Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 02, 1880, Image 8

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    il<e Centre geraottat.,
Thursday Morning, Deceember 2,1880. |
OoftfttsroxiiKllCß, rontalnltiß Important ••. solicit- '
nl from any part of Iho county. No cnnitmiuicatioti* i
innortoil tit.lean accoui|)iiiiirtl lv the real name of the
writer. t
Local Department. ■
—Tho purest nd bout cigars are cold by i
Harry Green. i
The moon was "new" yostordav—tho
first day of tho month. 1
—Buy a warm hat or cap for winter at 1
tho Philadelphia Branch. i
—Men and boys in search of clothing i
should not fail to visit the Philadelphia 1
—The great and wonderful discovery,
Day's Kidney Pad, is a most fortunate one 1
to the poor victim of kidney disease.
—Bernhardt is accused of smoking ciga- 1
rettes, and as she is a person of most ex
cellent taste she doubtless prefers those sold 1
by Harry Green.
—The Temperance Union, of Bellefonto
will meet in the Young Men's Christian
Association rooms this evening. Let there
be a large audience.
—The regular monthly meeting of tho
Young Men's Christian Association will
take plaeo next Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock. All are invited.
Those men and boys who provided
themselves with clothing from the Phila
delphia Branch did not suffer from the
intense cold which prevailed last week.
—Tho difference between a child of royal
birth and the meat sold bv Sechler & Co.
is that the first is " 'tended in splendor"
and tho other is "splendid an' tender." |
Try it—the meat.
—The Society of Friends, of this place,
has been holding religious meetings dur
ing the week, conducted by Mr. and Mrs.
Kimber, prominent members of tho so
ciety from New York.
—A new Kvangelical church edifice situ
ated near Howard will be dedicated next
Sunday under the eflicient ministration of
Bishop Bowman. All Christian people !
are invited to bo present.
—The latest and largest report of boun
tiful harvests for this year is given by Mr. j
George Durst, who says lie raised an aver- ;
age of 341 bushels of wheat to the acre on !
his farm two miles east of Centre Hall.
—Despite the exceedingly disagreeable
weather which prevailed last Sunday after
noon, there was an unusually large number
of young men in attendance at the regular
meeting of tho a Young Men's Christian
—We are pleased to hear that tho Union
Sabbath-schools at Valentines' forge and
at Coleville are both in a prosperous con
dition. Since the beginning ot the winter
session they have both enjoyed a large and
increasing attendance.
Lust Sabbath was whnt is known in
the ecclesiastical year as the first Sunday
in Advent. It was the occasion of a mag
nificently grand discourse on the "Coming
of Christ," delivered by Hev. .John Hewitt
at the morning service in the Kpiscopal
—The new Reformed church, from
whence so recently proceeded the noise of
the mason's hammer and the hum of con
versation from busy workmen, bas now
assumed a deserted appearance. The in
tense cold has barred all work upon it at
—Mr. John C. Miller, of this place, was
absent from town last week attending the
funeral of his father, Mr. Charles Miller,
of Huntingdon. Mr. Miller's death oc
curred on Wednesday of last week. He
was one of Huntingdon's most respected
citizens, and was over seventy years of age.
—A Now York lady recently paid $f,000
for a "love of a bonnet." That is all
right; but notwithstanding the costly bon
nets Indies may wear, they will not be hap
py unless they see that all the Toceries
used in their households come from S. A.
Brew Jk Son's store. Everything sold at
that store is cheap and excellent.
—The New York O bxerrtr is an interest
ing and valuable family paper. We can
recommend it to our readers, who wish to
take a New York paper, as pure and safe.
The publishers have this year issued a vol
ume of Iren.'ius letters, with a fine por
trait of the author, which they offer to old
subscribers. Any ono can get tho terms
by sending to New York Obterrtr, New
—The literary society at Pleasant Gap,
which was conducted with great success all
of last winter, is again in progress and is
attracting more interest and enthusiasm
than ever. The gatherings of the society
are held every Wednesday night in the
Pike school house, at which times tho
building is thronged with tho good people
of that place. At tho meeting last night
that all-important subject, "Woman Wuf
frage," was discussed.
