H A I'LA \n ( f V/; H M.t X, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, J'a. & 3S3"E"W3yEA.3ST'S |HEADQUARTERS TOE BARCAIKS| —AT THK— BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES. We are now opening and displaying the LARGEST, the BEST and the CHEAPEST stock of goods ever offered in Centre county, —COMPRISING FULL LINES OF Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Yarns, BOOTS AND SHOES, CiKXTS' FXJRMISITIISrG GOODS, fcr. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. ALL ovit (Hunts AUK MAHKKIt I\ 1' LA /.V Klti VHKS. The public are cordially invited to call and examine our stock. Respectfully your*, ItAULAND & NEWMAN. OCH MOTTO is— "O.VA; PRICE—THE VERV /.OH'EST—A VD A'O MISREPRESE.XTATIOX." GENERAL NEWS. The farmers along the Juniata will devote the larger portion of their land to tobacco culture next year. Frank Trout, a fireman on the Head ing road, was killed near Fast Mahanoy .Junction on Friday. .Sixty trains a day stop at Bristol, in addition to four steamboats plying be tween the town and Philadelphia. Mrs. Lincoln, widow of Abraham Lincoln, arrived in New York from Europe last week and is quite ill at the L'larenden hotel. K. It. Brown. Superintendent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad shops at Pack erton. died at Mauch Chunk on Mon day of paralysis of the brain. The large barn owned bv Mr. Daniels at Bristol, and occupied by Grundy A Champion, worsted manufacturers of that place, was burned down on Sun day, it is supposed by an incendiary Loss, $15,(100; no insurance. The rain on Friday and Saturday enabled the Delaware and Hudson canal to resume navigation on Sunday, and several hundred boats, with 90,000 tons of coal, were wailing at Port Jer vis for water. If the water lasts 6.000 tons will reach tidewater daily until the ice closes navigation. William Greene drowned himself in the Susquehanna river Sunday after noon by jumping from the Water street bridge, at Pittston, a distance of about forty feet. The body has not yet been recovered. Temporary insanity was the cause of the act. Leon Belmont, a young woman who has been representing herself as a man in Minneapolis, Minn., by wearing the bifurcated garment, and who said she was a nephew of Mr. August Belmont, of New York, has had her sex discover ed. and is in custody. She became inti mate with the family of Mrs. Waite, of Lead City, and had wooed their daughter (iracie. Two passenger trains, on the Pan Handle Road, collided on Friday at Burgetlstown, Ohio. .James Gunning* ham. Charles Cunningham and Michael Lansgan who were riding in front of the baggage car were killed. Thomas An derson, fireman, John Gourly and Geo. Thompson were slightly injured. None of the passengers were hurt. Jesse B. Anthony, wholesale coffee and spice dealer at 363 River street— principal in the 6rm of J. B. Pettis A Go., manufacturers of Masonic regalia— S, cf -I. I.OK 11, Central Merchant*, Allegheny Street, Ilcllefonte, l'a. S. &c JL. LOEB, THE ONL7 EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED EOCHISTER CLOTHING! Better Fits, better V/orkmanship, better Styles, better Linings, superior in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. S. & A. LOEB,! IS. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I made a general assignment on Friday last. His liabilities are over SIIIO.OOO. Anthony's failure is the result of Crist ny A Co.'s suspension in New York, he having endorsed for them. He i Grand Master of the Grand I.odge of Masons of New York Stale. TJie dead body of Henry Bleyer, a prominent citizen of Wilmington, Del., was Sunday morning found floating in Brandywine ''reek, inside the city lim its. He had been missing for two weeks past, and foul play is suspected. Bley er liad been a member of the City Council and of the Board of Health. The Harrishurg Car Shops have or ders to build 1,000 horse cars. Ih>w Pernio, Emperor ol Brazil, has some original and very effective ways of doing things. Wishing to lest a railroad brake of which he had heard a great deal, he had the appliance adjusted to his locomotive and cars, and the engi neer instructed how to use it. Then he embarked aboard his train and started upon an excursion. At a dangerous point ill the road the engineer, whose train was running at thirty two miles an hour, saw what was apparently an im mense rock that had fallen upon the track a few hundred yards ahead. He put the brakes down with a vigor which may be conceived, and succeeded in ar resting the train before it came in colli sion with the obstacle. This, however, wJien mote closely examined, proved to be a .pasteboard rock of Dom Pedro's own contrivance. He wanted a practi cal test of the new brake, and this was his way of securing it. Xeir Aflvertimrmmt*. I I A. McKEK, sis ATTORNKY AT I. AW 4'2-tf Ofllra oppoait* Court rtARMAN'S HOTEL, V* trVpo*it*Coart R fcI.LKFONTF, FA. TERM A II V* rr.R DAT. A food Mrwjr atUrhod. 1-1 WOODWARD SEMINARY. Boarding and £37 School for Young Lad! si and Little Children. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, HARRISHURG, PA. R'Cnlsr l-r will l-sfls SKPTKMRKR I<\, I*T. Cnunw of atwdy—(lmlf and .Hrientlfir, with Mutc •ltd Art. R"*rl anT'm^L, ! STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth Formal Srho/.l liiitriet,) LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON CO., PA. A. N. IIAUB, A. M. ( I*rincipal. r CHIS SCHOOL, as at present con attturad. offer* the vary l-e-t tarllitie* for Pro fronton*! mud • la*i< ! learning. Building* }*< toue, Boiling and • ommtli"ui; com pletely h*ate>i by ntearii, well veutiletud, and fumiak wi with a iHiuntiful supply of pure water. aoft spring water. Lorain* h'-althful and wuy of ar ma. Purruundlng •emery un*urpoad T**arbre eipertrnral, ffflrient, and alive to their work. Dt* Iplioe, Arm and kind, uniform and thorough. Ktpen*M m -l-rn# Fifty rants a w*#k deduction to tb >t preparing to taarh Ntudent* admitted at any tlnia. fount** ..f Wtwdj | ream Led by thi !*ta!w I M -lei Srh<-.|. 11. I'ra|.rr*wp'>nding de- Iften Maatar of tha Element*. and Maater f th# hrfanraa liradwataa hi tba oibar couraas r*rate formal fertiff*ate* of their attai omenta, by tha Faculty. Tha I'ruf'-aalnnal cour* ara 11 barn), and ara in thoroughnma not infartor t/ tboa# f our l*wt college* Tha Utat* require* a higbar rder of rltl*en*hip. Tha time* daniand It It la one of tba prime obja> ta of this arhool to balp t < aa< ura tt |.y furnUhlng Intal ligant and effb tent teacher* f.ir bar arborl*. To thia and It aollrlta young pefwon* of ga>l ahilitiaa and g<--l purpoaaa—thiDg thair powara and abundant Mppnrtimittaw for nail poJd lal*>r a/tar leaving arbool. For • atal 'gua and tarma a Idr<*>* tba Principal. r un or Tnrrrcr.