Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 26, 1880, Image 4

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    Lite Ccaftf <§mflrwt.
The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper
ll.hial evory Thursday morning, at Bollsfolita, Csntra
county, PH.
TERMS—C*h in advance, $1 BO
If not |>!d 111 advance. 8 OO
Payment! mode wtlliln throe month, will he con
sidered in edynnce.
A LI VK PAPER—devoted to the Intereiti or the
whole people.
No peper will lie discontinued until arrearage! ara
paid, except at option of publishers.
Papers going out of the county must lie pahl for In
All) person procuring us tencash subscribers will
be sent a copy free of charge.
Our extensive circulation makes this paper an un
usually reliable ami profitable medium foranvertliing
We have the most ample facilities for JOII WORK
and are prepared to print all kinds of Hooks, Tracts,
Orograminee, Posters, Coiumen-ial printing, Ac., in the
uest style and at the lowest possible rates.
All advertisements lor a less term than three mouths
20 cents per line for the ft rat three insertions, and O
cents a line for each additional insertion. Special
notices one-half more.
Editorial notices 15 rents per line.
A lilieml discount is made to persons advertising liy
the quarter, half year, or year, us follows:
Mj *
Oue inch (or 11 line* tliU s■*>,s* 112
Tvro iut ht*. T 1 !."
Throe Inched W 15
4jttir>r column (or Inches) 12120 110
Half column (or 10 inches) -'Vi
Oue column (or 20 Inch**) |OSJ.H 100
Foreign advertisement* muitt he paid for before In
sertion, except on yearly contract*, when half-yearly
pay men in in advance *ill he required.
POLITICAL NOTICE-*, to cents per line each insertion.
Nothloinserted for lee* than 6o cents.
lit".-*INE. - H NOTICES, in the editorial columns, 15 cents
per line, each Insertion.
LOCAL NOTICES, in local columns, 10 cents per line.
We are authorized to announce that COKBTRR
Mt'NSON, KFTTJ., of Phili|xihuri{, will lie A candidate
for the Legislature, subject to the decision of the Dem
ocratic Comity Convention.
We are authorized to announce that D. C. WILT,
Rs4| n of Millheim, will he a candidate for the LogUU
lure, subject to the decision of the Democratic County
We are authorized to announce that It. F. HUNTER,
K*| , of Benrer township, will he a candidate for the
Legislature, subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
We are author-zed to announce that Hon. J. P.
CEP II ART, of Bel'efo ite, will lie a candidate for the
Legislature, subject to the deris'on of the Democrat'c
Comity Convention.
We are authorized to ar ion nee that lion. W. A.
MURRAY, of H.trii* township, will lw a candidate for
tue Legislature, subjec. to the decision of t >e Denn*
cratic County Convention.
We aie authorized to announce that WILLIAM C.
II KIN LP., Ksq., of Bellefonte. will ►- a candidate for
District Attorney, subject to the dei-iaion of the Demo
cratic County Convention.
The 2d of September is the last day for
registration and assessment.
The assessor of each district is required
to be at the election-house on Wednesday
and Thursday, September Ist and 2d, from
10 A. M. to 3 p. M., and from <> p. M. to 9 ,
p. M., to perfect the list.
All persons entitled to vote should /<T
tonally see that they are assessed as well as
Persons intending to bo naturalized be
fore the 2d of October should also be as
sessed and registered by the 2d of Septem
—— -
John Sherman on John Sherman.
The financial secretary of the gov
ernment has at last emerged from liis
self-imposed retirement, and the famil*
iar fog horn of John Sherman is again
heard in the land. When John Sher
man sent his trusted friend Garfield to
Chicago to claim for the great apostle
of resumption the Presidential nomina
tion of his party, there was much love
in Sherman's heart for De Golyer's
attorney, but when Garfield returned
from his pilgrimage not loaded with
costly gifts for his magter, but bear
ing on liis person, as his own, the
gilded prize for which Sherman had
yearned with a great longing, love
turned to hate, and with illy conceal
ed chagrin, Sherman shrouded himself
in impenetrable reserve and petulaut
ly refused to clasp hands with the
false friend who had so basely betray
ed him. But reserve is not one of
John Sherman's virtues. He likes the
resonant sound of his own voice too
well to sulk forgotten in his tent, and
hence the telegraph informs us that
he addressed a large Republican rati
fication meeting in Washington, a few
days since, in which he damned Gar
field with the faint praise which is
more hurtful than open abuse. The
wily Secretary did not attempt to de
fend his candidate's record. He made
no claim for him of superior excel
leuce or incomparable statesmanship.
