Crnht jflmoewt. BELLEFONTE, PA. Tho Largest. Cheapest and Best Paper I* UIILIBHKD IN t'K&TKK COUNTY. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT is pub. l lnliivl svory Tlmr-uUy mnrntliK, lit llellnfotite, IVntro county, Tii. TKllMS—t'mli in nilviiacp, $1 liO l! nut ial in tutv HID ■ i* OO Payment* mal* within thro® month* wilt ln> con • iiiorpt! in Advance. A LIVK I'APKH—dfvoltul to the interest* of the Whole people. No paper wilt bo discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at option ot publishers. Papers going out of the county must b© paid for in I advance. Any person procuring us ten dish subscribers w ill he sent a copy free of charge. Our extensive circulation makes this paper an un usually reliable and profitable medium for anvertising. We have the most ample facilities for .lull WO UK. and are prepared to print all kinds ot llooks, Tracts, Programmes, Posters,rouunarciat printing, Ac., in the finest st vie ami at the lowest posetide rates. All advertisements for a lews term than three months 20 cents per lino for the first three insertions, and'• cents a line for each additional insertion, special notices one-half more. Kditoria! notices \ ' cents per line. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: l w ( 3j Bt*ACI occrrtßD. 1913 i*3 ! |i|i|jL! (."!<• lot h (ni illnea this type i|A $8 sl2 Two inches. 7 Hlj 15 Three inches v in |.; go (jiiartci column . C. Dec. 20, 1880. The Senate took two or three days in which to consider the House resolution to adjourn for two weeks on Tuesday next, the 22d, but the delay was only for the sake of appearances. In tho present condition of its business, it 'would have been better to omit the customary recess, simply adjourning over one day for Christmas and one for New Years, but this was too great an innovation on custom, and if any long er than that was to he had, one of two weeks is not too long to enable a ma jority of members to go to their homes, spend their holidays and return. The impression seems to have gone . abroad that the Democrats of the House had finally dropped the proposition to regulate the electoral count. This is not true. It is the reverse of the truth. Whenever 147 Democrats can be found in the House there will be a further ef fort to legislate in such a manner as to prevent a Vice President from deciding a Presidential election. The more this subject is considered, the greater ne cessity for action appears. F.ut it was well to stop the fruitless struggle of the first seven days of the session, there being no possibility then of passing the Morgan resolution. There has been diligent work since then, resulting in the passage of three appro priation bills by the House—Fortifica tions, Tensions and Military Academy. If a quorum had been present on Sat urday the Consular and Diplomatic bill would have been passed. It probably will be to-day, and on Thursday the holiday recess will begin. Dn reassembling in .January, the Army and Navy appropriation bills will be ready and perhaps others. Unless the Republicans shall resort to dilatory tactics for the purpose of delaying bus iness there will be no necessity for an extra session. Hut the desire to reor ganize the House with Republican officers, and to stay here and get from President Garfield what has been denied them by Mr. Hayes, may induce Kepub. lican Senators arid Representatives to force an extra session. The Educational bill passed by the Senate last week and which will prob ably go through the House, will not soon produce a fund large enough to materially aid the schools of any State, but it is a fund which will increase for many years. The importance of the bill, however, is in the fact that it com mits the general government to a par tial support of the public schools. There were six votes against tho bill— all by Democrats. These six thought they saw in the bill an unwarrantable departure from the < 'onstitulional course of the general government. So great is the feeling among Demo crats hero at the involuntary retirement of Hen. Ord by Mr. Hayes, while