Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 23, 1880, Image 2

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    Term* 51.50 per Annum,in Advanoo.
S. T. SHUQERT an.) R. H. FORSTER, Edilort.
Thursday Morning, December 23, 1880.
John Welsh, the I'atron Saint of Po
litical i'orrnptlonists.
I'liiLADKLriiiA, December 1(1. —The
following correspondence appears in
Progress of last week •
CINCINNATI, Dec. (5, 1880. I J
Col. John H'. Forney, Philadelphia :
DKARSII:: I have just read your J
criticism on Mr. John Welsh in Prog- \
rets (December 4, page 51 >, and regret 1
that, in view of the political course of |
your paper, and especially this attack
on one of your oldest and best friends, |
than whom there is no one in Phila
delphia who is more esteemed and re- j
spected for the purity of his life, I
must request you to discontinue send- |
ing me the Progress from this date. i
Yours respectfully,
A. T. < iosiloßV.
I'i U i, A i K.L i'll l A , PA., Dec. 14, '80.
Hon. J. T. Goshom, Cincinnati:
MY DKAR SIR: The right to stop a
newspaper is like the right to breathe
God's air. Hut with certain other
rights it may sometimes be abused.
So I hold that no man stopping his
paper has a right to give confidential
reasons insulting the editor. Having
gone through this business for more
than a generation, I propose to discuss
the question with perfect candor in s
this public reply to your letter of the j
tith of December, 1880. As the wrong :
1 condemned was a deliberate outrage I
upon the American people, I claim
the full privilege to justify myself in
denunciation of it.
Twenty-one years ago .las. Huchnn- j
an, president of the United States, set
the example to his army of office
holders by stopping my paper, the
Press , because I conscientiously de
clared for the freedom of Kansas. I
boldly exposed his proscription to the i
people, and with their aid broke down i
his administration at the polls. When 1
1 advocated, almost alone among my j
contemporaries in Philadelphia, the
movement in favor of letting the cars
run over our streets on the first day of
the week for the benefit of the labor
ing poor of this great city, my paper
was stop{>ed by thousands who now go
to church in the same ears every Sun
day. For that siucere effort I was
G C*°Jed by a concentrated cordon of
angry clergymen, one memorable Sab
bath day, calling upon the congrega
tions to stop the Press; and now most
of these men of God frequently ride to
and from church on Sunday. When,
equally solitary and alone, I pleaded
that the colored people should be al
lowed the use of the same cars, hun
dreds of those who now amiably sit
side by side with the negro in those
cars, also stopped the Press.
Rut my last and crowning crime
was that of declaring for General Han
cock for president. One man with
drew his subscription because he de
clared I was dishonoring the fame of
the dead General Meade, the most of
the survivors of whose family voted
in the presidential election for the
living hero of Gettysburg. Another,
who was one of the loudest to applaud
General Hancock in July, I8TI:!, for
his magnificent services to our State
and city,' stopped Progress because he
could not train, he said, with the
party which supported IjCc in the re
bellion. Still another discontinued
his paper because the election of Gen.
Hancock, in his belief, would be a de
cree against the control of his special
ring in this country. < )thci>, not quite
so bold, waited to see if General Han
cock could be elected in November,
in which event no doubt your name
would still be inscribed on my books.
John Welsh was among the list.
He, like you, waited for Hancock's
defeat before he aired his anger. In
addition to his note withdrawing his
name from Progress, lie declared that
lie could not stand my theory that the
empire was certain to be successful if
mere money was hereafter permitted
to crush and control free judgment in
this country.
Now I have your letter of the Gth
of December. Instead of meeting the
direct issue — instead of discussing on
fair grounds the doctrine that thero
can be no free untrammeled suffrage
in this country if capital is allowed to
muzzle conscience and to turn the la
boring population into so many white
slaves, you speak of Mr. Welsh as
"one of your (my) oldest and best
friends, than whom there is no ouc in
T Philadelphia who is more esteemed
and respected for the purity of his
All of which I freely admit except
that which relates to the friendship
bet wen Mr. Welsh and myself. That
has always been maintained by perfect
independence of nil money relations
between us. But if, in this remark,
vou mean that I went abroad under
bis invitation as Uentennial commis
sioner, in 1874-75, please remember
that, besides doiug my duty lmnestlv,
according to your records and the pub
lic judgment, I spent thousands of dol
lars out of my own pocket, in addition
to the $2oO d month allowed by the
Una nee coin ir. it tee. So much for that.