—A salo of valuable real estate is an
nounced to take place on .Saturday next at
1 o'clock r. M, It la the house and lot
known as tho property of Margaret J.
Loder, deceased, located in Marion town
ship, two miles west of Jacksonville, on
the public road leading from Bcllefonte to
Lock Haven. There are three acres of
highly cultivated ground, upon which is a
neat, substantial frame house and a splen
did collection of fruit trees. Those who
wish to invest in a very desirable property
should attend the sale, which will lake
place on the premises, where Mr. R. If.
Loder will furnish them with all the re
quisite information.
—Mr. Theodore Dcschnor has boen en
deavoring for several weeks to dig a well
on his premises above tho planing null,
but without success. He lias now secured
the services of Mr. Grubb, of artesian
well fume, and if there is any water in
the eurth in that vicinity ho is confident
that Mr. G. will be üblo to bring it to the
—This isnot tho only country that raised
u largo wheat crop this year ; tho harvest
in Italy is one-third larger than in 1870.
But it is altogether probable that a search
throughout the length and breadth of Italy
would not result in discovering a grocery
store which can sell coffee, sugar, tea and
all other appetizing articles so cheaply as
the firm of Sechler & Co., of this place.
Have you fallen down yet upon the
treacherous ice? Wo have; but, thank
fortune, it was in an alley and twelve
o'clock at night, returning from the fire,
with no ono around to witness tho exhibi
tion—at least, so wo thought until we
heard—oh, horror ! —a female's silvery
laugh Heating down from a second-story
—We cannot too earnestly direct the
attention of our farmer friends to the
agricultural pages of the Dkmocrat. The
matter prepared weekly by a competent
and experienced farmer is carefully col
lected from tho most reliable sources with
reference to tho necessities and wants of
our immediate locality. Tln> articles on
feeding, stock, drainage, and indeed every j
subject of interest to our farmers, are lib- ;
orally discussed and deserve attention.
—December, tho last month of the year, j
j was ushered in yesterday. It is a month i
' given up to snow and ice, to fro-t and cold,
Ito thick furs and rosy cheeks and the |
music of sleigh bells. It brings Christ
mas, the greatest holiday of the year-
We love summer best, but there are some— ;
even poets —to whom December is the fa- ;
vorite month of the year. For instance,
Scotland's sweet singer, Burns, said :
<1 May, thy morn was ne'er sac sweet
I As the mirk night o' December.
Mr. G. W. Zimmerman, formerly of
I the firm of Zimmerman & Bean, of Phil
\ ipsburg, in connection with his brother,
| says the Journal, lias purchased the limber
J on some four thousand acres of land, lying
in Centre and Miltlin counties, along the
' line iff the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad.
They will remove the saw mill and ma
chinery now IvitfJ there, and commence
! the erection of a mill to manufacture the
I lumber from this new location.
—The sacred pence of Pennsylvania
j Furnace was seriously disturbed on Sun-
I day evening <>f last week by a tremendous
' explosion which occurred in the three,
j story briek building which forms a part <•!
] the Edgar Thompson Steel Company's
I works at that place. Too much gas was
' generated in the largo air receiver in the
| engine room, and exploded with fearful
force, almost demolishing the building and
; severely shocking everything and every
body within a radius of ninny feet. I'er
i sons attending religious services aliont a
quarter of a mile away were so frightened
. that they fled from the church.
