Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 04, 1880, Image 1

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    tSljc Centre dfe Democrat,
VOL. 2.
flu Centre
Ttrmi 51. 50 per Annum. In Advance.
s. T. SHUOERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor*.
|§ Thursday Morning, November 4, 1880.
iforflcld to be our Next President.
■ The result of the great contest of
last Tuesday must lie a grievous dis
>iutmeutto every Democrat in the
United States. Never before had
the party a better prospect for success, j
No nomination for the Presidency was [
fever hailed by the people throughout
the Union with more enthusiastic
demonstrations of approval than* that
Of Winfield Scott Hancock, the sol-
HKer-statesman, the accomplished gen
tleman, the man of pure character
!who hail rendered brilliant and inval
uable services to his country. His
(paction seemed almost like a foregone
Conclusion. But the Fates seemed to
(few been against us. We have met
the enemy, and have received a most
mtrprl sing defeat at their hands. It is '
not our purpose at this writing to en
ter into a detailed summing up of the
< Mtnsi - that have produced this unex
ptctcd result. It is sufficient to say
that our overthrow can be narrowed
dswu to a single comer of one State,
id which the party failed to come up
tO the measure of its duty. That
corner is the city of New York and
King County. Had the majority oast
for Mr. Tilden, iu 1876, been given to
Gen. Hancock on Tuesday, that great
| Soldier would to-day be the President
elect of the Uuited States. The re- !
Hfttte show that the electoral vote w ill !
ininlv he as follows :
tek. Oar field.
ti.Connse 'cut 6
i. Illinois... 21
- II
B, Massachusetts 13
8 Michigan 11
s Minnesota 6
r !•! New York 34
jlina... 10Ohio 22
Pennsylvania 29
linn.... 7 Rhode Island 4
8 Wisconsin 10
inla.... 6j
be observed from the above
le vote that had New York
lancock he would have been
While Garfield may have a
if 51 in the electoral college,
ing table of estimated major
he several states will still
he is not the choice of a
if the American people. It
n that Hancock has a ma
-00,000 on the popular vote :
leld. | Hancock.
Maj. State Maj.
.... 2,OCX) Alabama 40,000
t... 3,000 Arkansas 30,000
.... 13,(XX) California 1,000
.... 7,000 Delaware CIOO
.... 8.1,000 Florida 8,100
.... 41,000 Georgia.. 76.000
.... 6,000 Kentucky....™ 56,000
.... 61,000 Louisiana 26,000
.... 40,0 CX) Maryland 16,000
.... 21,000 Mississippi,... 00,000
.... 20,0 CX) Missouri 60,000
lire 8,000 Nevada 100
.... 20,000 New Jersey.., 1,500
.... 81,000 N. Caroline... 16,000
nta 84.000d)reaon 1,000
.... 1,0008. Carolina... 12,000
..... 22,4<X) Tennessee 81,000
..... 40,000 Tmas 70,(XX)
Virginia 40,000
iTotal -.644,100
s the Democrats of Centre
icreased their vote 513 over
;aat for Tilden iu 1876, the
ins increase over the vote of
the same year is only 336.
wing are the figures :
t showing this ie for our Be
friends to contemplate after
iver's loud boasts about re
e Democratic majority of the
The County.
All honor to the Democracy of
Centre county! In the disappoint
ment that every Democrat of the
county must feel over the general re
sult of the elections of last Tuesday,
there is consolation in the fact that
at home there is a full consciousness of
duty well done. The majority of
IHKS which Hancock received in the
county speaks for itself, and iau splen
did tribute to the zeal and faithfulness
of the party in the arduous and excit
ing contest through which it has just
passed. Early in the campaign it was a
common boast of our opponents that
the majority iu Centre county of eight
hundred and nineteen in 187U would
this year he reduced to two hundred
ami fifty and next year be wiped out
entirely ; but instead of that result we
have the pleasure of permitting our
adversaries to realize that their effort,
quickened and invigorated by a large
expenditure of money and by other
powerful influences nt their command,
was labor lost. How do they like the
following figures showing the majori
ties for the candidates in the county?
Hancock, 096
Dechert, 065
Jenks, 963
Cur tin 1,140
Gephart over Harris, 487
Gepbnrt over Thompson,... 686
Murray over Harris, 686
Murray over Thomp.on,... 931
Heinle, 077
The Result.
The Democrats of the United States
have fallen before the money power.