It is because Mr. Welsh i* precisely
what you say he is, because lie is
so good u man, because his life hereto
fore has been a model, because of the
purity of that life (virtues you claim
for him, and I concede), that a fatal
force was given to his secret applica
tion for the money of the millionaires
to buy a man into the presidency, con
victed by the Republican party of the
United States of brazen corruption in
the American Congress.
The purity of John Welsh's life
made the impurity of that example
more terrible. l!ntil he signed the
monstrous circular of the 14th of
September, 1880, Geueral Hancock
was the foreordained president of the
United States. 1 lancock's friends had
just carried Maine, and Mr. Garfield
himself, and the trained bands of his
party —the officeholders and the reck
less managers who have been getting
rich for twenty years from the plunder
of the general government—saw and
trembled before that "handwriting on
the wall." At this point John Welsh
took the field against < ieneral Han
cock. Up to the Maine election in
September, John W el.-h stood aloof".
The thrilling record of General Han
cock, his splendid contradiction of all
charges or suspicions against himself,
the attractive incidents of his stainless
life, and the graceful dignity with
which he avoided all offensive adver
tisement of his person and his claims
had reached thousands of hearts, and
there is no doubt that if these evangel
izing influences hub been permitted to
control, Hancock would have been the
choice of the American people.
At this moment John Welsh, of all
men, the very man whose purity of
life should have led him to yield to
these great facts, made his appearance
as the author of the extraordinary
circular which 1 republish. I p to
that time he had stood aloof. And
when that paper appeared there was
not tt gentleman in Philadelphia, out
side of the aspirants for otlice, who
did not read this demand for a corrup
tion fund with amazement. This shame
less circular was a blow in the dark,
struck from an unexpected quarter,
struck under the mask of confidence
in the hope that those it was intended
to debauch and destroy woidd never
hear of it.
Fortunately, such monstrous trans
actions always see the light of day.
You cannot perform wicked wrong in
this age and hide it from human eve.-
and hearts, any more than you can
hide it front God; and so, when John
Welsh promised to keep the money
sent to him to buy the suffrage a secret,
he admitted all of which he now
stands convicted. Iy this pledge of
secrecy he confessed he was wrong, j
"The purity of his life" was a living
reproach upon his deliberate act, ami
the success of his wrong crow ned his
own dishonor. It was he who sounded
the challenge. His was the bugle
call to bribery. He re-aroused the
elements of hatred against the south.
Ho organized capital against labor in
the north. He stimulated the worst
passions among the worst men, Hi
bid was the boldest bid against con
science since the days of the Hank of
of the United States, and it was a
more audacious assault upon individ
ual integrity than that great corpora
tion. It was a more forbidahle temp-!
tatiou to parties and to the press, in
proportion as the money John Welsh
marshalled against General Hancock
was a thousand times more tlmn that
organized against General Jackson,
fifty years ago, by the Hank of the
United Stales.
And so, long before the day of elec
tion, John Welsh became the text of
sectional hatred on the one side and
sectional humiliation on the other.
The money he raised was the open j
treasury from which desperate men
could draw ad libitum, and last No- |
vembcr the states bought by that
money were handed over, like mana- I
cled prisoners, to the tender mercies ;
of the rescued office-holders and their
chief at Mentor.
Was 1 to stand silent before such
an occasion as this? Was I to re
main muzzled before the exposure of
the dark secret ? Had I consented to
such a shame I would have been a
partner in the conspiracy itself.
Now, lest you may not have seen
this most shameful circular, I reprint
it as follows :
I*II i A, September 14th, IS,SO.—At a meet
ing of a number of the business men of
Philadelphia, held Thursday, September
oth, Hon, John Welsh, ws chosen clinir
man, and Cyrus Elder, secretary. The
undersigned were appointed a commit
tee to procure funds for the use of the
Republican party in the present cam
You know that on the result of the
November election depend the prosper
ity of our manufactures, the existence,
probably, of our national banking sys
tem, and the safety of our national fi
POM know that the inevitable and legitimate
expenses of such a campaign are large, and
that in some gf the doubtful state*, where sue
cess is absolutely necessary to our cause, the
needful funds cannot be procured. Seven
weeks fiom this day the great battle
will be fought and, if the prose lit apathy
continues — lost.