—The programmes for the "Centenary
j Convention" of the Centre County Sun
| dav-school Association, to be held in this
• place on Friday, the 17th instant, will soon
,j be issued. It includes many attractive and
! interesting exorcises, which will bo render
ed doubly important by tho presence ol
Bev. John 11. Vincent, I). I>., of New
, York, who will take a prominent part in
i all the proceedings. The officers of the
Association are Austin Curtin, President;
I Clement Dale, Secretary; Alfred Nicholls,
Treasurer ; and an Executive Committee
consisting of Bev. S. E. Furst, llev. Jaines
M. Smith, Messrs. S. I). Gray, 11. L.
, Harvey, George Gray, and J. Wesley
—At the request ol many of our readers
we take pleasure in publishing tho score
made by Wm. B. Poulton, of Pittsburg,
and Lewis C. Poulton, of this place, in
the splendid game played by them on Tues
day evening of Inst week in W. A. Hwen
ey's billiard parlors :
iswis o. snei.ro*.
i| oi 7 I 4 1141 i| a | 1 in I n | | o | io
. a I 3131 ft 10 ft 111 li 10 ft 0 O
1 ft IIS I 1I 4 I 7 I 1 I o I 111 I 21 —T0ta1,„....1T0.
w. i. environ.
HI 2 1 2 1 fi 116 I a I 2 112 1 ft I 0 1 HI 2 I 1
- I 4 I 4 ft ft I 27 3 111 ft
4 | 4 I 6 | 2 | ft |l4 | A | I | 4111 —Total,..
W. B. ronlu.n's arenmp 6 26-:i£,
h. O. Potilton'a st' Tar.' A 0-36.
1 llighoat runs—W II I'milton '27. 49.
" " —I.. O. Poulton, 111, 31.
Tims nf Osmn—lh and 40m.
Rpfprns—William WhlUmali, of Phlladrl|ilila.
ftcnrnr—Klllot I-ani>.
> —The Jewish Feast of Chanuka began
i on Saturday last and will continue for
I eight days. This feast is in commemora
tion of the victory of tho Jews over the
Greeks, who had captured Jerusalem and
■ desecrated the temple. While tho Greeks
L had possession of tho holy city the young
t men of Israel, exhorted by their priests,
. rose up ngainst their oppressors, and under
• the leadership of the bravo Maccabeus
i drove them out and regained possession of
i both the city and ttio temple. In orthodox
F synagogues and in the houses of those who
i still remain faithful to the old traditions
• small wax tapers are lighted on each evon
i ing of tho fustival, commencing with one
- on the first evening and adding one aildi
i tional taper each evening until on the last
night eight tapers are lighted. We be-
Hove that the Israelites in this community
are not accustomed to observe this feast.
a few minutes before tins town clock pealed
forth the hour of 12 on Monday night the
unusual cry of Ure, sent upward hv u half
dozen lusty lungs, was heard resounding
through the streets of this place. A bright
light was visible from the eastern extrem
ity of Ilishop street, and was reflected
hack by the cloud-cupped November sky.
The Logan lioso cart was whirled along
over tho slippery streets to the scene of
the conflagration, which was found to ho
Mr. James O'Brien's frarno cabinet shop
on Ridge street, half way between High
and Ilishop streets. The fire had guined
too much headway to ho subdued, but as
tho building occupied a position quite a
distance from any other structures, the
flumos were easily prevented from spread
ing. The building was soon burned to the
ground with all its contents, consisting of
two or three sets of furniture, a few coffins
and a lot of carpenter tools. Mr. O'Brien's
loss is slight and is fully insured. Tho
origin of the lire is unknown.
The subject of this notice—tho father of
Mrs. John Spatiglcr—died at tho residence
of Sheriff Hpanglcr, in this place, on Sat
urday evening, November 27. Mr. Itergar
was horn at Norristown, Montgomery
county, on May IK, 1801. At tho time of
his death his home was at Globe Mills,
Snyder eountv. Mr. Bergar, who had
well nigh reached the good old ago of
eighty years, was visiting his daughter in
this place, having arrived about one week
ago. He made tho journey from his home j
at Globe Mills, Snyder county, to Belle
| fonte, without any apparent inconvenience
!to himself. About two days after his ar
: rival, however, ho complained of a chill
! and grew rapidly worse. From day to
j day his illness became more *evero, not
' withstanding the most untiring efforts of
his friends toward his recovery, hi* death
'• resulting at the time above mentioned,
1 after an exceedingly brief illness. His rc
; mains were conveyed to hi* late home in
Snyder county on Monday, where the
' funeral occurred on Tuesday. The friends
i of the deceased in this ucini'y, to whom
j the T-AD occurrence was a severe shock, HC
j companied the remains to his late home in
| Snyder county. The death ol Mr. Bergar
! is tile more distressing, following as it does
i so soon upon that of hi* wife, which oc
curred only two months ago, at the ago of
peventy-cightyonr*. To the afflicted friends
I w extend our lincerest condolence.
