®lie Thursday Morning, October 28,1880. CoaßurosDr.sri, c.mUliitiiu Impm tnt news, solicit ed from any part of Hie county. No coininiinlratlons iusortrxi nulem *ccompli luf t>y tho rrnt nam* of tho writer. Centre County Domocmtio Com mittee—lßßo. DISTRICT*. MAM CM. P. 0. AI>M(A. Italtafonta, N. W...William Oalliraitli ltaltafonte. " H. W...W C. Ilrinlo ltallefonta. M WW... William llnrpor Italic ton to. MilMlmrg Frank K Bible Mllptburg. Unioutlllc IV J. Mt-Donrcll vJulouvtlle. Howard A. J.(anlnoi* Howard. t'hili|>turK C. (I llcrliiitfcr PltiliiwbiirK. Millhciiu J. II llcifttiydcr Mlllbciiii. ll* unci I'riali Stovci Bcllcfoutc. Bork Jo* A. McClain MiteaburK- Uiitiiftidr .William Fine tilcuu. Villegw Sam I lltUiUml BoalsbiirK. Curfin lht\ id IMoiik Howard. tVri.mMu. O. I' Robert G. Brett I'hio Grove. " N 1* O. M Hheet* Slot nintn writ. Grog* I*. M. Kieliel Spring Mills. 11 at n< f< Ui-urg* Kslstar Aaronitburg. Ilalfuitxiii John Ward Btormttowu, Harris Samuel Irthtar -Ibialsburg. Howard David Tanyr Howard. Huston.. 11. O.Chronlater Martha. Isibet.y W. II tlaninc Itlam hard. Marion folui Hoy. Jr Walker. Miles Sum'l K. Fntnit Millheini. I'attou ..Dr. J. M. Hindi Fillmore. Peon W. K. Smith Mlllhelm. Potter, N. P D F Lue Centre llall. S. p O. W. sp ooler TuMeyville. Itnali.. William Culled..........Phlllimburtf. Snow Shoe John t*. Uzuta Snow Slice. Spring K. 0. Wswhl. Hellefon'.e. Taylor Batnuel Hooter Fowler. Union I. >. p i iNier10ka......... Fleming. Walker Samuel Decker Zion. Worth (J. 11. William* Port Matilda. J. I. SPANGIKR, ChairuiMU. Frank E. Bile, Secretary. ATTZITTIOU ! HANCOCK LEGION. All members of the legion are re quested to report at tho Club Room on Frhlay Evening, October 'Jit, 'SO, at 0:!t0 P. M., To join in tho grand torchlight procession. Clubs from Lock Haven and other places will be here. Let every member ho present. W. F. Rkbk.R, L. T. MUNSON, Secretary. President. Local Department. Farewell, October. —Hats, caps, collars and neckties at tho Philadelphia Branch. —Hair brushes from 15 cents to $3.00, at Green's drug store. —W. A. Lyon pays cash for green hides. See his card. —We learn that Mr. Joshua Foulk, of this place, lost a child by death on Tuesday morning. —For colds and coughs use Green's "Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot." —Lewin, of the Philadelphia Branch, invites you to inspect his largo stock of fall clothing. —All Hallow-e'en comes on Sunday, and the small boy will probably celebrate on Saturday eve. —The Bellefonte and Snow Shoo Rail road Company have recently put a new engine on the track. It is No. (5. —Last year the first snow of tho season fell in Bellefonte on October '.'4— this year on Monday, October 25. —The foliage on the hillside continues to present a beautiful appearance in its varying hges of orango and crimson. —lsn't it about time to issue a Thanks giving ProclamationWe want to re turn thanks for the election of Hancock. Young ladies do not accept the atten tion of your gentlemen friends unless they buy their clothing at the Philadelphia Branch. —Tho curbstone markets aro constantly growing smaller. They wiil probably disappear entirely in the course of two or three weeks. —Mr. Daniel Musser, of Boalsburg, whose death we recorded last week, was sixty-six years of age. His decease was caused by erysipelas. —Mr. Charles McCaflerty, tho contrac tor, was so unfortunate on Monday as to havo one of his hands severely injured by a stone failing upon it. —Mr. Harry Hicks is boarding at the Bush House in the absence of his wife from town. His Linn street residence is closed for tho present. —Tho Hancock legion will give a grand hall in Bush's Hall to-morrow evening. It will be the most enjoyable affair of that character held during this season. —The place to get your dinner and sup per to-morrow is in the vacant room be longing to Mr. Edward Brown, on the corner of Bishop and Allegheny streets. -The world contains I,2oo,ooo,OOOinhab ilants. If they would ail trade at the gro cery store of S. A. Brew Sc Son that es tablishment would havo a patronage such as its merit deserves. —Democratic meetings will be held in all farts of the county during the time that intervenea between this and the elec tion. All citizens who love their country should attend when it is possible to do so. —Monday evening's train from Snow Shoe brought three large deer, the heaviest weighing 172 pounds, minus the head and antlers. This is the largest that has been shot thus far during the season. —Rev. Mr. Burroughs, of Chemung county, N. Y., will preach in the Baptist church, this place next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. He is an ablo minister and there should be a large congregation to hear him. —What has become of tho Garfleld Guards ? Is the small