STANTLY, and to you, as one of the
moderate number to whom such an ap
peal can be made, the committee look
for a prompt and liberal contribution.
This note and your answer or contribution are
to be held confidential.
Payment* are to be made to Wharton
Raker, treasurer, No. 2H South Third
i street. • •
You will perceive, Air. (iosliorii,
that I do not stop to discuss the sin
cerity of tlio excuses of John Welsh
for this corruption fund. If I did, I
might say that there is not an honest
man between the two oceans who be
lieves that if < ieneral Hancock had
been elected president last November
In; would have destroyed our manu
factures, impaired out national bank
ing system, or interfered with the safe
ty of our American finances. I lan
cock s whole life is :i protest against
(lit! scandalous assumption. He is a
citizen of Pennsylvania, known to.I no.
Welsh, far better known to J no. Welsh
than .1 mi. Welsh is known to yon or
by you. Hancock was born in .Mont
gomery county, almost within sound
of the hell of Independence ball, and j
yet, because a man whose whole life 1
heretofore has been a single i!lustra- i
tinn of "purity of character," ulleges I
all these things again-l (Jen. Hancock
(I will not insult John Welsh bv the
intimation that he believes what he j
wrote and signed ), hut because he |
alleges such things against (Jen. Han-1
cock, he did not hesitate to recommend
the purchase of gnat States, and to
take the lead in a crusade against the
consciences of t hmisatids of poor work
inguicn who had to vote against (len.
Hancock on the threat of being turn
ed into the streets, or being made beg- J
gars and pauper.-.
Together with thousands id' others
I denounced this most cruel, uupro- j
yoked and dangerous proceeding, and '
I am convinced that the American ■
people will never forget the means by j
which, under the name of a man boast-1
ing of hi- "purity of life," a brave I
soldier litis been deprived >d' his elec
toral majority.
Under the rule of the British house
of commons, the practice of a govern
ment to winch .John Welsh was the
accredited American minister, a metn- !
her of parliament, elected by the pro
cesses recommended by himself in re
gard to the choice of the president of j
the I nited States, would have been
unseated almost without a vote; the j
very petition stating the tact that he 1
bad purchased the ballot, would have
left hiin without a case.
I am glad that you have done mc
the honor to strike your name, from
my list of subscribers, because I should
feel degraded in taking the money of i
a iiiati who attempts surreptitiously to
proscribe an independent American
editor for denouncing practices which
if done ny an ordinary citizen would
eon-ign that citizen to deserved con- ,
tempt and shame.
His Kir-t Impressions of the Knglisli
From Fornej'j Prnjn*!.
Here are letters from thousands of
conspicuous men during the last forty j
years. J see their faces as I read their
letters, and almost hear their accents |
as I ponder over their familiar calli
graphy. Naturally enough, the first
i- tlie voluminous correspondence of j
James Buchanan. There is more than
fifteen years of it, beginning almost
with bis aspirations for the presidency,
titid closing when he grasped the gold- j
en prize : and yet now, as in the past, j
no line of his has ever been disclosed— I
or will ever be disclosed by myself—to I
bis discredit. There is so much to his I
his honor that may safely see the light
now, that I am -tire such extracts as 1
the follow ing will be read with pleasure. |
I shall have further decision to refer
to this fountain of history, and 1 am !
sure a first glimpse into diplomatic ]
society in England will whet the gen
eral appetite for what is to roiue :
Mv BEAU SIN: "I.ong looked for come
at last." I have received your welcome
letter on the 2-Bth ultimo, and now feel I
the greatest anxiety to learn that you
have been re-elected clerk. I trust and j
; believe we shall receive thi- gratifying
I intelligence with the President's me-1
sago on Monday next.