other officers were not retired whose cases differed from his only because he was a Democrat and they were Republicans will doubtless lead to such legislation ns will put >rd on duty in the grade to which he has been brevetted—that of Major (ieneral. RENO. Governor Hoyt on Monday granted a respite of one month to Catherine Mil ler and George Smith, who were con victed in the court of Lycoming couuty, at Williamsport, lor the murder of the husband of Mrs. Miller, and were sen tenced to be hanged on the Gth of Jan uary, 1881, for the crime. The respite granted extends to February 3, 1881. The respite was granted for the purpose of enabling the prisoners to apply to the board of pardons for a commuta tion of the death sentence to life im prisonment. The conviction of Nmith and Mrs. Miller of the terrible crime was arrived at partly by their own con fessions and by the testimony of the murdered man's little daughter. SENATOR WALLACE. TilK I'AST AND FIJTI RE OK DK MorltAC'K-—"THE MISSION OK TIIK DEMOCRATIC I'AHTV." Sc-rmtur Wnllaco ill the North Aiiittrlnm Knvlnw Tho events and progiossof more than a generation have taken the control of governmental affairs aivay from the in telligent rule of the musses unci vested it in a power as yet formative and un defined. Among these were the civil war, the creation and peculiar manipu lation of the public debt, reconstruction outside the constitution, universal ne gro suffrage, a plethora of paper money, looso public morals, enormous growth of private fortunes, and a close connec tion of the government with the bank ing interest. Each had its weight in snapping the foundation of a govern ment by the masses, and in shaping our course toward a dillerent rule. Whether that ruin is to he suffrage qualified and rarefied, or suffrage con trolled by the power of aggregated wealth or monopoly, or a senatorial oligarchy, or hereditary government, is beside the present inquiry, save as they each and all show distrust of the peo ple, and build their foundations upon universal suffrage, debased, corrupted and dominated. The tendency toward a so railed stronger government is as manifest as are the causes that have given it form. It is in the nature of things for govern ment to grow stronger at the expense of the governed : but the plain proof of the existence of this tendency is found in the opinions of the federal judiciary, in federal legislation over matters heretofore within the control o( the people of the States, in the modes of execution of those statutes, by which local rule, local courts, and personal liberty are overthrown, and in that ramification of executive patron age which sends its mandates to the extremities, and at will gathers in a single hand enormous contributions and unscrupulous obedience from ninety thousand paid officials. " Executive patronage will bring us to a master."' A network of office-holders, bound each to the other, wielding time and money and power of place to pack pri maries, dictate nominations, crush in dependent thought and action and subordinate local coi trol to the will of an executive who governs in the name of party, points the road with unerring certainty to the end that Franklin, the wise man, predicted. Further guide hoards on that road are seen in large donations of money by corporations, monopolists and wealthy men, to sup plement the power of the executive, and carry elections in the interest of an aristocratic class who dislike and dis trust the people ; in the domination of employe by employer ; in the marked ballot; in the third term candidacy ami pilgrimage on the stump; in the national and labor organization-', which are but over-zealous protests against this tendency, and in that ill concealed demand for energetic govern ment, which has been the (undmental thought of the opponents of Democra cy since the days of John Adams. The issues of 1799 and 1800 again confront tlio people. The theories of that day are again to struggle for the mastery. The government ot the Re public ia already centralized. The can vass of 1880 teaches