Mosby In t'bliiH. BY C. H. UUCKALKW. Guerilla Mosby in thO wur Was famous t hit trade— Stampeding trains and gobbling men And plotting mnbuiK'udo. Soldiers and sutler* then declared With inott sincere belief And would have sworn on Bibles big That Mosby was a thief. Huohwhaeking Mosby, friend of Grant, Who fought our flag so long, Takes office now beneath that (lag At Consul at Hong Kong. And now a wonder comes to light Almost beyond belief, (Although afl tongues proclaim it loud,) That Mosby's not a thief. A white sheep he amid the flock, The office-holding throng, Who fatten at the public crib, An hundred thousand strong. Though he among vile sinners was Ksteemed in crime the chief, Purged from all assoilment he No longer is a thief. On ancient Asia's fertile soil Kong-foot-se's pupils dwell, Accustomed long to rule corrupt, As all their annals tell; Rut now, behold I from western lands Sails one to their relief, Who'll teach them how to manage wnr And how to catch a thief. Paying for Slavea. From IWltiuurc Sun. The New York Tribune ia credited with the ingenious device of reviving the old "rohrbach,'' which was used so industriously in Maryland in the cam paigns of 1867-68, to the effect that if Hancock is elected the Southern people will claim and make the United States pay them the value of their emanci pated slaves. Resides overlooking the fourth section of the fourteenth amend ment to the Constitution, which says, "Rut neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrec tion or rebellion against the United States, or any other claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave, but all such debts, obligations and claims shAll be held illegal and void," the 7 Yibune j seems to have overlooked also the statis tics of the case. The value of the slaves emancipated, at S.IOO a head, would be $1,200,000,000. This money would have to be raised by taxation and a loan, and to take the first steps ' in the matter the assets of two thirds the voters in congressional elections and of three-fourths the States would have to be obtained. Rut only one third of the Slates had any slave prop erty, so the proposition is that three fourths will tax themselves to recoup to one-third a debt the validity of which the three-fourths have denied and the immorality of which they have vehe mently proclaimed. More than this, the voters at the next presidential elec tion will t>e hard upon 10.000,000, of whom two thirds or 6,600,000 will be re quired to assent to the proposition be fore Congress will give the people a chance to act upon it. But the Tribune j has established, time and again, that j there were only 360,000 slave holders in the United States in 1860, so that, when the Tribute'* prediction comes to pass, we will witness the refreshing spectacle of 6,600,000 men voting to open up a ! settled question of a debt which never j existed, and 7,600,000 men voting to ; pay $1,200,000,000, which they never owed and had nooccasion to re imburse, to 350,000 poisons who neither ask nor expect it. Campaign figures are some times more startling than campaign atories. Democrat* as Generals. Front the llrriiltar| Patriot. Refore the Cincinnati convention Gen. nral Hancock was described by the New York Time* as "that rare phenomenon, j a prominent Union general who ia also a Democrat," and his nomination was therefore regarded by the same high au thority as extremely improbable. Had the Time* stopped to reflect and acan the roll of prominent Union generals it would have found the rareness of the phenomenon on the opposite side. Meade, Hancock and Reynolds, the most prominent Union generals at Gettys burg, were all Democrat! and what is more, all Pennsylvanians. Gen. Mc Clellan ia another rare phenomenon, a prominent Union general who ia also a Democrat. Koaecranz is another and Mlocum still another. Raldy .Smith, j S. Jt A. LOMBf General Merchant*, Allegheny Street, ltellcfonlc. Pa. S. &c _A_. LOEB, . THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED ROC3ESTEB CLOTHING! Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, superior in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4 years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR." S.