New Advertisements. DOUDLE HARPOON Horse Hay-Fork. BEST IN THE WORLD. lJpNcript 1 v I'ntiilofiie moit fret*. PENNOCK MANUFACTURING CO., sw. KRNNETT SAFARI, ChMter County, L'. A New Early Sweet Potato, EARLY GOLDEN. in cnrlinoss, productive color mI quality. I'roilticrd tutH*ra large piiougU for the market in eighty days. (hi account of it* Ea;•// Maturity, it is he tiered to be better adapted for Culti• ration in the Northern States than any other variety. In ulinpe they are miniewhat shorter than the ordinary >arttlM, of a goltleii yellow color, cook very tlrv, and an- -'f an|N*rlor flavor, will grow on quite ordinary noil with but a alight coat of maiture, yielded a large crop the |Mi.t MaoD upon land that would not grow above fifteen lUhelaof com to the acre. An excellent kue|e vr The uioat valnatde variety in cultivation. Price of alipa. with directlona for planting, hy mail, pott-paid, 60 eenta per tloxon ; 81.26 for fifty ; S2.(K) pr inindral; $12.50 per thousand. I). K. BLISS & SONS. 24-3 34 Hard ay Street, New York. J New Victor Sewing Machine Harper Brothers, Agents. KJHE MEW VjCTOR. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! wIHSSi Improvements September, 1878. jM Notwithstanding tho VTCTOIi has long been th< IVrNI VflflKnJß P oo ' ftn y Machine in tho market- a fact IV If supported by a host of volunteer witnesses-tvo now IE II WTf II , >'' ■ i confidently claim for it greater simplicity, K II ykmffcxjffif, i ° wonderful reduction of friction and n r .re W combination of desirable qualities. Its K lint tie mecLauisia, ' /WW nl "' ril "' i w "b the highest acbievi iai nts f VC^, " l j So'e. We do 1., ]. ■ We Sell New Machines Every Time, Rend for Illustrated Circular an.l prices. I.ibend terms to the trade. Don't buy until you have s..n the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machino in the Market.—'The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR 3EWINC MACHINE COMPANY, Western Branch <>. Vi •. C'j.; Si.traßr.. ftuLtoo. MIDDLETOWK. COr.'lf. llAltl'hU BROTHERS, Agents, Spring Street, - iIELLEFONTK, l'A. II ilson. Me Ear lane .('• Co., Hardware lhaiers. ZHI .A. IER, ID "W" AVILSOJST, CO. DEALERS IN STOVES, RANGES ? HEATERS. ALSO | Faints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND AUfIOUKMT BTRBKT. .... Ill'MßS' III,OCR, - - . . RRM.Kr.NTH, PA liuniiiCKß Cardn. HA RNESS MAxuFACTORY in Garman'e Now 111.0 k, BKI.I.KFONTK, I'A. |_j, ; r P.BLAIR, * • JEWELER, WATCH**, ClOCg*, JEWKLXT, AC. All work n**.itly **xs-u(**fpOit And Allow Tnt*rf*t, DUoniiil Notn; Buy and felt HOT. HFRMLT i* ( I Mil and Coupon*, JAMS* A. BRAVE*. Pr-il#M,t. J. D. MNCOEiT.Chif>r. CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED. VLL sufferers from tbis disease that ar anxious to h® cured should try li KISSNKRS CELEBRATED CON a I MPTIV F. BOW TIERS. These Pnw.|er>.re the only preparation known that will cur. OowecnrTln* and all Hi-cere of the THSOXT Aim Ltrxo*—lndeed, no strong !• our fallh in theia, .ml el no to convince yon that tliey are no hum bug, we will forward to every mifTerer l.y mall, i*t paid, a rare. Tarn llox. We don't want your money nntil yon are perfe.tlr aitiafled of their curative power*. If your life la wortii saving. don't delay In riving there PUWDEK* a trial, aa they will anrely en re yon. Price, for large box, *1.(10, aenl lo any part of the L'nited State, or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Addrrea, ASH & ROBBINS, 44-ly .'l6O Fulton Street, Brooklyn, H. Y. PITS, EPILEPSY, OR FALLLVG SHKYIvSW [PERMANENTLY CURED—No . .. ''""bug-hy •"* month'a usage of Dr. 000 lard • C.lebraled Infallible FitPowdara.' To enn xluce aufferere that three powderr will do all we claim for them we will rend them l.y mall, roar rttn, a rata TKiaa .ox. Aa Dr. (Joulard ia the only phyaieian thai baa ever made thla diaeaae a aperlal study, and aa to our knowledge thousands have I,—r, rxau tvrXTl.r enr "l by Ibe uae of tlieu. Powoton, ** wtu. OIMBIXTIS a praxAKixT cure In every care, or aartran oo IU MOSSY axravnsD. All aulferera aliould give three I'ow.lere an early trial, and be convinced of their cura tive re. were. Price, for large hot, *I.OO, or 4 hoxre for eenl by mail lo any part of the United Statee or Canada on reelept of price, or by express. 