Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 06, 1881, Image 4

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    f-Jtt Centre Urmocrat
The Laru®At,Chenp**t and Bout Paper
li*h**l e*wjr Thualty morning, at Brllfoule,<*•*lr*
county, IV
TKRMS~-C*ahtt>*<iraiir< Si bO
If nut |>*ltl In AilvAUep U OO
Paynnti rami* within thr* months will t con
•iUurcd in ailvatit •*.
A LIVB PAPKK—UeTotcd to tho lnl*rr>t of lb* i
holf* |wtplf.
No Will tMI t||*< ••titiilU*<l until Al r*!
|iAlt, MfS|t At OptlOll of plll'ltttlu'l*
Pa|*r* going <uit of thf count) mini |altl for In
AilVAlirt*. I
Any p-r*on proenrintf us tcmivsh •iiUrlb*r will
t* sfiit a copy fri** of • h.ugt*.
Our xtenuis© circulation luftkn thia •*' nn
usually rlami protllAlih- lIOMIIUIII f<r antcrtlalnt;
We lavi tin* moat Ample frtcilltha fr J Oil Wo|<K
antl arc (irrpard to print all kinds ol Hooka,
Programmi*. Poatara, i'ommnrrlal printing, Ac., in the
ftn-at itvla and At the lowwt puaalblc ral'
All mlvertiaemeutA for a lea* t i three months j
90 cents per line for the first three insertion*, and '
rents a line for r- li addttioiiAl Insertion, hportsl
notice* tine-half more.
Kriitorial notices 15 cents per line.
A liberal discount is made to person* ndvet tiling b\
the .jtiArter. half year, or year, as follows
I ffl S £
!i ill
One inch (or l lines this typo) f fIJ
Two inches 7 lOi I •
Three inches I M I •
tpiarler coin inn (or • inch* • ' •*" "
,olamn oi 1....hea
tn* < damn ( oi .■ la has -• • • j
Foreign advertisements must he paid for before in I
*rtton, except on yearly •••utra u.when half yearly J
payments ill ailvaiice Will le re4ilr*l
POLITIC ai- Noth t, I ■ <*uta |• r litu* each Insertion.
Nothing Inserted f"f less than'm rents
Ht iniiiii Norn M in the editorial columns, Ift csnts
per line, each insertion.
Local Notlci*. in to a) columns, 10 cents |er line. !
For the < K!intK PtxotinT.
Swearing Off.
Before Another number of the CKNTIO
HKMOCKAT can see the light, the annual 1
"swearing oil" season will have come
and gone. We refer, of course, to New-
Year's Bay, the day on which all "mod
erate drinkers" and not a few old topers
make up their minds that lor the future
they shall be independent of John Bar- (
leyeorn and prove by their acts that
they can stop drinking if they so desire, j
The custom of "swearing off" may he
of ancient or modern origin, but c<-r
tain it is that it is now almost univer
sal, and the man who does not make
some such resolution for the New Year
is popularly regarded HH either a tee
totaler or a confirmed inebriate. There
are, of course, exceptions, but they only
prove the rule.
The average "moderate di inker"
thinks and always says he can stop if
he wants to, hut New Year is about the
only time that he ever makes the at
tempt, and it not unfrequenlly happens
that before the slay is over lie goes out
after his "night cap," convinced that
his resolution is a very foolish one, and
that his promise to himself is belter
broken than kept. In nine cases out
of ten, he dries not realize that lie has
been conquered, but fondly believes
that he is still master of himself, and
merely yields to a desire for stimulant
as he would yield to a desire for food.
But he is much mistaken. Kven the
most moderate drinkers who have tried ,
"swearing off" all agree that, as a gene
ml thing, the task is one of almost
herculean proportions, and when they
succeed for a day the chances are that
they will remain awake nil night, and
get up in the morning in no condition
either to continue the battle or to en
gage in work or pleasure of any kind.
With those who can hardly be classed
with "moderate drinkers." for the rea
son that they are not drinkers at all in
the popular sense, but meiely young
inen who occasionally gulp down some
alcoholic concoction because they are
too cowardly to admit that thev do,not
like it, the case is different. To them
"swearing off" is not only a boon, but a
good excuse, which at once relieves
them from the necessity of accepting
an invitation, and gives them the ap
pearance of a Bowery hoy's manliness
to which they seem to aspire. They
took their first drink as they smoked
their first cigar, in the vain hope that
observers would credit them with more
years and experience than they could
actually claim, while the fact is, that
these callow youths were l.iughod at
from the firt, und victimized at every
For all such, New Year's day is mot
welcome, for it gives them a chance to
be themselves without descending be
low their false idea of manhood. When
asked to drink, they proudly reply,
"I've sworn off,'' and innocently fancy
that they have made what they regard
as a "point" by this declaration.
The men, who before led them on,
estimated them at their true value,
and, naturally expecting a "swearing
off," laughed in their sleeve at the im
portance which their victims endeavor
to attanh to it. Home moderate drink
era do actually "swear off ' for good on
New Year's day, but in nearly every
case they have the aid of a physician,
and without some such intelligent as
sistance it is almost impossible for the
average "moderate drinker" to do more
than "swear of!" and then trmt his res
As for tbc old toper nothing can save
him. He may, by sheer force of will,
keep sober for a time, but experience
has proved that complete reformation
In men, who have been drunkards for
years, is next to impossible. They be-
I gun by drinking because they
ashamed to say "no." They continued
I for the same reason until they became
"moderate drinkers," as they fondly
[called themselves. From masters they
have gradually become slaves, and now
there is little or nothing to hope.
It is populitoly supposed that the
| man who sell* liquor is hand and glove
with the drunkard, but this is a great
mistake. The liquor dealer .halo*
drunkards as newspaper men hate bores
and as society hates shoddy. From a
, purely practical standpoint ho has
. nothing to guin from the drunkard, for
I though this unpleasant and undesirable
! patron may once in a while add to his
| profit when some one treats the crowd
' or a friend asks him up to drink, he, as
a rule, drives away more custom than
! IH< brings, while hi* presence and his
conversation i* distasteful to the man
j who may sell liquor, but while selling it
never drinks anything stronger than
water, cotlee or lemonade.
In conclusion, 1 would *ny to all.
young and old, "swear off," und if you
can keep your vow without assistance,
do it ; but if your courage fail#, do not
deceive yoursell by tnle excuses, but
go to some pliviciali, and state your
j case to h'lil. II he, aided by your own
j will, cannot help you, set yoursell down
I as a drunkard, lor every day will but
■ add to your weakness. Very few who
! now drink at all wiil long adhere to
i their resolutions, but the "swearing off'
I experiment i, nevertheless, worth try
! ing, for though they may be teetotalers
only a few months, they will in the
■ meantime, gain sufficient health and
! strength to enable them to call a halt
on their appetite in precisely the same
way, wheu another year rolls around.
