Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 28, 1880, Image 1

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    SHUCJERT \ FORSTER, Editors.
VOL. 2.
i|h t
m> 51.50 per Anuum.ln Advance.
SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor..
hursday Morning, October 28, 1880.
Democratic National Ticket.
WILLIAM 11. ENGLISH, ol Indian*.
rt E. llriirjr E. Dm In,
AID 11. Rl.vrt.nl, lioorur A. P""t,
i Mlrvin, ALrmn M IW-nlun,
in A. Pu*. John P. Linton,
i M. rnipUll, John 8. Millar,
•• pallet!, Jolili O. Naston,
Moffrt. M. Bow*r,
ml Wft|t|#n, .Utiles A.J. Ilui-hatinii,
an C .latii-MI, Christopher Mitifw*,
ift* Kiltwrt, K<>l*rt M.Olb#n,
G M BFM%rrin, William It. PnnUp,
►<| J. Martin, llarr> W. Wilson,
11 Giriiiß**r. HstnuH Griffith,
klin Turner, J. ROM Th"iup*>ti.
• k J. llirtnlnfchAiii,
Democratic State Ticket.
FOB irrßiai Jt'lxil,
OEoIIOK A. JENKS, of JrlToraon Cnnnly. I
ROIIRRT P. IOXTIERT, t.f Philadelphia.
Democratic County Ticket.
roB CI>**IMI,
tin ANDREW O. CURTIN,of Cnlp C.mntjr.
Hon. J. P. G KPII ART, of HHlofoiil*.
lion. W. A. MLitIIAV, of llani.
WILLIAM C. IIF.INI.K. of B-llofont-.
SAMUEL BRLOOER. of Lnlonvillr
cry Democratic voter in Centre j
nty nnist be at the election polls
1 vote on next Tuesday! Gemo
ts! the prospects grow brighter
ry day! Hancock and English
Ibe elected ! That result is assur-
Even Pennsylvania can be car.
1 by a full Democratic vote! Turu
,then,in your might and help to
ce our graud old commonwealth in
column of Democratic States!
ry Democratic voter do bis duty,
I this glorious result will surely be
omplUbed !
IMPUDENCE ! John Cessna, Chair
n of the Republican State Com- .
has issued another circular to
officials demanding contribu
-0 his corruption fund, accom
by a threat that at the close of j
npaign he "will place a list of
rho have not paid in the hands j
bead of the dejiartinent you are
The words are significant and
e, uttered in an insulting man
rthy of the mean, dirty scaven
-0 uses them. This man at the
(' a great party might be a gen
if he possessed any of the in
of a gentleman. Rut he is
>hn Cessna.
E Republicans are advised by
llefontc Rr/iubliran to "scratch
all," we trust the Democrats
fuse all offers to trade for the
of any one of the "straight out
licans" of which the opposition
is made up.
ou want Grant and the Empire,
r Garfield. It is all arranged
succession. Hancock may in
with the little arrangement, but
s must have a crown, even if it
1 of a foor* —at the circus.
ARirr for revenue only," says the
ratio platform.— llelle/onte Repub
thing can be said against FREE
)E," says one James A. Gar
tFIELD denies that be wrote the
letter. Well, he also denied
bad any thing to do with
Mobilier stock. He told a lie
ind swore to it. He may be
a lie now.
EN Garfield remarked in Con
that nothing could be said
t FREE TRADE, probably he
inking about FREE TRADE
focRATB ! l)e vigilant 1 be ao
-1)6 brave 1 A united charge
the whole line on next Tuesday
glorious victory will be yours.
rERANB, read Major Rechler's
i another column of the DEMO
DO not fail to respond to it
d in filling up the ranks 1
A SEDULOUS and scrupulous core of
the public credit, together with u wine
nnd economical munngi-ment of our
governmental expenditure*, should be
maintained in order that labor may be
lightly burdened, and that all portions
may be protected in their rights to the
fruits of their own industries.—Han
cock'* Letter of Acceptance.