0. 0. D. A.l.lrrea ASH &, BOBBINS, 44-ly, M 0 Pulton Street, Brooklyn, R. T. Flower Seeds Given-Away To every Yearly Subscriber to The American Garden, A UUAUTO II.I.CBTKATKD JOL'LTNAU ONLY 2 6 CENTS A YEAR. PAMI'I.K COI'JKH, 10 CUNTS. DEVOTED exclusively to the (iar tlcnliiK inliiri'dii of Amvrluo. Contain. twi>lv W™ ot rliowljr J>. Jnt.-.l matter, relatliiK to lIOKTI CI LTIiRK.KUHtICUI.TUMK. TIIKI.AM N, Kt.uW A Nit VKtIKTAIII.K (lAUDKN |„ „|| tholr varied (lepartßH'ii t. KI.ITBI. BI DK. K. M. HKXAMICK. Tbia popular MK/.III, l.eretolbro liubl labial l,y M Malta. Ilia, ii. SON A IV, w ill hereafter la. niihlialxal I'.v 0" priao ut proprietor., IN an entirely now drew ami *lll apiaair m January, April, July „„.| (Xlober of each jour. Klrat number will bo ala.ut April 'JOtb. Flower Seeds for the Wild Garden. Kvorv yearly aubacrilißr will rooolv*. In mlilillou to tlie paper, n packet of KLOWBH Sr. Una roit tor Wn.n liAKBkM, übbll Contain. II llliKtllio of lipHitlil o.n lui.Nimr.n VAIUCTIBH, •nflhfent for a annate rod ol jtroiinJ which will give profu.loii of llowora during the entire ii'll Hi >n for *everai year* in•tioceMioti In ktruction- lor kowing and kiilmuqueiit Treatloeiit of r lower Seeda, HJI well aa lor other planta for the Wild uurdfii, will fotiml in the April nuiiiher of the AMMUCAN CURDI*. B. K. BLISS & SONS, l*ubliherM t 27-.w 34 Ban-lay Street, New York. HKLLEFONTK A SNOW SHOE B. fl.—Tim*-TaMi IN rfTtnt 011 and after MAJ 1.1SM0: learns .Snow Shoe 7.20 A. M.,rrirot in ib dlrfonb t 9.10 A. M. r lr>®v Bllfon(e lO.C-' A. M.,rrlvN it Snow Sbw j 11.57 A. M I Uvm Snow Sho® 2.00 r. arrive* in lbdltfotit* .345 r. *. lbdlpfont* ft 15 r II ..arrlva* at Snow Bbo* j 6.67 r. *. DAN IKb KIIOADS, J o*n*ral Bnp*rintnd*nt. [PALD EAOLE VALLEY RAIL- J y RnAD -Tm*-Tablr, April J!\ !<"•: , Kxp. Mail, WMTWABD. EASTWARD. K*p. Mail I *• *• * *• P M. A M * lo (1 .72 Arrlrr ®t Trron" L#aTs,.... 7 ft ft 'jn * • ft -£•* Tyron* 7!." H j; 7v ' -l " V®|| •• ... 719 n7l 7V fi 17 M Habl Kagla " ... 7 H | 7 4- 0 " r..wlsr " ... 7 Ct m f. I7 42 0 3 •• llannah M ... ?30 9 7 , 7 f* u B'rl Ma tibia M ... 744 9 If, :7 27 ft 47 " Hartba M ... 762 92* 7 H 6 .71 u Julian M ... h 1 9 4f ij 7 o ft 27 " t'nionTilla •• ... §ll 9 4:: 7 m *1 1* M Snow Mihs In •• ... ft 21 9A] i 6 ."6 ft Ift " Mil"Lnrg " ... ft 24 9 ft.'- ! 6 40 ft .5 " llf'llfft.itto • ... ft 32 ft 61 fl .70 4to •• MilraLurg M ... ft 4ft 10 3 0£ 4 4.' •• Curtin ** ... ft ftft lo 14 61H 440 11 MoWlt flagta " ... 9 CM* 10 19 ft 9 431 '* llowanl " ... 9 ft jo '/*• ft to 4 'JO ..... ** Kaglstill* M ... 9 Ift 10 42 .5 AO 4 Ift " ItfM b 1 'ra*k " ... 92210 47 6 M 4 3 M Mill Hall " ... 934 11 Of. 629 400 •• H*iningt"n '* ... 937 11 4 6 2ft 3to M !,nc|| llstr-n • ... 942 11 ft |PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. * —(Philadelphia and Erie Dlvlalon.y—On and after Dreember lg, INJ* : WESTWARD. EKIF. MAIL leave. Philadelphia II ftft p m " llarrlaburg 4v& . " Wllllama|iort 6 ,'IA a m " " lex k llaven 040 a m " Kenova 10 Ma m " arrive* at Erie ; xipm : NIAGARA EXPRESS leave. Philadelphia.. 7 Ji arn " lUrrlAl.iirg ... 11l M a m " W~lll|amprt. 2go p m " arrive, at Rertovo. 4 40 p rn | Paaaengera hy tbia train in Relte fonle at 4 36 p m | PAST I.INK Irevea Philadelphia II 4Vam " " Harrl.horg 3 3.'i pin " WllllainAiKirt 7nop HI " arrive* al l/ick llaven k4O p m EASTWARD. , PACIFIC EXPRESS leave* lee-k llaven 6 40 a m •' Wllllamaport... 7 Man " arrive* at Ifarriehnrg II Mam " Philadelphia.,,. 3 4' pin I DAY EXPRESS leave* 10 10 am " leak Haven 11 20 am " Willi*in*4>nrt lg 40 a m " arrive* at " Philadelphia. 7go p m ERIE MAIL leaves Renovo. S 37 p m " lerrk Haven 04Ap in " Willlamaport— 11 0.7 p m " arrive# al llarrfahnrg. 245 am " Philadelphia 700 am PAST LINE leaves Wlllfamat*irt 12 35 a m 14 arrive* at llarrlaburg... 