* that can be found out ride of Philadelphia We have them at s'3 To and $3 7f>. We have brown beaver overcoat* at 20 and sii 50. You can't beat them anywhere elw at $7 50 and s>" \\ e have the finest blue and black beaver overcoat*. We have a roverrlble overcoat, ride* to wear out, or two coat* in one. a have the best chinchilla overcoat* at y<* ever raw ; they are worth to $lO, We can show you over $l,OOO worth of overcoat*. I.Yox X Co. 0 have the *tock of uiU in black diagonal, blue check ,nd other dark good, heavy winter au.U. We can rbow you the largest and beat In the couptv and guaranty them 20 per cent, cheaper than any other bouse. LION A; Co. —lfi dry goodr, dre* goods, rboe* snd lsdie* millinery, we can rhow you the Isrgerl and beat *tock in the county.* X Co. —Spring woolen* now ready. Ksrlv orders solido-d. Money *av.*d If tf Mostoomekt X Co., Tailor*. Philadelphia Market*. Pnu.ri.ri rat*, January J**t. Titer* * ■ sharp apaard mm-merit la vie*l to day, Put olherml** braarUtafT* ,j u j|. tun k flaw i* 'juli Int a*M|. NinnenoU . 'l'-lm* to lie. - li.-ar. ai-J *1 f t"T •inltl.l I'lvarliuite rxin family el S , -erte,,. ,J„ ** Hj ** fi'itlf I* •'..!> *| f, Je, |. M ,tr| I Gail* Wheat I* bra, at *,, .!<•„., n,je* < f j J'U taufcll*. I rlilling Ijelt. *1 a< ,ej | *r..| ataler. on *l I. 1.. . , s„' x H •doratur. *| 11.1r,', , j:. Mj# „ „ , rJ/ fc|f )'• i.*>lr*rita. Sire* ] •!•-, <>f the brete* Mltei. 1 r &-< j \ |r, lt ,. Mr b. S*iP-f •( M.n. —On th* Sl o( IVeetoi •. , *1 '!>* "weleo • f Mr- Miuh-n. In ! llonara !*- o*h. lijf l.ld-r Kalhan J MiPheit, Mi. Iran* l.ttele, ot BmS f're.k, fllgi'* cwmi, fa, r,.f Vie Ifeten tealh-r* .lau*l.t r 4 Ir* ( LmII. I -f*. I—| ,ef the h*ra*er f4aie, llAli*\-Nt>JLKUiitifc-im 11,. .'.w ef tfcecirnte r, I* *t Ihe teeM-nee of Mr* kwtu J Mlirhell, in Hn**t4 tee iuph I'V Kl4et N*|l..|, J, MlVhel). William ll*(*n. Ke , , f nitli* I.mritr, p, . aol Ml** M*rv SeM'.or.el*. 4aii t t,ie Of Mi Jehu S* I Ilern4e. K He.* ("e-tl, the unii end 1 athnnne A*n Ik her. „( W e*i tv*er In* mliih Nphr in*ti, pa CRmrTIIW aITK- *Kll.r.-A the utp 11. Tel W Hl tunepet, le- . ]hki, try Re* M P Coierhmie. Mr rie T Cr**th**tte. ~j tort llarae. and Mi** Kit* W\ Vefle, ccf Mmlr*. > Y. BATHI KrT-MAUi>K- In*. 21. lwb. at Mile* •*ra. h> B" J J lebr, Mr '/Mmtum )v*t|iur| , f R.,l*i,d. and Miee Ameli* Mehoie, of Milrahnre WIU.IAMH W Ai**4l> _ Al the , f the ! letde* nether. I*r. it',, M*i. Hp lie I I. 1. Ilnrk. ■ Mf Juhn II WllU*n>*. ef Lemont, and Mi** Ann* I W ***>•. .*1 near *itf Cetl, ** I I;RTI.f.Y -Hul,Mr* m l* l, |M*i. .1 the few j dene* nd the hitde * father, bf Rer * * Whir. Mr W P and Ml** MIIM> U Holme*. .4 • Slitany 11*41 RKAKIi K-RKAPR-Ihe I* IWi. tt the reerdete* j nt 11. S Rap. R*|. Saint!