Tho Duty of the Hour
Never in the history of our country
has a graver duty presented itself to
the citizens of the I'nited States than
that which they will be called upou to
[terform on next Tuesday. Moment
ous and far reaching consequences
hang upon the result of the elections
to be held in every State of the I'nion
on that day. One issue, at least, in
t volving the weal or the woe of free
institutions is sus|)ended in the balance,
I and the election of Hancock or Gar
! field may determine whether the price
] less boon of civil liberty under the
sacred guarantees of the Constitution
shall be preserved and jierpetuatcd ; or
| whether a centralized and irresponsi
ble despotism shall be enthroned at
Washington and permitted to trample
under foot the rights of the people
and the .States, and destroy the last
remnant of that wise and beneficent
form of government devised and be"
queatlied to us by the graud old fath
ers of the Republic.
This assertion is no mere idle fig.
mcnt invented to mislead and deceive
voters in the closing hours of an ex
citing political campaign. <>n the
contrary, it stands forth to the public
a palpable and startling reality that
should command the earnest and seri
ous attention of every patriotic ami
conservative voter. For almost twen
ty years the executive branch of the
Federal government has been held by
the Republican party, and with the
incoming of the Grant administration
in IH4+O began that aeries of bold
usurpations of power, of encroach
ments upon the reserved rights of the
people and of open dixrognrd for the
plainest provisions of the fundamental
law, which received a signal though
fruitless rebuke at the ballot from an
aroused and indignnnt majority of the
voters of the land four years ago. A
fruitless rebuke, we say, because the
desperate and unscrupulous men then
in authority were powerful enough to
defy the expressed will of the nation,
and contiuue by means of force, fraud
and perjury the rule of the party they
represented for another Presidential
term. Aud while it may true that
under Hayes' fraudulent administra
tion the violations of the Constitution
and the insults to the principles and
genius of American liberty have not
been so flagrant and atrocious as they
were under the administration which
preceded it; while it may not be charg
ed that State governments, set up by
a majority of the citizens most deeply
concerned for the peace, welfare and
prosperity of their respective localities,
have been ruthlessly pulled down by
the strong arm of military force ; while
it cannot be said that soldiers were or
dered to invade legislative halls, or
that bayonets gleamed around the
election polls, still the underlying and
animating spirit has been all the same.
It is heard in the cry for a "strong
government." It is a signal of dan
ger and should not be regarded by the
thoughtful and patriotic voter who
properly values his privileges of citi
zenship as any less perilous than the
undisguised usurpations of Grant.
Garfield is the avowed representative
of the "strong government" idea, and
his avowals has gone so far as to
congratulate himself upon what he
terms "the gravitation of more power
in the hands of the government." In
New York he was even outspoken
enough to say to the public that he
was pleased to notice the fact that the
theories of Hamilton were growing in
popular favor, while those of Jeffer
son, the apostle of American democ
racy, were apparently dying out.
Coukling, the imperious leader of the
radical hosts in this crusade against
Constitutional rule, elaborates the
name thing in hi* claim for the right
of property to rule-. Ho tloon not hesi
tate to assert that capital and the cor
porate wealth of the country should
dictate the policy of the government
and command absolute obedience to
their behests; and it is sale to assume
that should Garfield be elected (which
God forbid) his administration of af
fairs would be based upon the llamil
toniun plan—discarded by the fathers
a* dangerous to the liberty of the citi
izeq—of a strong central power by
the few and for the few, in which the
"powers that be" shall be everything
and the great mass of the people
Voter, this grave issue is before you !
It will be determined in one way or
the other on next Tuesday ! Are you
prepared to give tip entirely your sys
tem of simple government, with limit,
ed powers, in which each citizen has a
direct and preseut intlueuce upon those
in authority, for the "strong govern
ment," controlled in all things by a fav
ored few in power, towards which Re
publican policy is so rapidly drifting?
