Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 29, 1880, Image 7
Flower Seeds Given Away To ovary Yearly Subscriber to The American Garden, A yUARTO ILI.I'fITRATID JOURNAL ONLY 2ft CENTS A YEAR.' SAMI'I.K COCIKS, 10 CKNTB. I \EVOTKD exclusively to the (iur dfiilng lnt*rM(ii of Atiifrirn. CoUUin* twelve pagaa of ciuwly printed nintter, rrUhiig to IIOHTI CI LTUKK. FLORId'LTIIHK TilK LA WN, FLOWKR AND V KUKTAIILK OAKDKN In all thalr varUsl | d*partttat*. JCBITBD BY DR. V. M. IIK \AM KR This popular Mncatinr, haretufora puhll*h*d by MMNB. REACH, SON k Co., Hill hnuftT IN* puhlUht-d by thw prtMx-iit proprietor*, in iu *tttir*ly new ilria*,ami HIII ap|M<ar HI January, April, July UML October of racl year. Flrat numl>>r will IH ready aUiut April JOCli. Flower Seed* for the Wild Garden, i Kvt'rjf yearly nlcrllwr will receive, In addition In TIN- jmpt'l , a packet of FLOWER SEED* roR TIIB WILD iiifthlN, which contain* a mixture of upward tern RVXfiin VARIETIES, Btaflklßttl lr A MKiri r.ni irround, which will give a profusion of flower* during the entire a*aaoii for neferal year* in aticcaaaion In -tuition* for ■awing and *ulxM*)uiit Treatment of 1 Flower BeeR, an wll am for other plant* for the Wild tiardeii, will te foiiud in the April number of the AMERICAN UABDCN. B. K. BLISS te SONS, I*iihlinher& % 27-dw 'M Harclay Street, New York. | Xetr Victor Sewing Machine—Harper Hrothers, Agents. t NEW VICTOR. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! 'ovements September, 1878. •itlmtending llio VICTOR lias long been the nv Sewing Machine in tbo market a fact Iby a bout of volunteer witnemea—■we now a wonderful reduction of friction aid n rare tie is a beautiful specimen of mechanism, and token rank with thehighext nchieveim lit* or conxign Machine*. therefore, have no old We Sell New Machines Every Time. Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal term* to the trade. Don't buy until you have seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANY, —- iY.wtern Branch O&eu, Vi.l3 STATE Sr.. i'UICAOO, 111 MIDDLETOWN, CONN. HARPER BROTHERS, Agents, Spring Htrmt, ... BKLLEFONTE, PA. IViltion, McFarlane <1 Co., Hartlfcarc Dealer*. HARDWARE! WILSON", McFAELANE & CO. DEALERS IN STOVES, RANGESHEATERS. ALSO Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND BTTIILIDEIR/S' HARDWARE. ALUMonrr HTREKT, .... ■mar BLOCK. .... BttxavoifTX, PA. ItmtinenH Car tin. HARNESS MANUFACTORY In (inrmiu'i Nrv Block, BBLUEVOHTK. FA L LJ I? P. BLAIR, 1 • JEWELER, WATCHta, CUM'It, JtVLLfeT, Ac. All work r**ally pverntkri. On Alkgli*nj itrtft, under BrockerbofT lloum>. 4-tf DKALKHS IN PUKE DKUGS ONLY. 5 I ZKLLER A SON, i X *J a bRIOfUSTS. 2 R> A. Brorkerholf Row. 5 jj , All h. Standard Patent Medicine. Pre- a ■c jacrlptlon. end Family Recipe a* curately p. SJ .prepare). Truman, Shoulder Brace., Ac., Ac \ 3 r| 4-tf j s r OUIS DOLL, I J FAHHIONAHI.R BOOT A SHOEMAKER. . Ilrut k**ihfr Kow, AlleKhenj 1-ljr m foatt, I'a. B. C. HI"KM, Pie |. J. P. lUftklf. tklh'r, I?IRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1 RKI.LEPONTK. Alle|benjf ktrwct, B*llfonU. Fa. 4-tf ( CENTRE COUNTY BANKING V_V COMPANY Receive Dep "It, And Allow Inter eat, Dtocoout NotM; Bnjr and Bell (In*. Securities, Uuld and Coupon., J mil A Bur**, President. J. B. SacoiaT,enable*. 4-tf CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED. ALL Buflercrs from this disease that are amino* to be cored should try Da KISSRER'S CELEBRATED OONSUMPTIVK WW DKHS. These Powder* ar* the only pr.|airatlnn known that will car. Oouaanme* and all dl*caw* of the Thwoat a** Luna.—lndeed,*o strong la nor faith In then, and alao to conrinr* you that they are no hntn ho*, w. will forward to .tery .offerer by mall, poat paid, a r*u Taut Boi. • don't want yonr money nntll yon are pwfertly ■atlafled of Ibelr coratlre power.. If yonr life la worth earing, don't delay In giving then* Pnwn** a trial, a. they will ioroly core yon. Brio., for large boa, 13.W1, rent to any part of th. Dotted State* or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Addreaa, ASH A BOBBINS, 44-ly SAO rolfon Street, Brooklyn, R. Y, FITS, EPILEPSY, ox FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY CURED— No X Humbug— by ana month'* usaa* *f Or. Qow lrd'* C*lbr*t*d Infalbbl* Fit Pawdaru. To cna rlnce *uffer*re that the*, ponder* will do all we claim for them wa will tend them hy mall, roer ram, a ran* rata* hi. A* Dr. Uonlard la Uiaonly phy.lrian that he* i.tr made tbie dlaaaaa a aped a I .tody, and a* to our knowledge thousand. have beea newi.uiht cur ed hy the nae of theee Powntna, atwiu. demur** A r**HA**nr cur# In wary caaa, or aarunn Tou AU ■t.BBT Ilpmrnu. All *iilferen abonld rive theee Powder* an early trial, and be convinced of their cnra ti v a power*. 1 Price, for large boa, $3 00, or 4 bote* for 11040, sent by mall to any part of I be United States or Qanaila on rodept of price, or by eiprsee, C. O. D. Addraa* ASH A BOBBINS, 44-ly. MO Fnlton Street, Brooklyn, R, T. r |MIE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE HUKH HOUSE BLOCK, BKLLKFONTK, 1A. ( 18 NOW OKKKKINU (i RE AT IN DUCEM EN T b TO THOHK WIBUINO KIRST-CLAHS Plain or Fancy Printing. Wo have unusual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, ST A TK.M KNTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DK VISITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, ANI) ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. tor Printing done in the best stylo, on short notice and at the lowest rates. toy-Order* by mail will receive prompt attention. pELLEFONTE A SNOW SHOE I J R. R.—Tlins Tl'ls In ! on and M*t ' I, IBM*: 7 l.ee> Snow Shoe 7.20 a. M.,arrive* in Bellefonte 0.10 an. !.*. Bellefonl* 10.2-1 A. M., arrive* al Snow Shoe 11.17 A. a. Lravra Snow Shoe 2>4) r .,errlrc* In 8.-llrfnnle 3 41 r. . I.cav** Bellefonte .VIA r n . errlvee at Snow Shoe ; 6.17 r. M. DANIEL HIIOADS, ( I _____ Ooxoral Sn|o-rlnlendnt. BALD EAGLE VALLEY RAIL. ROAD —Time-Table, April 20. 14MI: I Kip Mail. wtftTWAkn. eastward. Kxti. Mail *• *. r. M. P M. A. H • lo 632 Arrl?s*lTBns ... 7 R * jo " •'* • 25 U*iKMlTyn)Ds !**•#... 7 15 I 27 7 .19 A2l ...... M Vnll •' ... ? |ti n3| 7 Aft 17 •• Hal.! kUirU • ... 723 * .37 7.4" ft 9 . u Fflrr M ... 7XI N O 742 6 3 ....m •• lUnnab M ... 730 9 7 735 665 •• pri MntiM* •• ... 744 ft 14 727 ft 47 " XarlliA *• ... 752 92k 71* ft 3* .•• •e. M JUIUD •• ...kin 44. 7 • ft 27 ...... '• I'nionvilU •• ... Rll 943 70 ft IR 0.0.0. •• ftow Hho la M ... k2l 9 ft| 6'4 ft Ift ...... " Milwlivri •* ... R24 9 Aft •40 ft- ft M D'-llkfont* M ... n32 9 ftl • 3f 4 ftft •• MilMLurg " ... R 4ft 10 3 j 6 2ft 4 4ft ...... 11 Cart in " ... 4 ftft lo 14 4 lft 4 4< " .Mmint Kdfc'l •• ... 900 10 Ift ft 9 431 " Howard •• ... 9 RlO 2V ft fttft 420 M Kaglrviila M ... 91R10 42 'ft ftO 415 ...... " lurn h i'rak M ... 92210 47 ft 4 9 " Mill Hail " ... 93411 U0 1 & 29 400 • riminirtnn •• ... 987 11 4 •ft 2ft 8 ftft " Ld*rk Haran * ... 942 11 R I >KN NBY LV A NIA RAILRO A I). X —< Philadelphia and Kris Dtvi.ion ) —On and after December 12. 1*77 : WESTWARD. ' , KRIR MAIL leave. Philadelphia 11 Mpa " IlarrUbnrg I Ban I" Willlamaport * 3.1 n m " " Lock llav.a 040 a m " Ranovn 10 AS a m I " arrive, at KH 73Ap in RIAOARA KXPRKSH leave. Philadelphia.. 7 2tiam " llarrithnrg.... In AO a tu " Willlamaport. 2Vi p m " arrivM at Renovo.. 4 40 p m Paaacngera by thia train arr>v. In Belle fonte nt 4 3.1 p tn PAST LIN* leave. Philadelphia It 41 a m " " Harrtetmrg 3 *.l p m " " Wllllam.tHirt 730p ni " arrive, at Lock llaren CASTWARD. PACIFIC EXPRESS leaves Ie k Haven—... A4O a m M M'illiamtport... 7 Mi n arrives at HarrMmrg II Maa " " Philadelphia.... 3 4.1 p m DAT RXPRRBS leave. Renovo 10 Id a m " I-Ock Have* II in **> " W1111am^0rt......... 12 40 am " arrive, at Harrtaborg 4 lop m " Philadelphia. 720 p m ERIK MAIL leave. Renovo, • 3A p m " Lock Haven 0 4.1 p m " WilliamaporL.. 11 05 p m " arrive, al Harrtaborg 24& a m PAST S,IRR leave. Willlamaport 12 36 . m " arrive, at Harrtaburg * ft* a m _ " Philadelphia. 7 3ft a m Rrta Mail WaaLMlagara Riprma Wad, Lock llavea Accommodation Wert, and Day Riprew Raat, make clou, connection, at KnrthombeFland with L. A I. R Rrt. Mail Wed, Mtegar. Ripred Wed, and Rrta El ore.. Sal, and Lock ll.ven Accommodation Weat, maa.ctaa.connection at Wllllanupwrt with B.C. R. W. train* north. Rrta Mall Want, Niagara Riprew Wert, and Day *>!:"• *••*. 'low conaactlo* at Lock Haven With B. B. P. R R. train* RH. Mall Raat and Weat connect at Rrla with train* on L. 8, A M. 8. R. R., at Corry with 0. C. A A. V. R. *t Rmporlnm with B, R, TIM, R. an I al Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor ear. will rnn bdwwa Philadelphia and Willlamaport oa Niagara Riprew Wad, RH. Kiprw* Wwt, Philadelphia Baprese Raat aad Day Ripreea Ram, aad Saaday Raprwe Red Sleeping ear*on all night train*. W*. A. Bilpwik, Hen'l Sapartnteadeat. sht Crnto jprraotrai B KLLK P ONTK, l'A. NEWS, FACTS ANII HUOUKHTIONH. Ill* TEST or THE NATIONAL WELfAEX IA THE INTEI.LI- Every farmer in his annual experience discovers something of value. Write it ami vend it to the "Agricultural Editor of the Dkmochat, itelle font e, J'enn'a," that other farmers mag have the benefit of it. Let communications be timely, and be mire that they are brief and well pointed. Shade Offensive to Potato Bugs. We have on our jilacc potatoes planted in no Jess than six different patches or lots—some for ourselves, nnd some for the men employed on the place—besides sundry small lots in the several gardens; having been governed in the selection of the sev eral places by considerations of con venience and adaptability of the land. We have noticed, all through the season, that while some of those lots are completely overrun with the "bugs," others arc comparatively free from them. During a drive of an Hour or two last week, we noticed the same discrimination in various other places, 1 hiL failed to find any satis factory reason for it. This morning, in looking over some of our agricul tural exchanges, we find the following paragraph credited to Charles A. Green, of New York: We have potatoes planted in the old apple orchard. Where the earth is shaded by the trees the Colorado beetle | does not disturb tlie plants nt all, but | where the sun strikes in between the ! trees, or where a tree is missing, the j beetle lias to be fought constantly, j Numerous theories ure suggested by ! this freak, but I have not investigated far enough to oiler an opinion. Recalling our own observations, and going over, so far ns we can remember, the several lots we have noticed, that Mr. Green's statement furnishes an entirely satis factory explanation. So far as we can now recall the different patches wc noticed, every one which struck us as lieing unusually troubled by the hugs lies open to the sun, while those j which enjoy a degree of immunity | from their attacks, are at least par j tially in the shade. We should be i glad to know if any of our readers | have made similar observations. A Timely Caution. The "ensilage" of green corn or other forage crops, as clover, rye, and so on, is attracting wide spread atten tion and inquiry throughout the country. Those of our readers who | carefully read the article on this sub ject in our issue of the fifteenth inst., I from the Chicago Slack Journal , will | have a c lear understanding of it. j The claims set up for this method of preserving fodder, by Homo enthusi astic gentlemen who have practiced it, are so great that a word of cau tion from so high an authority ns I'rof. S. W. Johnson may not lie amiss. We are indebted for the ex tract to the Country Gentleman : That the silo cannot create any fodder, or that wc cannot take out of the silo any food element that wc do not put in is evident. It is, I scarcely doubt, equally true that ensilage is no more palatable, no more digestible and no more nutri tious than the fresh corn from which it is produced. The rumor now floating in the air that ensilage is worth more, nay, much more than the fresh corn fodder, lins nothing sol id to rest on. Fodder is on all hnnds conceded to lose nothing in the silo that can effect a concentration of its nutritive matters. The analyses of Barral which. Goffart quotes in his book, give both for fresh maize and for ensilage 80 per cent, of water. The main advantage of the silo plain ly is to magazine green fodder. Whether in our climate the silo or the stook and shed are the licst, ex perience must decide. Whether suc cessful ensilage is more palatable or more cheap than well cured corn fod der, experience must likewise settle. That ensilage once provided may be a valuable accessory to dry feed is fairly to he anticipated, but evidently the enthusiasts are over-rating it. The Horse Fork Neglected. While tbe excellent labor-saving ma chinery for sowing, caring for, and cut ting the (arm crops, have been generally appreciated and employed, the means for placing the gross and hay in the barn have been (ar too frequently neg lected. The improved and almost per fect horse forks have claims upon the farmer, that he is slow to acknowledge. We used to think the hardest work of the haying and harvesting was the "pitching off," but when we put up one of those grappling forks and set it at the work, with a horse as the power, the hard labor was changed into a sort of half sport. The horse fork is one of the great recent inventions, and <ie- I serves to take a front rank among those machines that lighten the labor of the farmer, and at the same time allows his work to lie done in the most rapid man ner in that portion of the season when he is the most hurried and every aid is appreciated. Ho says the American Agriculturist, and so say we. We have used some one or another ol the many different horse forks ever since we commenced fanning, and would think we could not farm at all without one. Heretofore we have used them with the simple rope and pulleys,but last fall, .Mr. .1. 11. Leath ers, of Mountain Eagle, who appre ciates good farm machinery, and is aiding in introducing some of it to our farmers, put up for us a ''Church Elevator," for conveying the hay to different parts or the barn, and we are now using it, for the first time, in connection with the double harpoon fork made by the Pennock Co., at kennctt Square. The two combined make a complete arrangement for unloading hay, leaving nothing to lie wished for in this direction. Experiments in Thin Seeding of Wheat. We find in the American farmer a very interesting account of a series of experiments in the thin seeding of wheat, by C. Howard Shipley, of Baltimore county, Md. After giving a statement of the previous treatment and croping of the land, Mr. Shipley says: Now this prepared us for the final and successful results which I come toin 157(5, namely : finding out that we could produce a larger yield of wheat from a smaller quantity sown than the old quantity, viz : six pecks per acre with drill, which was the amount I formerly sowed as first referred to. As to the increased yield of wheat per acre from a small quantity sown, it was proven to me by accident, viz: by the setting in motion of a new Hagerstown drill I hail put to work, intending to set the seed paat of the drill for sowing five peeks of wheat per acre. I placed the lever bar on the wrong side of the centre, or bushel notch, which made it sow only three peeks per acre instead of five fiecks, which mistake I did not dis cover until I had sown three-fourths of my field. This being a particular piece of ground I had selected to sow with a new lot of wheat (amber) I had just purchased for seed, I discov ered my seed going too slow. Upon examination of drill I found the mis take as above mentioned, viz: wheat gauge set to wrong notch ; nnd having I only sown three pecks per acre. I ; immediately changed the lever bar upon the other aide of bushel notch, j as I first intended, and sowed balance of seed with live fiecks per aore, and noticed result. Having sown it almut middle of September, the three fiecks came up looking very thin to what the five fiecks did, and I should have lieen discouraged but for the fact of having read some years previously an account in an extract from an English agricultural journal where in England they had produced large fields of wheat jieracre by sowing, or planting, if we may so call it, one j grain to the square foot, or, in other words, cue foot apart —making as high as eighty bushels of wheat per i acre. As I stated, my thin sowing looked , very unpromising at first; but the , next spring, as the warm rains and hot sun licgan to have their effect, it was not long liefore I could sec it thickening up, with strong branches shooting out fifteen to twenty stalks from one grain, while the five fiecks j per acre sowing did not contain more ' than half ns many branches; and! when ready to harvest it stood equal ly as thick upon the ground as where I had sown the five pecks, with all the branches well up nnd heads much larger. When harvested the yield wsb thirty-six bushels of good w*hrat per acre for the three-peck sowing and only thirty-one bushels for the five-peck sowing. This being conclusive to my mind, that the smaller quantity we sow per acre the larger return we will realize, provided the ground is strong enough. It therefore causer! me to attempt a similar trial in earnest to a greater extent, so far as I had better and stronger ground—as the thinner you sow the better it requires the ground to lie. Consequently the next year (187 C) my principal crop wns sown with only three pecks per acre of amber wheat, in corn ground, plowed, Sic., ns first described, with an appli cation of four hundred fiounds of SlinglulTs raw bone per acre (this standard fettilizcr 1 prefer to all others, after having tried several kinds.) My return from this teat of three fiecks per acre was thirty-eight bushels jier acre. But being disposed to teat my ex perience still further the coming sea son (fall of 1877,) I prepared one Held of sixteen acres, ami sowed it with three pecks per acre. I had about four acres in another lot; this waa clover sod, plowed late In spring, top dressed with manure and cross plowed in August, sowed at the same time as the other, about ; middle of September, with only two ' pecks per acre and five hundred pounds of Slingluff's bone per acre —both pieces put in with Hickford Si Huffman's drill. I also had anoth er small piece in my truck patch—a little better piece of ground than the J above, containing about one-twelfth of I an acre, upon which I sowed at the rate of only one peek per acre, with , the same quantity of fertilizer. This j wns put in with a Hagerstown drill, the Bickford Si Huffman drill not sowing a less quantity than two pecks to the acre. Now as to results. I/Ol Km. A. in. Ilcin.txA.tr 1 10 -AH • 1.1 :w(2 Mi i'A M Or, in other words, a table showing bushels harvested to one bushel's sow ing. Tni Nod. yunnl'c „wn. ||c. j.. r cu re . Bui. f..r I nn ' ] 1 M ' 210 This first sowing of sixteen acres with three peeks stood beautiful and regular all over the field ; but heads were short and of ordinary length. The second lot sown, of four acres, with two pecks per acre, was equally as thick a growth upon the ground, but wallowed considerably in places, which a fleeted the; yield of this piece somewhat. The heads of this wheat averaged from four to live inches in length. The third lot t>f one-twelfth of an acre, at rate ol only one j>eck per acre, stood upon the ground from four, five and six inches apart; but sometimes three or four grains would drop together, which was an objection to thin sowing. Here I would re mark, there should be constructed a I drill especially adapted to thin sow ing of wheat, so as to deposit but a single grain of w heat in a place, from four to six inches apart. I could stand some distance from j this w heat ami count the single growths of grain near the bottom ; but when viewing the whole piece i over the top it looked as thick as i either of the of the other two pieces, with much longer and larger heads, . averaging about live inches in length, i Some of this wheat put up as many as thirty to thirty-five branches from i one grain, and upon an average over j the whole piece twelve to fifteen stalks from a single grain. I ***** * In conclusion, I am unhesitatingly , in favor of thin seeding of w heat; hut the ground must be good and ( thoroughly worked, as in the case of the third lot, where I sowed at rate of one peck per acre, —it having been cultivator] three or four years as a truck or vegetable garden, and conse- j quently the ground bad been well worked and highly improved. 1 continue my seeding with three pecks of wheat to the acre ; but as my lands improve I shall reduce to two pecks j>er acre. Then when brought to that high state of cultiva tion in which all lands should be to make tbera pay, (more particular now than in former years, owing to the great competition we farmers have to contend with against the Western production of all kinds,) followed by setting in grass, iny labor w ill tie less, my crops larger, my profits greater; and my satisfaction at results will commend a consideration of this mode of farming to all tillers of the j soil. Coldness of the Horns. The horns of a cow are alwavs j hollow. They are the natural cover ing and perfection of bony processes I from the skull and are themselves in- 1 sensible as the hair or ttic hoof is. They are formed of a fibrous sub stance, having the same composition as hair, but as they contain within them tiic bony cores which are part of the skull, they may indicate by their tetn|>cratiire disease in these or neighboring portions of the skull. A low temperature indicates decreas ed circulation, and heat is a symptom of increased circulation. Either of these may be the result of disease elsewhere nnd the temperature of the horns should lie regarded only ns one of the many circumstances which point to some constitutional condition, just ns a hot, dry skin or a cold, clammy one, would indicate the same in a person. By itself it is no guide to the seat of the disorder, but taken with others it may lie. Stones in the Meadow. Frntn Ih# American Afrrirtittnriat? As the knives in the mowing ma chine strike against the loose stones in the meadow, or become broken by the small ones that get lietween the guards, they are not pleasant remind ers that lliesc obstructions should tic removed from the surface of the meadow. There is no better time for doing this, than just after the grass crop has been taken oft, while the surface is comparatively bare, and the stones often loosened by the horse rake, and other haying implements. A few hours now spent in gathering up the loose surface atones, will lie well s|M>nt, and may prevent a serious break to the mowing machine, and in a hurried time of work. . IIAV* a good deal of faith In an overruling Providence, but plough early and often, and use the cultiva tor as often, with plenty of manure 'in the hill; then, with occasional I rains, Providence will never hide a 1 smiling countenance. A North Carolina Bonanza. An extraordinary change has oc curred in one phase of the agriculture of North Carolina, by which the re jected lands are preferred, and prices have risen from a dollar an acre to thirty and even fifty. The extension of the culture of bright yellow tobac co has been the cause, and the re gions affected are the northern coun ties adjoining the Danville district, in \ irginia, and also the I'iedrnont region farther south and west, in eluding the counties of Alexander, Caldwell, Catawba, Lincoln and Cleveland. The light, gruy, sandy soils are peculiarly adapted to this crop. A moderate quantity of phos phates and guano is used to get a quick growth, which the dry weather of the late Summer terminates, and the porous quality of the soil sup plies from below sufficient moisture ; to make the ripening very gradual to a clear lemon color, and the curing without spotor blemish. This tobac co is used for plug wrappers, com mands a very high price, and often brings to the grower sf>oo per acre. It|is enriching multitudes, building houses and stimulating unaccustom ed improvements and making hand some bank accounts throughout the favored district. It is a rural bonan za lor many an industrious poor man, whether white or black, and still yields a golden harvest. Importance of Good Stock. Fru the Arnri<ftn Dairyman. A large portion of the possible value of products is lost by reason of not having the right things in the right place. A dairyman for instance ; who has not the right kind of cows must submit to receive a yearly in j come of S4O or sf>o per cow, or less, when he might otherwise gain SOO or S7O. A keeper of poultry may not receive from his fowls the actual value of the fool consumed ; or the feeder of pigs may find himself in the same predicament when he sends his pork to market. Much of this preventive loss occurs from want of judgment or discrimination of select ing or breeding stock. The live stock of a farm, and more especially of the dairy farm upon which no crops, but only animal products are sold, are i the tools or instruments, so to speak, with which the profits arc dug out of j the soil. If the tools are not the very best, the work done by them is proportionate!}* |>oor and poor work is not profitable. It is then of the the first importance that the animals which are to be used as machines should be of the very best kind. Hoveu. American Fanner. .Judge Luse says that in cases of hoven, tympanitis, or drum-belly, as it is sometimes called, which is caus ed by cattle eating too heartily of wet rank grass, clover or green rye in the spring, and overfilling the paunch be fore the stomach has ime to act hence fermentation commencing, the animal swelling, suffering great pain and generally dying in a short time unless relieved —lie gives a teaspoon ful of pulverized charcoal every fif teen minutes, in about one-half pint of milk and water sweetened with a little molasses, until relieved. Since lie learned of the efficacy of this rem edy he lias had no difficult}* in reliev ing his cattle from the severest at tacks of hoven. IT costs no more to winter an oll hog than itdoesapig. The practical difference is that a IIREEIUNO sow may be kept up on the same feed which a pig would require, and in the spring a litter of young ones would make a large margin in favor of the old one. Old sows arc twice as profitable as young ones, as the off spring ate always larger and more of them. They may be kept a number of years with profit. When a year old, small-boned breeds will have their growth and require but little food, only enough to uiainUin life and locomotion, whereas a growing pig requires food for the same pur poses and to promote its growth. TIMOTIIV can not be cut low, espe cially in dry weather, without harm attending ; therefore it is advised that all attempts at close shaving the sward will be avoided. Not a few of our most successful farmers cut tim othy nearly or quite four inches from the ground. Others, in gauging mow ing machines for this grass, take care to run them so high that it will not be cut below the second joint above the tuber. IF you want }*our chickens to grow fast feed them on oatmeal scalded with sweet or sour milk. Don't make the feed wet or sloppy, nor give more at once than will be eaten up clean. Only prepare as much as will be eaten before any fermentation takes place in it. Where oatmeal can not be had, fine corn meal or cracked wheat similarly treated and adminis tered will answer a very good pur|oae. Do not try to mow with a dull sevthe; in one hour double the time will be spent In whetting that it would require to give it a good grind- Ing, lieside twice the physical force is expended in mowing. These re marks apply with equal force to all who use edge tools. EARLY maturity is a desirable quality in chickens.