Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 02, 1880, Image 4

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    S'ht gtraortat.
The Largest, Cheapent and Best Paper
llahml *v*rjr Thunniay morning, at BellefunU, (Vnln*
rountv, Fa.
TERMS—Ctab lu trivanc*, $1 IDO
If not in atlraure OO
Payment* mad* within thme month* will be con
i dermi in advance.
A LIVE PAPER---devoted to the intefeat* of the
whole pcoplo.
No pnper will he dincontluued until arrearage* are
paid, except at option f palilieliem.
Paper* going cut of the county must he paid for in
Any person procuring us ton cash anbscrlhera will
he sou t a copy froo of rharg*.
Our extensive circulation makes this paper an un
usually reliable and profitable medium forauvertisiuit
Vv'e have the most ample facilities for JOII WORK
and are prepared to print all kinds of Hooks, Tracts,
Programme*. Posters, Commercial printing, 4c., in the
finest stvie and at the lowest poeidhle rates.
All advertisement* for a ISM term than three months
20 cent* per line for the tlrst three insertion*, and .*•
cents a line for em h additional insertion, special
notice* one-half more.
Editorial notice* !." cent* per line.
A liberal discount is made to person* advertising bv
the quarter, hall year, or year, as Id lows :
I Wj Oil
PPACi occt'iMin. 3 i 3 *2
I r |*[ I
One in Ii (or I*2 line* thin type) ?.*■ 4S fpj
Two in* he*. 7 |o| I'.
Three iindies M I.". Jo
ifunrlcr column (or inches) 11 -J"
Half column \r b iiu iies) .2" d.*|
Una owlnmn * i jo in. ii.'„, 15 1100
Foreign advertisement* must be paid for before in*
■ertiou, except on yearly contracts, when half-yearly
payment* in -olvafn e will be required.
Politic \i \itic\*. ''• cents pei line each insertion.
N thlu - iu*erbd for less than .'hi rent*.
I!t'4!*r.a Nnn<T.• the editorial columns, Vt cents
per line, ea h in* rtion.
Locxi NoTlrK*. in meal column*, 10 cents per line.
From our regular Correspondent.
WASHINGTON, D. C. NOV. 30, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield after spending
a week in the city, yesterday left in a
special car for their home at Mentor.
They were accompanied hy Congress
man Townsend, ot Ohio, I>eaeon Rich
ard .Smith, of the Cincinnati Gazette,
11. G. Wanner, President of the Cincin
nati Chamber of Commerce, and Major
Swaim, of the United States army, j
During the stay of Mr. Garfield he was i
called upon by many friends and re |
ceived all the attention befitting the j
exalted position he will occupy before
the people after the fourth of March
next. One thing, however, is very cer
tain. lie has kept a discreet tongue
and no person has been able to get a !
word from him that indicates in any j
way what the course of his administra
.,- • . • i
tion on many public questions of mi
j'ortance is likely to be. The more con- j
servative of the Republicans hope that j
he will pursue a moderate course to ;
wards the South and that sectionalism '
in the politics of the country will speed j
ily die out under the policy he will pur j
sue. On the other hand the stalwarts
expect a different outcome from the
change of Executives, and believe that
the entire policy of Mr. Garfield will be
dictated by Conkling, Cameron, Logan
and the other leaders of the radical
wing of the party. Time alone will
tell which side is correct in the prog
nostications thus made.
It is said by certain wise men who
profess to know a thousand things
that are hidden outside the range of
general vision, that one of the princi
pal objects of General Garfield's visit
was to make peace with John Sherman.
It is also said that this object has been
accomplished, so that now between the
President-elect and the head of the
Treasury Department "peace, like a riv
er, rolls its way.' 1 The most intimate
friends of General Garfield in the Ohio
Congressional delegation confidently
predict that Mr. Sherman will be elect
ed to the Senate. It is known that
great efforts are being made to get Taft
into Garfield's Cabinet, and if this suc
ceeds, there can be no place in that
collection of statesmen for Charles Fos
ter. Congressman Townsend, who is a
close friend of General Garfield sees no
opening for Foster into either the Sen
ate or the Cabinet.
