Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 21, 1880, Image 1

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    Wit Centre Democrat,
VOL. 2.
Gltr Cnitrr jPrmocr.it.
Terms 51.50 per Annum, in Advance,
t. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editors.
Thursday Morning, October 21, 1880.
Democratic National Ticket.
ros riuintST,
ros TH-* l-SIMMST,
WILLIAM 11. ENGLISH, oC I milium.
t Rotort E. MntMghsn. 11-nrjr K. l,
William II PlayMsl, flsorgi- A. l'o.i,
Jolui Slrriu. Al'Hun M. B-'Ulim,
\ Edwin A I'uo. John P. Union,
i John M. Cam|>b*ll, John 8. Mlll-r,
| (lllll.n PnlloU, John O. Saxton,
John Moth-t, Cnlrln M. H-.w-r.
; Kdrd Waldrn, J slum A. J. Bnrhansii,
Nathan (' JktnM, Clirixtopher MsgM,
'< Ontritt flllirrt, Rtdmrl M. Illlnon,
, JameaU Mt'Sparriui, William II , Dunlap,
Alfrr.l J. Xlartln, llarry W. W'ilwin,
i Adm UertOKW, Samuel Griffith,
i Franklin Turiu-r, ,1 K" Tli-mi|ou.
Potrh-k J. tUruittiKhnm, t
Democratic State Ticket.
r<* St rum jt ooi,
GEOHOE A. JF.NKS, of Jefferson County.
ros At IIITOS ossnAi,
ROBERT P. ULCHKItT. of Philadelphia.
Democratic County Ticket.
rou I IIMUM,
Hon ANDREW li. CURTIS, of Centre Comity.
ros Aucxiar, '
lion. J. P. GRPIIART, of Relief,>nte,
lion. W. A MURRAY,of Hsrri-.
WILLIAM C. HEINLE, at Bellefonte.
SAMUEL BRUOOER, of I'olonvllli-.
Democrats, Attention!
Excursion Train to Wllliamsport
on Friday Afternoon.
f Arrangement* hnvc been completed for
I the running of un extra train from Belle-
I fonte to Willismrporton Friday afternoon,
•October 2'2tl, to return the time night.
I From Bellefonte, and front all points eat
lot Bellefonte, the fsre for the round trip
■will be SI.OO. The train will start from
Mlellffonte at 3.30 r. m. Gen. George B.
®Hc<'leftan will positively be and
p review the processtjo at Williamsport.
GARFIELD, the corrupt Credit Mo
bilierite and I)e Golyer jobber; Ar
i thur, the disgraced collector of cus
itoms, who was kicked out of office by
Hayes and Sherman because he would
'not honestly perform his official du
ties! Honest Republicans, how do
you like the combination?
I IT is scarcely to be conceived that
Republicans would he willing to ad
vertise the shame of their candidate
for I esident of the United States,
•ml yet badges bearing the disgrace,
fill figures "1129" were to be seen
in their procession on last Friday
'i TIIE wsr for the Union was success
fully closed more than fifteen years ago.
All classes of our people must share
llike in the blessings of the Union,
ind re equally concerned in its perpe
uily and in the proper administration
I public affairs.— Hancock'* Letter qf
AT a meeting of the Republican
•tion&l Committee in .New York the
Jter day, it was decided that Mar
pi Jewell shall make an effort to
pry Florida, North Carolina and
ninia for the I>e Golyer candidate
If President. Representatives of
pee States were present soliciting
■Bpaign funds. It will require a
kge supply of this argument to
pop iu any considerable number of
■ "Rebel Brigadiers." The Mar
pi's experience in this direction in
■ attempted purchase of Alabama
p not very encouraging, but having a
•plus of funds on hand he may as
ftl disburse it in the Houth as
[WHEN our Parisian friend, dame*
illi ken, /></., introduced "Judge Jur
al from North Carolina" at the late
■publican meeting iu the Court
lose, he was so discourteous as to
Eft the fact that it wasn't "Judge
■don" but "Judge I. Parker Jor
b," as the entry of the distinguished
ptleman's name upon the Rush
■use register shows. It is to be re
lied that when so great a man as
pdgel. Parker Jordon, N.C.," comes
■own and emblazons bis name and
Ilk upon the reception book of one
■or large hotels that so punctilious
■gentleman as Mr. Milliken should
| to do him full honor.
