PAULAS D nnlnl, tlu h.r.1.) make known sod Iti" in.ln a 1.1 Ilia 1-laekir* nf tin- Comity that an election Kill be held In the aanl County nf ' Cento-, On Tuesday, November 2, 1880. It foing Ihe Tuesday following tl* first Monday of Novetulier. (the poll* to I* oprned at frm o'clock A M . and chwd )t sev.-n o'clock l II >, at which time | the freemen of Centre county will *oli> by ballot for • the purpose of electing twenty-nine persona for elec tors for I'm ld*ul and Vic# President f lb I'nlle-I | Mates. One person for Jndgc of Bupremc Court, of Penn j oluillu. I One per*n for Auditor General, for Pennsylvania. One priKNi to represent tba counties of Centre, Clinton. Clearfield, Mifflin and L'nfon In the Con aftw of the United Hutt. ' Tw.s pwtoni to rrprrwtit tb County of Centre in It ha House of Representatives of Prtinsy ham* one person for the offica of Distort Attorney of the County of Centts. One person for the office of County Burteyor of the j Oonnty of Centm. I I aU> tnxke known and give notice that the j plaret of holding tlo> aforesaid election In the wrrral i B.r.ugh* and Townships within the County of Centre arc aa follows, to wit. for the Township of Itaines, at the public house of ; I. It. Ifo)er I Aari. j For the township of llalf Moon, at the school house In Btormetown For the township of Taylor, at the bona* erected for that porpae, un the property of Leonard Merryman. | Fr the townahlp of Ml!♦■, in the school Ignue In ( the town of Rol)ri)iirf. For th" township of Potter f Northern precinct), at i the puldir how Of X) J. Mwyer. in Centre 11 all ! For the townahlp of Potter (Southern pre< inrt, at the public houee .( p. H. Ruhl. at potter a Mill* For the township of Gregg (Northern pre* inet), at Murray'a eclMMil honae. For the tnwnahtf) of Gregg (Houthern precin. t), at I the public house owned by J. Ik Fiher, at I'enn Hall. For the township of College, in the arbo| B>ue at Lemon t For the townahlp of Ferguson (old precinct). In the ■lwol feMNMf at I'ine Ofpff, For the townahlp of Fergnaon (new precinct), at the School hotiae at Baihyville For the township ot Harris, in the arh'iol house at B|abiir|. For th* township of Petton, at the bouae of Peter Murray. For the Perougb of ftellefonte. and the townships of spring and Henner. at the C>nrt House in Rellefont*. For the townahlp of Walker, in the achool houee al . Iluhlerahuijt. For the Borough and Township of Howard, at the school bouae of aanl B>rmigh For the Township of Hush, at the Cold Htream school house. I For the township of Bnow 8 ho*. at thr erhool hotiae at Hnow Bhoe station. For the townahlp of Marion, at the hotiae of Joel . Kling, in Jacksonville. F r the Borough of Mitesburg, at the school honae in Mlleehnrg. Fur the townahlp of Bgg*, at the new school houee io Central City. For the township of Huston, at the Siltar Dale 1 s hool house. For the township of Pent), at the public house of Wm. 8. Muaaer. , For the Borough of M i libel m. at the echoel house I opposite the Evangelical church in said Borough For the township of Liberty, at ths whne Thousand Eight Hundred and Flisbty. and in the <>ne Hundred and Fourth tear of the Independence *f 1 the 1 nited Ma!