Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 06, 1881, Image 1
' * Sfljje Centre A IDrmocfat. BHUOKRT A: IHIRSTER, Editors. VOL. :S. SLIT CRNTRR §MNMI. T.rm. ILKO par Annnn.ln Adv...., r—-- """"•7*-*" '."T" a. T. BHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, January 6, 1881. RIVALLING TIIK < IRIKNTALH. Mr. Ix- Due, the Commissioner of Agricul ture, has been South with the view to establish the growth and culture of tea in this country. He has complet ed arrangements for a tea farm in South Carolina. HONORS KASY. If Garfield takes IRaiuc into the cabinet, he will have a row with Conkling and his stalwart associates. If Conkling ami his stal wart crew capture the President, then Blaine and his friends, hacked by the Independents, may make tilings lively about the White House. IT is proposed to organize in Phi la- | dclphia a SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC CLUB, after the manner of the Union I/cngue. j It is to !>e composed of leading active 1 Democrats throughout the State, with branches. We notice that Speaker Randall, Senator Wallace, Gov. < ur tin aud oilier cmiuent Democrats, are prominenßiu the movement and will he among its leadiug members. Such an institution is needed a- an off-el to the League acting in the interest of the Republican party. D. K. SCOTT, one of the thieving car pct-bag ex-Governors of South ( aroli na, shot aud killed a young man uam | ed Drury, a drug clerk, at Napoleon, I Ohio, a few days ago. Young Drurv, who is represented as a very respecta ble young man, was protecting a son of Scott, who visited his room to sleep, being intoxicated. Thus, after rob bing the people of the South in their helpless days of re-construction, the ex-carpet-bagger returns to Ohio with his ill-gotten gains, and commits u ' murder, by which lie will no doubt end his career on the scaffold or in the Penitentiary. A VERY troublesome question comes up to Gen. Garfield aud the Republi can party at the commencement of his administration. It is to fix the status . , fif the colored Republicans, who hold /' the balance of party power. They jast ly demand oue representative in the L Cabinet, with equitable recognition B in places of trust and responsibility. also show a commendable deter- anfation demand shall not be evaded. A delegation of leading men have been selected to lay matter before the President elect, he wilt he obliged to take the res lenity of making a decision. The B when tltft Re- can u? the "negro a* a voter yrertjy. They ,faiu*t divide thoajjott dsSl4""'- it, aud m all tli|l)PD>ry reparing to .be ocueion. Gen. State, it is said, will io,oo> oan be setmr does the HHBMnr-" wh> rode bis borne itnal b>to aid the HBHB HBhHBHBBBBw 001 ;'?re.. BgB^B^^^^^^ B - 9B "KVJI'AL AN I> EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, or WHATKVKK HTATK OR I'KRMI' AMOK, KKI.IOIOL'H OR POLlTlCAL."—Jefferson. Tho Standard Oil Company This infamous and tyrannical mo- ; nopoly has recently received a merit ed rebuke from one of tho Courts of Ohio, which it is to be hoped may prove the initial step to a successful raid upon the oil tyranny, as well as upon many other monopolies and cor porations of equal impudence and dan ger. That these soulless creatures of oppression have long threatened to capture the country and the Govern ment has been evident to intelligent observation, and was most clearly made apparent in the late Presiden- j tial election, when the Standard Oil j Company and all the other tnonied | monopolies of the country pooled their ; millions to prevent the election of an honest, independent executive, whom they knew that neither money nor in- j tluonce could seduce from a conscieu- I tious discharge of duty to the whole people. This company, perhaps now the most impudent of ull monopolies, applies! to .Judge Barber of Cleveland for an order to restrain Schofield, Sherman tV Teaglo from manufactur ing more than 8-"i,000 barrels of oil in one year, as per contract with the the Standard company. The Court r< - tused the application and held that "the contract was at varian e with the laws of trade, and in conflict with j public policy, and therefore void." I The oil producers as a class are euti | tied to little sympathy when the coil of [ the irjH*nt begins to press uncomfor tably. They put their necks voluutu- j rily into the noose of the tyraut in vi- j olation of sound "public policy" and | no doubt liecame willing instrument to coirupt the fountain of public opin ion in elections. Rut the principle . enunciated by the Judge is correct. I and deserves commendation. Death of J. C. C. Whaloy We were profoundly grieved to hear j of the death of Hon. J. C. C. Wholey, 1 editor of the Clinton Itemon-at, which I sad event occurred at his residence in Iek Haven on last Friday evening. Mr. Whalev was a gentlemen who j possessed graces of character that en- | deared him to every one with whom j he came in contact. He enjoyed to an j extraordinary degree the respect and : esteem of the community in which he | lived, and his death so early in life and in the mid-t of a most useful and promising career i* an event to he sadly deplored. He was a memlier elect of the Pennsylvania legislature and had he lived to take ti|>on himself the duties to which he had been called by the people of Clinton county, his j ability, pure character and high stand ing would have made him one of the | most useful and influential members jof that body. In his profession he was able, judicious and always courteous, and will Ee greatly missed by the trail. > Ifc- —*■- TUB Pennsylvania legislature met on Tnesday for the session *f 1881. 