Now You see Them—and Now You
don't see Them.
Since the amalgamated opponents
of Democracy first unfurled their sec
tional banner in the city of Philadel
phia in 18~>li, they have been distin
guished for their facility to udopt any
campaign cry that may seem to them,
for the time being, adapted to the
public ear, but never have they been
so rapidly driven from one hobby to
another as in the present year. Set
ting out with their old crusade whoop
against the " solid South," they soon
found that the masses of the Northern
|eople concurred with Geu. Hancock
in the belief that the war was uctually
over, and that their last political vic
tory under the banner of the bloody
shirt had been achieved. The inge
nuity of their party leaders, being
taxed for a new bug-a-boo, start the
idea that the election of Hancock will
insure the ruin of the Federal Union
under a burden of " Rebel claims."
This is speedily squelched bv the fact
that payment of all such debts is abso
lutely prohibited by the Constitution,
and by Gen. Hancock's remark that it
is not in good taste for (Joveruments to
pay the expense of attempts to destroy
them. The election in Maine banish
ed from the fertile brains of radical
demagogues all hope of success under
the auspices of sectionalism, and with
admirable disregard for self stultifica
tion, they vault themselves into the
saddle and parade themselves as the
special guardians of the business in
terests of the country, hoping that the
people have already forgotten that
exclusive Republican rule brought
this country to the verge of business
ruin in 1873, from which it only com
menced to recover after a Democratic
House of Representatives gave direc
tion to new measures of financial poli
cy. For abundant crops at home and
a scarcity abroad making a foreign
demand, as well as for the blessings
of Democratic legislation, the Radical
leaders would have the American
people vote them thanks, and re
ward them by a new lease of power.
In the manufacturing districts they
avow themselves protectionists, not
withstanding the notoriously free trade
record made by their nominee for Pres
ident. In Pennsylvania they are for
a protective tariff and in the West for
free trade. The fact is they will re
sort to anything to deceive the voters
and steal a vote. As a last resort of
desperate men, dreading the loss of
power, comes INTIMIDATION!
Workingineu shall be slaves and forc
ed to vote as their masters dictate!
Is this the boasted liberty that is sup
posed to come to every American citi
zen as a birth right ? or is it not rath
er more akin to Russian serfdom ?
Covered all over with fraud, corrup
tion, and treason to the Constitution
of the country, they most loudly sound
the trumpet proclaiming their own
honesty, purity and patriotism. They
have been twenty years in power.
them lie judged by the record they
have made. Understanding their
tergiversations, we trust the intelligent
voters will not permit themselves to be
again deceived and led blindfold to
the slaughter of American liberty.
Keep the facts fairly before you, aud
remember that the party led by Gar
field is the party that favors a revo
lution in our form of government, the
destruction of the States and the cen
tralization of power at Washington in
violation of all the warnings of the
patriotic and revered fathers of our
country from whom we have inherited
our proud and glorious Republic. I>et
the Constitution and the rights of the
States be preserved and maintained
in all their integrity, and the way to
do this is by voting for the true and
tried patriot and statesman, Winfield
Scott Hancock.
THE bayonet is not a fit instrument
for collecting the votes of freemen. It
is only by a full vote, free ballot, and
fair count that the people can rule in
fact as required by the theory of our
government. Take this foundation
away and the whole structure falls.—
Hancock'* Letter qf Acceptance,
Beecher and Garflold-Both Free
Beecher—Henry Ward of unsavory
fame—made a free trade speech at a
Garfield meeting, in Brooklyn, the
other evening, that will scarcely be
reported in the newspapers or quoted
by the spouters of the Republican
party in Pennsylvania. Beecher pro
claimed himself an out uud out free
trader and is reported in the New
York Herald as saying, " I believe
" that the philosophy of the future is
" free trade, and that all nations to
" be just to themselves must udopt it
"as soon as they can. The time is
" coming when nations will not know
" a custom house ; when there will be
" free trade among the human race
" all over the earth." Fearing, how
ever, that this was somewhat too bold
to suit the present purposes of his
party, the oily tongucd preacher of
party politics and diluted religion un
dertook to hedge upon his doctrine by
saying that "time must give it ripe
" ness and it would be unwise to make
" a sudden change."
