I It A'VLAXD C XKW MAN, Allif/hen// Street, lMlrfonte, /'. & KEWMAN'S |tt£AtiCtUAfit£Tis EOS BAftOAITISI —AT THE— BEE HIVE ONEPRICE STORES. HOLIDAY GOODH. "We have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS at popular prices, For Ladies, Gentlemen & Children.! Please call and examine our stock, And oblige BAULAND & NEWMAN. OUR MOTTO IS—"O.Y/; PRICK—THE YEP)' LOWEST—ASP SO MIS/{EPHESEST. I TIOS. ' Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Co. TIIK Annual Meeting of the Stock boMero of the Bal l Kagh* \ alley 11 II r..rnpijjr Vfllx lit* I*l ut their Ollli'f m loh k II .ven, on Monday. UtalOtli day ut Jauuarv, A l. !*>l at Uo'dnck M. meeting an flection will be h*ld for a Presi dent an I six Director* of said Company t. serve for j tbon-uing year. EDMUND BLANCH AUD. Secretary. I tuck Haven, !>♦*!■ H, I ken. It Legal Notice. NOTK E is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that in u| j In .iii>n will |... mad* to bit Honor John II Dm*. Additional Lav* Judge. ..n miDvY, the 24th ilay of Deceintx-r. at ChaiiiL*r*, ly tht fro-tee* .f the -I'riabytfrUn Church .f Belle foutf, I'a to change their • barter of incorporation ao at to authorise the htd-ilng "f the Annual Coi.grega tllMßal Meeting on the otid Tlie*da\ itlktead "f the fleet day of Jan war v in h rear 60H-.v A HAM HOY. Pre# t and Att v. A ST. XAVIER'S ACADEMY, NEAR LATROBE, PA., NEARLY half a Century old, from whl'h the most prominent and cultivate.l women m^ftnoaylv.iaia have graduated. • fT-ra newt thorough aid* and highest stunt* rd of refining in •tWlic- - Pupils admitted at any time. Yearly ex panne atw'Mt "J 1 e " JUDR -- SIPTF.HA OF MF.RCY, 60 II Administrator's Notice. of administration having granted to the undersigned on the eatata of JLkWKD trill'lll. K. deceased, late of Spring township. QlSttr" County I'a all person* indebted t sail de oafvad are reqio-sted to make immediate payment, and I tllptf having claims ;igb*t -md deceased will them duly authcnti. *te| for • ttl* im-nt JOHN M rtmci Idn In m TRY TIIB SEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Httnl for Sumiifv <'>>/ii/ —I'rcr. HEW YORK OBSERVER, 48-2t "? Park Row, Now York. I TMtOCKF.It 110FF ROUSK, UKI.I.KroNTK, FA. W. It. TELLER, Proprietor. ffaod Sample Room on Second Floor, Bus* to and from all Train*. Spec lal ratea /xKmAN'S HOT El., VI C",urt 11.m.., IIKM.KrONTK, PA. TKRMS $1.2)1 PP.R DAY. A HU<"" 'Urlil. 1-1 | mm* S. f A. LOHII, (lenerat Merchant*, Allegheny Street, IMtefonte, Pa. I S. &C JL..LOEB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED EOCHISTEE CLOTHING! Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, belter Linings, superior in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any Aierchant tailor in any of our large cities. iprices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work gAerally sold in Bellefonte. Idothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S X& A. LOEB,! '"tzzLrr !S. & A. LOEB, HNE CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IIAI.RKUT K. FAIN K, Late Commissioner of Patent*. IIKNJ K. UKAPToN sroltl II I.AUI. PATENTS. PAINE, OKA ETON k LADI>, Attorney* at-haw ami Solicitors of' American ami Foreign Patent *, 41'J Firm STREET, WASHINGTON, P.P. Prwtlc. I'dlrlll LW ill .11 it. l.rHlM'll*'* ill till* Pill'lll Ofti e. and the Supreme and C|n mt Court* of the I nit.'i BUHaa Pamphlet mod fir** It tf ( J II.MORE k CO.. " * LAW AMD I m i ll TIOS 1101 ■!:. F STREET, WAsiii.N'iiros. I .Make • lle< Hon*. Negotiate l/<aii* and attend to ail hllslliesa Co|hded to the||) I. A.N III I', *• ddier • Additional 11 •ni •• i*rd Right* and I, fp D W A Hit ANT.