* fltnrkholder** Tru*t*ew--J ||. Barton. M P., A 11. ftaat. Jarid* Brown. A. M Bkkforft, foiul Chrll, A. ; S Kant H , k. T C llippla. Ran.. 0 Kintriag. F. I* MKVrttili k, ,W W llankin. Wrn II Brn*n iMIITnMWh*H n A n William Bigler, J C CXWhalay.fi Millar MrC'nmkk.Ka). omrm. lion WILLIAM BBif.KH, Proliant. riaarflald.Ta H. IIAUPT has applied to the 1 • Ha ratary of Internal Affairs of tha Common wealth -f |>i, o* i 1 v m* f r taalia |gg ~f ||| | nated In tha toniiahtp of IWgg*, In tha drtinty of < antra, alj ining land* In the warrantaa nanoni of William Buaaall on th* north. Ja*w Br<->ka on tha • aaat. Thomaa Putta on the south and Jamaa Ibdand on the M| | \I( ) VV,Y To Loan at < per Ct. niv/ao i ny T()> . MI T , Al _ L)rK inm-R. ! A NCR 00. OF IK w YORK, on Ami mnrtgaga. .n . ivnproaad farm to una not |ai than fi.'*"*). j and not aac#wling ona-thlrd of tha prraant ralna of 1 tha pmperty. Any portion of tha ran ha | I*l4 off at any Ulna, and It has bean th# roatom of tha company to parmlt tha principal to remain as long a tha larti'wrr aiiliM, if thw inlcrt is promptly paid. Apply to (TIAKI.K* P FIIF.HMAX. Attomay-at law. .VJ7 Court atraat, Reading. Pa., to PAVID /.. KLINK.Co a Appralaer, 'i-ti brtMnik Pa OOLDHMITtr, STfifX .e HKXTKIt, Allegheny street, Belief on te, Pa. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOTC AN"D COMPARE PRICES. Full Suits, - _ $4.50 aa_ _ _ " ~ ~ " " 7.50 9.00 AND A LI, UOODS IN I'II OT O It'll ON. OUR GRAND FALL. AND WINTER; STOCK IS COMPLETE, COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! : - '"Don't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A. STEKNHKKO WIU , PK Fovsl) AT THIH STOHK , Allegheny Pa. •Vcm' Ailrertineiiients. tiwnj HI PAD THE ONLY CURE For THabftf*, tlravf/, Itrnpry, Hright'i Ih> , I'txn in ihf /ttfk. Inability to Hrtain or \ E pelthr rrin/.i'aUnrh' f the bladder.Bum- ' in.; nr J'.ixnfut I rxxxahn./. Ilrxrk l> f Jlepanl AjTe ctww of the Sp\nc % Xerxout /V --male W'akntn*, and aU IhscaxtMo f ike KiducyH, Bladder and Urin ary Organ*. It avdda INTERNAL medicine*. I* r raforUble to tba palianL CarUln in iU ffort. and CI HRh when I nothing alae ran ATrad all other Ktbarv P*i.a. as many worihlrw* are |-u,g f >rrod upon tha market. W* will aand ertiPratw of nu, nd <>nr brak, "Bow a Life waa kared,' free ui*>n the receipt , of Tour addrr-as. DAY S PAD I* •old !>y Druggists, f r sent !y mad -.11 • • ipt price, $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN, nr.I.I.KKIXTE. !•* . THOROUGH EDUCATION FOR— YOI X(i LADIES. Hollidaysburg Seminary, IIOLLIDAYffBI'RO, lILAIR COUHTY, PKNN A A vary healthful I'ifaUoß; Tff<-ra b young la*lie all the adrautagea of aC'briatian home, with thorough otjr* of inatru'tlona in tha 1 higher hptnr be* of rar riptiona for th# INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, the latest and laat Amrruan publication, of the ' Highest class, with original nintrlbutiotM from the i m*t rwlat.rated writers in every country. Kditcd by I J T Morse, Jr , and Henry Cat*t hlff, gantiamen j of the high'wt attalnmants and culture, and who** j name* are alone aufflrtant guaranty of tha raloe of tba Rbcirw Always bright, raadal.la and iwrtrnrtiva; cEAI.ER IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. | EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFOXTE, I'A. South of liUtmond. I'rofennional fVi rrin. FIELDING, LAW AXD COLLECTION OFFICE. >*-'r CLEARFIELD. PA. i \\ T