Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 26, 1880, Image 3
FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. ■•elpoa. POTATO PUDDINO.— BoiI lour large potatoes and pass them through n sieve; stir into them powdered loaf sugar to taste, and the yolks of two or throe eggs; add a few drops ol essence of lemon, then the whites of the eggs whisked to a froth; mix quickly and well; pour into a plain mold buttered and breadcrumbed, and bake for twenty minutes in a quie oven. LIVER HASH.— This hash is delicate and appetizing, and nice as a change from the liver and bacon known to all cooks. Boil the liver until thoroughly tender—there must not be even a sus picion of hardness about it. Then mince it iinely with a ehopping-knife. Heat the mince very hot in a sauce or TOUT of butter and browned flour. The seasoning is pepper, salt, a dash of lemon, or a little piquant sauce, such as mushroom catsup. CALIFORNIA CAKE.— Onepintof flour one pint of Indian meal, one pint of milk, two eggs, one tcaapoonful of soda two spoonfuls of cream of tartar, four tablespoon fu Is of sugar, small pioce of butter. Mix the eggs and milk to gether, add sugar t and butter, well beaten, then flour and Indian meal, a little at a time, alternately; mix the cream of tartar in the flour, and the soda in a little of the milk. Bake in pans, and serve hot for breakfast or tea. ROSE BAl'CE. —This is an excellent sauce for puddings, and one that looks very pretty. Peel and slice a fine large beet ; ;boil it gently for twenty minutes in a pint and a halfof water. Then add two pounds and a half of loaf sugar, the thin rind and strained juice of a lemon, and half a stick of vanilla. Boil quickly and skim constantly until the liquid becomes a rich, thick syrup, of a deep red color, then strain. When nearly cold stir in a gill of brandy, and when quife cold bottle and cork it closely. It will keep any length of time, if properly made. Farm and Uartleit {Voles. set your hens in the evening if you have to move them from the laying nests, they will be more sure to stick to their new nests afterward. A Canada fanner rids cattle of lice by applying with a cloth along the back bone, water in which onions have been thoroughly boiled. Cayenne pepper, ginger or mustard for fowls is quite beneficial. When added to their food it will stimulate egg pro duction, increase their vigor and make them feel well generally. An old gardener says in the Detroit Tribune, with regard to cultivating onions, that if care is taken to draw away the earth gradually from the bulbs until they are quite uncovered and only the fibrous roots are in the earth, you will never have scullions, but very large, sound onions. A series of experiments has demon strated that bran posseses valuable qualities as a fertilizer, it being claimed to he superior to guano, bonedust, land plaster, etc., by a con temporary. About half a ton to the acre, applied once in three or four years, is sufficient, while the yield is prodigiously increased. This would make it a cheap dressing. Potash dissolved in water, or lye from wood ashes, is the best wash for the trunks and large limbs of fruit trees. Whitewash should not be used, as it closes the pores of the bark, which should be kept ot>en in order to insure a healthy tree. Potash or lye answers every purpose which whitewash would, with none of its objections. Cornstalks are good fodder for cattle, | but there is a great difference in their ; value as saved by different farmers, j I .eft out to become weather-beaten, they are poor feed for any kind of stock; bat when saved without being injured ! either by sun or weather, well cured and sheltered early, retaining the sweet juices unimpaired, thoyiare one of the i best fodder crops. It pays to cut and <secure them early, while there arc some of the juices remaining in them. Professor Bodd, of lowa, says that training beans on poles is no only un necessary, but a decided disadvantage. When the tendrils begin to suirt on the plants he nips them off. By goiDg over the plants two or three times after ward. and clipping off the climbing tendrils, the plants become low and bushy and are loaded with early-m tar ing pods. A farmer writes to an exchange: If B>u desire to get a large yield of rich mi Ik |ive yonr cow every day water slightly irann and slightly salted, in which bran las been stirred at the rate of one quart o two gallons of water. Yon will find, If you have not tried this daily practice, that your cow will give twenty-five per tent, more milk immediately nnder the {fleets of it, and she will become so at tached lo the diet as to refuse to drink tlear water unless very thirsty. But bis mess she will drink almost any time, tnd ask for more. The amount of this Irink necessary is an ordinary water tail at a time--morning, noon and light ' M An Hungarian exhibited in a phreno logical museum two skulls of different proportions. " Whose is the large fkulir asked a spectator. "It belonged io the celebrated Attiila, king ot the Huns." "And the small oneP" "Also to Attiila, but when he was a child." There is verdure all along one track f the Pennsylvania railroad, between Pittsburg and Philadelphia, and none kioug the other. This lsoauaed by drop