S. tO A. LOKB, General Merchants, Allegheny street, UcUcfonte, J'a. S. &c _A_. XjOIEjIB, THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED R9CIHSTER. CLOTHIITGI Better Fits, better V/orkmanship, better Styles, better Linings, superior in every respect to any other ready-made Clothing in the United States, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work generally sold in Bellefonte. Mothers, bring your Children, from 4- years up, and examine our assortment of CHILDREN'S WEAR. S.& A. LOEB,! IS. & A. LOEB, FINE CLOTHIERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A Short Horse* From (hit Pittsburg Critic. Garfield'* tariti* record is a short horse and soon curried. In 1870 the duty on pig iron was SO, it was reduced to $7 per ton. .lames A. Garfield voted "Aye." The duties upon all kinds of iron manufactures were reduced from 10 to .10 per cent. James A. Garfield voted " AVE.'' In 1872 the protectionists regolved to place tea and coffee upon the free list. James A. Garfield voted "Nay." In 1871 it was proj>osed to place coal upon the free list. James A. Garfield voted "Aye." Garfield said: " Hut I desire to ask gentlemen whether, considering the odium that the whole tariff has to bear in conse quence of this duty on coal, they think it wise to perpetuate this tax, which is of so little value either to the country or to the treasury. I think it unwise to continue this duty on coal and I am therefore in favor of ih repeal."—Oomjru tirmal Globe, 43 <1 (Jongres*, p 59. In addition to this it will be remem bered that Garfield was denounced by Thaddeus Stevens as an insidious friend of free trade. And it is further beyond controversy that Russell Krretl and i Thomas M. Hayne, Congressmen from Allegheny county, and candidates at present, refused to vote for Garfield on account of his free trade sentiments. Supporters f lluncork, From tli* M llliam[Nirt Banner. Those that desire a change in the political management of governmental affairs, will support Hancock. Those who believe that no good is accomplished by abusing, misrepresent- . ing and tyrannising over the South, will ' support Hancock. Those who prefer a President that never used political influence to uphold corrupt legislation, will support Han cock. Those who consider it a crime to take stock for vote* in Congress, will support Hancock. Those that prefer a truthful man to a falsifier, wil! vote for Hancock. Those who favor an honest adminis- I tration of national affairs, will vote for ' Hancock. Those who believe in a return to Jef fersonian principle*, will vole for Han cock. Those who look upon fraud, perjury, sectional hate and abuse of reform rules as deserving of public execration, will vote for Hancock. Dutixa the past year there have Wen 2f>2 persons killed in the coal mines of she State and 298 injured. HA ULA NDA NE II'MAN, Allegheny Street, Hellefnnte, I'n. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS i A.T — BAULANI) & NEWMAN S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, BOOTS ASIIOES, GENTS' TTJJLNTSIIIINra GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e., &e., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT POPULAK PRICES.— OCR MOTTO l*~"ONE PRICE-THE VERY LOWEST—AND NO MISREPRESENTATIONI Philadelphia Markets. I'M iLiDKLrm A, Aug. SI. ISSO. There ia no lin|invriuent to record In the demand for flour, th* botn* trade buying cautlouslv. Hsles of l.'Oi Iwrreln, Minnesota extras, low HNII clio re at 91.7."m>.Y7* ; tin do. straight at . Pennsylvania fatrtll v. n w M)d old VMlt, at 14 7 '► '• ; do. at s.