Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 23, 1880, Image 8

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    SEJic Crntri fPmwmif.
Thursday Morning, Deceember 23,1880.
CORRISPO* arses. containing Important nsws, SOLLI-lt
•d from any |>*rt of tha county. No communications
inaertad uulraa accompanied by the real llama of tho
Local Department.
—Buy your Christmas cigars of Harry
—The cheapest and best clothing at the
Philadelphia Branch.
—A large number of business places will
bo closed on Saturday.
—Go to the Philadelphia Branch for
men's and boys' clothing.
—The holidays approach. If you have
money prepare to spend it now.
—Clothing for holiday presents should
he purchased at tho Philadelphia Branch.
—The students of Stato College are en
joying a three weeks' vacation which began
last week.
—lt is better to smoke a cigar than to
sinoko a lamp globe, especially the cigars
sold by Harry Green.
—Splendid mixtures 2-> cents per pound
—formerly sold lor 40 cents—at Wilson's,
Brockerhotl" House block.
—Workmen are engaged repairing tho
npartment recently injured hv lire in ex-
Gov. Curlin's residence.
—Sunday-schools and festivals will save
money by buying their candy and oranges
at Wilson's, Broekerhoff llouso block.
—The week of prayer appointed by the
Evangelical Alliance begins on Sunday,
the 2d prox. Don't forget to observe it.
—II you would make a lasting and earn
est friend advise that person suffering from
any kidney trouble to use Day's Kidney
—Don't buy adulterated candy when
you can get it purer and better for loss
money ut Wilson s, Broekerhoff House
—A year's subscription to the DEMOCRAT
presented to your uncle, cousin, aunt,
brother or sister will make an acceptable
Christmas present.
—Great Endyroion ! Leap year has al
most departed and we have not yet receiv
ed one proposal. Can it be that we are
doomed to wait until 1884?
—Mr. George Marks, of Gregg town
ship, died quite suddenly on Sunday last
of lung fevor. He was about sixty years
of ago and ; very respectable man.
—Vennor Vail not increase his reputation
of a true wlather prophet unless he sends
us some swhw very soon. Only three
inches of th£t eleven feet of snow has yet
appeared anjd that is almost gone.
—Don't to stop at Wilson's, Broek
erhoff Houjie block, lie has got just what
you want/—a fancy box of candy or a
' beautiful'basket of fruit. Either would
make an excellent Christmas present.
—On dit that a young disciple of Coke
and Blackstone has had a serious affair of
the heart on hand for some time. Humor
hath it that the affair is off, there
being nothing but tho heart left to tell the
—The attractive contents of the show
window in S. A. Brew & Son's store
proved a temptation too powerful for
somebody. On Sunday night in was brok
en into and some of the confectionery
—This issue—No. 02—completes Vol. 2
of the DEMOCRAT. Our next issue will ap
pear on Thursday, January 6, 1881. We
wish our large and increasing number of
readers a "Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year."
—A special effort should be made to
attend the lecture by Rev. I). K. Nesbit in :
the Court House of this place next Tuesday
evening. The subject, "Objections to In-
fidelity," is important, and is said to he
discussed in an able manner. No admis
sion will be charged.
—lt is announced that the sun will riso
partially eclipsed on Friday morning, the
81st instant. The requisites for a proper
observance of the celestial phenomena are
an early toilet, a bit of smoked glass, a
clear sky and a position commanding
A view of tho eastern horizon.
—The interior of the Episcopal church
of this place is now being decorated with j
evergreens in preparation for the Christmas
morning service at lOj o'clock, at which
an appropriate sermon will be delivered by
the Rector. The service will close with
the administration of the Holy Com
—The amusement loving public will be
afforded an opportunity to witness the fine
performance to he given by Baird's New
Orleans Minstrels in Reynolds' Opera
House next Tuesday, the 28th instant.