My social position here will be, in fact ;
! is, all that I would have desired twenty j
: years ago when I was a younger man. j
i Although they say nobody is in town, I
j may dine out as oltcn as 1 please at 8 ;
j o'clock in the evening. Although they :
j are jealous of us and experience a sort i
of undefined uneasiness at our rapid
growth in commerce and manufactures,
yet, when an American minister min- 1
glea among them with any degree of
j tact and talent for conversation, ho can- j
| not fail to find himself much nl home.
| For my own part, 1 have talked rignt
out, with prudence, but with freedom,
as I would do at home. What is re
markable, I have not met any other for
eign minister at their tables," with the
exception of a dinner at Lord Palmer
ston's. When they speak tomeot their
friendship lor our country, as they of
ten do, and refer to the mother and the
daughter, I answer that their public
journals, and especially tlio Tunc*, never
tail to give us a "rap over the knuck
les" when the occasion oflers, arid that
this is a strong evidence of public opin
ion. On more than one occasion Mrs.
Stowe and her book on American Slavery
have become topics oi conversation,
and I find them more reasonable on
this subject than I bud anticipated. 1
have not yet uiet the Buchess of Sulh.
They speak of the season in I.ondvn
as we speak of the season at Saratoga.
This usually commences about Kister,
and terminates on the adjournment oi
Parliament in August. All the rest of
the year it is not fashionable to be in
town, except for the members of the
cabinet ami the other officials.
My social relations niHy, and probably
will, undergo a great ebange after the
queen holds her first drawing room.
They have talked so much about my
costume, that I do not see how it is pos
sible for me to put on gold lace and
embroidery. A court lady asked tue the
other day if' Oiif president (Beneral
Pierce) had not been a general'! 1 re
plied certainly ; lie bad been a good
and brave general. Well, then, Hiiid
she, did he not wear the uniform at
tached to ilia rank, and to distinguish
him from other inferior officers and
privates. 1 answered of course he did.
Well, then, she answered, why should
not a foreign minister fiorn your coun
try do the same thing; I gave her the
reasons, which it is not necessary to re
I would send for Harriet (Miss l.ane,
now Mrs. Johnston, of I'allimure) at
once if I could foresee the issue of this
affair. I would not care a button about
being ostracized myself in the immedi
ate court circle, but should be very un
willing to place her in tin-, position. If
I should pass through the mill unscath
ed in plain clothes I shall have to pre- j
sent Americans at court in full court ,
dress, because for them it is certain they j
will not relax the rule.
.1 A\IKS 111 I II \X \N.
More tlum once 1 saw .Mr. Bin ban- 1
ati's court dress, which bcenine 11i- tine !
form and striking face as if lie had j
been born to tin- purple. The Ameri- !
can minister always appears in an :
evening costume unless when the queen 1
holds her court, when lie dons the !
black silk stockings, low shoes with
black buckles, an embroidered dre>-
coat, a eliapeau, and a black sword,
the same that was worn liv Mr. Bu
A l.!!A I'll It SKKTt 11.
MK. I'.\KM:I.I. AT IIOMK AT .UDMMI.I; 1101 -E.
From tIK- I<<lll<loll NVorl-L
"Since 1 forsook agriculture for pol- |
ities," said Mr. i'arueli, "I have not
slept six nights at A validate House."
The chief agitator's country scat is an
unpretending residence situated on the
slope of the Wick low mountains, with
a beautiful view of forest, river and
dale from the windows of the living
rooms. It has a rather barren and
neglected look; it- whitewashed ex
terior harmonizing but ill with the
tints of the meadow-land stretching in
a semicircle, hounded by lofty tins,
in front of the house. The house was
built liv Mr. I'arnellV grandfather,
and on the lock of the entrance door
the date 1771' is inscribed. On cms
ing the thrcshhold the visitor finds
hitusclf in a square hall of moderate 1
dimensions, along-ide of which there
runs a gallery overhead, leading to
the sleeping apartments. The mo-t
conspicuous object in the hall i- a bil
liard table, across the slates of which
no ball has, to judge from appearances,
rattled for generations. The walls are
decorated with the horns of the an
cient Irish elk, with hunting spears
and other implements of warfare and
chase. A log fire burns <>n a spacious
open hearth. As the visitor stands
examining the place, an aged dame
floats out of a side apartment, and ex
pressing surprise at the visit, asks
"Master Charles" if be wishes that
she should provide breakfast. The j
master gives the nod, and then re
quests his guests to step round the '
house with him. Mr. I'arnell is a
man of singularly mild and gracious
manners in private life, but one's eyes
are constantly directed inquiringly to
the cold and bloodless face in the en
deavor to reconcile the frigid exterior
with the courtesy of the lips.