If in lb* New York OtwerTrt
m art t r. r r
.1 A N l ART 'J.
Tho Song of Mary.
I.l*l B 1
Quia T VT - M* Ml 4 ' . t> '
an-l mjr a(ink bath i-j - -l in • 1 tn> fiat, ur
Luis** 1 *. 47.
Central Truth : —The I.ord remembers
his covenant.
The last lesson brought before us the
circumstances attending the promise to
/.acharias and Elizabeth, that they
should have a son, nnd the great thing*
which were predicted of hiin. Six
months elapsed, and an angelic m<--en
ger was sent to tialilee to the city of
Nazareth, where dwelt a young Jewish
maiden called Mary, betrothed to a
man named Joseph, a respectable He
brew mechanic, who lived in that city.
Phi* humble Jewish girl, about whose
family, pedigree, personal appearance
and general history -o little i* told us,
was to be the most illustrious of all
human beings. Her name was to be
pioclaimed in all ages and in every land
a.# the earthly mother ot toe Saviour of
the world. And lor nearly " •**) years
she has been the rd --ct of reverence,
admiration and affection tin- world over.
Her history and character have been
celebrated ill the finest strains of |MM'try
and eloquence, art ha* dedicated to her
it* noblest efforts, superstition ha offer
ed to her its profound**! worship,
miraculous jmwet* have been claimed
lor her in every age. Holy Writ has
•tvled her " Blessed among women,"
and no name but that of ,o<l himeif
lias been so illustrious in the eirtiias
the name of Mary of Nazareth, the
virgin mother of our f/ird.
Yet very little i* loid us of her histo
ry, nor a word of her appearance,
scarcely more of h>-r character. A vast
i edifice of superstition, a vat pile of
legendary lore and vain tradition, ha*
been retred in Iter memory. Hhe ha*
been represented a* of matchless, super
angelic beauty, divine loveliness o(
I character, and of power and influence
i almos' infinite. Just alo-re to place
her. and how to estimate her just {Men
tion and the nature of her claims on
the regard# of men, ,s perhaps not al
together an easy task. We can but re
gard her as a pure and lovely maul
en of the royal blood of Israel, selected
by trod to be the human mother ol our
I.ord, and though ol the fallen rare of
Adam, one raised to no superior exalta
tion of sanctity of nature above her
earthly fellows, furnish) d by divine
grace and influences of the Holy Spirit
for the (.art which she was to act In
Hod's great plan tor the redemption of
the world by Ins own dear Hon. More
than this we are not warranted in
claiming for her; )es than this would
not give her her true place in sacred
The communication made hy the an
gel to the virgin was doubtless most un
expected and extraordinary, and we are
not surprised that it was received with
•nnro agitation nnd with some doubt as
to its real and complete significance. ,
But she was a maiden of aimpln faith in
Israel's Hod, well trained in the history
of (Jod'a covenant with her jMtople and
of the promises of the Messiah's advent
and work, and so on the repetition by
the angel of this statement, with some
further particulars, she said, with a
sweet ond simple faith, "Behold the
j handmaid of the Lord ; be it unto tne
according to thv word."
Afterwards Mary went into the hill
country of Judca, on a visit to the
house of /.acharias, and had the in
terview with Elizabeth which was the
occasion of her famous song. Eliza
tieth's reception of her young kinswo
i man was very striking. She calla her
"Blessed among women," and the
"Mother of my 1.0 rd." This salutation
seems to have evoked in the virgin the
spirit of sacred poetry, and she breaks
forth Into the beautiful hymn called
"The Magnificat," which U the subject
of our iessson.
This song of Mary ia called the
"Magnificat" from the word with which
it cotninencca in the Latin version. It
it a glorious ode, not unlike the song of
Hannah (I Ham. I • I-10), full of intense
, religious fervor, anil showing the exalt
, ed type of Mary's piety. It is pervaded
by the spirit of lofty and grateful
1 praise; shows an impassioned and ex
r alted appreciation of the perfections of
- Hod, anu especially of his dealinga with
herself, end is full of utterance* of fnitli
in the coming and glorious work of the
promised Messiah and the great lie
■leniption. It lihh liceti called the
"swan sonu" of the Holy Virgin, for
as it is the first, so, as far ns we have
any record, it is the last poetic utter
mice of her pure and noble soul.
fit At Til At. fSCIIHKHTION*.
1. Special tokens oT tiod's favor de
mand grateful praises,
The communication made hy the nn
gel to .Mary would have been consider
ed hy any .Jewish maiden the highest
mark of the divine favor. To he the
mother of the Messiah was the noblest
distinction coveted by the daughters of
Israel. And now that this announce
merit was so -uddenly made to Mary,
she was overwhelmed with wonder, love
and gratitude. At first, bewildered by
the angel's words, she knows not what
to say, hut her pious faith rallies to re
ceive what she cannot comprehend, and
she feels that she lias nothing to do htil
pour out her soul in praise. And soitlu
lifts up her sweet voice in this noble
hymn, and the after ages have prolong
ed tin* strain,
Wc chii never deserve tiod's special
favor, we never can appreciate it, we
never can make any adequate return
for it. hut we can always praise and
magnify him for it.
" It is natural and \ roper for ''hri
tinn friends to speak to each other
about the great goodness of (Sod.
When l'tvi-1 received special tokens
of tiod's lavor, he called his friends to
sympathise with him in his mercies.
"Come hither, all ye that h-at find, and
I will tell y<iu what he hath done for
■ 11v -oul " So Mary naturally wished
her pious kinswoman F.lizubeth to know
what tied hail done for her. And the
elder woman mingled her rejoicings
with hers in a most elotiuerit and beau
tiful outburst of exalted feeling. And
these two holy women had a very grand
time together up mi the "hill country,"
singing in their sweet music the won
derful doings of tiod to tlu-m.
I'ew lives are so barren that they do
not furni'h occasions of mutual and
grateful conference with Christian
friends. "They that feared the Ford
• pake often one to another." If we
s|mke to each other more of tiod's won
derful merries to us, we should have
more to speak of.
Mary needed and rejoiced in "tiod
her Saviour."
Honored a* the virgin was, she. like
all ol us, was a sinner of a sinful race.
Beautiful R w ■ her character and love
lv as were her tr-iits. bv the grace of
(io-l she was what she was' And she
felt and acknowledged thi. It is plainly
ex pressed in her itlit
"Mv - di! -th magnify the Fori),
An I mv s| srit hath r> --ic. I in Hod, my
'•lt would Fe difficult to find a more
complete answer to the liomisli doc
trine respecting Iter, and especially the
doctrine ot the Immaculate ' (inception,
than her language in this hymn."
-F In our real against the superstition
and idolatry ot the Komish Church, we
ought tin! to forget that Marv has re
reived from the llolv "spirit himself the
high title of "1'.1.! -in ishvi smtv."
