Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 29, 1880, Image 8

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W rn Hulhori/tMI to announce that CIIKSTKM
M INSON, of l*liili|tck>irK. *ll l> a camliilatt*
for the IrogUliiture, aulijoct to tbo decision of the Dem
ocratic County Convent ton.
We are authorised to announce that D. C. WILT,
Km)., of Mtllhelm, will be it > amlidate for the LegUU*
lure, nuhject to the decision of the Democratic County
We ere authorized to announce that WILLIAM C.
lIKINLK, Ket|., of Bellcfonto, will he a candidate for
District Attorney, subject to the decision of the Demo
cratic County Convention.
®he irate* democrat.
Thursday Morning, July 29, 1880.
CoSRIM-oKDsaos, Containing impuruiit ni'W, •olliit
od from any |rt of the county. No communication.
iiil>rtnl UIIICM acromiwuinl L>y the mil MILL, of the
Domocratic Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the Democrats
of Mllesburg and Hoggs township on SAT
URDAY EVENING, July 31, at their
Club rooms, in Mllesburg, for the purpose
of organi/.ing a Club. All persons who
favor the election of Hancock and English
are invited to be present.
Chairmen of Hoggs and Milesburg.
Local Department.
— The last quarter of the July moon oc
curred yesterday.
—A tine market last Tuesday morning
with sweet corn in abundance.
—For a cheap and serviceable suit go to
Goldsmith, Stein <& Hester.
—Very few people in this place are
troubled with toothache this week.
—Mrs. Harry Brew, of Tyrone, was
visiting at the residence of her father in
tli is place, yesterday.
— Men can't wear many clothes this
Warm weather, but what they do wear
should bo bought of Goldsmith, Stein &
—An Evangelical camp-meeting will
begin in Weaver's woods, just below
Aaronsburg, on Wednesday, tho 11th of
—The employes of the Pennsylvania
railroad are forbidden to use their influence
to aid any of the political parties. Com
—Men who have smoked cigars in every
part of the world, and know all there is to
know about the grand art of smoking,
pronounce Harry Green's cigars equal to
tho best.
—"What are tho wild waves saying?"
asked a languid swell at tho sea side.
"Why, telling us to order our cigars from
Harry Green, Bellefonte, Pa.,'" was the
prompt reply.
— The next meeting of the Centre county I
policy holders in the Lycoming Mutual
Fire Insurance Company will be held in
the Court House on Friday morning,
August FI, at 10 o'clock.
—We learn of the death on Monday, in
Spring township, of William, son of Mr. j
John Rockey. He had been ill for a long j
time. He was a worthy young man, and
his death will be much regretted.
—A neat transparency has been placed
fiefore the Garfield and Aithur Club room, i
AH, gentlempn, the evil of the cause you '
advocate is apparent enough, without a
transparency to render it more so.
Francis Murphy, the temperance J
champion, lias been talking to the people I
of Lock Haven this week. They can en- '
dure any amount of reformation, and then j
not be striking e.nsnmples of morality.
—Howard street is to have a new pave- ,
mentall the way from MR. John Mnllory's
residence to the Jane Brown properly, Dr.
Hale, manager of tho Irvin estate, being
tho one who is having the work performed, J
— The Lutheran Sunday-school pieniced
on Nittany's lofty height Inst Thursday
and the Reformed Sunday-school madu a
similar excursion to Snow Shoe intersec- j
ti >n on Tuesday. Roth were pleasant Oc- I
—Perfectly contemptible — the person
who stole fifteen dollars from tho money
box of the Lemont cornet band, during
the progress of a festival in aid of that or
ganisation on Saturday night week. And
if known he should be ostracised.
— The new boardwalk along Water
street together with the substantial railing
to prevent people falling into the creek,
should effectually stop the customary rail
ing of the pedestrians against the borough
—George R. Barrett it agent for For
ney's Life of Gen. Hancock, now in press.
The book will soon be ready for distribu
tion, and can only be obtained by subscrip
tion. Persons desiring it, therefore, will
do welt to apply to Mr. Barrett.
—Harvest is over and farmers have more
money than tbey bad a month ago. Mon
ey, however, is only valuable for the use
we make of it. It is always wrong to
waste what we have, and in buying gro
ceries the only way to avoid waste it to
always patronize the store of Sechler & Co.
—And now it is thought advisable by
some folks to have a street lamp on the
bridge near the depot. Heretofore the
three nowspapers in this end of town have
been so luminous that gaa light was not
thought of, but if there are people who
prefer the latter, by all means let them
have a street lamp.