He carefully avoided the Scylla of
Garfield's Congressional iniquities by
lauding his early struggles for mastery
over canal mules, and as sedulously
steered 'clear of the Cbarybdis of his
treachery and perfidious conduct at
Chicago, by indulging in an attack
upon General Hancock, which recoils
upon the whole Sherman family with
crushing force. It was unlike John
Bberroan, who is one of the most astute
and crafty of all the great Republican
leaders, to challenge necessarily invidi,
ous comparisons between Gen. Han.
cock and the Sherman brothers, by
declaring in harsh and grating terms
that the Democratic candidate for
President had been "educated and fed
ft! the public expense." Iu all this
broad land thero is no man from
whom such an accusation could come
with worse grace than from the lips of
the treasury fattened official who ut
tered it. John Sherman's whole life
has been one of persistent office seek
ing and office holding, and no man
has had so long and succulent a pull
at the public teat. He emerged from
the obscurity of a country lawyer's
office to steadily and patiently fill
every conceivable station in the civil
service until to-day we find him at the
head of the fiscal concerns of the
greatest Empire on the face of the
known globe. From the grinding
poverty of the briefless attorney he
has, at the public expense, reached a
degree of opulence and wealth which
more scrupulous public men never
dreamed of honestly attaining. And
yet this man, gorged with the good
things he has gathered from the table
of the people while occupying lucra
tive ]>ositions, far removed from possi
ble danger or trying ordeals, audaci
ously flings this brazen insult in the
teeth of the brave soldier who has
periled his life ujon a score of battle
fields, facing innumerable dangers and
undergoing hardships of which John
Sherman never dreamed, as he drew
magnificent salaries as a civil servant
of the government. He seems to have
forgotten that his own brother, like
wise a soldier and now the official
head of the army, and the recipient
of the second largest salary paid to
any official in either the military or
civil service, was also "educated and
fed at the public expense." That he
likewise has sjent the greater por
tion of his life in the service of the
United States government, and 'has
been bountifully rewarded at the
hands of the people. Secretary Sher
man has another brother who long
occupied official station, and would
yet, in all probability, be wearing the
judicial ermine had he not forgotten
the historic example of Francis Bacon
and learned, when it was too late, that
the judge who listens to the voice of
the tempter and gazes ujmn the allur
ing gold of the bribe giver, can have
no place save that which he earns in
the time-softened memories of men.
Whom the gods would destroy they
| first make mad, and surely disap
! pointed ambition and wrath nursed
until it has become a consuming fire,
have overthrown the otherwise well
j balanced brain of the great Secretary,
' who, by his ill tempered speech,
I has invoked the destruction which
surelv awaits his candidate in the mel
ancholy days of November. The peo
ple of the United States will then
| strike a balance sheet. They will
i charge General Hancock with all ho
has received at their hands and will
give him due credit for the forty-one
years he has spent in their Rervice.
j There will lie entries on that sheet
! which will tell of Molino Del Key,
Uherebusco and gallant deeds under
Mexico's tropical sun, and there will
also be mention of Williamsburg, An*
tietam, Reams Station and Gettysburg.
The balance will be so large against
the people that, true to their honest
instincts in favor of paying all their
honest indebtedness to the uttermost
farthing, they will elect Hancock
President of the United States and
ask him to square the books.
THE Ilellcfonte Republican, under
the heading of "Why the South is
Solid for Hancock," keeps standing at
the head of one of its columns what
purports to be an extract from a
speech delivered by Wade Hampton, at
Staunton, Va. Inasmuch, however,
as Republican speakers and writers
seem to be conducting this campaign
upon the principle that a lie well
stuck to will anwer all the purposes of
the truth, it is probably labor lost to
call the attention of the editor of the
Republican to the fact that he thus
places before his readers each week
are intentional and malicious forgery.
Nothing of the kind is to be found in
the speech of Mr. Hampton as it was
reported at the time of delivery, and
he has since, over his own sigpature,
denied that he uttered the sentiment
attributed to him.
THE Republican Southern outrage
mill has become almost useless from
the death of material to feed it. In
stead, they have established a slander
mill, now running on full time. The
New York Tribune furnishes the grists,
and the small-fry hebdomadals do the
bumming. Our neighbor of the Re
publican baa been engaged.