Wo believe the company is quite excellent,
and ai entertainments of the kind have
been rare of late the audience will be cor
respondingly large. The usual price of
—Mr. D. P. Peters, of the Bush House,
desires it to be known that tho rumors in
circulation as to the cause of his being
taken to Moadville recently are grossly un
true and do him great injustice. He says
his arrest was simply an attempt at black
mail and was dictated by the malice of a
man whose hotel he occupied over a year
ago. Mr. Peters says he does not owe any
man in Meadvtlle one dollar and that this
attempt of an old enemy to injure him will
recoil upon the prosecutor when tho case
is called for trial in February. Mr. Peters
is a citizen of this country and hit good
name is as dear to him as that of any other
citizen and we take pleasuro in giving this
taiement to our readers.
—Sovcr&l ordinance* which emanated
from council in years gono by, and have for
lunic timo remained H dead letter, were
revived last week. One of them—the
nuisance ordinance—recites a number of
articles which are forbidden to be thrown
on the public streets, shavings and ashes
being in the list. Now, thero is nothing
inoro cleanly, buulthful, pure or beautiful
than a new pine shaving as it rests, curled
in most fantastic shape, upon the bosom of
Mother Kurth. It is delicious in aroma
and attractive to vision. Ashes—although
not so sightly—make a smooth, hard road
bed, are redolent with purifying properties
and promote health. When stowed away
in cellars, in barrels or against buildings
they are dangerous, and have been known
to retain heat so long as to ignite combus
tible material after being deposited in this
manner for many hours. If for the words
"shavings" and "ashes" a clause forbid
ding the trespass of the highway cow was
substituted, a real nuisance would be reach
ed, for she is a terror to nervous female
pedestrians, a horror to farmers who may
have any bay in their wagons when they
visit town and a nuisance in mnny ways
better imagined tliHn described.
—The baker in the employ of Mr. J.
11. Sands is certainly a greut artist. Last
week we were shown an ornament manu
factured by hitn for a handsome cake,
which is the most superb creation of tho
kind we ever beheld. It consists of a cen
tral stem from which proceeds spiral
branches drooping in a regular and grace
ful manner. In appearance it resembled
an elaborate glass ornament such as can be
produced only by professional glass blow
ers, and when we know that it was really
made of pure taffy and was tho work of
tho baker at that establishment we can
faintly understand the consummate art
shown in its manufacture. Resting on
this structure was what looked like a ball
of silk cord as it glistened in the gas light,
but this was also of taffy, fashioned by
the same skillful hands. What a beauty
that would he upon a well-spread table,
tempting to the appetite, very pleasing to
she sight, down our throats to tako its
—There was a time when we could get
up big snow storms and reasonably cold
1 weather without any assistance from
abroad. Now it seems that local weather
is of no account, and if we wish to have a
"spell" of it we must draw on the Anti
podes. There appears to be an enterprising
fellow up in Manitoba who is engaged in
the manufacture of cold waves, tie is
sending them out in relays and there is no
telling when they will make their appear
ance. Snow storms are bottled up in
Canada and shipped in unknown quantities.
There used t<> ho n faint Idea that the
weather bureau wasn't located in either
Canada or Manitoba, hut this must have
been a mistake. We wonder whether Boh
Ingersoll hadn't something to do with the
—Daniel Kreamer, of I'enn township,
in this county, has just passed his eighty
eighth year Ho has been a Democrat hll
his life and in consequence has enjoyed
good health and the respect of his fellow
citizens. He has eight children living
whoso combined weights aggregate over
2000 pounds, Jacob Kreamer, John Krea
mer, Willinm Kreamer, Jonathan Krea
mer, (our old friend "Yohno"), I)Mnic|
Kreamer, Eiias Kreamer, Henry Kreamer
and Elizabeth Kreainer. This list is ar
ranged in reference to their respective ages,
and beginning with the eldest, ends with the
baby. These children are all well advanced
in life, and surely the aged father in the
serenity of his old Hge can look over this
brood and consider that his work in the
world has been well done. May he live
to vote for another Democratic candidate
for President.
—lt is currently reported—but wo only
refer to it as one of those rumors thit are
too good to bo true—that one-half inter
est in the car works at tins place has been
sold to Mr. Michael Schall, of the Empire
car works, of York, I'M., who will imme
diately fit them up and start them in ope
ration to their fullest capacity. Mr. Schall
is said to be a practical gentleman with
extensive experience in this line of business.
The busy hum of industry is a music which
we never thought to hear again in our
borough, and if this report is a reality,
and not a delusion as all the others have
been, a special thanksgiving day for Belle,
fonte should be appointed.
