Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 28, 1880, Image 2

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    ©he <sent*e J9emoicrat.
The Largest, Cheapest and Beet Paper
What High Business Authorities Have
to Say About Them.
From Financial Column of the Philadelphia Ledger.
lu reply to tho inquiries, "What is
the aggregate amount of Southern
war claims paid since the war ? Also
proportionate amounts of same for
which appropriations were made by
Congress when the Republicans aud
Democrats respectively were in the
majority ? Also what amount of such
claims are pending unsettled ?" the
Journal of Commerce, based on infor
mation obtained directly from the
hooks of the department of Washing
ton, first premising that "Southern
war claims" is a very indefinite term,
but supposing the inquiry refers to the
so-called claims of loyal citizens for
property used or destroyed by the
United States government during the
icar in elates recognized in rebellion,
answers that
By the act of March 3d, 1871, the
Forty-first Congress (the Republicans
in a large majority in both branches)
created what has been known as the
Southern Claims Commission, consist
ing of three commissioners. This tri
bunal had jurisdiction overall citizens
of the United States who during the
rebellion were "loyal adherents to the
cause and the government of the
Tuited States," and who had claims
for stores or supplies taken or furnish
ed for use of the army or navy of the
United States in states proclaimed as
in insurrection and claims for the use
or loss of vessels or boats while em
ployed iu the service of the govern- j
meut in such states. The tribunal 1
was orgauized by the appointment of j
three pronounced Republican comtnis- j
sioners. The two must important rul- |
ings of the commission were (1) that ;
every claimant should prove his loy
alty affirmatively, and (2) that the
term "stores aud supplies" should em- j
brace not only quartermaster and com
missary supplies, but also engineer,
ordnance and medical supplies, in- j
eluding cotton used in hospitals, and
the materials of buildings ami fences '
when torn down and used for fuel.
The Southern claims commission ex
pired oil the 10th of March, 1880.
Duriug the nine years of its existence
Congress appropriated in round num
bers $4,500,000 for the payment of
claims allowed hy the commission.
Special private relief acts, making i
appropriations for the payment of
claims for the use or loss of property j
of loyal citizens in states in rebellion
were passed by the Thirty-ninth (1*65-
'157), Fortieth (1867-'69), Forty-first
(1869-'7l), Forty-second (I*7l-'73),
and Forty-third (1873-'75) Congresses j
(all largely Republican), the appro
priations aggregating over $500,000.
One of these special acts appropri
ated $9,500 for the destruction of cer
tain buildings; another 850,000 for
cotton ; several paid specified amounts
for the rent of buildings ; and one bill
made an appropriation for refitting
the hall of a Masonic lodge which had
been damaged by the military—all in
the insurrectionary states. Bills of
this sort are now denounced as "rebel
claims." They are thus "hoisted by
their own petard."
It is a noteworthy fact that, since
the Democrats obtained the control of
the House of Representatives in 1875,
not a single dollar has been voted hy
C/ongress for the payment of claims
ibr the use or destruction of property
during the war in the states in rebel
lion, except the appropriations made
to pay the awards of the Republican
Southern claims commission created
by a Republican Congress in 1871.
r lhe awards of that commission, for
which Congress has provided since
1875, amounted to 81,900,000.
The act of July 4, providing that
"all claims of loyal citizens in states
not in rebellion for quartcrmastcrstores
actually furnished to the army of the
United States and receipted for by
the proper officers receiving the same,
or which may have been takeu by
such officers without giving such re
ceipt," may be presented to the quar
termaster general, and that similar
claims for sustenance may be submit
ted to the commissary general for set
tlement, was in 1866 extended to the
loyal citizens of Tennessee. Previous
to the fiscal year 1876 the awards
made by the accounting officers under i
the act of 1864 were paid by the treas
ury without being submitted to Con
fress. But beginning with the year
876 Congrefcs directed that the claims
passed upon by the accounting offi
cers should lie paid only hy s]>ecial
and specific appropriations. Since that
time appropriations amounting to
about $400,000 have been made to pay
the claims of loyal citizens of Tennes
see passed upon by the accounting offi
cers of the treasury.
It thus appears that the total
amount of claims for the use or loss of
property in the stales in rebellion, paid
by appropriations made by Congress,
has been about $5,500,000. All these
appropriations were made by or in
pursuance of laws passed by Republi
can Congresses.
