Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 23, 1880, Image 7

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    11l ifsoii, Mr I'll rlmir F Co., Iltirihriirr linilrrs.
Paints, Oils, f.lass ami Varnishes,
ALUSUiIKSV BTRKKT, ... 11l M!>' III.'H'K, .... IIKI.I.KHiNTK. I'A.
p r~--:sr
llilsi urss IVI •(/.<.
*jk * .r. .I -
All work ii' ill. ... Hi' I 'ii Alii-ulii-n. "ti"l,
DEALK! i \ I'i 1 >">
21 T KKMiKI! A SON, :
S'tl* |l|;i .. iI- ■.s
21 Nil (i. 11l n On*
' l| ln> Sun 111 I I'll' ' I VI l" •' - I'M *
F'Bf '.•! . 111.1 I .mill) !'■• 11iirnii !.
II ■ -
•< till,,
4|I1N \lll.K IbWIT A Sl|o:M\K Kit.
b§ r. •' 1 •
M| ' 1 *
Ali-ili n\ MriH-l, 11. 11..f..i.t.-, I'. I O
Ami A 1!• nx I- r • t.
F I)|S. omit N't• s ;
liny .% 11 * I S.-ll
flold . 1 i
JASMA Bkavfr. Pr-nN ut.
I 47535iei,11T. Viwlli. r Vlf
T>ELL F. F() NT F. A- SNoW sll n F
IJ ft. ft.- rinu-Tal.le In rtl- I •> mi l 11-r M ■>
Mb | ftb..w >li. *.,rri, "• in It-,1.-f.ml
-9.18 A. M.
!.-***• B. U. f .ut- 1 * , irriv ut ,-n w >li. ■
lUT A. H.
!~ I 'ImBI 9now Shoo 'j'si P v , .rroos in Ibllefoiih
3 45 p. a.
i;" BBp Beio r nt* l' !' M . MrrivM it >m *M, .•
? I Übl< A | ril - *. C
-411, BABTH4RD. Ct(>. Mill
*0 1 ii
Plain < Eb-
A I S Bai '• lUni.ah " . ; 'I i
T J IS " I' >rt MAIIIII* " - ' I •
<3 " M .rtlu •-- "• '
T|a i# •• Jii!i..i. " •• J
1 % M " I nmiivlll* " .. - - I'
Tilt i • " Snow Sho* In " . * ■"*- Ml
8 M " Mil.*l.wr ".il I' o
111 It. " 11.'11.-f.niin " . - I •
6 Mill " >lil.*l.urß " ... 1 -.1 in'
4*4 &p " Ciniln " ... " I" I '
IB ...
.... " ... '> In
* INI 111 " ll—.h Crook " ... 9 ll" .'4
MMa " Mill IUII ... n 111 I
f .
\v T\V A Kit.
AM* MA i. !•%?•'§ PlillA! l|4ln. H ' I p in
[■ i ** " Will.4UinM.rt.. v -. 4rn
K I n Ha
n % •* Kri. : ■. !• in
AOAU V I*.i\- I'lill,. M| bL. 7 : . m
I „ M Arrires At H•*\ 4 4 j. tn
'•>' Im .to IL II"-
PlMl'i.l"l|.i. 114.., n.
M M ' WilliAtn.tH.rt " pu
Wmm M ' uuior-n H |o p m
f/ ' KAiTWA Kit.
fig •: t Hpri KXIKSg |. I. k 11.T.n .... in a m
. . M Arriv. sat Ffirri.l nrg 11 a m
UnTrs Rpnotu 1• • 1" 4 m
- I." k lUvnn II j*' 4 til
, tn
* RrrlTo%t lUrrlAbnrjf 4 1" | tn
'• I' 1111 A* I♦* 1 j 11114 7 'Joptn
AH. lohtma Rtroio t p rn
" l/s k ll4?on '• 4-p ni
WillinniftpirL 11 c- p m
HB; nrrlr.-s At ltAiril>Mrir - 4-4 tn
••• " I'li'l4>t**lplii4 7 <••• an
ffllM 14to4 WlllUtn|Hirt 1 J * m
•* RrriTo4t ll
r #• " Phililo|phin 7 .V • m
Brt* M'o Wont, XiagAra 4 \j Wml, 1,. . k lUrsn
.tit. Wot 4nl l4jr K*prow past, in*
I mi At XoPtlnimlofUnl with I. A Ik K
AtfliH fnr W.lkonl.nrrA Atxl Hrrnnton.