this. The federal executive has been felt from the ward caucus to the vaults of the treasury, from the primary, to the presidential election. A high federal ollieial quits his place to take a nomination for gov ernor of the pivotal state, and at once the executive arm is extended to his support. Marshall*, detectives, collect ors, secretaries, and all el*e that are I needed, locate themselves within the j State, and its suffrage is debauched and j its undoubted will reversed. A -utl'rage I first debased, then corrupted, then obedient, is centralized in its worst i form. This is but one means to the end I sought. This mission of the Democrat |ic party is decentralization. Its duty iis to restore the government of the Kebublic to the intelligent rule of the masses of the people. It must teach the practice and doctrines of its illus trious founder. It must appeal to the i people themselves in their own inter | est. It must preach the eternal truth I that the individual citi/en is the unit lin the government, from whom pro needs all power, in whom is vested all J rights save tho*e which are granted by i inrn for the good of the whole. The | people at the base, the States and the I tederal government each supreme with j in its sphere, is the system to which it I looks for liberty, and it must teach that he who looks for paternal govern- I ment, to centralization or to empire, j looks to despotism, '"are for and per fect the government and it will protect the liberties of the people, was the thought of Hamilton. (live intelli gence and information to the people, teach them that it is their government, and their interest to preserve law and order was the thought of Jefferson. Paternal government and vigor in the federal head on the one hand, informa tion to the masses and energy from the extremities on the other. The former gave the republican alien the sedition laws, direct taxation, federal marshnlls and centralized rule in 1799. The lat ter swept, these out of existence in 1800; carried us successfully through two foreign wars ; acquired an empire of territory, and governed the country lor sixty years. We must choose be tween these two now. The Democracy must again plant itself upon the axium, " Governments are made for men, not men for governments." It must he true to the people and aggressive in its fealty. Dominated labor must he taught its rights and its interests. Capital must see its safety in the intel ligence and justice of individual rule, and not in the exercise of arbitrary will. Honest performance of every governmental contract now in existence, hut a change of policy by which the debt shall he managed in the interest of the people and not of the creditor; equal taxation on every form of prop erty ; thorough inquiry into taxation for revenue and its readjustment upon a basis just to every interest and to all the people ; no monopolies ; forfeiture of the tranchises of corporations and punishment of aggregated wealth, or individuals, for coercion of employes, or the use of money in elections; our own carrying trade made to be our own preserve ; and a divorce between gov ernment and banks, are thoughts which find place in such nn issue. The cry of a " solid south " is exhausted and im potent lit liiKt. It has served its pur pose. Divided councils upon questions of admmistration have kept the De mocracy a party ot mere opposition, and concealed the silent approaches of the enemy to strong government. It will continue to be a "parly in opposition, untrusted and untried, until it defiant ly asserts its ancient theories and goes to the people for their vindication. The democratic parly is not dead. Antiens like, alter each defeat, it arises from the people stronger than before. It cannot, die whilst it teaches and be lieves in the rights of the masses. The hour for its triumph will have come when it boldly asserts its true theories and ignores the blandishments of mon ey, monopoly and corrupt power. He whose interests, judgments, or teach ings are adverse to the rule of the masses will join its enemies, but