* I*.tight and a..ld 4a tf leso-l. 1880-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The aut>rrfption price of the WBIKLY Patriot lots been rvalue ed to fl.fsi per copy j-er annum. To clutai of Fim ami upward* the Wti.it I PATRIOT will I furnished at tie • xfra .rdinarily lo p rate of 76 rent* p-r ropy per annum Thk I AILT Patriot will la* sent to any aldias*, during the session* of C. ngn-ss and the legislature at the rate of 6"fiii |ar month. Under the act of Congrea* the publisher prepays the |Ht.ig* and *ulwcrila*ra are relieved fr-.m that expense. Every •uha. ription tnu*t I* acroui|Minied |#y the audi. Now is the time to mitarrtta, The approaching aeaaiona of Congrem and the will !* of more than ordinary lnter-*t and their proceeding* will he fully remitted for the a mpl-te •yno|wi* ef them will given in the Weekly. Ad Ires* PATHPIT PIBLIPIIINO CO. 4T tf '.Jo Market Htreet. Ilarrishurg. nR. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can Le fuind at his offi.r and residence "n Nrth •l ie of High ntre-t three d*rw East of Allegheny. Belle ton I*, Pa I l \ For Sale. VFARM containing Fitly Acres, ( and having thereon ere* i-<| a TWD-rTDHV FRAME IICII.IiINH and out buildingi. Title giaai. Injuireof A J AT B. GKI6>T. •T-tf Unionville. Centre county. Pa Application for a Pardon. NOTICE] is hereby given to nil A a Interested that the fV.ard of Pardons having granted a r -hearing In tlte ODW of .at* 4 rt M albrr. an appli'-ation will !• MADE TO MI>I It >arl for lii> pardon at its next meeting, on the third Tuesday and 2M day of I>e< ernlier, A l !**•. 4a-3t MARGARET WALKER nR. .IAS. 11. DOBBINS, M. P., nivsiriAN AND flimuEoa. Office Allegheny 8t„ ovr /eigler'a Hrug I 'Hf RBLLCrONTB, PA I STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth .\ornml School 1 )inlricf,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. J A. N. RAI H, A. M., Principal. f rillS SCHOOL,as at present con -1 ■tttu'ed, nff*r* the vary let tarllitie* for Pro frs*|.nal and Claaac tl learniug. HulldlUg* pariotis. iovitiug and • omniodioti*; com pletelv tiea|e*l |iy ■ti-am. w. || v*ntlUte*l, slid furnish •<1 witii a LoiinUful supply of pure w after, soft spring water. h< althful an 1 easy . f a< r esa. Hurrounding •• nery unurpas<>d T.'hr* r\jaio n-ed, efti nut, and alive to their W'-rk. In* iplioe, firm and kind, oiuf- rm and thorough. Kx| tenaea moderate. Fifty rents a w."k deduction to th<*e preparing to tear h flu lent* admitted at any time. t>urae f study presu ril-ad ly Uie Htat I M *del Hchool. 11. l'r|*aralory. 111. Elementary IN.tftci- 1 entitle. anji met rormtta I Acwdemlr II Commercial 111 Muaic IV. Art The Elementary and Moeutiflc c>uraw are Pre teasional, and atu letits graduating therein receive Luploni**. 