IDA VLA .\/> r .V/.' If'M.t \, Allegheny Street, Jlellefonte, l'a. B-A. XJL A. IST ID &c NEWMAN'S |-HEADQUARTERS rOft BARCAIfIS " BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. i s HOLIDAY GOODS. §Ve have an IMMENSE VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR t HOLIDAY PRESENTS at popular prices, for Ladies, Gentlemen & Children. ___ Please call and examine our stock, And oblige BAULAND & NEWMAN. OIK MOTTO IS— "O.VK PRICE—THE I ERE LOWEST—AS D SO MISREPRESENT. I77O.V. Philadelphia Market*. I'll iL \ I'll 14. IWrmUT 7. IfMkt. iff* are •lull under the unfavorable rnM# tdvke mil th* l |>ri •* >f i* lower. Flan a -The in|iiir> for flour * light. liut price* ur< it tart J Bhl--* of |t* barrel*, including Miritus-ta gjjSßpt at *(•'. I'-r turlioli p, clear, and •50 fat straight. IVnti-vlvania -xtr* family at JO BIMKD do D T | • ■' • j > T • tits •: *7 n ffl.sp In quality Ky tWur i* quiet and uiu hang.*!••• of ■ •* hustie'*. in car lot- i rinding t jfl I'"" I 1 i. red *•*•! ambeiLnflott and on H \* x % \ l'\ and No red, wltvat i, at 91 l'.'. Hjf If north '•■* f rP nif >I oce now at 7 r7'sc. Ti i- aonuiinllv Bellefonte Market*. RBLLtro*TR. !•. mher IHSO. QUOTATION.*, Wkflo vhmt,per biwli'-l • old) f 1 < " M m Eat mew, i "•' - 0 - fl—f, r't , per barrel f ■" FlnirNh'-i-> • Provision Market. ■o')rr< led weekly by Harper Brother*. cflSlHpdrted. per pound, iwd-d 1" BeauS per quart " ChicMijßper pound * CJswwr f>ef pound per pound •■ ... t*mt& p* hah**l HOP BITTERS?^ ■> |( J.itiUHiA , V I). l*-l at 1 1 •• • lock M. ! At tin* meetinir election Bill h held for a l*re|- j dent and i* Ihrect >r* of *id Compnnyr to wrvp fr - the eimulng tear. KHMI ND BI.ANCIIABH.SrcretaM l Lock Haven, In- ••. man. 41 Legal Notice. N't >TI< I", is lierohy given to all whom ! it may t-m em, that an application will he made j liia Honor .hdin I! imtead of the tlrwt dav of Junuarv m .-ai h tmr. .MOM IIOV. I'r' n.fl Alt'), 4 ST. X AMKirS ACADEM V, NEAR LATROBK, PA., NEARLY half a t'entury old, from which the most prominent and • nltivate.l women in I'ennsylrsais have graduated, offer* neat thorough e'lticatiaual aids and standanl of reftuing in Alienees Pupil* a>lmlttel at any time Yearly eg pen.e llimit A.ldrea*. SISTKK.S OF MF.HCV, '•'> B*-att\' P. o , Westmoreland cunty. Pa. Administrator's Notice. I KTrKRS of ailmini-tration having 1 J been gl tilt. <1 to tI.M lindeptigneti nil the etats •'AUKD fTKI HLK. d* isetl, late of Spring h>snship. Centre riunty Pa . all person* indehtesl to *aid de are requested to biake immediate |wtym*--nt. and all having | mill pr> .. Nt them duly authentit tt-i for settlement. JOHN Ft'KEY, Administrator. TRY Til K NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Send for Sam/dr <'/.// —l'rrr. NKW YORK OBSERVER, 117 Park Row, N-w York. I f 3ROCKKRIIOFK HOUSE, I ) HKI.I.KroMK, PA. W. U. TKLI.KR, I'roprii'tor. (loud Sfim/itf /loom on Srfnnd Floor, ree But* tn and from all Train*, flpet la) rates f/ witne*e* and Inror* 1-1 V (RAHMAN'S HOTEL, V.* li| llnuar, ftKM,KfOJITR. PA. TPHMA 11.25 PRU DAV. A g'.tel ry attached. 