A gentleman who conversed with
Gen. Garfield on last Friday, says there
is not one word of truth on which to
base the various statements relative to
the General's views on the composition
of his cabinet. He listens patiently to
all the suggestions and advice tendered
him, but gives no indication of his own
views. Ilis only positive declaration on
this subject is that he cannot and will
not talk on the subject until after Con
gress ,has met, counted the Electoral
vote and declared the will of the people.
He will then, it is understood, proceed
to select members of his Cabinet.
Although Justice Swayne has intimat
ed several times within the last half
dozen years his purpose to retire from
the bench of the Supreme Court on the
full salary allowed by law, he still holds
on, much to the discomfort of a score
or more of anxious aspirants who are
ambitious to succeed him. Within the
last few days it has come to he general,
ly believed that he will retire before the
end of the winter, and as he is from
Ohio, common rumor assigns the place
to n Ohio man, Mr. Stanley Matthews'*
name being most prominently mention
ed in this connection. So far as Justice
Strong, whose prospective retirement
has been several times alluded to, is
concerned, it is understood that the
President has been .informed of his
purpose to that effect. At the cabinet
meeting on last Friday the subject of a
successor to Justice Strong was consid
ered. The propriety of making the
appointment from the South was con
ceded, and quite a number of names
were suggested and discussed without
reaching a conclusion. The difficulty
seeuis to he in fixing upon an available
man from that section of sufficient at
tainments and reputation, who would
bo regarded as a truly teprosentntive
Gen. Miles arrived to-day, and the
contest over the appointment of chief
signal officer lias broken out afresh.
Both Mr. Hayes and Gen. Garfield are
strongly in favor of the appointment of
Gen. Ha/.en. The friends of General
Hazen think that both together they
ought to have preponderating influence
with the present administration. They
say that Hazen will be appointed signal
officer, Gen. Ord will he retired and
Miles given 'fid's place. This would
perhaps be satisfactory to everybody
but Ord. Although past the age of re
tirement, he does not wish to retire.
Gen. Sherman thinks that, as General
McDowell is older than Gen. Old, the
latter should not he retired unless Gen.
McDowell is. The disinclination of
army officers to quit active service ami
go on the retired list occasions much
unfavorable comment in army circles,
especially among those who are ambi
tious to reach the fat places themselves.
The new fast mail schedule of fifty
hours between New York and New Or
leans is giving great satisfaction. To
day it reached here from New York on
time, giving us the New York ami Phila
delphia newspapers at 11 A. M. This
service bids fair to be very useful and
popular, and will have a tendency to
wake up southern sentiment in favor of
improved postal facilities.
Although the opening of the session
is near at hand but few members of
either house have yet put in an appear
ance. Not more than twenty or thirty
are in town and these are members of
committees which meet before the ses
sion opens. There is but little talk as
to the irtvturo of the sesion. Aside
from the regular appropriation hills not
much will tie attempted except the ap
portionment of the number of members
of Congress under the late census to the
diil'erent -States. The act tliut will be
introduced for this purpose will likely
provoke considerable debate, which may
run into hot partisanship, as some of
the more stalwart of the radicals would
rather have action on this matter put
ofi'until the next Congress in the hope
that they will be able to gain a party
advantage when they come together
with a majority on their side. FELIX.
The Northern Pacific Syndicate.
AND BANKS TO BCV $4*1.000,000 or
Tltr. ROAl>'s BONDS.
From TLl** X. Y. W- RL I OF TU**L*Y.
The rumors which have been current
about Wall street for some days past
concerning a syndicate which was to tie
formed to advance $10,000,000 to the
Northern Pacific Railroad Company to
complete the road were confirmed yes
terday by the announcement of the
names of the firms in the syndicate.
Messrs. Drexel, Morgan A Co., Winslow,
Lanier A Co., and August Belmont A
Co., with whom are associated Messrs.