*• aud patent* at |7* the Lewie burg. Centre and Hpruce Creek Railroad, with *ur routiding* that make It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Oood trout fWhlng in the immediate vicinity. A cab run* to {very train At the Millheim Hotel accom modation* will le found Arsl-ctas* and term* mod*r I ate. June 25,1*7R-ly* For Sale. I 4 FAIIM containing Fifly Acre*, ■1 V n.l bating lb.r*,n .rwt,l . TWu-STOKV KRAMK 111 II.MXI out l-ulMlng*. Till' g.i ln.inir.of A. J A T K ORIKst, Wf Unltumll', (Vfitr. rouiUj, Pa. Executor's Notice. I ETTERB testamentary on the at * -i tate of Jaeph Clreen. dee ease. I, iate of Mil**hvtrg IL.rough, Centre aunty. Pa . having t*en granted to the undersigned, all per wo is* |ndebte| to Mid estate are requested to make immediate payment, ami all | having claim* again*! the same to preawnt them, duly authenticated by law for settlement. J. W OKKKX. I I I si—c* r. potts ureks, / *""•*• j Sen' .1 (I vertinemmtx. THOROUGH EDUCATION —POX— YOUNG LADIES. i __ Hollidaysburg Seminary, BG, BLAIR COCNTT, FKNN'A. A very healthful location : beautiful surrounding* I Offer* to voung ladle* all th* a.l vantage* of a Christian j home, with thorough r.airse of in*truetlous in the liigher brain low of education Torma, $250.00 por Annum, Including Umtd and stten, use of library, |erb*d- Icmls. *nd tuition in all ITngllsh brat* he* Miudr and art extra. ANNUAL TERM, FORTY WEEKS. For catalogue, with full information, add rem IV. P. lIUSSKY, A. M., Principal. GEORGE VV. TUOMAH JUST KECEIVEI) another lot of FRESH MACKEREL. And lu b. Mid .1 uwl low print: qi'AKTPHA.i 11 M I KITS M ~Mm. PKObUCK I.|M I. .Wkun br rod. to-U JKidiey JS3 PAD' THE ONLY CURE For Diahetet, Gravel, Dropey, Bright't Dig ; ease, Pain in the Haek, Inability to Retain or ; Krptl the I'rine.t atarrh of the Bladder, Buni j imp or Painful I'nnalmg. Brick I hurt Ikpooit, AjTrctione of the Rpuie, A'ervoue Debility, Ft ! male W'akneu, and all Ihteaeee of the Kidneyn, Bladder and Urin ary Organ*. It .Told. INTKXXAL mudN-ia**. I. unelhrlM# le lb. Cwtaln la It. .Iwt, ud CI t* wbM nothing 'I" ran. Aing all othrr Ktaatr rh, a. mmnj aurllitm. Mtollnn. ar* Ma* lurod upon th* inark't. W. will rnid "(tlSratiw of nun, ud oar honk,-llo* a Ldf wa. fiwl," (rw g|, Ua rwrig iif Tour aAtr—a. DAY'S PAD '* "M by Dracgfata, or ami by mTI on m-Hpt of |irk, |}.M. F. POTTS GREEN. Bl'.l.l.kPilNTK. PA , | WUOUXSALI AtJKNT K> t'KNTRK 001'NTT. GOLDSMITH, STEIN ,C HKXTEU, Allegheny Street, Beliefonte, ra. CLOTHING? CLOTHING!! —AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. • - WE ARE SELLING OUR SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK .AJSTID COMPARE PRICES. Full Suits, formerly - - $4.50 at 3.50 " - 5.50 " 4.00" " - 0.25 " 5.00 " - 7.50 " 0.00 " - 9.00 " 7.50 AIV D AL L tiOOD* IV PROPORTION. . We are bound to sell our Goods to make room for our GRAND FALL and WINTER STOCK. Don't miss the chance as-we are not fooling. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! ISfTDon't forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A. STERNBERG WILL BE FOUND AT THIS KTQKK. Allegheny Street. Bellefonte, Pa. New Advert Imement*. STATE FAIR. Twenty-seventh Annual Exhibition or vat Pa. Agricultural Society WILL Nr. HELD IS MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, Fairmcntt Park, PHILADELPHIA, Septembti ©tK to IStla.. Entries Competition Free. INTERNATIONAL SHOW Sheep, Wool & Wool Products September 20th to 26th, 1880. i Entry Hooks will clot* at Ihe !forlh veet oof nr Tenth end Chwetr.ut Btrwto, August SI, IMI. $40,000 in Premiums. Cash Prison for Lire Stock 824,316. Kxrurtion Ticket* at greatly Reduced Rate*. Liberal Arrangement* /or T'rane/nrtation. WILLIAM H. BIBBELL, PreeidenL DW MKII.ru, r.I.HKIIxiK MCCO>KEV. B-oorditig he';. Currrepundtng Bae - y. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. TbartrreUttoa at IbU pnpalar fvinpr Ku more tfaaa trel-lad daring lb- MM rrer. In n.atalaa nil lb- Mill am muin-d In lb- Dnr lluutft, and U arraagad 111 IIU4| Ugrapblr tb-|l> l>— of lb- w—k fro all porta of lb* L'aloa. Thia freter. aloar -akH THE WEEKLY HERALD lb- < rain A—, rhrxairl-r lb lb* arorld. aa II la tba cb-apaaL Erary aaak flraai a faithful ra|rl of POLITICAL NEWS -I.ra.IHK no— pla— and co—preb-A-ra dlapalrb— fro— Waa hlngl-n. larlading fall up— la of tba •p-arb- of roaißnt pallll'lana on lb- -|ureOatad bp a walbaditad d-parl —nl, ald-l, cvp—d, aad-r tba bred of THE HOME, fl'l-t rarfp— fer prartlcal dlabre. binU tar arablng detblag and br b— |dag up arllb Iba lalret faabb—a at Iba low— prfre. 