1 1 ( II AIHKKT i: I'A INK. < omtnistioiier t.f putt lit-. BKN.I. F. UHAFToN rTttltY It I.ADH 1 PATEHTS. I'AINK, OKAFTO.V I.AIII), Altomrt/i nt- Jjiiw ami V/inhirj| of Jwirrovin and Fnrti'in I'/l- nf., 412 FIFTH STREKT, WASIIINt#ToN, IK C. Practice |(stent aw in all it* hranehes in the Patent J ♦ Ifthe, Slid the Supreme and < ir Oil Court* of the I*(iitd State-. Psmphlet -end fre** I* tf ( a ILMOHK A CO., " * LAW AND COLLECTION UOI'SK, FSTRIRT. WAMIIM;TON. I. ('. 1 Make C(lle* tioti*. Negotiate U u* snd attend to ail J hllMUes* lonAd**! to the 111 I.ANH H KIP, Soldier'* , Additional II met. ..d Bight* and I. 4NH W AHKANTH l-oight and *ol SENT to any addre*a. during the *-Jrm* of Congress and the at the r*te of 6" rent* jer month. Under the a. t of o>ngrr*M the publisher prepay* j the jw-tnge and *ub*r n Urs are relieve*) fr .in that expense. i;ery nbarl|ti(tfl must he arrvm|*an|e| |y the * cash. Now )# the time t> ut*u rile The appnarhing •** ion* of Congress and the I.egfsUture will Is of ! more than ordinary interest and their prMeding* will he fully rejM.rted for the a complete j synopsis ef them will le given In the Weekly. Address PAT KMT PI HblflfllNff t of AHegh'-nv. Bellefonte. Pa lA-Iy j For Sale. \FAHM containing Kilty Acre*. ami having llore..n ere. ted a TWihjiTOltk j FKIMK ill I I.l'l N'i and #.nt building* Title good. Inquire of A. . kT K. GKIKKt, Unioiiville. Centre cunty. Pa Application for a Pardon. NOTICE i* hereby given to nil Interested that tli" ll>ard of I'ard.ins having granted a f h.Hiring in the rase of St*wrt Walker, t applh vtioo will he made aald It- nrd for hi* pardon at its next meeting, on the third Tuesday and • Ist day of f)e< •-littr, a It IMI M\K.AKKT WAI.KKK nH. .IAS. H. BOBBINS, M. I)., I'IIYSICf AN AND BCK(IKI>N. Office Allegheny St.. hot Zelgler'* i>rug Store, i HKi.LhFit.NTK. PA. ■ II ——— (} OEDSM ITU, NT It IX ,f II EX, Allegheny Street, Ilellefonte, Vn. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —AT THE | PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK ANTD COMPARE T? ~R, ICIE S . Full Suits, - - $4.50 " - - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - - 7.50 " - - 9.00 Al\l> ALL <.<< I>S | \ I'ROPORTIOA. OUR. GR AND FALL, AND WINTER- STOCK IS COMPLETE. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! : frDon't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEW IN, Manager, A sTKILMiKKC WILL UK [''H'N'li AT THIS ST)/'/'/, Br\ )ht'* />>• , I€o . P ' Rack, Inat it t RtUrin or ; t psttk t rinr t (atar h flht | iny or Painful I nnd/in-;, Brisk 1 >'* M /V^on/, Ajf rrf n* of the Spnxr, Sen ux Jfrloff'/, Ft j ma/r an#/ !T'l,l n lt> whm i I nothing ie r m n Avon! nil ether hir h |*at u j in ii% worthies* irnitati im are Ixing u|wn th* I amrket W 9 will **nil '• ,,f rur *nur ' M llo n LM we* Xa*e4," fr* uj u the rncrift ! of your wMr#* DAY'S PAD • *y iH.iggtM*, ~r *e„t mail on receipt ot price, 12.00. F. POTTS GREEN, RKLLKFONTK. •* . WIfnLKSALR AMF.NT Fitß iTMBK rill NTT. THOROUGH EDUCATION -mß vorxii i, \ ii ks. Hollidaysburg Seminary, ll')|.Lll>AYllt