—Mrs. ScottHiddons says: "Boston and
Philadelphia are the places where I have
seen the greatest amount of beauty in a
short time—especially in very young wo
men." Fortunately for the girls in Boston
and Philadelphia, however, Mrs. Hiddons
never stood "a short time" in the entrance
of Sochler & Co.'s store and looked at the
"very young women" passing in that store
and returning with packages under their
arms, or she would have given a different
Mrs. George Wells, of this place, died
last Friday after a long illness, and was
buried on Monday. She and her children
were the occupants of the house on Logan
street which was destroyed by fire two
weeks ago. Since that unfortunate event
she has been residing with her sister, Mrs.
Fred Bmith, on Bishop street, until her
stay on earth was terminated by her de
cease at the time above mentioned.
—lt m tha winter wild,
Whlls ths liran!>orii child
All meanly wr*|>! In llie rods manger llm.
Nature lu aws to Him
Has doffed her gaudy trim,
With ber great Master so to sympathise.
PKRSONAI.. —Mr. George Brew has re
turned from his western tour nfter a pro
longed absence.
—Tho Dailt/ AVtos says that Al. Dale
"had lite misfortune to freeze one of his
feet" white hunting last week. Now, we
urc inclined to think that the cold weather
did it, as Al. would never knowingly per
form such a disagreeable feat as that.
—Signer l'hilippi arrived in town the
other day nfter an absence of considerable
—Prothonotary Cal. Harper received
his Christmas present last Sunday. It is
a sweet little boy, and Cal. is now one of
the proudest lathers in Bellefonte.
—We noticed our kind friend, Mr.
Samuel K. Faust, of Miles township, pass
ing through our streets, on Tuesday morn
ing, witli a lot of splendid new sleighs of
his own manufacture. Sum. is un enter
prising mechanic and generally finds a
deniHtid for the excellent products of his
—We had tho pleasuro of meeting a
number of Miles township friends in
Bellefonte last urid also a few front the
sarno locality this week. Among those
whom wo saw la-t week were Simon M.
Spangler and his good wife and Jeremiah
Brumgard. This week wo met Esquire
Haines, Thomas K. Royer and Charles
Bierly. Spangler, Royer and Bierly were
honored members of Company A, of the
148 th regiment, and with them wo could
revive old recollections of the time we
served together "at the front."
Mr. David L. Kerr and wife, of Cen
tre Hill, passed through Bellefonte one
day last week on their way to the West.
They are visiting friends in Will county,
Illinois, and expect to be absent until the
Hr-t of February. We wish them a pleas
ant trip and a safe return home.
—Mis* Ella Rhone, the accomplished
daughter of Dr. J. W. Rhone, who IIHS been
attending school at I.uthcraburg, Md., is
spending her vacation at home. She re
turned from school on Saturday last.
—There is much that is mysterious and
witching in the closing hours of an annual
| cycle of time. Then the elf* of mirth and
good nature b- i<- forth and drive dull care
away. For this reason tho Logan Hose
Company hold their annual hall on New
Year's eve. It is the time they know the
music will be gayest, youthful spirit* light
est, Htid the dance most fascinating. Their
hall appointed for the appronching New
Year's eve Friday evening, the 31st inst.)
will he fully equal to any of its predeces
sors, and that is speaking volumes. Most
of the young folks of the town will be
present and ring the rounds of tho dance
to the music of adelighful orchestra, while
the year I*Bo passe* into historv and the
advent of youthful 1881 marks another
period in the progress of this wondorfu
MHJ. .NY. A. S. Taylor, of Norfolk,
Ya.—who will he recalled by numerous
friends in Bellefonte as a most genial and
accomplished gentleman recentlv sent
Mr. \\ . R. Teller, of the BrockerhofT
House, a barrel of the finest oysters that
have been seen here this season. Mr.
Teller made tho occasion of the tapping
of the "imrT' very pleasant for many of
his friends, by bidding them be present to
see the redoubtable Maj. Spiller skillfully
open the delicious bivalves and gracefully
pass them to the invited guests. The host
was kind, the "Majah" wa urbane and
the oyster* were sirnplv superb, while Mr.