Srtjp'HaO Wot. Kpr* Wn, ami Krir
W*-t i4vi'l I. • k llA"n A rorntn'olAfioti Wpt
wtsilfcEho** onnortioii At WillianiMport with N.C*. K
Erf# Hm Wwt, Nlngirn Cipro** West, nn l lUj
. nik" r h*. rouu... tinti t h"k lUvru
grf# Hail K*t Ati'l West ronnort nt Krio with train*
6* h . A M. rt R It at Carry with O C. % A V R
n at Crn! urn with It. N Y A P R. K,an I a*
IfftftfFfimi with A V It H
e* i* will run l.otwoon PhiUlolphia and
Wi!tlAbrt >n XlAirara Kiprorw Wsf Krio Kip row
Wi*t t MRAdi Iph.a Cipro** Cast an l ln> Kipr**-
fantAMan lit Cipro** Rut FU*pini( carton al
btfbt Ww. A tUir.wix,
Oon'l Btporlntonlont
Ttn.4 BBti* prominent in a nty f,itn.l f.r It* com*
ftrrs#b|^ppt* I•. It kopt in rfsrji ro*pwt orpiAi to any
ftnt cfcllwib l ''l* in th# nuintry. (ming to th# trtn
memey lltno*. thn prl o of hoar-l h * )oon mlurMl
lltfHkLiii , ' MKlititlN.
N| |1
E* •
I. I* PKTKR*, Pmprlalur. I
ths llAllnKT'l station,)
. ■- KOHLIJKCKKK, Proprietor.
TttiWUBII TRAVKI.K.HS M <H. rallro*J will Sn4
, lf'l* mm M " oirallont plarn tn lunrh, or pnM tiro a
TRAINS stop ahont 2'> minnto*
■AvTo I,O;MI at < per CI.
■■■of NCW YORK, on (Ir*t tnortgaK'". on
property. nms not loa* than t'/.tiOO,
. - -
Any portion >4 th* prin'lpal in o
lißio, ami Iwi'ii tho c ustom of tho
prl< lp1 to romaln long as
wisho*. if th* intorost i*'promptly paid.
■falFH P. 81ICHMAN. Attomry-at-lAw.
left Court stroot, Roadlng, PA.,
st. KfJNß,ro.' AppraUor.
/ 'rof t ssion at i 'arils*
M.\. McKKK,
I- II "I' "I |■ .I i .-nil II in I'.. 11. f. 111.- I'il
1 I. Ml AM. iil.l.t.iTloN nr.Ti'K.
l-'ly I IJ.AKiTKI.iI. I'A
* ' • ATToUNKY \T I AH.
hCI.I.KKoN i K. PA
I4H< •in M MHlrltif** Rl •k. opp isito tin (Yitirl llotia#
r "lisillhi',l || 111 Kligllsti o| tirituaii -
j < T 4irx TMifK. t . M.AOWBA
l Hofi.nto, P., . tiiav ho ' moilh'd in Knglih ,r t)or
tn oi. Oftlto In ti.irmaii's Huihiitig. l ly
J4MFM A. litttf A. j WFJI.II OK Ml ART.
ii AtleßhMj -in . t, null of Ulgh. Ml*
e. 1 1 y
I *• V ITilllN KV VT I.AW,
KK1.1.1 HiM K. PA
l.a-i ■! - r ' .ii.. I aft in lb* Ciinn Ifonae. fl)
Dili .• II Al!.>.||. I|) I ... t .lit.l I.)
m> n n.r hi-, pa.
11K1.1.1 HiNTK. PA
Offiro Alh Strct. < v,r Post Oft •• -11*
HU.I.KI.TIN I K i I N , UK i i i N I V. PA
S|.elal a'tMiti • . 1.. < .11- , |.rrli. in ll ib>
, < I'. !.-.Hati..i .in I. nnai. ..r K. iKi.ti. My
T it MI hjo. rr*i 9 OORtK>x.
Will atteinl the It. Uef..it# nrts %h*n *HS lilh
Phi pi ).! 1
, All liuain.M | r .III|.I> alt... |. |I . My
\\ M. I'. .MITCHELL,
* ' PKAI.TK Al. i| ItVKTOR,
Will att-n.l to all * rk In Claatflpkl, Centre anil
J Cllotofl Cotllities.
