i " f u i illwhmw XUuut, lU\UrtMiU, I'u . .. -• -(T w .wiy tiri Mii'if. Mioiuiiffli | ttEADGUABTEBS FOB BABGAINS r-AT— BAULAND & NEWMAN'S BEE KITE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, BOOTS 4SHOES, GENTS' TTJITN IST JING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &e., &e., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IS PLAIX EIGUItES. MERC HA NT TAI LOR ING A S PEC 1A IT Y, —AT POPULAR PRICES.— OIR MOTTO IB—"OA/? I' II ICE—THE VEItV LOWEST—A SI) SO MISREPRESENTATION." CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA.! 15 Vols. Over VI,(XX) Pages. Price During July, $G.25. VMONG the wonderful things which have been accomplished for lovers of good l>ooka by the "Literary Revolution,** perhap* the moat wonderful U the reproduction of tin* icrrmi Lncyclopiedia at a merely nominal coat. It ia A verbwtnu reprint of tha lw*t Kuglith edition, in I'* beautiful volutin*#, dear uon|Mrell type, hand •ftuely liotitiil in cloth, for $7.80 ; the aatue printed on finer, heavier paper, wide margin*. and b.nnd in half KUMIA, frilt top. price $lB. 00. The brat tan volume* are ready for delivery. Vol. 11 will be ready July lt> The remaining volume* will be completed by October next. $6.25. An Amazing Offer. $6.25, The more widely and rapidly theae volume* are flattered, the greater I# their influence in inducing other pun baaera of thia and many atamlard pnldirration*. Accordingly we give #|>erial tetai# t• early aubarribern. To all. whoee order* and money are received during the month of July, we will upply the I' volume*, In cloth, for $t3.28, ami in half Ku**ia, gilt top, for $12.80. To any one vending from any ptare, where we have no special agent (mually the leading latokMller of the town), a club td five order*, we will allow a coin IMIIMUOII of 10 percent. The volume* iaeued will be DENT at one* by exprc**, ami the remaining volume* v hen completed. A ajiet imen volume in cloth will lie dent, poatpaid for BO cent®, or In half Kti**iu. gilt top, for Sl .00, | and may be returned at unce, if not aatiafactory. The "CM AM HARM'* KM\ CG.R*.DI A" eompriaeft the flrvt l. r volume* of our "Library of Liiivenul Know ledge,' and the remaining volume*, complete In Ihenuudve*, will be #< Id *• |iarately w£en published. Standard Books. Library of Univerna! Knowledge. 21 vol*., flu *4). j Miiman'• Gibbon ■ Rome, * vol*.,ltlJUl. Macanlay'* Hi* tor y of England, \ vol*., fl.oG. Mm an lay'* Life and Letter*, '0 cent*. M icaulay v Kiamy* and Poema, 3 vol*., |l.*o. Chamber*'* Cyclo|<* dka of Kng. Literature, 4 vol*.. 92. Knight'* HUtory of Kngland. 4 vol* , Plutarch'* Life* of Illuatriou* Men. 3 vol* , 91A0. Geikia'a Life and Rord* of Chri#t, •'# rent*. Young'* Kiblc Concordance, 311,000 reference# (pre paring.) Acme Library of Biography. r >o cent*. Book of Kablea, >Uop, etc., ilia*.. <0 cent*. Milt*>ti'a Complete Poetical Work*. rtaU. 9hake*peare'* Complete Work*, 7.*> evnt*. Work* of Dante, Inundated by C'ary, 40 cent*- Work* of Virgil, translated by Dryden, 4# cent*. Tb# Koran of Mohammed, by Hale, cent* Adventure* of Don Quixota, lllo*., 50 cent*. Arabian Night*, ilia*., "i 0 cent* Hunyan'* Pilgrim a Progreaa, iilu*., '* cent*. Robinson Crusoe. illu*., fiO cent*. Munchausen and Uulßvrr'a Travel*., So cent*. Itfinit by bank draft, immry order, registered letter, or by Etprrns. Curtin, Con*. Curtin "guardian," Mall*** Candor, Jo*. Candor. R. W. Curtin. the heir* and legal repraaentativea of Aaittn Curtin. deonaaad. MM Into Court on tha 4th Monday of Anguat neat, to accept or refua* to accept at the valuation, or to ah.w rane why tha real eatata of aalA deeaail ahoubl | not ba aold. Bam* notlca to ba girau mm m inquisition In testimony whereof, I have hereunto my hand and affixed the *al of said Court, at Ibdlefonte, the Zfifh day of April, A. 1) !