The Canvass In the Went—Peculiarities
of the Campaign—Dan Rougher
ty's First Npeech—Wilmot,
Vic IMolette and Grow.
g|**'lnl Oom-pouilon<- of the I>*cmT.
PITTXIH.RO, Aug. 24, 1880. —The old
smoky town is all life now, and more
Rtnoke and more noise and business,
and the greater satisfaction. Add to
the smoking fires of industry we have
at night the thousand of torches of the
political procession. Up to this time
the evening parades have been princi
pally by the youngsters who manage to
get tin torch lamps well supplied with
oil. There are over one hundred and
fifty Democratic clubs alone in the
various wards and divisions, all prepar
ing for a regular street outburst in Sep
tember. What hot months September
and October will be, politically, is pres
saged by this early preparation.
was called for Saturday by Hon. .lames
11. Hopkins, chairman, and the good
work systematically pushed.
(Jen. Moorhead, "Old Slackwater,"
as he used to be called, is chairman of
the Republican committee. He is a
foeman worthy of Sir James' steel, as
he has many warm personal friends,
and since the death of Mackey seems
to unite all factions in the Republican
ranks. Hut even his popularity cannot
hold Republicans from declaring for
Hancock. Many of them, like the rich
brewer of Philadelphia, prefer to sup
port Hancock quietly, rather than start
a whole regiment after them, begging
their return or threatening the most
dangerous consequences. Hut the tide
seems against them. The flop of Gen.
Pearson is only an index of what is
going on in the rank and file of the
men who were soldiers. It does not
seem to bo isolated case* among the
Pennsylvania reserve* who were under
Hancock during the war, but in every
department of the army all over the
United States.
is not like any of the last five Presiden
tial campaign* that we have had. The
people this time seem to spring into
organizations like magic. The National
and Congressional Committee* have
been carefully collecting names of active
men with their P. O. address for month*
to be used a* a nucleus for a splendid
spread of au organization, entering in
to every precinct or election district in
the United States, when all at once the
cyclone of a general political uprising
Htrikes them, and for the present at
least their gossamer thread* of an or
ganization are hid. The club* and pole
raisings, the meeting* and speeches are
going on now like the wild suige* along
the sea shore. It doe* seem ft* if no
amount of official trap setting, or o
putting out line* or manipulating, wr
any good in the presence of a storm
such as is now beating all over the coun
try. It in the cause and the condidate.
Nothing but a similar combination
could produce a like result. Mere wire
pulling would not do it, and he who
can do nothing else but lay fine plan*,
i* comparatively lost when the active
| fight is going on, a* it i* at present. It
i* ju*t in a time like thi* that Wallace
! can show hi* superiority. He can kick
up Ned in a quiet way with anybody,
and when the waters are out and the
; storm covers the land, he can go front
and make himself heard. I notice his
Norristown speech ha* been pretty
generally copied by our Democratic
paper*. Hut this campaign will try the
wind of the best of them.
in every county in the State who should
be brought to the front this year in ac
tive service, speaking. It wiil all go to
swell the grand old army. Let the old
men remember that it is to these young
inen that we mu*t leave the care of the
party, ami encourage them to try and
fit themselves in every way for it. A
little encouragement will otten get as a
good speaker, whilst a trifling or con
temptous remark may throw a good
cause in the shade *>7 driving valuable
supports from it.
The eloquent Dougherty who nomi
nated Hancock at Cincinnati, in his
lecture* tells a very funny story on
himself how he attended a political
meeting in Philadelphia to speak his
first public rpeecb. He laid he was
modestly on the bills as among the
"and others'' who were to address the
meeting. Wm. 11. Wittee, ("has. W.
Carrigan, and several other big guns;
at that time each bad a line apiece on
the bills, but Dougherty was hid away
among the "and others." This did not
daunt him, however, and as the bright
lights mostly fail to come in on time,
Chas. J. Ingersol took young I>ougherty
by the hand, and after asking hi* name
several times, introduced him. Dough
erty gotofT a few sentences and then he
fainted stone dead. Hut he kept going
to the political meetings, among the
"and others," and he can now draw as
big a crowd as any man I know of. It
is a rare treat to hear him.
both left us at the same time, and now
come back together. They went off on
the Douglass split. They are the point
ers back, for a good many others. Penn
sylvania is really a Democratic State.
