Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 09, 1880, Image 8

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    ©lie Centre "llemocr.it.
Thursday Morning, Deceeraber 9, 1880.
C.nßßßipoxnFi , l. contAlning important nrwn, aollclt
<il from ny |uit of the county. No lotuiiiuiiicatiouii
tn<nt<Ml IIUICM ll'roiu|t;itii*<| |y tin* real name of tin*
Local Department.
-Canary bird* and cages at Zeller's.
-Holiday goods at Zellor's drug store.
—See tho "800 Hive's" now advertiso
—The shooting ol'door closes next Wed
nesday, the 1 /ith instant.
—Parents should go to tho Philadelphia
llranch for their boys' clothing.
—For fhwanre of flavor ami |rfwt sruinn
Harry (Jrpeu'ii rignra always win the diplum*.
—Handsome, neat-fitting suits of the
linest fabrics at the Philadelphia Branch.
Arrest tho sufferings of your friends
by advising tho use of the Day Kidney
—The reading room of the Young Men s
Christian Association is now open every
—The lirst theatre of the season will ex
hibit in Reynold's Opera House, this
—The African M. E. church, of this
plaee, is holding a series of protracted
—You are respectfully invited to call
and examine tho holiday goods at Zeller's.
No trouble to show goods.
—Young lady, does your sweetheart
smoke? If so, buy him a box of Harry
Green's cigars for a Chistmas gift.
—Last Monday night the council adopt
ed the proper measures to stop the leaks
existing in the water pipes on Allegheny
—Suits at law are unprofitable ; those
sold at the Philadelphia Branch pay the
customer 200 per cent, on the money in
—The regular monthly meeting of the
Young Men's Christian Association, on
Sunday afternoon, was an exceedingly
pleasant gathering.
—Knights, Agar & Co., of Lock Haven,
have just finished a 120-horse power engine
to be placed in the iron works of Bernard
Lauth & Co., of Howard.
—Garments woven in tho loom of nature
may bo nice enough, but those for sale at
the Philadelphia Branch aro much more
comfortable this cold weather.
—The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad will
be held at Lock Haven on Monday, Janu
ary 10. See advertisement.
—Nothing would be more acceptable to
a gentleman for a Christmas gift than a
pair of warm gloves or a cap such as are
sold at the Philadelphia Branch.
—The vacancy made by tbe falling of
stone from the main tower of the Presby
terian church has been filled in with brick,
which adds innenrly to the beauty of the
—At it regular monthly meeting last
Monday night, tho borough council de
rided to meet only once n month hereafter
—the first Monday night of each month
instead of the first and third as heretofore.
—All old ladies who are well versed in
herbs can give sage advice, nnd their best
counsel will be to tell their friends and
neighbors to go to Sechler & Co's grocery
store for coffee, sugar, raisins, nutmegs
and all other articles in the grocery line.
—Young ladies, especially, will be inter
ested in Itev. I>r. Vincent's lecture on
"That Boy." Many of them have long
been perplexed as to how to win the affec
tions of "That Boy," and the Doctor's dis
course will shed some light on the subject.
—A reference to our advertisements will
show that the Presbyterian congregation
of this place desire their annual business
meeting to be held on the second Tuesday
instead of the first day of January, and
are instituting legal proceedings accord
—No one should fail to visit Frank
Blair's jewelry store when making their
holiday purchases. His stock is larger,
finer and better than ever before. You
will find many choice articles there that
you will see nowhere else outside of the
large cities.
—The Secretary of the State Grange of
Patrons of Husbandry has effected a re
duction of rates on the railroads for all
who intend to be present at the annual
meeting to be held at Greensburg, West
inoreland county, next Tuesday, the 14th
—A barn located in the mountain be
yond tho Loop, owned by Mr. Michael
Lingle, was destroyed by lire with all of
it contents, consisting of a largo amount
of hay nnd straw, between the hours of
eight and nine o'clock on Thursday night,
the 25th of November. It was not in
—Our readers will recollect tho fino
stock and largo sales last Christmas of
mustache cups and fine china at Frank
Blair's. This induced him this year to
make largo purchases in this line and he
has now in stock the finest goods in this
line that is manufactured. Anything more
elegant than he has is not made.
