Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 15, 1880, Image 8
©lie U emoaat. Thursday Morning, July 15, 1880. CDRRKHPONDKNCI, containing Important nnwi,solicit <<! from itnv part of tho county. No rommiiiiictttiotm huttM ted uult'Mi it<Toiit|Mtiled by the real name of the \x liter. Hancofik Club. All Democratic citizens of Howard town ship and borough, and all others, without regard to former political action or party affiliation, who intend to support General Hancock for President, are invited to meet at LUCAS' HALL, at half-past seven in the evening of FRIDAY, JULY 10, for the pur pose of forming a Hancock C'luh. Senator C. T. Alexander, and others, will be pres ent and address the meeting. DAVID TANYKR, Howard twp., A. J. GAKDKKK, Howard boro, Chairmen. Local Department. Monday last was pay day for the Bald Eagle Valley Kailroad. —Head tho advertisement of Goldsmith, Stein & llextor on the fifth page. —Never come "down town" without stopping to buy u cigar of Harry Green. —The population of Bellefonte is 3030 how many of them buy Harry Green's cigars ? —lmprovements of an elaborate descrip tion continue to be made in and about the Bush House. —The Bellefonte Fencibles meet at their armory to-morrow evening to transact important business. —Tho Presbyterian church edifice still stands a menace and terror to all the peo ple in that vicinity. —Tho Presbyterian congregation wor shipped in Humes' Hall both morning and evening of last Sunday. —The twelfth annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association will bo held at York, July 27, 28 and 2'.). —The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society met at Mrs. John Ardell'son Linn street last Friday evening. —Peaches, watermelons *and green corn are in the market. The former arc about the size of an ordinary plum. —We are just entering another season of beautiful moonlight evenings. The moon is exactly quarter full to-day. —One feature of the Day Kidney Pad is commendable, that nothing is claimed for it, except what it will absolutely effect. —Tho Chief and Assistant Burgesses have each been submitting their business places to a cleansing process—that of the former receiving an application of paint. —The Daily New* informs it* readers that Mr. R. B. Kinne, of Milesburg, has la-en appointed by Mr. Hayes as register of the land office at Yakima, Washington Territory. —There wa* a very small attendance at churches and Sunday-schools on Sunday last. Those who absented themselves found a convenient, perhaps welcome, excuse in tbe prevailing beat. —The annual election of directors for the Ironworkers' building at Valentines' Forge took place last week. Three selec tions were made from the employes and two from the proprietors. —Saturday evening last wa* a lively oc casion for Snow Shoe. In addition to the Cbinclala-moose House hop, the Korean Catholic church gave a festival, which was a pleasant affair and realized a largo amount for the church. Darkness reigned supreme upon the streets of this place last Monday night. The young moon retired behind the hills at an early hour, and as the sky was cloud ed and the gas not lighted, pedestrians had no aid save that of natural instinct to guide their feet over the rough pavement. —A delightful hop was held at tho Chinclala-moose House, Snow Shoe, on Saturday evening last. The affair was conducted by Bellefonte parties, but was participated in by guests at the hotel and residents of Snow Shoe. The music wa* furnished by the string band of Snow Shoe, and was considered excellent. —Mr. Frank Gallagher, of Howard, *•% unfortunate enough to lose bis fine young cow, on Tuesday morning of last woek, by "bloat," which was caused by eating too freely of young clover. Mr. Gallagher is a laboring man, and the loss falls heavily upon him. He has the sympathy of his neighbors. —On Tuesday of last week two men named Aikey and Hciland were severely burned by the preinaluro explosion of a blast at the ore banks of the Bellefonte Iron Company. The explosion occurred just after their return from dinner. The injuries of Ueiland were the most serious, and he will be confined for several weeks. Aikey's injuries were slight. —Mr. Shaffer's hotel at Howard was the scene of a pleasant