Out of fifteen Presidential elections that
were held previous to the war the old
Keystone soured up thirteen times for
the I'emocralic candidates and but
twice against them. In the Seymour
fight, 1868, Wallace, then Chairman of
the State Committee, tried to get Dough
erty back. Several conferences were
held, but Dougherty was for the legiti
mate results of the war, he was for ele
vatingOrant. Well, Grant was elevated,
and Dougherty and other admirers of
the silent soldier blushed at his sur
roundings, before the administration
closed. This time the two Dromios,
Forney and Dougherty come without
coaxing, and with them many others.
Forney's magazine baa jumped tip in
circulation Immensely since his come
over. Another straggler who might as
well oome back as not is
He went off with David Wilmot, how
ever, which wan earlier than the Forney
Douglass troubles. The Wilmot proviso
business demoralized that whole north
ern tier of counties on us. Kradford,
Susquehanna, Potter and McKean.
"Jump in Vic," said Wilmot to Vic.
Piolette, "jump in, you shall go to Con
gress and i will bejudge but Piolette
shook his head and the two Democrats
separated. Wilmot went to Congress as
an anti-slavery Democrat, and wasafter
ward* a judge. Piolette still lives but
could never strike it |>olitically. He
\made plenty of money building rail
roads, but he never seemed to know
just when he could interfere in politics
to the greatest advantage for himself.
Perhaps it was all to bis advantage that
he never got what be most desired. He
is *till vigorous enough to look after one
of Wilmot's pets, Galusha A. Grow, in a
political way. KEYSTONE.
Texts From Hancock's letters.
When fraud, violence or incompe
tence controls, the noblest Constitutions
and wisr-.t laws are useless.
The bayonet is not a fit instrument
for collecting the votes of freemen.
It is only by a full vote, free ballot
and fair count that the people can rule
in tact, as required by the theory of
our Government. Take this fouada
tion away and the whole structure falls.
The great principle* of American lib
erty are still the rightful inheritance of
thi* people, and ever should be.
The right of trial by jury, the haUat
rorpu *, the liberty of the pre**, the free
dom of speech, the natural right* of
persons and the rights of property,
must be preserved.
The thirteenth, fourteentli and fif
teenth amendments to the Constitu
tion of the United States, embodying
the results of the war for the Union, are
If called to the Presidency, I should
deem it my duty to resist, with all my
power, any attempt to impair or evade
the full force and effect of the Consti
tution, which in every article, section
and amendment, is the supreme law of
the land.
Thi* Union, comjosing a General
Government with general j>ower* and
State Governments, with Stale jowers
for purpose* local to the Slates, is a
polity the foundations of which were
laid in the profoundest wisdom.
This i* the Union which our fathers
made ami which ha* been o respected
abroad and so beneficent at home.
The war for the Union was success
fully closed more than fifteen years
All classes of our people must share
alike the blessings of the Union, and
are equally concerned in its perpetuity
and in the proper administration of
putdic affair*.
We are in a state of profound peace,
i Henceforth let it be our purj>oe 10 cul-
I livate sentiment* of friendship and not
of animosity among our fellow citizens.
As one people we have common in
j tercet*.
A sedulous and scrupulous care of the
' Public Credit, together with a wise and
! economical management of our Govern
mental expenditure*, should be main
j tained. in order that labor may be light
ly burdened and that all persons may
be protected in their right* to the fruits
of their own industry.
Let us encourage the harmony and
generou* rivalry among our own indus
. trie which will revive our languishing
. merchant marine, extend our con merce
J with foreign Nations, assist our mrr
j chants, manufacturei t and producer* to
develop our vast natural resource*, and
! increase the prosfienty and happiness
! of our |eople.
Public office is a trust, not a bounty
j !>etowed upon the bolder.
The basis of a substantial, practical
Civil Service Reform must first be es
< tabiished by the people in filling the
elective office* ; if they fix a hijh stand
ard of qualifications for office, rnd stern
! ly reject the corrupt and incompetent,
: the result will be decisive in governing
the action of the servant* whom they
intrust with appointing power.
No form of government, however
carefully devised, no principles, bow
ever sound, will prot<t the rights of
the people unless administration it
faithful and efficient.
Power may destroy the forms, but not
the principles of justice; these will live
in spite even of the sword.
The true and proper use of the mili
tary power, besides defending the Na
| tional honor against foreign Nations, is
i to uphold the laws and Civil Govern
| ment and to secure to every person re
| siding among us the enjoyment of life,
liberty and property.