There are other classes of claims
which have been created and recog
nized by general legislation passed by
Republican Congresses in 1863, 1864
and 1872. The act of March 13,
1863, as amended by the act of duly
2, 1864, authorized tho appointment
of agents by the secretary of the
treasury, to collect and forward to the
loyal states all personal property (ex
cept ships, boats, arms and munitions
of war) captured by tho United States
forces in insurrectionary states, and
also to collect and transfer as such
property found abandoned, either in
fact or in law, by tho absence of the
owner engaged in aiding the rebellion ;
the property to bo sold, and the pro
ceeds, less all expenses, to be paid ints
the treasury. It was further provided
that the owners of such property
might by petition in the court of
claims, to be filed within two years of
the end of the rebellion, receive the
proceeds of such property in the treas
ury upon satisfactory proof of owner
ship, their right to the proceeds there
of, and that they never had given aid
or comfort to the rebellion. The su
preme court decided that August 20,
1866, was the date marking the end
of the rebellion ; hence the limitation
to the filling of the above class of
claims was August 20, 1868. Under
the act cf 1*64, $28,818,038, the pro
ceeds of captured and abandoned
property, were covered into the treas
ury. Of that amount the court of
claims has returned by award over
$11,000.000. Claims to the amount of
about $10,000,000 filed before August
20, I*6B, are still pending. Most of
them, without doubt, will be disal
The act of July 4, 1 h<4, enlarged
the jurisdiction of the accounting of
ficers, and included cases where tlie
stores anil subsistence in question had
been furnished to or taken by the
army without the strict legal form as
prescribed by the rules of the depart
ments. The time within which these
claims could be filed expired January
1, 1880, the work of adjusting and
allowing which has been going on
quietly for H years. Recent inquiry
discloses the fact that the quartermas
ter geueral and commissary general
allowed over 94,700,000 under the act
of July 4, 1804, ami have disallowed
about 925,000,000. There are some j
25,000 of these claims yet to be dis- |
posed of, the amount claimed aggre
gating about 910,000,000. All this '
work has been done under a law pass-1
ed bv a Republican Congress sixteen
years ago. Most of the claims of this
class come from Missouri, Kentucky,
Ohio, Maryland, Tennessee, and West
Virginia, and cannot be accurately
called Southern war claims in the
sense used when speuking of the
claims allowed by the Southern claims j
2. As to the amount of Southern j
war claims (or claims coming from
states which seceded) pending unset
tled, it is impossible to speak definite
ly. On this point there is just now a
great deal of loose talk. The loyal
claimants of the seceded states have
had their "day in court." They were
given nine years before the Southern
claims commission. There were pre
sented to that tribunal 22,298 claims,
the amount claimed (of course exag
gerated) being $60,000,(MM), The com
mission disposer! of 17,000 cases, allow
ing 94,500,000, and disallowing about
$40,0<H),000. At the same time the
commission expired (March 10, 1880)
there were pending 5,250 cases, claim
ing 915,009,000. Rut no evidence
had been filed in these eases, and they
were under the law "forever barred."
So far as the so-called 'rebel claims'
are concerned, it ought to be under
stood that ( on gross has never passed
either a general or a special act pay
ing any person who was disloyal dur
ing the war for the use or destruction
of property by the government during
the war, and no senator or representa
tive from the North or the Houth, Re
publican or Democrat, has ever pro
posed in Congress, by bill or otherwise,
to pay disloyul persons or classes of
disloyal persons for the loss or use of
projierty by the armv or the govern
ment in the seceded States during the
rebellion. A New York journal a
few days ago printed a list of seventy
Democratic senators and representa
tives each of whom, it was asserted,
had introduced some measure to "facil
itate the passage of rebel claims." If
this declaration is intended to convey
the idea that these senators and repre
sentatives have introduced bills to pay
"rebels" or disloyal persons for the use
or destruction of property during the
war, it is a gross misrepresentation.
As an illustration of how reckless
is much of the talk about "rebel
claims," take the proposition to refund
what is known as the cotton tax. That
was an internal revenue tax on cotton
collected during the years 1866, 1867
and 1868, after the close of the war.