The parlor of Avondale house is
neither homely nor cheerful, and the
atmosphere of the room is that of the
Laureate's forsaken dwelling. • >ue
could fancy that the coverings bad
just been drawn off the furniture at
the expiration of a chancery suit.
The pictures are expressionless, and of
no great merit; but there is a richly
enameled fireplace, the work of an
Italian artist, whose method of execu
tion, Mr. I'arueli thinks, has become a
lost art. The marble of this rhrf
(I'mtvre is inlaid in colored earths,
delicately shaded and twisted into fan
tastic festoons of flowers. A volume
of Carlvle's miscellanies lies on a
small table beside the tire, hut the
presence of this symptom of life is
accounted for by the fact that one of
Mr. Parnell's sisters from across the
Atlantic has been residing for some
months under her brother's roof. The
drawing room has been painted and
ornamented by the same Italian artist
spoken of above, the chief feature of
the work being a number of cleverly
wrought medallions containing sen
views. Various blue books are seat
' tered about the apartment, having
reference principally to Irish matters,
such as fisheries and agricultural re
The library of Avondale house is a
handsome square room, bookshelves
occupy ing every side. There is scarce
ly a modern work among these ; but
there are many old calf-hound editions
of the classics, and a comprehensive
collection of all the English authors
of note from I'iirs Plowman down
ward. "An ancestor of yours has
been immortalized by Dr. Johnson, I
believe," remarked a guest, taking
down a volume of the "Lives of the
Poets." "He belonged to a branch of
the I'arnell family, but is not a rela
tive in the direct line," was the reply.
Mr. I'arnell is no great reader. Die
only book of recent date, or of appa
rent recent use, to he seen were a few
novels and about a dozen volumes re
lating to Ireland, sueli as the Irish in
America, and some histories of the
country. "When I have any leisure,
I employ my thue in working out new
mechanical contrivances," said Mr.
I'arnell; "and in helping to tit in its
place the water-wheel of my sawmill,
I nearly had this finger cut oil'," lifting
up a much scarified finger. In the
corner of the library is a collection of
old volunteer banners, belonging to
the Wicklow volunteers before the
'!)* rebellion. These are somewhat
torn and disfigured, but the first laud
leaguer lakes much pride in them,
since they belonged to his great-grand
father, who was colonel of the regi
ment. One of these ensigns hears the
following inscription : "Independent
Wicklow," with the-inotto, "Velox et
acor et fidclis auiieis," and an Irish
wolf dog for crest.
Above Avondale hou.-c, and beyond
the amphitheatre of trees, is a clear
level space, which had been used by
Mr. Parnell's father as a cricket ground.
"Mv father was oueo the captain of
the Eton eleven," observed Mr. I'ar
nell, "and I was always very l'ond of
cricket myself before I took to poli
tics." J'jinii this spot a view of sev
eral of the battlefields of'the rebellion
is obtained, with si magnificent sight
of the Kerry mountain- and tin- wuter
tueotiiig in the vale of Avoca.
Mr. I'arnell is very abstemious,
drinking little but water or tea. He
smokes si great deal, and is never in
want of a good "weed," which he prof
fers very liberally to Id- friends. At
the same time be keeps si neat little
wine cellar, and can, when the occa
sion arises, regale his guests with si
choice vintage. In other respects hi
st vie of living is very homely. His
only retainers are the venerable ma
tron we have already seen, and a man
who look- after his horse, the garden
and the general afiiiiis of the hou-e.