THE G. A. It. AT LKMONT. —A new I'o.-t
of the G. A. 11. was successfully organized
•it Lenient on Saturday night. A cornmit
j tee of sixteen, including the officers of
Giegg Post Hful four guards, went from
; this place to Lemont to assist in thncrgani-
J /.ati*n. No naino hii yoi been chosen for
the now Post, which i No. 11(7. A full
1 i~t of nlß:er< woro floe tod us follows:
Cummntiilrr l>r. Thos. S. Crit.
Senior I'trr (.'ommundri —Andrew Is.
! Whitohill.
Junior I 'ire Commander —l-HC Arm
Ojfirer of the Day —George K. Baker.
Uthrrr of the (/nurd —George Mart*.
Cha/ilau' —William C. Patterson.
Suryron —Henry A. Sower*.
'fiiurtermaitrr —Thomas Williams.
.IJjutant —John W. Stewart.
thdnanre Sergeant —Anthony Knopf.
Tho committee which went from this
j place report a vary enjoyable visit. Twin
-1 ty-seven member* joined at the fir't meet-
I ing and this number will be largely aug
! mented at every future gathering. Kx
ten*ive nrrangement* were al*o made to
| entertain the visiting committee. A splon
' did supper was served at the hotel and
was partaken of with much relish. The
! new Post promises to be an important ad
dition to the order u there are a hundred
or more veterans of the war residing with
in a short distance of Lemont.
—(lnly one day of the kind for Bellefonte
since 1870. In some respect* different and
it is hoped also better than any Sunday
school day yet enjoyed in Centre county.
For tho lirst time Rev. John 11. Vincent,
I). !>., of New York, Chairman of the
International Sunday-school Committee,
will be present to give us his best service*
throughout that day. Not only Sunday
school workers, but all of u* alike need
the benefit that will be offered on Friday t
Peeembrr 17 th. by the County Sunday
school Association. One third of tho pop.
ulation of Centre county is outside of the
Bible School on the Lord's day.
M ore than one-half of the precious souls
living nniong us arc yet unsaved, "having
no hope and without God in tho world."
It is certain that these thousands will re
main awny from the Saviour as long asthey
live uninterested in "the truth as it is in
Jesus." By united Christian effort, we
must seek to interest them "in tho word
of Lifo." "Laborers together with Owl,"
is it saying too much that wo ought at
least to devote one day in united and pray
erful consultation over these momentous
interests? Let us thon come together thus
that wo may go forth and work together
more intelligently, moro devotedly, and
more effectively in efforts to bring to tho
Saviour thoso thousand* unsaved in Centre
county. C.
November 20, IHBO.
—Tho morcury in tho thermometer*
reached a vory low point last week, but It
did not go so low as the price of clothing
at tho Philadelphia Branch.
WANTKII— 6,OOO turkey* for Christmas,
at A. J. & T. K. GRRIST,
ilk Unionvllle, Pa.
—Ever since the day# when Nimrod
roamed through primeval forests in quest
of gamo, it has been generally uccepted an
un incontrovertible fact, that as loon an a
man indulges in the noble iport of hunt
ing, he becomes without effort or design a
smooth, oily, graceful urid accomplished
falsifier of the truth. It seems strange, but
it is nevertheless true. There uppears to
be a subtle alchemy which transmutes the
most truthful man in the world into an
utterly irresponsible person when he is
railed upon to relate his experience with
the gun. The truth of this axiom re
ceived a sturtling corroboration right here
in our midst one day last week. W. A.