Ifiexel k Co., of Philadelphia t J. S.
Morgan A- Co., of London, and Drexel,
Harjes A- Co.. of Paris ; Lee, Higginston
A Co. and Brewster, Basset A Co., of
Boston ; Johnston Brothers A Co., of
Baltimore, Btid the Bank of Commerce,
the Third National Bank. Messrs. L.
Von Hofi'man A Co., J. A W. Seligman
A Co., J. S. Kennedy A Co., Syeyer A
Co.. Kuhn, Loeb A Co. nnd WoerisbofTer
A Co., of this city, have made a contract
with the Northern Pacific Railroad
Company to buy $40,000,000 six per
cent, gold bonds having forty years to
run. Part of the bonds are bought for
cash and the remainder are taken on
option, giving the company time to
finish tho road. The bonds are to be
issued only as the road is finished and
accepted by the Government. They
are to be secured by a mortgage upon
the line of road, and they will nlso be
secured on the land grant of the com
pany, estimated, after all sales have
been deducted, at from 45,000.000 to
47,000.000 acres. The Northern Pacific
Railroad has already about Cof) miles of
the old road in operation, on which
there are no mortgages, and with tho
exception of a few sectional mortgages,
the Missouri and Pen d'Oreilte divisions,
which are almost completed for a dis
tance of 420 miles, are clear. Bv tho
terms of the agreement the syndicate
•a to name two directors in the board,
and thev have selected Mr. J. C. Bul
litt, of Philadelphia, and Mr. .1. W.
Ellis, of Winslow, Lanier A Co., of this
city, to represent them. When the road
is completed it will run through the
wheat regions of Minnesota nnd Dakota
and Into tho grazing and mineral coun
try of Montana.
John Hayes, a farmer, residing a mile
from Port Jervis, New York, disappear
ed on Friday, November Ift, and could
not be found. On Sunday last his body
was discovered in a stream leading from
the Delaware and Hudson Canal to the
Delaware river. He had fallen in at
the top, gone through a chute, where
the water runs very swiftly, and was
found in a pool below.
.. Democracy vh. Cent nilizut lot).
.V " j
At a full regular meeting of the Jef
fersonian democratic association of
New York, November 22, 1880, the fol
lowing was ordered :
To the Jefferson Jtemocrutic Association of
Shrewsbury, /'a.
Jem.ON CITIZENS: We hail with great
pleasure the inlvent of your organiza
tion as the eldest sister of our own.
Your twenty propositions of Jefferson
ian doctrine huvc been read in our hear
ing. They are sound, safe and in<lispen
slide. Upon tho body of principles, of
which they are the most essential, rests
the whole superstructure of American
institutions—the union of supreme hut
limited powers, the independence of the
states, and the personal liberties ol the
citizen. Strike these stones from the
foundation and the whole edifice must
crumble into diiKt.
We call ourselves after the great apos
tle of American liberty, the author of
the Declaration ol Independence, uud
the founder of the democratic party.
We propose to return to the principles
upon which lie led our forefathers to
the due settlement of the blessed re
publican institutions we have enjoyed
through the better part of a century,
\\ o shall cherish them as the sheet an
chorof peace, of order, and of security,
and we here declare our solemn purpose
to avoid all political association which
subordinates those essential principles
to any other doctrine or purpose what
ever, and to repudiate nil leadership
which tends to sacrifice them to local or
temporary success. To this end, we
shall employ, to the best of our ability,
the press and the rostrum, and apply
our personal exertions, in the dissemina
tion of the pure, life-giving principles
of government "of tUe people, by the
people and for the people. 1 ' And to
tins end we shall, as an organized ftody,
take no part in struggles at pnmary or
delegate election*, ot stiller any person,
under any circumstances, to make his
membership a stepping stone to public
office, our mission is to firing together
men of like mind, fhat they may know
each other when occasion requires—to
take counsel together lor the preserva
tion of constitutional liberty, to give
warning of impending danger, and to
arouse the jealous watchfulness of the
people against the encroachments of
of centralized power.