The Regular Army should be so di
rected by ita superior officers as to be
I recognised as a bulwark in support of
the rights of the people and of the law.
I would, under no circumstances al
low myself or my troops to determine
who were the lawful membets of a State
Our system does not provide that ene
President should inaugurate another.
There might be danger in that and it
was studiously left out of the charter.
The Army should have nothing to do
with the election or inauguration of
Presidents. The people elect the Pres
ident. The Congress declares in a joint
session who he is.
I like Jefferson's way of inauguration;
it suits our system. He rode alone on
horseback to the Capitol, tied his horse
to a rail fence, entered and was duly
sworn; then rode to the Executive
Mansion and took possession.
The Truth Preelsely.
From * Iporch l>jr Thou A Hendrfcki, at Marlon, I ml.
Garfield's nomination means the en
dorsement and approval in the most
positive and offensive manner possible
of the Presidential fraud of 1876-7. He
had more to do with it than any other
man, and was the only man who occu
pied toward it a double relation. After
the election Garfield went to New Or
leans by request of Gen. Grant, without
authority of law, as a partisan. He
went there to assist hit psrty in making
up a ease, and after his return to Wash
ington, of all his associates be was the
only man who took his seat upon the
Electoral Commission. By evary senti
ment of fair play ha should have been
excluded from the jury box. By hi* own
sworn statement of what he did in New
Orleann, Garfield had charge of the re
turn* from Went Feliciana Pari*h. In
one of the inner room* of Packard'*
Custom House he did uis work, examin
ed the affidavit*, and when they were
not sufficiently full, he prepared or had
prepared additional interrogatories to
nring them within the rule* adopted by
the Returning Board. The testimony
so received by Garfield, went back to
the Returning Board, and the result was
that West Feliciana with its Democrat
ic majority WHS thrown out. In Wash
ington, Garfield's vote was that Congress
could not go behind the returns thus
made. As agent for his party he help
ed to make returns by manipulating the
evidence; nnd as juryman for the na
tion he held such evidence as conclu
sive and binding.
A Base Fabrication.
Frotn the Washington I*naf.
For the past two weeks, the Republi
can press has beer, circulating an alleg
ed report of Senator Hampton's speech
at Staunton, Va, in which the following
occurs :
" Consider what Ist? ami Jackson would do
wrre they alter. These are. the same princi
ples /or whieh they /ought /our years. lie
member the men who poured /orth their l*fc
blood on Virginia's soil, and do not abandon
them now. Jiemembrr that upon your vote,
depends the success of the Democratic ticket."
This has been printed in every Re
publican paper, ha* been put in big
type at the head of their editorial col
umns, and has been printed in huge
posters for country circulation. We
have the authority of Senator Hampton
for the declaration tiial he said nothing
of the kind. It is a malicious, mean
he, made from whole cloth and put in
circulation with full knowledge that it
was a dirty falsehood. The Republican
managers have started out with a deter
initiation to make the campaign on vil
lainous calumnies. They have hired
and are paying experts to conduct and
utter lie* in their interest. They pay
no heed to exposures of their villianies.
Their organs |ersist in uttering lies
lliHt have been nailed fifty times ; nor
will they copy this authoritative declar
ation of Senator Wade Hampton that
lie said nothing at Staunton or else
where, that could possibly be tortured in
to the shape or meaning given it in the
alleged extract above quoted.
Independent in Streak*.
From th* X*w York T< I* gram.
General Garfield on the way home
from his pilgrimage to New York, on
the tiain read a newspaper containing
Senator David Davis a letter favoring
the election of Hancock. "That .Judge
Davis should support Hancock' General
Garfield remarked, "i perfectly natural.
He jKvsed awhile a* an independent,
but be was independent in streaks
only." It may strike the American
public that Mr. Garfield'* description of
the Illinois Senator and ex-Judge is a
pretty good description of himself. Mr.
Garfield has been often inde{>endent in
streaks. Many times in Congres* his
word* have had the flavor of a states
manship somewhat broader than the
stalwart partisanship of the men with
whom be trained. He was one of the
first prominent Republicans after Lin
coln and Horace Greeley—a long way
after—to declare that the war is over,
that its issue* are all settled and that
the business of statesmanship is to set
the recuperative processes of agricul
ture, commerce and manufactures at
work. Often, in the crisis of some fool
ish old sectional debate, when crafty
Republican mischief-makers had suc
ceeded in striking fire from the hearts
of the representative* of the recon
structed section. General Garfield would
rise and with a few good nature.! and
judicious words take the wind out of
the sails of his stalwart brethren, and
allay the angry waves which that wind
had raised. But unfortunately for him
self and perhaps for the country Mr.
