ItAULAXIt P X EHM AX, Alleyheny Street, Itelle/'onte, l'a, j ItttAPQUArrEfts FOB BARGAINS [ —AT THK— BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. m We are now opening and displaying the LARGEST, the BEST and the CHEAPEST stock of goods ever offered in Centre county, —COMPRISING FULL LINES OF M)ry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Yarns, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. CLOTIIIMi MADE TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. ALL Ol'lt COOLS ALE MA It EEL IX I'LA IX EUi fItES. ■ •The public are cordially invited to call and examine our stock. Renpoctfully VOMIT, HA U LAN I) & NEWMAN. ' U'K MOTTO IS— "ONE PIIICE—THE YERV I.OW EST-A SI) NO MISREPRESENTATION." Tiie present is not a time for Demo cntic despondency, but rather for en couragement to renewed exertion. At the worst, the Democracy has carried one-half the States in the I'nion, and the (lightest change, the turning of ten thOUsan i votes out of a grand total of tell: millions cast in the late election, would have given it the Presidency. When we look at the enormously powerful agencies that were opposed to us, it is but little marvelthat victory did UOtiperch upon our banners in the great struggle just closed. The marvel rath r ill that the Democratic party succeed ed so well. Sixteen years ago that par ty Carried but three States in the Pres ident i. 1 election ; twelve years ago it Carrie 1 only six. And now, against the OOtnbined patronage and wealth of IS pertv entrenched in power for twen ty fear-, find njjuinM the ruo*t rfhnme fill frauds that ever disgraced a Presi dential contest, it has swept -one-half tb*U nion. Surely there is sufficient reason in this for the Democrats to take coursge. > THE receipts of the national govern meat for this year compare favorably with those of the previous fiscal year StMfehow an increase from customs, in ternal revenue and sales of public lands of r>9 811,50.1.78 and adecreasein these from miscellaneous sources of only ♦lljLOr. 9.20. The expenditures show a (light increase of #073,074.2.1 fn the ag grajptte as with the previous mail year, caused by an increase of $232193.1)40.00 in the payment on ac count of the Interior department, but show a decrease of $21,099903.81 in the expenditures lor interest and premiums on pobl ic debts, on civil and miacellan eoutfßecounts and for war and navy de- ' I AVic AdvertieewentH. Notice. ttflnTT'l'LltS of administration having Kftntft) to the undersigned on the rstata of JJJMh} RTRCBLF., dKMUwI, late of Hprlng township, r€#eirs Uountv All pcrtofMi m-l. i.tei to nM d- Ifquwlwl to make imni-diatn menl, an l tf |iuns having claim* aguln*t said dr. eased will j r f f; t; I i JOIIN M FURRY, Administrator. Application for a Pardon. is hereby given to all tltarested that the It-Mini of Pardon* having HfWHw4 • r- 1 --.t':- m tht cm of HtVlfl Walker, n will he made to aatd Ibsvrd for hla ■ml at it* next meeting, on the third Tuesday and Wmm of December. A. D ItMO MAR.IARKT WALKER S. if A. LOEIt, tienrral Merehnnt*. Allegheny Street, Heltefonte, Pa. ■ S. &A. LOBB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED IOCHESTEB CLOTHIH&I fpetter Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, footer Linings, superior in every respect to any o|feer ready-made Clothing in the United States, ar|d equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. ■Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, I d examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S B& A. LOEBJ SS. & A. LOEB, ■INK CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Philadelphia Markets. PniLintLfH!