Sweney bad for severul days been making
elaborate preparations for carrying death
and destruction to all the rabbits in this
part ot the country. Small boys could bo
constantly seen leading scraggy looking
dogs into hia billiard room for bis inspec
tion. lie spent hours in burnishing the
barrels of bis gun until they fairly flashed
in the sunlight. At last all wus in readi
ness and ori l-t Saturday he, accompanied
by his friend Win. 11. I'oulton, moved
upon the enemy, Pleasant Gap was select
ed after much thought and cure as the
scene of hi* initial campaign. All day
the faithful Sweney, bis friend and his
pack of hounds roamed over the moun
tains and fields immediately surrounding
Haag's, but without success. As the
lengthening shadows told of the fast ap
proaching night, Sweney reluctantly turn
ed his buck upon the ungrateful rabbits
which refused to come out and be shot, arid
sorrowfully wended bis way toward borne- '
\ islons of inquisitive people who would '
call to inquire what success ho had, came -
unbidden to his mind. His position was
not to be envied. lie had started in the '
morning flushed with high hopes, lie
came back wearing "sorrow's crown of
sorrow..lut at this juncture lie met a ;
specimen of the small boy who had iri bis
possession two live rabbits which be had
caught in a trap. A brilliant idea almost
took Sweney off his feet. He would buv
the animals, slaughter them and return to
town in triumph. The bargain was at
once concluded and Sweney prepared for
hi* bloody work. I'oulton suggested that
it would bo more humane to untie tire
rabbits' leg* and give them a chance. This
was accordingly done and I'oulton killed
the lir*t one before be Imd gotten twenty
feet away. The next was released and
both barrels of Sweney s gun were dis
charged, the shot tearing up the earth as if
it had been suddenly struck by a northern
cyclone. AN hen the smoke cleared away
the rabbit w i- discovered sitting graceful
ly on its hirnl leg* looking right up in
Sweney's fuce. The dogs now caught the
innocent animal and Sweney cut its
throat. lie came home and told without
a blush how he had killed lioth these rab
bits on the top of the mountain. Sweney
I swore bis friend to secrecy, but truth crush
ed to earth will get right up and have it*
! say.
A majority of our exchanges are ap
parently almost prostrated with gushing
sympathy over the disagreeable position in
which Colonel Sarn Wilson, the sheriff
' elect of Lycoming county, is now j.laced.
! He enters upon his duties on January 8
arid must perforin the solemn and fearful
1 act of hanging George Smith and Mrs.
Miller on the nth of the same month—
three days after becoming sheriff. None
can feel more sensitively than ourselves
the horror with which one must contem
plate the act of hurling a fellow being
j into eternity, and we deeply sympathize
j with Col. Wilson and with sheriffs all
over our land who are called upon to exe
cute this extreme penalty of the law. Hut
Col. Wilson was elected with the knowl
edge that he must perform whatever the
obligations of the office require ; if the
Governor should grant a reprieve, it would
hut delay justice and not remove the obli
gation. If the duty must he performed,
the time in which this sad event occurs, in
our opinion, alleviates rather than in
creases its horrors. When a distasteful
duty devolves upon us, the sooner it is
performed the IwHter for all concerned.
If the day of execution should be post
poned a month or two, Col. Wilson would
only have a longer lime in which to con
template the sad <Unoucmeni. A stav of
execution will not aid the sheriff in the
least, for a thousand years' occupancy of
the office would not reconcile a really sen
sitive person to the trying ordeal.
—The axo works belonging to Mr.