tings of grain from the eastward-bound "reigh tears, while those going the other iray deposit no seed. , One Way of Making Ten Dollars Oat of Nine. u Charles A. Hill, a St. lools lawyer u who was arrested for clipping one and . two-dollar greenbacks in such away r that out of each nine he made ten, pro -0 ceoded about his nefarious work in an s ingenious manner. The process is rather 1 a complicated ono, and needs diagrams 1 for thorough comprehension. e p 1 : __ R t f i B. i r ; i c. [ Outof one dollar bill "A" he clips a i piece through the head of Washington > three-eighths of an inch wide, and cut i with artistic irregularity. The two ends , of the bill are brought a little closer to gether than they were before the piece , was taken out, and a rough continuation J of the lines of the head is made with ink , | upon the white surface of the gummed ,! paper beneath. The bill is then ar- I tistically dirtied, and is ready for shov , ing. Bill "B" is then taken up, and a section three-quarters of an inch, or I twice as large as that taken out of "A," , is then removed; the piece taken out of t "A" is then inserted between the two ends of " B," the pasting, inking and I dirtying repeated, and this bill is also ready for the market. A section an inch and a half wide is then removed from *'C," and the three-quarters cut from "B" let in, and so the process is con tinued, each bill, instead of its true J length of seven and three-quarter inches, being only seven inches. The first one is the most dangerous, because it is hard to doctor up the head of the father of his ' country in away that the children of • the same will not recognize the old gen -1 tleman. and hence this bill is left the longest of the lot. It is easy to see that out of every nine bills there is an extra bill left over, ' making ten dollars for nine. Working as hard as he could, Mr. Iltll could not have mode more than from three to five i dollars per day—rather a small sum for ! the risk he ran, as it was necessary to shove fifty of the mutilated dollars to | make five. i A Head Man's Shadow. Shadows are substantial things in Gold Hill, Nev. The local editor, whose . reputation for veracity is not questioned > by his own journal, relates that in the earlier days of July John Abbott was taken from the steaming depths of the "Union" with his head crushed by a falling wall-plate. He was laid on the ! floor of the office, and medical aid was summoned to minister to his wants, al though it was plain that be must die. The next morning Superintendent Rooney noticed that where the dying man had been placed his outline lay like a shadow on the floor. He ordered the janitor to clean the boards. Before Rooney went to dinner the shadow re -1 appeared. He ordered the floor to be thoroughly scrubbed and went to bis family. Tbe next morning the floor showed that a vigorous application of soap and brush had been made, for it was white and clean. But during the day that shadow returned, and at night there it lay as though the man was stitl waiting for death on that floor. The next day Rooney ordered tbe floor to be painted. With the coming of the paint pot the shadow vanished, but after a day or two returned, and once more limned itself on that office floor. Rooney again sent for the painter and bad a second coat of paint put on, not only where the shadow lay, but over the entire floor. In a few days there it was again, and each day it grew more and more distinct. Kven strangers at length began to notice it and comment 1 on its resemblance to a tinman form. . Its presence at length became intolera ble, and Rooney had all the boards of f the floor on which this heavy and terrible shadow rested taken out and replaced with new. The paint brush then followed, and now that outlined figure from tbe floor has disappeared. Tbe Way to Preserve lee. During illness ice is generally needed in the sick room. The following method ot preserving it is highly recommended, and it Is certainly worth trying: Cut a piece of flannel about nine inches square and secure it by a ligature round the mouth of an ordinary tumbler, so as to leave a cup-shaped depression of 1 flannel within tbe tumbler to about half its depth. In the flannel cup so constructed pieces of foe may be pro t served many hours; all the longer If a t piece of flannel four to five inches square I b® •* a loose oover to the Ice cup. Cheap flannel with comparatively open meahes Is preferable, as water easily drains through it, and ths Ice is thus kept quite dry. When good flannel t with close texture is employed, a small i bole must be made in the bottom of the i flannel cup, otherwise it holds the water and facilitates the melting of the foe. I Placed in a cup of this kind, two ounces ■ of ios has been known to last nine or leu hours. | A WONDERFUL OPERATION. •low tha Scalp Which WM Torn IVami *#* IVoui.a'a llaad NK Years Asa Ha. Bean Iteitorcd by the Proceaa ol KmrrafUng. Among the patients in St. Luke's hos pital, New York, is a young woman who carries on her head an artificial scalp, and it is not entirely complete yet, but for all practical purposes the experiment on the young woman may be said to be at an end. The material for building the scalp lias been furnished by