in. lILAIR nc, with thorough course of InrlrurlioM In the I higher hmn l ht of ntnr||on. Terms, $260.00 per Annum. I In< hiding hoard and attendante, nee of library. perbd --! lc*N. *nraii< he* Mu*ic and art extra ANNUAL TERM, FORTY WEEKS. I For raUlofiif, with fall information, eddre** XV. I*. IIUSSEY, A. M., Principal. A (IK NTS WANTED T tk' •iiWriptinm f.r tkr | INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the lat*t and l *t iiiirrkm publication, *r the h Iff heat I*** with original mnt nhntir*t relet rt-d w ntere tu every rountr>. lilted hy J 1 Mm**. Jr . and Henry CrM Id •!*•. gentlemen of the higloat attainment* and culture. and whnee name* are alone auffl< tent guaranty of the xalue of tin list icw Always trigtif. readable and instrurtite; r.*mnp' , -!i tan In literature. pngrr>**i*e In •* leure, nn*rtariati in religion, and Independent In politic*. Fri* e. *o renta a nnmlier, fiViii a ymr. A roaplat* Agent * Outfit aent on receipt of ll .ut. A *pe< imen rep* aent t . any addrews tor IS rent*. A RARNKH A X., Publisher*. 11l Alia William Hi . New York. MILLIIKIM HOTEL, WILLIIKIM. CENTRE COt'NTY. PKNNA. W. S. ML'SSER, Proprietor. The (own of Millheim 1* located In Penn's Valley, al*nit two mile* from Col.urn Htation, on the trtirg. Centre and Mpruoe Creek Railroad, with aur rounding* that make It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good trout fUMng In the immediate tldnity. A rah run* to every train At the Millheim Hotel armm m<>dationa will le found Aral-clue* and term* moder ate. Jim C, lfTVlj* JHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUSH HOUSE BLOCK, RKLLEFONTK, PA., IK NOW OFFKRINO GREAT IN DUCKMENTH TO TItOHR WISHINO FtRBT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. Wo h*vo unuixinl fnoilitiot for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPULKTS. CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VISITS, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. aSTOrdflr* by mail will rciy prompt Attention. MPPrinting don* in th* beatityl*, on •hort notice *na *t the lowwt rnte*. I'ro/'cHMiounl CartlM. I I A. McKEE, ' * . ATTORXBV AT I,AW II iittl . Couit liow., f,.i,t.-, I-., FIELDING, * LAW AMI CoLLK'TInN OFFICK. - >F l/LKARFIKLIi. PA. W A. MORRISON. * ' • ATTOIiXKV-AT I.AW. BKLLKFOKTK. I'A om,. in w,..lrlng'. B|.< k tb' Cuurl '• mlMlw m Bait (lab oi fliin* -j-ly . ttWim, r. M. kowxt \LEXANDER A ROWER, j ■* * ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lb tlnfotiin. I", , m) ). comnllod t„ Kogll.h or 0r --j mn lin,. m Oarmaii'i Ilull'lmg 1-1, HEAVER A GKPHART,"""" * * ATTORNKYI AT I.AW. Olßfn oil A ting lira, atrn.(, north of lltgb. IVII>. fcnu. P.. ,-1, I ) F. FOHTNEY, ■ ATTORNEY AT I AW. IIF.I.LF.FUSTK. PA 1..1 dor 1,, Ih> (n Ih* fVitt Hi.,*. K-l, I \ S. KELLER, I "• ATTORNEY AT LAW, I omi on All,gh<-n> Slrl (b.nih idi> of Lyoa'a •lorn, | Rallrfonta, Pa. JOHN BLAIR LINN, ; *' ATTORNEY AT LAW, RKLLEFONTK. PA. ; OfTLe Allegheny Ftreet. over r*t tiffl- • il-1) I L. SPANGLEIi, *' • ATTORNEY AT LAW nELLEFf iNTE. CENTRE COUNTY, PA j •M.alh'ii In CollM-tlona; in all lh Court.; Conrtiluiton* la (rtnan "f R. ginh. 1-1, t a uraatT. crm i aoaaoa. \|UKRAY A GORDON, ,'1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CLEARFIELD. PA Will attend the llellefuntr Courts when tally employed. 