Garfield wa* independent only "in
streaks." He was not independent
enough to lay aside the partisan and
act judicially in the matter of the eleo
torsi commission. He wa* independent
in advising Democrats how to draft a
bill for the regulation of the freedom
of the polls, but he was not inde]>end
ent enough to sustain them when they
had adopted his advice. He was not
independent enough to give hia]>arty in
this campaign the advantage of hia in
dependence and his own best judgment.
He has just been independent enough
to offend machine Republican leaders
and narrow Itepublican voters, but not
enough to gain or to deserve the confi
dence of moderate Democrats and of
independent voters. There has been
too much atreakineas in Garfield's in
I'uxsled Mast.
Fmm the N. Y. Kxprm, A**. 17, ISSn.
The most puuled cartoonist, juat at
present, is Mr. Thorns* Nasi, of the
■loumal 0/ Civilisation. It is a notable
fact that since the opening of the cam
paign he has not onoe drawn the figures
of the Republican nominees. Tertians
he remembers that cartoon of 18i3,
when be portrayed Garfield as a Credit
Mobilier thief, and cannot see exactly
how to get around the record. But
what to do with Hancock is the thing
that pussies him. He is naturally a
man of strong onnvictions and honest in
hit impulses ; so it is that he cannot be
brought to libel, and does not know how
to caricature the hero for whose record
he has so profound a respect. In every
cartoon he baa drawn, General Hancock
appears the embodiment of all that ia
grand and noble. The current number
of Harper's Weekly , however, contains a
cartoon that muat serve as a double
edged sword. General Hancock is rep
resented aa standing in a graveyard
filled with numberless graves, and on
the headstone of one is inscribed "Reb
els killed in front of General Haooock's
line (2d Corp*)." The descriptive lines
at the bottom of the cartoon sue, " The
Silent (I>emocraticl Majority. General
Hancock will mis* them on election
day." It would be aomewhat difficult
to discover whether this is intended to
drive away Democratic, or to secure
Republican votes for the General. It
is a good deal like e case of paying your
money and taking your ohoioe.
Gen. Garfield'* Credit Mobilier Record.
From his own SUM rn testimony before the
Poland Von nit tee, Jan. 14, In 73.
/ never owned, received or agreed to re.
Ative any stock 0/ the Oretli'. Mobilier or of
the Union Pan fir Hait.cul Tver any divi
dends or profits arising from either if
From Judge Poland's rejtort, Feb. JM, I*7-5
—(iar'field's esiimony perjured.
The fact* fn regard to Mr. Garfield, *<
found by the committee, are that he agreed
with Mr. A me* to take ten shares of Credit
Mobili-r Stock, hut did riot pey for the
same. Mr. Ames received the eighty p-r
cent, dividend in frond* and sold them for
ninety-se/en percent, and also received
the sixty per cent, cash dividend, which
together with the price of stock and inter
est, left a balance of $<529. This sum was
paid over to Mr. Garfield by a check on
the scrgeani-nt-rins and Mr. Garfield then
understood this sum was the balance 0/ die
id* rids after paying Jor the stock.
From tin- New York Times, February IS, 1*73.
Messrs. Kelly and Garfield present *
most distressing figure. Their particip*.
tion in the Credit Mobilier affair it cornel .
rated by the most unfortunate contradic
tion* of testimony.
From the New York Time., February '30,1*7 s.
The character of the Credit Mobilier
w no seceol. The source of it* profits
was very well known at the time Congre.s
--1 men bought it. Though (lakes Ames may
have succeeded in concealing his own mo
tive, which was to bribe Congressmen,
; their acceptance of the stock was not on
that account innocent. The dishonor of
the act, a* a participation in an obvious
fraud, still remains.
Home of thei.i have indulged in testmonv
with reference to the matter which has
been contradicted. The committee
tmrtly rejects thr te.stin my of several of t/.'
members. This ran only be done on tb*-
ground that it is untrue. Put untrue let.
tii -onygiven under outh is morally, if not
| legally, perjury.
It is the clear duly of Congress to visit
with punishment *ll who took Credit Mo
bilier slock from Gakes Ames.