hundreds of volunteers, and over 14,- 000 different pieces have entered into its construction. The woman's name is Lucy Osborn, and she is in her twenty fifth year. She is of medium height and build, of good form, and her disfigured face gives ample evidence of the fact that she was once a very pretty girl. There is a sweetness about her smile now which is very attractive, and her low, rich voice is very pleasant to listen to. The only disfigurement apparent to the eye of a repoiter.who met her in the hospital, was found about the eyes. Her right eyebrow is gone entirely, and the left one is twisted upward and outward. The eyes themselves are elongated side ways, much like those of a Chinaman but they are Boft and plensant to look upon. The scalp, which the surgeons have decoyed nature into furnishing in place of the original, was covered by a cloth, wound around her head much like a Turkish turban. She talks pleas antly, and with rare intelligence, lor an invalid, and appeared weli satisfied with the result of the surgeons'opera tions upon her head. Lucy Osborn belongs to New M ford. Conn., and on September S3, 1874, being at that time nineteen years of age, was attending to her work in a button factory. Her hair was arranged in long luxuriant curls, which covered the entire head. In the prosecution of her work she leaned forwnrd toward a re volving shaft, and her curls were caught in the rapidly-revolving cylinder. It is wonderful that her head was not com pletely crushed, but, fortunately, her position was such that her life was not sacrificed. Her face was wrenched down close to the shaft, the hair refused to giro way, and the entire scalp was taken clean off. The skin was peeled off from the bone, taking with it a piece of the integument of the right ear, and leaving but a slight fringe of hair on the lower part of the back of the head. Miss Osborn says that the accident was so sudden and the work was done so quickly that she was not conscious of feeling the slightest pain, and she ex perienced no faintnesa or prostration. The terrible wound bled but slightly and this is accounted for by tbe fact that the months of the blood vessels were so badly lacerated that the blood coagu lated, and thus hemorrhage was pre vented. Tbe safety of Lucy Osborn's life is probably dne to this fact- It wns three-quarters of an hour before the village physician reached tbe factory. He replaced the scalp instantly, and secured it to the girl's head with forty seven stitches, in the hope that it would agaiu unite with the tissue. Then followed a reaction, and Lucy suffered for two nights with a high fever and delirium. At the end of that time she regained her reason, but she suffered greatly from pain. The scalp was kept in position tor eleven days, but matter was constantly collecting iieniatb it, and tbe idea that it could be induced to unite with the hone again was abandoned. It was removed again, and for nearly threo months the wound was dressed with simple ointments. On December I, 1874, Lucy was brought to New ;York and placed in St. Luke's hospital, where it was at once deter mined to endeavor to provide her with a new scalp by means of grafting. Lit tle pieces of thin skin, not larger than a millet-seed, were carefully taken from tbe arm of a healthy man. and twenty five of these were grafted on the head of Lacy a short distance from the border of the skin of her forehead. The wound was first carefully washed in a weak solution of carbolio acid; then the most healthy looking spots on the granulated surface were chosen to locate the grafts, and they were carefully applied with a camel's hair brush. The head was lound in lint to keep the grafts in po sition, and nature was left to do her work. Of the twenty-five grafts first applied an examination showed that but four had taken, all tbe others hav ing liquefied and disappeared. These four had united themselves firmly to the tissue, and gave promise of a healthy growth. By March 10, 1875, they had increased to the sise of a silver three* cent piece, and were pushing rapidly forward to join the skin of the forehead. More grafts were carefully planted, and while hundreds proved worthless, enough grew properly to give ample as snrance of the ultimate success of tbe experiment. It would be a matter o years, the surgeons well|kncw, but they felt certain that in the end Lucy Osborn would have a new scalp, unless she died before the experiment could be com pleted. Lucy did not die. On the contrary, ■he grew strong daily, and in a very lew months after ber admission to the hos pital she was doing tbe ordinary work of convalescents about the wards. The tendency of healing soars is to contract, nd the new skin. In growing over her forehead and prssing forward to unite with the little islands which the grafts were forming on the top of her bead, had drawn np her left eyelid so that she was unable to cloee that eye. An incision was made above tbe eye, and tbis gave facility for the lid to drop. The incision gradually healed like the other wouada, and with the exception of the diaflguring scar Lucy's eye is now as good as ever it was. Meaatima the grafting continued without ceasing, the healthy akin being taken from the anna of the