James Mann, brother of our townsman
Fearon Mann, Ksq , and located at Heeds
ville, Mifflin county, were partially con
sumed by lire on Tuesday night of last
week. We glean tb" f .Mowing particulars
regarding the Uro from the columns of the
Lcwistown Frrr I'rc** :
Tuesday night aWit midnight, a Are
broke out in the inspection room, at Mann's
Axe Works, and before it could be ar
rested the finishing shop, bill shop, tem
pering shop, and blacksmith shop were
totally destroyed, together with all of
their contents. • * * # q|, e
loss on the building*, machinery and slock,
is heavy, and perhaps will reach $.">0,000
or $60,000, which, rumor says, is fully
covered by insurance. The buildings will
be rebuilt at once, and Mr. Mann has ar
ranged the work so that his excellent em
ployes will not hnvn to lose any time,
which is very considerate at this time of
the year.
—ln dry goods, dress goods, shoes and
ladies' millinery, we can show you the
largest and best stock in the county.
—All kinds and qualities of underwear
at the Philadelphia Branch.
PKRSOWAI.—That exceedingly pleasant
gentleman, Mr. Thorn*# Hick#, ha* been
favoring hi* friend# in tiii# place wilb hi#
presence among thein thi* week.
Mr. Milieu Montgomery, of the Kirt
National Hank, returned on Monday, after
spending a week in Philadelphia.
—The Valley Njtirit, published at Cham
bersburg, Pa., in it# last issue contained
the following item :
Hon. A. O. Curtin wa# in town venter
day. The new railroad will pa-# through
hi* farm near town and it wu# buine# in
connection with thi# matter that brought
hirn here.
—J. 11. Sand# i* preparing to (ill hi#
cozy little store room on Allegheny street
with the unual hand-one: and attractive
supply of Christmas goods.
Mr. William Calder, .1 r., left the city
yesterday afternoon for I lion, N. V. He
i# to he married ut that place to-morrow to
Mi## Remington, daughter of u member of
the celebrated rifle manufactory of that
name.— llarritbury Patriot of Tuesday.
William Calder is a nephew of Dr. Cal
der, the former President of State College.
Rev. W. O. Wright, of Mileshurg,
was announced to preach iri the Presby
terian church at Philipsburg lu-t Sunday
morning. We believe he ba# received a
call to the pastorate of thHt congregation.
Mr. C. L. Huffington, of Mileshurg,
is at present acting in the capacity of
bookeeper in the agricultural implement
und seed store of Alexander A Co.
President Joseph Shortlidge, of the
Stale College, is at present at Springfield,
Illinois, in attendance on a convention of
agricultural college president* throughout
the United States.
—lt is unofficially announced that Maj.
William F. Reynold* purposes to erect a
splendid stone residence in this place next
summer. If the Major shall determine to
do so the residence will certainly be the
finest in our borough, a# he excel* in what
ever he undertakes.
Rumberger, of Rufrlo Run, mail carrier
between that place and Martha, say# the
Daily AVic., met wilb a painful accident
on Saturday last from which be will not
I recover for some time t" come. In passing
' over the bridge at Martha hi# horse stum
i bled, throwing him over the railing on to
the ice below, a distance of ten or fifteen
feet. II•• wu# stunned by the fall and rev
erely cut about the bead und face. He
i walk# with difficulty and it i- thought by
-"me that he has sustained internal injur
! ies.
—Sarah Jane Young, who is a 11-vear
old girl formerly raiding in <>.-eeoln,
Clearfield county, departed from there last
I January. Her mother received a letter
' from her in July statine that she wa# liv
| ing with n family in liollidaysburg. Since
: then nothing ha# been heard of the girl.
Her mother ha# recently been in liolli
daysburg, but can get no information re-
; yarding her lost daughter. Any one know.
! ing of hiT whereabout* will confer a favor
1 by communicating that intelligence to
Pat Gallagher, Osceola, Clearfield county,
and will receive the thank* of all those
> who are solicitous for her welfare.
—The I'nion View Company i still en
i gaged in liellefonte and vicinity in photo
graphing the numerous beautiful residen
| oe and public building*. We saw a pho.
tograph of the Episcopal church and al*o
of Mr. F. I'. Green's residence, each of
which make a very fair appearance "j n lt
' picture."
