Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 02, 1880, Image 7

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    f— I. ... II -| .AM' -M'
Wilson, Mrl'nrltine © Co., Hardware Dealer*.
faints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
Easiness Cards.
| | in Oarman't Now Block,
AtlSeork neatly executed. On Allegheny street,
ttadnrlir-ikerlmff llmi**. to
■ ■ZELLEK <fc SON, i
2 #1 # I.KI UUISIS,
No 6. Urix'keiliofT How. £
2 AH |i,(i flun-Url patent Mmllclnea Pr- *•
RKj., < nnd Family HIHI|I.# accurmUly I *. ,
B aXmr. l. Trunavd. JShoaMer Uracea, Ac., kc. 1
•P g
Bi. h-->ii-.rr it..*. .Mi.-ci'-uy
S,CievniN, I'reVt. J- r SAKIIN.' **h r.
Sllw*" ' Street, Rellefonte, Pa. 4-tl
And All"* Inter-'.t,
f Discount Note.;
Buy Kiel Sell I
Guv. Securlllev,
Uld and Coupon*.
Jin** A. Blivtl, President.
J. ft. av ttT.Caahier.
I R. a.—Tlme-T ihle In effect on ami after May j
!r*r*f laow Shoe 7.20 A. arrive# in Bellfonte
*'ihanvas Belle route 10.2' * * arrive* at Snow Shoe
?hoe 2.'"> p *.,arrlTe In Bellatonte
#4fl*.. I
Leave* Bell'fi<nte I'. r arrive* at Snow Shoe
X) Han.- rinie-Tahle, April 1>:
Jtar, Mall. WTW**. laatwxan. Exp. Mall.
A.M. *.*. y • 1 •"
SMI ivs Arrive at Tyrone I.ere ; ..2 "IS
* ;l 8 &?§•.....Leave K*t Tyrone Leave .. 7 .Ti * -5 1
?S 'Sr.: "• S3**. •• =
?I Sir: " &£& " Z'iX an'
?SS 328 " I'ort Matilda " ... *> 91"
7r, n " Martha " ... 7 V J.'.
IH S ST.. " Julian " ... *1 ' J
t • I tn
I<D & 41*..... " Snow Shoe In " ... *32
i 41* " Milaaliur* " ... - **
* b XH... " Rellefonte " ..."4-1 II 67
#B* *t ..... '• Mileehnrg " ... *MIO < -
0 2'* Z4B ..... " Cnrtin ... V"eI" 1
1* 8 1-1...... " Mount K*gle " ... 12 !<•
8 0}.... " llower.i " ... -JO1" 37
6*4 4*9 ..... " Kaglvvlll# •• ... .IS In 4.
860 IU.. " lleerht reek " ... 9MlIn 6
*M •' Mill Hell " ...9&4 11 1
6 4 •' Fleming!'u " ... 98711 9>
bU 4
IT A-lfWlad. Iphla n<l Erie Dlvlilon.)—On and
CUB MAIL I#ave Phila'telphia 11 pm j
f u H®rrUlirg. X 25 am
ft " WllUamaport B A' t m
I M lev k Haven. tt XOatn
I •• KmoTOie 10 i's a m
ferri*ew at Erie 735j. m
ftiAOARA IXrlt V.ys leaves Philadelphia.. 7 2>> ar
< 44 " llarrtshurf.... H V a m
* • Wllllftfttaport. 8 80 p m
arrives at Krnovo.. 4 4"pm
tij this train arnve in ltel)w
f ABT L2KE Veavee Phiiadei'phia 11 a m
h* 44 Willlanjeport 7 .30 p m
ftrrif* at Irk llaren H 4o p m
leaves Lnrk Haven B 40 a m
t 4 44 Willlaai#p4rt... 7.V3 aw
arrive# at Harrishnrg 11 55 a m
144I 44 Philadelphia... .3 45 pn
vn Renovo in |0 a m
4 Lock llaven 11 2* a tn
4 Wllllamaporl 12 40 am
i at llarrißhtirf 4 1" p rn
* Philadelphia. 720 p m
Renovo B 35 p m
I/rk llaven 9 45 p nt
WilliamsprirL 11 Oft p m
t llarrishorK 2 45 a m
Philadelphia 7 00$ m
WUllamsfM.rt 12 .36 a m
llarriahiirc 3 M a m
Philadelphia 7 33 a m
iisgara Riprea# We#t, lrk llaven
*t and Day Kxpreat >jsßt, make
Northomlerland with L. 4 H. R
larre and Hrraaton.