Hfflf* o|i{Kwin> I> k Ifaven Nath>nat llank 20-ly
Oflk* In Connd Botu*, Allsghsn) tr. t.
iptchri ittMtioß ilvm t . ths . n#ctkm -f claim*
All t rtslhr** it| ri'h'l t pMtuptl) j', 1
* * w ut.a r t> t. kri.!
Will atten I and try • auses at Relief -nte when *{x>
ciall) rrtsitiel. |.|,
All linalriMi promptly attended • |.|y
4 LKXANDLR <V < <>.,
) s iY >i f i-;,
They miniri l.v tl>i- nil tho nnrno iin|Kirt.
t that i. t. d**al in and fmnish t • farmer* at the
|o*r**at |-.*Lle price even thing in the shape fan
agri- iilturul implement that firmer* use, Including
AC CP* of HII kind*
At j-re-ent we have on hau I und are the authorixed
agents f.r the sde .f the SYKUISC <IIIII.KI
J'LOW, made at Pyrmuae.N Y It i tlie h**t •-hilled
|il"W tew M.ftd' ; lint th" K' \t Hid || n L. im
plows load" at Onlre Kali. No ietter plows thati
these ran !"■ ha I ' i ih- atiie amount of tnonev
Also thsOatrs llall <'ortiplaoter He nee.l say until
lug alnoit the tn* rit of this j l nt r. a* the jissi now in
US" in fentre < oiinfy hnoratrat-s thetn t.i he the het
IIAIIItOWS wild CI LTI\AToILs ..f the Iwf at nu
proved pattern*.
tlioae we *"11 the O*loftie either w* eparate Mower*,
fomhlm-d It' r* and Mow .m t aingh ll.irveatcrs, or
as t'otnhined lt nji s and Itinders.
TIIK WHKCLCK. N- '.a- arotnldned nia>hine.it
the het niarhine of the kind in th market
is th* Nrri*twn tileaner an l Rinder. Call and see
it. It is wonderfully perfr t.
Any l*y fw#|\" *e4rs <dd, with one hora*. will fdh
low and hind all the gram that ny Rapei with side
delivery will ctif It not only hinds hut gleans, and
will save the price of the vmifhin* In one year, ly
taking up from the stuhhle that which I* now |o*t.
Til K M sIICRRY ORAIN MHLI,. either with or
without hroad a*t IIH a. with or without fertillrer and
iw"d aowlng attachment* It I* the he#t grain drill
for all pur]**'•* in the market.
The reputation of thi* marliine i* so w*|| eataldiahed
that we ran *ay nothing alHiiat It that the |*e>p|> dn
not know Any person wanting one, or In nowd of
reisiira for the** now In the county, phaae rail.
I'OH CR, for on* and two h-r*e*. with Patent Hpaed
Regulator. Little tliavit Threaher and Cleaner.
tre count?.
H AtioSs.CARRIA4IER.m*OfJIKi and I'll V.TONf*.
—H . are agents f.r the sale of the "|ehrate<| CO.NK
LIN M AOON. the reputation of which is so well etale
WAfiONH, Canlage*. Phmton* and lluggiea. All are
warranted. Call and see specimen* and examine cata
logue* ** to stvles and p*U e* before buying elaewheie
Catalogue* fnrniahed on application.
PLANTER AND CCRTILI/.RR.H.- Cayuga plaster
finely ground n food as the best Nova Hcotia. at the
low price of f7 <*i per ton. Peruvian Guano *>dd on
order* only Phosphate* always on hand. Hpecial
manure* for difT-rent crop* add upon order* at nianti
facturers ivrlc"*.
POW'DKII -He mr „ (ytipont'i agent* Hla*ir.g,
H|Mrting and Hide powder on hand and sold at whole
i|e prlcef ; al#. fa*e
GRAlN.—After the growing crop | harvested we
will In* prepared to pay the highest market price for
•II kinds of grain.
COAL-—Our yard Is always stocked with the heat
Anthracite Co*! which ** w#*ll at lowest price.
LIME —We make the t-*t white lime in the Htate.
It* pmpertle* f.r merhanlral and B|ricQltral pur
tfOo excel all other*
PAIR BAN KB* RCALRfI.—Wr are their agon!* In
Centre county *rd will *upidy *ll partlea wiahftig
gore I and true urate* at their lowe*t price*
We extend an Invitation to everyl**ly In want of
anything In our line to call at oar More room*. op
posit* the flush llonse, and *e what we have, and
learn from thoae In attendance mors particularly ths
sco|e of our huMne**. ALKXANDKU A CO.