surgeons and doctors of the hospi tal, and a great quantity ftom the pa tient herself. Several prominent clergy men of the city contributed grafts, and portions of the akin of many fnahionable ladies furnished a nucleus for the scalp which Lucy Osbotn now wears. The new scalp which has been built up for her is hard, white and glossy. There arc no pores in the tissue, and it can never bear hair. Lucy is in the best of health and spirits, and expects to have a completely reconstructed scalp soon. Hew Trees are Mtrnck by Lightning. M.Collation says: The lightning al ways, or most nlways, strikes the upper brandies, especially those that are most elevated and most exposed to the rain storm. From thence it descends through almost the the entire mass of branches to the main branches, and from these to the trunk. These large branches, and especially the trunk, being in general much poorer conductors than the young branches, the passage of the electricity produces therein heat and repellent effects which lacerate the sap wood or the bark, and sometimes scatter the debris to some distance (150 feet and beyond.) This is a Jaw that I have as certained by very numerous observa tions. The tree recently struck in Hue des Glacis de Rive presents an interest ing case, in that it confirms this law. It is not a veryun common tiling in France to see trees struck by lightning in May, when their as yet young leaves •'"ve little consistency. The tree under consideration was struck essentially on its chief branch, the highest one by some inches, and situated on the southwest side. The young leaves of this summit and those of the branches immediately bmeath were neither dried nor withered, but they were gashed in part and broken into small fragments and strewn over the surrounding earth. In fact, they had suffered from the effect of a violent concussion of the air, like the window panes which had been broken in two neighboring houses, and were reduced to fragments just as tliey would have been had a dynamite cartridge been exploded near them. Even licfore seeing the tree I had made up my mind that there must have been a well or stream of water near there in contact with the roots of the poplar; (or the vicinity of a spring or subterranean stratum of water is very often the de termining caus3 to attract the lightning to the summit of a tree standing near it. Here, again, this influence is ren dered evident by two interesting facts. At about eighteen feet from the tree, on the north side, there is a lead conduit which leads water to a laundry, and a drain which carries the waste water off under the street. At the base of the trunk tbe wounds swerved to ward the north, and, midway between tbe tree and tbe lead conduit, a board placed as a border on the earth was pierced with a round hole about four inches In diameter, showing ;that the electric fluid, concentrated in a power ful jet (if that expression is allowable), shot directly from the foot of the tree toward the lead conduit by the shortest route. The Thin Partition between Life and Heath. When we walk near the powerful machinery we know that one single misstep and those mighty engines would tear us to pieces with their flying wheels, or grind us to powder in their ponderous jaws. So when we are thun dering across the land in a rail car, and there is nothing but ball an inch flange to hold us upon the track. So, when we are in a ship at sea, and there is nothing but tbe thickness of a plank between us and eternity. We imagine then that we see bow close we are to the edge of the precipice. But we do not see it. Whether bn sea or land tbe partition that divides us from eternity is something thinner than an oak plank or half an inch of iron flange. The machinery of life and death are within us. The tissues that hold these heating powers in their place arc often not thicker than 'a piece ol paper, and, if that thin partition were ruptured, it would he just the same to us as if a can non ball had struck us. Death is in separably hound up with life in the very structure of our bodies. Struggle as we will to widen this space, no man can at any time go farther from death than the thickness of a sheet of paper. A Beef-Parking Establishment. An exchange tells of a beef packing establishment at Rock port, Texas, owned and managed by a Northern max, which kills an average of 31,500 beeves every year. Every part of the beef is utilised, even to tbe tufla of the tail, which are used to make ladies' friesea! Tbe blood flows into tanks and is dressed and sold for two cents a pound for the manufacture of fertilisers. Tbe |ean beef is boiled and canned in two pound tint. The bidea are salted and •old gran. The iatty matter is ex tracted and goes into tallow. The bones are boiled to a palp to extract the fatty matter which goes to tallow, and the dry bones, mainly pboapbate of lime, are sold for fertilising at one cent per pound. The feet are cut off at the knee, and from the feet neat's-foot oil is ex tracted. Tbe horny part of the foot, the shin bone and knuckle bones are extracted and sold for the manufacture of domestic ivory. The horns are piled up until the pith becomes loose, and this is added to the fertilisers and the hemes sold for the manufacture