If you are, vote for Gnrfield, If not,
vote for Hancock the representative of
Jefl'ersouiun principles and of a gov
ernment "of the people, by the people
ami for the people." The duty of the
hour is too plain and im|M>rtant to doubt
the manner in which you will meet it
at the ballot box. You will stand bv
free jtopular government and aid to
your utmost in crushing out of exist
ence a wicked conspiracy against ill
————— - - —————
Two new planks have lately been
added to the platform of the Republi
can party. They were written by
James A. Gartield, the Republican
candidate for President of the I'nited
States, and are supj>o*ed to express his
honest belief U|KJII the question of the
employment of labor. These new
planks assert principles that touch the
interest* of every laboring man in the
country end they should be attentive
ly read and carefully weighed. The
first reads as follows: "The question
"of employees is only a question of
" private and corporate economy, and
" individuals or companies have the
" right to buy labor where they can
"get it cheapest." The other new plank
declares that the treaty of the I'nited
States with the Chinese government
should not be abrogated "until our
" great nmnufacturiug and corporate
" interests are conserved in the matter
"of labor." Considering the distin
guished artisan who joined these new
planks to the platform of his party,
and the close relations they bear to the
future welfare of our toiling masses,
they will receive that attention and
appreciation which their importance
demands. Ixt the working man put
a just estimate upon them when he
deposits his ballot on next Tuesday.
"REPUBLICANS, vote the straight-out
Republican ticket, and scratch not at
all. Kverjr man on the ticket is a staunch
Republican, with a clear record, and
well worthy your aupport. Vote the
whole ticket."— MUfonte Republican.
Democrats, vote the straight-out
Democratic ticket, and scratch not at
all. Every man on the ticket is a
staunch Democrat, with a clear record
and well worthy your support. Vote
the whole ticket.
WHEN the highway-man waylays
his victim on the road) be does it with
the threat of "your money or your
life." The Republican bulldozer of
the North says to the hard fisted son
of toil who happens to be in his pow
er, "your vote, or starve." In a moral
point of view the highway-man rather
gains by comparison.
FARMERS, mechanics and laboriug
men of Centre county, the great Dem
ocratic meeting to be held at Belle
fonte, to-morrow, is your meeting 1
Come one 1 Come all! I and make it
the largest and grandest meeting ever
held in Central Pennsylvania.
IT is entirely appropriate that De
Golyer and Chinese labor should go
Our District and County Ticket.
In the warmth of our zeal ami anx
iety for the success of the National
and State tickets we should not forget
the important duty of bending all our
energies to secure the triumphant
election of our district and county
candidates. We make this last ap
ical to our friends and urge thein in
all earnestness not to neglect or fail in j
all honest efforts necersary to give to
every candidate our full party vote.
For Congress the Democratic party
presents to the voters of the 20th
Congressional district, the honored
well known is Gov. Curt in to the vot- ;
ers of the district that it is scarcely j
necessary for usto speak of him. His
fame and reputation a* a public man
are not confined to county or State;
he is known and respected throughout
the I'nion. An experienced, eloquent,
warm-hearted and patriotic man, thor
oughly acquainted with the wants, the |
resources and the business demands of j
the district, he will make an able, at
tentive and considerate representative
of the will, wishes and interests of bis
constituents. His election is of com
mnndiog importance. Already our j
enemies are hoaxliug that they will
have a majority io the next Congress.
Hie defeat of Gov. Curtin is itn|osxi
ble, but within the pnst two weeks the
mouthpiece* of Cameron in this dis
trict have been loud in their a**<rtioti(>
that he was to be beaten. Will any
Democrat in Centre county willingly
become a tool of Simoti Cameron to
aid iu striking down Gov. Curtin?
We do not believe it. To-day Gov.
Curtin's candidncy is not local; it is
national. The supremacy of the Detn
oeratie party for the next two years
iu Congress may de|K-nd ujon his sue*
eras. Democrats, remember this, and
do your duty.
For Assembly the names of J. I'. j
GKPHAKT, of Bellefonte, and W. A.
MURRAY, of Harris township, are be
fore the people of Centre countv on j
the Democratic ticket. There are |e- i
culiar reasons why l>oth should be re
elected by increased majorities. They j
have already served the psiple of Con- !
tre county well ond faithfully at Hnr
risburg, and richly deserve a hearty
endorsement at the polls. The forth- !
coming session of the legislature will ;
be a very important one. Our Con
gressional, Senatorial and Judicial
districts will be re-apportioned, and in
this work their pa*t experience will be
of great value. Above all, they will be
charged with the duty of naming the
I'nited States Senator who will speak
for this great commonwealth in the
councils of the Nation for the next
six years. We have great hopes of
a majority of the legislature if our
voters in Democratic districts through
out the State are true to themselves
and their party, and do not permit
persoual considerations to sway their
judgment when they come to
cast their ballots. It will not be for
gotten by the voters of Centre county
that during the last session of the leg
islature, when bribery, debauchery and
wholesale corruption ran riot through
the halls, not a taint clung to the gar
ments of J. I'. Gephart and W. A.