—The Alumni and studenta of Pennsyl
vania College, Gettysburg, assembled In
this place yesterday. The address in the
evening was delivered by Rev. Milton
Valentine, D. D., the efficient President
of the College. It took place at too late
an hour for us to giva especial notice, but
from the gentleman's scholarly reputation
we have no doubt that those who listened
to it received a rich literary treat.
—Tho people of Milesburg will spend
Saturday next in the woods. All tho
Sunday-schools join in a union picnic,
which will be held in the grove above the
depot. We are glad to soe tho different
religious sects unite' in their out-door
amusements, even if they do not in their
in-door services. May they have a pleas
ant time.
—For hats, caps, neckties and collars go
to Goldsmith, Stein Hi Hester.
• —Next Sunday, August 1, is the appoint
ed time for tho monthly meeting of the
Young Men's Christian Association. As
usual, it will bo held in the audienco room
of the Association at 4 o'clock p. M. D.
S. Keller, Esq., is tho loader, and will
make the servico interesting. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to be present.,
—For a first-class business suit go to tho
store of Goldsmith, Stein & Ilexter.
—Mr. David Dale, of Lernont, who met
with such a terrible accident on Wednes
day, the 7th instant, by falling into a vat
of vitriol while at work in his woollen
mills at Lernont, died from his injuries on
Saturday evening last, after a period of
intense suffering, lie was nn intelligent,
respectablo man, and his death will ho a
subject of universal regret, lie was buried
on Tuesday.
—Some men cun dress neatly on a small
outlay of money because they buy their
clothes of Goldsmith, Stein & Ilexter.
—Jack Holmes is now manufacturing
something quite new and novel for sale.
Ho is carving tho bust and face of all tho
Presidential and Vice Presidential candi
dates. Ho carves them in light wood upon
dark ground. Hancock looks quite elegant
and natural—tho superb niun ho really is;
but Garfield—well, he may look natural,
but oh ! he's ugly enough to make one
shudder. Jack can't make him even or
dinarily good looking, try his best.
—What a busy sccno it was I Bags,
boxes, baskets and bundles were carried
in and bundles, baskets, boxes nnd bags
carried out. Many collisions occurred, ;
yet, considering the crowd, business was j
exocutcd with remarkable smoothness, i
This is is a picture of what occurred at S. j
A. Brew A' Son's grocery store last Satur
day, and tho same scene is enacted every
pleasant day, to eager are the people to
patronize that first-class store.
—lt really begins to look at if some- :
thing is soon to be done to the Presbyterian '
church edifice. Soon after the flr<t fall of
stone a pile of sand ami a load of stone
* |
were liuulcd in front of the church. Must ,
of the sand still remains, and the pile of j
stones has been augmented until it has
reached considerable proportions. There j
is every reason to anticipate that it will i
soon be patched up nnd will probably
stand until tho fall winds blow it over al- ,
—The recent summer storms and the !
frequent repetition of rainbows outlined
Against the dark banks of eastern clouds <
have revived in our mind the recollection
of the old nurse's pleasing tale that the one
who would run to the end of the bow
would obtain a |t of gold. This is a de
lightful fiction, but a fact equally pleasing
is that by merely traversing High street to
the Bush House a spot can be found where
the most delicious groceries in North
I America can be purchased. It is Scchler
A Co s grocery.
—Mr. Armagast, a fanner living in the
i vicinity of Fillmore, owns a cow which
I became exceedingly ungovernable on Wed*
j nesday morning of last week. First she
; tossed her head, striking a horse which was
standing near in his neck, piercing the jug
i ular vein, and killing him instantly. The
I next object her dangerous horns came in
i contact with was the fore shoulder of another
hore, inflicting a wound which may prove
fatal. Of course, the cow was instantly
secured, and wo think it would be unsafe
to reside in that community unless such a
dangerous animal is kept secured con
—Mr. Charlie Glenn has a ghostly sen
sation. A young gentleman and lady en
tered his photograph establishment on Sat
urday afternoon, and went through the
usual ceremony of having their photographs
taken. But what was Mr. Glenn's amaze
ment, upon examining the negative, to
see quite distinctly impressed u|>on it a
shadowy third figure in the rear of the
young lady. Mr. Glenn avers that only
he and the lady and gentleman were in the
gallery at tWo time, and is unable to ac
count for this second lady. His belief in
ghosts is increased, and be thinks this must
bo a picture of the lady's discarded rival.
Either the doctrine of ghostly visitations
must bo true, or the ladies have become so
fond of Mr. Glenn as to secrete themselves
in his gallery, and only appear when he is
in his dark den, forgetful of tho tales the
camera will tell.