Itellefoiita, I'M.. May n, IMO, HMf
mn (C'nvtvc rUmocvat,
k j
II KL L K ro.N TK , I'A.
! iianicjLTirr.AL.
Ni:\VH, r.VCTS AM) Hl'ii<iMSTKIN'S.
rilr. T KMT or TIIK MATIOHAL IM TIIB 111 111.1-<IE*
hveru farmer in hm an nun! erpenenee
(iscneers maneth i rn/ of mlnr. Write it am!
' send if to the •* A'/rii ut/aral Jjlitor of the
MKMOI HAT, lie lii fun ft . J 'run'a," that at her
: Itiriiier* mm/ have the hear fit < l it. I,et
j 'uminuiiicatains he tum h/ } and h> sure that
j the}/ are brief aa it i cell painted.
K\ Kiiv day we keep a young ani
mal with no growth, and every day a
mature animal is allowed to L'i'l poor
er, we are Keeping them at a loss.
\ ran many of the Tanners of our
county could vastly improve their
water supply, both for barn and
house purposes, by having good eis
terns. Such will be interested in the
aitiele in another column, from the
Aiinrinin .1 grirullurift, telling how
to build one both good and cheap.
Tin: practice of feeding stock on
the ground is not economical. There
lore never be guilty of it; but if you
feed out (loots, provide racks to hold
the feed. The actual loss to the far
mer, oftentimes, in a single season,
exceeds the cost of the necessary
racks for otlectually saving this
Oi it neighbor, the //'-y<*//// •■<!//, says,
"We haven't heard of a single big
porker being killed around these dig
gings this season. Centre county is
a little backward this year." To this
we must take exception. The fact
that "big porkers" are not to be
found is evidence of progress among
our pork raisers, instead of showing
Item to be "a little backward."
We have done something in the wa\
of making "big porkers" ourselves,
tnd there is nothing in it. There is
nothing more to boast of in having a
big pig, than there is in hav ing a big
stone-pile. I'.ither can be easily
made, if one m i - proper to put mon
ey and time enough in the attempt,
ami (trie is about as profitable as the
ither. If a man wants to put away
a thousand pounds of pork, he can
grow it at a less cost per pound,
and have a far better article on five
"pigs" at two hundred pounds each,
than on two "hogs" at five hundred
poundseach. If these "little fellows"
are grown up >n a diet consisting of
vegetables—clover and apples if led
during the summer, and roots and
scalded clover hay in winter—the
meat will be very much better than
that of the monsters which must be
fed for months exclusively upon corn
to make them attain their enormous
weights. The dearth of "big porker"
items, neighbor li'/iuhlirnti , is a sign
that our people have increased intel
ligence upon the subject, and not
that they are "a little backward."
December Chat for Poultrymeu.
($. 0 Browit in Am M- in Twiner
Fowls will need special attention
now. The cold weather has com
pletely cut otf tin' supply of insect
food. All available meat scraps, re
fuse bones, A c., from the table should
now lie saved for the fowls, the latter
crushed fine with a hammer on a
large stoic; the fowls will cat with a
keen relish, and the diet will be great
ly beneficial. It need not lie under
stood that a meal of meat and bones,
same as grain or mixed food, is meant.
Such is not the case; but just enough,
so that each fowl may get a little.
Fresh water must not be neglected,
even if it is cold ; but in extreme cold
weather the water should he given
about milk-warm; and as soon as their
thirst is satiated, the water dishes
should he to prevent the
water freezing. Keep the birds ac
tive ; make them scratch for exer
cise and grain food. It is a most ex
cellent plan in cold weather to warm
the grain-food, so that it may he giv- I
en to them warm as late as possible
before roosting time. This will nec
essitate a little extra trouble; but the
double satisfaction to t he true fancier
of knowing his birds have n good
warm supper, and retired for the
night without shivering, as they cer
tainly do when fed on tec-cold corn,
ought to lie enough to induce the ex
tra trouble to lie endured. Hut the
good this attention results in is
much more: the fowls will thrive
better, lay more, and require less
food. No matter if the corn gets a
little parched sometimes; it is so
much the better. An occasional feed
of clover-tops, scraped from the floor
of the hay-mow, the fowls delight to
pick over during the winter. If so
situated that they can scratch in the
barnyard the cleanings from the
stables, let them do it. Do not neg
lect the "green food"—cabbage or
turnips—at least three times each
Clippings and Comments.