1 ]J 'C C. HIPPLE, UIC'K HAVEN. PA. J All prompll, altndr,l to. 11, \\'M. P. MITCHELL, PRACTICAL SITIVKTOR. UA K IIAYEN, PA, Will at ton d to all ttork In CI rat.ld, Contra and Clinton c*inntl*>. Ofllr*oppoait* l,*h Harm National Rank KV-lJ U7 C. HEINLE, ' ' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. RKLLEFONTK, PA OAm la Conrad lion**, Altnghan, atrM S|i>rll •n.-nlmn git.n to colic lion of tlaima All hnalnma attandnd t* prrtmpll,. El-1, . . iLri. t t, aaraa. \VALLACE KRERS. *' ATTORNhYS AT LAW. CLEARFIELD. PA. Will attend and try rau*ea at Ih-llefonte when *pe 111 ) ntaiawl 1 i, WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, '* ATTORNEY AT LAW , CLF.ARFIkI.D, PA. All hnalncaa promptly attfedad to. J.|y CENTnAX, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL {Eighth Sortnal School I>itricf,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal. r PHIS SCHOOL,ae at prcacnt con -1 atltatad. offar* tha ry lt tactllUna for Pro fraaional and Claaaical learning. Hulldlaaa antrlona. latltlaa and <-ommndloua; con,, platal, bwixl ty alaam, wall raatllatad and fnmiab a>l with a la.uaUful aupply of puro waUt.aoß ancinc watar, luxation healthful and aaar of arcaaa. Hurronndlng acanar, utwttrpaxaad Taarhara rapnrtnnrad, afllrlant, and allra to thalr work. IMarlplin*. Arm and kind, nnlfora and Uiotongh. R* paaaaa modarata Fifty ranta a waak dadnrtlA to tbnaa prapartaa to taach. Studanta adtnlltad at any tlma. Conraoa of atady praacritwd hy tha gtata: I. Modal School. 11. Preparatory 111, Elaataaury. IV. 8r(- anttSc. Abirwct rnrmati I. Acmtamlc. 11. Ontnmarctal 111 Mntdr IV. Art. Tha Rlantantary and SciantiAc ronraaa ara pro laaalonal, and atmlanta gradnallna tharaln raratca Diploma* ronfarrina tha following o.rraapondlng da K-aa Maatar of tha Klamanta, and Maalar f tha ancaw. Oradaataa In tba rohai rourwaa racaltc Nortnal Cartitcatoa of tbair attaiamanu. algaad hv tha Paenlty. Tha Pi nfi aalonal twaraaa ara Nharal, and ara la thoronghnawa oat Infartor to thoaa of onr haat roll ago* Tha Stat* raqalraa a hlahar ordar of rltlaanahip Tba tlntoa damand It It la oaa of tba prima oGarta of thla arhool to balptoaarura It by ftirnlahlna Intrl llgont and ofltrlaat taarhara fbr bar a. beola. To thla nd It aollrlta yonng paraona of good aldlttlaa and good pnrpnora—thoaa who daalra to lmp-o*a tbatr lima and tbalr talanta, aa aludanl* To all anrh It promlaaa aid In darrloplng tbalr powara and ahnndant Opnartanlttaa for wall-paid labor altar I anting arhool For ratatogua and tarma addrrwa tba Prlurt|a>l. aoan or meat ran. Slockholdara* Trnataaa—J 11. Rartoa. M ft, A. 11. Rant, Jacob Emwa. A. M. Rtrkford, Samaal fhrlat, A. N Ranb, R •// (ioodn and (irorrrieti. J TARTER BROTHERS, PPRI.NO FTRKET, lIKLLKPONTE, PA_ Have their counter* and shelve* filial with NEW GOODS, f BANK RUPT RATES Purchased at \ BANKKTIT KATKS (BANKRUPT KATES WHICH THEV OFFER AT BOTTOM TRICES BOTTOM TRICES, BOTTOM TRICES. COKFIPTINO OF Dry (>.