11l the Senate Hon. Wm, J. Newell, o£ Philadelphia, was elected President pro tern. In the Ilouae, Hon. Benja min I* Hewitt, of Blair county wm elected speaker and Harry Huhn, of chief clerk. The selec tion of Mr. Hewitt for Speaker it highly creditable, but to place Jhe Chief Clerkship into the bands of Huhn is a disgrace to the common wealth. >, j TMR Southern negroes seduced by the Republicans to the North to in crease the voting population, are now having a sad experience. Starving and freezing after the election, was not the entertainment to which they were invited, but is the result of their credulity. Loud cells ere now made upon the benevolent to rescue these poor deluded victims. , T . Wi' BELLEFOXTE, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 0, |HH|. Tho Senatorial Contest. The action of the Republican leg islative Caucus at Harrishurg on la-t Monday night marked the prelimina ry skirmish of the great Senatorial buttle now raging at the State Cap- j ital. For weeks Mr. < ialusha A. Grow and his noisy adherents have filled the political air with the most extrava gant claims as to that gentleman's strength. At no one time would they consent to believe that ho would re ceive less than sixty-five votes and these figures were swelled by the more sauguine to ninety and ninety-five. Mr. Grow laid much strc-.- upon the instructions given for him in many of the counties and when he ostentatious ly opened his headquarter- in Harris hurg a few days ago lie admitted no such thing a- the possibility of defeat. Mr. Grow is an old politician, hut he apparently J earns backward, for not withstanding he has frequently locked horns with the ruling power in Penn sylvania and hue a- often found him self discomfited at the decisive mo-' ment, he docs not -vein, t vcu now, to understand the peculiar tactics of his ! opponents. Had he looked hack over a period of many years he would have seen the political pathway of the Caiu emus strewn with just such broken pledges as he witnessed on Mood a v night when nine of his instructed | members acted in direct op|K>sitioii to his interest. By a vote of till to fl the House Caucus defeated Mr. Grow'* | candidate for Chairman. This was : made a test of strength, and the utmost [ efforts of both Grow and Oliver were put forth, for defeat for either in this initial contest meant continu ;cd disaster ut every succeeding step, 1 Grows canvas was miserably noma -1 god by his chief lieutenant, Hon. < ha>. Wolf, of I nion, who on Sunday show | cd the weakness of his candidate by I placing his canvas, UJMUI the FINDS of I "the field against (diver." l"p to this j time the fight had been considered I upon exactly the opposite ground of j "the field again-t Grow-." This un fortunate admission of < iron's friend j was immediately taken advantage of by the consummate tactician- who are ' managing < 'liver's forces, am! on Molt | day night were enabled to punish Mr. j Grow so severely that lie i- practical- Ilv out of the Senatorial race. The si | lent, sinuous way- of Oliver's bench j men have fieeo too much for the hila , rious aud confiding Mr. Wolfe ami hi* i exceedingly rural candidate. The de j feat of Mr. Grow does not necessarily indicate the selection of Mr. Oliver, j but all the signs of the times point un erringly to the Allegheny statesman. ' We are gravely informed by the or gans that the Cameron pcrc ami ! file have taken no part in tho contest. I We are Isoutnl to believe this for the J organs would not say so if it was not true. It seems strange though, thnt Quay, Leeds and Magee, of Cameron's own household should have led the Oliver forces against Grow. But wo must believe the organs. HKSATOR AMCXASDKR and Ilcprc tentative Gephart look their departure from our midst on Monday morning for Ilarmburg to i>e present at the opening of the legislative action which began on Turmlgy la-t. We presume that Representative Murray would also be on baud. These gentlemen, with thei| past legislative experience, will no doubt give profllpi and rareful attention to all matter* of legislation that in an way affect the localitien they represent, while tbe* will, at Uia same time, prove able pd effleicul expo nents of the son ti merits of their con stituents upon all questions of a gen eral character that come before them for consideration. , MDToALBnrnnia.! When Sena tr Maine was fa New York, it is *id be called to pay his respects to Gee, Grant. The General refused to •ee hint. When Grant was In Wash- . ••> f ADDITIONAL LOCALS. DKATII or \Y\t. I'. Ft'HKY.