handful which went from this place to Milesburg last Saturday evening all that rcmalna of ibetn? It ia abont time for the Stalwarta to originate a new issue to restore their enthusiasm. —The ttclies of the Reformed church will givo a grand oyster dinner and supper to-morrow (Friday) in the vacant room belonging to Mr. Kdward Drown on tho eornor of Diabop and Allegheny streets. Oysters and other good things will be pro vided in great quantity and superior qual ity. All good Democrats (and there are no other kind) who are present at tho mass meeting to-morrow, should go with their families to patronize this worthy enter prise. Wo are glad the ladies thought of giving thoir dinner and supper at this time, and wo bespeak for them immense success. Mr. Levi Dixon, of Roland, and his wife's mother, Mrs. Johnson, are both suf fering tho effects of an accident of which they were recently the victims. Mr. Dixon anil Mrs. Johnson, in company with a granddaughter of the latter, wero riding down tho hill near /ion, when tho hold back strap broke, causing the horso to run. All tho occupants were thrown out. Mrs. Johnson, who is oiglity-iive years of age, was picked up in an insensiblo condition. Mr. Dixon received a Hevero scalp wound and other injuries. Tho girl alone es caped, although the wagon passed over her body. —The eleventh annual convention of the Clinton county Sabbath-school Asm ciution will assemble in tho Beech Creek M. K. church to-day and to-morrow. Among thoso who will he present to tako part in the very interesting programme of exercises which has been prepared we no tice such gentlemen as Ucvs. W. A. Ilouck and I*. A. Heiiman, of Lock Haven ; ltov. A. C. Clarke, of Shamokin ; ltev. N. L. Sterner, of Renovo ; Rev. Jesse B. Young, of Altoona, and Geo. J. Khlred, of Mack oyville. Of course, all representatives of Sabbath-schools are invited to be present. —No services were held in the Presby terian church, of this place, last Sunday, in consequence of the absence of tho pas tor, Rev. William Laurie, who departed to Philadelphia last week, to see his young nephews safely embarked on a vessel bound for Scotland. They sail under the care of a cleygyman of that country, who is just returning homo from his visit to the Pan- Presbyterian Council iu Philadelphia. The first services will, however, he held in the church next Sunday. —At a meeting of the I. (). of O. F., on Tuesday evening of last week, the fol lowing officers wero installed for tho en suing six months : N. G., John I. Rankin; V. (*., J. C. Ilrachbilt : S., 11. 11. Pontius: A. S., Henry Beck; T., 11. 11. Bonner; It. S., 11. C. Weaver; L. S., Isaac Miller; W., W. B. Rankin ; C., it. A. Laird ; R. S. S., 11. C. Schroyer; L. S. S., IsaaC Huupt; O. U., B. Gaibraith ; I. G., W. H. Miller ; It. 8., K. 11. Griffith ; L. 8., W. E. Miller. —Tho residence of Mr. Jerry Way, of Half Moon, was entered last Thursday by unknown parties nnd sl7 taken from the bureau drawers. A noise was henrd up stairs during the day by occupants of tho house, but no attention was paid to it un til an errand thither revealed that the bureau drawers hud been ransacked with the above result. —The Mountain City Band was out lat Thursday evening to serenade a party of young folks from Lock Haven who were at the BrockerhofT House. Two of their number—Mr. William Klise and Miss Al lie Bechtol—were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. S. K. Kuril, of this place. They departed for home on the evening train. Epizootic, one of the most unwelcome diseases to which horse flesh is heir, seems to he gradually gaining ground, though not in a form so malignant as at its appear | ance a few years ago. JV'e hear of several horses that are afflicted with it, though none as yet havo died. Serious trouble is uot apprehended from it this winter. —The third quarterly meeting of the Penns Valley Circuit of tho M. K. church will be held in the church at Centre Hall next Saturday and Sunday. The business conference will take place on Saturday at 2:30 v. m. Rev. P. B. Else, of Milesburg, will officiate in the Absence of tho Presid ing Elder. —A wicked Yankee has invented a new telegraph. It is to place a line of women fifty stops apart, and commit tho news to the first as a profound secret. Of course, his first message will be that Sechler & Co's grocery is the best in Bellefonle. —A new church ediAce recently erected at Logansvillo, Sugar Valley, will be ded icated on Sunday, tho 21st prox. Bishop T. Bowman, of the M. E. church, will officiate, and the public are cordially in vited to attend. —To get along well it is necessary to dig it deep, and also to purchase the coffee, tea, sugar and all other kinds of groceries we may want at the store of Sechler & £o. —While you aro "enthusing" at the big mass meeting to-morrow step into the Philadelphia Branch and buy some winter clothing. —King Alfonso spends his mornings in reading newspapers and his evenings in smoking Harry Green'a cigars. —•"Sirius" ia tho most thoughtful star in the heavens, and he thinks that Harry Green's cigars are the best. —Candidates should purchase a new suit at the Philadelphia Branch in honor of their election. PERSONAL AN PERTI**ITT.