Niagara Ex pre## We#t, and Erie
Lock llaven Arrommndatinn 31 e#t,
on at WlllismNport witn N. C. R
Niagara Ex pre## W e#t, and Day
elnaa ronn tlou at Lock Havan
d Weet connect at Krln with train#
It., at Carry with O.C. A A. V R
• ith H N. Y. k P R R., an I at
i. R. R
run between Philadelphia and
agara Expre# Went. Erie Exprene
Ex pre-# lad and Day liprw*
xpre## Kant. 81##ping * ar# on all
W*. A Rsunwin,
Oen'l Brperlntendent.
Inent in a city famed for It# com
ept in every re-|H*t ejnal L any
the roiintry. ttslng to the #trin
lie tirlre of l>oard h leen reduced
r day. J M'KIHRIN.
I> P. PETER*. Proprietor
ed Soldiers snd heirs of
Hern who died from cnownoweni
rmy, ara entitled to PRNBIONB.
OWM| after J FLY 1, IBBfl. Send
tructionn in all klndn of HDMIWI'
ID A CO., Pension Atty'e
i the Rallrnud Station.)
[LBKCKKK, Proprietor.
VKLER* on the rallmml will And
dl.nl place tn Inarh, or procure a
IN* et|i ahont 24 mlnntea. 47
Sen' Ad rert l sement*.
Ac., Ac., Ac.
Wo nro killing stnl I - f.-.l ftoor. of from
1200 to 14(Slh., nrni havn poeitivt-ly th
that am offered for !<• in Coritre county.
Hush House lilock, Be/lefonte, Pa.
—ANI> —
They mean by this all the name itn|<ort*.
that l. t <lr*l In *nd t<> ftirni.h l farmer, at th
loareat |..11,1. prlr. everything In the >h*| <.f an
ago. liltnr.l lin|>lrnieut that f.rno-ra inilii'llng
*KKI s f *ll kind..
At (<r..<-nt w. have on hnd nnd *r. the authnrtrad
•g.ot. fr the <wl. ~f the *YK.\< I'SK CIIII.I.KD
PldlW, m.|. el Pyracuee. N. Y' It I. th low! rhllled
plow now mad.; m\m th K.j.'on. and iron beaai
plow. mail. t Centre Hall. No t-rtt.r plow, then
th.a. ran l<e had |..r th. *m. amount of money
Ale.) th.c.ntr. 11*11 Complanler M . to-ed .ay tioth
ing about the merit* of thia planter, a. the jivun-.w In
II". 11l Centre roiintr demon.lratea them to he the l.ec
HARROW * and CTI.TIYAToK.* of th. latent im
proved pattern..
the.- we aell the Oat..rne either na separate M-'Wer.
Comhlned It-.i—r* and Mow-ra. single llarveatere, or
ae Combined Keai<era and Hinder*
TIIK. W IIKKI.KK, No 0. as * < ..ni'.ined maehlne, la
the I-eat machine of the kind in the market.
fa the Norrlatonn Gleaner and Hinder. Call and a-e
It. it Is wonderfully perfect.
Any l.y twelve yearv old. with one hnrve, wj|| f„|.
low and hind ell the grain that any Keeper with aide
delivery will rut It not only hinds hut gleana, end
will sere the prlre of the machine In nne yeer. I.y
taking up frotn theatuhhle thet which la now 1...1
TIIK M .aIIKIIKY GRAIN DRILL, either with or
without broadcast hoe*, with or without fertlliv.r ami
aee.l Sowing alts-hmenla It |a the heat grain drill
for all nnr|.iaea In the market.