Certainly no created being ever bad
such honor as had this young Hebrew
maiden, t'erlainly 110 one ever sustain
c-l uch an intimate rels'ion to our
Ford, or had more to do with shaping
or guiding his earthly character. Cer
t only no one of his cwrthly friends un
ih-rtnod him l etter, or attained to a
finer likein-ss and assimilation of him
But we st,|| believe that a d.iv is com
ing when, nevt to Christ bime|f, the
glontied saint *nom all the redeemed'
will tie most glad to s-e in the Father *
House, will be his virgin mother, "the
woman by whom, under (Sod's i|uicken
ing shadow, Christ, the Kternsl Son of
(Sod, obtained his life connection with
the race and his birth into practical
brotherhood with it." And lie who
bent from his bloody cross t<> commend
her in her lone hour of agony to the
beloved disciple, owning Iter never in
any sense as the mother of <iod. h*
yet a mo'her sense in bint that will le
an everlasting sentiment which, apart
from all idolatrous honors paid to her
by men, will clothe her with such hon
ors really divine •* fitly crown the part
she bore in his wonderful slorv.
Built) of Wrong.
Siime people have a fa*hion of eon
fusing excellent remedies with the large
mass of "patent medicines," and in
this they are guiltv of a wrong. There
are some advertised remedies fullv
worth all that is asked for them, and
one at least we know of—Hop Bitters.
The writer has had occasion to use the
Bitters in just such a climate as we have
most of the vear in Bay Citv, and has
always found them to be first class and
reliable, doing all that is claimed for
them.— Tribune.
Xrw A tirertiM-mmt*.
(A lledli lnr, not * Uriah.)
On (tv aims
Horn, Btrnr, .via* oka Kit,
As urns tvaaor **r> tle*T Mrr-n-si.gr ali.
hum au ornaa Bin as*.
TiiKY cuin:
ATI Ih^fMrnn*rh. IVitr!*. Plnod,
- r-
V WUMti'M. Mrrri|rarofin<l tally
rcMM Complaint*.
Wl!l l- psld fir s raw- thee ||| n„i rum
li<-lp, or lor anything Impure or Injurious
Ask ynur rfrurir'et f-o lint* Wtlers and try
tknn Infold iim Strep. Tnhn ho aih.r.
I) I f Is tl Sleeilnlr and tra- stat this rum rnr
llrunkeiiiu-sa, use ef i.pniin. bilwiu and
■ BarrrM-is.
! IwWMaW Retro ma dart- la a. MMBBH
AII slot* —M W hors-.
< W "t SHSsw Mis. IV, Wcr-M-...., W. 1 . A TWSH..OSL
IN the matter of the csfnle of J< )HN
ADAM MHQfeK tola of Mitlbalm U tough. 4*>'4
ilk Iba OnrtMn*' (Vwrl of Mi* r*wfetjetba
nnat •* the tMvt f fetid Jmtn Adam Morrt, tWao*
-l .Holly Mmiro, vtMofe. for A fed wt, llovam
lor KB, A. I) \***K a|i|trwi*aivi*lt< rood ofed fdllronl
*ikt. ond puMkatb-n or.lfrnl, ami unlaw* atr*fittd*a#
•r* Ato J pflnf to navl term wilt be confirm ml a tow 4 a ta-
If By th Opart.
14* w r m Rnirißisß c o o.
HY virtue of sundry writs of Fieri
Farlaa, Levari Fa* i** nml \ amlitkmi Y.x] son**,
oyt •*! Ili (uiirl f Comfit*,n Fl'-aa of (Voir*
county, and to inr dire* tml, thwr* will lie exat
|iilill halo at tlo-Court lion*-, In BelUfuiik, on
Saturday, January 22, A D- 1801,
at I . u 01 |<m k. F M . the following lee ribbd utl re
( Ufe "f the dtsfi'iiduliU, to Hit :
No. I.
All Hint certain lot or piece of ground
■llua!<• In the vlllagr of Hiioh 81m*, Btmw Mb .<• town
-1 *Mi, ('antra county, I'M toiumbwl nu<! *!*•< rllsail a
; follow* Hounded mi th* north ly lot of llcri#rl Uil
llama. <i th#- outh hy Fourth u* plot of
Hriofe Mlian f'itJP, Oil the awt bv NerUrllti •tree(.and
on the neat hy an alley containing two lota There*
on •-(<-< toil 11 (wo Mtory frame hnMee and ofliar out
> btilblhig* Fcl/eil, taken in *•%• iithm ami to tip aold
• i aw Ilia property of JattH liotm*
| No. 2.
1 li following ilcscribed real estate of
the defendant!*, |t ml: All tlioae i|,if lota or M*tfral
ptarea <i| ground lluale in the hHii of ]l|o*hpnrion,
Mi '* Mi'it tun ualilp. (Vnlf * outily. |'a., and extend*
ili;/ alolig the • vat aide of I hrfltttUt alrf| |W| |es| in
Miss. , 11. % i-.p |i |(i| • • ,|i to 11| | ||g !l ffW-t ffiflt, SOd
I I'-<iiii<h-d on the raat ly Hfw Mine- alh valid tinil>er*-f
| I, ~ t, Iti the gMi*tal plat! of iid town. Thereon
vractnd a fran- hutne an<l nflier #nt build-
Inge Ml/A-I, taken to r\(N ill toll afll t' le* wld • til*
pri>|H fty of jgfln 111 llMikln. admliilrtr it r of Rl
, I 1., !lw . AVS d.
No. 3.
Ail ttii cortnln I<t or piece of ground
aitualw In Kiodi t"*nhl|, Olilr'- •••unfy. I' . Ihsund
S-.| I'll ths* east I y Moolialinoli (I'sk-oU Ihs* uti ty
I'lilllt •hurg and < h i'fts hl turupik'-. and oti the aoiith
hy \\ In-, lint' "ti tain ing on f •iilh a- i-, more or lom
. No htlildiuga.
Al"t>, nil tlint coTtniri J.t #r pime uf
gfou 1 • ituat. tn lludi t 1% riahip. ''. ftf • "ijnty, Fa ,
un 110 north and tturlltvial I* M liatiii''ii
crs-s-U, on th<* e*al and e-.uthi at l>t an uiirl, and * u
the eonlh I y the tumplk.- road leading from |'hili|M
hurg t Curw navllle -oftilalning one and one fourth
. r. - tii'-re • r !.-•• No I'Uildlng*. e. i/sMj. takt*n lu
i t utisirt and t*. 1.. •! 1 th* of Mi I'at
k I lit - 1 Fat • lima h*f htmlamd fhtmeyly
Mrs I'atri. k lr uahu< M'lintoi.tratrU of Fat Ikonahu*.
• tnl \\ Hrialuu, guardian ad llhau for I'et. f
i' nik .•. .< i nihm si. 1 111 n
No. -I.