It will be observed that our method
of organization is that of Jefferson
himself, and his compatriots of the rev
olution. It is that of popular a-socia
tion—the popular committee of vigil
anoe, the liberty club which began tbe
struggle against the British crown, and
is now again invoked for the preserva
tion to the people of the sacred rights
which were then won. Never, since the
adoption of the constitution, have the
Jetfersonian theory of government by
the people and the ILuniltonian theory
of strong government by power, beyond
the reach ol the people, been brought
into sharper collision than at this time.
\\ e see so called "business interests" in
close alliance with the party in power
—a union far nroro odious and more
dangerous than a union of church and
state. \\ e see the power of corpora
lions and monopolies—both enjoying
enormous undue privileges, under law.-
enacted in corrupt and troublesome
times—exerted to pervert the will of
the people at the polls, and even to
change the results of the voting after
ibey have been ascertained and declar
ed. Elections have, by these means,
become hideously corrupt; electors are
assailed with bribes or confronted by
open intimidation. It is expressly said
that a change must he made ; that capi
tal must be given a larger and a more
exclusive control, as against the suf
ft ages of the plain people; and that the
government bequeathed to us by our
democratic ancestors must he made
stronger, more expensive ami more
splendid, and be administered by a priv
ileged class, whose qualification* shall
be measured by the volume of their cash.
It i- even proposed to disregard the ex
ample of the immortal Washington, of
Jefferson, of Madison and of Jackson,
and elect to the presidency for a third
time a successful soldier, whose noeeg
sion under these circumstances would
be universally understood as the begin
ning of that dire change which has
been and i* still so freely threatened.
I nder these circumstances we feel
that the time has Hrrived for the friends
ol the people to associate, for Jeff.-rson
inn democrats to organize in Jetferson
ian clubs, for patriotic minute men to
mount guard!
We ill vile Irom you a permanent and
cordial correspondence, that the results
of our deliberations may he freely com
municated to each other and be made
mutually helpful. C. F. BEACH,
11. L. WILLIAMS, Secretary.
The Irish Ijtnd League.
Dublin G-rropoinlcnrs N>w York H-rsM.
Whatever may be the general opinion
of the world regarding the methods of
the Land league, it must he reoogniz
ed that the organization is now a re
markably strong one. When Mr. Tar
nell was in America last winter there
were only thirty branches of the League
in Ireland, and they were very weak.
There are now fully 500, and in each
at>out 200 paying member* are enrolled,
making altogether 100.000 paying re
cruits under its flag. Of course, thert
are as many more who cannot pay.
these, with capital on hand and the
money which still comes in front Amer
ica. enable the organizers to "spread the
light" in every direction and to keep
it bright and well trimmed. The Irish
National Land League WHS formed for
the following object*: First, to put an
end to rack renting, eviction and land
lord oppression ; second, to effect such
a nul eal change in the land system of
Ireland as will put it in the power of
every Irish farmer to become the owner
on fair terms of the land he tills. The
means proposed to effect these objects
are; 1. Organization among tho |ieople
and tenant farmers for purposes of self
defence, and inculcating the absolute
necessity of their refusing to take any
farm from which another may be evict
ed, or from purchasing any cattle or
goods which may be seised on for non
payment of impossible rent. 2, The
cultivation of public opinion by persist
ant exposure, in thepressand by public
hieetings, of the monstrous injustice of
the present system uud of its ruinous
results. .'J. A resolute demand for the
reduction of the excessive rents which
have brought the Irish people to a state
of starvation. 4. Temperate hut firm
resistance to oppression and injustice.
250,802 Pensioners.