The reputation of this marlline I. o e.ll e.tehn.he.l
that we ran say nothing almat It that the paa.ple d*
n<t know Any parson wanting one, or In nevd of
repair* for the now In th# eonnty. rd-aae rail.
POWER, for one sod two horaea, with I'ateut Spee.l
Regulator. Little Giant Thresher and Cleaner.
VICTOR CLOY KR II 1.1,1. K K Sole agent* for Cen
tre rountv.
—We are agents for the aale of the relehrated CONK
LIN WAOON, the reputation of whlrh la so well e.tale
WAGON*. Carriages, Phartona and Haggles. All ar*
warranted Call and nee specimens and examine rata
lognea as to at t lea and pe|< ea Iwfora huylug elsewhere.
Catalogue* furnished on application
ftnely ground, aa g0..,| as the heat Nov# Scotia, at the
low prlre of 17 <t per ton. Peruvian Guano a>,ld
order* only. Ph-wphate* always on hand. Special
manure* for different nop* nold up<in onlera a" manit
farturera' prlcea.
POWDKII —We are Dnpont'a agents Blasting,
sporting ami Rill* powder on liand and aold at whole
a lie prlrea; also fuse.
fIRAIN.—After th* growing rmp I. harvested w*
will lie prepared to pay the highest market price lor
all kind* of grain.
OOAI. —Our yard la aleaya storked with the heat
Anthracite Coal which we sell at lowest prlre.
I.IMK —We make th* beet whit# lint* In the Btate.
Its properties for mechanical and agricultural pur
pnae* excel all others.
PAIRHANKS' STALKS -We are their agents In
Centre rounty nnd will aupply all parties wishing
(isal and Irn* scale* at their lowest price*.
Wa extend an Invitation to everylaaly In want of
anything In our line lo rail nt our store mnmi, op
posite the Ruah House, and ae* what we have, and
learn from th-ia* In attendance more partlrnlarly th#
aro|a> of onr toielnes*. ALEXANDER A CO.
Rellefonte, Pa , May 8,1 **>. 19-tf
Boarding and Day School for Young Lsdlei
tnd Little Chlldrtn.
Regular term will lu.gi B RRITKMRKR 10, 1*79.
Course of study—Classic and Srlenllllr, with Music
and Art.
H<nl and tnlMon from |2fio In >3BO a yaar and no
For I irrnUr# ami #ll <t##lr*t>l Inform#!lon KMrs
W. R. TELLER, Proprietor.
Oood Sample Room on Second Floor,
tf"Pra# Sua* to and from nil Train*, special rata*
to wltneeaea and Juror* l-lj
Site €rntrt Jltwcmit.
♦ ■ . ' ■-
oinc* AMO raois>RiTT or THB IAXMCR.
Every fnrmtr in /tin annua! experience
discovers somethiny of value. IVrite it ami
ir.ml it to the "Ayrieultural Editor of the
DEMOCRAT, Relief ante, I'mn'u," that other
farmers may hare the benefit of it. Let
communications be timely, mot be sure that
they are, brief anil irell pointed.
WK devote a considerable portion
of our space in tliis department of
our paper this week to a detailed
account, copied from the American
Dairyman, of the season's test—just
closed—of Mr. Darling's wonderlul
cow, Kurotas , now the greatest butter
producer in the world. It cannot
fail to be of great interest to all who
either make or use butter. We par
ticularly call the attention of all who
own or feed cows to the statements
of what and how she was fed, and the
reasons given therefor.
Do not expect the cows, on frosted
grass, and exposed to the cold and
storms incident to the season, to give
profitable returns. Stable them at
night, and gi<e them a generous feed
of some sort in the morning before
turning them out. At our last
thrashing we put away a large bin
full of nice clean wheat chair, and
now our cows get a full feed of this
every morning, made into a "cut
mess," with about four quarts of
"chop." Our "chop" is made at
home, on one of J. A. Field, Son A
Co's Big (iiant mills, by grinding
together equal quantities of corn (cob
and all) and oats, and then mixing
with the meal thus made an equal
quantity, by measure, of bran. Four
quarts of this, thoroughly wetted and
mixed with as much clean wheat
chaff as a cow w ill eat clean, is not
very expensive, nor is it very "high
feeding," but it pays day by day in
the increased quantity and quality of
milk and butter, and the improved
condition of the cow, stored aw ay as
so much capital upon which she can
drnw during the severity of the com
ing winter, is so much clean gain.