in his room it will recruit scores of those in whose interest it strikes, or who respect its attitude and detest strong govern ment. The Inture of the democratic party is the future of the republic. \YIi.i,iAM A. WAI.I.AI K. A l-'lKitY GRAVE. Over A Score of People Perish, A lA< TOItV W HAWED IN FLAME* IS I,ESS lIIAN TWENTY MINUTES—MANV Ol IIIE EM CI.OVES Itl It IE li I SIiEK TIIE FALL- I Si, WALLS—JI'MCINU (ROM THE WIS IIOW'S TO MEET DEATH. I',i H ALO, December IT. A serious fire, attended by heavy loss of lite, occurred here this evening. About fio'clock a fire was discovered in the third story ol the immense five-story building, owned by George \V. Till't, on Perry street, and occupied by I'irge & Sous, wall paper manufacturers. The building is eighty feet front, by about three hundred feet in depth, and about one hundred and fifty men and boys were employed at the time, the business demanding extra help. All of the number were at work, and in less than twenty minutes after the alarm was given the building was a mass of flames. The walls crumbled and fell and proba bly buried from twenty to thirty of the employes. The doors of the different rooms were hung to swing in, and each had a heavy spring closing it, thereby retarding the egress of the occupants. The building was without fire escapes of any kind. The terrified workmen took to the windows and many of them es caped with broken bones and bruised bodies. Those in the upper stories, un bte to escape, appeared for a mo incut at the windows and then sank back, suffocated in the smoke and flames. The following is a list of those known to be killed : Thomas Fields, one of the workmen in the fifth story, was badly burned and jumped to the ground. The body is unrecognizable, being smashed to jelly, but is supposed to be that of Thomas Fields. John Malone. aged i.T years, jumped from the filth story and was killed. William Berry was fatally injured in the head, spine and internally. He jumped from the fourth story. The injured are: John Griffin, who jumped from the fourth floor. He had his right arm broken and was badly injured inter nally. Moses Maloney, leg fractured by jumping from the fifth story. Patrick 11 Biien, badly burned about the head and back: bad an arm broken. Kdward M I'ormick. jumped from the fifth floor and was badly cut on the head. Moses Malone, brother of John Ma lone, who was killed, jumped from the fifth floor and fractured his leg and broke his arm. Mike O'Brien broke his right leg. The following are known to he miss ing and supposed to be in the ruins : Stephen llockett, Martin MeOee, Peter S. Wander, John and James Stout (brothers) and Jay Yoltz. The flames next communicated to the Fnion Malt Mouse adjoining, and also the property of Oeorge W. Tift't, which was destroyed. The building was throe stories in height, sixty feet wide and two hundred feet long, containing #2-1,- (KM worth of grain, the property of John B, Manning. The losses can only be estimated at present and are placed at the following figures: Geo. TV, Till'., on buildings, $ 1 (IT,(MM); I'nrge Y Sons, on machinery and paper stock, $1.10.000; -lohn B. Manning, on grain, #25,000: city engine house, by falling Avails, #2,000. The insurance is estimated as follows: Loss on buildings, covered ; Birge's los, one-half insured, James Ryan and John Kennedy, employed on the fourth floor of the Birgo building, both jumped to the ground, escaping with only slight bruises. A small boy, name unknown, was seen to jump from the fifth floor, catching hold of the tel "egraph wire, which broke, and sliding down the wire, escaped with only s badly cut hand. The buildings are a mass of smoking ruins, 'lire parents and friends ot the dead and missing ones *ur round the ruins. The streets are full of rumors, and probably the list of those known to he killed will be more than doubled when the ruins can he removed. Not a Bcvcrn ge. "They are not a beverage, but a med icine, with curative properties of the highest degree, containing no poor whiskey or poisonous drugs. They do not tear down nn already debilitated system, but build it up. One bottle contains more hops, that is, more real hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary beer. Kvery druggist in Rochester sells them, ami the physicians prescribe them."