Mr. Aii'tin McClain, who i* in the
mercantile busine** at Moshnnnon, met
j with a mishap lat week while performing
*ome work about hi* store. In some man.
ner he cut quite a *evere gash in one of
hi* lower limb* just above the knee. The
wound though painful i* not dangerous.
and magnificent *tock of holiday good*,
useful and ornamental, at
A. J. &. T. E. GREIHT.
I'nionville, Pa.
—Fine clothing made to order at the
old price*. No advance.
19-tf. MONTOOMKRT Je Co.
Forney's "Progreßa" for tho Future.
With this nymber, Saturday, November
11th, 1880, Pr<yrt *• will begin it* third
volume. Hereafter it will be an Inde
pendent Democratic paper, retaining all
it* eclectic mature*, discu**ing society,
finance, the drama, railroad*, and foreign
affair*. It* price ha* been reduced to
$2.60 per annum, or 6 cent* a number.
A* I have placed all my mean* in the
reorganised enterprise, and propose to de
vote all my time to it, 1 have no hesitation
in asking my personal and political friend*
to give me the benefit of their prompt and
active co-operation. When we recollect
that over 70,000 vote* were cat for Gen
eral Hancock in the city of Philadelphia
alone, on the 2d of November, and in
Pennsylvania 400,000, and in the country
at large about five million of votes, there
ought to be a ready and liberal response to
the scheme of an Independent Democratic
weekly paper of the highest class in Phil
The hour of Democratic defeat, procured
by open purchase of the suffrage, and by
deliberate intimidation of tho dependent
cilir.en, should also be the hour of Demo
cratic education and preparation for the
great work of organisation and action, in
the present and the future.
Editor and Proprietor of /Voyrra*,
702 Cheatnut street, Philadelphia.
Terms for Proyreas.. $2.60 per Tear.
Single copies, 6 cent*.
—When you come to Bellefonte call at
Lyon A: Co.'* and see the largest arid finest
stock of overcoat* that can be found out
side of Philadelphia. We have them at
$2.71 and $3.75. We have brown beaver
overcoat# at $0 2.1 arid You can't
beat them any where else at $7 .10 arid s*.
We have the finest blue and black beaver
overcoat*. We have a reversible overcoat
two sides to wear out, or two coats in one.
We have the best chinchilla overcoats at
s'l.oo you ever saw ; they are worth to
$lO. We can show you over worth
of overcoats. LYON A- Co.
—We have the finest stock of suit* in
black diagonal, blue check and other dart
good, heavy winter u,t. We can show
you the largest and best stock In tin
county and guarantee them 20 per cent,
cheaper than any other house.
Business Notice*.
Why are horses arid < attic after taking
Roberts' Hone Powder* like a new laun*
dried shirt? Hecau*e they look sleek and
—No more sick ehi< kens. Save your
poultry and cure them of di.-a-< . |, v
Roberts' Poultry Powder. It nev.-r
failed to cure Cholera, and all di-ea-e„ t,,
which fowls are subject. Price 2-1 ot.
per package. For sale by all druggi„t>
—At the present time when there are n,
many worthless linamerit* in the market
it would he well to inquire which i- th*
best. This will he found in M. R Robert -
Krnhrocalion—it i a panacea for ailment,
that require rubbing ,-ith.-r on man • r
beast. Price 31 cent# per botln-.