8,-ry I— of ranking or nr.—y •sgg-alad In lb la depart AARAT la prarUeally l-at-d by •ifrrb bad—* pnUlrallon. L-tl-ra fm— R—r Par— and U—dan rorrrep.—d-nla no lb* -ry lalaal faah- BREA TV H<— D-partm-nt of IV WUUI III** LB will —r* iba boaa.wlf* —or* than on* huadrad U— tba prtre af lb- pap-r Tba la Ureal aat SKILLED LABOR are B*.had fl*r, and -T-rylbißK partalelag LA ore cbank* and labor —ring la wafnlly ncordaj Tb-ra I* a paga dnrut-d all tba lalaal pbaaaa of Iba had- A— —ark*—, Ckwpa, Marrband— A, Ac.. Ac. A ralaa- Ma faa rare la MI ad in Iba apactally reporud prices -ad<.,dlUoar of TUB PRODUCE MARKET. Smarms Ntwtatbo—a and abmsd, tapatbar aiib aSmararary w*ak, a Pcanon by no— laant dl •lna, IjT**sr, Mr— eat, Daaaayrr, P—unnat and Ma Mote* Tb-re -no pap-r In Iba world tfasf caw laina an Blarh a*w> —altar arary waak tba Tin tr Utaita. whirl, la ami, porta** paid, fur Ona IM lar Too aaa aobsriiba sf any ll—a. w Till > / OH XEW TORE , In a Wrekly Fa—. • DOLLAR HERALD f I A TEAR. NEW YORK HERALD, w Broadway and Ana Blrant, Raw Tork. CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE BUBH HOUSE BLOCK, BKLLEPONTE, PA., IS ROW OFPERtEO GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO YHOSR WISE ISO PIRST-CLASR Plain or Fancy Printing. We hsae unusual fsciHUea for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VISITE, CARDS ON RNVILOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, ■VOrden by mall will reoaire prompt attention. BBTPrinting d..ne In tba beet atyle, an abort notice and at the iowaat rataa. . Harry K. Hick*, Hardware. IC. HICKS, [Successor to T. A- HICKS A 8R0.,] DIALER IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. | EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. l'rofrsaional Cant*. f?RANK FIELDING, ; I LAW AND COLLKTIoR OmCI, j Mf CLEARFIELD, PA \V A. MORRISON, f T • ATTORRET AT LAW, BKI.LEFOXYE, PA I OWra in Woodrlag'o Murk, "ppnalt* tha(Wl llmih ! CoooulUOon In Rt.rll.l. gflinau i-\j j C.T UinntL C. B M>B A LEXANDER A BOWER, 1 A ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ballafaata. Pa . may ba ouaaalbr! la Eagllah or Oar aaa. ODr, la Oinau'i IMl4i| 1-1; '■ A. lum. J wn uraiiT T3EAVER A Gni'IIART, I> ATTOEREY! AT LAW, OWoa aa Allafbaay Mraat, aorth of High, Batla bfll,. h. 1-ly Df FORTNEY, • - ATTORN EY AT LAW, RKLLRFONTR. PA Laat Art la tha Ml la tha Caart llooaa. 11; Da KELLER, a ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEka ea Allaghaay Mraat EoaUi aMa of Lyaa'a ■kara, 1-1; BalMbaM. Pa. JOHN BLAIR LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RELLEFORTE, PA. ORka Allaghaay Mraat, arar Port (lira El-ty J| L SPANGLER, a ATTORWRT-ATLAW. BKLLEPONTR. ORRTRR OOL'RTY, PA. •padal attention ta OutMhw; pfartlraa la all tha Oaarla; OaaaallaUaaa la Oaraiaa or Eogllah. 1-ly t. a. nuit. nun aaaaea. \f URRAY A GORDON, Ifl ATPOEBETR-AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Will attea! tka RalMbaU Cuurta whan eporully ■aylayrA I ly TO HIPPLE, a ATTOERKY AT-LAW. LOCK HAVE*. PA. All laalaw yraaylly illrtM la. My W M - p - MITCHELL, * PRACTICAL ICR VEYOR, UE3B HAVER, PA, Will iltrrt la all work la ClaapßaM, Cam aad d|M(ni wuUw. Olrf opfKMiU Lock llirwtt Xilloml Bank H-I| WC. HEINLE, a ATTORRET AT LAW. RELLEFORTE, PA. OMra la Ooanl low, Alkgkwi Rial Raadal altaaOoa flaw la tha ealtacMea of Halma All haalaoaa iHtalH la pwfKp. __R-1| . A. WAUACR h t~ MBA WALLACE A KREBB, I T ATTORNEY!