A. MORRISON, " • ATI IRNXT MI All lILLLKFoNTK, PA. OffDa Jr, W ■.wjrittf "• HI k. p|M*ita tb* (Vurt Hnal Bank. 10-ly WO. HEINLE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEPONTX, PA. OWce In Conrad Hone#, Allegheny atreet Special attention gleen to the collection of rlelma. All bnelnean attended lo promptly. il-ly W. A. WAIXACK. . L. IE KM. WALLACE A KREBfI, T T ATTORN KTS-ATL AW, CLEARFIELD PA. Will attend and try ranee# at BelleSwite when ape dlnlly mOMwed. Hy WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, ATTORNKT-AT LAW. CLRARPIELD, PA. All bnalnena promptly attended to. t-ly rvR. J AS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., 1J PHYSICIAN AND BCRGBOM. OUrm Allegheny EL, orer Store. m. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, CRD i found nt hta oSn and ndlwn on Narth aide of High atreet three doom Rnat of Allegheny, Sella Hani# Pa Ifjy !>rff Hood'a ami tirorerie*. J lARI'ER BROTHERS, fI'BISO bTBKKT, HKLLRPOXTE, PA., Havo th<-ir counter* and shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at - ISA NK KU PT RATES { BANKRUPT RATES WHICH TIIEV OPPKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. ooxmptixo op Dry Good*, M illinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Good*, , _ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES liOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS LaWt ftyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS i Carjrfft Bags, Umbrella*, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, Carpeting, Off x-ries, Ac. CompriainfaTaTy thin* that mprh.nai. diapatch-a from M aahtn*ton, In. Indln* fall report* o( lh , hooT palltlrlanaoa thy tba moal praclioal ni|c*ntlona and dl-or.arlaa ralalln* to lb- dntiaa of ih- farni.r, hinla for ml.ln* Portray. f1a...., Ta. Ao V, •negation* for l"'pinf buildings ad-I ut*nil in re mini loi"i "•Pp[<-ntad by a w.l|.ditad d-pati mant. wldrly noptad, iind-r tba h-ad of THE HOME, '<[ pcsc'ioal diah-a. hint, fo, makln* < Inthin* and for k—pin* np with tba lataat faabiona al Ih. loaoal prlr. K,„, ,Lm of rookln,orSSSLl. an **aatad in thla d-partm-tpt la prartleallr taatad hr -.prnta Mora pnldUtn.n and l-probtn oorrrp..ndanta on lha rary lataat faab- Th* Hapartmant of th. WatiLT Hnaui tbi h™ ,hM tun-. tba pHoa of tb- pa par Tba Intaraata of SKILLED LABOR ara lookml altar, and ararytbin* p-rtalafnc to a* ohanioa and labor aa.in* la oar-full, racnrdaJ Tbara la a pa*, d-rotad to all tba lataat phaaaa of tba bna "•** markata. Cropa. M-rrbaadlaa. *.. Aa A valna- Ma fa.l pir. la foond In tba .pacta! ly r, r.wtad and condition, of 1 ' ****• THE PRODUCE MARKET . " h, "V lnd slicond. tn*atbar with a Hrotr -racy waak, a titan... hy amnaamiaaai ai NwTBS. Thmr* i no p*|>rr In th* ootid tb*t cmm. !.Vnn.u n^> t.tk 1 mMI " r "ck aa tb. Wttt Ur 001 "KSS"} { afflS. NEW TORK HERALD, Broadway and Ann Htraot. Kaw Tork. Rottliiift Establishment ~ BOTTLED PORTER, ALE M d BEER. r riTE undersigned respectfully in- the ritUens of Centre mwtr (had he bu opened n Bottling BslnMlehment on m b! th. Borough af WlaAmtw mI will 2Tm 0- "Rtt b"" hi "• * tbmigh dtmn from the onnk or l.rroi rw. CKLKBRATRD ROCHESTER STOCK Ordara laft at hla ptam or ami hr mtal •xod, will rncaira prompt attantion. ' pwt*l Addrom, ! H. BPITZER, "•** IMbata, Oatr. Co.. Pa. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in most * * O" without rata. Apply to