* W. K. HURCIIFIhI.D. C. 0. C. Atteat: Jon* FrxsioLXk, Hbarlff. £UTw (iEORGE W. THOMAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of FRESH MACKEREL. Anukn|. (ur icoml.. 3H( S. ry of the I* S . Ilopklne. Ulna., .'*• cent*. Health by Kxcrviae. Dr. Oa. H. Taylor. 4o rent*. Health fur Women. lir. Gu. If. Tavlor. ceut*. Library Mag*/.ine, lucent* a No., $1 a year. Library Magaxine. hound volumee. no rent*. Leavee fmm the Diary of an Old Uvp r. 11. Each of the above bound in cloth. If by mail, pott age extra. Moat of the book* ar a)*o published in fine •lition* and fine binding* at higher rate*. DESCRIPTIVE CATALUGI'R* AND TERMS TO CLl'lts SENT FREE ON KiXjt I>T. FOR THE CAMPAIGN. THE 11 PATRIOT " DCRING Tiff PRESIDEN TIAL CANVASS. TN order that everybody, no matter liow poor ill purat. may r-*ul the new* during the grewt political atruggle of IW, the DULY PAtSIOT , (Sunday edition Included) will !*• aent by mall to any addre**, poetage free, from the preaent time until the fifteenth of November uext, for S-t.W); fodnlie #f Eve or more, (and one copy free tn the nenderof theftab.) fSAO per copy. Without SumUy edition, the Dvttv PatrUiT will I* *-nt bv mail b anv addreeo, |M.uge free. b#r aunt t-rb-l hr ki/a, to riul>*uf tve r more I (with ooe copy free b tender of rlub) |cr copy. THE WE KELT PATRIOT from the preaent time until the week after the Presi dential election will I* aent to any addre**. puatage ! free, lor PORTT Cwfl: to eluka of flvt ®r upward* bit TUIRTT-FIW Cxjrm per c*'|Y. with one R*A|Y free |o vender of club. In every c*** the umney muat tx — SEED STOJtJC, BKLLEFONTK, PA. They mi-n by this all the name import*, that i*. to deal In and to furtiiih t< farmer* *1 the low••*! |>i*il>U price everything In the chape of an agrb ulturd iinpleuient that farmer* uee, Including SLEDS ~f H ll kind*. At preaent we |ave mi band and are the authorized agent* for the *| ~f the OLI\ Kit CHILLED PLOW, made at South Bend, Indiana. It I* the beat ( hilled plow now made; .tl*> the Key*t>ne and iron bewm t plow* ma deuioli*irate* tlc lu to l*e the be*U HARROWS and CULTIVATORS of the Utet im proved pattern*. MOWERS. It K A PKRS and GRAIN IIINDRKSOf i the#*- weeell the tMhon either a* wp*itf Mower#, Combined R-a|a-r ate I Mowef*. eingle llarvaeter*, or I a* Combined ll< .ip r and llliidera. j TIIK Wllf.KLl.lt, N't. fi, a combined machine, 1* [ the b -t niacfinie t.f the kinw|ng attach merit*. It I* the l>e*t groin drill for all purple* in the market, TIIK GKISKIi TIIK LSI! Kit AND SEPARATOR.— The reputation of tbi* machine I* an well ewtatdtahed tliat we ran my nothing about it that the people do not know Any perwn wanting one, or In naUea wUhlag g*n| A ltd true *cale* n t their loWtef price* We extend an lnvttatb>n to everybody In want of anything in our line In coll at our atore run ma, op. pneite the llii-h Ifouw. and era what we have, and b-arn from Una# In attendance mere (wrtfcularly the aonpe of onr hualtHWn. ALEXANDER A CO llellefoiita. Pa.. May ISM). I'.Mf GI HA III) HOUSE, CORNKR CII KTNIT A NI) NINTH BTREKTB, miiMirm. Tlit ||.W. pmatlnml In ■ rlly funl for IU cum fnrtabl* lioUla, ta k.|it In rtwj t to anjr ' liralo U.* II.IUI# In th rountrjr. Uln| to tli. ,trtii focy of Hi. Him-*, th t>rlr, of lunrd h.. Wn r<.lnr*d loTtt DoLLtiup.r day. i. M KIHBIN. I-W' Nanaftr. (J OLUHM/7'//, STKIAT fc- IIKXTKK, AHe ALL (HHH)M I A PROPORTION. We are bound to sell our Goods to make room for our GRAND FALL and WINTER STOCK. Don't miss the chance as we are not fooling. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager, A STERNBERG WILL IJK FOUND AT THIS STORK. Allegheny Street, Bellelonte Pa VNXUAL financial statement of Uih receipts ol expenditures of t !••• Spring IK html District for the year • ruling June 7, 1 : BKCRim | CJroM amount of tat duplicate f 170* I Mmm MI ImmnC froa Inst fiti . H - State appropriation 441 7-1 ! Amount from Ib-tno r ton* 7 71 Fuel. repair*, Ac ft&t (ft Teachers' wages - li 7* 11 Collr-cW*! mil trwwuirn' fr*'- 1"7 s\ Sacn-Uryi fee 10 i Total expenditures .. fSKiVi 71 i Amount lue (ttasurrr 'i'• .'• Resources „ 217 40 lo. 0,-w Auditor'a Notice. In the mailer o{ the Aolftm! I In tlie (otnmOD Plt l->Uteof Jon* Ct rti*. i of Outre county. The undorsipnud Auditor, np|H>int |c'gaily entitled thereto, will art# to! to the duties of hla appointment in the Court r*rn at Ullefonu. . n TI'KBUAY, the 3d day of August, at 11 o'clock. A. M All persons in|i rlej are required to make their daim* before said Auditor or l*e Jel*irr*d from coming in on eaid fund * * JOHN 11 LINN. Auditor \1() V ]*]\ To Loan at 6 per Ct. JIUI ' 1J 1 BY Till; MtTl'AI. LtFK INSl'lt- ANCE CO. OF NKW Yi'RK, on flr-t moatgwgf-. on Imnrovaal farm property, In sums not leaa than ttt.UOO, and mil ttoaeliDK one third of the present value of the pmperty. Any portion of the principal can le paid off at any time, and it has ii*n the roatotn of the coßifany to permit the principal to remain aa lout as the for roarer * Ultra, if tha interest U promptly paid. Apply to CIIAKLK* P. FIIKUMAN. Attorney-at Uv, A'JT curt afreet. Reading. Pa., or to DAVID %. KLINK,Co.* Appraiser. k-tl MNbate, Pa' Vrofe**ional Curds. |?R.\NK FIELDING, 1 LAW AND COLLECTION omoc, 12-ly > I.i:\KFIKLO, PA. W A. MORRISON, TY • ATTORNEY AT I.AW, 11KI.I.KFONTK. PA Office In Wuodrlng't Bbtfifc. opfwisite the Court |l )iOf OorflMA. %-\y C. T. AIRIASSER. C. H . k<>all ALEXANDER A BOWER, - v ATTOBNKYR AT LAW, IVll.tuat., p.,, m.T I. r-nnltod In Eiigli.h of Hor man. Office In Oarrnan'a liuibtiag. 1-ljr jamir a. iitTu i auLir •rfhart. "DEAVER A GEPHART, J * ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office en Allegheny street, north of High, Belle fonte. pa. 1 -1 jr DF. FORTNEY, • ATToRJ. RT-ATLAW. UELI.KFoNTK, PA. Ial door to the left In the Court Ifouee. S-ly Dimk 8. KELLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Allegheny Street Mouth side of Lyon'* rtira, \ U Bellefonte. Pa. IOHN BLAIR LINN, U ATTORNKY AT LAW, KKLLRrONTK. PA. Ofßr. All.gli.ny Ftr..l, ot.r Po.l ofßr.. 21-ly I L.BPANGLER, *" • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, BELLKPONTK. CENTRE COUNTY*, PA 'p*W •ll.nlk.n to OilWilcim; prmrllrM In *ll tb# Cm-rli; C-n.-iltalh-ti. In or R< gil*h. 11. . a. mhhkat. rtiti nn*i>oy. MURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNKYS-AT LAW, ULBARFIKLD, PA. Wilt Attend the Bellefonte Court* when eperlally employed 1 iy r P C. HIPPLE, A • ATTORNEY-AT I.AW. MICE HAVEN. PA. All |>rum| .11 wvirk In ClnrflM, Cntn u4 Clin I'm nn.i|M. OWm u|>pu.ll. U.k llxm V.liun.l B.nk. SO Ijr WC. HEINLE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLMOtfa PA. ORlr. in (Wn4 Bw, AUnglMHrttm-t. RpnHal M.nttim flfn In Uw . All 1-tilMn .Unn-I-A to prunptly. 21-1/ W. . tOUIR. It. t. HIM. WALLACE & KREBB, T " ATTORNKTB-AT LAW, I'I.KARFIKI.I). PA. * lit nlUnd .ml If, -mm .1 BolMoiit* wb#.i .p. dnltjwOnlM. My WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, * * ATTORNEY att-AW, CLBA*m.b, PA. All promptl/ My J. W. RHONE, Dentiat, can ■ " b. fnnn4 .t M. nfR-v uni rwlilniH* mi Nwlh lhr - " A,, *^y; T\K. JAB. H. DOBBINS, M. D., . MTRfCIAN AND BDROKQS. . „"®c Alt.gti.ny IH.. ovm Eigl.r' firns Rlnr., HELLEFYINTK PA. M i acella muuh. t JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE & RETREAT, I'f-rmunal Kjrfn-rimren in Hh ( iiitcif StntfH ami Con/'nl erate State* Annie*: By Gknekaj. J. B. HOOD, !.ate Lieutenant-fierier*) Confederate Mate* Army, published for The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund -II GKNKRAL G. T. BEAURKGARI), NEW OKI.KANH, IHBO. , ' The entire (.