— h'.'cninrf krprrst on Hop Bit ters. Those in the employ of Messrs. Geo. .Slate A Son, Williamsport, tanners and manufacturers of leather belting, are long stayers. Mr. George Collins has been working in the establishment over forty two years, and Major W. R. Logan more than forty years. When Mr. Col lins had completed his twenty first year as an employee, he informed the firm that he believed he was entitled to a freedom suit—and the suit was furnish ed. After serving twenty-one years more he claimed another freedom suit and got it. GENERAL NEWS. Highly four engines were built in the Altoona shops this year. A parrot in the family of Mr. David Stubtilebine, of Coventryville, Chester county, is lift years old. Hon. James Neill, member of the legislature from the Fifteenth district, is lying dangerously ill with typhoid fever at his residence in Philadelphia. John Brunner, u middle aged man of Reinhold's Station, Lancaster county, can neither read nor write, Hiid yet cuii tell the dates of birth of 1280 persons. Samuel Way, a prominent colored man of Mount Joy, Lancaster county, died on Saturday aged about 100 years. His father was once a slave in this State. The late Peter Baldy, Sr., of Danville, in his last will and testament directs that the sum of $.10,000 be expended in the erection ot a fitting memorial to himself and wife. It will probably take the form of an Kpiscopal church. The jury in the case of -lames Fink bone, of Northumberland county, on trial in Sunhury, for the murder of his father, William Finkbone, brought in a verdict yesterday of not guilty. The case occupied the attention of the court just one week. At Ilarrishurg, on Thursday, Govern or Hoyt issued a proclamation an nouncing the payment, cancellation, extinguishment and final discharge of #fi28,67'J.21 of the principle of the pub lic debt of this. Commonwealth during the past year. An 8 bv 10 pane of glass in the iear window ot the merchant tailoring es tablishment of Mr. -James Kolbrock, Williamsport, attracts the attention of many, from the fact that it encloses in its centre a body of water representing in its outlines a rabbit in a sitting posi tion. Advices to the Chicago Ttmrt from j Minneapolis, Minn., repeat the story of misery and suffering among the Con neinuracolonists, twenty five miles from Morris, Minn. A corre*i>oudent say- : "Never has there been seen in tliiscoun try such squalid poverty, distress Hint sutlV-riiig."' The French Canadian silk-weavers employed in the Marion silk factory at West Knd, New Jersey, are discontent ■ ed because the company, having prom ised them wages of one dollar per day, now insists on their taking payment in store orders, thus forcing them to trade with the company. A party of laborers engaged in cut ting ice on the canal at Port Jarvis, N. Y., found the body of a man frozen fast to the under side of the ice. A letter was found on him addressed to Morris <>. Sullivan, Soldiers' Home, Bath, N. Y. The body has been in the water a long time and hits not yet been identi i tied. In the South African diamond field -1 wood is very scarce. It is carried by ox tennis 100 tuile, and sold on the mar ' ket at auction for from #25, to #SO per load, according to size and quality. Otu dead wood, dug up by the roots, sell. ' from #25 to #3O per load : and a load ol sound wood, unsplit, one and a ball cords, sells from #4O to #SO per load. The Senate committee on public buildings and grounds unanimously agreed to recommend the passage of ilie bill introduced this week by Senator Jones, of Florida, which provides an appropriation of #250,000 for the lm mediate rebuilding of the ("nited States custom house recently destroyed by fire at Pensacola. The new building i to accommodate also th<- I'nited States courts, the postolfice and other govern ment offices. The large-t torpedo