BAULANI) C iVA' H'AIAN, Allegheny Street, BeUefonte, Pa. , B-A-TTLAISriD SO MISIIEPRUSESTATtOS pOURT PROCLAMATION. \J WIIKKKAS. 111,. Hon. < lirlr A Prl dent of tli Courtf Common Pleas of the'JMh Judicial DUtdrl, coo*iiUhii of the countie* of Centre, Clinton and CI-*. Held, Mint the lion. Pamtiel Pran< k am! the Hon. John IHvena, As* chit# Judge# in Centre county, having iaaued their precept, bearing dale „'d day of December, t me directed, fr holding a Court >f Oy.r and Terminer and timers! Jail Delivery and I Quarter fb-#ion* of the Peace in Ib-llef. nte. for the county of Centre, and to commence n the Fourth Monday of January next, being the •Ith day of Janua ry, lvt|, ami to continue two w"k. Nti. eis hereby given to tle Coroner, Justice- f the Peace, Aldermen and Conatahlea of said county of Centre, that they I* then and there Iti their proper perauna, at IftnYhwk in the forenoon of said day, with their record#, inqui sitions. examinations, ann their own remeuibrancea, to do thoae thioga which to their office appertain* t-> he done, and th-we who are hound in tXMgnifanrea to proeecute against the prisoner* that are or shall ►e in the Jail of Centre county, be then and there to prose cute against tlieiu aa shall be Just (liven under my hand. at Bellefonte. the 2l*t day of December, in the >e*ruf our lard I**o. and the hundred and fourth year of the In>tependence of the Vnited Btat s. .VJ-|t JOHN SPANtfLRR, Sheriff Stockholders' Meeting. r pHE annual meeting of the i>tock- A bolder* of th" M-shannon Railroad Company, for the election of officers md the transaction of #uh other buaineaa as may pro|>erly ha presented, will l-e bald at the office of John Irwin, Jr., in the Borough of ]k Ib*llef..nte, Jannxrv l, I**l OS-SI ADAM lln Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Co. r pHE Animal Meeting of the Stock- X bolder* of the Bald Ragle \alley It R. Company will le held at their Office In l>wk 11.. en, ou Monday, the pan day of January, A. I. I**! t 1J o'clock M At this meeting an election will be held for a l'r i-i d*nt and lx Director* of said Company to serve f..r the Mile year. „ KDMCND BLANCH A BP. Secretary. Lock Haven, Dec.9, IVO. It Notice To thr Slothholder* of thr Hold F.nglr Val ln/ II 11. Company: N OTICE is hereby given that at the meeting of stockholder* of the Bald kail" I al ley R. K Co., to le held January l, |M| t m lewk Haven, th* aturkh *lTT I WILLIAMS. drwl The uader signed, Auditor appointed by the Orphan*' Court to aacettvln and report what debts ffic#, in Hellefonle. on BATt'RDAY. January 1 *. A D. I** ItioVbwk.A M, at whkh time and pie*'*- all parties Intereeted are re aueffted t present their claims '• I-4w WM. c. HKIVULA Administrator's Notice. I ETTEKSof administration having Li been granted to the undersigned on the estate of JAKKD tmtCIII.R. deceased, lam of Spring township. Centre county. Pa. all person* indebted to said de reared are requested to make immediate payment, and all peraons having rlalms against said eased mill present them duly autbentb a ted f..r —til. msnt 4lMt JOHN