They presented to the people an un
exceptionable candidate for the Presi
dency—one whose reputation was un
sullied either in public or private life,
who had ever maintained a record of
lofty patriotism and devoted attach
ment to our republican institutions as
handed down by the patriotic fathers.
Such a man was offered the country in
the person of Winfield Scott Haueook.
He wa not presented to the American
people as a fit and reliable instrument
of wrong. It was not the intention of
the men who plnced Gen'l Hancock in
nomination that he should head a
deliberate raid upon the treasury or do
violence to our established institutions.
He is an honest, upright American
statesman and patriot deeply imbued
with the cherished principles under
lying the great charter of our civil in
stitutions and from which he could not
be drawn to serve party necessity or
personal ambition. With this distin
guished and pure man as our candi
date, we can still point to him with
pride as one whose character passed
through the ordeal of an excited pol
itical contest without suffering a blem
ish—whose every expression, written or
oral, has only added lustre to his great
ness—and to-day he stands before the
country, although defeated, a factor
that Mr. Grant nnd his Ktalwart co
workers in the interest of the imperial
power they seek to establish will
find troublesome in 1884. He is the
only man living who will probably
possess the strength to protect his
country in the revolutionary struggle
already inaugurated by the nomina
tion of Grant for the succession.
Preliminary to this, the fraud of 1876
has been condoned, lax morality
rules the hour, and official dishonesty
in high places is no longer a disqualifi
cation for high position. But the de
cision comes from a source from which
there is no appeal. The Democracy
can survive it. They are accustomed
to disaster, and in the struggles yet to
come will be sustained by the rectitude
of the principles which have guided
them heretofore to rescue the country
from the dangers which now, more
than ever, menace it
WHEW the corporate wealth and
the capital of the country becomes se
curely entrenched behind a "strong
government," thousands of laboring
men will awake to a realising sense of
the great mistake they made this year
in permitting themselves to be forced
into voting against their convictions.
Hon. Andrew Q Curtin
The gentleman who will represent
the 20th Congressional district of
Pennsylvania in the Forty-seventh
Congress of the United States will be
ranked among its most distinguished
members. Among the nianv illustrious
public men who have come to our j>eo
pie as the heritage of the great civil
war, no one of them has more claim
upon the gratitude of the American
people than Andrew G. Curtin. He
came into prominence in 1801, when
he assumed control of the affnirs of
our State at a most critical period.
During the dark and troublous days
of the mighty conflict, he stood the
embodiment of patriotic self-sacrifice
as he directed the affairs of our State.
His name aud fame are international,
ami Andrew G. Curtin is as well
knowu in St. Petersburg, Puris, Ism
don and Jierlin as he is in Philadel
phia, New York ami lloston. The in
telligent people of the six counties
composing this Congressional district
offer to the councils of the nation this
great publicist In 1878 for reasons
that are now generally known ami un
derstood Governor Curtin failed of
election. Then, as now he ami his
friends believe that he was honestly
elected. The failure of Congress to
give to him the right he acquired tin
der the evidence adduced in his eon
test, aroused the people to a full sense
of the wrongs he had suffered, and
their determination to vindicate him
wax fully accomplished on Tuesday.
Gov. Curtin goes to Congress with
au united, earnest ami aggrewive
Democratic party at his hack.
He polled the entire democratic vote
and his gain over Hancock is attribut
able to the votes of Republicans who
supported their old chief, liemocratx,
you have reaon to he proud, as well
of your Representative in Congress
as of the grand endorsement you gave
him. He goes to Washington a* the
exponent of the will and wish of the
Democratic party of this district
His distinguished position, the proud
name he bears and his historic record
as the great war Governor of Gover
nor of Pennsylvania stamp him as
preeminently fitted to make laws for
the people he loves so well. The dis
grace which the party permitted to
fall upon itself in 1878 is wiped out,
and Andrew G. Curtin is vindicated
at last. All honor to the gallant De
mocracy of the 20th district. In hon
oring Gov. Curtin you have honored
A DESPERATE effort was made hy
the Republicans to defeat J. P. Gep
hart, Esq.. for Legislature. The fight
upon Mr. Gephart was hitter and de
termined, hut was about as foolish
and unreasonable as anything that
ever occurred in Centre county poli
tics. Thanks to the faithful and un
swerving Democratic voters of the
county, it came to naught. Mr. Gep
hart is elected by over five huudted
majority, notwithstanding the vain
boast of his opponent on the morning
of the election that he would have an
easy victory. This majority, consid
ering the means used to secure the
end desired by Harris and his friends,
Is an endorsement of the past course
of Mr. Gephart as a member of the
Legislature of which he can be proud.