—Ex-Mayor It. K. Bridgens, of Lock
Haven, and Mr. William 11. Hnyder, of
Eagleville, have contracted for grading
nine miles of the prospective addition to
tho Lewisburgend Tyrone railroad through
l'enns Valley. These gentlemen will ac
complish the work with their accustomed
energy nnd celerity. When the work upon
this contract is completed there will be
gtl 'y eight more miles to grade.
A fine assortment of Christmas tree
ornaments at "Wilson's, Brockerhoff House
—Nino converts were received into one
of the churches at Woodward on Sunday
morning of last week.
—Zeller's are closing out their fine stock
of pocket books at reduced rates. They
intend to quit dealing in them.
—Handsome imported candy boxes filled
with "Whitmore'a confections'' at Wil
son's, Brockerhoff House block.
—There is no "diversity in creeds" so
far as clothing is concerned, for all believe
that tho clothing sold at tho Philadelphia
Branch is tho cheapest and best.
—Oranges I oranges!! at Wilson's,
Brockcrhotf House block. Will receive
within tho next two weeks 10,(KM) oranges.
Just tho thing for festivals and Sunday
school celebrations.
—Tho Daily Sewn announces tho death
of Mr. Joseph Lewis, the oldest residontof
Bald Eagle Valley. His death occurred
on Sunday last, at tho ago of HH years, 5
months nnd I'.'days. His direct descend
cnts arc six children, eleven grandchildren
aud sixty-nine great-grandchildren.
—Entertainment will bo provided for
preachers and delegates to the Sabbath
school Convention whoso names are re
ceived by J. Wesley Gepbart, Esq., Chair
man of Committee on Entertainment, no?
later than Tuesday, December 14. The
committee cannot engage to entertain any
whoso names are received after that date.
—lt is a subject of deep concern with
many parents as to how they shall train
their daughters. It is certain that a train
of either silk velvet or -atin would please
any young lady, but, above all, fathers
should never neglect to train their daugh
ters to buy groceries of S. A. Brew & Son.
—An English maxim is "After dinner
sit a while; after supper walk a mile."
This is good ndvice, and your health will
he perfect if you take your evening walks
in the direction of Sechler & Co's grocery
store, where you can get the best groceries
with which to compound breakfast, lunch,
dinner, supper or nny other meal.
—Tho good people of Millheiin had the
rare fortune on Sunday of last week t<> hear
a sermon from tho lips of Itev. Father
Anspach, of Miflllnburg. He is called
"Father" because he is almost eighty years
of age and has been in the Gospel ministry
for fifty years. If confidence can be placed
In the words of any more mnn it is in those
spoken by one whose life for nearly a
century has been a living example of the
sweet old story which he vet so loves to
—Mr. Perry Cole, tireinan at the Pl,te
nia Planing Mill, was instrumental in
preventing an explosion of tho boiler in
tho engine room of that establishrnent-on
Friday last, lit detected steam escaping
from beneath the boiler, and on examina
tion discovered that, owing to the collec
tion of a quantity of solids at that spot, it
was burned entirely through. He quickly
drew off steam and prevented what might
have been a disastrous accident. In con
sequence of the delect in the boiler, work
at the mill was delayed for a few days.
—The firm of Livoright. Greenwald A:
Co., of Philadelphia, manufacturers of
| boys' clothing, met with a 10-s of $20,000
| last Friday night in the destruction of
j their establishment bv fire. This is an
| especial cause of regret to many of our
j readers, as "Max Liveriglit, the senior
| member of the firm, was once a resident of
| this place, clerking in 8. & A. Loch's store.
Ho was alsoengaged in mercantile business
j at Snow Shoe for a short time, and has
| many personal friends in our midst who
will regret his mishap.
—Frank Blair informs us thnt the sale
of gold watches nnd fine jewelry has open"
ed very satisfactory for the holiday trade.
Tho disposition seems this year to be to
' buy fine goods and articles of artistic and
I intrinsic value. His plan of keeping no
gold watches of less thnn If K. and of
j making his lowest cash prices in plain
figures on each article is having its desired
effect, as his experience has invariably
been that the buying and selling of 10 K.
witches is neither profitable or satisfactory
to the buyer or seller.
—On Friday evening last shortly before
six o'clock smoke was discovered issuing
from one of the second-story windows of
ex-Governor Curtin's elegant resilience.