bo/it in existence was lately launched at Copenhagen. She is called the Nordenskjold, and measures '21.1 feet in length and 42 m breadth. Her displacement is estimated to he 2.T00 tons, with a nominal power of 2,.100 horses. Her velocity is 15 miles per hour. The steel armor is 4 inches thick, and she carries the heav iest breech loading Krupp gun borne by any ship of war in the Baltic. A preliminary meeting of the various soldiers' orphans' schools of i'ennsylva i ma, will be held in the hall of Post 58, G. A. li., Ilarrishurg, on Thursday and Friday, December .10 and 31, for the purpose of arranging tor a grand re union of all the "sixteeners." It is de sired by the committee having the mat ter in charge that there be a large at tendance. The object of this meeting is to take steps for the organization of a junior order of the G. A, It., so that when all the old survivors who now con stitute the membership in that order have passed away this junior organiza tion will take their place in order that the object of this society may be per petuaicd for at least a generation to come. The colored people of Bridgewator have a lyceum. The other evening they had a debate upon the following novel question : "One Johnson had a daugh ter and two young men desired to marry her. The father agreed that the one who should take her to the forest, pro tect her from the wild beasts during the night and return her safe in the morning should have her. One took her to the forest, protected her all night, but was disabled when returning in the morning. Then the other young man came and returned her to her father. Which of uiplicatinn, made an order appointing Horatio C. King, of New York city, as commissioner to take the testimony of Giro. Philndelpbfn Market*. I'lllLAlitU-ilu, 111 - • tnLi-r -I. JSN.I. In wh<*tt there WRN xfHt pxritPMifftt end lafK' ■l'l-riiUtivn it h runt'Tlil derline in \>rir**t i I'Lot R.—Flour i* in*/ tire, ami price* f*vor buy* r of I.'*"! hHrrel*, Including ir**, S . jL'tdth ' 7 . for fair torliojr** ch-nr, mid ut <♦ f"f MmiKlft . |VlHl*Yl vtfiift xtm family at F- J - •'■ do. do. *t ff • Z'i, Hid pat'-lit* t b" * *'l It \• Hour i* *teiv!y tt |M*r I•.rrI liß.u v The v* h'Ht nntrkH i* •x< 11 d, un** ttl d and per bushel Inwor Helceof MOO btwhi - log rejected, ut ft it H ll us i •! end ember, ou (m k AT f I 11 1 LI) |T Mcerce end cteedj EL 4 I I I'TI *) IVHIIIH. BGBM Clove! I- F.R IN IF 7 7 1 G . F r fur I Timothy ia .jeglerted. Bcillofonte Market*. lIKLLEfONTK, I'fcember .3, IK%O. QUOTATIONS. Wlilte wheat, per butbel (old . S I K'-d * beet ' out I 1 (!) K> E, per butbel . flu C Fre*b butter per (r.und Chicken* per |r>und H Chee*e per p>und 'Ji < ountrf beret p r pound 12 Bent, soger I urea. . ... I Heroti f Lerd per pound. •• F.KK'* per dot Potato* •• I R butbel I Dried beef....... A ff/' Aft I'frt isfimttfs. Auditor's Notice. IN the matter of the estate of J< )S ; HI I KY,-i will nr. L- ip. or fur .nTttiln* In, ~,j r orlujunuu. I found In 110 :n. I .A.lfjonr ilmpri.t fur lisp Il!it< r. n-' :r I ■ Unni before j--u |,-,-p. Tukr no aibrr. I g Die 1. n >-aniiit.and t-r-.lirtlhlr- -.-a for p ■ Drunkciiot - - f '.plum, tobacco and ■■■ Pit> rum IWVLA*. hbiJ I g 11-T S-uwa V, - , K-,-as' N. ) . I T-ru..(at, S /• H.IA /\ /'. It 1..ti11. Met. 'J li ho/)' //<>.#. llcHt/'nttfi, l',i. £hfintma* I'l-csciits / , prevalent custom that I wish to call your attrition generally to my large and complete stock of regular goods, and particularly to a few special articles that I exhibit especially for this season. First— l would suggest a line of Japanese Screens, which have never been offered before in this town. Second— Solid hammered brass fin s ts. consisting of an elegant Stand. Tongs, Shovel and Poker, which you will see no whe re else. Third— Fine Bohemian and Alabaster I 'ases. from 75 cts. a pair up to $27.