It was subsequently declared uncon
stitutional by the supreme court. The
proposition to refund the tax is no
more a "rebel claim" than the refund
of customs duties illegally collected at
the port of New York. It had far
more friends in the Republican Con
gresses six or eight years ago than it
has ever had since that time. There
isn't the remotest probability of its
passing Congress under any circum
stances. It no longer figures among
the possibilities except in the unscru
pulous minds of party leaders and in
the vaporingsof party journals during
political campaigns.
The Importance of the Office ami the
Democratic Nominee's Qualifications
for It.
The Auditor General of Pennsylva
nia is an important officer. The law
imposes upon him various duties re
lating to the public treasury and the
revenue of the commonwealth, and
the welfare of the State requires that
he should not only be honest, hut en
tirely competent to execute the duties
of the office. These duties are set
forth in Acts of Assembly that have
been passed from time to time, and this
officer is vested with power to strength
en the revenues of the State and to
prevent dishonest use of the puhlie
moneys. It is his duty to annually
examine the situation of the public
treasury in relation to the moneys
therein and the deposits in the several
hanks, and also, if tie deems it neces
sary, to examine the accounts of the
State Treasurer, with the several
hanks and their branches in which the
public moneys are deposited. The
officers of the hank are required to
permit the Auditor General to make
this examination, and a penalty is im
posed upon the State Treasurer for his
refusal to exhibit to the Auditor Gen
eral his hooks, papers or documents,
or the moneys reserved in his office to
meet occasional demands.
The Auditor General is also author
ized to take legal measures to recover !
all moueys due to the commonwealth j
from every person who shall appear '
on a settlement of his accounts, to be I
indebted; and he has authority to !
employ counsel for this purpose.
The accounts for all expenditures
for the State Lunatic Hospital are sub
ject to the scrutiny of the Auditor
General. In settling these accounts,
and the accounts for the contingent
and other expenses of tlie legislature
and other departments of the govern- '
meat, he has power to inquire into the
correctness and fairness of the prices
charged, and to disallow all over
All companies incorporated under
the laws of the commonwealth for
manufacturing and mining purposes,
or for the improvement of mining
lands, are required to make an annual
report to the Auditor General of the
w hole amount of capital paid in, the
total indebtedness, the amount of goods
manufactured, or minerals and metals
mined, and a general exhibit of their
operations for the preceding year. It
is then the duty of the Auditor Gen
eral to prepare a condensed statement,
in tabular form, of such reports, and
submit the same to the legislature.
All accounts for public printing j
pass through the hands of the Auditor
General, and he has power to cheek
extravagance in this department. .
He is required to have printed an
nually his reports on Finances, on
Railroads, Canals and Telegraph Com
panies, and on -State Banks and Sav
ings Institutions.
The State Military Board, created
by la w tor the purpose of auditing
and adjusting all military claims in
cident to the organization and discip
line of the National Guard, is com
posed of the Auditor General, togeth
er with the Adjutant General and |
State Treasurer.
It will thus be seen that the duties
of the Auditor General of this State '
are various and complicated. He
should have capacity to examine, in
terpret and apply the Acts of Assem
bly relating to taxation, and the ma- i
terial interests of the State ; he should
have executive ability to enforce the!
powers vested in liini by law. Should j
the office be filled by an incompetent
or dishonest person it is en.y to see |
that the revenues of the commonwealth
would lie endangered, and the door
ojieiied for fraud and corruption.
While the law does not require the
Auditor General to he learned iu the
law, it is of great importance tlmt he
should have a legal training in order
to understand thoroughly the duties of
the office. The voters of the State
have heretofore applied this gcueral
principle by selecting gentlemen of
legal education and experience. For I
the past twenty years the office hns, in ;
every instance,been filled hy a lawyer.
Originally this officer was appointed
hy the Governor of the State, hut since
1851 he has leen elected by the people,
and up to the preseut time the people
have always selected gentlemen from
the legal profession. The following
embraces all who have held the office
hy virtue of election, and it is a coin
cidence that thev were all lawyers:
Ephraim Banks, Jacob fry, Jr., Thos.
E. Cochran, Isaac Hlenker, John F.
Hartranfl, Harrison Allen, Justus F.
Temple, and William P. Schcll.