-rcM red* arising from the aale of this p j wrk are deroted to the The Orphan M'rnort*l I Piind. ahi'li is in I'm tod Htnte* Registeo-d 4 H'luU f.-r the nurture, ar-, and at ion >A I the ton iufonto deprived of their parents last euinm-r 1 ;at New Orleans, (the meiaiu holy ia< iiiruu of vhiK IS AN ttnaif NRRSVO. c.ST*isiso .VRFI FAUBa. WITH 4 njlt 1 NorooSAl N UtUM AKR A HS steal KaoßA visa, mam iirsuMLr n>R THIS wore. MUM LA*-.* MASS or sattli rutin*, NORM# M NMB , SOMEGRAT KTUURH CLOTH, At Tllit K K DOLLARS, or . T* A Fist Haatr Itisnrsn, with Maspls KTO.T, TURKIC , IKli.LAIt# AND FirTY CKNTK-iw Half HOI AN Mo eraoß remitting by mail or B expreae, A the amount In a registered letter or by a portal order, bank draft, or rhk, a copy will le irn ne.iiatei> aeut frre of postage, registered as aew-ond claas matter. The volume Is published in the teat style of typre grapht. on Vgant )ia|r, with IllustraUons, exerutod as highest s|>ecimen of art. , The anthor. the a!lijert. the purpose, all alike render it worthy a place fn every libran .— on eierv desk— or ujn the loik shelf of every house in the .nrrp>l*d l furnl.h POUTER, ALE .ti| or i-riw.tr rw.M.v- #w. ili.w whl lw tonl "I tb I'Orw.l and ll qwnlltr, 1-IIImI in •neb . matin-1 tl-.t tbir lil. .ml |t. pmmr-t .tt.nti.-n. Address, I. H. NPITZKR, ■ H-Uefonte, (Vntrw Co., Fa. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOIT KNIFE, and in moFt ft in.-, wlthjnt t-tii A|-plrln C. W. P. t'INIIKR, Itwl.l -irr ; f'.otr. Coaaty, Pn. f\ Bfllßlitf A PAD THE ONLY CURE For Dialtftf a, Gram i, JJropty. Jiriykl'a Di* msr, F**amt, AJfrctinne of the tiptoe, -VirtMin /Vii/tfy, Fe foa/e Wtakneu, and off IKteases of the Klduvyn, Bladder and Urin ary Organ h. r II aw-M. INTRBNAI. mwdldnm. t. twwwgwlahl* tn Ibw iwil.nl. ( wrtaln In IU ftwi, and Ct HKM wh.n nothing -'l— ran. A wold .11 rtb.< Kii-.kt Pawl m muiy wortl-lm. iniluil-n. ar. Mag l-imd a won th. m.rk.L Wo trill wad rwrtlßrwba of ntiww, and onr Smb. "Hot, . ur. WM RawwA," fhw n|.*n lb* itnM of your addr*M. DRTM,,U - OR -* B ' T. POTTS GREEK, BELLRFWINTE, PA , _S IIO!,RBALE AtIKNT FOR CENTRE COCNTY. (RAHMAN'S HOTEL, : VI Oppoolt* U.nrt lluu.r, BrLIETONTE, PA . . TERMS II 2.'- PER DAY. 1 OturftJnty.itwM. F For Sale. A FA KM conUiaing Fifly Acres, -if—' .wAi-'Saisv llarry K. Hicks, J/artltcare. K. hicks, [Successor to T. A. IIIC'KS A 8R0.,] DEALKK IN HARDWARE, I SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. |~ EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BKLLEFOXTE, PA. South of Diamond. l>r\i (ifxult* and Grorrriem. I JARPER BROTHERS, FL'RIRO PTRKKT, BKLLRTOSTB, PA. Have their count* re and ahelTes tilled with NEW GOODS, f BANK KI'PT RATES Purchased at - BANKRUPT RATES I BANKRUPT RATES , WHICH TIIKV OFFKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. cosptPTisa or Dry Goods, Millinery Goodt, Clothing, Fancy Good*, _ - __ _ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SlioKS at vi ry low tirice* B(K)TS and SHOES 1 HATS and CAPS Latest tylo* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carjret Bags, Umbrella*, Parasols, Iadi*' Cloaks, Carpeting, Groceries, eroware, Ac. Oomprisln* ererj Ifcin* that IU be bund la a r,i rtaae atura. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRING BTRKKT, . . RKLLKPOXTK. PA. OOUNTHV rROIII'CE takes Is e*ckaa*e