—We had the pleasure of looking in
upon the Tuesday evening session of the
Pennsylvania Htate Dental Arsociation,
now assembled in this place. They are
an intelligent collection of men. The
subject of "Irregularities" was then under
discussion and was handled In a manner
marked more by reserve and dignity than
impassioned eloquence. The J'irregulari
ties" to which they alluded seemed te be
those of the molars, grinders and incisors,
ratber than that other kind arising from
"staying out late 'o nights." A few ladiee
accompany the members of the Associa
tion. We hope the gathering will be a
of the distmyue. appearing strangers now
visible upon the streets aro either members
of tho Pennsylvania Dental Society or
Alumni of Pennsylvania College. Wel
come all.
—Mr. Benjamin Schroyer was in town
on Sunday. Mr. S. increases in good
looks and maintains his usual altitude.
—Miss Sallie Brown, daughter of Hon.
Robert B. Brown, of Erie, is at present the
guest of her cousin, Mr. Lawrence L-
Brown, of this place. We trust that tho
change from the City by the Lake to the
Inland Mountain Town will be so agree
able as to make Miss B. prolong her visit
indell nitely.
Mr. Al. Haupt was in Tyrone last
week attending the funeral of his sister's
—Miss Belle Willower, sister of Mrs.
Dr. Hibler, is in town ugain after a long
—Judge Samuel Linn, of Williamsport,
was observed on the street for a few days
last woek. Tho visits of Judge Linn aro
always hailed with pleasure.
Dr. Nightingale, of Philadelphia,
brothor of Mr. Randolph Nightingale, of
this place, was visiting in town last week,
much to Randolph's delight. The Doctor
is as handsome as thu bird whose name he
Mrs. James A. Beaver and family, I
Mrs. Dr. Hale and family, Miss Jennie'
Gehret, Miss Mollie Neshit and Miss j
Rachel Marshall all departed on Friday
lust for Ocean Grove.
—Mr. J. M. Duncan departed on Mon
day for Penii'a Valley, to he absent about
ten weeks, during which time he will in
struct a Normal class. He is one of the
few persons whose absence cause# a vacancy
which it is impossible to fill.
Misses Mamie Crittenden and Kate
Jackson have each returned home—the
former after a very prolonged absence at
Mr. Fred. Reynold* i* again in town
after several weeks' absence.
—Dr. L. R. Hensyl, Howard's trusted I
physician, accompanied by two bright
little daughters, paid our office a friendly
visit on Friday. Hope be will call often. '
—We were gratified this week by a call ;
from our old and valued friend, Adam '
Vunudugof Walker township. Mr. Von- j
ada is one of the old life-long Democrat* I
of that township, and the prince of farmer*, j
—Oliver Goldsmith was an extraordinary j
man, hut the- firm of Goldsmith, Stein A
Hextor are equally remarkable for the fine I
quality and low prire of their good*.
Mt. W. F. Malin, who ha* boeii vi*it- j
ing friends in Chester county, returned '
; yesterday.
Mr. J. B. Kingtley, who champion*
tho merit# of the Singer Sewing Machine
in thi* place, spent Sunday last in Wil
—Dr. E. M. X.-'ll, of Little Britain,
Lancaster county, Penn'a, is in Bellefonte
in attendance upon the deliberation* of
the State Dental Association. The Doctor
paid hi* resjxH-t* to the DEMOCRAT and
gave a glowing account of the enthusiasm
of thn Democracy in the Republican (lib
ra Iter of Lancaster, lie predict* large
i Democratic gain# and savs that Hancock a
nomination lias thrown the opposition into
i confusion.
Mis* Celia Montgomery ha recently
been visiting friend* in Pliilipsburg.
—The numerous friends of Miss Amanda
Tome, of Jersey Shore, who ha* frequently
visited her i*ter, Mr*. D. O. Bu-b, of
thi* place, will 1M- delighted to learn that
she is again a guest at the residence of the
latter on Spring street. She is accompa
nied by Mi#* Lizzie Moulton, of Camden,
I N. J. May the sojourn of each of these
ladies he as pleasant to themselves as we
are sure it will he to their friend*.
Mrs. W. D. J. Marlin tnd Mis* Lida
Clark, of Brookville, Pa., returned to
their home on Tuesday after having spent
several weeks ainong relative* in Centre
county. They were delighted with their
vi*it and much enamored of the beauties of
our Mountain City. Mrs. Marlin U the
i wife of a prominent Krookville attorney
and Miss (Hark is the daughter of K. 11.