*, December I. |t%). The foreign newa has 11 sttened tlie breadstuff* mar ket. Flour la dull and wheat lower. Fwt'l.—The flour market |a dull and tin* hanged, i of l.taai bariel*, including Minn**ota extra-, at j V- iVa j lt>r medium tochotre clear, and at pMtfi's for straight. Pen nay I van la extra Unnlv at f. • T.'; western do do at pi, patent* at fTitf S.%*. live flour i steady at SCRIP, Nddier'a Additional Homestead Right* arid LAND V 4 A lIK A NTH ls>uglit ami s-dd. 4* If lQsc-i. ieec-i. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The snhacriptiOD price of theWrißLl PITUIoT hat j been reduced to f I f* jer ropy |*r annum, i Tor lull# of Ftrrv ami upward* the WtitiT pATBior will B* funilahad at th- iiUßflfdlßiril) CIMS|I till of i 75 rents par copy per annum ; THE Dalit PaTBIoT will be went to any address, ! during the wessons of C.ngr-s* and the legislature at [ the rate of tl rent* |er month. I Under the a> tof Congtews the publisher pre|J* ] the (rfgstage and #u.*f nl ers are relieved fr.m that j expense i Kvery PiiUrii'tiiiß must 1* srr.m)aninl hy the icaah. Now |s the time to *til*cribe. The approaching j teaeiont of Congress and the Legislature w||| t* of | more than ordinary interest and their prrs Ksil of Alleghenv. fb||efnt'. Pa lA|y For Hale. VFARM containing Filty Acroi, . and having th'-reon erertel a TWfbfITORY FKAMR HMLDINGand ent buildings. Title p.-s| Inquire of A J AT K. ORIRfIT, ' "1-tf Unbutville, Centre county. Pa M() VCY To Loan at <> per Ct. * MJ * nv Tin: mI'TI'AL i.irr INJU R ANCK CO. OF NRW YORK, on flrst mortgage, on improved farm pruperly. in *utns not b • than FC.DOO. and not exceeding one-third of the present value of the property. Any portion of the principal r*n fe (•aid >ff t any time, and It has he*n the custom of the e rn|any to jermlt the prlwrlpal to remain as long as i the t>orrower wishes. If tha interest is promptlv paid j A|-,.1 lo (TIARI.RB P PIIRRMAN, Aitnm-y-nl-l**, •V/7 Court *treet. Ileadiag. Pa., j or to DAVID T. KLINK. Co • Appraiser, I 2-tf Bellefonte, Pa. GOLDSMITH",, srm A i- MKXTUB, JLtteghsny Street, JBUstUtfimte, Pm CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —at tiii: PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK -A. IST ID COMPARE IP R, ICIE S . Full Suits, - - $4.50 " - - 5.00 " - - 5.50 " - - 7.50 " - - 9.00 AIV II AM VOODN IIV P KOTO KTIOV OUR GRAND FALL AND WINTER STOCK. IS COMPLETE. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! fcVr*Don't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A STKI'.N UK KG WILL HK FOl'Nl) AT THIS HTit• . '■• l,r n< ft..' I: I r ' f '/. - r t.'pel the t rme.t 'tfar hf t ti,r fihuiJer, /ium i' 7 "T Pain ful f mat /. //ri< A/' 7 /V//OJh7, 1 AfftHwikM of the Spt*nf % Nervous Debility 9 , UV(i/*nAM, no./ all l>mea.*e* r>t the Kidneys, Bladder and Urin ary Organs. If *v. Id* I VTI'kN A!. fnlk,r,M. U rr.mlorUbU t* I lb* I 'ft.iu in it- .f!. t. and I I III.* when UMhing *•! f n all ether Kil'Mt P*:\ \- many vifthliwa iinlfati'.no are b*||,g f fred npen the market \S# will e-nd rertlfbAbw of cum*. and our U>k,' llow a Life •?<-d,' fr ui->n Ilia j at trior d I'uki.i., ..r ..hi by mail ou rn*|jii ol price. $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN, lIKI.I.KFoNTK. PA., Wllnl.KfiAl.K AGENT fR . INTRE COfXTY. FOR YOl* X(i LA 1)1 KS. Hollidaysburg Seminary, lIOLLIDAYBBI RH. BLAIR < (rMT. VV.SS \ A very healthful |..ration t>c*ntifnl •urmnkdinp U* ldie* all the edtenUgf* -f •< hriilUu li'm#, "Ith thorough course .f itifttrurlioiia in the higher hretti bee <*f education. Terms, $250.00 por Annum, Including lc#rd and attendance, u*e of library, period* Irala. and tuition In all P.ngti*h brum he* Mu.