All that certain tncusge, tenement and
| . ' f |*| |* 1' .1 ■ (ft F' '!•r!■ w Us 1.1)
ty. Fa I- 'Ud.-latil .!-• fth. I a* foil-.** IVginolng
at at"!!. * along Ut. U ft. • ?g- lluhh t fedd to J'diti
lloWs-raalt. as.lith 'li "Ml -4 • 1 | '-|< !••• t' •t'-tV*
ti.ii • alcngland of J..h* N'rff and Ilota-rt g Wtteiti
ir.ftti ' , .*.l per-!•*• t" th n• along
Smf 1 if Uh paid Gfinrg flttldvc ti U| *t i
l*rr-he to a uuill (baliiiti tbsigv along Nittany
10 ntain V th a.-at O" |sefrha to the pla' e i.f
t -e (tilling, "sntalnlng ' *■ r and *s| | r !• oval
01-*ure Theres.n t I!" I**l at log ht use,
Isauk larn and other mt hnlldlng* Niml lakc-n |u
eteroti' U and to he wild • the prr|arty ..f llrnry
N. r,
All the right, title atid interest of de
fritdenl in and |.- all that ' -f tain trnt • r |>lm' flan!
• tlu at*, in a Mi -r t * 1 ship. • eulfte con Is, I'a . a/f-
Hiing land of A * Mini n. John ti loh and
land* f th< I*no* Mi<e Igand Aaa< *ti •, • otaining
1 . r. ni r* r lot Af*>ut 1J ou- r|ear#wj and
under fen e without any ./tli.-r Impiotementa thereon
Hajrt'l taget) In c|v uti'iu Msd Is! I* Hud a* the pr p
erty f Harry < ilaen.an
No. fi.
All that c-ruiri lot or piece of ground
oitnafe in Ppr.ng (ownohip. Cetotf** county. Fa .
U.undevl nd nl-esl m* hdh •• fh gi* nltig at a
|w-t oeneruf 1r.'1..| Wm T'dand and KTm Idly
ttieipra I v land f utter t. .fill '4 .at W . 1-1 |w|.
r hea I a !•! thence f rtli # t •t -T |srrch a
| at lli". vI ialMl*-'f 111 (has alatc- * tllli • cat
I j-c r h. •t- |e-*t tw r-wd. theme t-y sai l road w.-olb
11 t At } ' j^v( heat a J . theiir • t y (ami ■ f \* rn
I* • mall (fth • l et Ii | low t - js-at , thence hy
aao.e land and lao>l* fJw lUri. lt uth • eaef If
per-he# t-- lliefttc t and of in T<dand'd
.*♦l l perrhew bi pel , the,. * • itl *' *at IT i*<
•t • tl.e p'.A {I • {ihtiib; I - titaillir . ;1 a fv-e
an I 11 per- Isra nat Oi'Atur*
Also, sll that certain let of ground sit
wate in the I,r \ „*4 of |U • *f ntr i cutre iinty, I'a .
U.uudfef and dees ft I** I a- l-lkivs fh at the
■rthacat . rr it <d (' T. Alexander* ht -so High
• treat . Ihett e along the WIN* •tfeet li'. fe| t • a fit
f • t alh * , thewre along the ncsfih •• le ..f the mj<] at
Uy 11 4 fe*t to th* 1 aailbvcvt ' riser of i T iletafedef j
Ft tbefe.e a'l ng the .<*| aide • f ai-l 1 t |H lc| to
the place of tscgmniog ther.s-n ers-ls-i a tHat -ry i
Itmtii' m>u*r at..| -suthaildlnge.
Also, all that certain lot or piece of
g*i.>,n-l etlaate fn the t-.r ti;k ■ I Fe|Jf rite, IVnfre
. illy Fa . IxMNkifef ltd dfePi ffhvd a f .i •• Begin- '
r trig i a |unt la •treat, ec.rnev of |ot of \\ m
I'ltt . tle elt aatd •tresrf, ti-sfth ||{ wrwt |<r feet ,
tl.s r, e SL'tith T ' rut, I'SI h'f In in all*' tketi ehy !
• --1-1 pih-y a-tiib llf s *at, l • fwef t* ald l.t f VI m
feltt th*n-'• I V the line I f aarne IVi fret t"th fdace
I te giniiir g. Hef <n efwtewl a frame l e|hr>g huwae,
Abo, all that certain iiiei.usge, tene.
met I and J lev a of laud attnate in the I*4 ugh of
lU|l f ut. i . Tit. * • anty. Fa . tarwtided and daws nlsrd
a Ml"*! lUglnnii.g at c-tfeof ~i trirk t-atlding.
...t>er * ttfefelaf- and High atreeta . Iltetue t.y Hwalap
• Uert f f'-s t tc |*Mt. r f nf flatird hi. thef,'.
A 'hrf lt< I f in A Itayar-i 1* fe| t . f
i tof !• < lad* thenna h t g lot of l> t. Hu>f •;|
fs-et t- lligh tieet th run mi -rtg High Mfiet, I" ;
fori t the | lrc fl* ginning Itictea rre-lal a
' large I ftrk t-uilding
Abo, ail that certain lot or piece of
nd s fsiata m the t.tgh *' Relief .fete. FetftV
. itinty, l* un se| and sjeww rlle-l a hdkrwa, to Hit
*rn the north hy High otrvat n the .%ai ty hl *4 F
tirai Mak. <• t|a s nth hy an alley, at' I ot# the wewt
it I 1 tnaa air ' i n It.gl. •trewt I e U+\ and
m t at-ry framed -le I, Ite* . 1, emgU
| .nee a* s 'tlage 1> uaw and other • atlsMildtng*
fur-l taken *. e* >li and t- l*e *sv|t •• the pr -fv
efty of Imac llauj t.
All that certain m"suage or tract of
land •itUAte In Worth ' (ttlie ' nty.Fa
"(tuning at a p*t -r Tin- ■ f Rrubafe Reeoe • tsank
r.f ire. It . the*.'. -i;t>i -'| a*l o l' |ef i hew to a
pt ltn e|i rth • j * oaf. . 's.|<l prrvhe* h- m |awt
II .on e a- -ut h 4". *at. * 1 rLto prr< h*-* ahmg fmhih
fssa-1 to pel tkni e D'lflt • J eaaf, JW A-l" |er< h> •to ,
fs-at I F• . a ntk 411 fed. 1" |e?T h'O t- |wt .
iki e n-rth 4'i .•, • ' 1- |euh* to ydn ak ,
th- eoatb k |f. p. •. he* to •t- bw. Ilrrnr" j
a <i||h 7'' ••<, A J*' t- I4t then-e fervuth 7
.i l•I : - • ;- at \ • 1 ■ • ,'U . ' ■ *> t •: 1
f-o** hop h fwwt at jil Ik .wl tl.. tce anilb I* •!.