Clark, Esq., law partner of the Hon. Geo.
A. Jenks, Democratic candidate for Su
premo Judge.
—Low l'oulton, recently of the Bolton
House in liarrlsburg, has been secured by
W. A. Sweeney, of the Opera House Bill
iard Parlor*, a* hi* assistant. Mr. Paul
ton ia a pleasant gentleman and will no
doubt toon make many friend*.
—W. W. McKwen, of Philadelphia, i*
stopping for a few day* at the Urockerboffi
House. He ia fre*h from Bedford Spring*
where he ha* been sojourning for several
week*. Hi* shattered constitution i* al
most entirely restored, and be is enthusi
a*tic over the life-giving properties of
—Last week we received an agreeable
visit from Messrs. Samuel K. and Howell
D. Thompson, the latter a citizen of An
derson and the former of Marion, Indiana.
Although they have lived for a long time
in that State, they aro nalivee of Half
Moon township, this county. Their father
was John L. Thompson, who will be re
mombored by out older residents. Fifty
one years ago they moved with their father
to Indiana—Samuel then being only 17
year* of age. This was Samuel's first visit
to the land of his birth. We are glad to
hear that they have prospered In their
western home. Samuel Is an enterprlntng
farmer and Howall a prominent lawyer.
They have again returned to their home*
in Indiana after what we hope waa a
pleasant visit.
This recently organized society mot in the
room* of the Young .Men's Christian As
sociation last Friday evening. W. H.
Blair, Esq., was made temporary chair
man, after which ]). S, Keller, E#q., read
the report of the committee on organiza
tion, reporting the following list of officers:
President —Rev, James 1". Hughes.
Vice President —S. D. Gray, Esq.
Treasurer —Dr. J. W. Rhone.
Secretary —N. 8. Bailey.
Executive Committee— K. C. Humes, J.
W. Gephart, Jarncs I. McClure, ('has. F.
(Jook, 8. H. Lyon, Clement Dale and A. C.
Enforcement Committee —D. 8. Keller,
James L. Bommerville arid A. J. Cook.
Committee on Literature —Miss Clara
Lyon, Mrs. W. I*. Wilson and Mrs. W.T.
Committee on Children's Society. Mrs.
8. H. Lyon, Mrs. A. O. Furst and Mrs. T.
R. Hayes.
The report was adopted and Rev. James
I*. Hughes took the chair with appropriate
President Hughes, on la-half of the
Fountain committee, reported that council
highly tavora the erection of a cold water
fountain on the street; that the subject
was referred to the Water committee, and
council will probably erect the fountain at !
its own expense, the society paying the ;
usual water taxes.
A motion was adopted that when the
Union adjourn it he to meet again on the j
first Thursday evening of August.
From a correspondent at Pleasant Gap
we have received the following gratifying
communication regarding the grand Han
cock and English demonstration held at
that place on .Saturday evening :
According to announcement, the Demo- |
crals of Spring township met at Haag's |
Hall, on Saturday evening, July 24, for I
the purpose of organizing a Hancock and j
English Club. Chairman Spangler, a--ist- |
ed by Chairman Wood, ap|>ointed a com
mittee of five to select |s-rmanent officers.
While the committee were performing
this duty Mr. Spangler read a resolution,
in favor of the Democratic nominees, ,n
the form of a pledge, giving all an oppor
tunity to sign, which was done with un
usual willingness on the part of the voters
present, and in a short tune the list was
swelled to one hundred and six names. In
the meanwhile the hand played some of
its choicest music. The coititmiee reported 1
the following efficient list of cfiicere,
which was unanimously adopted :
President —J. H. Van 'trmsr.
Vice Presidents —John Barnes, J G.
Larimer, John Sweeny and Abraham
Secretaries —E. I). Noll and Henry
Roth rock.
Treasurer —C. T. Alexander.
Marshall —John Noll.
Finance Committer K C*. Wood, J. 11
| Van Ormor and John Noll.
< Executive Committee —C. T. Alexander,
Nelson Lucas and W. H. Noll.
President Van Ortner took the chair,
making a brief and very appropriate spees b.
Mr. George Barrett was then introduced, j
delivering a speech which did honor to
himself and the great Democratic party.
Mr. Januss Schofleld was'called for arid re.