358 a m " " Philadelphia 735 a m Erie Mall Wrel, Niagara P.xpreaa Wait, lerek Haven Accommodation W ret. and Day Rxpreav Kaat, make clore connection* at Northnmherland with t. A B. H. R. train* for Wllkesbarr* and Se.ranton. Erie Mall Wret, Niagara Kiprre* West, and Erl. Ext>re*a ret, and Locli llaven Accommodation Wret, mak. eltw. connection at Wllllameport with N.C. R. W. trains north. Erie Mall Wret, Niagara Exprere Wret, and Day Exprere East, make rloee connection at lock Haven With H. K V. K K train*. Brie Mall Kaet and Wret connect al Erie wttb train* on 1.. §. A M. S. R. R., at Oovry with O. C. A A. V. R. R., at EuiimHum with R. N. T. A P. R. R., an I at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor care will rnn Iwtween Philadelphia and Wllllameport on Niagara Exprere Wret, Erie Exprere Wrel, Philadelphia Kaprew East and Day Bspree* East, and Sunday Exprere East. Bleeping can on all night train*. Wm. A. Bainwtx, Gen'l Superintendent. ©he Centre fjj renewal. BELLEFONTK, 1* A. -AaHICtTXjTTTP.A.Ij. NKWH, FACTS AND HUUOKHTIONS. TUB TEHT or TUB NtTIUNAL WKI.KAIII! IS Till INTBI.LI OBNCB AMD BHOaBBHITT OB Till BAHMKB. Every farmer in his annual experience discovers something of value. Write it and send it to the. "Agricultural Editor of the DEMOCRAT, Uellefonte, J'enn'a," that other farmers mag have, the benefit of it. Let communications he timely, and be sure that they are brief ami well pointed. THE way to make the cultivating ami hoeing light work is to do it before it is uceded. Mil. It. 11. THOMAS, editor of the Fanner's Friend , untl Secretary of the State Orange, is hard at work getting up the seventh annual tri-State picnic of the Patrons of Husbandry, it will be held at Williams' Grove, ns usual, commencing on the 24th of August, and continuing four days. Mr. Thomas has made these picnics very successful in the past, and promises that this one shall be the best of all. IT is too late uftcr the middle of Juno to plant mangel wurtxels, but Swedish turnips may be put in up to to the middle of July. For either of these crops the land should be made rich witli barnyard manure and worked until it is mellow. The seed may he sowed hy hand, or with a drill. In either ease the land should tie ridged—two furrows thrown to gether and smoothed olf with a garden rake if it is necessary. A shallow furrow should l>e made on thatop of the ridge with a hoe, and the seed put into this furrow. Three pounds of mangel seed is enough for an acre, and one pound of Swedes. The plants should he thinned out to a foot apart. When the mangels are planted the seed should be made wet and roller! in white plaster or flour so they can lie readily seen after lieing dropped. They should be covered at least an i inch deep. AT the late meeting of the State Hoard of Agriculture, lielJ at (Jettya burg, Mr. Morris, of Adams county, desired to know the bent means to secure a catch of clover. In reply, Mr. Sterling, of Heaver, stated that in his county they top-dressed their wheat with barn-yard manure; Mr. Kecbe, of Venango, advocated sowing 200 pounds of ammoniated super phosphate |K>r acre; ami Mr. Fores man, of Lycoming, applies limo at the rate of forty bushels per acre, anil plows down the clover when it is brown, thus seeding the ground. Undoubtedly, these are nil excellent plans, but as every experienced farmer kuows that there is no diffi culty in securing a catch of clover when the ground is in good condition, we do not think they fully answer the question, which, we presume, was asked in reference to this land, which it is desirable to improve with a crop of clover. In this case wc believe the best method is to thoroughly hnrrow the wheat in the latter part of spring, say the middle of April, sow the seed immediately after the harrow, and finish with the roller. Unless the land is entirely "worn out," this is almost certain to secure a good catch, and then the application of fortyj or fifty bushels of lime per acre, on