o 1 um brella handles, etc. Every stoat of the animal is profitably and. The Bejel Family of China. The present royal family of China embraces tbe trifling number of some forty thousand souls. Of ocursc this is easily accounted for. if it be recollected that most Chinese emperors have wives by the score,and consequently the num her of aunts, uncles, cousins, and cousins ever so many times removed, owned by each emperor, make up a rather startling figure. But of course nobody could be expected to love forty thousand cousins; so by Chinese law (or custom) ail ciaim on the emperor's attention closes somewhere about the existing generation of first cousins. Still, as the odd thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and sxty are undoubt edly of royal blood, a large proportion oi them receive about a dollar a month from the public treasury, andi f within a certain gree of relationship, are entitled to wear a yellow girdle. This, however, does not in the least interfere with their honestly earning their bread, and the mess oooly in the British lega tion at I'ekin in 1803 was a yellow girdled "cousin," entitled, moreover, to wear I don't know what button on the top of his very dilapidated old hat. All members of this imperial clan, however if they get very little in the way of pen, sion, have one great advantage—they cannot be tried before an ordinary court. A special tribunal exists to try them, and it was stated in a recent Pekin QaztlU that its memi>crs got a terrible wigging for letting off some of tbe em peror's relations lor so Lsetbey had committed. So much for royal cousins in China. But the ladies of the alace afford the most curious paradox to foreigners, who forget that tlie Chi nese are not the only people who make a great distinction between profession and practice. An ordinary Chinaman, in China proper, will tell you that women are decidedly inferior beings; nnd as to tbeir having souls, pooh poohs the idea outright. But if you re mark that the whole government of the country lias for the last eighteen years (with a short interval) been carried on by two ladies—tbe emperor's mother and the empress dowager, two oi the cleverest women now alive in China or any other country—be calmly remarks that perhaps they are different from other folk, and he will not at all admit that the average Chinawoman can possi bly possres brains or sense. It is of no use pointing out to Lim that Chinese history abounds with heroines, and that cases of female pluck, ability and virtue are constantly recorded in imperial documents even at tbe present day. He incontinently changes the subject. Fainting Fit* and their Causes. A fainting fit arises from sudden failure of the heart's action. It is met with most frequently in young aduite, especially in young females. Its occur rence is favored by general debility or ill health, and more particularly by anrmia, or poorness of tbe blood. It is very common in young ladies who take very little outrdoor exercise and spend most of their time on the sofa reading novels. Want of active occu pation powerfully predispose* to faint ing. Persons who are not very strong are most likely to faint after some un usual fatigue, or after long abstinence from food. A liability to fainting seems nlmost to be hereditary, so common is it in some fnmilies. Sometimes it is as sociated with heart-disease, but In the vast majority of cases it is purely func tional, and there is nothing wrong with that organ. The determining causes of a faint are vat iable in character. In sus ceptible subjects it may be brought on by any sudden impression on tbe nervous system. This need not of no easity be painful or unpleasant, for people may faint from excitement or ex cess of joy. For instance, tbe sudden announcement of tbe return of some long-lost relative, or of tbe favorable termination of a protracted lawsuit, may be the exciting cause. Tbe tight of certain animals, such as a frog, or a black beetle, or even a mouse, is quite enough to send some people off, while others faint immediately at the sight of blood, and even feel sick and faint if they read of an accident in the papers. We have all beard tbe story of the young preacher who fainted on having to read tbe account of one of tbe san guinary battles in tbe Old Testament. Medical students sometimes faint at tbeir first operation. Snch a trivial ac cident ns pricking the finger will make some people tee] sick and faint.—Phila delphia Timet. A Dangerous Practice. A surgeon in tbe German army calls tbe attention of all who have to do with horses to the danger of using the pocket handkerchief to wipe away any fosui from the month or noae of a horse which may have been thrown upon tbeir clothes. Some months ago, the writer states, an officer came to him suffering from an obstinate cold and cough. The usual remedies were prescribed, but in vain; a visit to the baths at Releben hall also did the patient no good. Re turning to dutv, tbe officer beoame worse; fever, attended with great pain in and swelling of tbe head, eat in, and ultimately, alter much suffering, be died with every symptom of glanders. Inquiries were set on loot, and it was found that some time before he was taken 111 he bad ordered a horse