*-*. JOHN BPANOI.ItII, II M Mherlfi -f < titre ('..unty ' PU ItLIC 8 ALE r CINI lIEH LAX I ). r PHKRK will lx cxposv-il to public 1 Ml-.KI F'l'Tl EH.t MII.IJ*, In Foliar lownahfp. On FEIDAY, November 6, 18SO, at one o'ekark P. M , All that certain trnct of Mountain Innd situs:* near the old Faust tavern stand. In Putter i township, Cwntra county Bounded by the lewistown turnpike, lands of Ge>>rge Faust. Tli tapw.n and oth er. containing ONE lIUMDKFD AND TMKNTY MX At HEP AND UNK HI NMIKD AND THIKTT PERCHEP This tract of lan-l la said to I* well rov* ered with valuable tlmi*r. Terms of swle make known on day of sale. Inquiry •■an b* made of D F FotTSftV, tl-ta W W B ANBAUtiII, Assignee llorseH for Sale. ( \NE pair HEAVY DRAUGHT " " IIIIIt-EJ'. *n.t on- "inKll FAMILY UMIVING llnllFK Inqnlr*..' B. 9. BIIAFFF.H. S> I. v Nllliiir, F. Not tea* . I> 11. IIAUIT ha* appliol to the, 1 • Pecrefary nf Internal Affairs of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania for twelve acres of land sit uate*! In the township of B'ggs. in the county of Centre, adjoining lands In ths warrantee namea of W'iUlan) Russell on ths ttorlh. Jee ftro ks on the "Mt. Thomas Potts on the ssith and Jimrs Bdand on the west. jp |f M 0\ T FiV To "t ppr Ct. iUUiIO 1 nr TMK >1 IT CA I. LIFE INHL'R- A NCR CO OF NEW YuRK. on fir. I mntiir.*-, on improved farm property, in sums not lews than §2,<40, and not exceeding one-third of the present value of the property. Any portion of the principal can be paid off at any time, and it has teen the rustom of the • Mimpany to permit the principal to remain as long as the iw.rrower wishes, if the interest le promptly paid. ApFljrlo CIIARLEO P FItERMAN. AtMrn.^Mio. b7l M, Bladder and Urin ary Organs. It avoid* INTERNAL medicine*. I r. ruforUhle t the patient Certain in it* effect, and CI lIICS hen j nothing el** ran. Avoid all oilier Kir>*ri faoa. a* many aorthleaa imitation* at+ l*ing forced upon the market. Me a ill certificate* of cure*. and our book, "How a Life k'aied," free ui*-n ilia receipt .r ,r Addri•• DAY'S PAD •• *•} Druiartou, or by | mail u receipt of price, $2.00. F. POTTS GREEN, BKLLKFONTR. PA.. WHOLRAALR AOKKT iundirig* j Offer* to yonng l*dir all the adtAntage* of at'hriatian • home, with thorough ofHir*e of in*truction* In th- | higher branrhee of education. Ternui, $250.00 per Annum, In'lodine board arid atfer>lane t u*e .f library, period- I Icala, and tuition in all Knglieh bran'he* Mualr and j art eitra ANNUAL TERM, FORTY WF.KKB. j For catalog" l *. ilh full information, add re** W. P. BUSBKY, A. M., Principal. A G ENTS W A N TE I) To take imharription* fr the IXTKBNATIONAL ItEVIEW, the lateat and I-eat American publication, of the highest rlaaa. with original contribution* from the moat "lebrated writer* in every Country. Rdited by J T Hot*#. Jr , and ll*-nry Calot L*dge, gentlemen of the higlieet attainment* and culture, and whoe* name* are alone *ufH< tent guaranty of the value of the Rivtiw Alvava bright, readable and Inatmrtlve; rvamopoll tan In literature, progressive In erienre, miaevtartan in religion, and Independent In politic* Pru e. At r#nta a numler . s*. <• a year. A complete Agent • ihitflt *ent on recaipt of #1 <•. A *perimen cepy aent to any addreaa for |A cent*. A. 8. WARN El* A 00 . Publbhem, 111 Alia William 81., New York. Millheim hotel. MILLHEIM. CK.N'TKR OOI'NTT. PKNN'A W. 8. MUSSER, Proprietor. Tb tnwa of Mlllbrlm t. lor.toil In I'.nn'. V.ll.jr, •I*>ut two nil I'', from (Vlmrn Ktatinn, on Ihr I-rwU baf|, Coolr. >nA Sprue. I rrok Hailnxul, with mr ronortln*. ih.t m.k. It ■ PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. flood tront fWhlng In the Immediate vicinity. A cab runa to every train. At the Millheim IMel arrom rn.