$57,026,994 L-ALLL I.AST YEAR AND $455,-
718,51.0 PAID -SINCE 1801.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 23. —The annual
report of the Commissioner of Pensions
shows that on the 3(Hh of June last
250,802 persons were receiving pensions
Irom the Government. The pensions
average $103.34 each annually.an aggre
gate for all of $25,917,000.00. Exolu
sive of the arrears the payments-for the
year amounted to $37,046,185.89, of
which $12,404,191.20 was accrued pen
sion in the new coses. The payment of
arrears was begun in May, 1879. There
was paid in M>y and Juno of that year
$3,933,380.03 and $19,980,808.23 during
the last fiscal year. The total amount
paid out for pensions during the year
wa5 557,020,991.12. Commissioner Bent
ley estimates that it a ill require up
wards of #50.000,000 to pay the pensions
for the current year. The number of
cases in which arrears of pensions has
been allowed up to November 1 is 43,917.
The average in each case is $500.15.
I'ndi r the acts granting pensions on
account of service in the war of 1812,
36,339 survivors and 40,020 widows pre
sented claims, and 25,470 of the sur
vivors and 29.888 widows have been
pensioned. The total amount of money
paid out for pensions for the last twen
ty years is $455,718,515.70. There are
about 2,450 pensioners residing at the
various branches of the hotnes for dis
abled volunteer soldiers, whose pensions
annually amount to about $500,000,
which has been paid to the treasurer ol
the Home snd disbursed under the di
rection of the managers, who claim
that this course is justified by the law
and necessary in orUcr to secure proper
discipline ami good order among the
inmates. The Commissioner is of opin
ion that the law does not provide for
the payment of these pensions in this
manner, and requests that the subject
tie brought to tin* attention of Congress,
and the duties of the Commissioner ol
I'ensions and managers of the Home in
relation to these pensions be more clear
ly defined. Legislation to authorize the
payment of the pensions to the wives
and children of insane or imprisoned
invalid pensioners is recommended ;
also legislation to authorize the pen
sions ol minor children to he commenc
ed at the date of the last payment to
the widow of the soldier in cases where
she has remarried and concealed the
fact and continued to draw the pension.
The Nation's Creditors.
Special agent Robert P. Porter of the
census office, lias completed the investi
gation ol the ownership of the 4 snd 4}
per cent, registered bonds. The follow
log tabular statement shows the dis
tribution of the $698,381,750 of these
INDI VIDNSLS $271,485,900
National Banks 136,626,7(8)
Banks and Trust Companies., t1.1,306,'.810
Foreign Holders 0.831,450
ToUl $528,100,950
Individuals $72,010,900
Banks and Trust Companies... 53,020,400
National Banks 39,401,950
Foreign Holders 6,187,550
Total $170,280,800
A series of tabulated statements show
the distribution of these bonds in the
several sections of the country. In the
Lustern States there are about s6l,o<*>.-
000, of which $16,000,000 are held by
women. In the Middle States there are
$221,000,000. of which $173.000 000 are
held in New York. In the District of
Columbia there are $8,247.650.0f which
$6,778,150 are held by men and $1,469,-
500 by women. In the Southern Stales
there are $11,846,650, a little over two
million being Jehl by the Slates of
Tennessee ami Louisiana each. Virgin
ia and Kentucky stand next, with a
little over one million each. In the
Western States there are $lB 858,050. ol
which Ohio holds $13,835,800. Califor
nia comes next, with over ten millions,
and then Illinois with over eight mil
lions. The Eastern States hold 17.9 per
cent.; the Middle 64.4; the Western
14 2; and the Southern 3.5 per cent.
In the Eastern 70 per cent, of the bonds
are owned by the males and 30 per cent,
by females. In the Middle, 81 percent,
by males and 19 per cent, by females.
In the Western, 81 per cent, by males
and 19 by females. In the Southern, 78
per cent, by malea and 22 by females.
A terrible Disaster to a Passenger
LEGHORN, November 24,— The steamer
Orligia came in collision this morning
with the French ste-oner <>ncle Joseph
near Spezzia. The • Mole Joseph was so
much injured that she soon sank. She
had .'ioo persons on hoard, onlv about 50
of whom were saved. The Ortigia has
arrived at Ijeghorn, having also been
severely damaged, and an inquiry lima
been opened.