-AT-LAW CLRAREIRLb. PA. Will attea! aa! try • *aa P* dally raOalart _ My WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, T T ATTORNEY AT LAW, CI.KA RFIEI.b, PA. All Maai ymaopHy altaaloJ la. My T\K. IAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., MJ PBTPICIAN AND RUROROI, J*. "^g^aj^A. DR. j. W. RHONE, DmUrL, out ha hut at hta oße> aa! raMam aa Rarth aMa r High atrial, thraa lllW Rart af AUagfcany, BallatoataTp*. Illy l>ry fiooiln and Grorrrie*. J.JARPER BROTHERS, SPBIKO PTBKKT, BKLLEVOVTK, PA., Have their counter* and thelve* filled with NEW GOODS, fBANKRUPT RATES Purchased at 1 BANKRUPT RATES (BANKRUPT RATES wnicn tiiev orrzk at BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. • ooKsurnso or Dry Gooda, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Gooda, Notion*. Ac. BOOTS and SHOES B(K)TS and SHOES at Tery low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest atyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bags, Umbrella*, Paraaola, Lediet' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceries, Qtcentwaiw, Ac. OonprtMag "*n thim* tt( can W fcead la a am ooi Mure. - HARPER IWOTIIERS, PPRIItO PTBKKT, - BKI.LKFOXTE, PA. ; COUNTRY PRODUCE Wkea la flclun at it* WlaWl norfcM prica. M ificrttaneou*. JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE &JRETREAT, . Personal Hxprrimrr* in fAe United Stair* and Vtmfrd rratr Stair* A rm ir* : By General J. B. HOOD, let* Uvataaaat-Oeaml CaMml, tatr* Amr. labUMW The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund —at— General G. T. BEAUREGARD, . Naw Orleans, 1880. TKt rattn praoaaita Wu from tk* ml* 'at thi* work an to b Tk* Hand Orphaa Kfaortal raad. •btch I* Inyeated la Called Plate. Boada fcr lb* nun nr., can. (Aram ut rWnaihn of the ten Infect. d*pH**d of tkdi p*net* laM naan at N*a Otkua. (tk. wdaarhoty la H all af akkk mi bmanawat an otill fnah la tk. |*Mk ntad.) Ta aooi u aa aaun on, to. ooaruaiaa Ml rtaaa, wtra a nam ra naaaam uiaaan in a ma •rati aaoaariaa. *■ uruau roa raw waat, Ml kaaaa not ar atrrut nam ntn rv *> Iwt Cutiwut* Cuw, a* TBRKB DOLLAR*. oa is a Pm Itaaar Bibmbo, ttttb Minor bo. THRRB DOLLAR* AID PIfTT CKKTB-ra ll.lt *><-. Ma botoo, uaaaat art I*. POtB DOLLARS, ae IB MB* rlv'irißlLLAßg 1 "*^ 1 ' **- ** Ob tk* rroript from aa* pmn renittfac bj anil or oapmaa, of tk* aatoaat la a mataferad letter or to a |.i*tal order. kaak draft, Br dm*, a aap* Trill k* in nitttlily ant free of | nk|T, mdatnaad aa amaad dan Bnttar Tk* mlaan la patibhed la tk* Wat Ttjl* of trm *T*pkT. oa kWmI paper, with lllaatratteaa, aaaratad aa high**! eiitam of art. Tk* aaikor.tk* mldert, the parpoaa.aH alikanadar It ararthjr a ptar* la erery library,—oa urn (lid m npoa tk* book abrif of ***l7 boan la lb* oaaatry Agaata IUM la or or? terra aad coaaljr h tk* Called Mates, aad a pndntrai* *lll kt pna to boa. orahljr discharged THeiarn of tk* amy. T tk* ladlra, be fed a deair. u. •xpron their tyan patky "tth Taa Hooa Okreaa Nomul Pvwa, tk* W of tWr book aatoag Ikdr drat* af IHah, U] abrt aa aaeetleat any of oaMWIk aakataattal aM to a* loaning a (tar. fW tmaa, raw to agents. Ae, a* At no rrttk Ml pantralara, Obk'l G. T. Bbacbboabd, Publisher, Oa UIIU Of tea Hooa gnnut reap, Hf Rt* Oateaai, La. Bottling Establishment. BOTTLED PORTER, ALE aad BEER. r pHK undersigned respectfully in- X faran tk* eltkaaa af CVatn nwatr tint k* kaa |W|Bfti M MlHtlBB Sa.tatJtahtt.fttll fkti >1 ill - - . •"Wtp m wlil be at all times pnpand to ftwakk POBTBB, ALB aad BBKB bt tko " doant o* cam. U aappWCg Uxa* knwagak. wk*tbr* to kdeb, mtanraaH or private lk*T rrtll k* Mtad of On pamt and Wat qaalftr. lnttird la •"•h a waaaar tint tbrir Mb aad aptrit* an pnan .ad aa ftath aa tkoagh dn*a Don Uw oak a* hand. Tk* CELEBRATED* ROCHESTER STOCK n 4 meiAUf Ordan loft at Ma ptaaa of had* ma, or mat krpaawl mH, will fmlvt ftttmtlm. Addrraa, I. H. SPITZER, K<*a Rrllrdaata, OaatnCa, Pa. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, Bud in moet Z' —