! s|onded amid tremendous applause. He
! addressed the audience for a short time,
arousing the greatest excitement and al
most continued cheering Hon. C. T.
j Alexander followed with one of hit grace
ful, eloquent speeches, which wa highly
appreciated, as is always the case when he '
| s|>cak to hi* old comrades and ass,* lata*
'at the Gap. Major F< rster was called for,
and rcsj-onde-1 with his usual good roason
ing. Mr. Spangler, th worthy chairman
of the Democracy of Centre county, made
the closing spweh. which afforded the sat-
I isfaction which his *|-oecho* always give.
All through it was the bo#l meeting ever
j held at Pleasant Gap, and few if any in
i the county can compare with us in this our
: first effort in organizing a Democratic !
i club. Adjourned to meet at Boiling Spring
! school house on Saturday evening, August j
I 7, I*Bo ,%
I GROVE MILL*. —Mr. W. Ed. Cassidv, the
j Secretary of the Hancock and English
| Club of Pine Grove Mills, favors us with
the following minutes of the meeting for
the organization of a Hancock and Eng- .
glish Club held in that place on Saturday \
afternoon :
meeting bald (or the purpose of organizing
a permanent Hancock and English Club
in Ferguson township the following offi
cers were elected : President, G. D. Dann
ley ; Vice Presidents, Messrs. Crumrine
arid Mitchell ; Secretary, W. Ed. Cmasidy ;
Treasurer, R. G. Brett. After the organi
zation Mr. C. T. Alexander was introduced
to address the meeting which he re#|iondcd
to with a very enthusiastic oration. In
the course of his remarks he referred to
John W. Forney, Gen. Pearson and others
who have accepted our worthy candidates
as the standard bearers of our country.
Reference was also made in behalf of the
generalship displayed by General Hancock
at the famous battle of Gettysburg, Pa.
Many other brilliant hits were made which
time and space would not permit us to
note. At the close of his addreea a pream
ble was read by Mr. C. T. Alexander pre
pared for the signing of names of voters of
said township, who pledge themselves to
cast their vote* for llancock and English
at the November election, 18H0. The pa.
per was presented and the names of 08
voters were enrolled during which time
Mr. R. H. Foster delivered a brief but
stirring speech, which was well received.
Many more voters who were not then pres
ent have since signified their intention of
signing at the first meeting of the club. A
large flag was suspended from the mill
acroaa the street to a hickory polo erected
for the purpose with the names of Han
nock and English In large letters attached
to it. The material for said flag was pur
chased by the club and made by the young
ladies of our little burg. The club extend
many thanks for the interest taken by the
ladies In their Alter the enroll
ment of the names a vote of thanks was
tendered the Washington Cornet Band
who were in attendance and discoursed
some very excellent music. The Pine
Greve Band could not participate, owing
to the absence of their leaders. A vote of
thanks was also tendered the speakers,
Messrs. Alexander and Forsler. The club
adjourned to meet at Pine Grove Academy,
August 0,1880. W. KO. CAMUDT,
Lust week wo iwiiiouneed the unfortunate
accident which occurred to Mr. James
Sheridan, who fell from a car lead of lum
ber, striking his head and shoulder* on a
pile of cinders. This week it becomes our
solemn duty to announce his death, which
occurred on Friday evening last, from tlio
severe internal injuries which be received.
His funeral took place on Sunday after
noon. It was conducted in the full ritual
of Gregg Post, G. A. K., a largo delega
tion of the Post, in uniform, and over fifty
vehicles, being in tiie procession, making
one of the most imjiosing spectacles ever
witnessed in this community. It seemed
AN though almost every one in the town and
surrounding country was IN attendance.
Rev. J. A. Donahue, of the M. E. church,
was the officiating clergyman.
Mr. Sheridan wa* a man of the highest
moral character, lie was ever an honest,
faithful workman, and was always held in
the highest esteem by his employers. He
was what the world can ill aiford to lose— j
an honest man. His widow arid four !
fatherless children will receive the unre- j
served sympathy of the community.
Willi K r *at respwt llisjr I'll rind htiu,
W ill, tn-iuurol drum ud tils,
And many |o[d Bisr ln-d sloni:
To lienor Iff—.
lis ment,-l the lurr |l,ua shown,
TIE LltUr Iran Hist Ml.
ids spirit to lbs -kins has (own,
And sll wiUi l>!m 1a wsfl.
[ —The Tyrone llcrald of a recent (late tells
how Mr. John T. Fowler, one of the moat
intelligent business men of this county,
was imposed ufsiri by an itenerant fraud : !
About three weeks ago an Englishman,
who gave his name as George Lewis,
i stopped at John T. Fowler s mill, in
| Centre county, and complaining that he was
J sick. Mr. Fowltr took hi in and hail him
j cared for until lie was able to get around.
