IBAVLANIY # NEWMAN, Allegheny Street, HtUefantv, Pit. IB.A.TJIj-A.ltsriD . Williams died at J2;30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He wee taken ill on tho day of the Presi dential election but his illness was not eoneidered dangerous until within the leet three or four do . 64 > and patents fit tfT .i * .17 1 : |{ye flour le unlet slid itiwlv nt per Imrrri. liau*.— Wheat ib active, excited and 4• higher Sill— bf '."(.ftii htieheV I rinding rejected, tit 81 II'" 1.16; r*•! and atol*r. afloat and on tro k, at fl 1 and N • J red, elevator, at fl 2f>. R)p ad|* at ''Vvft for Punay|vanta. Biir*—r|.vrr i a trady at "'w*. f'r choice irw # whllr old la ti"t inquired after ■'> Bye, per bushel '4l Corn, cob to Corn, abelled &u Oata Flour, retail, per barrrl 6 *ai Floor, wholesale 6 *5 Provision Market. Corrected weekly by Uarprr Broth am. Applaa.driad. prr pound fl Cherr|r, dried, |*r pound, Beaded ........ ] Potato*** per b0aha1..... 4 Dried btM'f Ifl .Vem .1 dvertlnement*, TRY Til K NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. Send for Sum pie Copy—Free. NEW YORK OBSERVER, • H 2t. .'57 P.rk Ruw, New Y>rk. nit. JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., IUIYSICISN AMU SVROKON. Offlrr Allegheny Mt„ over ZrigUr'a l>ruf Htore, ML RKLLKFONTB, FA /;ABMANS HOTEL, VI OMXMlt.Court Iloua., HFI.I.KFONTR, PA. TKRMS f 1.2A PKit PAY. A good Livery attached. 1-1 IIAI.RKItT K. I'AINK. lab- Coin tuiaaluoer of Patent" BEN J. F. UKAFTON hToRY II LADD. PATEIsTTS. I'AINK, GRAFTON A LADD, I Attorney* at- laup aw! of Arnrrt tn tint/ Fortiyn I'll nit, 412 FIFTH Snir.rT, W ASIIINUTOV, 1. | I'rarticr patrnt aw in all Ita bratirbra in tha I'ntviit i "fllrr, and thr Hupr*-m< ui,U .lei I.ANP WAIiIIANTS l-)IIKll! Mtl'l o.l't 4s (f | j 18QO-1. XSBC-1. . I The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. ! Thr aubarrlptlos prlre of thr Wr rRI T PATSIOT bar : brni rrdrr.| to fI '■ |>rr ropy prr annum. To cluba of Fim and upward* tha ÜBLY PiTSIoT ! j mil I*- furntahrd at thr ritraovdlutrlly rbrap rata of i 76 rrnla |rr copr per annum Tit* DAILT PITRI T will lr arnt to any addma, dfirlng thr araafon* of C.>ngr*e and the l.rgiUtmr at th rata of t,o < mta per no>nth. t'lidrr thr a< t of Congiraa thr piib)ihrr t*rr|ya thr fw-iiUge and arr relieve I from that rxprnar F.vrry aiibn ription mtiet U aroom|arii*t by the raah Now i thr time to aularrfba Thr a] pro%rhing •rai..ia uf Congraaa and tbfl Ufltltliirv will la of miplr|r •yn<|w|e rf tbriu will 1-* guru In tin* Wok) Addrras PATHDiT FIBLI9IIINO % 47-lf -.o Markrt Ftrrrt. Ilarrl*l>tirg. nIT. J. W. It HON K, I>cn tint, can be found at ht offlrr aad reaidrn' - '* on Nrih •idr of High three door* Eatt of Alirgbrny, |U*llefonta. Pa Ifbly For Bnlc. 1 FARM containing Kitty Acres, a V and hating thereon ere. t>d a FKAME 111 IMUND and ont building* Title g.nnj. . In.juireof A.J A T KtiRIEMf, j ITnlonvilla. Centre county. Pa. M()\ FY Loan :i( < perCt. 4 U BY TIIF. MI'TCAI, LIYF. INSI'K -1 ANCK CO. OF NEW YcKK, on flr*t mortgagr, on ( improvasl farm pmparty. in mint not Iraa than anl not rin-elinj ne third of the pre*nt value of the property. Any portion of the prim ipal ran t-e paid off at any tim, and It baa tiern the roatom of the company to permit the pnaripal to remain a* long a* thn lairrower wlthea, if the intrrrat ta promptly pa d Apply to CIIARI.E9 P 9IIF.HMAN, Attornry aMaw, 637 Court atrret. H' eding. Pa , or to DAVID T. KLINK,Co.'a Appraiaer, i-tf Relief,,ntr. Fa. GOLDSMITH, STEIN ALL UOODS I A FROPORTIOA. OUR. GR AND FALL AND WINTER STOCK. IS COMPLETE. I COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! . *■/ Don't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN. Manager. A STERNBERG WILL BK FOUND AT THIS STORK. Allegheny Street. BeUetonte. Pa Xew Ailrrrti/ieiiieiits. * kYs Mpiey J® PAD THE ONLY CURE | for Diabtlet, (ir.n-ff, Dropty, Bright'a Dit- j ; w, I'iin in f/ie /(.