Taylor was so kindly s|iken of between
oysters that we think he ought to come
—The annual statement of the borough
auditors lias been given to the public and
as usual contain" many evidence* of mu
nicipal extravagance and mismanagement.
There nre many items open to more than
eriti<ini, and it hi said that there is a
marked discrepancy between the statement
for this fiscal year and the last. There is
one item in the report of the overseer of
the poor, which is almost ludicrous. He
hit* charged in his account s'2o 00 for
manure for the lot annexed to the poor
house. At $1 a load, which we believe is
the regular price for this commodity, it
would seem as if twenty loads had la-en
emptied upon the little plot of ground. It
ought to make rich soil.
Mr. Jacob Gill, the oldest resident of ,
I'leasant 'lap, passed to his heavenly re
ward on Monday of last week, after an
earthly pilgrimage of eighty-eight year*.
He was the father of twelve children,
from whom there were numerous descend
ants. As a member of the Evangelical
branch of the Christian church his life was
consistent. He was a pensioner of the
war of 1812. Tho family burial ground at
/.ion contains his mortal remains, while
hi* spirit, freed from earth's bonds, has en
tered upon the joy of eternity.
Professor Cor nelly, a scientist, says
that iee can be made as hot a* boiling
water without melting a particle. This is
a di see very which, if true, will lead to im
portant result* ; but it is much tnqrc easy
to stredil tho statement that the grocery
store of 8. A. Brew & Son ha* a large
stock of fancy candies for the holiday
trade, in addition to tho usual amount of
groceries, and that they are being disposed
of as rapidly as hot cakes for breakfast.
—A Tonsontown paper made a young
poetess ssy, "O for a heart full of sweet
yearling I" The poete** wrote to the edi
tor, declaring that she wrote "yearning,"
and that the printer who *et it up "year
ling' was a calf. The fair poetess was
yearning for ome of thone splendid ero
•cerle and rich candies at Seehltb A Co'*.
Tho Pleasant Gup Literary Society met
on Wednesday evening, the 16th instant,
and ol< clod the following officer*: l'resi
dent, J. K. Yun Ormer j Secretary, J. A,
Noll j Treasurer, Calvin Wall/.. All are
good, energetic men, and will give thesocie
ty their earnest support. They are rewriting
the constitution in a neat form, after the
signing of some seven new member*. The
society i* in a prosperous condition and is
accomplishing much good.
—The Lutheran Sunday-school, under
the charge of Rev. Yul/.y, will celebrate
Christmas day by a leg dinner provided by
the members of the school and parents of
the scholars. Hope they may have a good
time and enjoy all the pleasures of the
—'l he Pleasant Gap Comet Rand antici
pate holding a festival in the M. K. church
on or about the closing of the present year.
Everybody will be invited. This excellent
band deserves encouragement, and we tru-t
it will lie liberally accorded them bv the
Kris Kingle lias intimated his inten
tion to make bis traditional visit to the
boys this week, having on deposit a large
variety of fancy and useful presents, at the
stores of R. p. Dames and Henry Eckcn
roth, where all should call for supplies.
Professor Philip Meyer, of I'enn HHII
met with the singing class in the M. K.
church on Wednesday evening last. The
class numbers over sixty, and under the
instruction of so capable a teacher, we
may expect great improvement in the
vocal music of our village.
—Hie butchering season is about over.
During the last week our old friends, Abram
Htine HHI Henry Zeigler, slaughtered some
of the best porkers of the season. Abe
Miller says Silne will change his mode of
distribution by taking the whole hog round
to his friend" before butchering time comes
Mr. John Rarnes and wife have both
been seriously ill fir sometime past. Mrs.
Rarnes ia still quite sick, but Mr. Barnes is
so far recovered as to be able to walk
round his room. They are under the care
of Dr. Jacobs, of Centre Hall. Hope our
aged friends will soon be restored to health.
—( apt. M. Runkle has also been on the
invalid list with a severe attack of neural
; gia. He is improving now, but thinks
this "Tyler Grip," which it is sometimes
j called, is the surest grip be ever encounter
-1 ed, notwithstanding he is minus one arm,
which he parted with very reluctantly in
tho "late unpleasantness."