Murray. They proved honent and
faithful in the past, were true and at
tentive representatives of their con
stituents, and the Democratic party
now owes it to them to say "well done,
good and faithful servants." Mr. Gep
hart is a man of more than ordinary
ability. He has served the people
of (Centre county in different capaci
ties and has always shown that ho is
the fortunate possessor of executive
and administrative skill of a very high
order. As Register and Recorder of
the couuty and as a Justice of the
Peace all men who had occasiou to
come in contact with him ever found
him just and honorable. As Chairman
of the county committee in 1878, al
though a candidate himself, be gave
the general canvass so much attention
as almost to lose sight of his own can
didacy, and bis conduct of that cam
paign passes into local history as one
of the best the parly ever made in the
county. Mr. Murray is also well
worthy of the earnest and united sup
port of his fellow citizens. He is an
intelligent and an upright, lionoruble
man; an unswerving Democrat, aud
has rendered good service to the jx-o
ple. In the approaching session he
will prove as useful, trustworthy and
attentive to his duties as in the past-
The party, with a united voice, should
rally around the standard of these
faithful men.
prosecute the picas of the Common
wealth during the next term. Mr.
Ilc-iule is u young man who has reach
ed his present position in life by bis
inherent energy and bis own unaided
efforts, and richly does he merit credit,
support and encouragement. A vote
for him will be well bestowed, and the
jieople of Centre county should not
fail to elect him by a sweeping major
ity. He is a young lawyer of ability
ami excellent character, well qualified
for the office of District Attorney,and
will make a superior officer.
For the office of County Surveyor,
although there i* little or no content
for the position, the Democrats present
the name of Mr. SAMUEL BBUUOER,
of 1 nionville. Mr. Rrugger is a prac
tical surveyor and civil engineer of
great experience and conceded ablity.
He is also a gentleman of the highest
standing iu the community in which
he lives, and worthy of auy jiosition
that the people of Centre county have
it iu their power to give.
we have thus gouo over the names of
the candidates upon your District and
County tickets. You have a grave and '
imfiortant duty resting upon you ! See
to it, that you perform it well on next |
Tuesday! Permit us to make this
last np|Miil to you ! Support with un- '
faltering devotion the principle* of ;
your party ! This you can only do by j
voting for the Democratic candidates
now in nomination before you, from
Hancock to Rrugger.
\\ M. ( . ARNOLD, of Clearfield coun
ty, will IK- readily remembered by our
readers as the geutleman who attained
an unenviable reputation in 187 X,
in connection with the issuing of
forged tax receipts. He was the
Chairman of the Republican County
Committee and circulated posters and
letters containing gratuitous slanders
of Gov. Curtin. He is a lawyer of
limited ability and small practice, and
was one of the orators at the Republi
can meeting at Milesburg on last Sat
urday evening. It would be libelous
to say he was drunk, but we accept
the testimony of disgusted Republi
cans as to his condition when he, with
difficulty, arose to address the intelli
gent people of Milesburg and Roggs
township. In full view of tho exqui
site and punctilious Mr. Jamo* Milli
ken and the righteous and upright
Mr. A. O. Furst, Mr. Arnold delib
erately took a bottle of whiskey from
the hip pocket of his pantaloons and
placed it iu his overcoat pockeL We
commend this little episode to the
considerate judgment of Mr. Arnold's
frieuds, believing that it will be far in
the dim future when he is again in
vited to make an exhibition of himself
before a Centre county audience.
THOMAS H. MURRAY, the Republi
can candidate for Congress in this
district, is a bitter, uncompromising
Republican of the most ultra and
pronounced type. Democrats, remem
ber this when you go to the polls on
next Tuesday. Give your votca to the
gallant Old War Governor, who will
ably and faithfully represent your
political sentiments and your interests
in the next Congress.