•(, Juahiiity In /tfrf.iin or h.j-pelMl ' rinfJ'nlaT'hnf the lUad'ifT,Hum- . | inv nr I'mtitxil IJrinmtimg, Britk Ihut bcjtnrit, Affcfti mus ftj the Spine , A'ttomi /V --; mil//* HVaWM, and nil I>i*easrjt of' the Kidneys, lllnddcr and Urin ary Organs. ! II *.|d* INTERNAL modlon**. U comfortable U. ; the |si,n,i OiUm in . ••ffr.l. - ICI KKS when | j nothing el*e ran Aw.id all mh r Kttvn Fad*, n> ' muny •*rlh'Nßw tmltnttrm. are irolng f -fM upon fh MfkM Wt fHII mi 4 cwrttlcaN at flfc% mad our j liriok, •*IIw a Uf" mm fcave*l ( ** ffe* ujn the.rerHpt 1 • f your td Irme DAY'S PAD • •"!' > l*uggt*t*,<.r t h> ' tnall on receipt of price, $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN. HEI.I.KIoSTK. I*A . WItoLMAMt A'SENT ).>K t'I.NTRE OMNTT | THOROUGH EDUCATION -ro- YOt *N(i LA 1)1 KS. Hollidaysburg Seminary, lIOI,Mt>AY*NI KG. HLMR OM NTY, PF.NN'A A very healthful heatloo; t*lge, gentlemen of the highest attainments and rallure, and wh<*e names are alone uffhient guaranty of the value of the Rtvuw Always bright readat le and inatrnctive , cosmopoli tan In iiteratnre. progreasivf. |n acianca, ansae tar tan in religion, and lnd*)>endent In politic* Price, si rent* a numler; sM"'a year A complete Agent's ttutflt aent on reburn Station, on the l,ewi htirg. Centre and Sprwre Creek Kailrad, with *or routidings that make it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good trout fUhing in the immediate vicinity. A cab run* to every train At the Millheim I Med arcom modatlons will he found Arat-claaa and terma ruoder THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUSH HOUSE BLOCK, RELLEFONTE, PA., is NOW orrKßiNo GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WISHING riMT-rLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. Wo have unusual faoHitioa for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS. ' BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VISITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKB. |orOrdera by mail will receive prompt attention. •9"Printing done in the beat ityle, on abort notice end at the loweat rate#. I'ro/'rnnioiMit Card*. | | A. McKKK, ' ' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ♦--o "Bb-* Ofi,Knit* Court 11. n. , IMl*f.,nt*, p. LMtANK FIELDING, LAW AND COLI.E'TIoN fifKH'E, 1- • U.KAKHELD, PA W A. MORRISON. ' * • ATTORNEY AT-I.AW BKLLEEONTK. PA 081 lnW...trlri(° ltl k oppwlt* tbeC.ililt ll'.uv. > ■ CnßMltattoa in Ea(ll,b "t Omm. H-'p j t.Maiiwa, aiLMaa i LEXANDER A BOWER, r V ATTI'RNKTS AT LAW. P. . m,v I ■* r rj*ull~l (~ Lngliah ,>r Oar loan Offi.r In liarm.n'a llnlldln K 1-lj Jama a atarta I>E AVE RAGE PR A RT, ' ' ' ATTOKNEYB AT I.AW. Ofßr All-([brnj alrnt. anrih ..f IL,li lirila j toot*. P i-1 y | ) F. FORTNKY, I '• ATTORN KV AT LAW. IIKLLKPONTR, PA. Uat <\ <•( In ll,r |f| in th<- Coutl llnnar 21j Ds. KELLER, • ATTORNIV AT LAW. 0<. on Allaghru) #tirt NjulL a.Jr of Lron'a j alorr, I l-O IW-llafbnle. P. fOIIN BLAIR LINN, tl ATTORNIT AT LAW, RKLLKKOXTE. PA ! <>ffl'# Allegheny Street, over Pot offu 21-It I L. SI'ANGLER, *' • ATTUKNET-ATLAW, Rri.LKFONTK. f'LNTRK OOCSTT. PA. ! Ap-rll allanllno to ( ollortknii, j r*. u.all ll,r OourU, CoeaulUtlnoa In (i'nnai, or K. cllah. l-)y 1 * t aaat. noanoa. MURRAY a CORDON, attorkeyk-AT LAW CLE ARM ELI). PA > Will attend the ILdlefonte C<'tjrt* when *}•< tally I employed. 11, j r r c. Hiri'LE, * • ATTORNEY.AT-I.AW |J K HAVEN. PA. All Lnalnraa j ront| 11* to. I \y \\'M. I*. MITCHELL, 1 ** PRACTICAL at RVEYOR, IJH k IIAt EN. PA., attend to all work in Centre and i Clinton toutitie*. ttfti e ',|<|a..ette | y . k llaven National Bank .