It was discovered that the. flames had at
tained considerable headway nnd that a
sofa, a mirror and a picture had been
ruined, nnd that one of the window case
ments was considerably scorched. The
alnrm was sounded outside, but the crowd
was prevented frotn entering the house
and by the speedy and energetic measures
of the inmates the flames were quickly
subdued. The origin of tho fire is not
certainly known, but it is thought to have
proceeded from the explosion of a parlor
match lying on the floor.
—Fortunately for the faith ol humanity,
it is seldom we hear of such sore affliction
as that which has recently visited Mr. and
Mrs. McClcllan Hunter, of Tyrone. With
in a week all of their children—four In
number—have sickened and died of that
scourge of childhood, diphtheria. The
last death occurred on Thursday, and the
interment took place on Friday. Mrs.
Hunter is just recovering from an attack of
thesamediseaae. She was Mist Kate Furey,
daughter of James and Ellen Furey, form
erly of this place, and her numerous rela
tives and friends in this section will be
pained to hear of her sorrow. Mr. Hunter
is baggage master on the Tyrone and Lock
Haven and Clearfield branches of the
Pennsylvania railroad. Tbev are entitled
to the sympathy of their friends.
PERSONAL. —Mr. C. J. Shaffer, of Pot
ter's Mills, has accepted a clerkship in
Dr. Pierce's store at Philipsburg.
Mr. William Lyon, the proprietor of
the well known meat market 011 Bishop
street, was in Philipsburg last week com
plclirig arrangements for a branch estab
lishment in that place, llis meat market
here, however, will continue on us usual,
and we have no objection if tho Philips
burgers do have an opportunity to buy
some of the fine meat sold by Mr. Lyon, so
that they don't get it all. Mr. Lyon has
always been known to kill first-class cattle,
and in this specialty promises to continue
unrivaled in tliu future.
Mr. A. J. Cruse lias recently made
several important improvements in his
cigar and tobacco store. By the new ar
rangement lie can keep six workmen con
stantly employed, niul at the same time
devote the usual space to the transaction of
his large business.
—Mr. .J. N. C'assnnova, of Philipsburg,
we learn will start to Havana to-duy to bo
absent during the winter. He will be i
welcome on his return next spring.
—Gen. Jesse Merrill, one of Lock
Haven's handsome and distinguished in
habitants, win, in town lust week, giving
us the pleasure of his presence for a short
Mr. D. M. Peters, the genial proprie
tor of the Bush House, was in Philadelphia
last week. It is probable that he will
soon depart permanently with bis family
to that city to assume the proprietorship of
one of it largest and most flourishing
Rev. S. A. Taggert,State Secretary of
tlie Y. M. ('. A., is attending a district
convention in Tioga county, which begins
to-morrow and ends on Sunday.
Mr. James McCafTerty, formerly of
Guggenheimer's store, lias severed his con
nection with tlmt establishment and is now
one of the active, busy bees at llauland's
"Bee Hive" store.
Willie and Mattie Keller, children
of D. S. Keller, Esq., while coasting near
their father's residence on Spring street,
last week, run into a tree, and each had
the extreme ill fortune to sprain an ankle.
Mrs. liiram Hoffer and children, of
Tyrone, spent a few days of last week in
town at the residence of Mr. Edward
Mi-s Annie Swart/., the accomplished
daughter of Dr. Swart/, of this place, is
now in Philipsburg, clerking in one of the
dry goods stores of that place. She will be
absent until after the holidays.
William P. Furey, late editor of the
Altoona Sun, is in declining health, and
his physician recommends a sojourn in the
"Sunny South" a* tho only panacea. He
will therefore start to San Antonia, Texas.
a soon as possible, w here we hope he will
find the fountain of health lor which he
Eli Perkins will appear before a Phil
jpsburg audience, Tuesday evening, De
cember 21st.
—The lit. Pcv. Dr. 11.. we, D. D., Bishop
of the Protetant Episcopal church in
Central Pennsylvania, i- announced to bo
in Philipsburg next Sunday, where ho
wiil preach and administer the rite of con
firmation to all persons who may pre-ent
themselves for that purpose.