—A tele graphic di-patch received <Ol Monday morning by .Mr. Joseph \V. Furey, of tfi- Wtitrhman, announced the death of hi* cousin, William Butter Furey, late editor of the Altooiui Sun, at Sun Antonio, Tex. a, whither he had gone a rfiort linn- agin accompanied by hi* wife and daughter, in the hope that n change of climate might restore his broken health—a ho|- wlm-h was not to be jreallzed. llis death occur red on Sunday morning at '• o'clock. Mr. Furey wit- about II year* of age, -< n native of Cciitre county and w-ll known to our people, among whom he had many warm friends and admirer*. II" wo* ieirri at I'll n*aril Gap, where hi* parents, John ate] Mary Furev, had for many years their home. He lost his parent* in hi* early year*, and in 1 HAT, at the age sixteen, went to Illinois, where he learned tto trade of a printer, lie remained in that State until lx.it, when he returned to I Vnnsy Ivntitn, and since then -.< at various time, connected with ne*.pi,per* in ditl-rent part* of this Stale lie w**a ready, graceful writer, and a J•r. ,o pub lic speaker, ami whetlo-r 111 tlie saio-lurn j or up <n the rostrum had the j...w. r to com mand attention and resp-t I in |diUt • he wn an ARDENT HUIU<K rat, and in ail political contests park an active, earnest part in advocacy of tin- principle* am) candidate* o! his parti S tally and personally he was n mall generous impulse., kind and plea-ant In intercourse and association with other- H" had an ■•xtensive acquaintance throughout the Stale, and many sincere friend* who will le-ar of his untim- ly death with profound ; sorrow. CAI-TAIX JAMES HIXIAC— Within a few days of the c lose of the y. ar lHkii, Captain James I'unlap, <d I'ihe (trove Mills, quietly ar.d peoc*fu. y gave up tin. life in the full hope of an everlasting life to come. Mr. llunUp wa- on ti oi l reliable citi/.en# of Centre t- unty. lie u* born near the village of I to-, lsburg, on the twenty-third day of Oct"l r, I*l . IBs fattier. Samuel Dunlap, with bis -*muel s brother Daniel, came to Centre county from Isaneaster county and settled in the m ight rhood *f where I'. .alsburg lew • lands. The mother of .fame* Dunlap having dic-l wrhlle he wra* an infant, he vrs* tak<n, brought up at. 1 edit, atcvl by his •trii !<• Daniel. The title Captain *i> acquire,! through the fact that ns far bock a* DiO he *s • mmander of * military organisation that belong'-d to the Stale militia, and 111 D>",H he organized, at l , ine<rove, and was mad,- captain ,-fa cm pane known * the " I'ennsv alloy Dragoons When war came in 1 *''• 1 the company did not go in a !• dy, but many of it* member* went into the army an 1 served during the war. In early manhood Captain Dunlap wa* manager of the Iron Work* at what i# now known a Bock Forge In jolitic* he wa* a Whig ** long a* the party -xi#;- •* !. and when it w-as turne,! into the Hepub ) H. an party h„ w*> an holiest, consistent Itepublican, always having due regard for the opinion l th<*e who, littered from him in political aflairs. In 1M i h- was elec lesl C. rnntiationer of j Centre c„unly. In DH* he was the Whig candidate for Sheriff running about two hundred and fifty votes ahead of the party vote, but was beaten in the race by an old friend, W. L. Musser, of Millhettn. In j lw'i.t he was again the , arididate of his ; party f>r Sheritf. From the time tho In ternal Revenue law* went into ~je>rtion ! during tho war, tho Captain was one of the revenue assessors, and I think ,-ontiu- J ued to hold the office for a |wrind f six years. Here public position*, together ] with the different limes he was the candi- I date of hi* parly for honorable office, de monstrate the high standing he had in his party a# well as the confidence and e*leem , of hi* fellow-citizen*. During the last ten year* of his life he was engaged in the mercantile business | with Jonathan lie**, one of hi* sons-in-law, at Bine Grove. Captain Dunlap wa* dur ; ing hit whole life a young man—while years made him old in body, in rnind, taste* and habits, he always wa* a young man. The society and company of the young people were his delight. While his excellent wife was living their house was tho scene of very manv happy *cial gath ering*. None enjoyed them more or wa* happier than the genial and kindly host. Generous in hi* nature, he contributed liberally to tba church to wbicb he belong ed and gava willingly to all benevolent objects. For a number of years he wa* a member of the Presbyterian church, of Pine Grove. Captain Dunlap was the father of four children (daughter*) alt of whom are mar ried and live in or near Pine Grove, and by whom he was, aa be had oftan express ed a desire to be, surrounded when he came down to the "Valley of the Shadow of Death." He waa In every sense of the word a good citUen ; every duty laid upon him, whether public or private, was faith fully and honestly discharged. The old men in that community have almost all past over the line within Urn last few years, and there I* a new set of old-men about to come upon the stage. How rapidly the number swells, Jacob Botlorf, Wm. Musser, George Muaser, Alexander .Sample, Hugh Laurimore, Henry Krebs, Jacob Stover, Jacobs. Awl, Rev. Ihinle) Moser, Mr. O'Drvan, Mr. Dennis, Jas. Murphy, D. Portney (father of the writer |, John Archey, leaving Thos. F. Patlnn, Samuel Hess and George Ard standing a* finger boards to point the way td lha pew generation of old men. D. F. F. Writo 1, f„r lh( ClMll lux'M'kAT Christmas ! TIIL MAV AMI LLOH' IT WAS OMKLHVEM IX I'NIOXVII.I.E. ('firivtma* lias come and gone! 