wedding on Wednesday of last week, tbe contracting parties being Miss Hannah Daughenbaugh and Mr. Philip Iddings. Elder N. J. Mitchell performed the ceremony. Tbey are a hand some couple and ap|ared tbe personifica tions of happiness as they departed from the hotel. —Among the many curious citizens of New York City is a Dr. Tanner, who is fasting for a period of forty days—about eighteen days of that time now being com pleted. Such a ridiculous idea as this would never occur to a man who has lived long in Centre county. While there are grocery stores selling such delicious gro ceries as can he bought at Sechler A Go's it would kill any average man to fast for twelve hours. Try Sechler's groceries and prove the truth of what we say. —This is the best time to buy clothing clump of Goldsmith, Stein & lluxter. —The death of Mr. Samuel Moyer, of Millhcim, occurred on Friday of last woek. It was caused by consumption, of which ho was a victim. Mr. Moyor was an ex perienced miller, and for a long time had operated tho large brick mill owned by Mr. Daniel Musser. He was an excellent man and his death will be much regretted. —Prominent among the numerous festi vals'now being held throughout the county was one given by tho Methodists at Cur tin's works on Saturday night. Fifty-two dollars woro received as tho protlts of the evening, which is an unusually good ex hibit. "It is an ill wind thut blows no one good," and the warm weather seems to be principally beneficial for church festi vals. —Tho quite young children of Pleasant Gap clubbed together last Saturday, wont to the woods and enjoyed a picnic by themselves, without the presence of any older folks. "We'll bet thut so far as en joyment was concerned, it was tho most successful of tho season, for Young Amer ica, with all the wild woods to roam over, unrestrained, is not inclined to allow time to hang idly on its hands. —During tho present warm weather, when articldfof diet do not keep fresh and sweet long, people have to purchase fre quently and in small quantities. The hf-nt also renders it doubly important to know where to find the freshest and best food. So far as groceries are concerned, that place is the storo of Sochlcr & Co. I'oople can always place reliunce on the fact that their stock is the best the market will afford. —We are indebted to Prof. Henry Mey er, our excellent County Superintendent, for a copy of the programme of exercises adopted for the meeting of the State Teach ers' Association which will be held at York, l'a., on tho 27th, 28th and 20th of the present month. This meeting will undoubtedly be one of much pleasure and profit to the members of the association as well as to all others who feel an interest in the subject of education. —The annual picnic of the Coleville Sunday-school was held last Thursday in the grove near Mr. Win. Humes' residence. It was well attended, many visitors from Bellefonte being present. Col. I). 11. Hastings contributed to the plcai-ure of the occasion with one of his entertaining ad dresses. Of course, refreshments had been provided in abundance, and tho day was a inerry one to all who participated. —The ice cream festival in the basement of the M. E. church on Friday nnd Satur day evening* of last week was another successful affair. On Friday evening the ice cream apd cake on hand was all sold, while on Saturday evening, although enough had been provided to meet all de mands, the receipt* were quite liberal. The cream not converted into ice cream wa* utilized by being churned into butter. —Eighty thousand dollars was the amount subscribed to tho sufferers by the Milton fire, and now the vexed question is how to divide the money. Under the circumstances, we are not prepared to offer a solution to the problem, but if they lived a little nearer Bellefonte, we would advise that a hundred weight of groceries be bought at S. A. llrew A Son's store for every man, woman and child in the place- It would be the best thing for their health and happiness, as the people of Centre county owe much of their present pro*j>er ity to the existence of Brew's store. —The equipment* of the Bellefonte Fcn cibles (Co. B. filh Keg.) have been receiv ed and are stored in their Armory in the Bush Arcade. The