—Our handsome young friend, Mr. Ed
ward Garnian departed last Tuesday morn
ing for Coatsville, Chester county, where
there are attractions sufficiently strong to
cause him to linger for about a week, lie
will then proceed to Philadelphia, to spend
the gny holiday 'enon In the City of
Brotherly Love. It is unnecessary to say
that Edward will lie missed at home, and
it is equally evident that he will be su
premely happy as he basks in tho bright
sunshine of the smiles of those soft-eved
• Junker maidens.
evening, December 111, promises to be an
occasion of unusual interest to all lovers of
rich thought and sentiment expressed in
eloquent platform oratory. Rev. Dr. Vin
cent will deliver his most admired lectnrei
entitled "That Boy," in the Court House,
in this place. The proceeds of the lecture
—over and above, of course, a stipulated
sum to be given the lecturer—will be de
voted to furnishing newspapers and maga
zines for the V. M. C. A. rending room.
Thus the object is comtnendalilo and the
lecture is one the equnl of which the stay
at-home residents of our town seldom have
an opportunity to hear. Delegates and
others desir'ng to ho p.resent at the Con
vention of tho Centre County Habbath
school Association on the following day
will do well to come to town on Thursday
and thus have the op.portunity of attend
ing this lecture. It will be a compliment
to tho lecturer and to tho intplligence of
our community to greet Dr. Vincent with
a tremendous audience. Tho price of ad
mission will bo placed at tho low piriee of
60 cents to all piarts of the Court House.
The following strong declaration from
the eminent Bishop Himpaon, of tho M.
E. church, will douhtlesa bear much weight
with his friend* in this community :
1 have heard with great pleasure Dr. J.
H. Vincent's lecture on "That Boy." It
abounds in clear, sharp points, that both
interest and instruct, as it i enlivened
with many louche* of wit and humor. I
can rami heartily commend thi* lecture to
lecture committee* who aro arranging a
course to profit the pjeople.
—Gregg Po*t, G. A. R., and tho Post of
that organization located at Philipraburg,
together with ten other Posts of the G.
A. R., are ordered to meet for inspection
at Altoona next Tuesday, December 14.
EXPLORING A CAVE.— Almost evory
body has the pileasure of Hn acquaintance
with Francis Spoor, and almost everybody
is equally well aware what a sweet, inno
cent, romantic young gentleman he is.
His father, Mr. William Spcer, now re
sides at his country seat near the village of
Pleasant Gap, and Francis roams over the
broad domain following the inclination of
his own sweet will. His natural propen
sity to unearth and expose all that is evil
and to investigate the hidden mysteries of
nature and revelation have grown with his
growth and strengthened with his increase
of understanding since his residence at the
Gap, until they have attained such won
drous development as to lead him, a few
days ago, to institute a search into the hid
den underground recesses of u cavern,
which bus been located on his father's
farm from time immemorial and has for
an indefinite period been a source of curi.
osity to Francis' enquiring mind, lie was
unable to summon to his command Aind
din's wonderful lamp, so be provided him
self with a splendid lantern of improved
pattern with which to guide his steps as he
went on his dangerous errand into the
bowels of the earth. Like the wise vir
gins, he filled his lantern with that liquid
which oil merchants assert to he absolutely
non-explosive petroleum, polished the
glass until its crystal surface rivaled the
sun in brilliancy, and struck a light so
strong and bright as to put all the owls to
instant lliglit. Francis is of tender age,
and some boys would have hesitated before
undertaking such a project, but our vul
liant hero proceeded on his mission with
brave heart arid undaunted mien. As lie
took his course through the frosty ether of
that bright December day, be WHS a hero
whose equal has not been known since the
days when "the boy stood on the burning
deck." Visions of hobgobblins, genii and
evil spirits failed to make his heart quail
or to disturb his equanimity of mind. He
exulted in his prospective triumph over
the powers of darkness. At last he
reached the cavern's oj*,n mouth, and
boldly lowered bis lantern into the gloomy
depths never before illumined by the light
of day. He was just prepared to follow,
when a noise—quick, sharp and terrible—
proceeded from the interior of the cavern
and caused his face to blanch with fear.
Francis started hack, thoroughly frighten
ed. As he drew forth the lantern be found
the glass shattered into a thousand frag
ments. The foul intluenoes of the lower
world had gained an easy victory. Fran
cis owns himself defeated and has re
nounced his investigation for the present,
but his fertile mind is planning a fresh
attack, and woe to the powers of the
nether world when he tries it again.