Harrowing a Held in the spring which
li i I been ploughed and manured the
previous lull would probably be suffi
cient. Uecoril.
'•Probably" it would on the garden
like soil of the Record editor's splen
did Montgomery county farms, but
on about twenty-nineteenths of the
- average Centre county farms a thor
ough cultivating mid rolling previous
to the harrowing would be found a
, profitable investment of labor.
. | 11 is better to hive manure in piles
j through the winter than to scatter it
• i over the ground in the tall. Iterant.
1 We do not believe it, unless, in
| deed, the ground happens to be very
; billy, and the bills very steep. Cer
. | tainly not, if the "piles" referred to
. j are the small ones upon wlUeli the
! manure is usually deposited in the
field, from the wagon, ready for
"spreading." If in lun/r piles, care
fully built up and plentifully mixed
and topped with coarse stalks, weeds,
| and so on, which need some assist
; aiice to rot them, or under cover, we
1 will agree.
Farmer Thrift's Barn.
II II 111.- I'M- Ural Kunii-r.
The above is the title of a circular
that was recently issued by a world
renow in-d mower 'and reaper manu
facturing company. The design of
the circular is unique. The outside
leaves fold together like the double
doors of a Irani, which they are made
to represent. I pon opening these
1 doors the barn i- found to contain
the various machines made by the
! eompanv. Of course this is only a
new way to advertise, but the title is
suggestive. There is always some
thing to be learned by a peep into
"Farmer Thrift's I tarn." We find
more in it than is shown by this cir
cular. indeed, we doubt whether
Farmer Thrift, now-a-days, keeps his
mowers and reapers in the barn. At
least be don't do it longer than he is
able to build a place especially for
tliein, unless such a place is provided
for in the plan of the barn. I tic
Irani floor, we know, is used for this
purpose, but it is a poor place fot
the machines. They are always in
the way when the floor is needed for
other purposes, and then they git
clogged and coated with dust and
I dirt. Fanner Thrift always provides
: another place for his machinery as
he is able. His barn floor is kept
| clean and not littered over with man
gled hay, straw , chaff and dirt. The
i mows are filled, at tins season of the
j year, with hay and provender for
; cattle, sheep and horses, and his
granaries contain an abundance of
grain to supply the house and stables
for the year. His horses, cattle and
sheep are kent in good condition and
always indicate by their appciyance
their owner's name. The siables are
warm, airy, well ventilated, and kept
dean and well littered. The outside
of the Irani is an index to the inside.
Kverv board is in its place, doors and
windows well hinged and provided
with proper catches and bolts, and
the whole protected by paint front the
destructive effects of constant expos
ore to the weather. The manure is
put into heaps and prevented from
leaching or bring, and walks are con
structed so that there is no wading
through mud and filth to reach the
Irarn or stables. Everything, outside
and in, betokens thrift and economy.
This is no fancy sketch, but a true
picture of hundreds of barns through
out the country. There is another
j class of barns, however, more num
erous, perhaps, that In-long to Far
j mer Shiftless. If you have seen one
of these, reader, please contrast it
with Farmer Thrift's, and send Hie
picture to us for publication.
Manuring Vegetables in Winter.
j From Ifi** Country Ijcitt 1* iimn.