—Our good neighbor llaag will probably
lose one of his best horses front the effects
of the epizootic.
RAILKOAI> LAW. —The following de
cision was mado in the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania recently, and its admonition
will apply especially to this locality.
Except at crossings, where the public
have the right ol way, a man who steps
his foot upon a railroad track does so at his
peril. The company has not only the
right of way, hut it is exclusive at all
times and for all purposes.
It also ought to b" equally well under
stood that parents who permit their chil
dren to trespass upon the track of a rail
road arc guiity of negligence. It is not
only gross but culpable negligence, as it
imperils the lives of the children so tres
passing, as also the lives of tho traveling
derful and marvelous success in cases
where |e>rsons are sick or wasting away
from a condition of miterahleneM, that no
one knows what ails them, (profitable pa
tients for doctors,) is obtained by the use
of Hop Hitters. They begin to cure from
the first dose and keep it up until perfect
health and strength is restored. Whoever
is afflicted in this way need not suffer when
they can get Hop Bitters. Cincinnati Star-
early on Saturday morning our carrier
dove, Mr. Israel Sternberg, will be at your
doors offering for sale copies of his prettily
bound Christmas poems and New Year's
greetings. He has called on you every
week dining the past year bringing with
him a ray of sunshine which has relieved
the tedium of many a long day. He should
he met with a pleasant welcome and re
ceive a generous price for hi* merry
Christmas songs.
—Wilbur Harris, son of M r. Henry Har
ris, of Howard street, broke through the
thin ice while skating on the mill dam,
last Monday, and owes his rescue from a
watery grave to the prompt exertions of
his companion*. Mr. Cooper Dare ren
dered himself the hero of the occasion by
hi* presence of mind. Ha drew off hi*
overcoat and extendi '! ine end of it to
Wilbur. Retaining the other end, he
drew his fish safely Upon firm ice. We
are glad the adventure had such a fortu
nate termination and hope Wilbur will
not suffer from hi* unseasonable batb.
—By far the most enjoyable ball of the
season will he given to-morrow evening in
Bush's Hall, by Mr. C. Hmilh, the popular
baker in Hush's Arcade. Mr. Smith i*
quite proficient in the art of catering to
the entertainment of tha public, and will
employ his best effort* in making the ball
a social success. He ha* circulated Invita
tions for the occasion, and those who at
tend will find a cheerful welcome, and will
spend the closing hours of Christmas eve
and the opening hour* of Christmas morn
ing in a very pleasant and merry manner
—Buy your next new overcoat at tha
Philadelphia Branch.
KAiiHATH-rt< nooL CONTENTION.— The em
inent gentleman whose riHme in rri*riticn*-'J
in the above title arrived in Bellefonte last
Thursday morning in response t en invite
tion from the officer* of the Centre County
Sabbath -school Association. The reverend
gentleman i* actively concerned in Habbnth
tchool Hll'airs, in President of the Chautau
(jiia Literary and Scientific Circle, which
has member* all over the country, and
take* a prominent part in other benevolent
I enterprise* of national reputation. 11 i
visit proved to he ax enjoyable a wax ex
pected. On Thursday evening he delivered
hi* lecture on ''That Hoy" for the Voting
Men'* Christian Association of this place
to an appreciative audience of about two
hundred person*. The receipts were SBO,
just sufficient to pay tins lecturer arid oth
er incidental expense*. On Friday he was
present at each res-ion of tin* Sjhhath
school Convention, which wn held in the
Presbyterian church of this place, taking
an active part in all the proceedings of
that gathering. The Friday evening ses
sion of the Convention was attended by
an immense audience, the attraction being
I>r. Vincent's lecture on "Modern Sunday
school Ideas." He departed on Saturday
morning after a few farewell words to the
Convention. About forty delegates from
all parts of the county were present at the
sessions of the Convention. Music, ren
dered by a large choir of trained vocalists,
was a pleasing feature of the exercise*.
The occasion throughout was very satis
factory. Centre Hall was selected for the
next place of meeting.