RGR. W. O. WKlOllT. —According to
ap|>ointmcnt, says the I'hilipsburg Journal
Rev. W. O. Wright,of Mileshurg, preach
ed in thn Presbyterian ehuich last Sunday
morning. Although the morning was
quite unpleasant, a fair congregation was
in attendance. The reverend gentleman
preached a very earnest gospel sermon and
endeavored to impress his hearers with the
important fart, that his mission was to
preach Christ the crucified Saviour of the
world. Mr. Wright has received the unan
imous rail from l'hilipsbtirg and Morris
dale Mines congregations, to become their
pa-tor, which he accepts, conditioned, that
tin* Huntingdon Presbytery, to which
these belong, will transfer him fromMilcs
hurg, hts present charge, to Philipsburg.
In that event, he expects to enter upon
this field of work, about the beginning of
the New Year. Mr. Wright is a very
earnest and energetic worker, and will,
without doubt, work up this field in the
interests of the Presbyterian church, great
ly to its advancement, so that in a few
years' time it may become an independent
charge. He enjoys the confidence and
best wishes of this people in his new field
of labor.
—A bridal couple bailing from War
riors Mark arrived at the Rrockerhoff
House on a late train one day last week
and were assigned to room No. "Letter
B," just above the office. Shortly after
these "two souls with but a single thought,
two hearts that bent as one" had retired,
Clerk MeKeover, who was passing through
the hall, discovered that a strong odor of
gas pervaded the whole of the upper por
tion of the hotel. He immediately com
menced an examination and was soon con
vinced that the gas was escaping through
the transom of "Letter 11." He knocked
at the door and was greeted with an im
patient, "What do you want?" "How did
you put the gas out?" asked Mac. "Blew
it out, of course. How else would I put it
out?" It was explained to him that un
less ho found some other means of sum
moning dßrknes* hi- honeymoon would be
of short duration. After repeated failures
with the chandelier, the door was opened
and MeKeover, overcoming his natural
modesty, was com|iclled to enter and turn
off the gas. Hilence brooded over "Letter
IV' from that until morning.
TRUTH ANO HONOR. —Query: What is
the host family medicine in the world to
regulate tho bowels, purify the blood, re
move costiveness and billiousness, aid di
gestion and tone up the whole *ytem ■>
Truth and honor compel us to answer,
Hop Hitters, being pure, perfect and harm
less. Hoe another column.— Toledo Blade.
and magnificent stock of holiday goods,
useful and ornamental, at
A. J. St. T. K. GKKIST.
21. Union vllle, Pa.
morning "bout 0 o'clock HN aloft silvery
light wa* chasing nway the sombre rem
nant* of night from the dusky brow of
Half Moon hill, a strange procession, com
posed of seven heavily ulslered and deco
rously quiet gentlemen, could be seen
laboriously wending its w ay to the summit.
The moon had disappeared, the stars were
waning, the fleecy clouds were rolling back
from the mountain tops, as the golden
light grew stronger and increased in
splendor around the bare, rugged crags
and spurs of weather beaten rocks. Down
through the needled pines, the dark for
bidding oaks, around the moss grown
bowlders, danced the rosy dawn, nearing
Bellefonte, our beautiful Mountain City,
us she lay peaceful and quiet below. It
was an unusual, weird and ominous scene.
What brought these gentlemen together,
at this spot at this most unconventional
hour? What was the meaning of the
studied melancholy and subdued mien
which characterized the bearing of all
composing the mysterious parly Arriving
at the top of the hill they lost no time in
at once indicating the purpose which
brought them there. One gentleman pro
ceeded to step off ten paces, another >.f the
party produced from the voluminous folds
of his lust winter's ulster a box from
which he removed two pistol*. The silence
at tliia time was oppressive. The uglv
looking weapons were, without remark,
placed in the hands of two nervous looking
individuals, who were placed back to back.
Now for the firet time, a clear, sonorous
voice cleft the morning air, "Vou wilt
walk until the drop of this handkerchief,
then turn and fire." At this moment one
of the party who up to this juncture had
given unmistakable signs of great distress
retreated behind the protecting trunk of an
enormous tree. The jiorU-ntiou* handker
chief fell to the ground. Two inen hur
riedly confronted each other. Two shots
disturbed the solemn stillness as they rang
out as one. Two arms were flung convul
sively into space and a manly form lay
prone upon the earth with a crimson tide
rushing in torrents over Ins face. The
silent figure left the protecting embrace of
the friendly tree and started over the brow
of the hill at a terrific pace His career
was suddenly checked by cry frotn the
crowd surrounding the "lay" figure. If..
returned, took his disabled friend by the
hand and disappeared with the stealth and
swiftness of the panther. After this the
deluge. In a moment, Half Moon hill,
so recently a human pandemonium where
deadly passions were running riot—where
bloodshed reigned triumphant, was now
silent and cairn as the grave. The curtain
j has been rung down. The mystery is un
! explained, and one of the participants is
hunting in vain for the waters of Lethe
that he may drink forgot fulness of the
trngic events of last Monday morning.