—Why do you OOUgh u1,.-r, v ,u can
find spra-dy relief in Sines Svrupof Tar,
Wild Cherry and liorehound'? It is the
tnost plea-ant arid efficacious reno-dy known
for (' .ugh#, Colds, Croup, Asthma', and all
| diseases lending to pulmonary < r.-nrr.i
tion. Ha- been told for over tl.irtv
i "nd i especially adapted Us children*as it
[doe# not nauseate, and consequent!v it .an
lie Used in sufficient quantity a# to efio t „
J cure. Iry one bottle and \ou w ill never
!"• without it. Price2lc. and .10. per hot
tie. Sold everywhere. Ask vourdruggist
tor it. " h
—The popularity of M. IS Robert-
Horse Powders i* proving iuelf in their.-
.reased demand throughout thi# Stale,
from the fact that the public are at last
finding out Uitt t is puaaiblo t< obtain a
pa< kageof Horse and Cattle Powder which
i- strictly pure and free from such adulter
alio. K H* bran, cake meal, and other in
gredient* calculated to puff the anin.al
instead of curing it of the disease it is -uf
lering from. M. B. Roberts Horse povv-
| der* contain noidulttntkro, and arem . h
. lo aper than any other, as hut a table
spoonful is required for a dose. A-k anv
old horseman a- to their merits. For -ale
everywhere. Price reduced to 27c r-r
package. 1
" Rook Candy and Rye Whiskey."
I-.>r Colds, Throat and Lung disease#
1 reoared ready for ue. Wonderful ir. it*
! healing power#. It give# relief by arrest.
, ing the hacking cough, nourishes, build#
up and strengthen# the svstem. For
troublesome coughs or hoarseness affecting
the voice it will g.ve almost ln-lant relief
Ihe great secret of it# succe.#, viz " The
many surprising cure# when every other
known rem.-dy IIMS ft.il.-d u, give relief."
It truly recommends itself after a sin-l
trial, no matter how- bad the Cough or
Lung affection may be. It in ru.t a mt/t,.
ctae but the finc-t crystallization of White
Lock Candy combin.-d with "Pure Copter
Distilled Old Rve Whiskey," made u. the
old fashioned way. and acknowledged bv
r „!Jor to th ° and finest
of. all \\ hiskie#. •• Rock Candy and Rve
r.i-Key, is now universally'used and
I recommended by the n,..#i eminent
I hystcian*. a# a tonic f,. r invalid# and
, person# advanced in life. Rock Candv
being saccharine mutter make# new Mood
and the Pure * ld Rye Whiskey in vigor'•
i at'-# and infuse# life, and combined a- we
prepare it, strengthen# the dtge-tiv,. or
-1 gans, increase# the appetite, and an im
provement in the system invariably follows.
![} n U |,h "<ir guarantee for its Puritv,
r tne r lavor, and excellence. Price, one
dollar for a large bottle. Orders bv nail
receive prompt and careful attention, with
I full directions. Fine old liquors (for
S™' medicinal use) a specialty
J F ' R t N KRKK RK< 'Til F.RS, Wine and
I.kia r ,, ;r chH " U . 1 -''■<> Market street,
I Philadelphia, PA S,| D only in Bellefonte
lat JonN HARRIS Dnig Store B£-3m
. -
R ™ v l 'w~, , A ' ' Ir!'"■ r *- *<"-*>•• .
of Ihi. pl # ,. aM Miss Rarab T. ni|.ls, „| M,|„ t . '
r "" MIIU Xorem-
B j Al'l Ll t"" n "o' V" ' >hs brtde.
11 II o . K, "" r - Mr ~ nrs Kr.m. Of |s nB
ll.lk leutrs runnty. sod OlbsrliH- Porker
M ns ßP lM T h'~ l l" A T n ~H 1 " I h " r>d * y Xovsm
VYm It SinOh Jew ralnavtlle. by
" Smith. J. p., Mr Met,*, I Murphy and Mi..
* ) Straw, hoth <>| Csnt, ' ''Utj ll p.
msA x V;R,TT
rJ Is RK U J T K K , Ati u TER - ,n ,h " Plwe, October S&
io !. R * nkl1 '- J - k Mr. ItavM P fsrksr'
inastrr. of Trnw.) nils, tbi. roomy
,h " A °"'
SF,IER„; rt.r.rj',;'"" -
,h * **' "f XnestaUw |, v
rontrtn, ati of ri>nip t . mrj and arc*
•" J.
WILLUW IB VIT .—At the M | wnßM _ *i,__
"RftSn. M JOH
ZSL ztrc* 1 *