Throughout the contest he made a
gallant fight for himself, and with
the good record of his previous service
at Harrisburg, he was justly entitled
to the support and sympathy of any
one who wished to reward an honest,
efficient and useful public servant.
Mr. Harris may try it again, if he so
desires, but we predict he will have no
heart for another tussle with 'Squire
OUR lively Republican contempor
ary across the way ia quite jubilant
over a solid North. Not so fasti The
glorious little state of New Jersey
makes the breach and will form the
nucleus for considerable expansion be
fore the Empire is established.
I ,s7# -1 |fls|jia£
IHHTHKTH. ~1.,1.J !< , G | 3 3 B' * V■ £ R 3 , ? ? 5?
!S! S ; 2!? I 5 R. S , ? I S- 2 R - 3. 3 I* £ a.
- - l| I si?: Is J - - - D •$ 5 .5 !- 5 i I 5 * <3 =
! P rijp j P p ' P *'!? I f F • "je pj P * ? Pj ! | : p| "L
n-N.F . |?*s !?? i I°? ,M| ' 'i ><■". 1" H ' I'K. IT!) 1.10 135:1 Ml ML MB| LLJJ 105'"TT7!! M|~TH(
Bellefontfl, H. W., 133, "> "J: 18* !!<! 1431 120 | l.Vl! KM ' 131 133 135' 110 114 112 124 136
~ I W.W ( 1 02 46 72 2 45 77 44 72 50 71 43 42 7 < 74 4 1 75 47 72
W-TT URH U 45 .? : ' 2 6 '' 1 | ♦ 55 57 44 4* 100 07 51 /, 6*2 58
M toiburg borough 40 DO 43 OH 2 j 431 J* 4: . ?< „ 47 , M 34 4H M ' 00 41 00 44 j
Millheim borough... 124 2O 124 20 134 20 121 20 123 123 27 25 125 25 123 27
!,In" 17* I ROU ? H 121 V ? R 2:11 281 281 227 220 227 227 211 225 247 220 220 22* 228 220
Unionvillu borough 32 4.> 40 41 0 40 44 41 45 41 54 41 41 40 4* 41 4* 42 47
ftrnnor towntbtp 172 03 104 00 11 60 180 07 185 00 1.16 M 105 00 180! 71 186 76
l"KKI townrhip I 1,3 2.1, 210 200 , 7 210 28611 204 206 255 223 107 205 2*2 27'. 207 273 200 9-7
Burnrnje townrhip 35 43 42 1* 41 47" 41 47 41 4* 41 40 62 47 40 *44 "43 46
College townrhip 70 105 02 184 10 02 184 07, 103 . 107 170 76 100 108 I 18* 01 107 08' 101
Curlin townrhip.. 4-. 30 851 40 81, 45 84 45 02 50 83 85 47 40 73 50 8.3 47
terguion townrhip, old 154 67 102 73 K,i 73 161 74 157 74 145 l.iol 87 71 160 72 100, 73
terguwn town.bip, new 73 . 00 03 10* 3 63 18 107 61 110 0 63 113 110 62 10D (Ml 10
Gregg townrhip, north S G7 79 1 70 4 70 4 70 4 78 70 4 4 70 4 70' 4
Gregg townrhip, routh "/ 253 831 252 85 262 88 262| 82 255 255 83 83 256 88 225! 85
LURTL ? P 'M MIL :! I 239 1M I 2:! L' 108 257 " 236 230 114 114 230 115 250 14
jjalf Moon townrhip 41 40 ,)2 t 40 02; 48| '■ 45 100 44 48 100 07 61 00 61 03
ItM-ri* townahip 123 101. 142 86 3 IN 85 141 85 136 80 130 143 85 81 143 83 143 84
Howard townrhip 8, 102 ( 08 113 2 OK 113 05 117 101 110 00 07 123 116 100 117 100 i 112
Hurlon township ~3 118 66 102 2" 6'. 102 64 10-5 05 100 04 66 |Oo| 103 67 10.1 67 102
Liberty township F>9 121 I*4 183 1 94 IH3 97' 177 991 183 97 98 IK*; ]H2 9H 179 98 182
Mnriovi tnwnihlp 84 30 98 38 1 FJ, GG. # |H 99 4g yd
MILW tuwnhii 278 56 280 62 2W) 62 ! 27!' 04 277 64 275 280 651 )/I 200 .11 278| 63
latU.n Uiwnohip 61 08 56 1021 , 5o 102 ' 50 102 51 105 47 M 111 108 62 105 65 L') 3
Ponn U.wnchip ,68..; 31 168 17 107 17 170| 16 101 17 151 108 10, 16 108 17 1681 17
Potter O,A whip, north , 170 W 175. 66' 177 60 175 66 173 176 62 1 65 175 60 ' 178 67
Potter town.hip, M.ulh 221 BU, 22" 8<) 217: 70 217 70 211 210 78 7.; 9-. 7: 220 78
Kulb tnwnhip 163 93 184 06j 6 00)) 01) 180 04 170 08 177 17* 118) 05 T7O 05 178 M
Snow Shoo U'WDfhip 107 08 137 131 137 131 155,132 131 133 132 135 137 132 142 127 131 138