—l'rof. Meyer spent last Friday afternoon
in making a thorough examination into
the workings and efficiency of the public
schools of Hellofonte. He had previously
announced that he would conduct a minute
and comprehensive examination of all the
scholars over fourteen years of age. As these
| are all found in the principal's room, Prof.
Meyer devoted the greater jairtion of his
time to this department. The pupils were
! on the qui n'rr and had evidently deter
mined to do their very best. The exami
nation covered the entire range of studies
taught the most advanced scholars and was
eminently satisfactory, reflecting much
I credit upon the management and ability of
the principal, Mr. Leib.. Prof. Meyer
seemed perfectly at home as he made fre
| quent drafts upon the knowledge of the
pupils and was highly pleased throughout.
Among those who deserve especial men
j lion as having passed really brilliant ex
animations were Miss Mary Bradley, Miss
Belle \N caver, Miss Kate Powers, ncice of
Mr. John Powers, and Harry and Willie
Keller, sons of D. S. Keller, Esq. Willie
Keller especially demands more than pas
ing notice. He is only twelve years of age
but his acquirement* are of such a charac
ter as to place him in the highest depart
ment of the school*. After concluding the
examination in Principal Lcib's room
Prof. Meyer vi*ited the Senior Grammar
school conducted by Mr. Wetzel where he
heard several of the classes. He then vis
ited tho Junior Grammar school presided
over by Miss Rosie Wood and heard the
mental arithmetic and geography classes
in their recitations. Prof. Meyer express
ed himself as well satisfied with the pro
ficiency and deportment of the scholars in
this excellently conducted department. Ho
aflei wards visited tho primary and inter
mediate department* and heard the reading
classes, which concluded his labors. It
was a pleasant occasion for both the Pro
fessor, the teachers and the scholars. Prof.
Meyer says that all the schools are In ex-
I ccllent condition and the pupils show the
result of careful and conscientious training.
—When you come to Bellefonte call at
Lyon A Co.'a and see the largest and finest
stock of overcoats that can be found out
side of Philadelphia. We have them at
$2.76 and sß.7ft. We have brown beaver
overcoats at $6 2ft and srt.ftO. You can't
beat them anywhere else at $7.60 and $*
We have the finest blue and black beaver
overcoat*. We have a reversible overcoat,
two sides to wear out, or two coat* In one.
M e have the beat chinchilla overcoat* at
" Vfr ' lh *y worth $8 to
$lO. \V e can show you over SI,OOO worth
of overcoat*. LYON A Co.
Yesterday morning about half-ph-t -j*
o'clock the alarm of fire was again sound
. Ed, wild the flume* were discovered i**uiti"
I from tho roof of a small frame dwelling
| house on the north side of
short distance east of Allegheny. The
Logan hose company was promptly ■ n
hand and, with tho uil of the Undine
j boys, who also soon arrived, worked v<rv
■ effectively in combatting the flame*, ft,
; building wws saved from total de*truct;< •
j although it seem* to be damaged bevond
I the hope of repair. Tho fire double.
I originated from a.'park from the kit<
| stove, the fire in which had just be. n
i lighted. The bouse was owned by Mr.
Jacob Marls-en, who now resides in Pi
1 adefphia, and wa occupii-d by Mrs. Wells
j a widow ladv, with quite a large faroilv
Wo believe the building was insured 'I i<•
few articles of furniture belonging to Mr-.
I Well* were removed to a place of sab I ,
1 Mrs. Wells is un invalid, and in quite d'-.
| titute circumstance*, and the position of
' herself and family is now more disagret.
i able than ever. A* they are verv worthy
j people and have seen belter da_\, it would
j seem that they are entitled to the speed v
j aid of all philanthropic persons.
i Evangelical church, recently erected rootr
Howard, was dedicated last Sunday, !)<•-
cetnber ft, Bishop Thomas Bowman being
present and officiating at the service A
| correspondent send* u- the following ac
; count of the proceedings on that occasion
1 On account of the inclemency of the
weather we felt rather discouraged, but
I soon the friends began to come in from all
part* of the neighborhood, and when the
; time for morning service hud arrived a
; respet table congregation was present. The
| congregation w- favored with an excellent
' sermon by the Bishop, after which a stale.
| ment was made of the finance* five hun
j dred dollars being necessary to liquidate
' the debt A subscription was then < jreu
; lated and the amount immediately raised.