'inferring tl f'diovung r*rr**aponding de gre** Master of the Kb meuts. and Master f the fw|i*nes. (iraduat'w in the other course# PKSI rr Normal * r 11ft. • f tl.*ir attainments, sign* Iby the Faculty The Prof-ashmat cour'*a are liberal, and ar* in thiri)Ughtif s net inferior b th -vf our l*eat college* I The .-late require* a higher order f citlg. nshtp. I The time* demand it It is one of the prime objsKts ! of thi* i'h< It" help t *• ur it hy furnishing Intel- | ligeut and efH<dent teariier* f r her e boot*. To this i et.d it aoli* it* i nng |*raons >f grnal abilities and ' giod purposes—thww wh deir* to Imynts their j time and their talents, as students Te all such It ! promises aid in d**v**)..ping th*ir j-'wors and at andant opportunities for vv#|| paid ls'--r after l"s*lng whool. r • sfah-gue sm) term* address the Princif*l. or TRrarvt* Pbwkholder*' Trustees—J II lUrton. M I> . A 11. Rest. Ja< Itrown M M lii kf- r ! -*mue| Christ, A N Haul>. tt < TAN k. T C Hippie. £*•< . <1 hint/ing K P McCormick. Ee j \V lUnkin. Win II Hr.*n 6lal i- aim it • \ t artla if ■ II L DM> f* iiLh. to n J s4<> M* mil, ll'>n M illism lligler, J.C C. H hatey, * Miller M rrui' k. F* j orrictß*. Hon WII.I.IAM HIHI.KH. President. Clearfteld, P* Get. JFJ*NE MKRIIILL \ Presidents lea k llav* n,Pa M 11.LA It MrCOl MICK, t*e r tar v, TIIOMA.H YAHDLEY. Tr.a*nrr. •• •• Hottling ICst;i 1)1 isliincut. ■ RUTTLKI) PORTER. ALE niul BEER. 'IMIE undersigned respectfully in -1 forms the ritiref!* rf Centra rottnty that he lis* opened a lb>ttling Establishment, on Bishop street. In the llorongh of Relleb rit** ami will IM* at all times prejwred tofumiah PIinTKR. ALK and BEEII bv the hi/en or i a*e Ii eupfdy lug these )evcragea. wh'-ther to hotels, r< •taurants or privt< resideocew, they will he found of the purest and I-est '(iiality. lavttled in •u ha manner that their life and spirits ate preserved *• fresh a* though draw n from the rask or barrel. The ( KLKBHATKI) ROCHESTER STOCK I* A SrirtARTT. Order* left at his place of business, or sent by postal card, will receive prompt attention. Address, f. || SPITZER, I "dim Hell efoute. Centre Co., Fa. (JOLI)SM/Tli, S'l'lllS iC HEXTE!f, Alley limn Street, Itel/e/onte, I'a. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —AT TII K PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK -A. nsr D O O IMC P AI;E PRICES. Full Suits, - - $4.50 " - - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - - 7.50 " - - 9.00 Al% II ALL UOODK l \ PROPORTION. OUR GRAND FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS COMPLETE, COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN. Manager. A. STKRNBKKII Wll.l. UK FiUXI) AT THIS STURK. Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. .!/• A ili'frtinrim'UtM. Midney i Hi PAD THE ONLY CURE , For Diahftft, (Jravel, !>r< ■/ /, Uriyhfi Ih I ftuf, Fun in ihr Hark, InahtKly !■ /iftain or hrpel Mr I 'rinr.' 'itarrh ■/the liUhi At. liurn iny or Pain ful I rinatini/. Urn k I>■ t hepotit, Afftetiona oj Mr Mptnr, AVrt-.,u* In l Tfy, . ; oi<i/r IIVa/tuMj, am/ <j// / 'uoa.tr, of Mr Kidneys, Bladder and Crin ary OrgaiiM. It *v ida IXTIRNALmNIi(itir, I* comfortable to the jwtient Certain in It* fler. and CI |JH< wh<-n : nothing ele can A*f>M all other Kh>mi < i many aiifthlw imiUtu n* are i*nf fnrr| u|>ti the market W will *end rertlfiriiH .f tuna, and our tw*,k."llw a Llf' inM,' ft'*# U|n thr receipt i f your addrM DAY'S PAD !