>prio ß townftblf IK), 224 212 247 7 212 247 210 140 217 260 10>. 201 276 254 214 2-51 207 256
1 ajrlor Uiwntbip 4. 08 32 71 32 71 31 7<> 32 71 32 32 70 70 32 70 32 70
J nion town.bip 75 1)4 70, 120; 5 79J 121 *1 118 77 130 80 82 121 123 81 122 82 121
W ALKER towniihip 225 101 230 00 3 2.'MI 1M; 22* 95 226 02 213 225 1(8". 02 22* 05 225 !M;
Worth towndiip 1 84 75 78, 6 77 7!) 77 70 71 81 75 78 83' 80 791 70 70 80
T " ul 10*5 3260 4508 3602 01 4567 3602 4.168 3605 4669 3520 1353 4552 3866 3621 4598 3621 4568 8665
SrntteriHg.— Dow. Prohibilioniit for President, had 18 voter ; Rhone, O. 11., for Awcmbly, had 87 voter ;
Green, '• •' " 38
The Lato Col. Noyce.
An unknown nnd we presume irre
sponsible correspondent of the I'hila
delphia Record some time ago made n
statement flint seemed to reflect some
what upon the character of Col. Noyes,
or at least upon the management of
the State Treasury while he filled the
position of Treasurer. Col. Noyes was
a man of the highest integrity aud
left the high office to which the favor j
of his fellow-citizens had called him ,
without a stain or blemish upon his
reputation, and we arc glad to see that
one of the administrators of his estate
ha< come forward to defend his good
name from the aspersions of the ghoul
who attempted to defame his memory
after he had lieen placed in his jieacefui
grave. Mr. Benrdsley, of Lock Hav
en, writes the following letter to the
Editor of the. Record:
Justice to the living, as well as to the
memory of the dead, impel* me to
call your attention to an article in your
paper of the 26th instant, under the
heading of " A Treasurer's Account
Muddled—The estate of Hon. A. C.
Noyes called upon to settle with the
State," with the view of having it*
many inaccuracies corrected. No draft
of SI,OOO or any other amount was
either sent to a hank or paid by the
late Col. Noyes, a* stated in the article
referred to. As attorney for the ad
ministrators of the estate of Col. Noyes
I tiave made a careful examination of
hi* papers, and the inventory of hia
personal property filed in the Register'*
office foots up over $34,000. In addi
tion to this, hia real estate, at a low
valuation, ia worth over SIO,OOO. Col.
Noyes estimated it at much higher fig
ure*. The statement that "an investi
gation ia now being had of the booki
at the departmentoi the State Treasurer
to ascertain the amount that the late
Treasurer is indebted to the State '' ia
in every particular incorrect, as anyone
can ascertain by inquiry of or by writ
ing to the Hon. Samuel Butlsr, the
present State Treasurer. No State
Treasurer ever made a more creditable
settlement of hia accounts at the close
of his term of offioe than did (Colonel
Noyes. Of all the money* handled
there were but two uncollected items
passed over to bia successor, and inquiry
at the office* of the Stale Treasurer
and Attorney General elicited the fact
that these are abundently secured by
those having to acoonnt for tbem. No
man in this section of the Stale was
ever tuore respected while living or bis
memory more revered when dead. The
cruel misrepresentations in the article
mentioned nave produced a feeling of
indignant sorrow in tho mind* of bis
many friends. As your paper has quite
a large circulation here I trust you will
willingly correct the unjust impressions
the article was calculated to produoe by
publishing this letter.
Attorney far the Administiators of
A. 0. Noyes, deceased.
LOCE HAVEN, October 27, 1860.