— Mr. Goo. Brow started on Monday for a visit at Cincinnati and other western cities, lie will be gone several weeks. The fair ladies have much to do with his attraction thither, and it is hardly to be expected that he will return "heart whole and fancy free.' 1 —Mr. Lawrence L. Brown returned from Huntingdon last Monday after a visit of several days. —Miss Sarah Bonner und her neice, Miss Mary Morris, have returned from their visit to Philadelphia, alter an absence of about a month. —A wedding between two of Bel I e fon to's popular young folks tHkes place this after noon. Mr. William Spoor, of I'lcioiilit Gup, was in ("urwensville be t week, returning on Saturday. Mr. Al. Mallnry, of Aitoona, was in town lust Sunday. —The ladies of the Reformed church are superior eateresses. Their restaurant will bo found to-morrow on the corner of Bishop and Allegheny streets. Kev. .1. Benson Akers, of IVnn Hull has recently been on a visit to ids mother in Fulton county. —Mr. "William I*. Duncan, of Philips, burg, has again boon chosen secretary of the Pennsylvania Miller's Association for the ensuing year. Thn next meeting will be held in Hurrisburg. —George 11. Huberts, President of the Pennsylvania railroad, and other high of ficial* connected with the great corpora tion, arrived in town by a special train on Wednesday of last week and on Thursday made a trip over thn itellefonte and Snow Shoe railroad, with the view of purchasing it. Tbo trip wascxceedingly pleasant,and the gentlemen expressed themselves as highly pleased with the road. We hope soon to be able to lay the result of the visit before our readers. Miss Mary Lyon, daughter of ex- Burgess S. S. Lyon, is in Philadelphia, completing her musical education. —Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burchlield re turned from their wedding tour on Monday evening. Tho Mountain City Hand was on hand at about cloven o'clock to tender the proper serenade t" their former leader — Mr. Philip Cooper and Mr. John Abrams, of Philadelphia, with their fam ilies, removed to this place last week, pur posing to reside here in the future. They now occupy Mrs. "Ward's property, on Penn street. They are relatives of Daniel Mcfsinley, Esq., and well acquainted in this communitv. "DL'ST TO Dl>T." —We regret to record the decease of David (iilliland, Esq., ol Potter township, which sad event oc curred on Thursday last, October 21. He was an old and valued citizen of tho county—a man of more than ordinary in telligence—kind and pleasant in disposi tion, nnd always highly respected in the community in which the most of his days were spent, lie was for many .years consistent and exemplary member of the Presbyterian church and wa* prepared for tho summons of the solemn messenger. His death was caused by Bright* disease of the kidneys, from which lie had suffered for nine months. He was interred in the Presbyterian burial ground at Centre Hill on last Saturday—a largo gathering of relatives, friends and neighbor* paying the last tribute of re*pect to hi* memory. Hi* age wa* 71 years, 7 months and 21 days. A COMET COMIXO !—Prof. Swift, As tronomer of the Warren Observatory, at N. V., discovered a large comet on the evening of October 10th. The new celes tial visitor is in tho Constellation of Pega sus, right ascension, 21 hours and 30 min ute*, declination north 17 degrees and 30 minutes. Its rate of motion is quite slow, being in a north western direction, and it is supposed to he approaching the sun. It has a very strong condensation on one side of the centre, in addition to a star-like nu cleus, which indicates that it is throwing off an extended tail. From the fact of its extraordinary sir.e, and also that it is com ing almost directly toward the earth, givca good reason to suppose that this will he ono of the most brilliant and remarkable comets of the present century. Wait and wntch for it. TIIK WR.KK or PRATKR. —The Evan gelical Alliance take* timo by Iho forelock in fooling it* iianal programme for the week of prayer, January 2-0, IRHI. It j* suggested that on Hunday, January 2, aer ntona l>e preached from tho text, "Jesus Christ the name yesterday, to-day and for ever" ; January 3, the general topic i* praise and thanksgiving for all blessings; January 4, humiliation and confeaaion for peraonal and national sin*; January ft, prayer for the