Saving is Making-
Some one, calling himself "Farm
Hand," recently wrote to the Praeiieal
Farmer complaining of his hard lot
in life. In reply WAI.DO, who, by
the way, is one of the most prarfical
farmers within our knowledge, gives
some excellent advice quite suitable
for all young readers on the farm.
We copy a portion of it below, and
regret that we have not room for the
entire letter:
Now a word ft to the young manV
expends. I said he i* spending too
much. Not that SIOO n yenr un large
<um, tint it is certainly more than is
necessary, nnd as the money he is tnnk
ing now is like "precious seed." he can
not he too careful of it. I don't think a
young man will respect himself any
more or he respected by society, because
he spendi SIOO a year when s."io woubl
answer; hut society does respect the
voting man who is successful inaccumu
lating property. The young man who
must depend on his own resources for
success snd expects to earn by labor
every dollar he ever owns, cannot afford
to patronize livery stable*, or to spend
time and mnnei in attending places ot
amusement. He can attend an ocean
sional good lecture, and he can take
two or three good papers, and if he has
access to it, can patronize a circulating
library, he can dress well on less than
S4O a year if he buys the right kind of
clothing, and this would leave him $lO
for spending money, and if he makes
hut slfio ho hsd tietter limit himselt
to this. Me can not afford to smoke
cigars, or chew tobacco, hut he is all the
better otr without them. As his profits
increase ho ran allow himself some
luxuries, hut he will find that he can
be happy without them. It is by habit
of economy and by spending their
evenings in improvement of their
minds rather than society, that young
men are fitted for future success. The
young man who starts out in life with
the idea that the end is pleasure, and
who says, "I am going to enjoy myself
as I go long; the world owes ine a living
and 1 am going to have it." is not likely
to ever be a man of influence, and I
think it was of such Christ spoke when
he said. "He that loveth his life shall
lose it." Let me advise "Farm Hand"
to read Tilcomh's Letter*, by J. 0. Hol
land, and as he reads, let him remember
that the road to success in any calling
is a road of self-denial.
A Seasonable Hint
We would suggest that now is a
good time to patch up the hen house.
Mend the broken hinges, roosts and
nests, for there arc probably plenty
of them needing a slight repair.
Clean out the old straw from the
nests and burn it. (lather*togetber
all the chicken coops and nail on
strips wherever they arc missing.
Nothing gives greater delight to the
owner than order and system about
tin- chicken premises, while in the
end it greatly pay a to keep things in
repair and in their places. The
younger members of the family
should be encouraged to do tins, get
ting a fair share in the profits of the
enterprise, while by regular care the
Winter through the yield of eggs will
bo treble what it otherwise would be
if every thing about the hen house is
left filthy ami at sixes and sevens.
A Wonderful Jersey Cow.
The season's test of the remarkable
butter cow Eurotas, No. 2,-4" I, which
has been in progress for neatly a
year at the farm of her owner, Mr. A.
15. Darling, near Ramsey, N. J., ter
minated with her milk of October 15,
tit which time she became practically
dry, and' on November 4 she dropped
a calf. It lias been foreseen for some
time by fanciers of the Jersey, and of
butter stock in general, that her test
for the year was likely to surpass any
previous one, the highest instance
heretofore known being that of the
cow Jersey Bell, of BcitUAte, No.
7,82*, owned by Mr. C. O. Ellms, of
Scituate, Mass., that made 705 pounds
of butter in a year. The accompany
ing table, compiled from the records
kept at Darlington Farm, shows the
| footings for each month, anil a total
j result for Eurotus of 778 pounds 1
i ounce of butter for the year. No
account was kept of the milk and
butter made during the first lb days
of her milking period, and, as her last
calf was dropped a few days within a
year from the date of the commence
ment of the test, she would be entit
led to the additional time had the
trial commenced five days earlier.