This reads as though Garfield him
self might have uttered it. Hear what
Garfield said in reply to Judge Kellcy
on the same subject: "As an ab
" struct theory of [silitical economy
" free trade has many advocates and
" much can be said in its favor; nor
" will it be denied that the scholur-hip
"of modern times is largely on that
" side; that a large mnjority of the
"great thinkers of the present day
" are leading in the direction of what
"is called free trade." And, again :
" I am trying to state as fairly as I
" can the present condition of the
" question ; aud in doing so I affirm
" that the tendency of modern thought
" is toward free trade."
Here is a candidate whose record
is undcuiahly that of a free trader—
made so by his votes in Congress je
wel 1 a- by his public utterances; he
has orators on the stump supjK)rling
his election who boldly avow them
selves free traders; he has leading
Republican newspapers like the New
York Time*, the New York Evening
l'o*l, the Cincinnati Commercial and
the Chicago Tribune that ask the peo
ple to give him their votes and at the
same time are open and undisguised in
their advocacy of free trade. Now,
who is deceived ? and does uot the
tariff clamor of the Republicans in
Pennsylvania bear the impress of a
cunningly devised scheme of decep
tion and hypocrisy ? Reader, exam
ine these facts for yourself, think over
them, and then draw your own con
A SEDULOUS and scrupulous care of
the public credit, together with a wise
and economical management of our
governmental expenditures, should be
maintained in order that labor may be
lightly burdened, and that all persons
may be protected in their rights to the
fruita of their own industries.—Han
cock'* letter qf Acceptance.
Not Loet t
The Democracy of Indiana had to
encounter the resources of the Repub
lican party of the United States, back
ed by innumerable marshals and by
hordes of supervisors of the National
Government to protect the thousands
of imported negro voters nnd repeaters
in getting in their villainous work.
Against this tremendous force of fraud
they made a gallant fight, but were
unable to stem the torrent. In the
November election it will be different.
The Democracy have a decided ma
jority, and in the encounter with the
Republican party of the Ktate in No
vember, stripped of the outside pres
sure which must necessarily be employ
ed elsewhere, we entertain no doubt
that the electoral vote of Indiana will
be cast for Gen. Hancock. The re
verse in the preliminary struggle is
only temporary. The great battle is
yet to come off. Hancock is yet to be
voted for. The Democracy are not
discouraged, and will work with a will
and determination that cannot be dis
counted. In November the Republi
cans have many Htales that will re
quire all their money and appliances of
fraud. They cannot concentrate them
upon Indiuna, as in the late election,
and wc nmy expect a fair election ami
nil honest result. Indiana may be
safely trusted to the noble men who
led the Democratic van in the late
election to overcome the Republican
minority of the State, and detect uml
punish any remains of fraud still lin
gering in the rear.
No form of government, however
carefully devised, no principles bow
ever sound, will protect ihe rights of
tlie people, unless the administration is
faithful anil efficient.— Hancock'* latter
of Acceptance.
Harmony in Now York.
The gratifying intelligence of the
complete and cordial union of the
Tammany and Irving Hall Democracy
of the city of New York, cannot fail
to inspire Democrats everywhere, for
it means the casting of the electoral
vote of the Empire Stale for Hancock
by an unprecedented majority. Win.
It. Grace lias been agreed upon for
Mayor and the whole city ticket is
endorsed by all the factions that have
hitherto made war upon <-acli other-
The only question that ever existed as
to the certainty of New York voting for
the Democratic National ticket was
based upon the assumption that John
Kelly would wage a hitter and unre
lenting warfare UJHIU the candidates
of the Tilden wing of the party, and
thus create a diversion that would re
act upon the National ticket. Mr.
Kelly has effectually dissipated all
such doubts by promptly and earnest
ly joiuing hands with his rivals and
pledging his best support to the sue
jcew of the entire ticket, both city,
State and National. This action of
Tntnmany and Irving Hall is a severe,
blow to the Republicans who had
counted upon Democratic blunders
to give them the State. Democrats,
New York i* now assured, New Jersey
is certain ami < onnecticut is safe!
Re-form the line* ami give a lasting
quietus to Republican debauchery.
With earnest, jn-rsistent and enthusi
astic effort Pennsylvania can IK; torn
from her Republican moorings and
added to the grand column of .States
that will make Winfield Scott Han
cock President of the American Union.