'I fie fianpiest duy of ul! tfie year lias passed, but tfie recollections of tfie day will re main as tfie creenest spot in memory's garden. For more than a week past the streets of our little village presented tfie appearance of holiday. This is a year of plenty ; in all departments of ttade there is prosperity, and tfie peo ple'- gratitude (or this boon has been fully manifested and appreciated. A short sermon (or tfie day was preached in tfie churches. Greater (ar than all tfie mighty rulers aud heroes of tfie earth, from tfie crea t.on of man until the present day, is tfie inlluence of fiiru whose birth is cel ebrated throughout all Christendom to day. Lven those who do not believe in His divinity must admit tho world is better oil for the influence of ''firistian ity. In estimating its value, let tfie condition of tfie world be imagim-d wi'fiout it. lie lore its advent, every race had its own religion, and worship ped .1 God devoted to its own exclusive iriteii-ts and tfie desiru-tion of its enemie-. 'I fie very embodiment of Christianity is emancipation from this doctrine of selfishness and intolerance and tfie sub stitution of a God of mercy proclaiming ar.d inculcating the brotherhood of man. And today tfie man who preach es or encourage* the proscription or persecution of his fellowuian on account of religious faith. i an unworthy follow er of llim, who, m the very agony of death, prayed to the Great Father of all to forgive tfie persecution of those who had. out of mistaken religious real, sought to destroy If is life, but to whom tfie crucifixion of tfie soul was impossi* file. It will not do to answer that any enlightenment would have brought us better civilization, and tint toleration would have necessarily followed. Tfie ririii/4tii>n of ancient Home w.is far in adiauce of tfie insignificant tribe- of •Tode t |Wi years ago, as that of cfiri teudom is above tli—ir descendants liv ing there to-day. Before Gjjrist ail religions divided their followers tvith hostile armies, and the God of Israel, like that of Fersia or of Home, was an oriflamme of battle. The Christian Hod j not evolved out of the shadowy legends ol fable, nor from siijserstition, but i a living Hod of fle-h and blood, whose birth, passion and death is tfie most beautiful end touch ing of aii |K>etic appeals to human sym pathy. No fiction of tfie human brain could squat the l.j-ic which made the Banner of the i ron the Conqueror of the World and the emblem of the emancipation of the human race from the slavery of Intolerance. In tfie Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches there were special ser vices, and worship|>ers bowed the head and bended the knee in divine worship, with the benediction of 'tin earth jieaoe, good will toward men." The Sunday-achool children in the village wore riot forgotlen in the midst of general festivities. There were Christ mas trees in all the cbutches. ladened with the good things of the season, and all were amply supplied. Their little heart.* were full to overflowing, with gratitude for their teacher- and friends. It was a merry Christmas long to be re tn*aibrred by the good people of the place. The ladies, praie be to the good angels they are, all deserve thanks for their helping hands, in bestowing the good things upon the youthful urchins. Many preaenls were exchanged, among friends. The poor were not neglected or forgotten. They were bountifully supplied from the good, benevolent people of the place. It was a day of home and all domestic sanctity, when men's thoughts, turning from the haaer applications of life, needs must dwell in the higher plane of charity and love, and all that is purest and best in their natures rises up to greet and hallow earth's fairest dream of heaven. It was a day of the golden season of the heart when home is wsrmed by another fire than that around whieh sla the closely gathered circle and in whose truthful tendemeas, sympathy and gladness, every man and woman ha* a birthright. As love may daily renew its youth, so may home, founded on affection thus emphasised on Christ mas day, daily renew its attraction, and create taste* that refine our grosser ele ment* and awaken aspirations that wander forth from the soul e* forerun ners of a worthier future. For this I* the proper blisa of man, and If in world craving, he turns from it to eeek other paths inwbic.l to satisfy his bu juange-tlesaness or ambition, the