In the interval- of agitation he is a
great rider, a moderately keen sports
man, something of si farmer, and often
speaks of himself si- a ( iiiciiinatu
who has been regretfully compelled to
relinquish lib cabbage-. Mr. Parnell
lias always been si more or
imin, seeing little company, and h ail
ing rather an introspective life, lie
lisis plans and objects la-yond those
which he has yet unfohh d ; but be bus
no objection to enter fully into si di
ens-ion of the merit- of his ease. It
i- noticeable tlisil lie i- ready to catch
up quickly smd a--iiuilute to hi- pur
poses any fact, idea or phrase that may
le ea.-nally dropjied in conversation
or mentioned in new-papers.
From tie- Is Unit Fro- I'r.
Whenevgr von can find si soldier
who, under fire, aims low and -hoot- to
make every bullet wound or kill, you
will find fifty who are nervously
throwing awnv ammunition, seeming
to reason thsit th<* report- of their
tuis-ket- w ill cheek or drive the enemy.
And yet this ncrvoti-tu— need not be
wondered at, for they are playing a
game of life and death.
At Malvern Hill seventeen soldiers,
belonging to an ( Miio regiment, took
cover in a dry ditch, which answered
admirably for a rifle-pit. A (leorgia
regiment charged this little band three
times and were three times driven
back. The fire was low and rapid,
and the loss in front of their guns was
more than one hundred killed in ten
minutes. Kegiments have been en
gaged for an hour without losing one
half that number. The lire of these
seventeen wst- so continuous that Mc-
Clcllan forwarded a brigade to their
support, believing that sin entire regi
ment bad been cut off.
At Mine Run the writer wa- just in
rear of a New York regiment which
was suddenly attacked. A single
company of Confederates, cut oft from
the regiment and dodging about to re
join it, suddenly debouched into a field
and found itself face to face with the
I nion regiment, fighting commenced
at once. A regiment fought a com
pany, both lying down for cover. I
lay so near a third sergeant that I
could touch his heels, and 1 watched
his fire. Kvery time he pulled the
trigger he elevated the muzzle of his
gun at an angle of forty-five degrees
instead of depressing it for the enemy
lying down. I saw him repeat this
operation fourteen different times.
The man next to hirn tired as many
bullets plump into a stump in his
front, and the man on the other side
shot into the ground about ten feet
aw ay. (>thers must have been wasting
bullets the same way; hut that little
company was shooting to kill. In
tlint ten minutes of fighting the New
\ orkers suffered a loss of thirty-six
killed and wounded, and then u bayo
net charge doubled them hack and
opened a gap for the little band's cs
en|ie. I walked over the ground and
found one chad and one wounded ('on
federate. Not a gun, blanket, knap
sack or canteen had been left behind.
Any soldier will no doubt fight la t
ter under cover than he will in open
field, hut cover does not always insure
good fighting. At Pittsburg Landing
live thousand Union soldiers skulked
| under the river hank, safe from the
j enemy's fire, and many of them threw
their guns into the river rather than
fire a shot. Again at Yellow Tavern,
five of Custer's men, dismounted and
lying behind a fence, held five compa
nies of cavalry at hay for twelve
minutes and killed twenty-four men,
and this was without getting a scratch
in return.
Mine I tun n I nion regiment
went into the fight with sixty rounds
of ammunition per man, making a
total of perhaps four thousand bullets
This regiment was placed to art as a
check to any advance of the enemy
in a certain direction. They did not
see thirty Confederate! during the
whole day, and yet it was twice more
supplied with ammunition. It fired
away at least twelve thousand bullet
and yet only killed two rebel skir
One cool mail will do more execu
tion with bin musket than thirty mi-n
firing at random. One must have a
will strong enough to crowd down all
emotions, and oblige his hands t .
cease trembling at the word. Out of
every regiment, not more than om
hundred men were tighters. Tlie-i :
shot to kill. The other.- shot ut ran
dom and killed only by nceid* ni.
Thirty cartridge* would la t a go< ;
lighter for an all-day's light. lin
ordinary soldier would lire out hi* sixty
in an hour and a half, and like-enough
have hi* eyes shut half the time wh'-n
lie (lulled the trigger. \ inctiilx i ol
the Second Miehigan Infantry hit the
ea-e pretty well at Blackburn l ord.
When the •kiriouhing began he count
ed his cartridges, and said: "Ju-t
sixty of 'em, and 1 11 lire three a mi'
ute and have these fellers licked in
juit twenty minutes to a tick !