which he believed was suffering from glanders to be aliot. Neither the groom or any of theother soldiers who had been near the horse have been attacked by gland ers, and consequently it is suspected that the officer who died may have con veyed the disease into hla system by perhaps using his handkerchief to wipe some of the foam from the mouth or nose of tbe horse feom his uniform. Te Set KM ef Bats. Rata ere a'pest in every city nod town, and, indeed, everywhere in thin country. It seems nearly impoeaible to yet rid of them, and any method that promises to secure this most desirable end is worth trying. Somebody recom mend* covering stones, rafters, ■* every part of a cellar with ordinary whitewash, made yellow with copperas, putting copperas in every crevice or cranny where a rat may get, and scatter ing it in corners on the door, ile has tried it repeatedly, and the result has been a general retreat of both mice and rats, not one of which bad at last ac counts returned. It is said that a coat of this yellow wash, given each spring to a cellar, will not only banish these ver min, but will prevent fever, dysentery or typhoid. Everything eatable should be carefully secured against the ravages of rats, wbic li are so intelligent that they will soon abandon premises where they can get next to nothing to eat. The rat we are most troubled with is the brown rat, much larger, stronger, fiercer and more ravenous than the black rat, which has almost entirely dis appeared, having been driven off or ex terminated by the more formidable species. The brown rat is frequently called the Norway rat, from the erron eous impression that it came from Nor way, which country it did not reach until it had become abundant in Britain and Am" It appeared first at As trakhan in the beginning of the eigh teenth century, and gradually spread over Western Europe, whence we have derived it. It was once known as the Hanoverian rat, because the British Ja cobites were pleased to believe that it came in with the House of Hanover. Why He Didn't. There was a case in Justice alley yes terday in which the lawyer for the plaintiff had a sudden drop. It was a matter of trespass, and the defendant's only witness was an old man. He stated that he rode along a certain highway with defendant, held the horses while defendant got down, but be saw no act of trespass. "You say you rode down to the Corners with him ?" queried the lawyer. " Yes." " When he came to plaintiff's farm be got out. didn't he P" " I think it was about there." " And he entered a field P" " I don't know." "You dout. Wasn't it broad day light r* "Yes. sir." " Did you turu away your head so as not to see him P", " No, sir." "Was your face toward him ?" " Yes, sir." " And yet you testify that you didn't j see him enter the field P" " No, I didn't see him." " Did you want to P" "I did." " Then why didn't you ?" " Because I am blind !"— Detroit I'rtu. borne Serere Droughts. An interesting record is that of severe droughts, as far back as the landing of the Pilgrims. How many thousand times are observations made like the follow ing: "Such a cold season!" "Such a hot season!" " Soch dry weather!" or "Such wet weather!" "Such high winds or calms!" etc. Read the follow ing list showing number of days with out rain: In the summer of 1691. twenty-four days; in 1530, forty-one days; in 1657, seventy-five days; in 167' i, eighty days; in 1674, forty-five days; in 1688. eighty-one days; in 1694. sixty-two days; in 1705, forty days; in 1715, forty-six days; in 1798, sixty -one days; in 1730, ninety-two days; in 1741, seventy-two days; In 1740, 108 daya; in 1755, forty-two days; in 1768, 183 days; in 1773, eighty days; in 1791. eighty-two days; in 1819, twenty-eight days; in 1856, twenty-four days; in 1871, forty-two days; in 1875, twenty six days; in 1876, twenty-six days. It will be seen that the longest drought that ever occurred in America was in the summer of 1708. No rain fell from the first oi May to the first of Sep tember. Many of the inhabitants sent to England for hay and grain. Words sf Wisdom. A gilded frame makes a (good picture in the eyes of nearly all the world. The only disadvantage of an honest heart is credulity. The smaller the caliber of mind the greater the bore of a perpetually open mouth. Advice is like snow, the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon and the deeper it sinks into the minds. Friendship which flows from the heart cannot be frosen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring does not coogea! in winter. The son which ripens the corn and fills the succulent herb with nourish ment also pencils with beauty the violet and the rose. A quart of milk for every six inhnH tante. is the rule by which they cal culate the amount |of milk .requited to supply the population of any city. Never work with dull tools, for they require too greatfan outlay of strength, both of man and beast. It is stated that an English grape grower stopped the profuse bleeding of a thrifty grapevine by forming a sort of hard cement over the cut ends by re peated dustings at short intervals with Portland oement. A preacher at Chicago ad roc Ales the introduction of Udyttth*r at church, to make the young men attend. , aI