"CHINESE cheap labor" is what
Mr. Garfield seems to be after. La
boring men, how dc yv like it?
TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, in Advance.
Coercing Employee
Any employer who attempt* to con
trol the vote* of hi* employe* i* liable,
under the following law of the United
Htutea, to all it* penalties :
HKCTIOX 6,000. Every person who, bv
any unlawtul mean*, binder*, delay., pre"-
venu or obstruct*, or combine* and eon
federate* with other, to hinder, delay, pre
vent or obstruct any citizen from doing
any act required to be done to qualify him
to vote, or from voting at any election in
any State, Territory, district, county, city,
parish, town.hip, school district, munici
pality or other territorial subdivision, .ball
be fined not le. than S6TX>, or be imprison
ed not ICM than one monlb nor more than
one year, or be punished by both ucb fine
and imprisonment.
SR<\ /j,(jo7. Kvcry person who prevent*,
hinder#, control* or intimidau-* another
from exercising or in exerriing the right
of suffrage, to whom that right i guaran
teed by the Fifteenth Amendment to th
Constitution of the i'nited (State*, by mean
of bribery or threaU of depriving uch
per**n# of employment or occupation, or of
ejecting *urh perron* from a rented house,
land* or other property, or by threats of
refusing to renew leares or contracts for
labor, or by threat* of violence to himself
or family, shall be punished as provided in
the preceding section.
The following is the section of the
Criminal Code of Pennsylvania in ref
erence to corruptly influencing and in
timidatiug voters:
(Sx> . 80. Any person who shall directly
or indirectly giveor offer to give any audi
gift or reward to any such elector, with
the intent to induce bun to vote for any
particular candidate or candidates at ucii
elections, or shall directly or indirectly
procure or agree to give any *uch gift or
reward to such elector, with the intent
aforesaid, or shall, with the intent to in
fluence or intimidate such elector to give
hi* vote for any particular candidate or
candidates at *uch election, give, offer or
promise to give such elector any office,
place, appointment or employment, or
threaten such elector with dismissal or dis
charge from any ofiice, place, appointment
or employment, public or private, then
held hy him, in case of hi* refutal to vote
for any particular candidate or candidate*
at such election*, the peron so offending
shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not
exceeding five hundred dollars, and under
go an imprisonment, not exceeding two
Above we give a full copy of the
acts of Congress ami of Pennsylvania
relating to intimidation of voters. Un
der the laws it is a great crime for any
man who employs laborers to attempt
to influence or intimidate them to vote
for anv particular candidate or candi
dates, by offering, or promising thein
employment, or by threatening them
with dismissal from employment. All
such cases should be noted and re
ported to the proper authority, and let
men who attempt such great crimes*
upon the liberties of the people be vis
ited with due punishment for violating
the law.
GEN. GARFIELD denies the author
ship of the Chinese letter which is
found in his own handwriting, marked
"personal and confidential." Hut he
also denied, under oath, receiving the
$329 Credit Mobilicr dividend. His
own figures and the check for the
money were produced and a committee
of his own Republican friends were
compelled to report to the House that
he lied. Beth cases carried the clear
est proof, and as in the former case,
no amount of denial will relieve him
of this last evidence of mendacity in
connection with his present position
before the couutry claiming support as
the champion of the labor interests.
Confidentially, he now counsels to
"buy labor where it can be obtained
cheapest" Chinamen can live on six
cents a day. It is "dog-cheap" and
Mr. Garfield favors importation. The
cheap labor can only compete, with
laboring men. They, it would appear,
are of no account except to minister
to the wealth and greed of capitalists
and vote the Republican ticket, pro
vided they can be fooled Or coerced to
do so. That is what the Republican
demagogues are now striving to ac
complish by presenting this free trade
leader, this advocate of cheap labor,
to the voters of Pennsylvania as the
man to protect their trade interests, to
benefit labor. Can laboring men be
thus imposed upon ?
morrow. One more rally for your
gallant leader in the Presidential con
DEMOCRATS, beware of the ofiere
that Republicans will make to trade
on election day.
-M ki£k*;
NO. 44.