[Spezzia, near which this terrible dis
aster occurred, is a town of 3,000 pop
ulation on the northeast shore of tiie
Grecian islandof the same name, which
has an aggregate population of about
8,000 on an area of twenty-six square
miles, and lien off tbe south coast of the
Government of Argolis, at the entrance
of the Gulf of Nauplia, ten miles west
southwest of Hydra. Spezzia ia noted
for tho salubrity of its climAte and the
heautv of its women. The inhabitants
are chiefly devoted to commerce and
The number of producing wells in the
Bradford oil fields on the Ist of Novem
ber was 8,286, and the total amount of
oil on hand was 1,856,064 barrel*.
Professor Vejnor'H Predictions.
Since the death of "Old Probs," the
attention ot the public ban been turned
to a considerable extent to the predic
tiotiH ot I'rolV RRor Vennor the Canadian
weather prophet. In a recent letter writ
to the Albany Argux the Professor says':
"Snow la lln will be very universal thin
season, and will extend in all probabili
ty not only far to the southward in
America, but across to Kurope. The
snow-fall of the IBlh WHH marked in
thin respect." His predictions lor D<-
I cember are as follows: " Decent'<er
will, in all probability, open with little
anow, but tho weather will be cloudy,
threatening snow falls. During the
opening days of the month dust, with
the very light mixture of KDOW which
may have fallen, will be swept in Hur
j rie* by the gusty wind. There will
probably be Home snow from about the
4th of the month. With the second
quarter of the mouth colder weather
w ill probably set in with falls of snow.
The farmers will be able to enjoy Hleigh
rides in the cold exhilarating air, hut
good sleighing need riot he expected
until alter the middle of the month.
There will bo u spell of mild weather
about the 13th and 14th. After a brief
interval ol mild weather, during
which more snow will fall, the third
quarter of the month will probably
see blustering and cold weather —
a cold snap with heavy snow storms
and consequent good sleighing. Very
cold weather may be expected during
this quarter. The last quarter of the
month will bring milder weather, and
will terminate probably with heavy
Htiow falls and stormy weather; in fact,
the heaviest snow lulls will be towards
the end of the month and snow t hick
ades may he looked for. the snow falls
extending far to the southward, possi
bly as lar as Washington, with very
stormy weather around New York and
Boston." Mr. VennorV latest predic
lions are that the coming month will
he "decidedly cold with treinendou*
snow falls during the latter half and
early part ol January, causing destruct
ive blockades to railroads."
A lawyer's Wife Cremated.
There was another cremation at I>r.
I.cuioync ■> crematory, in Washington
county, on last I luiixJay. the siil-ject
being Mrs. I.ucia Noves, wile of 11.
Noyes. a lawyer, ol Warren, l's. 'I he
lady died on the 21-t of November, in
her 28th year, of child birth. The body
arrived here at II o clock this morning,
accompanied by Mr. Noyes, who Willi
Ins wile had pledged themselves to ere
mate the one wno died tirwt. There
were religious services at the crematory
conducted by Rev.Dr. Hayes, alter which
the laidy was removed Iroiu the casket
and placed in the retort. As soon as
the door was closed all took their de
parture. Nothing could he seen but
den smoke aftemthe remains were
placed in the retort? The ashes will be
removed to-morrow.
I he fires were lighted at I o'clock on
the previous atterooon by John L. Dye,
the gentleman by whom the crematory
was built, lie lias overseen each of the
incinerations which have taken place
in Washington. Three persona in New
5 ork, two in Philadelphia, and one or
two in Pittsburg have about completed
arrangements to have their bodies cre
mated at their death. Bodies that have
been interred will not be received.
Ex-Got emor Simon Snyder.