(Jf the candidates for Auditor Gen
ernl presented this year to the voters
of Pennsylvania, the Democratic can
didate, Colonel Robert P. Dechert, is
not only a reputable citizen and a
distinguished soldier, hut he is well
versed in the principles of the law,
ami lias practiced his profession in the
Courts of Philadelphia county and in
the Supreme Court for the past twelve
years. His opponent, Mr. John A.
Ixmion, has had no such experience.
He is neither a lawyer nor an account
ant. He was for mauy years employ
ed about the construction of railroads,
and latterly has beeu a contractor.
Wo believe that the independent
voters of the State will respect the tra
ditions of the office, and will not over
look a candidate who is so eminently
qualified for the positiou for which he |
has been nominated. We predict for
Col. Dechert an overwhelming major
ity of the intelligent and conservative
vote at the coming election.
They Vote an They Hhot.
Prom tlio llmrinliurn Patriot.
The list of veterans of the war who
support General Hancock for Presi
dent would till volumes. They are to
he found in every state, county, town
and lmnilet of the north. General
Meade, General Joseph Hooker, Gen
eral John F. Reynolds, General Mc-
Pherson, General Blair, General Gor
don Granger, all Democrats when
they went into the war anil Democrats
when they died, would vote for General
Hancock if living. Among the dis
tinguished living veterans who are
earnestly advocating the election of
General Hancock are the following
whose names and services are familiar
to the soldiers of the war and to all
others who are familiar with its his
tory :
Gen. George 11. McClellan.
Gen. William F. (Baldy) Smith.
Gen. Henry W. Slocuni.
Gen. William S. Rosecrans.
Gen. John M. Palmer.
Gen. Don Carl OH Buell.
Gen. T. T. Crittenden.
Gen. Thomas Kwing.
Gen. John M. Corse.
(en. Kilhy Smith.
Gen. James B. Steadman.
(ten. Ilohcrt Mitchell.
Gen. Durhin Ward.
Gen. William It. Morrison.
Gen. M. I). M anson.
Gen. 11. 11. Sibley.
(Jen. Joseph F. Knipe.
Gen. I). N. Couch.
<Jen. < iershon Mott.
Gen. A. J. Warner.
Gen. >St. Clair Mulholland.
Gen. W. 11. 11. Davis.
(ten. Martin T. M'Mahon.
Gen. Ben Lc Fehre.
Gen. Daniel K. Sickles.
Gen. Daniel Buttertield.
Gen. Franz Sigel.
Gen. A. V. Kice, author of arrear
ages of pensions bill.
<aitnt:iJ> IN IH;:I.
Alli.ui> Kwitinjc Journal, Feb. j*, 1*73.
"Mr. Garfiehl concealed and pre
varicated and misrepresented."
N. Ytk Tiim-a. P-li. It. 1*73.
"Garfield presents a most distressing
figure, his participation in the (.'redit
M<ihilier atrair is complicated by the
most unfortunate contradictions of tes
New York Tribune, Feb. If. I MCI.
"James A. Garfield, of Ohio, had ten
shares ; never paid a dollar; received
$329 —which, after the investigation
began, he was anxious to have it con
sidered a* a loan. Well the wicked
ness id all of it is, that these men l>o
trayed the trust of the people, deceived
their constituent*, and by evasions ami
falsehoods, confessed the transactions
to he disgraceful.
I'ttrw llrrsbl, Prl.nmrjr 11, 1*73.
"Republicans are not only in favor
of the expulsion of Ames ami Brooks, ,
but of severely censuring, if not cxpell - j
ing, Garfield. Geuerally, we think, J
public opinion would favor a severe
reprimand, if not expulsion, of (Jar- -
"Political dishonesty has won a (
great triumph, instead of meeting with
a disastrous defeat. The guilty Gar
field & Co. are marched to the bar of
public opinion for sentence and will
receive no lenient condemnation."
Ituffftlo Comm rril, M. I*7-1.
"F.vory one of the Congressmen who
dabbled with Credit Mobilirr stock
ought to be publicly censured."
Buffalo M. VI, 1173.
"Garfield has so misrepresented the
facts and endeavored to disguise the
transacticn as a loan, that a more
severe punishment would not be out of
Cincinnati Commercial, March 3,1173.
"Ames testified the second time to
the guilt of Garfield, fixing it upon
him clearly and unmistakably."
Cincinnati Comini-tclal, June 7, IKS".