From Ihe N< York Tribune, February I*7 !.
James A. Garfield, of Ohio, had teri
shares; never paid a dollar; received $-5 *'!<,
which, after the investigation began, he
was anxious to have considered as a loan
from Mr. (fakes Ames to himself.
Well, the wickedness of ail of it is that
these men betrayed the trut of the people,
deceived their constituents and, by evasions
and falsehoods, confessed the transaction
to he disgraceful.
Fn-rn Uis X*w Yurk Tribune, F< b. 30. I*7X.
Mr. Ames establishes very clear!v the
joint that he was not alone in this offense.
If he is to be expelled /or bribery, the men
who were bribed should go with him.
Old Proverb* with New Readings.
From tb* New York Sua, Au*. I'.', IvS.
Adapted to the view* of the Republi
can national committee.
Dishonesty is the best policy.
Money makes the machine go.
It is never too late to spend.
l'ut none but Übio men on guard.
Jewell ioveth a cheerful giver.
The kisses of a Conkling are deceit
It's a wise candidate that knows bis
own heart.
Washington is paved with good inten
A bribe in the hand is worth two in
(he hush.
Garfield is not so black as he is paint
It's a poor fool that won't swear both
A loan by any other name would
I smell less sweet.
Never look a campaign contribution
; in the mouth.
Jove laughs atGarfield's vows
Little voters have long ears.
Of the dead (Oake* Ames) nothing
save what is had.
The nation was made for Ohio and
not fhio for the nation.
Like as a Jewell in a swine's snout, so
is a handsome chairman without disc re
I lion. i|. T. P.
A Campaign Lie Nailed.
w Ana HAMPTON'a VIBUINIA sriti 11.
I Willi h wilt uruordiUf to Wlul tb* l<>rg*ry ami*.
<-m. MU r*iMi bin at
j ™ I anaal (" JW IK (H Tnnalder uhui l** t"!
I "asm* f lb* *r*ul nt*. ' J lU kaun uouM A.
,"of \ irginu Ik BOW (but ** tb*y tilt*. N
"both siibw sr urn*,* it, "lb* mm* principle. f
" Oil. local fl,ht I know •• which tk*y fou*l.t f-r
" lb*r* or* bonus t SMU MJ - lour ynsrw lt*-a.*0.1-or
"true in both your far'th* niuti who |.ur*il
"Uoas. I tit b*ih-r yon " forth thrtr lit* Wood *
"b* R*u4iM*r or FutMb-rJ Virginia. soil. uxl <W
wh*lb*r yon b* Ur**u " t*4 üb4oa tb* no
"'wksr or Ilsrd \|o*y " Rrm* slot tbsl upes
1 s<tjor you ia "your rob 4*p*o-b lb*
"G<l us*, rum* I* IXT "no*m of tb* le--t*l
" you ar* \ irgfnWa* " |"lr lt<k*l **
Why Hancock Instead of Garfield.
From Forney'• Frogr-m*.
If I desire to give reasons for mv
nreferepee for Wiofield S. Hancock. I
nave only to turn to the columns of the
Republican papers of America in 1863;
if 1 desire to prove distrust of Jame* A.
Garfield, I have only to turn to the Ke
publican journal* of February, 187.1 I
have no prejudices. I want to defeat
Garfield, because I regard him to day s*
a sneak, a jobber, an imposter.
Getting Thing* Mixed.
From tb* I'lk* Obssrrrr.
The bettie of Gettysburg was fought,
on the rebel side, mainly by I<ongstrrel
troop*. The eminent Confederate >*
now drawing the comfortable salary of
$7,500 ea Mr. Havre' minister to Turkey.
Meanwhile the Onion soldier who won
the luittle at Gettysburg and saved
Pennsylvania and the North from in
vasion, is being denounced by the He
publican press as a traitor and rebel
sympathizer. Somehow it seems a* if
thing* had been mixed.
Want* le Hear Sherman.
From tb* N* w York Star.
Gen. W. T. Sherman ia reported a*
saying that hia "letter to Gen. Hancock
in 1876 was merely to assure him that
he would not be removed from Govern
or's Island." Now It does not seem f
all probable that Gen. Hancock would
have written a lengthy political *•*?
in reply to a dry end formal notifica
tion of this sort. Did Gen. Sherman
send only one letter at that time? At
all events, if the correspondence is of to
innocent a character, why does not Gen.
Sherman authorise the publication of
hie share of it.