*, by Bet W II INre*. Mr. Frank J lte*rhk and Ml** FionaK Krape. Klh 1 "I ftpnor MIII* Centra rxranlr. ' iOBXSON- KTOt-RE— O* Taeedar. the Jrth nt |V retaher. lam. Hp Ker. jneeph Yieehlrt. 1* the paaUn • etady nf the Ptral tlertan thaoh ta Let lUien, Mr Oiarle* Jnhe*tnn. at nt.* i,rd. tb.>• ramatr. ' and Mi** Mary M'dtr, nf Keerh (Ynk, CUohi* 'cMlfttjr KISO-vr ARI> —At the raaddence .4 the hrMe'i par ent*. on December 42, lwei. hy Ret I. O. He* Ret. J i> Iph King, at the Onlrai PennMlrnnin Umlrr enie. and Ml— At*iu Ward, -f l*U*e Ororr, thr* roaal f. SRIRERT-SIIOPIt-At the Lather.* peranmw*. la HelMoate. Pa, by Rer. S. K Pnrat on the events* at lee ember lb, ism, Mr dobn C. (Mint nnd Mm let ettn Bhope. both of Retlefmite. Centre manty. I*n, DEATHS. MARK —On Friday, three*ther, lS0. at hi* r, tdi nee a*er Pea* Hall. Mr. oim*e Marb, aged Ttr team and 4 mnnthe. MAHKI.K -Bntemher tS, Iksn. Mil Hun P. Mrtkl*. •gel t nmnthe nnd A day*, arty Child of Job* T **4 Jennie Marble, at near Itellrfoat*. Can tee Ua . Pa f AE.~trerambev SI, i*t\ Minute Relle. ard month*, only child nt bawyvnee W. and Mary K. Mian ef |*e|teti*ete, pa lIARSHIIARoRR -Al port Matilda. Monday. Dorem he* K, IMB, at InßamaaaUoa ef tb* hea -*, It* * Margaret, daagbter r* Oenrge and Ml* Itarrtrhv *e aged f year*. • smith* and IT dam HOOVER— Is l>M totenahift, as Sanday. Jaanary 2. IML laraef lll*,rer Sr , aged thai TS tear* PI RKI.R—In Walker tnawahip as Monday , Jaanary \ISSI John Dttakla. STRATPOK-D** si IMb Ret— roa, wHe Sf Lot Stfrttoa. nraif Mibtl* aged W janra. It ar nlh* and A darn. H V RSICM-Der TV, USA. Rom lie danghtee nf John and Mlaaheth Barnleh, ad tae* Mm Inn imrteia. * aged I raw, 4 month* and In day*. Mc?MKiiT.--e* St. US', laan Retle. t.Caat , danghter of Jamb and EHtabeth McOhnii. <4 da in* tawnrhJp. aged areas stoats* and alan day* Estate of Jno. D. Leib, Doc'd. IN tbr mßtler of the petition of ISRAEL FRESHE Mr ipWb pat fat mam, at ranfraet gm The rommlsstonrr sfirrointad to take kl tiaway In t>* abwen ram nil) attend ta Mm datta* .*■ Mb Sf.tral St hi* Bel I idee re. an FRBH DEE the 21*1 day <4 Janaar ; A. P. WSI. at b' ilwil A.p , aben and share tE partJee Rsmrmted ran Ml lead If ll,er ana f icpw % HB _ D. DfiMTKET. rraauhm.ue.,l Auditor's Notice. IN tbr nmttrr of the rscr|ition^M tba Aronost rt J AS. C. RDAL and .■irniimfr.kggg tUjfca. I. S.*f the PETER WMT, d-.onmd.-d ' The üßiterMcnad Auditor, RppointfH : ' tbeOrphAi*' Catm *d (Vate* rosnty, I* pare empMcair and smk* dMrttmtMw of the faalaH the hand* at tb# amranuiSta, will attand tn kwH ' at h 4lh*. In SAt! ~