Church of Chritt, that it may be fruitful and united ; January o villlfy a n*u,.. that will shine in the annul' "f tic and the nation when all the lla ting* v. be rotten and forgotten. In 1h72, 'p " letter published in ;>,<■ Watchman of Nov. H, thi* same Ha-t:? in speaking of Gov. Curtin said . though I suppose it don't make any J iff- r ence to you or anybody else, 1 Imvs *! ~ regarded ex-Gov. Curtin as one <>f u,, greatest and best men of the Nation There are three thousand JKjople in county who will recollect the magnilk-n! tribute thi* same D H. Hasting- paid to Gov. Curtin for hi* patriotism, hi- de votion to the Union during the war. h - wisdom and foresight in establishing seliools for the (Soldiers' Orphan*, a', tl. ■ \"eteran I'icnic, held at Unionville, < r, • 25th of September, 1 HH*h Sow Col why these different opinions aiesut the nc distinguishei] and honored • iti/ -n <•: Common wealth 1 Wa it politic* <-r i whiskey? SANDY RII-OK. —ln dry goods, dress goods, *h< .an ladies' millinery, we ran show von ti, largest and best stock in the county. LYON A < Business Notices. W by are horse* and cattle after taklr.;; Robert* Horse Powders like a new la dried shirt? Because they If disease, l.y u'-ir.g Itoberl*' Poultry Powder. It ha- never failed to cure Cholera, and all disea-- - • . which fowl* are subject. Price g;, per package. For sale by all druggi-t --—At the present time w hen there *.-< many worthless linamcnts in IbemaiKit, it woul-1 be well to inquire which > th be*t. Thi* will be found in M I! R> t-rt - Embrocation—it is a panacea f<-r ailrn-r.ts that require rubbing either on mar. r beast. Price 35 cents per bottle. —W by do you cough when you i s.:i find speedy relief in Sines' Syrup of Tur, Wild Cherry and Horehound' It i the most pleasant and efficacious remedy know n for Coughs, Colds, Croup, A'thms", and a.i disease* lending to pulmonary consump tion. Has been sold for over thirty year' and is especially adapted to children,*as it doe* not nauseate, and consequently it can be used in sufficient quantity as t-I effect a cure. Try one bottle and you will never be without it. Price2sc. and 50c. per bot tle. Sold everywhere. A-kyour druggiti for it. —The popularity of M. B. Robert - Horse Powders i* proving itself in tbe in creased demand throughout this Stat-, from the fact that the public are at last finding out that it is possible to obtain * package of Horse and Cattle Powder win h is strictly pure and free from such adult- r alio..* a* bran, cake meal, and other in gredients calculated to puff the animal instead of curing it of the disease it is suf fering from. M. B. Roberts' Horse Pow der* contain no adulteration, and are mi;< h cheaj-cr than any other, a* but a table spoonful is required for a dose. Ask any old horseman a* to their merits. K<>r safe everywhere. Price reduced to 25c. j r package. " Rock Candy and Rye Whiskey For Colds, Throat and Lung di-ease- Prepared ready for use. Wonderful in it healing powers. It gives relief by arre-i --ing the hacking cough, nourishe-, builds up and strengthens the system. For troublesome coughs or hoarseness affecting the voice it will give almost instant relief. The great secret of its success, viz: " The many surprising cures when every other known remedy has failed to give relief. It truly recommends itself after a singl* trial, no matter how bad the Couch "r Lung affection may be. It i* not a medi cine, but the finest crystallisation of While Rook Candv combined with " Pure Copper Distilled Old Rye Whiskey," made in the old fashioned way. and acknowledged by tbe best judges to lie the purest ana finest of all Whiskies. "Rock Candy and Rye Whiskey," is now universally used and recommended by the most eminent Physicians, as a tonic for invalids and persons advanced in life. Rock Csndv being saccharine matter makes new blooa, and the Pure Old Rye Whiskey Invigor ates and infuses life, and combined a* we prepare it, strengthens the digestive or gans, increases the appetite, and an im provement in tho system invariably follows. It is sold with our guarantee for its Purity, Fine Flavor, and excellence. Price, one [dollar for a large bottle. Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention, with full directions. Fine old liquors (for familv and medicinal use! a specialty. FKRS BKRGKR -BROTHERS, Wine and Spirit Merchants, 1230 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold only in Bellefonte at JOHN HARRIS' Drug Store. Bfi-Sm MARRIAGES OARPKR-MILLKR -On Rsplswhjr X. by Re* W II Grvh, Mr. J--hn Ikrwr and Mis* Mar* Anns Miller, both of Linden Hull BARNEY—HOUTE —On Prplsmbrr Ifi. by Rs* W II Oroh. Mr Albon IVrn-j. **•, snd Mlntloli fl-mIK, of Lomotil. MOORR—KUHX.—A-rUNnfcw by *■* W. H fle-h Mr, Mirbnel M®*. of Pmter township, n