A Story of Bismarck'* Voiith.
t'IXIU Ills 0i1,!,.-
When Prince lii-marck, then .-iinj>. ••
Hi i r von lii.-inarck Sclionhau-i n, wa
it -indent at (iottingen, lie wa- known
for his boldness and undaunted cour
age. freely abandoning himself t<
the rather rough pleasures ola Ger*
man university life, he entered into
them with the vigor so often di-playi I
by lii>ii in graver matters, l-'irst >ii
the "Kiicipe," the student - tavern,
and in the; "fechtsoal," tie ir fi neing
hall, he was hut little seen in the col
lege room*, li-tcning to the lecture- of
the learned professor*. I treaded on
aeeoiint <>t In-aekn iwlcdgcd skill and
prowe-s, there wa- hardly any on
among his fellow-student* vcntures'um
enough to measure swords with hint.
Hut even here the modern Goliath
found a David in the j • r.-on of a
voting Westphalian, who, ofleini'-1 at
Prime Bi-inarck - arrogant manner-,
challenged him, although lie wa- vain
ly di-stiaded on all sides from a con
test with the sturdy I'omint raniau
Ilerr Bicdcwald, the gentleman in
question, stood hi* ground with such
-kill that he, after wearying his ad
versary by his skillful defence, finally
dealt him a heavy blow, the sign* of
which are stiil de*cernible on the
( iianccllot 's face. L ing years pa-sed
before the two antagonist* again met.
W hil-t the one had ri-cn to the high
est rank, the other devoted him-elf to
the welfare of hi* native town, which
ultimately returned him to parliament,
where he, a strong representative of
the liberal party, found liim-elt obliged
to oppose the reactionary measure- of
l'rinee Bismarck, whose championship
of the rights of the throne and altar
had not yet liecu mitigated bv his
subsequent success in unification of
his fatherland. Ilerr Biedewald's
death occurring a few days ago, has
vividly recalled the interesting inci
dents of his encounter with the lead
ing statesman, which also formed the
subject of a popular song, well known
among < iertuans.
The i'ay of NOM INIS.
The £< >O,OOO received by I/>rd Bca
conslield for Ids last novel i- believed
to represent the largest amount given
in fngland f<>r any work til fiction.
Scott received $40,00" % "Wood
stock," and (ieorge f Mot the same
amount lor "Middlemarch." Bulw.r
LyttpnV earlier novels, even when lie
was the rage, did not bring-Jiim in
more than from S.'I,(HMI to but
he subsequently received handsome
amounts for copyright of a collective
edition. I/ml Bcnconsticld * earlier
novels, notwithstanding the success of
the first, "Vivian Grey," had a very
limited sale, and could lie bought for
next to nothing within a tew month
of publication. They never became
in general request as components of a
library, and in fngland were lead
only with interest by persons familiar
with political and social life, "Con
ingeby" excited by far the most in
terest, and the key, which soon after
ward appeared, was eagerly scrutiniz
ed. Probably "f.ndyinion," and "l/i
--thair" have, together, produced more
than double of all the previous works
of the author, albeit very inferior to
some of them. The "Curiosities of
Literature" of the elder Disraeli must
I have produced a large; sum of money.
I t forms a part of every good collec
tion of hnglish books, and lias passed
through many editions. Dickens left
$400,000, and a considerable slice of
this eante from liooks, hut it AABS his
"readings which made him ntllueut,
and so, too, with Thackeray, for re
ceipts from actual writing no one has
yet approached Keott. whose income
for several years ranged from CIO,O<H)
to C 15,000. mainly drawn from this
source. Richardson was the first Kng
lishmnn who made a really good thing
out of writing, and mainly l>eeause he
was publisher of his own novels. In
the pat thirty years french novelists
have received very lnrge sums, but
Balzac s rewards for his genius and
tremendous toil was miserably small.
Probably Miss Braddou's receipt* from
writing rank among the first half dozen
highest among writers of fiction. She
lins the advantage of a publisher for a
husband, Reynolds, who wrote "The
Mysteries of Ixtndon" and other works
of n low sensational tvpe, was, from a
pecuniary sort of view, one of the
most successful of British authors.
THE final gobble of a turkev comes
alter his death.