The weights of milk and butter were
taken at each milking anil churning,
the butter being weighed before add
ing the salt, but not until the butter
milk was thoroughly rinsed and
worked out. The texture and flavor
of the butter is very fine, its color
good in summer, but lighter than
that of many Jersey cows during the
winter months. Enormous as this
| yield seems whin compared with that
! of an ordinary cow, those who have
lier in charge express the belief that
during the previous year she far ex
i cccded it This view is sustained by
I the occasional tests for short periods
that were made at intervals through
! out the season, which prompted her
j owner to have her separately tested
, for a year. Her last calf is a heifer,
I being the only one she lias, the furin
ler ones being bulls. It is by Duke
Jof Scituate (No. 3,623), a son of
j Jersey Belle, a son of Scituate,
above mentioned. This bull and a
son of Eu rotas, called Duke of Dar
lington (No. 2.41ib), are kept as stock
sources at Darlington Farm. A not
able feature of the following state
ment is the richness of the milk in
cream, the ratio lieing hut 9 67-100
! pounds (less than live ipiarts) of
milk to the pound of butter. The
cow is of striking appearance, the
i development of udder, tnilk veins,
I and all the essential apparatus for
the assimilation of food ami its con
i version into milk being so unusual as
j to draw the attention of the most or
j dinary observer.
Kl ROTAS, 2,454.
Dropped calf Oetolicr 31, I*7o,
and calved again November 4, I*Bo.
The intervening test for butter com
menced with Novemlier 10, I*7o,
and ended with October 15, I**o
: (period, 11 months 6 days), at whicli
I time she became dry :
Sn WYtgM Wrt*bt
of ttav*. of Milk. —llutw
I FTP. Il. or
X0t*r*i1*r......... .'1 4.M 4<i 1
rmbr:;l #.V\ 74 0
January :tl 74* 7t 2
fckfltfj 1 MTU 77 1
Mar'h II 7A ft
A|<rlt 11
M n\ II 77"' It 11
Jan*.- 30 *2? M fl
July .1 7"' s
A direct............ 31 ?D4 1 I
S'l'l'inUr 3m 4 % 4 1 32 6
October..... 1A 1/3*, * lo
Total 341 7.A2A 7r* 01
The cow was of course liberally
kept, yet the secret of the great
yield is clearly in the blood, for no
ordinary cow, however fed, can lie
made to accomplish nnything like
the some results. In winter she had
all the hay she wanted, and in Addi
tion a pail of gruel of bran and oat
meal, thin enough to drink, three
times a day. The amount of feed
contained iu this slop is said to have
been slight, and was given rather to
induce her to drink freely than to
nourish, as grain was found to in
crease her rapidly in flesh. When
grass came, however, to stimulate
the lnctcal organs, the grAin ceased
to tend to (at to the same extent,
and she was fed three quarts of corn
meal daily in two feeds. In hot
weather she was stabled from the
midday sun ami fed green corn fod
der while up, with the choicest of
the pasture while turned out. Though
hers is said to lie the moat remarka
ble test, other cowa closely allied to
her in blood have made surprising
yields of butter.
In Canada apples arc rarely stored
for keeping in house cellars. A spe
cial ccllnr is made, deep, with thick
stone walls laid in mortar. These
walls rise above the surface only
about ten inches, to allow of small
windows for ventilation and light.
There Is a double floor above filled in
with moss or sawdust. This floor is
covered by a roof-like attic and the
apples are there kept until the ap
proach of severe frosts, when they arc
sorted, barreled and lowered into the
cellar through a trap-door which is
then closed and packed in the same
way as the floor. At times during
the winter when the weather is not
freezing the cellar is opened and the
fruit removed for sale. When prop
erly made and managed there is little
or no loss in the. way of storing win
ter apples.
Profits of Underdrawing.
We (ind in the I'ractiraf f'urwr a
portion of a paper upon the subject of
Drainage, recently read by Mr. J. M.