He represented himself as a painter by
trade, and Mr. Fowler agrm-d to give him
a job of work at painting some bouses. On
Thursday of last week he gave the fellow
an order to Kline Sc Huffier for a lot of oil,
which he disposed of in some way not yet
; known to the jsilice. Some time during
j the day Lewis came hack to the store of ;
Klin" Hoffer and said be had missed the
train, also asking Kline to loan him a del- !
; Sat t<> pay his hotel hill. He received the
money and went to Alumna the same even- ;
! ing, where he sold a revolver that he had
procured from George Harder on a verbal j
j order from Mr. Fowler. Lewis then rc- ,
turned to Tyrone on Friday morning, went
to the hardware tre again, and repre
| -ented that Fowler had s-nt him for five
gallon* of oil, one hundred pound* of I
two pound* of green and a brush. He
procured these goods after some hesitation
on the part of the dealers and arranged 1
with Mr. Wooden, of the City Hotel, to
deliver the article in AlU>ona, where be i
| *oid them to parties in the city. During'
the same morning one of Fowler's men '
came Into town, and making inquiry,
found thai Lewi# had obtained goods on
Mr. Fowler* credit by fa lee reptw-rnta
' tien*. and that he had ieft tow n evidently
with the intention of selling out and skip
ping away. A warrant for his arrest was
: obtained and placed in tfie hands of 11. T.
liarphain who made inquiry a* to whore
Lewi- had gone, and up-n brfnir informed
that he had 1- ft for Bell's Mills, followed
1 hun to that place, hut failed to find him
for the very g<w-d reason that he had gone
,to Altoona Saturday morning Mr. Fowler
came to Tyrone and sent Constable liarp
ham to ALU-ona. where he found out all
about I-ewis' exploration* in the way of
selling lead, oil, revolver and brush, but
although assisted by the Altoona jmlico,
failed to find bis man Lewis, who had no
doubt taken time by the forelock arid left
• for parts unknown to his pursuer*. The
revolver w-a* sold to a Mr. Watson for
$4.50. The oil wa disposed of to another
party at seventy-three cents a gallon, and
| the 100 tKuiiids of lead for nine dollars,
i The good were not recovered. From all
; accounts Is-wi* take* life easy, and when
he has money make* it "fly" in place*
where he think* it will do the mo*t good.
; SKICIIER. —The following resolution* on
, the death of Mr*. Julia Ann Spicher, who
j died on Friday, the 10th instant, have been
I *ent u* for publication :
W IIERAS. It ha* pleased the Great
| Maker, in Ilia all-wise providence, to enter
I our Grange and take from our midst by
death our much esteemed and beloved
sister, Julia Spicher, a devoted member of
our Order; therefore
Resolved . That in the death of sister
Spicher, Progress Grange ha* !ot a de
voted and worthy member, her husband a
kind and affectionate wife, the family a
patient, devoted mother, and the church
an earnest and consistent Christian. While
we mourn the lot* of her kindly greetings
and pleasant associations, yet in humble
submission we bow to His divine will, who
has thought it better to call her up higher
to a more perfect enjoyment of Ills good
Resolved, That wo deeply sympathize
with the bereaved husband and family, and
commend them to God, who is too wise to
err and too good to he unkind.
Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions
he recorded in the minutes of Progress
(♦range, No. 96, Pa., and published in the
Farmrr's Friend and the several county
papers, and a copy presented to tho hus
band and family of the deceased wife.
MART A. NEKK, V Committee.
LOST I —A red Russia leather pocket
book, containing money and pa(<er, on the
road between llellefonte and the lop of
Nittany mountain. A liberal reward will
be paid for ita return to this office. 80-tf
—We advise all persons to order fall
and winter clothing early. Our heavy
weights will b* on sale May Ist.
19-lf. MONTGOMERY A Co., Tailors.
—Farmers, the best and cheapest grain
drill offered for aale hi Centre county is at
the store of Alexander A Co., Bellefonte,
I p * Sl-*t.
' —What! What! well I declare, Smith,
- you are out again f I thought the Doctor
| said you were dying with the Kidney
trouble. Smith—So he did, but you see I
am wearing a Day Kidney Pad.
Jury Lmt or Auourt Court.—Tho
following In a. complete lint of the <irnwi
and Travere juror# drawn for the August
tor to of court, Ix-ginning on the fourth
Monday (2' d day) of Augiiit:
Henry Putter, Harvla.
• t ri iiw|(if, rhMf&g
Nun'l llrti'li-rsud, Mrioo.
fj <i. PotUgfova, PhHtf*' g.