Perennial-rooted vegetables, such
as asparagus and pie plant, will re
ceive to advantage large quantities of
manure, which may IK; applied early
in winter, and the liquid portions
will sink into the ground when it
thaws, and prove a strong stimulus
to grow th in spring. The leaves die
down in autumn, and there is no
; danger in manuring copiously, which
1 does not hold with such green plants
las strawberries, which retain their
leaves, and which may be smothered
under any close covering. Kaspber
j l ies ami currants may lie much bene
fited where the ground is not rich
| enough, by a moderate mulching
with manure in winter, spreading it
several feet on each side, and avoid
ing the common mistake of heaping
it closely around the base of the
SOIMNO saves fences, one of the
most expensive features of ordinary
farming, prevents the propagation of
weeds, and keeps the stock from
wasting more fodder than tlioj* cat,
by trampling it down. It doubles
the amount of stock which can fie
kept oil any given nmount of land,
and there is a vast increase in the
amount of valuable manure tlint may
lie saved. There is some additional
lalior, but the returns arc so much
greater that soiling is the system of
the present, as well as the future, of
A Cheap and Durable Cistern,
From tin- Aiinrkin Agri'ulthrist f,,t i••• *mi „- r 1
An abundance of rain water for
family use, for the barn yard, ami for
irrigation in the garden, in still a
great desideratum in our rural dis
tricts. The great bar to this water
supply is the anticipated expense. It
| costs money to excavate and line the
I sides of a cistern with brick and
j stone. .Most farm houses have no
I provision for washing except well
j water, drawn with the bucket, and
i this is often hard, and the yard and
burn cellar are without any water for
stock. A cistern that will hold all
the water that falls upon the; house,
or the barn, is within reach of every
thrifty farmer, and will pay for itself
every year in saving labor, and in the
health and comfort of the family, and
iin the care of the farm stock. A
! neighbor of ours, who is a gardener
las well as a farmer, built a cistern
for his greenhouse last year, and liked
it so well that he has built another
this fall for his barn ami garden. The
lirst item of expanse was the labor of
excavating on the south side of tin
barn, where the frost does not pene
trate very deep. The excavation is
about ten feet deep, ten feet in diam
eter at the bottom, and twelve feet at
the top. Tin- soil is gravelly loam at
the top, and compact gravel below.
Ibit sand, if it were compact enough
not to cave, would answer just as
well. The sides of the cistern are
made as even as possible, and a wash
of Portland cement is applied with a
broom to the bottom and sides.
This dries very rapidly, and four or
live coalings will make a perfectly
tight and strong basin to hold all the
water that will ever fall into it. Tin
cost of the cement is very small, and
the thin crust, backed by the solid
subsoil, is just as good and durable
as mason work of brick or stone.
For a covering be used chestnut tim
ber of one foot in diameter, hewn
upon one side, upon which chestnut
plunk two inches thick were laid.
Two leaders conduct the water from
the eaves of the barn into the cistern.
A man-hole was left at the top large
enough for the cleaning of the cistern,
and lor the insertion of the pump.
The plank was covered with about
two feet of earth, winch is a sullleient
protection against lYost in this lati
tude. The cistern will hold x,noo
gallons of water, or more, and w ill
furnish an abundant supplv of water
for stock, and for irrigation in ordi
nary seasons. The whole cost, for
labor, timber and cement was about
fifteen dollars. Most farms will fur
nish the necessary labor and lumber,
and the only money outlay would he
for the Portland cement. This ce
ment will harden under water, and
become as solid as stone. It is en
tirely practicable for almost any
farmer to build a cistern of the kind
dcscriltod, and to have a good supply
of water for bis cattle during the
winter. Ituild a cistern.
Three Aphorifms for Milk Farmers.
When the cow is only fed so as to
produce a half yield of milk, it costs
more than three-fourths as inur-h as a
full yield, and the half yield is pro
duced without profit, or even at a
The best cow is the one that, can
digest and assimilate the most food,
and turn ail the extra food into milk,
instead of laying on llesh and fat.
It is the business of a skillful dairy
man to select such cows, and then
make full use of their machinery to
secrete milk, by full feeding.
If you desire to produce milk at
the least eost, you must select cows
with the capacity to turn the largest
amount of food into milk—the larger
the amount the more cheaply will the
milk lie produced.
Agricultural Wisdom in Small Chunks.
(Jood sweet milk contains one
fourth more of sugar than of butter;
this sugar turns to acid, and if this
acid is too much developed before
churning the coveted aroma of good
butter is lost.
The poultry keeper who succeeds
the liest is the one who takes the best
care of his flock; There is no more
"luck"' about it than there is about
lioilitig water.
The fodder from an acre of corn
which yields fifty bushels is equal in
value to a ton of hay.
Large yields of milk must necessa
rily be the result of a large quantity
of focal consumed, —for the cow can
not create milk out of nothing. She
is not a miracle worker.
THK farmers during the past year
have sent out of the country $700,-
000,000 worth of studs digged out of
the ground or raised on top of it.
They have kept the balance of trade
in our favor, and have kept all the
wheels of manufacturing industry
turning around. At the same time
they have paid the bulk of the taxes
011 imported commodities. Our whole
commercial fabric stands on this basis.
Yet the yelping protectionists, who
are fed from the bounty abstracted
from the farmers' earnings, ascribe
our prosperity to themselves. They
stand so much in the sunshine that
they think they light the world. —
Secret of Large Crops in England.