>od, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, _ Notion*, dec. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at vert* low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Lateft ntvle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Bag*, Umbrella*, Parasol*, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, tiw.en*ware, dtc. Comprising svery thing that ran be foond In a Bret clam ir. HAMPER BROTHERS, PPRISO STREET. - . RELLEFOXTE, PA. Cot NTHk PRonrCK taken in exchange at tha high**! market price j.jy M ificcllanrou*. New \ ork A\ eekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. . TK v lr ? ,U , ,"n „f thu popnUr newspaper hu more than tr*Mrd daring the |*t rear Ir. nonUioe all the leading r,.. contained In It,. IJ.ii, IliasLa. and ■ • arranged in handy de|*artm nu. The FOREIGN NEWS embraces sp~isl dhfMh*b*s from all quarter* of th* i globe. \ ndt the |i*>ad of AMERICAN NEWS ar given th Telegraphic Dispatches of the wo.), f rom ll parts of 11,. Cnlon. This feslnre alone mat.* THE WEEKLY HKRALI) the most valuable chronicler In th. vroild, as II is the rheepeeL Rtery week la given a faithful r< p.,rf of POLITICAL NEWS ' ''"fFrarlnj complete and comprehensive dlapatchea ; frsm, Washington. Including full report* of the j speechesof eminent politicians on tbequestions of the °SP THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Wrtutt lltaau, give. , h . tatw( „ wrl) M th(t most practical suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties nf the fatmer, hlnte for raising fimi Pot iTnt, r.atiaa, Taags. Vtmrraaica, Ac., Ac. with suggestions for keeping hulldinga and utenalla in re. pair. Thla la supplemented hy e eel' edited denert ment, widely rented, under the heed of THE HOME, giving recipe, for practical dl.hoa. hints for making clothing and for keeping np with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Every Hem of cooking or economv suggested in Ihlv department is practically tested hr . . i * puWfcntlon. letters from oar Paris and I.mdnn correspondents on the very latest fash ons The Home Deportment of the Wkbklt Mve the housewife more than one hundred times tnw -he of the paper. The interests of SKILLED LABOR see looked after, and everything pertaining to me chanics and labor aaving Is currfnlly receded There is a page devoted to all the latest phase* of the how ness markets. rro|*., Ac.. Ac. A valua d^dl7i.m.^ ,>rm o ,h * <"*•• of Centre count, that 'he hna g^.^sapsra to hotels, resist,rants or pi, rate residences. the. win *"* " f 'he parent and heat qnnlltTXittlM in wch. mwner that Ills and spirits brv~rvl3 as fVswh as tbongh drawn firm, the csmk . hJ^Trho CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK . . . . ... MA WKULtT. Hscw of bwsinesa. or seat by ratal rtUd, will receive prompt attention. Addrem. I. H. SPITZKR, ' ' BelleAmta, Osntvs om, Pa. CANCER REMOVED, T KNIFE, and in moat T ' *• ollhont pain. Anwty to