men composing the company aru well pleased with their out fit, every thing being entirely new and in excellent order. The guns, knapsack*, cartridge boxes, belts,haversacks, Ac., have never been used and are hand*omo and convenient. The men are rapidly becom ing proficient in the difficult manual of arms and regulation tactics and will no doubt—for the short time of enlistment— make a suitable showing at the annual en campment at Braddock* Field* in Septem ber. The uniform* are contracted for and we will soon have a fully equipped mili tary organization in our midst of which we can bo justly proud. —The Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society have favored u* with a programme of their com ing annual meating, which will be held in this place on July 27, one week from next Tuesday, and continue three days. There are many exercises on the programme of interest to the profession. We do not know the proportions of the Society, but opine from the programme that it is large, embracing many distinguished members. Then, these dentists, when they assemble for consultation, have a pleasant custom of bringing their wives and daughters along for a summer recreation. While the pa ternal members of the family are engaged in discussing "Hydrobromic Ether as an Amesthetic," or some other equally out landish subject, the female portion may be seen upon the street, their fair faces and fine toilets adding to the beauty of the scene. We hope tbey will all come and bring an unusually large number of wive* and daughters along, and that the meeting may ba one of the most pleasant in the history of the Society. Dentists have heretofore boen principally useful in ex tracting teeth—and that In the most ex cruciatingly ptknful matter possible—but If the coming meeting shall contribute in rendering that dreaded operation one whit easier a grateful public will open its arms to them in enthusiastic welcome. The meetings of the society will be held in the Court House. A CHAPTER OP ACCIDENT#.— The first terrible si>iisitii>ii of last week wan received on Thursday morning, and wan the intelli gence* that Mr. David Dale, living near Lomont, had fallen into a vat of vitriol the previous afternoon and almost perished in the burning liquid. Further reports con firmed the sad news. On "Wednesday after noon he was at work in the wollen mills at Lemont, of which he and his brother are tbo proprietors, and while passing over a board, it broke under his weight, precip itating him into the vat of coloring matter beneath. As the contents of the vat were strongly impregnated with vitriol, the fluid burned into his flesh, and for some time his life was despaired of. liis broth er, who is a physician, is attending him, and ho is now Blowly recovering. His suttering, of course, was intense. —William Fellenbaum, son of Mr. John Fellenbaum, was the victim of a terrible accident last Friday afternoon, while at work in Wm. P. Duncan & Co's machine shops. lie was standing on a ladder ad justing the belting on a pulley, when three ilngors of his left hand were caught in the revolving belt and his body drawn several times around the shaft before the machinery could bo stopped. His Angers wore literally torn from the hand and the tendons lacer ated to the wrist, which was broken. It was un unfortunate accident, as William was a bright, active, skillful workman for one so young—only eighteen years of age —and his hand will be rendered useless for a longtime, and amputation may be neces sary. Ho has our earnest sympathy. —The second event of Friday which can take its place in our "Chapter" was the run-a-way of Mr. Lawrence Brown's horses, which occurred about 4 o'clock p. M. AVe don't know exactly where they started from, but as they run with the wagon clattering behind, a noise was made equal to the descent of an avalanche. Everybody in the neighborhood was aroused, and when the team passed the depot und ran out the road towards the car works, the full force of employes at the former place left their work and followed wildly after the retreating steeds, which soon resembled a speck of dust in the distance. Near the car works, another horse and wagon belonging to Duncan, Hale & Co. was collided with, and the horse ran over the hills, followed by an excited multitude. All the animals were soon caught, but Mr. Brown's wagon was found in a sadly demoralized condition, and was brought home in small pieces. This event involved altogether too much exertion for a hot day, and reused perrpi ration to flow freely from both men and steeds. —An accident occurred at Snow Shoe on Saturday which resulted in the death of Mr. Philip Crollman, an employe in the mines. He was engaged in excavating under a ledge of coal and tuck, which loosened the props, and the entire mass, probably without an instant's warning, was dislodged and precipitated upon him. He was removed from his terrible situation and taken to his home, where be soon died from internal injuries, although no bones were broken. On Monday morning his body was taken for interment to his former place of residence in New York State. He leaves a wife and several children. This is thn first accident, resulting fatally, that has occurred at the Snow Shoe mines in twenty-five years. Mr. John McDonough, of Snow Shoe, was walking on the railroad near the Sum mit on Saturday last, and sUqqted ofl" on a siding to avoid an approaching train, not |ierceiving that the switch was turned to direct the train upon the track where he was standing. Before he discovered his danger the wheels of the engine had passed over and crushed one of bis feet. Mr. Mc- Donough is, we believe, the same man that had one of his legs crushed some time ago by railroad ties falling upon it. —Saturday's Daily Mew* says that "a three year old daughter of Mr. Henry Sampsei, of Benner township, was kicked in the head one day last week by a horse which she had approached in the pasture. She died from her injuries on Sunday, her skull being very badly fractured." RATIFICATION MKETINO AT MILLIIKIM. —The sturdy Democracy of the lower end assembled at Millheim, on last Saturday evening, to ratify the nomination of Han cock and English. The meeting was well attended and was an oarnest of the spirit that pervades the Democratic masses every where in the land. John Keifsnyder, Esq., called the meeting to order and Daniel A. Musser, Esq., was selected to preside- Able and stirring speeches were made by David F. Fortney and Wm. C. Heinle, Esq's, which were well received and heart ily applauded. The best of feeling pre vailed and all the Democrats present gave assurances that I'enn's Valley will this fall give a larger vote to Hancock and English than any Democratic candidates ever received in that part of the county. The meeting adjourned with hearty cheers for the soldier-statesman. DISTRICT HUNDAY-SCHOOL INSTITUTE.— The Sunday-school people of Boggs, Cur tin and Howard townships and Milasburg and Howard boroughs will hold a district institute at Curtin'a works on Tuesday and Wednesday next, July 20 and 21. One session will be held on Tuesday evening and three on Wednesday, morning, after noon and evening. It is said that soma of the prominent Sunday-school workers of Clinton county will be present to take part in the exercises. Everybody Is invited to be present. Clement Dele, Esq., the Sec retary, is prepared to furnish all necemary information. SUMMER PERSONAL#.— It is said that the faces of the Hublorsburg young ladios are wreathed in smiles for a week after re ceiving a visit from the Daily A'ewt "local." —Misses Annie and Hattie, daughters of Mr. Fearon Maun, started on Monday morning for Newton Hamilton, Hunting don county, whore they will make a pro longed visit. —Miss Jennie Dare started on Friday last for her visit at Cape Muy. —Mr. Richard Garuian, who ha* for u long time past been sojourning at Coutcs ville, Pa.,'returned home on Saturday for a visit. Mr. L. T. Eddy, of Linn & McCoy's iron works, has been taking an Eastern trip, from which he returned on Saturday last. —John C. Miller was in Huntingdon again last Sunday. His trips in that di rection are growing suspiciously frequent. —Mr. Howard Lingle lias been visiting in Bloomsburg, being drawn thither by that .subtle and tender attraction which has influenced every man since the world was created. —Miss Richardson, of Pittsburg, is the guest of Miss Clara Lyon, of this place. —Judge John 11. Orvis and family are greatly delighted with their new Linn street residence. The interior arrange ments of the house are now about com pleted, and the next duty will be to beau tify the surrounding grounds. —Miss Mary Tripple, of this place, is paying a visit to her uncle, Mr. Charles Wilsou, of Altoona. —Bev. James Caldcr and family are now ]>ernianeiilly located at Harrisburg. —Mr. George Thomas and lady are en tertaining friends from Ohio. —A substantial new boardwalk is being laid along Water street from High street to Reynolds' mill. It is a welcome im provement. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Newell, of Clear field, visited in this place last week. Mr. Newell was formerly a Bellefonte boy, but since going to Clearfield he ha.- been mar ried, (we believe, to a Williamsport young lady), and is now quietly settled as a citi zen of that place. •—Mr. Robert Giimoro has been enter taining his sister, one of the bright young ladies of Milton. —Mr. Fred. Reynolds successfully pass ed the Princeton College examination, and will enter that institution next fall. Mr. Beck, the tentorial artist, still continues bis early morning concerts. —Mr. William Reynolds, Judge John 11. Orvis and the family of Mr. George W. Jackson are among the visitor* from this place at Bedford Springs. Miss Nannie Harris, of this place, is visiting her many friends in Huntingdon. Miss Allen, of Harrisburg, who lias been the guest of Miss Fowler, of this place, departs for home to-day. If a look of despondency is visible on the counte nances of auy of the Bellefonte beaux, its source can be traced to the above event. Mr. Jacob H. Bauland, of Chicago, is visiting his brother, Mr. J. 11. Bauland, of the "Bee Hive" stores, this place. Miss Martha Lyon, of Philadelphia, is visiting at the residence of Mr. Isaac Guggenheimer, of this place. —J. W. Pennington, Esq., and daugh ter Maggie, of Philadelphia, arrived in Bellefonte on Monday evening. They aro stopping at the Brockerhott' House. Wel come, and bo|ie they will have a pleasant time. —K. N. Carpenter, Esq., the popular representative of the large tea and coffee houseof Berkley, Hassan it Co., Baltimore, is in town for a few days. THE CENRUH or CENTRE COUNTT. —The enumerators of Centre county for 18X0 have completed their work, and we pre sent to the readers of the DEMOCRAT a table of the population of each borough and township in tho county as returned by tbem, together with the population return ed for the decades of 1870, 1860 and iB6O. It will be observed that the aggregate of the figures for 1880 makes the present pop ulation of the county 87,020, which is an increaso over 1870 of 3,011, or a little more than 10 per cent. In the main, wo be lieve the work of taking this census was well performed, the books returned bv the enumerators, with few exceptions, being very creditable specimen# of their skill and intelligence. Bomnghs an# Townnhlpa. llxo. l;o. lean. | 1870. Brllafnati—North Want. 174* 1127 Booth Ward.. (ss West Want... .Vie cai| 2AMI 134*1 low. alio ward Bom 4 I'M MHeatmrg... (On WW, 47S bMlllhstm - 776 oPhlllpebiirg 17*' l(iti .ll'niotmlla. 799 till Mannar 12*2 1.102 1190 Motors W6j 2177 1A42 1914 Hor Mills 4A>*> .180 AM nt'olleg# 14i> Ctirtin........... ®M 4.79 217 fargnaon IX2I 2111 17X4 190(1 Oram - 1707 HMO I.7** 14*7 Halms 14*7 1774 IMS' 3472 Half Moon . ............. MM rm 091 (ISO Hani ... 94# lWsi V9 19*1 Howard IM7 977 11U7 1292 II uat.m........ NOl SCI 2N :174 Liberty. 1287 1002 744 .187 Marion <777 821 801 79* Ml Ira.. 1712 1727 1147 1:1117 ration 7l 721 647 447 Pus.- 817 1178 1(174 Potior 2770 *l7B 221* 2197 Ist* 1794 11*3 *0 #7l flnow Show 142" 1182 Mi* 412 Storing 2217 lew* 140.1 221(1 It* lor - 617 612 771 :M9 Union 11IM 847 *4B Walker. 1404 1150 lft7 1221 W0rth...—...... Xlri 670 246 102 _ Total,. p.. 17,929 #4,41* 27,000 37.77* a Howard boroogh from Howard township. b Mtllhstm from Peon township In 1879. c Phillpabor* Rom Rush township 4 Union villa Horn Union township. o doling* from Harris and Banner townehlpa. —We ad vis* all persons to order fall and winter clothing *arly. Our haavy weights will be on sale Hay Ist. Ift-lf. MONTGOMERY A CO., Tailors. TYRONE'S TERRIBLE SCORCHIW —At twenty minutes part 3 o'clock on Thursday morning of last week, a lire broke out in the livery stable attached to the City Hotel property at Tyrone, ami raged lor several hours, destroying in its course the best bus iness portion of the town. The total lo*s was $120,000, and the inan ranee $105,000. The following represent* the course taken by the Ore and the individual losses : Livery Htahlo entirely destroyed, with ten home* and other property. Los* $2,- 000; insurance, SI,OOO. City Huld danutged to the extent of S4,(XX); insurance, S2,(XX). * Frame building Indongirig to Mr. J. D. .Stewart, totally destroyed. Los* $(),(XSI; insurance, $4,000. Occupied by the Blair County Banking Company, which lost all its effects outside the vault. Also by Metninger ic Stewart,clothiers; loss slight, covered by insurance. Also Dr. J. M. GeinniiH's office ; loss SBOO, no insurance. Frame biulding belonging to Mr. James T. Owens ; loss $ 1,400; insurance, SI,OOO. Occupied by Mr. AV. B. Ktewait, as a shoe store and dwelling; loss slight, covered by insurance. Also by Airs. K. G. Black ; loss slight, no insurance. Another frame building owned by A. Crawford & Brother ; loss S,,(XX>, insur ance, $3,700. Occupied by Air. John AV. Thomas as dwelling; lost his household goods, no insurance. Also by Smith A Gray, grocers; lost entire stock, partially insured. A large brick -tore room, irgjne ware- | house and frame dwelling, all b-'longing to the heirs of Wesley Nowlin,. t--ully d<-. stroyed ; loss large, covered by Insistan- e. I The store room occupied by Tetnpleb.-ri, Crawford & Co. a.* a dry goods store ; l*t nearly all their stock. C, Frame dwelling house owned t,y AV. Fisk Conrad ; loss SIOO, covered by in surance. ( . | Dwelling house owned by Mrs. Rebecca Walker ; totally destroyed, no irisurance. New brick building opposite City Hotel, occupied by llrrald ollice, arid owned by Captain C. S. W. Jones ; loss of llrrald office $7,500, insurance s■'>,( SXl. First floor occupied by If. B. AVilson as station ery store ; loss slight, fully insured. Brick edifice owned by l'at Flynn, and insured for $7,500. First floor occupied by Tyrone Bank. Second floor occupied by D. T. Caldwell and Jack Afnthia* u* offices, 110 insurance. Two story frame hall also owned by l'at Flynn and insured for $5.000. O- Copied by post-office, loss s2<xi. Also occupied by I'. Sneering,;r A Sons, tobacco and eitrar* ; loss S2,(XXI, insnrnnce SI,OOO. Also by George C. Garner, drills ; !<>** S4.IXK>. in- , surance S2,(XX). Second flo--r oc uj ied bv Itrmorrat office, Major George Str,-p pr-i prietor ; loss S2,OtX), insurance $750. Next was a frame building, warehouse, stable and out-building*, owned |,y I*. Snc-ringer; loss sl2. (ks), insurance S4, (XX). Also occupiinl by A'an A'alxah A AViis>>n, i dry goinls and gr-Kicrn-s ; l-.ss SB,OOO, in surance $5,500. Three-story brick slructdre, owned and upied by Jack Scullion, merchant tail w ; loss $12,000, insurance $.-,(X*. Two-story frame dwelling and Jewelry •tore of I. I*. Walton ; loss S),S<XI, fully insured. The A'igilant (Ire company and the Em pire hook arid ladder company, of Altoona, and the Hunting-lon steam lire company were summoned to the aid of the Tyrone firemen, and promptly responded, doing noble service in extinguishing the flames. Captain Jones will immediately begin the, erection of a new building, and the Herald will be issued without interruption. AA'e sympathize with Afsjor Stroop, of the Demorrat, in hi* loss, and hope that the time is not far distant when his valuable new.-paper will appear a* usual. The firs, was a severe blow to Tyrone. TUB ALUMNI or PENNSYLVANIA COL LEGE.—Among the gathering" in tbe fu ture for Bellefonte, none present more at tractive general features than the annual re-union of the Alumni and students of Pennsylvania College, which will meet in this place on AVednesday, July 28. The following programme shows what exer cises may he expected on that occasion : 10J A. M. Business Session. 2P. M. Social and Business Session. 3p. xi. Discussion of the subject: "Do the Literary and Oratorical Trainings of College bear a superior Relation p. the Curriculum 7" to be opened by Rev. J. M. Keimen-yder, class of '7O; J. A. llecber, Esq., class of '6(l, alternate. 8 p. xi. Oration, "The Church and College," by Prof. Edmund J. Wolf, D. D., class of 'O3; Rev. M. C. liorine, class of 'Ol, alternate. 10 I*. xi. Banquet- HANCOCK AM. KNULISII Ci.r ß AT HOW ARTS.—According to previous not.ee the Democrats of the borough and the town ship of Howard met on AVednesday even ing, July 7, for the purpose of organizing a Hancock and English club. Aft<* an organization had been effected, on metion of Air. Commerford, it was resolved that a meeting be called at Lucas' Hall, Friday evening, July 10, for the purpose of mak ing a permanent organization and begin- i ning the work of the campaign in their i section of the county. The chair then ap pointed John A. AVoodward, G. AV. Com- ! inerford and H. A. Moore, a committee to secure a permanent place of meeting. On i motion of Air. B. AA'aber, the same com mittee was instructed to prepare rules for the government of the club and report at the next meeting. Mr. AVoodward made a few remarks, setting forth the objects of the club. Mr. Commerford made the first address as a member of the prospective club, which was brief but to the point. On motion of Mr. Woodward, it was resolved that a copy of the proceedings of the meeting be aeiit to the Democratic Watch. man and the CENTRE DEMOCRAT for pub lication. The Democrat* of Howard are alive to the importance of the work before them and will do their full duly. —A festival will be held in the Shiloh church, in College township, on Friday and Saturday evenings, July 23 and 24. It will begin on Friday evening and con tinue on Saturday afternoon and evening. The Lemont and Pleasant Gap bras* band* have been invited to participate. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church. The refreshments will be first-clam, and everybody is invited. CiROCa DAY.—Yesterday, a* all well know, wa circuit day -tlitj iim.-l iiui>ur tant holiday known to the American pie, although not yet legalized. Coup - Coiled Monster Show arrived about o'clock A.M. AVe did not count then, hut are informed that twenty-six ear- were required to convey the *h<>w and it* on-nts to thi- place. We always go press early and therefore can give no ae. count of tint exhibitions, but from thoo, who caught premature glancen a t ,j, horse*, elephants, dee., ttr „ informed ' that it i* superior to any exhibition e V sr bfor.. brought to thi* place. Mr. John Sour heck displayed hi* usual enterpn z* arc] patriotism in a tempting display of ging.-r. bread and lemonade A tent on J|jg|, street ju-t this side the railroad was orna. mented on top witli the national color while from within refreshment* were dis pensed to the crowd. A large numW < f jieople from the surrounding eountrv peared curly upon thy streets and a itnc 1 the street pro<<*iofi which took i,l a <i. about half-past 1(1 o'che k. and Iwir.- out the high expectations already formed of r. Doubtless the two exhibition* of lite d,,, ~ were well patronized. A TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION About fifty person* met in thu rooms of the Young Men's Christian A**ncia< n last Friday night to lake some action m the work of tcmpcranee, which lia- 1... indulging in a prolonged sleep, the oi, , icmperance orguni/. at pre-ent en-t --jng in 'hi- vicinity being tin- Ladies Ten . p>Ti>n> Prayer Meeting. Mr. .lame* 5,.,,. rriervfliJSv i- made chairman of the me. t ing, and J. W. (iepbart. D. S. Keller, A <>. Furst, and AV. Jl. Blair, Esq's, Jfo. James F. iiughc* and Charles F. Co participated in an nnirnafed discus.i, • The result was tb- u| point men t of a com. ltdttec of seven U. dr tit a course of futu: operations and tha next merge . to-morrow evening, Th*- commits-.- , - Mat* < f D S. K-4-r. A. O Furst are! AV 11 Blair, E,'s, Mr. ( 'harles F ('.„ . Mrs. John I*. Jlarri* Mr* Nifn i son and Mrs. Evan Blum hard. five*,. !><dy i* invited to attend the meet in morrow night. Tnt Kx< AMI'MKNT. —Th (' ioilotfc I ft£ "f . d'-r, relative to the fall encampment at ir;*|e-etlon of the National Guard. ha* • issued from division headquarters I. An encampment i hereby ordered * the troop* of the division a* follow- First. Second and Third Brigades, from Aug ot 6th to August Itth, at Fa irniMir.-: Park, Philadelphia, I'M. Fourth and Fifth Brigade., from September 7th to Sept.-n br 14th, at Thompson'. Station, i.- Braddocks 11. The (juarli-rniasU-r and Con:uii.-**r. Department* of the*,- headquarter* w furnish the n- ce*,ary transportation, can equipage ati-1 subsistence. 111. During the encampment fall it spccliou bv the Adjutant General will mio pia**. I\. Brigade C-'mmpmlera are thaig-'-l with the eacvutmn of -p--- ill - data.l By c'-rnjs ifid 4*. afa.or (.--nsra, John J' Hartranft. f} ||. NORTH, A.-*t. Adjutant General. Bmincu Notice*. —So more *ick ciiiskeli-. Save your toultry nd cure them of Ji-exse. by ti.i itola-rts' Poultry l'-'W'i<*r. It. has never fail#d t-> cure Cholera, and *ll disease* i which fowls are subject. Price 25 <<-r.l* per package. For sale by all druggi-u. —At the pre*, nt time when tbefe are many worthies* Unarms* U in the mark-:. it would be well to Inquire which i tl Ixrst. This will be found in M. 11. Hubert • Embrocation'—it i* a panacea for ailment* that r.-quir.- rubbing either on n.an • r beast. I'rieA 35 cents pt fo tt!-; —Why do you cough when v<-u ... , find spe,-<ly relief in Sins* Svrup of 'i*r, AA'ild Cherry and llofehound ' It i* ti nust plea*ant and - til- at .• >u* r i<i• 1 v ki. <* i. for Cuughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma* *r 4 a disease.- tending to p jlnn-ru.rv < mump lion. Ila* be,■ n sold fur over thirtv years and i especially adapted to children,"a* it does not nauseate, and consequent!v it < :,I; be useti in sufficient quantity a* to efleet cure. Try one bottle and you w ill never be without it. Price2*>c. and 50.-, jx-r hot tie. Sold everywhere. Ask your drugget for it. —The popularity of M H E bert- Hurse Powders is proving itself in the in crease,! demand throughout this Stab, from the fact that the public are at la-t finding out that it is possible to obtain * package „f ll,>r#e and Cattle Powder which ts strictly pure and freo froui such adnit- r nlio-s as bran, cake meal, and other in gredient* calculated to pull' the animal in.-tead of curing it of the disease it is suf fering from. M. B. Roberts' H->rse Pow der* contain no adulteration, and are much cheaper than any ether, a but a Wtbie apoonful is required tor a d>e. A*k any old horseman as to their merits. For sale everywhere. Price reduced to 2-'*. j r package. - MARRIAGES. LONG— KRAI'K.—On Wsdasnfav. the ISIh lii'tsct l the rwlAatv-- af || n. p,r, , j y . lm, Mr PsvlA lon*. „t Jarktwatlll*. so-1 Mi Mien Krspe. .if CMniwelsle, nim... ainlv. Cs. _________________ divert*WHctttn, -M A AMjf llCriA J H-VEC l/TOK'S SALK. virtue of nn order of the Or- A 9 phsns- Arnrl of the 0.-nnlv of Centre Ihsrr will b* offered at public sals, at Mas Xros* Mills. On Saturday, the 7th nf Auyxwi, lf<Bo, •I Jd.r| r M-, all Ilia bdloaine real esUla, ns r arm No. I, situate in Ferguson town ahlp. Centre county, fa. ttertnatna at Monea; ttas-r alon* pul-llr rtwt R. 6sJ , p.*, then, e al.Hta other land at derraasd aSt <b* I-M per. • post la Una: thane* alent said lane a. K das- W. \ par. to -c.oe* : Uwnea x rtsl day. W. t*| per to place of beatnalnc- loaetw io, 4 j irr* end IW per. laud boucht from Milan, Bstate. lamaded l Henry Maafe ae tha Lyue. Rhort, a Co. oe saath. Irrln Rom on tha east, and adj-anlnt th* abore d >Btalnlm la all Me ACKRR and !' f Havlnx Iheraoa srwtad a Ur*e BRIt'K MA Nit ION U IK e ltoat Hare, i . J!E2" K> all rooranten, and nmws<7 et' Tft' t*tsad||i. and MVtnff IMr- ' sud hstwv arMU<aa of rtades Ir 1 T *Tj ' ,J ""* In hlch state ef calHts Hon, well let., e-l, the faalanee he*, r titabet Farm No S, situate in totfndkip nd enttett sforaasM • fea(Dnln at mwt la pal-Ik e*4 l "* • Vl *" Moer earn* Jihe plot- at Hpa w Ak *• H 'hwcribedi tkreca flwtn saM I-"* V *n DM. *. IB par. to WHH* . Ike are alons laad Wearer f.|h. K. l*ltr to |*wt .than. * sle BalUjr and Mil.ball's lands. 41 dsg. V. lg p* <" at*,am: thence R. f.T dew. W, 71 par to east; U ,f *Un Una of farm No. if. - P*- llarlai thereoe erected a nlaah frame bowse, •* baah barn with other oothalldiaaa. wfth Ur(e orch*'-' ofsppte and other ftnito; berloa pi® acrea deet"'; ***** of calUrahun. baUc.e hearj Umbat as-I aim a llmeatone qaarrr of (reel raloe. *f One third cash on ooaffnaalUa id a *" # d e : Ul lrd la owe joar and onedbird in two jiasrs iMwnrad hy hoa-l and mortgage on the premise* V L. Kltifr, Kxecabw,