1.4 <pi perrbe* to |-ai ar.ttU l"| fed. 2 prtrhfe to
|.t; Ihsike anitli 4- • eat, 74 |eulM to Hern lor k
etqfep , ttevrv feoflh 44° fet. kk p*ft hc-a |o frwk . k ,
then- e rKitli IV ' t 17 |er- l*e* to i* sat <m lank nf
creak, the |,j eot t**fiHtiing- -containing —— arra
lliMi-m r rev ted a f-ef.ry frame h'Oiaa and critter
• lutd-uitding*. Wrsl, taken in etorutntfi and to l#
•old a the .f John lie-*.
No. M,
Ail t!ml ffftAin lot or pinoo of ground
attnate in Bolter tnwfeeldp. tVntr* vmfety. Ft . I4
ol .- the north hv land f Mr* Bfautgler. on the ea*
1-1 land* of Fry and other* <hi the aoalh hy land* of
Mr* |t|aii{lrr. on the wevt I t UmU - f Mr* Frame-,
j containing A acre* m*r* f leaa Thereon ersvied a
! tw.-ei ry kw dwelling h'.aae atahle and .dber otii
t'lirldlng* HeTfof. taken in . tHti<n and Inle mM
a* the |*n>|serly f J.fetah Taylor
Nn. 1.
AH that cerlaln lot <r piece of ground
Sl(nn( in (In Inrosish ef IWll.lmils, Cmtrt ri.iii.lj.
|- IW-damni si • |t •■ (H a-rdi •*!( sltsr,
lf.i (,( nil of cot it.-, of (sod of Ktisalolh Cm rf,
-Is- 4 . ik-nr. sosl slofif ssi-l (kites .-SI foci lo Iss4* .if
•laiha P. Ilsrtls; Iticorc ictlh si,-tic Iso-t if ItsrHs
IM leM n alley ; (l.ctirc -sort Sl.-et ssct alley rm
feci to M of llush Tsylor. Ilwocc •..nth slo( tot of
Ml-I 11 ioli Tsyl-s t si fee. lo Ihe flsee of hefHaalng—
onlslMns ooe-f.mrlh sere, mote ot Itws There.-n
,re lei • lo.Mrttn-y frsme house snd other okMhUM
locs Moil. Isk.h In eset tilloa sn-l lo In snM St (ht
| |it->|ierly of J.mw lltsley
No. 10.
All that certain lot or piece of ground
•■lusls In Milet 100 nthlp,Centre ...only, Ps . Iwti4eo
■ml ileorrltort • h-1100. . ( Ihe reulh li> vnroat
I troel.on theoeof hs lsi-4. of J J"*•<■*. on Ihe eosf t*jr
Un4s of W a,hreo.|er so 4 ••.. i.,.. t-.uih l.y Inn4s of
Kamn-I lllhws. conlslnine iIT e.ree more nt lee*
I Theteon eterfert a tstoefot- Heme hoOte. tfel-ls smt
| other onl htilMlats Pefsert. Ishen la esoeanon sad
fo lo colli as the |rt—|ietl> of I'httsfMa a. Iwle.
No. II
All lha right, title and interest of He.
I frnrtsaf* la awl all thai Certain Irwl of laait sltaate
ijin w sthr liiaasHfi. Centre r-ooaty. Pa IWydaalac at
] ■ \-M In t,*d , Ihence norih .W e.rl t\ pee bee t a
' fortl; I hence aorta **" oeel Ink perrl.ee fo elonee -
I ftrem e eloal lead of TUshoteoe. eoalb ftT-' ooW
| iier. lies lo a p.ml l.y pine; theme eoalh S* mtH 47
|e-i. hos lo ■ pes l.y r,e>4 : Iheme ehmi, eeht roodenolh
11 oeet p perches tn ■ |est; theme couth JP eael
771 perch w tospml. I heme aorlh *° eeel V 4 pet
rhoe fo a feel; thence north T" wow. VM perrhee to
the place of liegianlaff —eoolelnlttfi tow scree and W
perches Therona er-ted a lov-slory frems house
Lanh liera sad other aol-Watldlns
Also, two otbar lots situate In Walker
township. Coatee rooefv. Pa Oae Ihroe-d hoanM
nn Ihe oeet by lends of tlenry MrKweae, sod oa Ihe
ojwrt. north sad eoalh l.y laieds of Jeeee Soerls; sad
the other Kistmked on the Xoath by teed of 11. Brtiwa,
oa Ihe ea-l hy Jeeee Soerls, oa Ihe north ad oeel ay
lands rt Jeeee Snarls-Incetber erailalalai as aeraa
noire OS lews No lmildlmrs. del sad. taken la ese
ruilon and lo ha add as thr piopwty of linorga dwartt
I sad Christina Soerls
No. 12.
All lb* right, titlp and interest of dn
mini la m*a... ire. I of land silneta
la Welker t.ionrlilp, I'enlfc courity, Pe.: li'-jflf.Fiins
at aimslln rnadi liien.e iirll.Xi eaal. It perches ho
a I"*I ; lll,me north o.et, |l>\ J- rr|ii-s l.j el'.rir -
thence along lend of Tll K l.i,.sn's couth !il sol, 'if
pei• lies p, e piol l.y pine . fhenre eoulli Ki . esl.M"
|iercli.s n, . ( , M ,| ~„n K Ml ,, ~,„|
*"S'- > perch's toe |.el. Ill* lee cull, .V
-"**' ''' ••"■"'-** u - " l">ei; ilieiic. north W
• eel .1 |wn . , M-1 ,hence moll, Xl- oeel, VI
per. he, to the p|ea ~f heainiilnrf cihtainlnc l'*i
rnme end N, |rrhe. Tl.ereon erected ■ leu-slot,
frame houe*. look lien, slid oilier out hulldlnifs
Also, two oilier lots aituata in Walker
- loan.l.lp. Centre coonly. |'e o„. thereof le.undwl
| on the *• -I hy lend' . f Henry M ICoen., end . n ih- 1
eeel. hoi Hi end South l.y lend r.| J,...- poe,lr an-1 i
file olbet le.ili,.led on the eoulh hy lend of If llroau
on the mt by J.e. on the north and
erst by lend, of .hew p.,,1, , fl|f ,
a rfe, mora ~t !<••* N, luiiLlinga N^iiak# nin '
L*' , | ,n "" '* '' l' ru F r< > f ll' Hfy 1
No. 13.
All that corUln lot or piwn of grourx! I
•ituMtm in Foliar iowiihi|.. (Vtilra rouuty, Fa Usui,'!-
-'l fttlll ifferrllial (• f,HaglUlling Ml M wf'stlP ||
Ilia pnhllr rja<l fill lit.* Iff laid'!* lata uf |! ( llriahin ,
i tliaff a U'litu To coat, i |M n 1.. . f.r afori'-t tU-w - h /tib
| I c.|. .W^ ( il lM Ilirur* MHJtb 7* MMt.
ptwrhm Un* mirth 0 im. 11l pnkw
i Id! aliiftt a ; ||d*f|f'a fi'iith • pml "i '. J'! |te-r< lt< Is.