M. PC HEY, Administrator. A C A. LOEIi, General Merchant*, Allegheny Street, llellefnnte, Pa, S. &c Jk.. LOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED I ROCHESTER CLOTHING! i Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better .Linings, superior in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work (generally |teold in Bellefonte. I Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. ' *7 I. &A. LOEB.i BELLErONTE , PJL. iS. &A. LOEB, IHNK < I.CTHIKRS ASP DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. II ALBERT K PA INK. Late Commiashmer of Patent* ! IIENJ. K. HKAITUN ST'IMV H LAUD PATENTS. ; I'AINK, OKAFTON A LAl>l>, l ' AUornn/t at-1, tin and \ihritort "I A iiwn<' in ' | and Farrit/n Patrntn, i 412 Fifth SrßKr.r. W amiisoton, I'. ' Practice pstent !aw In all its branelie* in the Patent , ; Office, and the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the t'liirid Mates Pamphlet send free I* If / l lI.MOKK A CO., \ I LAW AM> COI.LECTUtX llOt IK, |! C2y F STRUT, W V-lIIMITO*. 1 Mk' tl.>n> I. 111. II I •tlrn.l t ■ il — roiift*!, I Hi""' LANU - 1 llll'. ".ililirr, 1 A l hil inal II ni.-.l-l HuMann-l LAND W AIIRANTC r | IIQWkUI R&'l ,n|il i* i' ibso-1. ieeo-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The ••!**-ription price of the Wngtf PvfUtoT hai tesu reduced t f 1 '• per copy per •nmim. To clou ut ITrrt nd npiM, l!i Wnt* PTl"t will he fumtahed at thr rttrw "finarily cheap rate if | 75 rent* per ropy per annum Tii* DAILY PAtumt will Is* sent to any a ldrewa, | during the session* of Coogrew* a#id the at the rat# of to rent* |er month Coder the a< t of Omgrewa the publisher prepay* i the and subsril*r are relieve*! ffm that 4lXpen*e * Every übarripti>>u must le arctAiupUttled by the ! rash. s'hs is the time to suliwrfibe The a|q Market fMrest, llarrisburg. hH. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can be found at bis office and real dene# ..n Nrth SJ'le Of High street three dd. Itujulf. of A J. A T. K ORItST. 1 T-tf t'nhuivllle. Centre rntintv Pa I \U. .lAS. 11. DOBBINS, M. D., I ' ravatci AN AND IVIOIDI •tffire Allegh*nv St.. over Kaigi* r s Drug fiars, HHI M'iME. PA Hrockeuhoff house, HRLI.KVoNTI. PA w. K. TELLER, Proprietor. flood Snmjdr Room on Srfond Floor, ISePr— Il I" *nit ffiim *ll Trmln, Filial ralM |r> witnesses and Juror* ).|y CXIXTTXt^IL. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Normal Srh t District,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., l'A. A. N. HA I H, A. M., Principal. r I 1!! IS SC'H <)(.)!,, as tit present con* j 1 IHIU'mI, ofTi-r* tl# *rr I t tactlit)** f• >r I'rv tin! l Icartiibf. lioiNlur* • !* >"U, and roitl:;Ji na; crtn j b*wlN| IJ n II VrotlUt*-!. nui• wtf, M>f| ftprln; Wftt#f. n healthful r> ! • t of & #. Surr-mn-lifit ufi*nr| a*o) f T'A'U-f 'tlKflfß' l, •r (!•<• UlixlTitf fifty r*nu • w*uk l#dr-tJon lo th •• pr#}rin£ t#> t tr,4< )i Mu ln( fttary and ?