JANUAKY JUROR*. — The following is
the list of (Jratid arid Traverse jurors
drawn for January Court, beginning the
fourth Monday of January, IKSJ :
I'hki. llttiti*-*,
IA*I1 Tiylor,
A brum Wehcr, II- wuril,
I*. njHiiii tj \lH*rr, IViiD,
VV ft*. ('. i+f .
Sttmiif) How ,rd.
1 Arnry, I'ottirr,
Wiltiatii ilowr llmrosc,
? II llainN,
J Hr*hat- ile-r. Ilnlf M n
F W.Collins. Huth,
Kill. Mhaff-r, Mil#.
J-K Ki4'lih|t. Fnw Bho#,
J >
II K Zimmerman, lWnn#r,
lIH trlirig. K#f|fuaoii.
lvt#r K#ichlli# Prrgutuij,
J• 111 Kr*|ft
Jonath'iHi Ky#r. Walker
J-ihij KrcifW, rVrKtino,
Win. M' Cloak >jr t < urtin,
J t' McCormlc k, Ferguaon
TH A V KftSE J V H<R H~ b J K>T W V > K
A A tfiTiie-minn. I liili|b'ir,
SiffitH*) f'rui. I'hili|*btirg.
1111 HrooK*. -| iiiic,
U illiarn Urov#, H ot<T,
ll^rjfy l| .it/ O'lbgc,
Urlinrt. Miis-a,
N* n lla ii- *, f*ho*,
Otorgi w ; •!
Mi lt**l * otifrr. Iluward
Gwiria Mlrr, piiow Mioc,
A i It . ')! I 1 I -n-
John K liuokis-. I* tlvr.
<i W M W |||lmii a, IVrg Q,
A brain II if k P*tu>n,
•'*' II -l I# i. 8 r H vtsrl.
I ■ M • - s • v - * i. ,•
A V Mm i h I i • |a
l.lifift J Mark!-. WaU.r,
A Wourihartl, Huard,
J-mniab M"\-r. Orrjfg,
iVi-r Hmitli. I'ottfr,
John H llall, I'nion,
John Maift'-r. Howard,
G*orf* Liarnhuth. Ilainaa
Philip Kt-mp Potur,
II M Shwrt. Iliitun.
John \ IIM ktriati IR*KG.
C bllat Alexander l'#-nn,
J k8 M lllMf, MIH u,
.1 I (iidri*-r, Lihrty,
II II T inlln- n, M llheitn
Ja< IM*iler, Hfim,
William FoaU-r. Coi)#g*.
Wh li Mllca, Mltwbnrg,
l'at#r *#ifffrt*d. Itiifth,
Holt V Mrutik. Mat lon,
CUudioa Cook ((now Miof,
l<tti K'<a*man. <irgg,
K ) Jubnituti,
li W *■*|mit.kir, Puller,
A >••< <irniig#r. |V|j||,
I rank Walla< ■ |v gga t
F ravel, Iluah,
(ieorg* fittflf. Iluaton,
K<l < <*tni#r, Fprlng,
l%vid K- *••, Taylor,
Henry Yranck, Marion,
Mirh'l Corman. Jr .Walker
William Mank. Millbettn,
Ja- oh T*#l, I'hlllpahiirft,
J.T Peidler, llaiiifM. I
Kamanun Hwk, Mil***,
A L Ml li r, r gg.
Henry Ferguann,
Tbomaa Hluter Milee,
larael Yuan*. Ilairfa.
Jmi '• < kuv , I • x* .
I K ontt*l. Perm.
W W (lark. Ltl*rty.
William Ixve, Potter,
John Prrtan, iVgg®,
i* A Faulkner. Philipahg,
W M V rm<ia. lUium,
N A Ku< u F| ring,
Mm k. lafgiiar-n.
\ Jam llarri®.
jH. F F*alcr, R-llafufita.
Ha>il*l Rboada. li-1 lafont-.
IC'. V Y-aritk Marlon,
J'' A Muaaer.firefg.
Wni kantrllar, Millh-im,
T R iHjbba, Poller,
jCnlnn Morna. Mil..
!lnl#l Ivarnian, Watkrr,
John H 11-< kriiiM. <ir-j:g,
Jtsa A Em-rif k. Walk* r,
• John Tal-, H|rinis,
William Maika, It >trc*.