•U*fi* lliaucr ariulli - .-at W, 410 |-o l,a. to J
• t'iDaa . tlififr i M>utb O v H-p. Uj |. r - !.♦ • I>* • .
: tbii< a offUtb 34J .'A pprrliM I mtouf t r- i
, a.tith *J4 -a*t, 1 '*s -IO Jri-n bffe 1< *lo . fhar.'* '
| iiorlb 7/ .t T jsd'f i lieg t, m m \ ,,-mui tbamm
•-"itii .'.'i i*t, :: i-fiip* RiMait tlmw Will ,
*aal. 710 m oll.* lu a ibfertuot uwk that,, a
j feJUtli 4'J' t rj fed, 17 HO p*f'!fe lu a iaa|-ia tIH-m-a .
| ai/uth J4 pan tiaa lu a'baaiuut wwi i*. j
par ho* le. m *l"ii thaD'a adilli 7. w.--i :m vlO
! I- f- !.a# Is. a alifjc . Illma D"tll • t. Id) Utl'l of
I', r Hrid-ili, •l!'**!<| < f, |u parrliaa t. th* pla* a
j of t**-£t mi!tig—tf'OUilditig |7 a> fi • ati'l 114 !*♦*!• ]ic- t 1
ati.l alltsw-i,-a. IbaroMii arradf*-; M tm,,-rWy fraiu"
linn** . I.afi" • 4f! ittt'l "!h r • "ili-uil liii;-*
Al*o. nil tlint ciruin lot or fiior*? of
gi.duifdl *ilitala it! Foliar I!W rivhlp, Oulr# fuiiuly Fa J
; IW giutillig at a '• lli* li -fl!iWd.| . ~f f ,f. ~f || ( .
alm.ta 4wrril*ad tra/l. tl*-f*fa nortb 'll nmi, 'IH 7 10
p-r<!if* aluriMa, lh*M n<*flb s.'. t #-* at > 4|o
par* baa lo a *Um<*, tin-tnf I Mtxl of feamaal
Ur, Awpmo-I, aiUlb 'il, p*a*t .!* 4*lo farv baa in a)**•! j
thotMo l i laii'l* df tba fir*l at- * /].-*. rit *ira"
a-.Ufh 4&pa*t.77 I !' paid,** loth# | la/a ..f |,.
glutting--dfitilainitig I.* a* o- au-i \'C. bw, njfa or
|* S . I'tJli-liDga
Alm), h)1 tfiftt rortnin lot or piecn of
gr-.uo I aituota in I'otlar lowu*bip. >olra ,
: Faun a Haginning at a btt- >ah ..r. cornar 1 un
' tra- I atirv* in lli* nam*- f K*laM < t- •, b.
j raai tba f.si t of Tu*aay ttH*QDtain thmi'a a>'U'b J
w*-*t I i'!|ar(bfelu* ikfeltitil <ak , tiriiH! wjutb <<r
wa*t pr|f t'. a |*-*tfiut <ak tb-of a r. .rtb ]
a *t. Fi |anbfe t a f baalnut tbara D'ftb 71'
a*| 1". .J |ife(iife lu a wblta | Ifia , thanro n-rtb 1
• avt' J !•"* baa to a |-*t ihn." auiilb '-t *'•
1" f I'• 1• a *t. I.' I. r|), : m • 14 i •
•t'dldi Ikrti p aiutti 7 ' m ■*! |*o*cb'<* t * *!.*<
nut -ml tbauJo i .rth I w rat !<m p* r< h*-* tr a wbila
<•*4 tl i- j'la. * ni t>*gtt,fiing— < fitaiiitng -I a- r*-a an i
|iarrba* kit l aJl'.aatod- N- l>ufT'hrig* Nalxa]
tat o in PI • utn -i aii I t. I>-aulfl a* li.' jf |*Ht . (
John Hiti,' r ami Ji It Mii/i' f
No. 11
Ail that curtain messuage, tenement
and It.f "t ground ituatp In fla lasrvugi, f.( |lf. nta,
t*ntr ' *My, Fa IU ginning at a i*t • u 7 1 in a*
•tari-t, a i tun - f M..i l. M'nilarn* t. • Mr. Bavt-i
'h I t . t batif a hi- nf lb*" a*n* li -rtl > h w *-t 1* ■
j f-at t- an allay . tbafera al -ng fl aartia r. -tt|, J 4 : '
aaat.O'faat tn * |s at , lb*"i— h'tit!i O . ***• .•>*•
loaf t-1 a twat. nil Ti. n*. •Ife-t fbsf.f*- at Of lb*
•a no or Utn 1 * ••! •*- f<*| io tba I * a f la gib
mi g t la*tng lb' aaia i t wb,/, H ft m itfian.* <■ .
i 1...-I I *t.l- lie.fi (nr. hy de. d delr-l the lilt. ds< - I
Jul-. Is,-. H, r-led in d.s*t t.-S "t. ]ef. 1.-.-,
th-r- i, er -sd • tei.eL-.l frame te osr. .Ulde ehd
..Ihef -.atlsilldirrs. -srt,-I. tskci. In eserntioa en i I
le- . Id *• tt.e I 1- ; 1 fly ef P- tone 1. |lsit
No. 10.
All that i ertain !"t or | )<•• of lat. 1 H
-uste ir. Psti 1, |.-unship, i . nfre nnty pent, a,
!|artj rwto-d a:d fj**w filsr-l a (.-!!• Fa ginning *t a
il Ir-li It,, i, ilh.es. .n. r ! pet.-..- is-.s, (1. '
wr* l'<i>,|sai.y total* Ihama *bng **! land a'Dtb
, *w*t !.' Ja-fv ||#*d> I en sail Hbtla < s*k thorn*
al'>g land* • f TV'tnpa-.n. M'< t4t .n-.Mb!- - a*t
J7' e]i |s r !>*• i it am lltfef* al>-ng land -f
Tb miiwm. Mr(' I 4 < , fe"Mb-4 p*i i. jaf-liaatd.
•1- a# tbds' a at ug lars't* f J<lfe*tal* Maya*. * utb
*a*l !• ' |dOfT lm !/• tba |*tof# t isagln ,lf,g —*•*•
tuning 1.7 t rm, |h jsait h* and aitowai '* . tbar*. n
art* tr-t a tw fiaiti* l u*a. tmr.k am! "tbar
'•atl-vilding* t*kan in vt'-ulbm and to la
I a* li* jf jftj ..f Fhilip Caryar.
No, 1.