*0 ]y j \V C. HEINLE, * ' • ATTORNEY AT LAW. REI.LKHINTE. PA. Offlrw in Omrad lluae. Alleghn *tre# t ' Bpecial attentmn given t th* collection of rlaim* | I Ail Lu*inea attended to promptly. 21-1 1 . *. wiUiri. t> l. laraa. \VALLACE A KREBS, 1 ATTORNEYB AT LAW, CI.KAHEIELD. PA. j Will attend and try cau*e* at Beliefonte when *|e j . ru::v retail.* 1 11 v | WILLIAM M< (TLIjOUGH, * ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLE A RFI KI.D, PA ! All prnmrtlr CEITTP.AI. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Xnrmat School Ditfricl,) LOCK IIAVKN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. RAUB, A. M., I'rincipal. r PIIIS SCHOOL, a# at present con l 1 ntllnlcd, off-ra th* r*ry la| tarllltira for Pro f**alnnal *nd Clwai. al In,rami. Ituildlbta ai> ioua, Inaitiny and nrnnxdinna. mm plrtvia hMlr-l l.y at-am. wall T-nlllal~l. and fnrnlah *d with * l'untlfiil aiipply of pura waUr.aof) aorlns ! w**r. laxollon healthful and wtt) nf nrr*w. Rnrronndlni ar,n*ry noanrpaaa*d Tnnrhara aaprh-nrad. *mrl*nl, and alia* lo thHr work. IRarlplin*. Arm and kind, uniform and tkomuak. Kaponaoa nndaral* Kifty crnta a w**k dadnctlnn In tbna* propatina to iMarh. #lnd*nta admlttod at any lima. Court*, of atody praacritwd l.y th* Stat*: I. Modal ft-h.ml. 11. Proparatory 111. El*m*ntary. IV. Scl antiflr. aajrat-y mrmaia 1 Ana*l*mlr. 11. Comm*rrlal HI Mtwlr. IV. Art. Th* Rlamanlary and Srlanllflr roaraaa ar* Pro j t*aalual, and aiud*nta #ra,. rta of th. hear eminent politictana.. n th* question* of th* THE FARM DEPARTMENT i nf th* W'rsan tfrnatn gie*. tha latrat a* trail a* tha moat practical suggestion. and dlecweertra relating to th* duti** ..f ih* faimrr. hinta f..r rai*inc Canu Portray, Claim. Tana. iS V aoggeetlnn. for keeping halldlnga and ut*,i,l|."in re pair Thia la an |>f.lamented hy a well-cdited depart ment, widely *..pl*d, under th* h*ad of THE HOME, gfrlng recipe. I for practical diahea. hint, for making ( lothI "g and for k**|.ing np wiih the lateaf fhahlon* .1 the In.eet price Brery item of rtmking •uifMinl in thl dcjrfn,rnt i pnutinUiv k e.peM.Wfor* pnhlUtlon IxtitTT Vn7 pa„l and London correspondent* on the tot latest faah km* Th* llom* Department of the W rtSLT llriain 0i'7,11 " nr * han litindrad time, th* prtoa of the paper. The inter**!* of SKILLED LABOR are 1 talked after, and ***l7thing pertaining to me chanic and labor wring ia carefully receded. Th*t* la a page devoted to all the lafeet phaae. of the hnai neaa market*. Cmpa. Merrhandiae. Ac. At A rain*. d , r^m.,n.^ ,nJ ,fc ' THE PRODUCE MARKET. yroanati Xtaraaihom* and ahmwd, together with a Ftont every week . , T eminent dj . i./v M,,,r,L - >•■<•. p-t.a*r.nd r lie J p * p ' r ,n U " "orld that con tain* an tnoch newt matter ererr week aa the Waia - " K' *usß\l"} ,0 * w ~ k * rnrro - {rvAl NEW YORK HERALD, 1-4 Broadway and Ann Street, New York. Bottling: Establishment. BOTTLED POUTER, ALE and BEER. r pilE undersigned respectfully in- X forma the rlttiena of Centre count] that he 1... ojwned a Bottling Fatahllehment. on Nt.Up.V-~o .7 the Borongh of Bellefenu and will he aiTall Time! p o "™ - KXkVT" ""PPlylng these heeefwgaar mh.ih., to hotel., rctaurant. or print* reeldeaie— ihev wio he found of the poet ard law, aoch a ißMaer that their lllh and eplrtt. aie rn.Wi aa fresh a. f hough drawn from the ra.k or ImSdTSI CELEBRATED ROCHESTER BTOCK Orders left al hi# swefh*s2iw or h, Oart. Will rereiT* pAmpf Addrca. J || SPITZER, ' Belief rate, Oeaitre (V, Pm C'ANCEK REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in most rue* without twin Apply to •MW - -- - '