Fn-m lie- Humst-urg PstrloL
Most ol the visitors to the reception
room at the executive chamber, in the
capilol building, who have noticed the
portraits in oil of the Governors of
Pennsylvania from the time of the
Penn's down to the present day, have
noticed theatriking features of Govern
or Simon Snyder, who occupied the
gubernatorial chair from 1808 to ]s 17. a
period of nine years, "during the whole
of the second war with England." His
remains, as will be seen by the following
paragraph clipped from the NelinsgrOv.-
Tribune, lie in one of the church yards
of that borough, unmarked by monu
ment or tablet. The 7ViW says; "In
the quiet shades of the Lutheran cenie
tery, of this village, rest tlie remains of
.Simon Snyder, one of Pennsylvania's
honored governors, a patriot and states
man whose life was as unsullied and
bright as are the rays of the noonday
sun which abed their lustre upon the
hallowed ground, where he sleeps his
last sleep, in an unmarked grave. It
would be a mark of respect due to the
memory of one who performed his duty
faithful and well, if the ntatenver which
he presided for a period of nine years,
from 1808 to 181, would this coming
winter appropriate a suitable amount
to purchase a monument to be placed
over his remains, to mark the last rest
ing place of the man, who, as Governor
during the whole of the second war
with England, earned the esteem and
resjieel of the people of his State. J.et
the move be started."
As well talk of a church without a
a Bible as a constitutional government
without a Democratic party. The name
may be changed, but the thing will re
main. Nor is it likely that there will
be a change of name. Certainly there
ought not to be, for this would be a
dishonorable retreat and a confession of
weakness and discouragement. If also
the Republican party is to now adopt
the old Federal doctrines for its guide,
the necessity imposed on sound Demo
crats is all the more atringent and im
perative for renewed vigilance and ac
tivity in resisting the centralizing and
monarchical drift into which the eoun
try has been plunged.— ltmttnn Post.
The owners of oil tanks in this State
have discovered that cannon balls can
be tired into oil tanks, to draw oil' their
contents in case ol conflagration, with
good effect.
When Mayor Rose, of Davenport,
lowa, lilted Hie first spadeful of earth
at the inauguration of a soldier.'monu
ment be remarked that twenty one
years before be was shoveling on that
spot for a dollar a dev.
Itii reoorted that the Bloashurg Co,-,|
Company ha* purchased one thousand
acre* of Inll<l in Tioga county hum Mr.
J. if.Oulick.
Burglars entered the bouse of V'rn.
Mellon, near Mevdville, recently aii<|
alter binding him an'l hi* Muter carried
oil 'if 100 and a gold watch.
One of the fluent monument* in the
| interior of aha .Slate IN that erected over
i the remain* ol the late Henerul Jam,,
i Burns, near Lewistown.
A hundred years ago Abigail Adam
j urged what auiourited to the recognition
jol women a* citizen* in the pending
con*lilu tion of the Cm ted Stale*.
The weaver* at If. C. .lone* A (',,
woolen and cotton mill at Coshohocken
went on a strike h*t week.owing to dis
-at il act ion with the wage* paid them,
j William Anthony, a resident of Ohio,
: hut employed at Bradford, fell into an
i oil tank one night a few week* ago, w:,-
: -tunned and drowned in seven incbe
j of oil.
I'he cost of building a pa**enger <:n
for the Pennsylvania railroad company
. at Altoona, is $5,50(), and that eorjiora
tion ha* erected alrout Joi during the
| pa*t year.
I I*. T. lUrnurn, the showman, for the
fir-t tune in in- b,iy lile, ha* been dan
gerously ill lor a day or two pa*tat Ui<-
residence of hi*sou in-law, in New Yotk
city, but he i now regarded as out of
At the reception in Knoxville, Tenn.,
tendered to Joel Ilewhree and wile m
the residence of the bride'* tatlier,
I'ail, arsenic wa* u-ed l,y mistake (or
-oda. hive person* have died from u
effect* and about thirty other* are dan
gerously ill.
W iiile i 'ora in (.'all, a miner of Logan,
Ohio, was emptying a quantity of t>lai
ing powder into a sack winch his wife
was holding, the powder exploded.
Mr*. Call w* burned to death and ('nil
is not likely to live. The room was
badly shattered.