I In the evening the church wa- solemnly
! dedicated to the Triune (Jod, bv the Bishop,
i after which an able sermon was preached
I by Rev. c. I-. Leaser, I'. K , followed bv
the administration of the Lord's Supjer. "
The church is a neat frame building,
i 4">xoo ft., tastefully furnished, and reflects
j c redit upon the entire cornmuriitv. The
following persons constituted the building
j committee: Messrs. Jonathan Schenck,
1 Dr 1. It. ilerisyl, Daniel S henck, Mich
ael Holler and Joseph Holler. Much
, credit is due to the committee for carrying
the enterprise to a successful completion
Mr. F. If. Thurfxr, of New York, fur
nishes to the December ScriOner a papier
which will be widely read, and which bids
fair to create considerable excitement. It
is entitled "The Railroads and the* People,"
atid it presents most forcibly the recent ex
posures of corruption in the great railroad
monopolies of this country. The Decern
; her number of Srribnrr contain* also many
striking illustrative as well as literary
: features. The November issue wa* tho
largest numlier ever printed ; it contained
one hundred and seventy p>ages, and wa*
crowded with brilliant pictures and arti
■ cios of more than usual interest.
AA e hear of the death, yesterday
morning at eight o'clock, at the residence
| ccf Mr. Houp near Valentine* forge, of
Mr. Harry I . Brooks, who has for some
time been making bis borne in this place.
: His friends in Lancaster have tieen tel
egraphed and his IHHIV will probably be
taken there tor interment.
—We have the finest *tc K k of suit# in
hlack diagonal, blue check and other dark
I good, heavy winter au.tv We can show
you the largest and best stock fn the
county and guarantee thein 20 r,er cent
| cheapier than any other house.
LtOI A Co.
■ ~clothing made to order at the
old prices. N<> advance.
, T - *? dress goods, shoes and
'•die* millinery, we can show vou the
largest and best stock in the county.
LrOW A Co.
AN ANTED—ft two turkeys for Christmas
' Ht „ A. J. A T. K. (JURIST,
'■ Vnionvtlle, Pa.
m + m
" Rook Candy and Rye Whiskey."
For Colds, Throat and Lung diseases
I repared ready for use. AVonderful in iu
healing powers. It gives relief by arrest,
ing the haektng cough, nourishes, build*
up and strengthen* the system. For
troublesome cough* or hoarseness affecting
the voice it will give almost instant relief
Ihe great secret of iu sucoe**, via : • Tbe
many surprising cures when every other
known remedy has failed to give "relief "
It truly recommend* iuelf after a single
trial, no matter how bad the Cough or
Lung affection may be. /f M nof „ med „
vJ l l !f* fin^l rr y*tlliMli.>n of AVhite
Roc k Candy combined with " Pure Conner
l!w *?• j I{ - V ° Wh '* k .V," made in the
old fashioned way. and acknowledged by
r n l ° l>e pt'rest and tines't
of all A\ htsk.es, •< Rock Candy and Rve
>\ tiiskey, u now universally used and
recommended by the most eminent
I hysician*. as a tonic for invalids and
person* advanced in life. Rock Candy
being saccharine matter make, new blood,
and the Pure Old Rye Whiskey in vigor,
ate* and infuse* life, and combined a* we
prepare it. strengthen* the digestive or
gans, increase* the appetite, , n d an im
provement in the system invariably follows.
It is sold with our guarantee for ii* Purity.
Fine Flavor, and excellence. Price, one
dollar for a large bottle. < s-ders by mail
receive prompt and careful attention, with
full directions. Fine old liquors (f„ r
OUTuW n<l iw) a specialty
Spurit Merchants, 12J0 Market *tr~.t
Philadelphia, Pa. Sold only in Bellefonte
month* md 9 Uji t ' '
"5 "est ■ KS
■* "sk Hall. CMtn. " , ""'
Ths <T*rca*>lL was a SM.r OF JSME. H Rankin. KM..