Hoh't MeKntght. BellaTD.
15. M. Mll.
Oeurge H Jack, IIarrl".
John A Mover. Liberty.
Hot*ert K en < tail, College
Thornaa IMoiuiida, Halne*
W Hfewart, Jr.,Hnow Phoa
Jeaae K linger, Bvllefottle.
William Zarhy. Walk".
llenry fcafcipa*!, |MHbr
(int. W. Jiuka</ii, Ke|lef l*-.
Botwrt J. Craig. P*rgu*o u
J N IkMUKint, PhJlij*i/g
ft P. Hard, llaJun
W A. J*'!/, P(AU>
David K*llef, flarria
fleorga Dray. Mll'wtmrr
W |. M**|e, D*dtef<*ot
John McCloakey, Curtln
Andrew fdw, H"ir(i
|U. W. Ujifl+tgmt, April.*
i J no. W. Oar drier, Howard
John I# Muaaer, F*rgii*
llenry Mejvrs. Jr., liarrla.
David F-rtl*. Pen*.
J < Motr, Halo**.
' rriando C. Hek. Pat ton
J p. liarmr, B-llefont#
lUrnal'afl Fhipley, Union.
A V Wagner, Banner
Andrew Calhoun, Union,
f" II Ilea, Ferguson.
William rioae, fienner
I>avld W Miller, Ferguson.
Thomas tth*ar*r, Bo* toy
Chaua y D Jones, Mlleat/g
JituHi (arfib, Banner.
Joshua IWr k. Htllltalitir/
John A. bekinn, Beliefolit*
Ben J kerstetter, penti
Datri* I P I# hope, I'e-ggR
William M< Oi/k, Coll*g.
'Chart** Danlet Ferguson.
(Israel Hak, Half Moon.
A. T. Leathers, Union villa.l
Win. BelMont*. |
II F. Hartlav, hiring.
W ihlatu Hair, Mllra
Daniel Muaaer, Mil*'*.
J W rani|>bell. Harria.
John Neatlwroda, Liberty.
In.vid Hurri. lUln< *.
Ilenry hiriiill, Mil*a.
Jarnea Martin Marion
I>*r!d A Nlrt' k, Walker
Itol/ t illllaird. hu>< Klioe
W. F. Holt. M.ow Bhoa*
Cyrus Durst, Harris.
J' A Thompson, ol*ov 8b o
J too. Irwin. Jr.,
Mithavl Blerly. Mil**,
John B. Leather■ Howard.
Ktushue) llartvr, Mil**
Ml' haei F*idl*r, Halnaa.
(ii*rge <inrlr Ick, Fpring.
Al/ednego htin*, 1 i Moon,
fieo H iitar, Howard bum.
Dav. lirribrll'li, Ferguson.
iThoinaa Krhart. Ilaine*
W H V ear Ik, Walker.
I*aiud llortMWtan. penn
hd Wouda, F|rritig.
W ra N Bltner. bdwrty.
Jwaa* DelfH'k, I toon.
Mlrhe-1 Pteirbaf, Howard.
A. H. Hrahain. Phl)l;*aUir,
H. J Oana, Fergueon
. David Detinia I. ' r • t
Jarow NcCwfßlrk. Potter
J- hn /JmuMMfcan Walker
Jh/ . Wagner, Jf.. P"ti*t
I' t' Leather*. ll"ward.
jJoha W altera, Borga.
Wni *. Gray, llalf Mxvt
lovld lf"uaev, Benner
.|o<e, K'ir hltO*, Frfgna li.
lUrii'-v Coyle, i
ir**l llottorf, Dikiix'D
J iimiliaij Kraj" . Ilalix*
AT fiofjrs. M Ileal <urf|.
J.n'w P. Turner, Huston.
Jev b Kei lef, Ferguaoo.
J. 11. Frank, Peon
<ierge I, Po'ter, MUfl*.
t, W Wo-trlrig. Iluoton.
John Bfaclil ill, Bellefonte.
i. rr Null IV/ri*
W.J J< Huah.
Ja".l> F I lonian, OfSgg.
L, 1., If'own. Helisfunl*
II A Kruturina, Orwgg.
I J fiM-'t ble, Hregr.