Ail the right, till- and interest of ile.
f-n I*nl in lit ! I.* •)! th*t \ UnlaO'ta 'f trart of land
*ituala In spring l* Mb))-. * anliw naitili, Fa Ad
)• i'.mf n Hi*- nnriii l-y laud* *f ll*riry Hi akafbtsff
and land* ol Ihnnal Klti.a. on lb* -a*t l-y land* - f
J and P Hambart and <J- ig* V*}*.f.i|j 4 e ~n lb*
waitb I i Tanda J> Tin t artin ami Ja'-J- ! V alantii '
, Um |b) ixiilMi f • 'j.o ili v
all Mat, d "**4 attaining VK a- *• and
Jataim n. .a or laa lba*•. ori*d a tw-.*f y
ratTia dwalling Hou** . tmnk Isarn ami "lid Mill-Hilii
ing* im I tiding a framo dwalltog b uaa for a I*URt
Also, all the right, title an-1 inter-*t
rf tba drfandaat tn and I-- all that roriaib tmrt r
|ti#*v ..f land aituat" in Ipiing t wnbij. Oontra ,
r alt. F* kta-'HTi a* tba lrc*n .-i* t*ank ' •ntainiag
am n,.-to ot Tfe* having a*.- t*l aararal
•mail 'aMn*
Also, all the right, title ant! interest of
dof'ndant in and t all 4l*at /*tain j t i*n tu*t*
'in <Vi.tr* r*inly. Fa, f biiw l4 witl; and l'>t*f!y
tba* Ragla Ift.n in'iwding all tba land* in
am way i "Dfeartnd IbatwaritH baling tl**m.n rwi*l
b-Tga. fr*'f, dw'lUng haaw and . ib-r Rwi-wtfy
)>ai) 1-k.g*
A!m, all thfj righl, titli* and Itil-erfkl of
Ih* df fondant in and lo all that r*rl*to n." ago,
lPD*R*hl. livt Of pr'al *4 land altoata tn liogga.
i| uMm *rrd Howard tdiawnlitpa—oontaiDing ibr*a tlif*a
m " d nd fifi*-"n*' a/fa* and or* bafedrwd
and thirtaan janHm, mt.ro ot la**, tba Mam* l<oing
k'- wn a* tin iNirtm tilfela f land* at Mrb f-k
pn party
Also, all the right, title and interest of
d*foilanl in and I alt that a*an Ida* a <4 gotind
itnaia in iba <>f Mi|a*lrg f antra f*anty,
Fa tr-ftting on Wit'i and Oalt* traat in feud
lvn fh. km wn a* tba HTork llrsrwa pffwrty having
IkMH-ft nraf tad a tfeCHrtmy dwHling !••***. < oi*|maJ
nf #irno and frame
Also, all th right, title and interest of
d*f*nslant lu ami la ail tli*t lt * jtir* of gttmnd
•ituata in tba twr-iugb •! V| tVfeUfe fc-fntt.
I I'a Ad>*tmng tb* Hapttat tbnnh. baving tbarwn
or* tal a fn* ar*d a kalf-*i'g* frama dwalling !<•*
A i*o. nil ihn right, ttiln and of
dwfandant tn and tn all Umi ' aftaln I'd ot pkffea *4
g'i*and ntwata in tl,# l- t -wgb of IkXIM nta u tba
f-rn*? of High and llidg* *lr**4, and rfenmng Ifeik to
(Jo-try allay, having th*% a twowfery
dwailing botjav N-lr/d tak'-n In axarwUoa and fo h*
vld a* tba prfviiy of J<bn Irvia Cnrtln
Nn. If.
All the right, title and interest of de
t'ndont in and fo all thai 'attain lot of piara nf
gmnnd it, B"gg* fown*blp. C*nirr connty. Fa
tfc*und*4 *n tba wa*4 by land* of Win llfetna, oa tba
*"Utb l-y land* of Mlrbaai l|*a!on. n th* nmfb by
land* of Cwrfln*. and tba aaaf i'jr land* of HanfN
Wflitam*- fittaining W arma, a*on or law* Tbaraofe
am tad a d walling howaa and of bar nit building*
Alen, all the right, title and interest of
de ten,ten, la sad to alt (ha, certain tot OS Jiece of
amused etiuete la R-C(S toaiiehtp, Ceatrs canty. Pa-,
Ii uded and dear riles, as Mkiwt th, the -d hy
leads of J-wathaa Pecker, oa the south l-y Isnds of
! isle- Klddl-. oa the aodh hy Is ads of James Dusk
ier. end OS Ihe sect .y lends of Plaley Nlddle—ooa
teiom* las ens more or lem Thereon e reeled a
ta,-et ,ry house, weed as • daellißy and sdore loom,
and eleo ttaMe net red, taken la elerotjon and to tie
sold as the irtiyrtty of p W. I tee toe
Tkrmk Cah.— No deed will b* arknowl
odfod nntll tba parrliaa* mwnay i paid in Bill.
Sheriff's (*, Pellsfonle. Pa., Jeefh, Mai la
Report of Appraisers.
I N the Orphans' Court of Centre
onanly. In the matter of Ihe Kelafe of R. I PAR
NKR, deceased
And aoa. Nor. 21-Man. report of appralsare set tin*
spar* to Amsirde gamer, rndow of deceased, the M
loadaa dee, filed reef retale, -ft: A krt of letfd sftaale
la Putter township, f.onded oa the red hy lends of
John Rtble. on the north and earn l-y lands nf Jahe
fernec, end oa the south hy tmtdtr mad aad contain
ln( one arie aad SM h end red aad hrttrsds per. hen, at
the ralaaUoa nf three head red dot I ere. has day
eppreiei taint road and ' oniraeed at et. (to hwman ate
•olnle If t eic.ptlons theredo lo (tail prior to nasi
term.) and pat-lira tine ordered e*roel.t- to Rate of
Cnart. WM. R RI*CIiPIRLb,
1-1* Cterk Oqdmas' Oawrt.
Application for Charter.
ia hrreby given, that *n
Jl s afpflcattoa will ha mill under Ihe Act uf Ar
•emMy ,4 ihe (Vssnuins dlh af peaaeytreata, entl
lied "An Art to pvnride Art the 1 crepe rattan aad
H,-r-'.ute.n af rerMa Cnrpirtatloas." appr -"d April
X*. M 7*. sad IDs rn|i|* i thereto, fur rdwriet
af an la tended u-|ts%l ■ l ha tailed -THE XNOR
• n.iR (ttAl. I-HffPdNV." the rtae n -ley aad eNert af
•hteh Is to cerrs an the I netnease* thlatne shtpplo*
•ad selltnp of hitsmin.-us era,, the Stsonfhrln>la ot
lumkee, etth the right to per- tun. MMd and dlepnaa
ol alt atreeearr propsTiy. Hal aad perianal. Ik vmner
tlou ndth nstd hadai*k sod far tbaaa parp—ut ka tiers.
I mass aad enfuy all Ihe '<ehu isasm. f.imi.kW
end pietlagas eahOnvd hy Said AasamMt aad
IU (SMtaMlt •
i-tlta MW!NttUWaUS,!WkNur.
Sew A elverthu-nien lie.