No one who voted for Gen. Hancock
on Tueaday last haa cause to blush for
that vote. It was given in a good
cause and for a good man. It vu a
plaiu free ballot and did not bear the
marks of riavery on its face.
Tho Oongrcamonul District.
We are without official advices of
the exact result in the different coun
ties com[Ksing the Congressional dis
trict, hut from such information as we
have at the time of going to prists, we
give the following figures and present
them with unbounded satisfaction •
Curtin. JMurray.
Centre J440
('lear Add 13R2
C-linten 7M
Klk 7(X)
Mifflin 98
t'nion *O2
8972 '.XX)
Curtin'* rosj 3072
to have been elected President of the
I nitcd .States. General Hancock
appears to have been defeated. When
John Welsh and Lloyd Aspinw&ll,
the exclusive representatives of Re
publican aristocracy, sit down and
calmly contemplate the bribe taker,
the dishonest public servant in the
executive chair of the nation, we hope
that they will at least think kindly of
the unstained and gallant soldier.
Garfield will vie in history with the
worst of all the accidental heirs of
power. So long as he lives, Credit Mo
bilttr, De Oolyer and salary grabbing
will be classed among the little things
that naturally belong to our President.
President Garfield, Heaven save
the mark ! We pause here to remark
that the present fraudulent incumbent
of the Presidential office secured his
position through the influence and
agency of General Garfield. Gar*
field was instrumental in hoisting upon
the people of tho country a man who
was never elected President By the
aid of office holders and the unstinted
use of money, Garfield steps into the
purchased and bribe-tainted chair of
the only fraudulent President this
country has ever seen.
TUK days of a tariff for protection
merely are numbered in this country.
A consistent anti-protectionist is elect
ed President of the United States who
would not be permitted to stultify his
record ou that issue even if be were
disposed to do so. This is one good*
at least, that may result from the tri
umph of a member of the Cobden
THE election of Garfield means a
"strong government" with Grant and
the empire lurking behind it The
picture cannot be a pleasing or eo
couregieg one to the masses of the
TKKMN: £1.50 |MT Annum, In Ailvitnrt-.
J. L. SPAXGLER Esq., Chairman of
the Democratic County Committee,
lia* amjile r caw in to feel proud over
the local result on Tuesday. In almost
every particular the prognostication*
of the township chairmen vindicated
hi* pood judgment in their appoint
ment. The < anva*- made by Chairman
agents correspond* with the
actual result. We congratulate Mr.
Spanpler upon th? auspicious outcome
of his very creditable campaign. He
ha* done hi* whole duty, and when
the people of Centre county read the
return* presented in thin issue of the
DEMOCRAT they will no doubt unite
in saving that while the political
skies were dark and threatening Cen
tre cdfinty under the lead of her effi
cient chairman did her whole dutv.
FOR the first time in tbe history of
Pennsylvania politics has a political
party resorted to the mean device of
marked tickets. The Republican elec
toral ticket, with its engraved head
was prepared for the express purpose
of compelling poor men and laboring
men in the employ and under the in
fluence of rich Republicans and Re
publican employers to vote as these
lordly and imperious masters might
dictate. It was an outrage upon the
rights of the poor man and an insult
to the dignity and independence of
labor which deserved rebuke. Tho
safeguard of the secret hallot, guar
anteed to every citizen by the spirit
and letter of the Constitution, is thus
set aside solely to serve the exigencies
of politics by compelling men to vote
just as those who have power over
them may dictate. The poor and low
ly are thus made victims to the op
pressions of the rich and powerful.
"Obey the wishes of your betters or
take the consequences" is the principle
upon which these people act and tbe
sooner that fact is understood the W
ter it will be for all men who regard
the righto of citizenship as a valuable
heritage to be guarded with jealous
care and untiring vigilance.
A society of Mormon girl*, boring
for ila object the scouring of monogamic
batUsdi, bee keen aisoorered end
broken up et Salt Lake. Tbe members
took e row to marry no man who would
not pledge himaelf to be content with
one wife. Fire granddaughter* of
Rrigham Young bad joined it.
Ex-Gor. Sprague atill hold* tbe fori ai
Canonchet. A Brooklyn lawyer called
on Mr. Sprague the other day and de
manded Mr*. Kate Hprague'a wearinx
Apparel, but he didn't get anything.
The record* of Castle Garden, New
York, for October, show total arriral of
immigrant* for the month of 90,700;
making a total, aince January 1, of 286,.
327, an increaae n*er tho aame period
of l*t year of 179.0 M.
NO. 45.