the wheat stubble, will stimu late the young clover into a growth which will greatly enrich the land. Wastes of Manure. The I'radical Farmer lias been publishing a series of lending articles under the caption of "Causes of Waste of Manures." W'e copy be low the concluding paragraph : "In closing let us recapitulate: The waste of manure by evaporation can be prevented by regulating combustion, which can b done by keeping the man ure in proper shape, by seeing that it is well supplied with moisture. It can also be prevented by use ol absorbents. I he loss by leaching can be prevented by locating the compost heap where the amount of water it receives can be reg ulated, and by providing a receptacle for any liquid which leaches, and dip ping or pumping it upon the heap. There nre other sources of waste which will occur to the mind of the practical farmer, such as stables arranged so that the liquid runs through the floor, neg lecting to put the stock where it can be saved, and applying it to tbe soil in an improper condition, or using it on a crop without sowing clover to get the benefit of it and produce plant foood in the soil. Hut enough has been said to call attention to the subject, and it is safe to leave the details to the practioal farmer to carry out as he seee best on his own farm. What About It? The lo^inlativf> committee last winter visited the Pennsylvania State Agricul tural College in Centre county and reported that the testimony indicate* that the institution ha* been very badly managed; that its location i* a very undesirable one; that the building is entirely unsuiU-il for the purpose* for which it wu* erected ; that the agricul tural department ha* never been a suc cess; that the State ha* never received, and is not now receiving, benefits com mensurate with the amount of money which bus been appropriated for said institution ; that but forty-six students are now in attendance, many of whom are non-residents, and these are taught by eleven professors; that, finally, the trustees have signally failed to carry out the object for which the magnificent land grant (780,000 acres) was given by the United States, and which was fur ther sought to he accomplished by the most liberal State appropriations (# Iorters and agents of the Iliggin's salt they are public benefactors. A* lima beans only begin to form pods freely when the top of the pole is rose.h ed, it ia obvious that to have.early beans one must have short poles. And then cut the vines as soon as they reach the top of the pole. LET every farmyard be scraper! to the bottom and every material that will add to the capacity of the soil be employed to increased fertility. Sow plaster, scatter ashes, pound up old bones, clean the chip yard, use the earth about where the drains issue; jn truth, let no* a particle of fertilis ing material go to waste. There is money in it and the study of methods for the employment of manure upon the soil Is everywhere needed. Wc complain of the poor grass and clov er seed, not talking of Winter killing and a hundred other trials that may be wonderfully modified by a higher system of farming, which in every instance means more manure. IN skimming the cream from the milk, there should always be milk enough skimmed in with the cresm to give the butter when churned a bright, clean look, lluttcr churned from clear cream with little or no milk in it, will usually have an oily or shiny look; this shows that the grain of the butter is injured which affects its keeping qualities. A Legend of Harvest. Ho loiiicngu t lint liintory pay* No IMI| or record of how long, Iku k to the loverly drimtiiy !gar FIWI tt. in >t Nh In las for November. Cleanse Immediately. There is a good fraction of the success in butter making depend ent on the proper cleaning of dairy utensils. Some appear to think it will do just as well to wait a few hours liefure the milk-pails are washed and scalded ; that the churn may stand a half or whole day before being washed on 1 the germs of decay killed by heat; that the cream pail may be used for several batches of cream before cleansing, because sweet cream is going into it again; that j the butter worker may stand until you want to use it again before scalding, because it will be then freshly cleansed when you use it, etc. There is altogethcrto much of this heedless way of carrying on of butter j making. The nitrogencous portion of milk (casein) furnishes just the substance required for ferments, for the development of germs wholly in imical to pure milk or butter. These ferments remain In the crevices of wood, or seams in tin vessels, and, unless they are dislodged by immedi ate cleansing, it requires boiling or steaming, for a considerable length of time, to dislodge them. Every utensil, after each use, must be im mediately cleansed if you wish to prevent taints in your milk, cream or butter. Wooden pails are now dis carded from UHC by the patrons of : cheese factories, because they cannot be trusted to properly cleanse them. If they were immediately subjected j to steam, beat or boiling water after I each use, they would lc sweet, but ! this steam or boiling water requires to penetrate every pore. The dairy- I maid or operator c annot l)e too j prompt in cleansing dairy utensils. When to Hoe Corn-or Anything Else. j (lor. of (Vmnwiiriji Fsimcr. 1 have just hoed my corn the sec j ond time. I always dress l>otb corn j nnd potatoes three times with cultiva tor and hoe, thinking the work little |or no more, and the benefit to the i crop greater, than to do it but twice like most of my neighbors. A friend ! once said to me as i was about com mencing the second time, "That corn don't want hoeing." 1 replied, that was the secret why 1 always made such light work of it, F always aimed to hoe lefore it war needed. fermentation in J.he manure heap is the great friend and co-worker the farmer, it must be kept within proper bounds. There are several ways of regulating it. One ia by tramping. Air is as necessary to fermentation as to fire, ami wc know the lire goes out if we stop the draft. When manure is turned up loosely the air penetrates it, and if there is sufficient moisture, fermentation sets in ; this may be cheeked by tramping, if excessive. The shape of the man ure pile has much to do with this also. A manure pile made conical, like a hay cock, will shed the water and the |>eak will act as a flue to draw the heat to the center, and in few weeks it will lie found dry and fire fangedsoas to be of little value. The same manure, if put in a pile four feet high and flat on top, so as to rc ,tain the water that falls on it, will be found in line condition with compar atively little loss. A WHITER in the Fruit Recorder says he has discovered from practice that sulphur, one ounce to a gallon of water, sprinkled or syringed over Jrape vines just at night-fall will estroy insects and mildew and leave no bad show afterward. When silted as a powder it has an unpleasant and oftentimes injurious effect, although j it ia acknowledged a specific manure of value, even when applied broadcast I upon the soil. B*l that the fowls, old and young, have enough clean, wholesome water to drink. Coal Tar vs. Tlie Curculio. Mr. A. Y. Vun Kp* asks the 7H buur for information as to the cfllco ey of coal-tar smoke in fighting the curculio. Its use for this purpose was first recommended by Mr. Win docs, of .South Haven, Mich., in March, 1871, at a meeting of the Pornologieal Society of that place. He accidentally discovered its value while burning some of it near a plum tree; upon jarring this tree no j eurculios were found upon it. The next year, 1860, he mingled one pound of sulphur with one gallon of tar, placed the mixture in a large frying-pan, which was fastened to the end of a long pole, and each alternate morning passed under the trees, carrying the vessel with its contents ignited, and of course it gave off a cloud of smoke, so dense that it would often fairly blacken the foliage i lie continued this practice from the , time the plums set until they were | the size of a hickory-nut, or from | about the middle of May till the Ist j of July. That year his crop was enormous; the next he was away from home, and so neglected the orchard, and had no plums. In 1871 fie again tried the coal-tar and induced a neighbor to do the same; they both had full crops, while the neighboring plum orchards, which received no attention, produc ed no fruit. The succeeding season gave the same result. These experi ments convinced .Mr. Windoes that "with a reasonable amount of labor the plum crop is a certainty, and very ! profitable." Of course this treatment 1 does not destroy the foe, but only drives hiin to some other feeding ground ; and as he is quite indiscrim inate in his taste, attacking the apple, cherry, pear and peach as well as the pin in, the best fruit-growers prefer the other remedies—the Hansom or oiiip method, and the jarring process. I By these means many orchardists are successful In overcoming the curculio and are reaping rich profits from the I plum and peach. Churns. The Tartars are said to do their ; churning by putting the milk in a sheep-skin bottle which they tie to the saddle and take a brisk gallop for an hour or two; on returning the butter is made. This is the original horse-power churn. But its principle is clearly the same as that of our best modern churns, viz.; agitation of the milk in a vessel in which the contents are dashed from one side to another to break up the globules. This is the principle of all the dashlcss churns of which so many of such various ; shapes were shown at the late Inter national Dairy fair. The jicculiar action of these churns produces the butter in small globules as above mentioned, ami in this shape the milk can be drawn ofr and the cold water or brine introduced into the churn ami the butter thoroughly washes! and made ready for immediate pack ing. Certainly of the many churns which I have used, the "Hectaiigular" pleases me the most, on account of its very easy motion, its shape, which is a hollow cul>e suspended diagonal ly upon two of its opposite corners, its freedom from gudgeons penetrat ing inside as is usual in dash churns and which will blacken and loul the butter, and chiefly on account of the ease and perfection with which it can lie cleansed, its quick churning ami the excellent sliaje in which the butter comes. Use for Coffee Grounds. I'r tn Virfc"# Mwjraiino. A lady of San Francisco lately re ceived some plants from Mexico, and with the plants came the advice to fertilize them with waste coffee and coffee grounds. This wns done, and the results were so satisfactory that the same treatment was tried on roses, and the effect was healthy and vigor ous growth, and more "and lielter flowers, and of richer colors. THE advantage of my practice of rutting grnM early, even before the timothy is in blow, is seen in the condition of the cows thnt eat it, in point of flesh and flow of milk, taking quality as well as quantity Into ac count. Instead of beginning the season "Spring-poor," they come out of winter quarters "Summer-fat," and give from one-third to over half more than any equal number competing at the factory.— L. J), Tanner, Cortland Co., N. )*. A CORRESPONDENT of Vielc' Monthly says that one spoonful of coarse powdered saltpeter to a pail of water will destroy potato bugs, squash bugs and other insects. For roses it is unsurpassed. For maggots that work at the roots of squash vines, pour about a pint of the liquid at the roots of each vine as soon as the pests indicate themselves. MR. NEI.SON HITTER remarked to bis fellow-members of the Onondaga Farmers' Club that fifteen yeara ago he could have told just how to fight pear-blight, but now knows little about it further than that SeckeL, Duchesse, Ott and Tyson prove, in his experience, less liable to attack. CREAM should be churned when in Its first acid to make strictly fine but ter, and not allowed to pass into the second acid and whey, as is frequent ly the case.