(X). Fourth—To a line of MUST A CIIE <(• PLAIN CP PS. which have never been eejualed here. Then I can show you the. most elegant Pings that an in the market, and especially my new SOLID PLAIN GOLD RINGS, which I have been selling for the past year,—the F. P. It. Ring,—which is not egualed in epmlity or finish in any other make. I suppose yon noticed last week the large lot of Appb and Bread Trays—Japanese—that J had on my winters. Well they all sold in four days, sir dozen of them, at 25 cts. each. Two years ago they sold for $1.50, which accounts for their rapid sale. Another lot has gust arrived and are goimf fast. It might be well to mention the fact that lam selling a splendid. Nickel Clock at and a good Stem Wind Nickel I\atch for s■'*,—no Waterbury trash either. With malico toward none, But one price for all. 7 am yours , WHBBBAM. i,.- Bon CtwrlM A Ma • i det of lll#' t otlrt of I tilth' >ll p|#>- ' Hi#-2 'h.J lliilfl'.'t, ooMiitlttf of ii'# - nMtitiii I (jtttoti WNI 1 l'*>fi> hi. |M ll;- Mn fan 111 i Moo .i 'iio i Itioi| A"- - • loii ••in (• •• having thdr pr# - r**pt, Leant . 'mf . |J* ||||* f, 1 HMtfJ, to I'M* 'lf#'!**#! f#l holdifi, *' ,rt Oy.i nil' l T*#rmin#*r and I##*IITI JI! 1/ Quarter Kc*ion "f th- fv*## in H#*ii- ii■ t• ' . j, • "unty of < t• fr* a h-l h* f Monday of January nctt, h-ing II -i" rjf,lM|, ktid U< o'titinuc two V* 1,. tfMMi |0 Hi- '■ r •/" . .l"-'i'• -of tr i- . and ConaULJ#-* <>f id rounty of < . fit r • ' ■ , i-- then and there in thair .*.• r . In ih# fc#rn'*'(i of ii! tii- - J koMara th. Maahaai n R -' ' I i the election "f oflW ta and th# tf.- ♦ oth# r hnsine** a* rnai jf * |. rI> I*#* j r t" hi 'it th# fll# 'if .1 hn Ir ait 1/ j! • . i. It# Ih font# - , JanuaM I'#, VJ ADAM 1101 Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Co. r pi!E Annual Meeting of the tSt 1 I. M. i. I 11..- IU 1 1. . • |. i ■ *lll l- ln-l-l l III.H 'i11... li, t**\ II .► v the D'th day '! January, A i< t ! At thia In# eting an !• # tin • ill I h. t il d*nl and *l* lnt"l"r* of .*, 1< : t •# th# #*fjutUK year. IDM IND HI. AN If A III# -• : I/• y, iHr/i Not ice T. the StorkhiMrrx f t/,< J{„ J • ( ley J( li Company N'OTH'K i- hc-n-hv givi n that .v • tlie.-!,f.K ' f !'• kit I l"l • ' lit' IU I 1.1 K li I 1.. I l,<- I J,i. ...!, ) . , I. HUM. Ih. >1 . kli 11. N * I!: ' r- ' U| N IT,.- TI ■ F NIT IT., R.-... ' T|,. 11.,- 1,,h- 1 Ira. *m- I 11,. r| . ... 11* vI- I r-.tji.-lil I• f .. ih* .1 111. !• •. .1 it. I.l'M' Mi III.AS' IIA hi' - Auditor's Notice. IN matter of tin- li-uin of 8< < >TI WII.UIM- :• Th#* undcr oigtitad. Audit ra| \ •t* !• * t C art to oe#Moit> ind rrport who! I ••• remain unpaid and Inn* up n the ral .* .? attend t dnt.'B at hit " # in l.< • fATI KhAi , 1 A I# IK*>! at . S at whi'h time ai d f'if • ail part)#* ' ft . • •pieapd t prctcnt th*ir • Uim#> 1-4 a W\| ( IlliXlf License Notice. "VTOTK K i- hereby given that t . a II na l*#r !' en** m tli*- • fJ, f + f ft# •rk ! •• > ( lif rural (juarf' r v*- ti ft . la- . - th- OMtoti • f (Btr, ood that >| mad" at tha next MWiWtf •( told < * -.rf U .I*' I. ri . k. wh V • r i. • ti .1 ' II Mil LI; I ST. XAVILirs ACADK.ML NKAJ: I.ATKOBK. I*.\ NKAKIA half a < rnturv ni l. 1r m ahi 6 the moat | ? rnmerit a: ■..ttit< W M • 10 Prtina.TlraOia hat#* •rradnat#* - d '• t• moat th * edm atienai aid* and hit I <-et atat i • Jre ,j , torncN Ptipjli nbaltN it mj tint • . ' . j pel,., ate.nt IS Aulfovi, MHTFUs h V>r.< \ Ui B/att) • r <1 M att;. 1> \and t.. • , I Administrator's Notice. I ETTKIWof adminir-iration having I J gt anted to the QlxlenlirTiMl ?. the r >th'h f A ItlD KTin ItI.K. detaarsl. Ui# f fp.: gt o- ■ ij- Centm < • inty I'* all p# r*** mdet t# • * reaaed are r'ju#sit. | t/ make -, T# . . ofli |t t ill jieraioi having rlalrna a|rait.t aaid • >*- . *.; i 1 "o-nt them dulx anther ti atel f r sett in# JOHN M Kl R| \ M :• trat r Legal Noti*e. X*' lTI( 'E i- ben by given to all wh< in 1 * It M -mptm. thai M >Rl'lirlii,ll * ill I hi. II i. tJM. II llrvi. A.I nt. ■ J nUDAV, IS All S) at DM iMI Pf. ai Ouu tl . Tru.t. .-• f it..- • l'r.> rl< nri > i 11 fnl, IS to r).*f,,-* lli ir fl'.rlFT of ofpnfßtii ft . * I Mitli Mi* 11,. 1. ii ,- li! kr.,.- t Sooftl MEFT'lftg nft Ihf N . IIIMII Tftialftj ... fir.! flu) I .1 hII'IM. I! ■v I. i..r * AI'AM llo'l I'r*. t r i M: , A