& A. LOEB,; iU 25L'r" iS.ft A. LOEB, FINE CLOTntERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. % franklin, Palmer, Kwihg, Steedman, lfico, Coulter, and a lung list of Union generals might be made out to show that the phenomenon] is by no means rare. If the Timr or any other Repub lican authoiity bus any disposition to enter ujion comparisons in this respect it can readily be accommodated. It will tind the rare phenomenon, as we have remarked, on the other side. One day during the recent warm spell some eight or ten persons were frightfully stung by a swarm of angry bees which flew into the house of J. Sipea, of Shade township, Somerset county. The residents of Milton were unduly frightened at the ringing of a bell used in serenading a newly married couple, taking it as an alarm of tire. The grape crop of Chester county will weigh 500 tons. i— • Business Notices. —Why are horses and cattle after taking Roberts' Horse Powders like a now laun dried shirt? Because they look sleek and clean. —No more sick chickens. Save your poultry and cure them of disease, by using Roberts' Poultry Powder. It has never failed to cure Cholera, and all diseases to which fowls are subject. Price 23 cents per package. For sale by all druggists. —At the present time when there are so many worthless linaiuents in the market,, it would be Well to inquire which is the best. This will be found in M. R. Robert's Kinbrocation'—it is a panacea for ailments that require rubbing either on man or beast. Price 35 cents per bottle. —Why do you cough when you can find speedy relief in Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Horehound? It is the most plea-ant and efficacious remedy known for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, and all diseases lending to pulmonary consump tion. Has been sold for over thirty years and is especially adapted to children, as it does not nauseate, and consequently it can be used in sufficient quantity as to effect a cure. Try one bottlo and you will never ho without it. Price 26c. and 60c. per bot tle. Sold everywhere. Ask your druggist tor it. —The popularity of M. R. Roberta' | Horse Powders is proving Itself in the in j creased demand throughout this State, I from the fact that the public are at last finding out that it is possible to obtain a ' package of Horse and ( utile Powder which is strictly pure and free from such adulter ations as bran, cake meal, and other in- J;redient* calculated to puff the animal nstead of curing it of the disease it is suf fering from. M. B. Roberts' Horse Pow ders contain no adulteration, and are much cheaper than any other, as but a table spoonful is required for a dose. Ask any old horseman as to their merits. For sale everywhere. Price reduced to 25c. per package. -Veir Advertisements. Auditor's Notice. IN the Orphans' Court of Centre 'Dtiiily, >f KI.I/.A M. TIIOMAB, IVc'd. The undersigned, auditor, appointed by ! lit* MII Court to bmr slid ii*|KM of the eK*pti..o | the nccownt of John IV Linn, ndmlnMrntor of il I the dntiw of hi* iftpnintoient it bio "(lire In kkllefont*.Pß., TI'IB*- ! DAY. th* ZMh >Uy of Beotember, I**. at In ©rlork. ! A. M . alien IIKI wher* all pari I** liitereetM will at* I t*nd If the* m* proper j WILBUR F. RKF.DF.K. Auditor. A C I'iNTs wANT ED To take •abtrrfptioßs fir the INTKRN AT IONA I, It KVIEW, ! th- lale.l a liit beet American put.ll<-atton, <>r 111"' | ItiftH-st <)*.•. wltli .'lifftnal rntrtl>iiUns fr-mi the I newt < elebrated writere In smj country* F-lited by | J T Mr. Jr . an.l llsnrjr Cal-.t I--I---, inllm<-ii of the hlyhi-al attainment* and rulture, anil whins ! namsa ara alone aso< i-nt guaranty of tha *alua of Ilia Rum. Always l.rlalil, readable and Inelrnctire; r., Pnldishawa, ltl A 113 tklltlain SI, Saw York. MILLHKIM HOTEL, MILLIIKIM. CRNTKK 00VKTT, PRNN'A. W\ S. MUBSER, Proprietor. Tha lawn nf Millhaiin la bimle.l In Prnn'a Valla,, about two mi las from Cuban Station, no lbs Lewie bury, ('antra and Sprnra i 'rank Railroad, wilb tur roundtnga thai makn II a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good Iroul ft.hlnjr In rtrinity. Arab runs lo arary train. Al lbs Mtllhelm Hntnl aceom will lan found Bral-claaa and larma moder ate. Jona 23, IS7U-I j* Kew A d vert iHV mvutu. Pittsburg Exposition. MACHINERY HALL. WM. E. SCHMERTZ & CO., Manufacturers Custom Made Shoes. KVKRY Man, Woman and Child SHOULD W'KAR Til KIR HHOKS. a--, Ask for Win. K. Hchmcrtz & Co.'* Shoes in tho store you deal. 37-2w Executor's Notice. I ETTKRB testamentary on the cs -1 J Ute of Jiwr|i)i (Jrren. dN-om|, |(** undingt Offrra to yottniK ladiM all the advaitUiw of arbrlatUn home, with thorough r*mre of inatruc tioui In the higher hram hM of educntion. Torniß, $250.00 per Annum, In lidlrK hoard and attendnnr#, nee of tb. Union. Tbi* feature nkn. mak<* THE WEEKLY HERALI) lh. K*l ralonbl. . hrnl.l.r In lb. world, a* It I. lb* fbwpot Krery 80.11 I* (Iran a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS I .mhrarlng complete and r,Mnpr*h*naiT* dWpatrhe* { from Washington. Inetmltng fnll report* of lb. I id rnlimtl pahlirian. on ibrguMiiont of lb. bom. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of lh. WETaiT Urtau- glte. Ih lalaat n> w*ll u th. noal I-fa. 11'a I anggeatloii. nnd 4taaT.rlß relating b> lb. duUna of lh* hnarr, hint* for mitring CaTtLE, PotiTtT. llama, Tassa. VaomaLE*, dr., dr , *ith for keeping building, and nlanalU In re pair. Tbla la aoppMaanlad bf a well-edited depart, widely copied, nndar tb* bead of THE HOME, (lalng raalpaa for prartiral dlahaa, blata for making • bribing and far keeping up with tba luteal faablona al tha towewl prig. Ki.-ry Ham of ranking or eronomy anggaated In thin department la practically teated l.y .sparta 10-fi.r. patdlrnttou. 1-et let* from onr I'ari* and lamdoa rarrtepumlent* on lb* toy Ureal fan* Tb. Deportment of tb. WEEEIT lltaaia will at, lb. bonaewlf* mora limn on* hundred lima* lb# prfcw of Ilia pnpar. Tb. Inter**!* of SKILLED LABOR or* look..! afl.r, and ararytblng partalnluc to m. cban Ira and labor analng la rarafully nmrM Tbna la a i g< d*a..|*d lo all lha lataal pbaaaa of lh. bui MB marital*. <> pa, Met. hand!*.. dr., dr. A ralna '•l* faalnr. Is fmtnd In lb* apadally rapuftwl prirm ami .on.]ltiooa of THE PRODUCE MARKET. Atnanmi Niwa al bom* and abroad, togalk.r with a Ulnar aaary waak. n IUMOE by soma aaalnanl db alna. I.ITEEABT, Nrnut, Da ax a nr. PESBOBAL sad HBA NWTEB. Thar* la no pnpar In lb. world I bat ran talna to murh ana matlar .mj weak aa Ihr Wast- AT II EE abb, wblrh la e*|t, porta*, paid, for On* Do I lar. Ton can anbacrib# nl any llnaa, TIIK ) I ONI NEW TiiRK , In a Waakly fonn, ' DOLLAR IIERAI.It ) ( A TEAL NEW YORK HERALD, I*4 Broadway and Aaa Utraaf, Naw Tork. f pHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUSH HOUBE BLOCK, HELLKFONTK, PA., IB NOW OPPBRINO GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO TUMI WLDHINO PIBdT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. We have unusual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. CATALOGUES. PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, _ _ BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, R ' CARTES D* VWTF, R ; ORTT CARDS ON BNVMAMPKS. AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. IflpOrdert by mail will rywire prompt *'""• or, -, J|BPPrlntin£ done In the best itjle, on ■bort notice end *t the loweet rates Harry K. 1/Ukn, Hardware. HA.R.R.Y ZEC. HICKS, [Successor to T. A. HICKS A 8R0.,] DEALER IN HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. |". EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. ' 1 J'ro/'r*nionnl Card*. I e URANK FIELDING, I LAW AND COLLECTION OPTICE, j < I.KABKIkLIi. FA. \\* A. MORRIBON, " • ATTORNEY.AT I.AW. KLLLKPONTR. PA Oft,. In WimAHnf 1 ! tA*Ooerl ]|<>um< j On*vluiioii In KnKlinh or (imnan. 2-1 j I c t iuimm a.h>ii ! ALEXANDER k BOWER, -A * ATTORNEYS AT LAW, | BHUfceto, P. . 1T.., 1* ronmllM) In Engl ml. or Onr j ii. OAr. In Onrmnn'a Rnlldtng l-]y j iimi.uitn, I. mji atrnit. I>EAVER k GEPIIART, | ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMc. on earth of Iligh, B.U.- ! Ibnt., P.. ] i j DF. FORTNEY, • ATTORNEY AT-LAW, RBLLEPORTK, PA. Lul r\i Goods and Groceries. JJARI'ER BROTHERS, FPRISO FTKKET, BELLEFOSTE, PA„ Have their counter* and fhelvea filled with NEW GOODS, fBANKRUPT RATES Purchaaod at • BANKKUIT RATES (BANKRUPT RATES WHirn TIIKT OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. 00NSJ8TIN0 or Dry Uooda, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, _ _ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES I HATS and CAPS Late*t atylea of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Rag*, U morel la*, Paranoia, Ladiea' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceriea, Qwenaware, Ac. Oomprtrdac every thin* that . unaant nttu. FOCU DOLLAR*. oa rn aanv l.a, ,t Ttaant EnMou, rvu Hat fop an bam Fit K tniLLAM. Ob the receipt fruan any prrerm rewlttin* bp mail or expreaa. of the amorist Is s restate*nd letter 0* be a fatal order, honk draft, or cbet aa excel lent way of eoatribwttag eaketuttal aid to ee doaamaf a rwaer 5* tarma, rate, to aeau, Ac, addtern with fall parti rw tain, Orx'L G. T. Beau REM A MI, I\j blither, On aaaiL* ee raa Uooa Mnsnaui Ftma, B*w OaiAajm, U. , Bottling Establishment. BOTTLED PORTER, ALE ud BEER. r PHE undersigned respectfully in- * A Arrow the ttttaaan of Oratre rowate that he kw oyeacd . tow 111ag Entabtattrmewl. o. Riabnp mtwi, la % Ike Rnfnagh Of Bellef-mle and will ho at all time* . prepared to furatob P,RTKR, ALE aad Utt be the krswaar oamu la napplyta. theae hteenaa. wbettwr to beta!*, rmtoatmato or prteato reoMnooea, they whl he toasd of the parrot end beet owalltj,bottled la each a maaaer that their hie awl ie^rewM * Swab aa thoagh dtawa from Ihe rath ar kawdLThe CELEBRATED ROCHESTER STOCK n ( iracnaiTT Order. Ml at hie place of battaim, or eeat by potto I rard, alll rentier prompt Miration. 1 Addrwa, L H. SPITZER, V" 1 * Ota it* Ob-, Pa. CANCER REMOVED, wd tar to ,w. '