Harrison, from which we clip some
of the most pointed paragraphs:
Drainage deepens the soil.
We can work drained lands sooner
after rains.
Drainage improves uc texture of
the soil because it renders it mellow
and friable.
Drainage will prevent our best
grasses from running out. It will
prevent clover or wheat from freezing
It requires all the lengths of sea
sons we can get to produce some of
our crops. We can always plow and
plant earlier in the spring on drained
Drainage prevents the damage from
standing water, which kills out the
best grasses and brings in the worst,
and often drowns out an entire crop
of grain.
Spring water absorbs carljonie
acid, and carbon is tlie great element
•n plant life. Hence, water oozing
out of the ground robs the plant of
nearly nil its food.
Manure applied to wetland is near
ly all lost by being carried oir with
the surface water. On drained land
it filters into the soil and remains
there until used up as plant food.
A corn crop is often lost by the
ground being to wet to work it at the
pro| r time. Wheat crops have also
been lost by the ground benig so wet
in harvest that a reaper could not be
used. Alter drainage there was no
trouble iu this res|teet.
It will prevent hilly land from
washing because the water will pass
oir through tlie drains ami the drop
pings of stock will rnuain and make
a good sod. It will prevent spouty
land from slipping because the sur
plus water is carried away and the
soil remains firm.
An inch of soil on an ncre weighs
a hundred tons. An undrained field,
where roots ran not go down more
than four inches, will have four hun
dred tons of available soil. Drain it
three feet deep and you have three
thousand tons of soil on an acre.
Think of the difference 1
It the soil is full of water the
roots of plants will all lie found with
in a few inches of the surface. But
if we drain, the action of the air and
frost will deepen the soil and the
roots of wheat and corn will pene
trate to a depth of five or six feet in
land drained to that depth.
John Johnson, of Genera, N". V.,
began draining wilii tile in 1*35 and
ended in 1854. He put over fifty
miles of tile in atiout 320 acres of
land. He says that it will pay to
borrow money at ten per cent, to
drain and that he usually realized all
the expenses from the first crop.
Drainage makes soil damper in dry
weather because it makes it soft and
more capable of retaining moisture.
It warms the soil because it gets the
cold water outot it in the spring, and
the warm rains soak down through it,
carrying the heat from the surface
downward. If the water was to lie
there and evaporate it would cool the
soil, because evaporation is a cooling
About Greer Manuring.
From F.<i , in Country Hsntlsmm.
I was pleased to sec the article of
W. H. White, pa?e 675, on green
manuring, as it agrees exactly with
my experience. There can, I think,
be no mistake in the decided advan
tage derived from the practice. It
is giving to the ground what was
there before, with the added material
furnished by the atmosphere, and
that liberated by chemical action
through the deconi|K)sition of the
plant, the plant being in its best con
dition for this purpose, tender and
readily decomposed, which is import
ant in saving time, especially when
the land is intended for wheat, as
where stubble la turned down with a
green crop, this grain requiring rip
ened manure united with the soil.
Practicslly, when plowed under, it
serves almost the purpose of decom
posed manure, so soon is it decayed,
and so rapid ia its action on the soil.
It should never be turned down
deep, only sufficiently to get well
covered. This keeps the strengh
near the surface, where the heat and
light rnlns favor decomposition. It
now only needs the use of the
cultivator mixing the decayed vege
table material and surface soil, to get
a superior seed bed, the whole ot the
operation (growing the vegetable ma
terial and rotting and mixing it with
flic noil ready for Rowing) taking no
longer than the time required for
rotting ordinary liarn manure. What
an advantage ia here presented for
enriching land after the grain crop i*
1 removed, the need (of aorne fast-grow
ing plant) and harrowing being the
| only expense!
Fattening Poultry.
: From lit* Poultry World
Two weeks is sufficient time in
which to fatten fowls for the market.
Hut this demands c onformity to ccr
[ tain conditions. The fowls should
not have full liberty. At this time it
is not economy to give them opporlu
j nity for exercise. It is desirable that
I all the food taken should lie used to
[ make fat, not foc Vtrength or muscles.
| From eight to twel *• may IK* shut in
| a small room together, where they
cannot see other fowls and where
there will lc nothing to disturb them.