simple, i HOYjng, generous trust in home net er i TKHMS: Kl.oO jwr Annum, in Advance. ii* out of hi* memory and the day* when he wwt a* yet in heart unsullied hy worldly contact never have their morning light darkened or their early freshne** exhaled. It wa* really a day for the inter change of giftW freighted with love and friendship and ay robot* of holy affec tion, no le** in the humble offering* that represent the rigid self denial of the lowly than in the costliest gifts that are. tendered in generous service by the worldly favored. With the charity that coexists with the largest of ' 'hristianity. all the aven ues were open through which the nobler and more generous syrrptbies of our nature found their way into the heart. The cold, proud, worldly man paused in I lie iron determination with which he is I climbing the flowerles* path of success 1 and considered if it is not as well, while winning praise and respect, to win a little love. Those alienated by pride, jealousy and other poor human weaknesses, profit by the spirit arid teaching* ol that day, and those cherishing the deeper feeling" <>f hostility and revenge, search deeply in their heart* for the human forgive- I ne-s fur human frailties, that, save in the brut all ted and degraded, underlies the best of their nature. And then "let him he angry who knows not with what i diflicultv error is shunned and truth i* j gained." With these feelings and a deterrnina tioti to chasten our thoughts of life and ! lighten il* humblest phase with the • < alholic spirit of charity, good will and love we all did have indeed a Merry < hristinas ! long,to be remembered by | the citizens of t'nionville and vicinity. £. M. K. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. F? *ui it ir,'iilrr. n' ;- ft i ti! Wa*hi v.tun, I>. C. Jan. J, IBSI. In two days more Congress meet* again. The one question most general ly asked is whether Mr. Wood will be able, at once to get up his funding bill. ; There i an agreement that the House shall dispose of it on the same day it comes up. It is intimated that several meml<ers who were thought certain to vote for it in it* original form will now demand changes. But the probability now i that a clear majority will Tote favorably and leave to the Senate the ta-k of amendment. The bill can be antagonized by any of the general ap pro[ nation bills, and enough of these are ready for rej*>rt to keep the House busy until late in the session. In fact, without a vote at all on the funding 1 ill the Home ran, if it chooses, fill up all the time between the Mh of January and the 4th of March. A* on this measure, so on others, there i< for some reason lea# apparent certainty as to the course of events than there wa* two week* ago. It will be re membered that Mr. Bickcell, in charge of the electoral count bill, aaid that he won d call it up whenever 147 Berao eraU—a quorum of the House--were present. Some I'omocrai* are now said to I.® in favor of a plan by which no quorum of the party shall be present, on any one day until the electoral votes are counted. The bill on which mo*t party debate is expected is the Legislative, Execu tive, and Judicial, which will be the last appropriation bill reported. It is safe to say that in every proper way the Democracy of the House will attempt to avoid any necessity for an extra se**ion, but it is equally certain •hat the Republican* are increasingly anxious to force one. Reason*given in a recent letter for such a course on their part have gained strength during the reees. Appointment* made by Mr. Hayes, which lire thought to have l>een influenced by (ien. Garfield, and which are considered by every one a* an at tack upon one of the foremost stalwart Senators, and said to have convinced many Republicans that President Gar . field will have to be watched as care j fully as his predecessor. Almost general rumor assigns Senator j Blaine to the State Ivpartment in the I n / W c ' wihat extent Gen. j Garfield is responsible for these rumors, jif at alf, no one is able to say. From a pretty extensive knowledge of the ways i of the Maine Senator, I think it not unlikely that he, rather than Garfield, > ha* filled the city papers with these re ports. The observance of the New Year * Bay by calls at the White House is a dyiog oustom. Rut for the format call* of Cabinet officers, the diplo matic oorpa, army and navy officer*, etc., the day would soon become almost aa i " n f other at the Kxeeutire mansion. I here is, however, little if any decrease in the number of oitixens who "receivm." Ooe marked change in the past fetr | years is the substitution eoffise and : other mild beverages for wines and j liqnr*, on the tables of those receiving. Because of the unusual amount of mow which has fallen here, and the unexampled cold which has prevailed for ten days past, and the absence of well organised method* of relief, there haa been, and is much suffering among the poor of the city. Congress will be •eked aa soon aa it meets, to aid in the relieving of actual want, Jiaso. NO. I.