I'. ( . lieon,of Connellsville, went to
Scotland to look after an estate which
he thought he might have inherited :
arrived there just in tune to bieri to
positive testimony that lie wa* dead ;
got $100,(XK) HI cash a- his inheritance;
saw the perjurer* sentenced to prison
lor twelve years, and returned home
with the money.
Dr. .1. ('. Thompson first SHW Mi-*
(■ollet when she acted a- a bridesmaid
at bis wedding at Sedalia, Mo. He
could not tail to note that she wa- far
prettier than the bride, and within a
short time le informed her that he re
gretted -lie Wa- not ill* wile. She sug
gested that the mistake nnght he recti
tied 1-y elopeuient, and tbey disappeared
The annual report of thePommission
er- of lVn-ion* shows that on the 30th
of June last, 205,802 persons were re
ceiving pensions Horn the government.
Ihe pensions average $10'; each an
nualiv, an aggregate lor ail of $25,917,-
'JOG.fk). Exclusive of aneara tlie pay
ments for the yer amounted to $37,-
040.185.89, ol winch $12,40*.191.20 was
accrued pension in the new cases. The
payment of arrears wa* begun in Mav
1879. ■'
A dispatch from 1 ndianapoli* say* that
lb S. 1 .vrker, the Keputihcan elector
nominated in place of (Jen. Thomas \V.
8.-nnott. who wa* withdrawn because
of In* alleged connection with a Feder
al office, ha* been defeated through
the blunders of omitting his name from
the Republican ticket* in Perry, Floyd,
Bartholomew. Putnain and Weils conn
ties, in which l'*rker did not get a sin
gle vote. This will elect i>. W. Cham
bers, the Democratic elector, by about
5.00U msjority.
The Fiench and American Claim*
Commission completed it organization
yesterday at WHshington. and arranged
rule* for the submission and adjust
ment of claims covered by the treaty,
viz., the claim* ol either French or Am
erican citizens arising out of the late
civil war in this country, the Franco
Herman war of ]K7I and the war of
Mexico with the French under Maxi
millian. Ihe commission adjourned to
meet on January 10.
The book of estimates containing the
amount of appropriations required for
the public service during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1882. has just been
completed. The grand total* of esti
mtes for 1882 are $298,202,722 28, and
the estimates for 1881 were $278,097,-
364.39. The appropriations tor 1881
were in the aggregate $298,055,097.12;
so that the estimate 'or 1882 only ex'
ceeds the actual appropriations lor 1 $Bl
by $147,625.16.
Nicholas Bonilas' wile deserted him
and went to San Francisco where she
married again. He followed and beg
ged her to return to him and their
children. She refused. He shot her
four times. Neighbors ran in aod ask
ed who shot her. •• I don't know," she
replied ; "he wa* a stranger ; I never
saw hurt before."' But her effort to
shield her murderer was useless, for his
body was soon found in the back yard
where he had killed himself.
>5. C. Stoines, Mormon immigration
agent at New York, has been interview
ed in St. Louis, and says that the immi
gration to Utah is about 1.000 larger
than Inst year, and thinks that the
r.varts letter rather aided than injured
their cause by calling attention to them
abroad ; that immigration will doubt
less be even larger next year, as they
have more emmiaaries abroad and in
the Southern Stales than ever, and that
polygamy ts an individual matter, prac
ticed by but few of the saint*.
Mrs. Oswald (Hlendorfer, wife of the
editor of the New York Wft Ztih.no, is
pronounced by Uath "the most extra
ordinary influence in the Herman noli
tics of America." Her father founded
the paper which is now worth $600,000.
Mrs. tHlendorfer regularly visits the
olbcc or has revise proofs aent to her.
orders the editorial |>olicy for the paper
and ■Otero* thing* generally to suit
herself When Oath was asked if Mr.
Ottendorfer had returned from Eurooe
the answer was: • | don't know; bui
it don t make any difference. Mra.
Oil en dorter i* at home. fche la about
Xl U> , l . h r°. ,, " Sh ® know*
all about the politics of New York city
and what to prescribe for it,"