*latl .n will le fhnnd flr*t-cla* and term* moder ate. Jnne Z\, 1*: > | 'THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUSH HOUSE BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PA., IB ROW OFPRRIRO great inducements TO Til OUR WIBHIRO PI RAT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. We hare untuual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES. PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VIBITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. IfleOrdert by mail will receive prompt 1 attention. MTPrinting done in the beet etyle, on , ebort notice and at the loweet rates. 11 art-it K. llie/.M, Hardware, K. HICKS, [Successor to T. A. HICKS A 8R0.,] DEALKK IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. 1 EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. Professional Card*. PRANK FIELDING, LAW AND COLLE'THiN OWCE, I gg tiutniw, PA. W A. MORRISON, ' " • ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, I lILI.LKroNTR, PA OB'f to Wondrlng'* niock.nppoailo tbo Court li.uoo ; CVih*ullatn>n In Knirliali r ft* inun. 2-ly C. A. H ftOVUI ILEXANDER A BOWER, | A * ATTORNEY# AT LAW, i B. lloLnto, P* . may t* r..n*ultod In KnglUh or Hor j man. +in G*rm*n a HulMlnp ]_]j j J*U4 inru i miT OIPIIIT. | J JEAVER A GEPHART, A ' ATTORNEY! AT LAW. orttro ot) Allegheny atroot, north of High. Hollo ! f"nlo. P l_|o DP. FORTNKY, • ATTORNKT-AT LAW. I . . HELLRPONTE. PA. I I*ot drto too loft In tbo Court llnnoo. 2-ly Ds. K ELLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Offloo on Alloghony itroot (toutb atdo of Lyoa'a •tor#, iiy B#n#font#. r*. | fOIIN BLAIR LINN, ! *' ATTORNEY AT LAW, RKLLEPONTE, PA. j Ofßr* Alloghony !tri*l, oror Poot ttfflro jl-ly ! I L.SPANOLER, ; • ATTORNEY AT-LAW, RKLLEPONTE. CENTRE OOUNTr, PA. R porta] Ottontlnn to Collodion*; pmctlro* In nil tbo Court*; Oonnltntionn In Oonnnn or Ei.gilah. 1-ly t. ■- "OUT. crura ooanon \|URRAY & GORDON, ATTOENEYR-ATLAW, CLEARFIELD. PA. Will attond tbo Bollofonto C-'Urto ebon oportally omplnyod. 1 | y r P C. HIPPLE, JL • ATTORNEY AT-LAW. LttCK HAVEN. PA. All bonlnooa promptly attoadod to. |-1 j WM. P. MITCHELL, PRAfTICAL StRVEYOR, LOCK HAVEN, PA. Will attond to all wort In CI oar Sold, Ontro and Clinton ttwhtina. Oro oppoalto Lack Haron National Rank. My WC. HEINLE, • ATTOIUFST AT LAW. BELLEPONTR, PA. OBtro in Conrad Honor, Alloghony atroot Npoclal attontton tn to tbo collaelion of claim* All bnalnaa* attondod to prooptty. tl-ly w. a. WALLACE. . I. (nana. WALLACE A KREBB, * v ATTORN hYB-AT-LAW. CLEARPIELD. PA. Will attend and try can*#* at Bollofonto when apo dolly rotaiood 1-ly WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, v v ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLEARPIELD, PA. All bnalnaa* promptly attoadod to. 1-ly U PllYflCJ AN AND BI'ROBON. fHBco Alloghcny it, ooor fotglor * Hrtio btoro, ATF __ MRLLRPOITR, PA. Dr. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can bo round at hi* otßro and rooldonoo on Nnrtb *M* of High atroot, throo doer* Raat of Allcghoay, Dollofonto, Pa. tf-l; ! 7>r// Good H ami Grocerien. JI ARPER BROTHERS, BPRIXO HTREKT, BRI.LEFOVTK, PA., Have their counter and rhelve* filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT KATES Purch&M*] HI - BANKRUPT RATES l BANKRUPT RATES WHK'H TIJKt OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. _ OOXBIBTIXO OP Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, I _ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES Kt very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest style* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS | Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Paraaola, Ladiet' Cloakf, Carpeting, Grocerie*, Qt-'enf-whrr, Ac. Omprtalng every thine that ran be (bond tn a flrat i!a afore, HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING FTREItT, . . BEI.LKFONTI. PA. (XiCN'TRT PRODt'CE taken In eicliange at tha ; higheat market price. W i tcrlla tttoa*. New \ork Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. .. Th V'r?'l* , i"'L of thi * P O P" Ut "ewareper hue mora than tr*UH during tb* j.