If the rooms should be partially dark
ened, all the better. Let the birds
have complete repose; let their flow
ers work toward digestion. The
quickly fatted fowl is tenderest and
most juicy. If no suitable room is
available, a large coop may be con
! strutted with feeding troughs outside.
It is important that the feed should
!be clean, sweet and abundant. For
j this reason it should not be placed
where they will run over it. The
object is to have birds cram them
selves, sit clown quietly and di
gest, then cram again, and so on to
| the end of the chapter. Now, if
j they are confined in a coop having a
I tight bottom the place will soon lie
; come intolerably filthy. There should
; lie openings or w ide spaces of the
i floor that it may le cleared often,
j then covered with saw-dust or some
, other suitable litter. Kept in this
[condition the fowls will take four
square meals in a day. If there
should be a quarrelsome one in the
' lot, it should tie parted from the rest.
.Such a fowl will prevent the others
from eating to the full, and disturb
the quiet which is necessary to the
rapid digestion of the food. Fighting
tends to leanness. Kven scolding
w ill use up food, and prevent an oily,
rotund condition. There is no better
food for fattening purposes, the world
over, than sweet, finely-ground corn
rneal wet up with ski turned milk.
The mixture need not be so dry as
when rneal is mixed with water.
There is no danger that fowls will get
water-logged on milk. Some jKiulter
ers feed buckwheat meal, thinking that
it renders tire poultry better in flavor.
There is no objection to mixing one
third buckwheat meal with the corn
rneal as a change. The mixture
should IK* seasoned with a spoonful of
salt each day. Fowls that have
dough for their rations will not re
quire much water, yet fresh, pure
water should IK* supplied, that they
may drink when they thirst.
Fattening an Old Cow on Milk.
To a correspondent who wants to
know how he shall fatten an olcl
jeow that is hard to dry up, the Na
tional Lite Stork Journal replies:
The only profitable way to fatten such
a cow IK to fee<! her as if you were in
earnest in fattening her, and take all
the milk she is willing to give you.
If you propose to dry her off before
commencing the faiw-n'ng process, we
should advise you to take the shorter
and more profitable course, and that ia
to take her hide off—for her hide ia
worth more than she will be worth after
she is fattened, provided TOU first de
duct thecost of fattening her. In oth
er words, an old cow will eat, while fat
tenning more than she will be worth.
Hut an old cow, that has been a good
milker and is hard to dry up, will give
milk enough whilst she is fattening to
pay the whole cost of her food, and
thus she will fatten herself free of ex
In this case, the feeder will be pleas
ed to see the faithful old cow eat, and
will be in no great hurry to get her
ready for the butcher. It takes time to
feed up an old animal, and will take a
little longer to fatten her when giving
milk, but time is now of no particular
consequence, for she pays for all she
We have tried this experiment many
times upon cows that had been so good
that we were loth to part with them at
12 years old—an age which few cows
are profitable to pass—and we never
failed to make them good beef in four
to eight months, and those that were
fed eight months were quite as profita
ble as those fed four. Their milk al
ways a little more than paid for their
food, and sometimes a good deal more.
We have fattened cows at 16 to 19
vears old, and made them weigh 100 to
250 pounds more than ordinary weight
at aeven years old.
Stirring the Soil.
It is more than 200 years ago since
there lived Jethro Tull, the famous
agriculturist, who was auch an en
thusiast for stirring the soil that he
formed the opinion that crops could
be produced without the aid of man
ure. It is a matter of considerable
importance, remarks the GarHmtr*'
(*roWr,that the atmosphere should
enrich and aweeten the soil, and un
less its surface ia in a fit condition to
allow the air to permeate it, its valu
able properties are lost- Travelers
inform ua that the Greeks in their
vineyards throw up Ure earth between
the vines in ridges, the object being
to enrich and sweeten the soil by
exposure, adding and mixing manure
with the ridge of earth before return
ing it to the roots, which it would
appear they are in the habit of prun*
ing annually.