• *>' *!> Druggi*!*. r arnt by mall <ll r**i|t < t $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN, BEI.I.KFDNTIt I'A . WIfOLRSAI.K A< I F.N T FOR i FNTRK OCM'NTT. y TIIOIIOUQII EDUCATION FOE — YOUNG LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary, IIOLLIDAYttt RO. BLAIR f'Ol STY, PF.NS A A trry healthful Ideation; •urmunding* < rffera b> young ladie* all th< tdutiUffMKf al'hriilUfi j home, with thorough court* intru< tiota In th- , higher bran he* of education. Terms, 8250.00 per Annum, Including l<ord and attendant, uw < f li!<rary. peri-l tcala. and tuition In all F.ngli*h tranche* Mu*i an I art axlra. ANNUAL TKKM, KOKTY WEEKS. ; For catalogue, with full inf<rmation, addreaa W. I*. HUSSEY, A M , Principal. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, ami in m.*t ▼ f ra*ea without fiain. Applf to C. W. P. FIMIKH BoaUhurg. I 2 1u # Centre County, IV SECURER €• CO., Ororrrn, Rush Hnu*r Work. lirllrfontr. Pa. —„ .j. IDTZEW C3-OODS POR THE HOLIDAY TRADE, We have endeavored to Ret the very hest of every thin* in our line, and nbw have some really choice Roods. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Seleot Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS,PEACHES,CITRON,PLUMS,PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— Q-OODIEIS of all Sorts and Kinds. NICE GOODS, which cannot fall to please. SECHLER &c CO. />/•// <1 ooilh ami 11 rarrricH. J J AltPEIt BROTHERS, FI'KINtJ HTKKKT, lIKLI.KFONTR, FA.. 1 Have their counter, und ahelve, filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES ' Purchased at • BANKRUPT RATES j I BANKRUPT RATES I WHICH TIIKT OFF Kit AT BOTTOM I'KICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. CONMBTINQ <>F Dry Got*],, Millinery G<>d., Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion,. Ac. i BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SllOhS at very low price,. i BOOTS and SlloKS HATS and CAPS , Latct atyle, of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag,, Umbrella,, Paraaolt, Ladle,' Cloak,, Carpeting, Groceries, Qt..en,ware. Ac. i Cofnptl.lug rrtr] thing thai ran lw found In n (lft- I daw atom. , HARPER BROTHERS, M'IUNU PTRKKT, . . BKI.I.EFONTK. FA COUNTRY FRottt'Cß taken In .irhab,. at tha hifheat market price 1-1? WOODWARD SEMINARY. Beariltg asi Day School for Townj Lillet as! Little Cciliren. I SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS ' HARRISBURG, PA. Itrrulnr tern mill lgin FKPTF.MRKR Us 1T. i Mndy—4laaal< and A, tentlflc. with kln.lr j and Art Hoard and tuition from fiiVt to snvi a roar and no ektra. For . Irrtilarn and all deaira'.:. atlon addma, 21 •, PRINCIPAL MILLHEIM HOTEL, MtLLHKIM. CKNTHK COt'VTV, PENN A. N\ S. MI'SSER, Proprietor. Th" t"an r.f Millh.im I. located In IVnn'. Vnllor. at.ml two milo. from Cot urn , tattoo, on tl.o turg. f>mro a tot ."(.mrr (rook Hsllrond, with ur rounding, that mak. It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. trout n,1,10g In th Imnodlatr ,trinity A r,l, run. to ...rj train At tlio Mulhot,,, |(..t.