"The most contemptible thing thus
far at Chicago is the chatter about
Garfield. He has uot a record to run
on for President."
la-ltanapolla Journal, February V>, 1*73.
"Every member of Congress who
deliberately handled Credit Mobilier
stock is unworthy of future confi
Mancheater, (N. II.) Mirror. V. 1.. Zl, 1*73.
" The conclusion (> f the committee
that they (Gatlivid and Bingham)
were bribed, and did uot know it, is
altogether too thin.
" The countty demands that clean
work lie made of this cleansing pro
cess, and that all meu who have sold
themselves should he kicked out of
Ultra Rcrabl, Feb %\ 1*73.
" The suspected persons are already
dead cocks in the pit and need not
hope to regain public confidence.
" For Heaven's sake let us bury our
dead out of sight that they may not
offend the public nostrils."
Concord Monitor, Feb. ZD, 1(73.
"It will have justico and nothing
lass than justice executed upon all
these wretched and guilty meu. The
Republican party cannot and will not
take upon it the sins of Colfax, Pat
terson, Ames or Kelly or GARPIELD.
Rather it would be true to its mission
and [dace the Hfcui of its condemnation
upon them all. More than this it may
do, less than this it cannot do and
remain deserving.
flow Indiana WIIH Carried by the Re
From the Kvinavtl| Oiuribr.
Latest developments show the De
mocracy that the Republicans did not
guin u victory on Tuesday, hut that
Republican money did. The crisp,
new two-dollar Treasury notes with
which the First District is flooded
tells a tale of party shame that every
Republican, be he never so unprinci
pled, should blush at. ()u Wednesday
afternoon a remark was made that
Alex. Foster had made an offer of
money to .John Resing the evening
before the election. A gentleman
standing by offered to bet that such
was not the case, when lie was prompt
ly taken up, and finding Resing the
latter made the following affidavit
before a justice:
"State of Indiana, Vanderburgh coun
ty, ss. Now come* .John Kesing and i*
duly sworn on oath and says that Alex
ander Foster offered me SSO in presence
of Joe L, App, October 11, if I should
vote and leave town. 1 told him I
would not take it. In half an hour
utter Foster met me on Second between
Main ami Sycamore streets, according
to request, from whence we went to
First street and held a conversation to
the following effect. As I remember,
Mr. Foster said :
"'John, I have got anew idea for you,
I will give you £lo<l if you will go to the
polls and vote the straight Democratic
Ticket and let me get in all the votes
that I cannot vote anywhere else ; and
I want to vote them at the Second
Ward, where you are the head chal
lenger ; and anything you say goes.'
"i told him 1 could not accept it
under any consideration. I walked
away from him. JOHN HESINU."
"Subscribed and sworn to before me,
October 13, 1880. T. MCTERNAN,
[.HE A 1..] "Justice."
A reporter was then despatched to
interview Mr. Foster, who was found
in the billiard room of the Bt. George
Hotel. When questioned about the
matter, Foster admitted that he had
offered Resing SSO to keep awav from
the polls and SIOO if he would cast his
own ballot and go away from the
|>olling place without interfering with
a negro.
Hugh Duulevy makes the following
"State of Indiann, Vanderhnrg Coun
ty, s--—Hugh Dunlevy swears that on
or atout the llih day o 1 October, ivsu,
at said county, as affiant verilv believe*,
at said county and city of Kvansville.
Now comea the affiant and makes oath
and says that he was with Charles
ltoherca and Abe Smock near the corner
of Second and Main streets on the
aforesaid date and received from Smock
$lO in money (five new $2 notes). Kob
erts aaying at the time, '1 want you to
work for Heilman on to morrow,' or
words to that effect.
"Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of October, ISHO.
I SEAL, j "Justice."
All the hoy* have $2 hill* right
from the mint, and those of them who
have not had anv money for month*
are flush a* princes. It i* stated uj>on
the authority of one in a position to
know that the Republican National
Central Committee spent $50,00(1 in
this district alone.
About Walking.
No two of us walk alike. The
hinge* of our gates turn the same way
but with different results.
The baby strikes a toddle because
it hasu't strength enough to walk, hut
it ho* the underlying principle of a
natural walk, because it " toes in."
" Toeing out " is a military artifice,
invented for the express purpose of
showing how much more a man knew
than the Isird.