Anron liiir., Mrinn,
John Hp it*, {'t w.u,
J i' P J dies, M liaalnirg.
Jam#* ( Brian, IWl|#-h*nt#>.
Jaa P' 'ldfo|. M<ie>bnrr
I 11 Waifir, Faf|
—Jmm* Cornelly ht established quit*a
business in cleaning mid fixing up harness.
110 make* hi* headquarter* ai Giirtritn';
Hotel, Hnd the wijr ho tram-forms old
harness into new is astonishing.
—Spring woolens now read v. Karly
orders solicited. Money saved.
10-tf MONTCIOMERT A. Co., Tailors
Forney's "Prog-ross" for the Future.
With this number, Saturday, November
13th, IHBO, yVoyres* will begin its third
volume. Hereafter it will be an Inde
pendent Democratic paper, retaining all
its eclectic leaturee, discussing society,
finance, the drama, railroads, and foreign
affairs. Its price has been reduced to
S2 60 per annum, or 5 cent* a number.
As I have placed all my means in the
reorganized enterprise, and propose to de
vote all my time to it, I have no hesitation
in asking my f>ereona! and political friends
to give me the benefit of their prompt and
active co-operation. When we recollect
that over 76,000 votes were cast for Gen
eral Hancock in the city of Philadelphia
alone, on the 2d of November, and in
Pennsylvania 400/00, and in the country
at large about five million of votes, there
ought to be a ready and liberal response to
the scheme of an Independent Ib-mocratic
weekly paper of the highest class in Phil
The hour of Democratic defeat, procured
hV open purchase of the suffrage, , n d by
deliberate intimidation of the deio-nden't
citizen, should also lie the hour of Demo
cratic education and preparation for the
great work of organization and action, in
the present and the future.
Kditor and Proprietor of
702 Cheatnut street, Philadelphia
Terms for for,o p. r
Single copies, 6 cents.
When you coine to Bellefonle call at
Lyon ii C o.'a and see the largest and finest
' 7 i f .?!o rc J °' U thßl CRn * found out
t2 7ft°lnd M w ph £ h " r ' lh ""
$2.. - r and $3 ,5. We have brown beaver
overcoat, at f, 2ft and $6 fiU. Youc.n l
beat them anywhere else at $7 fgi.nd $R
We have the finest blue and black tseavnr
overcoau. We have . reversiblt oveV^.t
wl i fi. W ? r OUt ' ° r two °°* u > n one'
We have tha best chinchilla ovorc.,u at
$6 00 you ever saw ; they are worth
o s f overcoau" * m
ladTsi" miller I '' kh ™ -rul
ladies millinery, we can show you the
Urgeal and best .tock in the coum/
- LTON ai Co.
nrTn L ch ndßrClothl * ,f " lh " p^l<Wphi*
under ten years of ago are |
read this article, because we , Biy ~ f
reveal the whereabouts of !
storehouse, and very young chih/w' |
not kaow anything about that- It.'
a store around on Allegheny street ir
window of which are three superb <) J
clothed in velvets arid laces and ornsn. - I
eel with diamonds. This is Santa ' I
sign Within are those per-onlfh at. f
good humor, Mr. and Mrs. J 11. I
| who, aided by one or two pretty lady < , fl
jure presiding over Santa Clau* st
which are spread in lavi-h profusion
counters which extend through a larg> r
They are such as would make y,
America go into transports i f d<- * fln
There are a multitude <d beautiful, ; r * M
fac ed dolls, a H
ren's china and woodc-n dishes, ag- 4
array of Christmas tree ornament
animals, castles, money safes, horns, d- t; I
Ac. Mr. Sands, who ) a'ting a-
Claus' agent, has put the pric eof all " h I
I beautiful things down to the verv
estimate, determined that every chi I
the town shall have some of then
Christmas morning. Parent-, and ch ■
of larger growth, should visit thi
of Christmas goods la-fore pore has - I
—Wo have the finest u k of
black diagonal, blue check and 1 "
good, heavy winter su.t". Wei
you the largest and bcot *tl
county and guarantee them j* *
cheaper than any other bouse.
I. TON \ •
Business Notices.