| nooom mralatlon, will tw fonnd and t.rm. modor •'* Jim. 21. lTs-|j. Mi Hrrliit tiro IIH. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Thr rlrrulalt nof thfa j-.polar than lirt l*d during lb- pari yaar It. raguiH >ll Hi. loading < i.u.iiki in tt.i li.m lltaaLn, an 1 it arrang-d In handy d-fiarlm nta. 7hat FOREIGN N KWS tnliivta aptrial dopatrhaa from all unartara of tl,a fcl..— I i.f.-r tb- 1..-S.I of AM Kill CAN NEWS ar.- gi*n tha T.lagrapbir Thapatrbaa rif tb* *.* k from all jiatl* of tha I nion. Tl.i# Trait ra alun< makra THK WKKKLY IIKHALI) th# n't yaluaM* *hr t,i j*-r in ft *- ri<l. a* it U th ItffJ *-k i gltpfi a Uitliftil r |.tri of POLITICAL NKWS rnLrring r*. mplM* mid fluent' J -* fimfn H abinylori. inrludili; full r*f*jrta of th* of *BUD*TIt IAS,* >M th* U'**ti -lift of ttif* hour. THK FARM DEPARTMENT f tha W icait If >aain giraa thr lataat aa aril aa tha hi .1 praMial tnggaatl'ina an I <Ji~ on.ro , minting to lb. .Into ,of ih far mar, Inr.ta for ra .it. | tvTTtr, I t itar. <iaia. Taxca I KttitLO. i>.. lc„ a|Ui aii.'a'rwti-r. f<t k**|.ihff t-uiMinga HM otanatla in ta pir. Tlita ti aupp!rn.rtilwl I t a wail—dtlad .Irpart* Until, audi I) r. pt.-d, lit, dot ll,* hnad 0 f THK HOME, giring rarlprta for ( tar Ural diabaa, hinta for making • bribing ami f,,r km ping up with tba latrat faatiioni at lltr loitat [trlrr Kirrt I tarn of rooking or ,'itiaif •ngfoilorl lit till! dar-artmant la prarttcalh taatad by rxjiart. lirf ir.- publication U-tt.r> front oar Parta ami liornlnn mrrrapnndanta on lltr raay lataat faati lonr Tk If.imr Itapartmant of tba Wrttir lltntin a will art, lb* hotiM-wif* mora than on* huodrwd tfio.a , Hi* prt" of lb* pajiar Tb* Intarrwta f SKILLED LABOR ar* look ad aftar. and aar-rytblng partatning to at*. f rbanl<a and lal.r a.r ing la <ar*lttl| taoordad Thar* la a [tag* d-t.ta.l b all lha lataal phaan. < I ffa* t. 0 „j. naa. markata. rroj.* M-nhandtaa Ac, Aralua bla faalttr* fa found Iti Ik* r|a-<lal 1J r*f.,rtad prr** and 'ondltnna of THE PRonrCK MARKET. Nmt bcmf *nd a1 mad, Vffl),+ r ith A ►roil rrrry ~fc. ftcftßi .il f,y * nutimt di> > i vnai, Mm *t. Dramatic, PttwiAt and , r * V - Tl * Tt*r* I* no paper in lb* *orld Hint x,„ t*!r K' m'n Li helii b. ni. )f>*tAKf> !•-!, fa.r On* I> I Ur i> ti ran utf rili* a! ati> Urn*. THK ) / ONE i fIOLI.A* lII.KAI.Ii ) ( A TKAK XKW YORK HERALD, l" 4 Broadway and Ann IMroat, Saw Tork. AGENTS WANTED To tAk* pTi!aArh)'ti<>n for th* INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, III* lalral and l-aat Am*M<ati publication, of tb* htghrat (laaa. wlib original oontributl'iua from tb* 7"-' wnt*ra It, aar-ry rounltv. Kiltfod br ,T, •■ n l ""'O Oaf-It Irt-lir. g*ntl*tn*-n ot tha blgliiwi attainmanta and roHum. and who** ' u ®' '" > l Kranty ol tha valua of Alwaya bright, madabla rod laatrnrtlr* . <oatnnn||. Un In lllr rator. , progrmai *in *- i*m *, „ n **c lariau in mllgton. and indapanda t In polHm. Prim. VI ranla a nitmiar a.a rrar A .ytmplata Aganl at till fit aarit on rarwlpt of fl .on. A apartman rapt arnt to any arldraaa for lit cr-nia A. K. IIMIVKi t 00. puWiabara. 11l AUS i||„ m At . Saw Tort.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers