Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 29, 1880, Image 1

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S 111)0ERT A FORSTER, Editors.
VOL. •-.
tEhr (frntrc jDrm ocrat.
Term* $1.50 per Annum.in Advance.
s. T. SHUGCRT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor*.
Thursday Morning, July 29, 1880.
Democratic National Ticket.
10* L'*lM L'K\T,
To* virr. r*iii>t>T,
W1 1.1.1 AM 11. ENGLISH, of Indian*.
Kt.El Tt IH9-AT-I.ARI! K.
U Kiuinrl Molianhan, WUltom 11. Nnvfurd.
Put. Ilt.
1. John Slrvin, IV George A. Pod.
•2. Edwin A Pile, 1" A. M. Benton,
i. John M. Catupliell, IT. J. P. Linton,
4. tllllca Pallet. I*. John S. Miller,
O. John N. Molt, t, 1'". J O Anton,
i.. Edwin Waldon, *l. f M. Hotter,
T. Nathalie Janiea, 21. I. A.J. Buchanan,
K. ilroritr Filhert, 22 Ohrtn.opher Mutter,
'l. Jani..- 11. MrSparbi, 21. Roliert M Ollwii,
In. Alfred J. Martin, 24. Thomaa Bradford,
11 A l ini lirrrinn'-r, 2... llnrry W. Wilaiin,
12. Frank Tumor, 2<s Samuel Oritfllh,
It. P.J. Ilirniiuahaiit, '27. J Hum Thoni|oou.
14. II K. Putla.
Democratic State Ticket.
ro* m I-KKM* JCMI,
(IKoIIOK A. JKNKS. of Jelferoun County.
ro* ai'iuro* IIEXKAAI,
ROIIF.KT I'. PKCUKKT, of PhiUdelphl*.
THE exodus is still in full tide ! It
is not now the rush of negroes from
the South to the North, hut the exodus
of intelligent, fair Republicans who
desire honest, free government, to the
standard of Democracy, borne aloft by
the gallant Hancock.
MR. HAYES has appointed General
Henry S. Huidekojier, of Crawford
county, Postmaster of Philadelphia,
vice Geuoral Hartratnt, transferred to
the Collector's oftice. The appoint
ment may be a good one, but probably
not entirely pleasing to the Philadel
phia politicians.
SENATOR EDMUNDS is playing dem
agogue away up in Vermont. Iu in
address to the people of Vergennes, he
expressed lears that Congress will pen
sion rebel soldiers, and pay out 880,-
000,000 per year for that purpose. It
is a shame for the Seuator to play upon
the ignorance of his Yankee constitu
ents. He knows better, it they do not.
GEN. GRANT has accepted an invi
tation to visit Boston the last of Bcq>-
tember, as the guest of the Middlesex
Club, when a grand banquet and re
ception will lie given him. Many
leading actors iu the hippodrome
movement of last year w ill no doubt
l>e conspicuously absent now that houor
is to l>e paid to the General, apart from
political significance.
GARFIELD was one of the visiting
statesmen who, with John Sherman
and Mad. Wells, in 187R, committed
the great Presidential larceny in IXJU
isiana. With guilty knowledge of the
magnitude and shameless character of
that fraud, he also served as one of the
8 to 7 Electoral Commission, to com
plete the theft and install a fraudulent
executive in the Presidential office.
THE houeet voter, iu making.up his
mind on the important issues involved
iu the coming election for President,
should not fail to consider this question
—Shall the parly which nlole the Ibrcni
ilctury in 1870 have the crime, condoned
by continuance in power for another
term of four yearn f —No one now
denies that the crime was committed,
and by putting up Mr. Garfield, one
prominent in the fraud, the Republi
cans not only ask oblivion to the
crime, but reward to the criminal and
honor to the thief for its commission.
A HERioug defection of German
Republicans in Ohio is one of the most
encouraging of receut political devel
opments. The Cleveland Waehter am
Erie, the most influential German pa
per in northern Ohio has abandoned
the Republican party and hoisted the
names of Hancock and English. The
German vote has been the salvation of
the Republicans in Ohio for several
years, but now that the Ohio "idea"
has received its quietus the property
holding, honest sons of the Fatherland
aro found on the side of harmony ami
administrative reform. Garfield's taint
ed record and unsavory reputation
don't suit the thrifty, honorable Ger
mans, hence their support of men with
clean records and untainted names.
A United Democracy
For the first time in many years
the Democracy of the United States
will enter 011 the current canvass for
the Prcsidcuey thoroughly and cordi
ally united in every section of the
country. There are no heartburnings,
no recriminations, hut unaffected and
hearty unison umong the leaders,
while the rank and file are enthusias
tic aud compact. In New York the
discordant factions have ceased to
make war upon each other and are now
standing shoulder to shoulder under
the banner of Hancock. The State
Central Committee of the Tammany
wing of the party met at Saratoga
and unreservedly withdrew the elect
oral ticket, placed in the field by the
Shakespeare Hall Convention at Syr
acuse and pledged their sincere and !
earnest support to the electoral ticket |
of the Regular Democracy. John
Kelly is as honestly for Hancock as is
Mr. Tildeu and both will head every
sinew to encompass the success of the
Democracy in both State and Nation.
This manly action of Tammany taken
New York from the list of doubtful
States aud places her firmly and sure
ly at the head of the Democratic
column. The combined vote of Tam
many and anti-Tammany in 1879
was many thousands in excess of the
Republican vote, and it is universally
conceded that Gehernl Hancock is
so exceptionally strong in the Empire
State the canvass for Garfield will be
be spiritless and without hope. < )ne 6f
the cheerful signs of the time is the
unification of the Philadelphia De
mocracy. For more years than we
care to count the factious quarrels of
our party iu the Metropolitan City of
Pennsylvania, have been a source of
the most unavailing regret to the par
ty all ovei* the fitate. Belf-constituted
leaders have disrupted the party or
ganization and brought it to disgrace
aud defeat. It was a battle of local
ambition in which theparty at large
had no concern, while it was compelled
to snfbrth* disastrous consequences of
divided counsels. Now, in the dawn
of the splendid victory'which awaits
the Democracy in the ides of Novem
ber, the leaders have <-ourluded an
honorable truce and the full significa
tion of this is MID ply that it means at
least seventy-two thousand I )emocrntic
votes for Hancock iu Philadelphia,
aud this means not more than three or,
at tlte outside, five thousand Republi
can majority, where they have usually
been able to command from fifteen to
thirty thousand. It is no half way
compromise hut one that is sweeping
and unreserved. aud McGowan,
t'assidy and Randall, Rarger and
Handera know no faction, but are har
moniously working together against
the common foe. This is notice to the
Republican managers that they will
have to druw largely on their reserve
of pcrsonatora, lightning calculators,
and return jugglers if they hopo to save
their National, State and city tickets
from inglorious defeat. Whether the
cessation of active hostilities will prove
ephelbcfaJ or not is not our present
concern. It will serve to demonstrate
at least that a united Philadelphia
Democracy means success in the State,
and if the madness of leaders prevents
them from heading the lesson they
will but invoke their own destruction.
We have especial cause for heart r elt
congratulation over the promised
compromise of the clashing elements
in Virginia. An electoral ticket com
posed of five electors from each fac
tion and giving the choice of the
Eleventh to the Democratic National
Committee is proposed. It is confi
dently expected that this arrange
ment will prove satisfactory to both
the Funders and the Readjusted.
This is a consummation which will de
prive the Republicans of their only
hope of securiug tlje vote of a South
ern State. The out-look in the Pacific
States ia which there have bee? sprious
diseentions is most favorable to Dem
ocratic unity and success. In Cali-
fornia the defection of the workingmen
to Hancock has alarmed the Repub
lican leaders and makes the Golden
Htate doubtful. The Democratic party
is now cordially united for the first
time in twenty years. The nomina
tion of Hancock and English has
effected this result. It only rcmuius
for us to reap the harvest on the
Second of November.
THE Republican this week is unusu
ally economical with the truth. It
indulges iu an imaginary account of
the Democratic meeting at Pleasant
Gap on last Saturday evening, alludes
to a letter of Archbishop McCloskcy |
in relation to Gen. Hancock's Cathol
ocism, a letter which by the way the
Jlepubliean well knows Cardinal Me.
Closkcy has branded as an awkward
forgery, and then iu its anxiety to
strike at JudgeOrvis it devotes almost
a coluniu of its valuable space in de
nouncing him for appointing a Regis
tration Assessor iu the western precinct
of Ferguson township in violation of
law. The Associate Eaw .lodge is
threatened with impeachment and his
action in this matter held up as an
alarming exhibition of Judicial turpi
tude. This is all very well, hut as it
happens Judge Orvis has made no
ap|Rjiutmcut at all of an assessor in
Ferguson township, its indignation is
a mere waste of words. We are sorrv
for our perturbed contemporary, and
would mildly suggest to the small
coterie of very small lawyers who are
generally credited with presiding over
its editorial columns, that a strict ad
herence to the truth will iu future
save them much annoyance while it
will conduce greatly to the credibility
of their paper.
SKIKH BRIGHT!' All the disturbing
discords in the Democratic ranks are
in a fair way of adjustment. In New
York the contending factions have
reached a satisfactory settlement which
assures Democratic success in the Em
pireStato. In Philadelphia,dissentions
have succumbed to union and patriot
ism, and we shall have gratifying re
sults from the (Quaker City; and in
Virginia, where the Democrats and Re
adjusters have each an electoral ticket
pledged to the support of Gen. Han
cock, there is the most gratifying evi
dence that all will be well, and that
the Republicans will not be (icrmitted
to profit hv divisions. The name of
Hancock is a tower of strength. Fac
tion, as well as the Republican party,
must fall before the enthusiasm of the
people in the prospect of an honest ad
ministration of the government, which
the election of the great soldier aud
statesman assures.
Senator Lemon, the Democratic and
Republican candidates for Auditor
General, had a pleasant and cordial
hand-shaking at the Girnrd House, on
Friday last—each introduced to the
other as the next Auditor General of
Pennsylvania. They are both clever,
social gentlemen, and no doubt enjoy
ed their chat in anticipation of the
victory each hoped to obtain over the
IT is said that the printed copies of
Poland's Report oil the Credit Mohi
lier bribes have mysteriously disap
peared, and that only one copy is
known to be in existence at Wash
ington. It is the official document
and is guarded with care. As the ex
posure of the worst piece of legislative
villiany in our history, as also the
proof of the moral unsoundness and
greed of the candidate of the Repub
lican party for President, it will cer
tainly require very alert watching to
preserve it.
THK Philadelphia Record ha* about
squelched the quack doctor roanufac
toriee of that city. In doing ao the
Record haa done a good work for
which it deserves great credit It was
high time the country received protec
tion from the ignorant pretendcni rout
out with medical diplomas from
Buchanan!* bogua colleges.
" Statesmanship.'
The Ilarrisburg Patriot sums up .
the civic career of Statesman Gar- '
field iu the following forcible and <
epigramatic manner :
It is "statesmanship" that the He
publicun politicians are hankering alter j
now. The "soldier business" they |
assert is played out. "The country j
needs a statesman, a Christian states
man like liarfiitld." Such is the plea
they make for the election of their
cuudidiue for President. But when i
they come toexhibittheir "statesman"
they find that they have nothing to
show the public but H congressman
whose special opportunities tor study
ing political economy and the nature
of our government were confined to his
service as a member and for several
years as chairman of the committee on
appropriation*. That committee, as is
well understood, is the parent of all the
swindling jobs by which the treasury
is plundered from year to year. That
committee is u school ot corruption in !
which selfish and sordid men become i
apt scholars. In that school Garfield
was trained. It was there tie acquired
his "statesmanship." As a member of
that committee he received the Credit
MMHcr stock from (lakes Ames and
the $5,000 fee from Defiolyer. Jf lie
hs had any other training in states
manship his public career does not
show it. Ah ! we must not foiget bis
action us a "visiting statesman" and
coun-elor to the Louisiana returning
board thieves and his subsequent serv
ice as a sworn judge in the eight-to
seven electoral commission. His ac
ceptance of the position of a judge in
the electoral dispute after he had vol
unteered as an attorney in the matter
must tie taken into account when we
sum up his achievements as a states
man. So, then, it appears that liar- j
field's statecralt on which his political !
supporter* huso his claims to the pres
idential office consists in 1 is perform
ances a* a member of th committee
on appropriations and as tn attorney !
for Hayes before the Ixmisiana return
ing toird and a judge on .lie electoral
commission. General Hancock, thank
heaven, ha* had no experi-neeof this
character and makes no pretentions to
that kind ot statesmanship* to which
General Garfield's public career has
been devoted. But General Hancock
has proved himself an able expounder
as he WAS u fearless defender of the
constitution. When the destinies of i
the people of two great States were
'placed tn his hands, he refused to ;
erect a military despotism, but simply !
proceeded to enforce the law* as he
found them. He took care that the
great fundamental principle* of Repute
lican government should not Ie violat
ed but preserved in his administration, j
i In order that the pieopde of Louisiana
and Texas might he protected in their
j constitional rights he declared that the
; hahea* eorput, the right of free speech, a
free press, liberty of conscience and
. the natural rights of persons must he
i preserved. In other words he made
the military the servant of the civil
power, as is the plain intendment of
! our form of government. His adminis
tration in those States was as free from
' violence as it was clear from any sort of
! corruption. He was kind but firm, pa
tient but resolute, and while loyal to
the Federal authority he sought to win
back the alienated population to their
former love of the old flag by proving
to them that obedience to the t'onstitu-
I lion and laws was the only test of the
I right of citizenship. While Hancock
1 was engaged in performing the highest
acts of statesmanship in his endeavor
to rehabilitate the Slates of Louisiana
aad Texas in their suppressed ste
hood, Garfield wax employed in figuring
out appropriation* for wooden pave
ments in Washington and other similar
raids on the treasury.
THERE can be no better indication
|of the desperate straits to which the
j Republicans arc reduced iu Centre
county, than the evident trepidation
of the local leaders. The small fry,
who have been wout to manage the
machine and conduct campaigns, an*
summarily remanded to the rear,
while the grave, dignified heavy
weight*, who have only been visible
on extraordinary occasions in the
past, arc now hastily hustled to the
front and compelled to become hewers
of wood and drawers of water. Even
General Beaver, the distinguished re
cipient of Don Cameron's questionable
favors at Chicago, who is gazing with
longing eyes toward the Gubernato
rial mansion at Ilarrisburg, has becu
compelled to stoop from the lofty ped
estal upon which his soaring ambition
has placed him, to do the ordinary
work of the ward s'triker. It was
a sight for the Gods as General
Reaver swung himself from post to
pillar in Bellefontc, paper in hand,
pleading with the soldier element to
pledge themselves in writing to sup
port Garfield. Truly the taskmaster
draws heavily upou his vassals, and
General Reaver is dearly earning
whatever reward fickle leaders may
have in store for him in the future.
From the calm, dispassionate argu
ments he has been in the habit of
dropping from the rostrum he bus
plunged into the swashbuckler style of
froth and foam. Anxious to do the
bidding of his masters, and to attest
his faith by works, he has sunk the
dignity of the statesman iu the rant
and cant of the politician. How ure
the mighty fallen !
IT appears that an error was made
in ascribing to Justice Kwayuc of the
Supreme Court, the opinion recently
published in reference to the De Gol
yer bribe to Gen. Garfield. The case
in which the Garfield bribe appeared
was passed upon by Judge Farwell, in
the Circuit Court of Cook county,
Illinois, and not in the Supreme
Court by Judge Bwayue. A decision
of Judge Hwaync in another case is
referred to a* authority, that as the
$•>,000 paid by De Golyer to Gar
field, then chairman of the appro
priation committee, "was au agree
ment for the sale of official influ
ence, and therefore void as against
public policy and good morals," could
not be credited to De Golyer a- a
legitimate item of expenditure on the
job, in a settlement of the profits with
other interested parties. The facts,
however, so far as Garfield is concern-
Ed, are not changed. He stands before
the country as one who, for the paltry
sum of 88,090, betrayed his trust, and
basely sold his official influence as
chairman of the appropriation com
mittee to consummate a mean aud
most disreputable fraud upon the
city of Washington, as well as Uj>ou
the treasury of the country.
WE would quietly suggest to our
esteemed friend, Gen. James A. Rea
ver, in anticipation of his next cam
paign speech, that he can do himself
infinitely more credit by giviug bis
anxious aud admiring hearers some
decent explanation of Garfield's con
nection with the Credit Mohilier scan
dal ami the De Golyer bribe of SB,OOO,
than he will ever gain by making
silly and ill matured ]>ersoiial allusions
to Democratic soldiers who support
Hancock. We would like the Gen
eral to act upon our suggestion for his
own sake, if not for the good of his
party, hut arc not at all confident that
he will do so. Too much cannot be
expected from any one after he j>er
inits himself to become a mere tool in
machine politics.
THE Philadelphia Pre* has made
an important discovery. It detailed
one of the talented gentleman connect
ed with its reporter!a! corps to trace
out the genealogy of Hancock.
The result of his research is given in
the Preen and is calculated to strike
terror to the hearts of Democrats
everywhere. It ap[x-ars that the grand
father of the General was at one
time an inmate of the Montgomery
county alms-house. This is supposed
to be official. It now devolves upon
the enterprising journal to show that
the Democratic candidate for Presi
dent committed the Nathan murder,
and stole Charlie Ross.
A terrible accident occurred about 10
o'clock on Thursday might on the De
troit River, nine mile* below Detroit.
The excursion steamer Garland, with
1,200 j>enion on board, under the aus
pice* of the Detroit Moulder*' Union,
while going down the river collided
with the steam yschl Mamie, coming
up, cutting her in two. so that she sank
almost instantly. The latter hd on
tioard twenty-four persons, consisting
mainly of Father Hleyeuetiergh, pastor
of Trinity Kotnsn Catholic Church of
Detroit. and a number of acolyte* and
hoys officiating in various capacities in
the service ot the church. They had
been on their annual excursion to Mon
roe, and were returning home.
It is said that a poor ilarrisburg me
chanic, Daniel Drowbaugh, invented
and patented a telephone anti-dating
all in uae, and that a company of capital
ists have now bought it, and assert that
they will soon have entire charge of the
telephones, not only in this country,
but In the world, and that they will be
able to atablish lines by which mes
sages may be transmitted for almost a
mere song.
A hickory pole la to be raised in Mont
gomery county, cut from the farm on
which General Grant WM born. The
time ia not yet appointed, but it ia ea
peeled that the General will be pres
TERMS: s!.*><) |mt Annum, in Advance.
IiKLLKfOKTK Acaokmy—.l School for
Yountf Itoyt. —Special provision is road<•
this year for the careful training of young
boys of from eight to twelve year* of age.
The number will be select und bad boy*
will not be retained in the school. The
I'rincitia! himself will render special as
sists nee in the teaching of tbi* department.
We fully realize that this is the hopeful
period in which we can do the be*t work
for the young.
The. Primary l)rpartment will be under
the care of Mr-. K. Ogden, who, during
the past two years, has proven herself so
admirably adapted to the management and
teaching of young children.
The ) ouny Ijfiftis*' liejHtrlme.nl will Ire
under the charge of Mrs. W. W. Robinson,
who ha* already so worthily commended
herself to the patrons of the Academy a*
the right teacher in the right place, and as
the accomplish'-d and experienced lady to
whose faithful care and watchfulness
parents may confidently commit the edu
cation of their daughters.
The f"lant,rnl will be under
the charge of Mr. Charies Heebner, whose
classes at the last examinations showed
such thorough training, such finish arid
such proficiency, and whom* teaching and
discipline in the class room throughout
the entire year proved him to be in talent,
tact and culture a teacher of much more
than ordinary rank.
The Principal will carefully interest
biinM-lf in all ibe departments and look
■fur the needs of every pupil.
Under such favorable auspices we enter
upon the twelfth year of our educational
work in this community ; and of all, who
can in any measure appreciate and estimate
the advantage* of having Mich a school at
their own door*, we earnestly ask a hearty
and living interest and co-operation in all
that concern* the welfare and profpcrity of
the Academy. The next sesfion will open
on Wednesday, the first of September.
.1 aMi.> p. Ilvuile, Principal.
Hancock and Gettysburg.
Ftifiin • Pr"irr^iNi.
The nomination of Gen Hancock will
increase public interest in the battle of
Gettysburg, in which he was such a con
spicuous figure. Although that great
struggle did not end the war, it furnish
ed such a clear indication of the final
issue that leading Confederate generals
have since acknowledged that they
continued to fight without a rational
hope of victory, and only for the pur
|>oee of securing advantageous terms.
The historians of the future, in enum
erating the decisive battles of all ages,
will always assign to the terrific struggle
on the soil of this State a commanding
position. Large bodies of soldiers from
nearly every State in the Union min
gled their blood on that sanguinary
field, and nowhere else did the Confed
eracy give such proofs of its strength
and valor. For the only mighty aggres
sive demonstration made on free soil,
the grestest j>ossible concentration of
Southern energy and resources was pef
fee ted, and it required matchless vigil
ance, courage, heroism, determination,
and military skill to repel this most for
| tnidal.le of all invasions. Rarely, if
| ever, have larger opfosing armies been
j brought into direct conflict, and never
' has a greater degree of daring and her-
I oism been displayed by all the soldiers
of two great oontending armies. Gettys
burg will be forever hallowed by sad
and glorious memories. There the
fratricidal strife loomed up into ita most
terrible proportions; and there a feeling
of mutual respect between the opposing
legions, whose blood was shed like wa
ter, wa enkindled, which has permeat
ed the most remote portions of this re
public. While wsr reared iu horrid
front, numlw-ring its victims by tens of
thousands, making the earth reel with
the roar of artillery, and riddling for
ests with bullets, it was the war of
giants struggling with a desperation
that reflected to the fullest extent the
! convictions by which each of the con
tending hosts were inspired ; but it was
not stained by any act of wanton cruel
ty, or bv any neglect of the amenities,
which the horrors of the strife of
civilixed nations are mitigated. Amid
all the complies! on* growing out of
the carnage the master spirit, who was
first in command at the point of great
est danger, and whose keen vision,
prompt decision and heroio energy see
ed an ini|>erilled State and nation at
the most critical joint in its history,
was Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock.
A pleasure boat containing six ladies
and two male companion* accidentally
cap*iced Monday afternoon in Shark
Hirer Core, at UomJU. The men
■truck out for chore, which they reach
ed in safety, tearing the ladies clinging
to the boat. The accident was witness
ed from the went chore by Eliaa Tbrock
morten, of Free port, and William J.
Chittenden, of Brooklyn, who, with a
boatman named John Flood, hastened
to the a*ci*tanoe of the women. They
were nearly exhausted when rescued.
The ex Kmprecc Kugenie landed at St.
Helena on the 12th inUnt*nd inspect
ed the house where Napoleon 1 died.
She then riaited the tomb in which the
remain* of the Emperor were at firat
deposited and afterward embarked for
NO. 31.