F P <#re'-o, Brildonte,
Henry 1 doge I'alonvlll* i
TIIE Ltoumixo Kirk IN*i KAX< k. ( . m-
I'ant. —The complete report f the com
mittee delegated by the j)li<-v bolder* of
thii .place to proceed to Mm. y and investi
gate the alfnirt of the Lycoming Fire In
suranee Company appears on the second
page of thin issue. An adjourn.d meeting
to hear the report war held hot Friday
afternoon in the Court House, over whi h
Hon. John Irwin, Jr., presided, and Clem
ent Ilule, Koq , acted a# Secretary y/ro tn,•
The report was read by A. O. Fur*t, E*q..
and further statement* and suggestion*
made by Adam Hoy and I). S. Keller,
E*q's. Mwri. K. ('. Hume*, Edmund
Ulatichard, John IS. Linn, and other*,
participated in a further discussion, and
Mr. John W. Lloyd, rejirc*enting Lycom
ing county, told what coure the policy
holder* in that section nre pur*uing. The
r.j*ult of the deliberation* i indicated in
the following resolution :
ll'Kilr'ti, That the preaent committee b<*
continued with power, in connection with
committee* aiqioiiilcd by meeting*of julicy
i holder* in ollii'i counties or plac<-, to take
1 *uch measures a* in their judgment will
beat conserve the iatere*U of the poiicy
holder*, in procuring an immediate liqui
dation and closing out of the atiair* of the
Lycoming Fire Insurance Company.
Jons law in. Jr., Prrtidcnt.
| t 'UKMKNT I'al.K. Secretary pro tetn.
Baiiaaat Natioa*.
Why are horses and cattle after taking
Roberta' Hor*e l'owder* like a new laun
j dried fhirt? Because they look slevk and
J clean.
I —No more *ick chicken*. Save your
j poultry and cure them f disease, by using
Roberta* Poultry Powder. It ha* nev.-r
I failed to cure Cholera, and all disease* !<•
which fowl* are *ubject. Price 25 cent*
per jmckage. For *ale by all druggist*
—At the present lime when there are *o
i many worthies* linanienls in the mark.-*.,
it would be well to inquire which i the
Iwst. Thi* will be found in M It Robert *
Kmbrocation'—it i a panacea for ailment*
that require rubbing either on man <>r
lead. Price 35 cents per bottle.
—Why do you cough when na can
j find speedy relief in Sines' Syrup of Tar,
Wild Cherry and Horehound'' It i the
ino*t ).lea*ant and efficacious remedy know n
for Cough*, Cold*, Croup, Asthma' and all
j disease* lending to pulmonary ronsump
i lion, -la* been sold for over thirty year*
| and i* especially adapted to children, as it
j doe# not nauseate, and consequently it can
| be used in sufficient quantity as to effect a
cure. Try one bottle and you will never
he without ft. Price 25c. and 50c. per bof
i tie. Sold everywhere. Ask vour druggist
for it.
I —The popularity of M. B. Roberts'
j Horse Powders is p'roving itself in the in
creased demand throughout this State,
from the fact that the public are at la*l
finding out that it is possible to obtain a
package of Horse and Cattle Powder which
is strictly pure and free from such adulter
atio.is as bran, cake meal, and other in
gredient# calculated to puff the animal
instead of curing It of the disease it is suf
fering from. 3d. B. Roberta' Horse Pow
der contain no adulteration, and are much
cheaper than any other, as but a lable
snoonful it required for a dose. Ask anv
old borsaman a* to their merit* For sale
everywhere. Price reduced to 25c. t>er
MrESlNilllt—RttlT.— Os Ttufsßy. illy f\ fsHO.
st tk* mMao eg Hugh A dun*, llaMae loeasbp.
leotrs rnjo.lT. fa. b . W m C . limit)., iP , Mr.
I srty MrDnnn.ll sad Hiss Sanala X. k-ll), all of
II u* too towmhln.
KM KRICK —LOV R —At rtsssssi (lip. u,. IMk of
•**•.?*• kf Mr. Talsy, Rector of RoaMmrg
< John Mawrlrk. of Altooaa. RUlr nmwty.
•ad Mia Msggi. A. Lavs, af fetlefcwl*.
IT—— ■ '■ a . -
1-OTTER.-At Uadoa 11*11, Ok* o. coast?, IV. J alv
l, fsao, of rkoforadaWataa. knkirt Fleming. Infant
anlll j J r** A 4 BaKh
arSEy -Oe Ik* iwk Instant. at W W. la
Rolicnr, W*uaor*taad manly, afka a 11..an ■
Ilia***, Mr* llsrrtsl MiOsitoft, ||7 Jf jSa t
SsSwr^y" l " H "* tM ***• *
pUOPOBALS for building Stone
A Ahstarati lot • bfi4* urn— fc|*n>h Qh>l m
x. b. im zzTzjz
wtotowm, sayoruitdda'
-* JAoSS'lltXKtSl j