New York Weekly Herald.
| r |MIE circulation of thi* popular
1 in N;ni},<r it i -ntUnDt (hi k t( 'oiiUtiia
•II lit. Imdiny 11,. biui 11kki r>, ami u
arrai.K<l 111 l.aml/ 'i.|ni„ ~1, Tlj* '
i .rnl.lwo l "lin-l bM lr.,i„ all ~,rl-r. of IJrt
. I I|"J< f fb<- Im W4 of
•r-Kh-n 111. T.l.fi.i hit lu, „fib. t rom
i all j.aitaof Ilia tiiluu. Till, t-al ... j0.,1,, u ,ak-a
it.. moat ll.l f1u..1.1.1. In 111. ..|M, MltktlM
| MMfMt. fcnij "k I. ■ WMM f*pM f <
| .nil.ia. If,;; . • ti.f.l. I. ft'i 'I . ..n |. 1,.,,.,,. >l,.|a,ir 1,.a
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• •(. .1... uf .lulu, i.l |wlili. Mi.* on lb. .|ti*- u.i> vf 11,.
f Hi.- 1,11 , 11.,,L1, If,. J.i, ,| „ ..|| .. ft,.
*.,iipracil k1 NfgnU ,- ami Ha.inlnnliikck
' ■ f l" f'iitv r, Lints for ''HILI,
•' l 111 l, 1,mi1.,, TrL.< v l .ITALLt,, i. , , anil
I -i k . |..i,|. I ~., ,r,p. * ami ~!• n.lia I* fa.
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|Bi .nl. .U.ljr, |,..), „na. , 11.. 1,i,,|
Hiring i.||..f„, | i M /|,.,| „|,, . lit,!, f, j making
• loll>1 1,,. M1,,l 1., h,. | up wl!tl
11,. |,r,.. i.i.t i n.i,,. t nanklag , . r„j
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lU|,rk of 11,. ((, ii„ int.,,.,. • I
M. K.V.,1 m.,,1 ~. ~11, iM-rt.lnißir 1., m,
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i. • |,. •>., . i .. i , Ih ,
"■■•'k.o ' ' ; M • i, A
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; Tin i i mit
M.W V'IKK In. MY-kl, 1 m,. - BOLI-AR
j 11 BRA Lb ) { A UAH
Br.ami Ar... M.wt S. 1,,k
Battle Crook, Michigan,
_ XkiVTACTvn.K*M or in* o*lt i,mm
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horso-Pcwors.
I•.!<. I .1; . EatnOMahed
latbrM art*. I 1848
0 rt YT APQ r *l*. <1 fml kn.
rriAt.su r*i r.l, )'-■! •. < " l&k *>p " k*
■ l-r*md m-arroM, 1 y ./* o i imr puudi
1 (luifiii */*y*o/uuo
r*" l Trwiloo mihiihi akT*<'. IMsln Kucidm
r*r ** tin tbr 4jl' *"'■ *"• TikArtK
*/. ofwl. ' f I a*'l mrrnr^Mtifj
f f WIM * l!'i .•.*# *
Htrm m*"t *"c,trr%n'f ud I'l h tb'T
Iriur ft.ivw elf Heirt/T> f| to II? berar
for nixin it L.o
|V I X. ,
7CAA rvnn Im f I-■nbrr
.'iVViVW if '>vr, lkt ** t*> r\j ymn'ru f 4rt~ft
cvffwun i oo ts.r<r. fr*tD i* l*uiit Uvt ix*.
toa|.trork Ot OV ir**if liT*trt
Arr*fad, sifrftf Itsif cAnrai rt* V^7
Pinarr. mil TbfiHteMMa (• InrHwl to
tow-t,.-*!" ibi. wn'rHlw, Wm3ysr X. kMrj.
Ckrr"uk.rM ".art fiw AAOr...
R.itn, Or**.*. Mich IP*
l*£l is nn Eli {nnt llook of 120
|'ajf hP < . Fi mof Vlßte-, • f.■!(*• Il Iw
i imfi'r with (li ■• th* I"-*! ar<!
| \ rfki I'-a. •o-f iHrarlinoi f <r tir !•
j refit* In Fnfi*t) op If Vol *i''rard
~r , f . . i. .j- i- 1 . ;
VICK • SCI OS ** Ihp t In ibr world THE
j FM>R4I, Ot IMkiill HI h * uw\sod ll'.
Vi<fc • FUrr *d VryrUM* Girdt*. 17$ P|h
jP. ( PUtf* W Kntiittir r..T .. rpflt< In p*
C" r*vpr*; $1 i* t ck-tk. In G'tmati <* a
Viefc • lllaftfPßlrd MoMKIy MIM
(>'l*n4 PU' In mm.lti tul
rn*Tingm. Frio* |IJB im? ; fit* \
ti mt tot lOcwfet*. i) a^H
2'. ccnrn \ . M
A Miww. JIAIHEB VICE, r, • If* |^B
. Notice. \ H
"NOTICE in hereh v pi von to A *jH
i it Ity OHKCPTI that apf ! * mn • \
to hi* H * John ||. (ktt*. Addition*) U* I
FEIMV, 24th Itv of t*t+mUt *
the T' '< H
fontc, l*a h rbAT'i* IbNt rWrtr* of ißo*rtnpdif
m to ulbnHNi the h44it C tf the Aor*aU ffl
tlouol Mo* in on the *h*H tiwwiit of Kiy 3
flrt 4ns f tanrs in *•• h \ar ■
AtUM HOY. Pro*l tAf AK'f, Mr J
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the estate of JOB. Bg
{■iirn jmwi
Th un4a7to|PHt, ail ihl I t*. aan.,taia lha
•lalnM IS- -al nuu ..f •, an 4
r-fwrl HirmnT xnHim to la*, *Ol am <b#.
tntrt*.,..: at Iba nIB.. "I Alaiaed* 4 H.
L*t. aostur, Jaaun IT, lltol, at H* A.
M Kl.LI* L on VIS. A||Mn|
LiceiiNc Notice.
MOTICS is hereby given thnt
il MSolttf toai-l |M*m hav IM IM( pttt-
UnM tnr Or. wpm I* IW HBra if Ik' Oil a* ItolMrt
n( oa*arl tpMHtrr ftMainaaarf lk ftoa to 4*4 far
tw t Mahlj t4 CWilfM, ami tkat apt lmtbai *ttl b* ,
m4m at tW nail >mlto at M 4 Itott to pMI tk. I
ww*... tHi.lwto. ... Mlllhtow •.
*.i..t Tatl.a. —towi, fSHlafl *> t
I. II Rm —to tar*. UlTty tVj. 1
££ t-
V EARLY half a ('o|^^Krotn
1 *bkb lb. moat gratotoa*!
I* IV*R. Waala Uav
wlaiaUawkl *W. a*4 bnkwt
<MW< Pttftia H*ltW *i
|WH** •totolfa*.
M lUattt < r O .^B
/ I ARM AN S 1!
" ■* ? A|i.(ri llviM