There is no cause for depression over
the result in Indiana. The money of
Republican office-holders temporarily
bought the State. There is nothing
surer than that Indiana will vote as
the majority of her eitizens desire—
for Hancock nnd English. Jewell ami
the third term syndicate have now
twenty-two States to look to. nnd no
such effort as was made in Indiann can
be rejwatcd again. Harmony in New
York means victory in New Jersey,
Connecticut and Indiana with Penn
sylvania, California, Oregon nnd Nev
ada trembling in the balance. I*et
there he no wavering, but constant
aggression. Democrats, to your tents!
LAST week Gov. Curtio made a
fine campaign in Clearfield county,
speaking to immense audiences of the
citizens of that county at Glen Hope,
New Washington and Houtzdale. At
each of those points he was received
with great enthusiasm and left strong
and favorable impressions on the
people with whom he came in contact
|>craonally as well as by his able,
argumentative and patriotic appeals
to them from the rostrum. This week
he has already spoken at mass meet
ings held at Howard and Port Matil
da, and yesterday he attended the
great mass meeting at Clearfield. He
is doing splendid work for the party.
Now, let every Democrat rally to his
support, and send him to Congress by
an immense majority.
To the Republicans the loss of In
diana, last week) would have been ab.
solutely fatal. To the Democrats it
is not ao. Hancock and English can
and will be elected even should they
fail to receive the electoral vote of
Indiana in November,
JEWELL, the campaign idiot at the
head of the Republican National Com
| mittce, congratulates Garfield that the
result of the Ohio eleetiou was a refu
| tation of Democratic calumnies upon
1 1lie De Golyer candidate for Presi
dent. 'I he meagre majority in com
parison with former results in that
State, does not indicate a very heal
thy refutation. But what "democra
tic calumnies" does Jewell refer to?
Certainly not a single one of thechar
j gi-s urged against Gen. Garfield's rep
: u tat ion eau be traced to Democratic
! origin. While the democrats cannot
! close their eyes to the fact that Marat
Halstead uttered the truth in his pa
|s-r when he said that the Republican
I candidate had "no record to run on,"
| that he is unfit to be trusted with the
! Presidential office, still tliey are not
i responsible for any of the grave char
ges which prove his unfitness. It was
the Poland committee, composed of
I his own party friends, who found him
guilty of having taken the 8329 in
credit mobilier dividends after his
oath to the contrary. It was this sume
committee who then convicted him of
perjury and so reported him to the
House, where the record now stands
. ineffaceable to his shame. It was his
own Republican constituents, in con
nection with the Republican newspa
pers, who charged the De Golyer bribe
upon liiiu ami demanded his expulsion
! from Congress. It was his own parti
' san blindness that induced him to join
the thieves in Louisiana to steal the
I Presidency by fraud and perjury, and
it was his partisan obliviousness to de
cent propriety that allowed him to
serve on the electoral commission to
cover up the fraud. All these reflec
tions upon the moral integrity of Mr.
Garfield are drawn from the positive
record he and his political friends
have made, and arc not "Itcmocratic
IT is A vital principle in our system
that neither fraud nor force must be
allowed to subvert the rights of the
people. When fraud, violence and
incoui|>etence controls, the noblest con
stitution and the wi-ent laws are use
j less.— Hancock'* Letter of Acceptance.
IT is announced that Col. Henry
McCormick, of Harrishurg, who ranks
j among the largest and most successful
| of the iron manufacturers of Pennsyl
vania, will not permit his employes to
'■ be bulldozed into voting against their
political belief. He employs in his
furnaces and mills over one thousand
! men, and has posted up notices in all
his establishments giving timely warn
ing to all IMISSCS ami others in authori
ty, " not fo use their influence upon
employes either way in the matter of
politics, on penalty of dircbarge." Col.
McCormick is said to lie a Democrat
who docs not mix business and poli
tics, aud does not interfere with the
right of those who are in bis employ
to vote as they please. His noble
example of respect for the rights aud
dignity of the working man is worthy
of all honor. How many other em
ployers in Pennsylvania will follow
the action of Col. McCormick ? Are
there any in Centre county? If there
are any, let us bear from them.
I.BT us encourage the harmony and
generous rivalry among our own indus
tries, which will revive our languishing
merchant marine, extend our commerce
with foreign nations, assist our mer
chants, manufacturers and producers to
develop our vast resources and increase
the prosperity and happiness of our
people.— Hancock'* letter qf Acceptance.