*t y*r Ir. moUiiK all tlx inline iiM .nUio*l to the DRT Herald AIM] l RrroogM*] to lokody o*jnm;i.ta The FOREIGN NEWS embrace, epecial dirpatrhr* from all ouartert od the globe. fnder the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Diepat,h of the ak ft-om oil pail* of the I nico. Thia fetter** oko* mik*-* THE WEEKLY HERALD the meat valuable rhronlrler in the world, aa it ie the eheaprat. Evert- week la given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehenatve diapatchea from Waahlnglon, Including full report. of the •feerhaa „f eminent polltlrian. on the ■juration, of tha THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the WgtatT limit give, the lateat aa well aa the meat practical enggeation, and dianoverlea relating to the dntiea of the faitner, hinta for ralatng CaVtlJ. PorwaT. Haana, Taaaa. Vaurraaiaa, Ac... Ac., with enggeetlona for keeping building, and utenailt In re pair. Tlila la aupplamenled by a eellodiled A - meat, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME, giving red pea for practical dlahea. hinta for making • lofhitig and for keeping op with the tateat faahiona at the loweet price Every item of crooking or eronomy aaggeeled In thta department ta practical |, toted bv eipert, before publication better* from our Pari and lamdna correapondenta on the very lateat fhah hma The Il,te Department of the Will IT lira AIN will tare the bouaewlfo more than one hundred lino Iheprlca of the pa par. Tha intrraata of SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and everything pertaining to me chunk* and labor a*ring U carefully recorded There it a page devoted to all the luteal phaana of tha bum naw market*, rimpa, Mec, Ac.., Ac. A valtm ,k* *P* r F reported |drwa anil rorwHhon* of TIIK PRODUCE MARKET. ftroanao * gw at home and abroad. together with a Front every week, a Bua* by anwr eminent di vine LiTUtir. Mt atari., Duutnr, Puaoaai and Caa NoVta There la no paper In the world that twn taina ao much new, matter evert week aa the Vau lt Hutu, which la weal, portage paid, for One Dot lar. Ton can an bar ri be at any time. THE I f ONE "mrm*?V I U * Weakly form. . DOLLAR HERALD ) ( A TEAR. NEW YORK HERALD, _ Broadway and Ann Mreat, Raw Tort. Bottling Establishment. BOTTLED PORTER, ALE Rod BEER. TMIE undersigned respectfully in- A forma tha rittaena of Culpa county that he haa nnanud a Bottling Ketahliehment, on Rt&op atrert. la tan Borough of Rallifoate. and will he at all timea prepared to farateh PORTER. ALE and BEER bv tha dntea or caae. la mpplylag thaaa beretagr*. whether to hotel,. retail rent, or pTvat* raoMoarea. they will . •** P""W1 and bent quality, hattlad in aweh a manner that their life and apt rite are rrc.n.J a. fruub m thrmgh tarn from thai* or kJETth. CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK tag mniitT. Orderv lafl at hie place of l wWneaa. or aawt by paahU card, will receive prompt attention Addrma, I. H . BPITZKR, Bellefoata, Outre Cm, Pa. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in moat " * cum without pain. Apr IT to