- and art extra ANNUAL TKRM, FORTY WEEKS. yor ratal' fiie. wilh fall Information, all tea* W. P. HI-SKY. A. M , PrtnripAl. AQENTB W A N I El> To take tnharriptirina for the IN'TEH NATION A L K EVIKW, the lateat and le*t American publication, of the hifh*at rlave, with ordinal coo IfHm lion# from the nv*t celebrated writer* in every country. Edited by J T M<>r*e, Jr , and Henry Caln.t gentlemen of the nighcet attainment* and culture, who## name* are aloua uf!t< tent guaranty cf the value of the Rbtikw. Atwava bright, readable and inidrnrtive owmnpoll tan In literature, progreaaive in ar|ar t unectarlan in religion, and Indepenilent in politice. Price. :a) rent* a numlter; s.*. tw a year. A complete Af*nt a Outfit *ent on redpt of fl.flO, A •paimrn cepy tent to any addreaa for IS rent*. A. *. HA KMC* A . Publiaher*. 11l A 11.1 William *t . New York. Milliikim hotel, YIILI.iIEIM. CKNTRK COITNTY, PKN'N'A. W. S MUSS KB, I-rnpriotor. The town of Millhelm la located In Penn'a Valley, alout two mile* from CVbnm station, on the !*wie burg, Outre and Npror* Creek Railroad, with aur rounding* that make It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good trout fl-hlnc In tha if,m..llata xlrtnlty. A cab ran. to nar; Imh. Al th. 11.rt.l a.o>m m.alnitona will I. fnnnA fir,!-, laaa and Irrma mod.r --f. Jan* lCtt-l,a THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE RUSH HOUSE BLOCK, JIF.LLKKONTK, PA., IB ,KOW OFFKRINO GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO TUOBt WIBMIRO PtRRT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. Wo have uniiaual faHliUen fop printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLKTS, CATA T.OOTTKS, PROGRAMMES, STATE MKNTB, CIRCULARS, BILL HKADS, NOTE HKADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VIBITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. §®-Or*rtmir.' iluildlnit 1-ly """• J *MIIT ..IrIIAIT OEAVEK A GEPHABT, ■ ' ATToBSKYa AT LAW. oiTi • >n A:i-,-liny ,ii,. i, north <.f lllrh. Ilrllr. ! !*• .-\j I ) F. FOHTNEV, • "• ATTOKN FY AT LAW. HRI.LKFOh'TK. PA. ( U*l d ..f t.. th Irfl in thr Court l| *-ly Uk KKLLEH, • ATTORKKV AT LAW. (tfii.r on Allrplirt,, Clir-1 K.nth ,id of Lron'r j, My Ballafbß JOHN BLAIR LINN, ♦* ATTORNEY AT LAW, RKU.r.FONTK. PA 'Jt-l' J L. SI' ANGLER, *'• ATTORN KY-ATLAW, nEI.I.KF'iNTK. ( kNTIIF, OnTNTY. PA | R|.orUl .(IrnUon to Collorthmi; Rmrtim in nil tl, I ronrM; Conrulutii.ti, In Orrvian ut K (ilrft. Mr t n irutt. rrnr, ooanov. Murray A GOUIKIN, ATTORN KYft AT* I.AW, ' i.FAßriri.n PA. Will attend the liellrfootr Coarti when ape**tally amphtyed. \ Jy r r C. HIPPLK, * • ATTORNEY AT t.AW IAICK IIA YEN. PA. All buelneaa promptly attended to 1 1 j \\\\l. P. MITCHELL, * PRACTICAL SI RVEYOR, MK k IIA TEN, TA , Will attend to all work In (IcarAeid, Cant re and Clinbm O'UiiliM. Office optmatte |>ork Haven National Bank '^k-ly W C. HEINLE, ' ' • ATTORNEY AT I.AW Rl I.LRP)>NTK, PA Office in Conrad Vfouae, Allegbenv *tre*r kperiel attention given to the Oo||wt)on of rlaima f All bntinew* attended to promptly. .'l-11 w. g.watxaci u. t. tunc. WALLACE A KREBB. * ATTORKKTR-AT LAW, n.RAHFIKLt) PA. will attend and try raneae at Bellefonte when epe dally retained j.jy \VILLIAM M<< ULI/IUGH, *' ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. All hnalnrM promptly tttmdrd to. 1 Ijr rXM'l'll AT. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Xornuil Sc. on/ Dintrut.) LOCK HAVEN", CLP TON CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal. r JMIIS SCHOOL,as at present con- J •lltu'rd, oOrra 01. nrji I*l tfitlitl~ For Pre fmion.l and Claaatr.l i*raln,. Ralldinra amrkiua, inaltina and ooamndlmia; mm pl.talr hMtrd bT, w.ll amtll.tal. and forma*. ! •.I lth a lionatlfal .npply of pur* watw.anft aprlnc arator. hmlthful and anay of arraoa. Hiirmandlnf a, .nary nnaarpaaaad Twb.ra axp.rt.arad, afflrlant, and allra to tbalr work. Dtarlpllna, Dm and kind, uniform and thonmah. K (wna.. mod .rata. Fifty rant, a w.ak dadttrtlnn to Umaa nrioatini to taarh. Stndanta admit tad at any ttma. Cnnmaa ry Coort* ami (Ifftrcritx. J TARPER BROTHERS, BFRIXQ BTRF.KT, BKLLKFOKTK, PA., Have their count'Tf and shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at - BANKRUPT KATES (BANKRUPT RATES WHICH TIIRY OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. COSMCTINQ OF Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTH and SHOES IIATS and CAPS Lateet ityle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Paraaolt, Ladies*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Grocerie*, <4.n*waro f Ac. Compr.atngerary thing that ran be found in a Ural flu* It/Ifp. IIAHPER RROTIIERB, M'ftlNO FTUKKT, . . BELLKFONTI, PA. COIUTRT PRimrCß lUn in etrhanjr* at th# htchaat market prir* 1-1? M i*ccUan* ntt*. New \ork \\ eoklv Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. TK. r irt.t'Uiir" 0 f ||,j, popular nrvapapor baa nnm than trehl#>l dannc the j.t rear It. rv.utaJna all the lail,n*nr*a c r.ta.r.fd In th Dot T 11 nut h ami it trratised in handy lp|%rtm nta Th# FOREIGN NEWS *mbr*r** .p*, u) dtopatrhrw frc, m all qiwrfei. of tha 1 glow, I tidaf the head of AMERICAN NEWS *'* A 1 "" 1 h Tlsr*phtr Dtopafrbe* of tb* work from *ll |*il> of lb* t ni'.ii Tbu hum *lon* make* THE WEEKLY HERALD th* mo*t valuable rhronlrUr in th* world. *• II to th* I rb*|**l. K*ry w**k to given a fajthlal r*|.t of POLITICAL NEWS j embracing complete and oomprr-henalre dtanatche* from W aahlngicn. Inr lodine fnll mportaof t|,„ bTr °' " ttllr ' rnl on lb* qmUam of lli* THE FARM DEPARTMENT of th* III*,U' Sir*, lb* l*t**t I „ th . moat practical anggeatton* and dl*co**rl** r *l*iin* | lb* doll** of lb* hii*r, bint* for ratoing CaTTLi Inr-iray. Oatin*. Tun. In.trmir, kc .tr., vtih •ngr**ttnn* for keeping building, and m*natto in re pair. Thl* to tnppl*i*ated b< a w*ll-*llted depart mnl. widely copied. undrr lb* head of "Pm* THE HOME. "*'!*• t<" practical dlab**. bint* for making • Icthlng and for kc-pinc op vllb lb* Ui** fnahloaa at tb* loweet price E*ry it*m of rooking or *ronom< •nyreatAdl It) thi de|.rt m#r ,t , a \ \ *p*,l. W* pot* Ural lon fn •'JS|*£ and Ixtndon oorr**p<.nd*bt, on lb* ** |,m f-,r £mi*, **"?• '"I*' 1 '""" "f th* W.tILT lira, in • 111 ear* tb* hot,**vil* more than on* bundled Una lb* price of lb* paper. Tb* Inlrnmu of SKILLED LABOR ar* look*d *nr, and everything pertaining to m chanioa and labor aartnf ir carefulh r*rord#i4 There. It * paff* devoted to alt Ib* lal**l pbaaaw of Ih* I ok, jf" mrb*U, Crop*. M*rohandto*. dr., kc. A vein*. "*• THE PRODUCE MARKET. Emanno Kiwaathome and abroad. together olih a Avoar every week. . !>. , hr mm,*^|^,dT a.l'v bra Notaa, There to no p*p*r In Ib* iU that con tain* *o moob nv. mallrr r*ri verk aj tb* Wat* "ssaa-} '* ■ NEW YORK HERALD, and Ana *l~<. Nw Tork. Itottliiiff Eatabllnhment. BOTTLRO PORTER, ALE and BEER * r THB tinderaigned reapePtAillv i n - A forma lb* clllaaaa of Coatra covat* thai ha ha* SSSstm prepared tofuralab PHRTKa. ALE ud wkJl'*!'?."* tbcngb drawn fbrn, CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK _ t* a inrtiift, Otdavv Ml M hi* ptae* of hwiMw or a. B ( u OETd, II nwirr prrrmpt ® f T Addrmo, J u SPITZKR, b*U*fonlr. IVntr* Co., r*. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in moat ▼ ra**a vlibonl pain Atmlr to .. _. C - rikhEE. an.Ub.rg, <>• Cooatj, Fa,