—Why are horses and < attic after t
Roberta' Horse Powders lik" a new
dried shirt? Jh-cau-c they look sh*,,
poultry and cure ibem of diiraea, t "
Roberts Poultry Powder. It ha
failed to cure Cholera, and all ti - >g \ r
which fowls si., sul.je. t. Price >,\v
per package. F..r sale hv ail drug •
- v.*- *
—At the present time when the r ;>'
many worthless linaments in the
it would ho well to inquire wh c
tw't. This will be found in M. J', r
Kmbrocation —itis a pans- ea for n
that require rubbing either . *j
beast. Price 36 cents j*-r boitl ,
—\\ by do you cough '
find s|a-edy relief in ,*,n<- JS
Wild Cherry and Iforebo Jj , ,
most plva-ant and elficac :o
for C 'Ugh*, Colds, Croup, ..
disease* tending to puimor
tion. Ha- been sold f, r
and is especially adapted to elm J
DOE* riot nauseate, and nunwxiliaml F
la- usi-d in sufficient quantity a* t
cure. Try one b.itle and sou w •it"* l ".
be without It. Price 26C and 6tlr * LATCN
tie. Sold everywhere Askvour EH I
,orit _ __ ' A U"
—The popularity of M R. H„,
Horse Powder* is proving luelf in tflo tie
creased demand throughout this S M
from the (act that the public are at I
finding out that it is ponibl# to obu
pa< kage of Horse and ( altle Powder W'K# FOR
is strictly pure and free from *ucb ADUOST of
alio * AS bran, cake meal, and other irna
gredients calculated to puff the wii ,
in-tead of curing it of the disease it is EX '
faring fr-.m. M . R Robert* HOR* P lutf
ders contain n<> adulteration, and "E tn VCT..
cheaper than any other, as but a tai
spoonful is required for a dose. Ask , 8 '
old horseman AS to THEIR meritr For s '
everywhere. Price reduced -o 26C •
" Rock Candy and
For Colds, Throat and PTG disea*.
Prepared ready for ue. in I
healing powers. It gives R *f by arre,
ing the ha. king cough, NOTCHES. buih.-L* to
up and strengthens the , TE N. FT T
troublesome coughs or hoarse"** affectm ,
the voice it will give a' most ftant RC' —R
The great se, ret In> U rcw#,o - '
many surprising care* when ev.v
known remedy has failed to giveY d * 1
It truly recommends it*|f JT,"
trial, n.. matter h..w bad the CouX
Lung affection may be. It,, not a** 1 '
""'.but the finest cry stall Station of W**
RH-k ( andv combined with Pure Coo
I ..tilled nidi Rye Whiskey," made in '-
old fashioned way, and acknowledged
, lTiJ ud| f U ' U ' ,hn and ti
Of all >\h,sk,e*. "lock ( andv and . r '
Whiskey," is now universallv' u*ed
recommended by the most rml
Phy.ici.ns, a* . tonic for invalid. '
persons advanced in life. R,„ n, m,,v
being saccharine matter make- n- w i l ' stl '"'
and the Pure Old Rye Whisker I of
ate* and infuse* life, and eombi'neu b -M*
prepare it, strengthen, the digestive
gan*. increase, the appetite, and an
nrovement in thesy. tern invariable folic
It ir sold with our guarantee f„ r j,', | uri to
r ine Flavor, and excellence. Price r i
dollar for a large bottle. Orders bv'm o*
nr , 7.rr pi ' n V" rof< "
full direction*. Fine old li qilor ,
i"I. v. K " n medicinal use) H .r-^ii
s,! ili °s KK BROTH Kits. Wine othrr.
I? U ' 12,10 M " RUL " iere is
1 hiladelphta, PA Sold onlv in HELI. OO R
at Joity HAKRI* f,„ lg^ ,n
•'i*"" *";'" -• h- 1" (a.!.., „ h •
iSFr'iiKa.'sF usrv
. L f W,". WWW
rrsoi. , A r-. "ton
fueatJi Lfj< I
•uie'det wrrv
R. In
Wkv should I . , r Cause of death
hs.aH* RE II rtfcii
• BW " hlai at I
" tbr bh rMM iSI •%"-
O „ AT <w> " T is Mil
r * n * er CTr ' 1