<* • *#*- I'rm |Mional, inir f i* Mftwttt. mm 4 Matw i ti• Mrnrct. '•ft ' Tli" 'lruiftiil it It ■ iir < f ih* |*f|wi# ob,* 11 of tut •#-Imm4 *. h*l|. ! MClfi || hf fnrwkftlltww mtl r ligftiit ftitd aftkiml f r h#r rho< l< ! • iI,H •tol tt mUHIS }>mn< IHMM of g --l kMM '• *♦' g It r }•**•*--- th *•- llvi ilMtfft to lltfit tilllft ftO-l ill'if Iftlrnt*, M itnl ir (4ng th'ir frtmUnt ..(•portiitntii lf ,n |4i 1 !•>" tl#r I*a * I fig •*!>•< F- r ftt| iguft *hl i' rm• ad If"** Ik# Pii ;al froinn or tsrvttfta Plnrkh-ddara'Trwat*#*—J II ftrt'-n. M I . A II B"ftt. Jtu ' Itf .• n s M lie kfot l, •n. ft-t i hri.t, A N Haul.. K la. P.. k.T C llij j l. Y* <1 hinting K I' M *rml-'h, K* | . W H l:t ain \\ m II 111 n Mat# Toi1 H i. 11 I qrtiti II >n II |. ftthorh. (tftD J-" M' trill, II- n W illiani lligl#>v, J C C, WUl#;,l*. Millar kl* < #mi k I> , ftrrftM lion HI 1.1.1 \ M RIOI.KM. I*r aidant. PUartlftM. Pa t.-n l|'l MM'llll l, \ pn- l.r •. I k 11, Pa M MiI.LA K H.O)MI< K. M .Man, TIIONAh V A MM,BY. Tmoarvr, " M Hot Hint;: KstabliMliini'iit. BOfTLKD I'oKTKK. ALE an.) ItKLK. r pilE iinilersignc.l ro<>|wtfullv in* i 1 F'*tm* ll.* rlliirn* f *>ntr. 1 mil t>. 1,. >.. I "l"0*l H* Mlini r*lMi.|im.M . n B*h | l>~l. In • 111* nf H*ll.|**fii. .ml wilt I-* .|| tlff.a. |.r*|ml t finniili IHRTKM M i .a.) H.KR it 11.. | M[if, Hi*.. hmn|ft .i„ n... 1., h .I*l., rw.laai.Bt. ... (mat. tl.w, a|,l !■ I *in l . f lb* (utMil ... I l-.l l. tt|„l ••kii a mann.r 11,.1 Ihalr Itf. a. i int. ... )n . w 11 j a. fih a. II liawn frm lb. laak ... larr.l rh i CKLKHKATKI) HOCIIKSTKU STfiCK i a rrrtaiTT Orilfra |#-f| at Ida |*lar< of Knin< *. >r • nt I y |imUl rarl. will rftrajt* pr*tn; t itlrtitinfi Adilrawa. |. |i BPITZEH. I'anlt# fa. f. . VOLItSM/Tir, STEIX ( IIEXTF.It, Atlrt/ltrny Street, Jlrltefontr, Pa. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! A T TIIE PHILADELPIIIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK; AND O IPKICIES. Full Suits, - - $4.50 " - - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - # 7.50 " - - 9.00 A.\l> AMj (OOUN I A PROPORTION. OUR GRAND FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS COMPLETE. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! vFDon't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A STKKNHKIW WILL ItK K AT THIS STUCK. Allegheny Street, Pa. NV if Advcrt .48 pao THE ONLY CURE for (i'ravel % I>r< i /. JlnjhC* Jh* ii ■ . /' I . I ' . ' !Uf b pelthr I r\nr,( 'if.i, l, abHi r*t|iti>c 1 (n At'• rwHyH of your w4'lroa DAY S PAD |§ 'I I i I- .. -t • r •#■*! Ij mail ' i| t Yi. 00. F. POTTS GREEN, ft lIJ I <\T I* * It IfoLKM! r. A<# NT I "II I NT It M >TV TIIOHOIJGH Kl>r.<*ATK>N —ro — Y()l .\(i LADIES. Hollidaysburp Seminary. lfAV|H HO, HI.MH OH JITT, Pf NNk \ *n hftftltl (I I 'all' rt >*"aottfa| #gn linf* ' t• * org iadt* all fh a4*ai ••"* •f hriattai horn#, with iMmtrh mr* f ittru tl a in th< Idfhft? l-rr h# "f #d*'at n T eniut, ®250.00 per Annum, !r> bvliftf t--ft'J ar ! ftli*n'tar> a n># -f I rtry, Irala. and lull n in nil lUi(Hrh taa>'ha* and art rtlrt ANNI'AL TKKM, FORTY WEEKS tot rauJ 'in*. with ftall inf>< k4)i*M W I". lICSSKY, A M . Principal. CANCER REMOVED, \\ I'lUOl T KNIFE, and in nunit " • ti;. -it i.