The hippity, hoppity, skip and jump
is peculiarly the little girl's gait.
Uneasy and restless the flutter-budget
seems determined to wear the sole of
her shoe and the soul of her mother
out at the same time ; but she is the
prettiest picture of animation human
ity can snow.
The dead run all out of breath is
the small boy's gait. You can set
down the boy who so far forgets him
self as to walk as already in his dotage.
The bound-to-have-it-gait is a rapid
straight-forward stride, never turning
to the right or left. The man who
has it knocks over children, harks his
shins against market baskets, and
stubs his toe against everything on the
walk. But he gets there, and his coat
tail arrives about two minutes later.
There is the slow measured, gait,
tread, tread, tread all day long. The
man who carries the hod has his pe
culiarity down fine. He wouid run to
a fire in the same step, and get there
The long lope, thirty-four inches tea
the step, with a sag of the knee joint,
a vigorous swing of the arms, is that
of the youug man from Ruraldom.
He gets the walk from going over the
rough ground, and anybody that gets
the best of him has got rough ground
to go over.
The quick, sharp and spiteful gait
with the little metallic heels ringing
on the pavement, is the gait of the
smart young miss, with bright eyes
and lots of vivacity. The young man
who intends to keep company with
her for life must make up his mind to
train to her step. She will never train
! to his.
The everyday business gait. Going
right along with your feet, and your
thought* in the office *tore, shop or
whatever it i*. You never know how
far the walk, nor how long it take*
you to cover it. It i* an indefinite,
and frequently the only, aid to good
fhe take it easy, don't care a rent
sort of a guit, with cane twirling over
hi* finger*, i* typical of the man of
the world, lie lead* a life of lei*ure,
and would't hurry himself. A* a eon
sequence he grow* fat, rheumatic and
gouty, and in later years walk* with
two cane* and tremulous limb*. It
doesn't pay to bunch your pleasure.
The slow gait. For further partic
ulars send a hoy on an errand.
A Lament for Slimmer.
From Clianttter * Jotarfifel
Ww-p, Mother .Nature,
Maitifti#r )
ilif ii< her ■liroutJ of fl %nm
li r ftUßftTOtt li#"l .
WMI lite I'm* i Hour*
KrifH. all <w|iing routoJ ltr flutter} !#*•!.
Blow v ntly. Autumn W iudi;
High **'lt ftfi'J h>
Huintu<*r only kio*w '* I * liny hr*t|j
Hut she that Ititwj hint
Now lira in drullt.
King y btr dirge—bat ••# t a>ft and lots.
Mourn. O te iH tad*. mourn '
Your art bar*.
The gra' ioua Hammer with hrr auntiy light
No foorc will linir* r there.
Her wptrit bright
II* |ir-a<J hT wings and vaiiUbed into air
H</fl fall. >* Autumn Itttiu*
Hum tit *-r b* Hr.|.
Fall gently on h-r fair attd fragrant f*> ■
An frars fi-m b*av#-ti sb*i.
I*"-! !• her grw •
Then M*|/inx, fall on the !•* ! .*-! IN joI.
American Wheat in Russia.
Ten year* ago ">7 |* r cent, of the
I foreign wheat laid down in Great
; Britain came from Russia. A few
I weeks ago two American vessels, laden
' with wheat from this country, st* una d
1 into the port of Revel und discharged
cargoes. Carrying coal* to Newra-tl,
I or cotton good* to Manchester, or cut
! lery to .Sheffield is not so great a pi-r
--! formance as selling wheat to Ru.-.-iu.
Yet this we are doing. Not to any
gnat extent, jierhaps, hut enough to
show that Russia's exporting j.ow.r is
|on the wane. The most substantial
proof of this lie* in the tad that
northern Germany i- now giving
preference to American wheat over
Russian, because it is cheaper and of
liettcr quality. Russian agriculture,
in fact, apart from the failure of crop,
during the present year, is at a very
low ebb, and its future is gloomy. The
grain raising district* show a great
falling off in productiveness, and wi
ther the buyer* nor the pea-autry
know how to apply the necessary rem
edies. The press of the country has
been profuse in warnings, but these
have had no effect in arresting the
mistakes of slovenly and unintelligent
farming, in promoting the employment
of capital in agriculture, or in divert
ing the jieople from their persistence
in the employment of old-fashioned
methods and clumsy machinery. The
"granary of Europe," in fact, is thor
oughly rat-riddled, and needs to he
rebuilt from the foundations.