DEMOCRATIC laboring men of Cen
tre county, do not permit yourselves
to be coerced by your employers into
voting against your honest political
convictions. You are free men, and
should dare to assert your right to
cast your ballots for the party to
which you belong regardless of threats
or bulldozing.
DEMOCRATS, don't trade or scratch
any portion of your ticket. Every
man upon it ia worthy of and entiUed
to your earnest aud hearty support.
Especially beware of the insidious
offers that Republicans are making to
TERMS: #1.50 |M*r Annum, In Advance.
We are in a state of profound peace;
henceforth let it he our purpose to
cultivate sentiments of friendship and
not of animosity among our fellow
citizen t.'—Hancock's LtUrr of Aectptanee.
ALREADY have the gallant Democ
racy of Indiana reformed their lines,
and are prepared with new life and
energy to grapple with their radical
adversaries for supremacy at the bal
lot lox on the 2d day of November.
Impelled by a strong belief that it is
in their power to reverse the verdict
of < Jctober, they are fully aroused and
will make u vigorous effort to carry
the Slate for Hancock and English.
In this contest they will be free to a
great extent from the baleful influ
ences of the vast corruption fund
poured into their State by the des
perate and unscrupulous managers of
the Republican party for the purpose
of debauching their voters. They will
not be troubled with the presence of
the hundreds of roughs, rounders and
repeaters taken there from Eastern
cities to perpetrate their rascalities on
election day under the guidance and
direction of Federal deputy marshals.
They know that the Democratic party
comprises a fair majority of the legal
voters of the State. They also know
that Hancock is stronger than the
party by thousands of votes and feel
that the result in November will dem
onstrate that fact. With this hopeful
prospect, therefore, they will redouble
their efforts and show to the country
that the late triumph obtained over
them through means of corruption,
and debauchery of the ballot that
should bring a blush of shame to
every Republican face, cannot be re
pealed a second time. Indiana is hon
estly for Hancock and #j|| vote for
—Cheap and beautiful overcoat# can be
i purchased at the Philadelphia Branch.
Fine clothing made to order at the
old prices. No advance.
—Hundreds of tons of dirt have been pu
into the great hollow space extending from
Linn street to Lamb street, north of Alle
; phony, and it will contain hundreds of tons
more. But before many years shall pass
away the yawning cavity will be filled,
and only a level stretch of land will remain.
—The regular meeting of the Hancock
and Kngllsh Club, of Bellefonte, on last
Saturday evening, was largely attended
and was addressed by Mr. C. C. Xrigler, ol
Rebersburg, Gon. Win, If Blair and Gov.
Curtin. It was an earnest and spirited
meeting, the timely remarks of the speak
ers arousing much enthusiasm.
—The Republican parade of last Friday
' night was a successful demonstration, hut
was made so by the delegation from Clin
ton county. Without the strangers it
would have been a failure in point of
numbers. Altogether there were between
'OO and 1000 torches in the procession
and they made a very handsome display.
\ The speaking at the Court House did not
amount to much. The hour was late, and
as a prominent Republican of Beilefonte
remarked, the speaker was only about a
23d rate North Carolina lawyer, though
be does sport the title of Judge.
goodly number of Democrats and a few
Republicans assembled in the Franklin
school house in Walker township, on Wed
nesday evening, the 13th inst., to hear the
issues of the campaign as viewed from a
Democratic standpoint On* motion of
CapL J. H. Tolbert, Mr. Sol omen Peck
was called to the chair and Messrs. Joseph
McCaleb, 11. 8. Wins leman, George Koas
man and Robert Hurd elected vice presi
dents, and L. A. Sehaeffer secretary. The
first speaker, Mr. 0. M. Bower, being in
troduced proceeded at onoe to discuss tome
of the principle* involved in the prevent,
contest and to draw quite a naat compari
son between the records of the hero of
Gettysburg and the hero (T) of Credit Mo
biller and De Golyer fame. The tariff
question waa well and ably discussed by
Mr. Adam Hoy. To any one inquiring
after truth the remarks of Mr. Hoy could
not have had an effect other than to
strike conviction to hit heart, and we have
reason to believe that a few were convert
ed. The meeting waa not a large one. nor
were there any special effort* put forth to
make it to. Though Walker township
Democrats are not very demonstrative,
yet they are not idle, and will, as usual, do
their duty on the second of November.
NO. 13.