One of the strong points in Eng
lish farming wan lately emphasized us
follows by I'rof. Kobcrts, of Cornell
I Diversity:
"Herein," says lie, "I am satisfied,
lies the secret of Holland's success in \
i raising larger crops, it would take
i away the breath of a prairie farmer to
hear even an Englishman's enumera
tion of the 'spuddings,' the 'grule
j bings,' the 'twitching#,' the harrow.
: ings, the cross-harrowings, the roll
| ings and crusliings that a heavy clay
field is subjected to before it is con
sidered ready for wheat.
"What is this all for ' Simply to
unlock the full storehouse of nature.
That it is full has been proven time
and again. Jsy actual analysis it i
found that an average soil contains,
in the first six inches, plant food
! enough for from fifty to one hundred
1 and fifty full crops of grain. I do
| not desire to discourage the purchase
I and use of fertilizers, but w hat I do
protest against is purchasing on time
[commercial manures at forty dollars
per ton, which are really worth only
twenty-five, to enrieh cloddy fields
already fairly rich in plant-food, lock
ed up it is true, but there, none Un
less, only awaiting a little judicious
; application of brain and muscle to
i set it free.
"If these hastily jotted facts and
j impressions arc the means of inducing
my fellow.farmers to remove some of
the useless trees and fences, or to
give the field# an additional cross
! harrow ing or two IK-fore casting in
the seed, and asking the Lord to
; bless the labor of their hands, my
object will have been attained."
How High Feeding Pays.
I; >llll ht N*ti >ij&) Lit* Stuf k J jrtij*!
The cow must IK- supported before
she gives any milk. After this food
of support, all the food she consumes
must go to the production of milk or
flesh, and if the cow is a good milker
i it all goes to milk ; in other words,
I after the food of support the extra
food all goes to profit—that is, either
to milk or flesh. And it is equally
clear that all the food consumed to
support the system of the animal is
j lost until the point of production is
■ reached. After the producing point
i-< reached, the more the animal can
eat. projierly digest and assimilate,
above this, the greater the profit.
This would seem to be too plain to
require illustration. What would
any one think of a manufacturer who
used a steam engine for power who
should say that he could not afford
to furnish fuel to get up full steam
because the last half of the steam
cost more than the first half. Now,
if there is only fuel enough used to
I heat the water just below the boiling
l>oint, it w ill consume a good deal of
fuel to do this, but no ]>ower will
ever Is- produced by it. and this fuel
is ail thrown away. The fuel requir
ed to keep the water heated up to
200 only requires .">0 per cent, added
to give 100 lli. steam pressure and
set the machinery all at active work.
It is evident that if only half steam
is produced it ousts fully three-fourths
as much as full steam, and conse
quently all the work that is done
with this half power is done at an
additional cost.
THREE or four weeks is the age at
which pigs always need the niostcare
[ fnl attention. At about this period
the pig reaches a point when the
milk of the sow is not sufficient to
keep up a healthy growth, and unless
the pigs have been taught to eat bc
fore this time, there will always Is
trouble with them. The only way to
avoid it is to loach them to eat and
drink at the earliest jtossible age.
This may easily IK- done by placing a
little milk or other palatable food, in
j liquid or semi-liquid form, in a trough
near them, but where the sow cannot
get at it. 15y the time the pigs are a
week old they will begin to taste it,
i and then they will very quickly learn
to eat heartily. Give them plenty of
nutritious, palatable food from this
time on, and there will IK? no further
difficulty.— National Lire Stork Jour
nal, Chicago.
THE United States Consul at Lon
donderry, Ireland, in a recent report,
pronounces the American bacon re
ceived at that port as an inferior
[ product. This inferiority is due, he
! explained, to the want of skill or
: carelessness in curing and also from
| feeding the hogs exclusively on corn,
which causes the liatns or bacon to
shrink largely in cooking. English
and Irish pork increases in bulk
when boiled, while American jcorn
fed pork shrinks largely. It A fur
thermore claimed that corn-fed pork
is ranker and not so sweet-flavored
as that from hogs fed upon a variable
diet, as roots, milk, grass and the
SHEEP have an excellent digestion
and whole corn answers for them
about if not quite as well as if
A PIECE of beef made with roots is
tnuch richer, more juicy, and better
marbled than beef made without
IT is believed that the tobacco crop
of Pennsylvania will reach the enor
mous value of $8,000,000 the present