IT is a curious fact that every prince
of the royal house of Prussia, when
young, is taught some useful trade or
other, for the purpose of sobering tin
mind and bringing it face to face with
the material world and the realities of
life, and among the profusion of curi
osities and artistic relic* which crowd
the Kraperor's private cabinet may be
seen specimens of bookbinding, curv
ing, carpentering, and other handiwork
performed by his sons and grandsons.
(Eighth yor ma I School Dinfrict,)
A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal.
r pHIS SCHOOL,a* at present con-
A atitu-ad. offm tha vary l*>t taetlitina far Pro
fwionul nod Clnaali si laarning.
Buildings mount and commodious; Pom
plately baatoil by atram. wall aaulilatad. and furm.li
ad with a IxmnUful supply of pure water, soft apring
Location hoalthml and anay of arraaa.
Surrounding senary unaurpsssad.
Tiaibnr riprriraral, (Beirut, and allva to tferir
Dtwlplina. firm and kind, uniform and thorough
Rspansa* modarsta.
Plfly rants a waak dadu- lion to Utoaa preparing to
Hludanta admlltad at any tlma.
Oouraaa of study praarrihwd by Ola Stata: |. Modal
Srknol. 11. Cra|<aratory. 111, Elauianlary. IV. fc 1-
awrrrcT ronm
I. Acudamic. 11. Oammarrlal 111 Mnalc. IV. Art.
Tha Rlamantery and Scientific ronraaa are Pro-
Icaaional, and atudanla graduating therein nmlia
Iriploma*. conferring tha following rx-rT-e ponding da
green. Maatar of tha Klemeota. and Maatar f tha
Sciences. Graduate. In tha oihar courses recatvo
*or mat < Vrttßrataa of thair atlalnmanu, atgnad br
tha Faculty.
Tha Profawatonal ronraaa ara libaral. and ara tn
thoroughnaaa nat Infartor to thoaa of onr baat colleges
Tha Stata require* a higbar ordar of ritiauwahtp.
Ttia timaa damatid It It ta ona of tha prime otqe. ts
of this arbool to halp to aacara It by furnishing Intel
ligent and efficient taarhara for bar s. bonis. To thl#
and It aollrtti young paraona of good ablllllaa and
good pur p. war—thoaa who daaira to i rap-ova thalr
tlma and thalr talenta, aa atudanta. Ta all such it
promlaaa aid in davaloplng thair powara and alxindant
npwortunltiue for well-paid labor after loaning achuol.
■Tor oatalogaa and tanna addraaa tha Principal.
•oamn or aaeattaa:
Storkboldnrn' Trustees—J. 11. Rarton, M. P.. A It.
Boat. Jacob Rrown. S. M. Rlrkford, Samual Chriat, A.
N Rant RG. Oook, T. C. Hippla. fot. O. Klnlrtng,
K P McOorwrlrk. Baq.. W. W. Rankin, Wm. H Rr-wn
Stata Trnateaa— Hon. A. O. Cnrtin. Bon. II L. Dlaf
|fonhnrh. Oao Joaa Marrill. H.m. William Blglar, J.C
'C. Whalay,* Millar MrC.wmlek. Ra> (
Hon WILLIAM RItILU. Prawtdant. Claarfiald, Pa.
Oaa. JKSSK M ICR KILL V. Ptwaldant, Lock Haraw.Pa
THOMAS YARPI.RV. Troaawrar, "
OATENTS procured upon Inven-
I. ttona Rn AmtMft Fut in Anvanrt. Our
llowar waa aatahllahad la IMS. Wa Bla CAVRATS,
•and na a Modal of yowr Invaatlow. with yunr own
daaertpuon of It, for onr opinion aa to patentability-
Ho ATtwantt'* Fttt r*Lnaa Partaa ta Sart-nu. Oar
Boob of InatrwrUoa. d . "How to Paocrai Partrra,'
•ant frwa on ra*aaat: alao aampla of tha Setts
tine Harotb, tha I a van tort' Journal.
R. 8. A. P. LACEY, Patent Attorney*,
r BL, noar Patent OBka, Waahlngtoo, D.CL