#>* |>n|vi t I P I DIIIK rvnUhtirf 11 .Im* ( *rir* < #nty. I'a ST'f 'll /. Kit .r ro„ firorrri i, lIIIHII HOITAE Btork, lUllefontr, fa. HSnETW O-OOIDS" -KOI! THE WINTER TRADE. 0 We have endeavored to get the very best of every thing in onr line. nnl now have Home really choice good*. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, -AN— D O O -LJ I _kU S of all Sorts and Kinds. ih ® of Centre County to call and inspect our NICE CIOODS, which cannot fail to pleanc. ,*;> ;• SECHLEE /•// ilinnl* a nit U rnccrie*. JI A KI'KK HHOT!IEK.S, H HIMi fTHrrr. Iiri.I.KKiiXTK I'A. | liavi* their oniril<*r nJ nhclrc* lillcl with NEW ROODS, f HANKIH'I'T HATES Purcliwtii t . MAN K 111' PT RATES I RAN KMC PT RATES 1 wiin ii TIIKV orraii AT IK >TTOM l'HI( ES, HOTTOM riIICES, IIOTToM I'll ICES. CiXCIbTIXO or Ilrt (i.i'iU. Millin*ry (iood*. < 'kithine, Fumy CJik>il,, Notion#, Ac. ROOTS an.) SIIOES HOOTS arnl SHOE- at vcrjr low r.rii <•# IJOOTS ami SHOES IIATs an.l CAPS Lat.-.t ty'. of lIAT> mid APS IIATS and CAPB Crjn*t Hairn, l" in hrrilir, ParwmU. Ladio,' Cloak#, CtrpHing, Orwriw, 'C <*nwarc ( A< lYn>|-t,i) iblnj ..a I* I na4 lb , Inl. ' laaw itiWf lIARI'EIt BROTHERS, #rmx< uTßrrr. . . nat.Lrrr.xTr. LA CXL NTH\ PMfi|>( CR takn In irhattf* nt tli# HIGHML WMVH |IRI' 1-L WOODWARD SK.MI.VAHV. Ccardisj Lzi Ti? Schocl fcr Tcusj Ladiei iti Litf.e Ciildrer. SKCoNH AND I.OCCST STREETS HARRISIU'IHi, PA R.tnlai l!l |.,j,0 bKI'TF >1 fir K Jo, utu Coar*' ..f at ,M t—, law, ■ and Xil.tillb,. with Mit.,r and Art k*H •9.1 lollli afi . JIV. fa tMCI Inw and nc I" f •> ular* ftfid all l#-.rall ifeti-irriatn A ' !U-M 21-+ m PIiINCIPM Miu.HEIM HOTEL, Mii.i.tirtti. crxTiia corxTV. rrxx'A. f* Ml SSKI, Pfoptlptof. TH* I'TTN ' f I KWATM IN R#URI' \ aIIT, AUML tft. RUIL#FT ft-nrti C* t urn <• LIS Li. | IRTIFF. NND CR#K MNIII*AD, with MTR> r QI.'LNG* that MIL# It % PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT O'Mftl INWT fialilnc in ih# in.m"fiat< thin it. A rah rN t Ht train At tl Miilh-ru L|. tI a'S,*O nt'diH.!r will L# f -nnd ftrttw lT*# rd t#rmi mndsi j •• Jnti# il. Minrt lfti nt OHM. r pHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE RUSH HOUSE BLOCK, HELLKKONTE, PA., i NOW orrKßiNo GRE A T INI) UCEM EN T S TO TliOfK WISHING riR'T-TLANK Plain or Fancy Printing. V\ •• hare tinuaual farifor printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATAL< Kill KS. PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCTLARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BI'SINKSfs CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VISITS, CARDS ON ENVELOPES AND ALL KINDS OK RRANKS. CO*"' >ri UU •n**'for ||jr INTERN ITIONAL RETIBW, lb. ■( I M Am.t n |>,nation, of the i i*m *til. iKiriii"! naitllniUiiM from 11.. ■ l'tHi - .nritri. F.l.iM Ft J T M'lw.Jr .ml ll.mi Oal. I 1..1f. f.nUnan.n •■I tit. liifl.'.t ,ml .-nilnr., am] alio.. . ...... ... ...fIV.M.t go. rant. ol ilw a)i> OF lb. Hni U... bright. mad.M. .ml laWllKllT. . . ..mot. I. 1.0 in ln.r.inr. 11 In a. ten. .. nnaw-UrUi. in r>llf K >n. and>d.nt in |h.lif I'M. ■. ..!• . humi.r. F '* . Mar. A "onrl.i. Af.l • OnlM arm n trmj t *1