FOR THE FAIR SEX. Fashions of the Season. Neat, inexpensive and, above all, novel suits are in demnnd this season, and the modistes and manufacturers liuvo suc ceeded in meeting the demand. First on the list of novelty suits arc the useful and beautiful parasol costumes. These consist of a combination suit of striped and chene, or mottled or mixed ginp hams, percale or calico, made up in three pieces; a coat hasque, doublo breastcd with rolling collar, and basque skirts; an overdress gracefully draped, and a round walking skirt finished with a deep kilted flounce. A parasol of per cale, gingham or calico, matching the material of the dress and made with a neatly finished frame and handle, is sold with these oostumes, the price of the dress and parasol together not exceeding six dollars, and sonic are as low ns five dollars. Ladies, however, who are much above or below the sizes in which ready-made garments usually come, or wlio prefer to make their own dresses, will find numbers of percale, calico, yeddo crape and gingham parasols dis played on the counters by the side of goods matching the parasol covers, from which they can purchase their dress patterns and take the parasol matching their purchase. The material thus bought can then be made up in as inex pensive or costiy a manner as the pur chaser may choose. To complete the cool effect of the parasol dress, a chip gypsy or light Fayal straw hat may be worn with it, trimmed with scarfs of India mull muslin, and the dress mate rial finished with a large bow and a cluster of artificial field flowers; or the trimming may be entirely of flowers, the hat being tied down with a mull or calico scarf. Some rarely attractive dresses in their line are seen on the countersof large dry goods houses, made of inexpensive muslins, lawns and organdies. These are of all colors for the grounds, from a hair-lined brown to a delicate blue or Eink, or heliotrope with boraers ot right pink hedge roses or other bright flowers or set patterns in rich and contrasting colors and new and original designs. Most of these dresses are made with long basques, a round draped overekirt, and a shoit round underskirt. The trimmings are alter nating ruffles and flounces of the fancy borders and plain stuff', the last being edged frequently with Italian Valen ciennes of inexpensive quality. A " love of a dress" of this kind is of pale rose-colored lawn, the ground of which is sprinkled over with small sprigs of wheat and barley in pure white. The border is in Oriental colors—a mingling of brown, blue, pink, yellow and purple —the pattern half floriated but forming a decidedly Oriental design. This ma terial is made up in a dress in the style described above. It, and dupli cates in pale rose, blue, mauve and buff can be bought at some of the west-side avenue stores for $3.50. White lawn home dresses, for young girls over twelve and under sixteen, are made this season all in one piece—a loose princess or gabrielle, with the draperies and trimmings superimposed in such a manner as to stimulate a short coat and a skirt. These dressc > are usually trimmed with Hamburg em broideries in the open English and Saxony designs. Embroideries arc pre ferred for children's and young girls' dresses this season, their value as dur able and washable trimmings being ap precinted. They retain their fresh look .onger than the wash laces and frail Valenciennes edged frills of last season. The gypsy is the fashionnbic summer Ijonnet, una for midsummer these gvpsy hats are frequently made without strings and trimmed with a long crepe lisse or lace scarf, a golden rake and spade, a cluster of golden bearded wheat esj;;, and a strnj or two. The fw, Aoft, wldc-brlmmed Fayal hats nre fre quently trimmed in the same manner. In trimming hats with wild flowers, it is prettiest to leave the stems exj>oscd and fasten the cluster of daisies and other flowers carelessly, as if just plucked and pinned into place. A girl who has taste and a knack for millinery will find it easier to trim her own hats this spring j than ever before. There are so many lovely and becoming little shapes that : need only a smooth satin lining of red, ! turquoise blue, or old gold or black or . white, a great bow of ribbons and a ! spray of chrysanthemums or white j lilacs. Black silk stockings are popular for dress occasions, and are embroidered on j the instep in colored designs of dancing ballet girls, Scotch Highlanders, with bagpipes, butterflies, small dogs and humming birds. Less expensive stock ings are polka dotted and striped, both vertically and horizontally. Some of these are at the same time very pretty and very invipensive. We have seen very pretty ecru-eolored summer stock ings embroidered on the instep in a fanciful design ol flowers and .eaves sold from nineteen to thirty cents the pair.— New Yor Stm. Women of Montenegro. The women of the Black mountain have played as conspicuous a part in wars as their m< n. In time of war they carry provisions and ammunition for the troops. This can seldom be done without fighting rcguUr battli s an I opening away through the enemy's ranks. They succor the wounded, and constitute, as it wre, a second army, which has frequently secured a victory when defeat was impending upon \hc tir*t. Even by joining in the exploits and rcvengfs of their nun, these women get no recognition of their services from their husbands. They prepare for them selves only a prominent and well-e.irner! place in the popular rhapsodies of the country. The attire of the Montenegrin women is picturo que and graceful when worn with a bit of coquetry, which many girls, however simple and timid, dis- Llr.y. Their short linen gowns in the iglier circles are ornamented with velvet and trimmed witii gold em broideries and coins. The most im portant part ot their costume is the " kapa," or national headgear. It has a patriotic meaning. It seems to tell the history of their past trials and the hopes of their future. It is a cp of red cloth, the sidesof which are covered with a wide strip of black silk or crape. A go>d disk witn slanting rays is em broidered on a red ground at the junc tion of the strips. The " kapa" illy protects the head, yet the women would not change it for anything in the world. The red top means the lake of blood in which, since the bnttle of Kos novo, the country has been plunged. The black band symbolizes the mourn ful veil tii .t hangs over the mountain from the day of the Turkish conquest. The diic emerging from the crap" is the nun of Montenegro, rising on a bioody horizon, and spreading its rays over a regenerated Slav fatherland. Though perfect beauty in rare among those martyrs of labor, the traveler will occasionally meet with types remark able for regularity and refinement of feature. In such enses the characteris tics of the Serbo-Slav race entirely dis appear, and arc replaced by outlines and profiles of antique cast, and by a dis tinction of manners which arc more impressive as the eye becomes more un accustomed to it in approaching the Black mountain. Abundant glossy hair, and deep, wide eyes that dart fiery glances, (and a rosy complexion make them types worthy of the admiration of painters and sculptors. Foreign blood flows in the veins of the Montenegrin beauties. In their battles against the Moslems the Montenegrin warriors of old took other booty than horses and arms. Like the early soldiers of Rome, they obliged these new Sabines ta take a seat at their banquets and forced them to become their wives, after having purified them with the lustral water of Baptism. But the Montenegrins of to day have little or no appreciation for beauty.— New York Sun. Ilow Drru In I'eral*. She wore a bright red satin skirt, richly embroidered with gold lace: it was very full and short, barely reaching to her knees; a loose jacket of blue vel vet, also much trimmed—this time with silver lace; the sleeves were mode of cashmere shawl, buttoned by al>out twenty small buttons. She wore several necklaces, most of them very massive, studded with several turquoises. On her head she wore a white shawl, with a band of jewels round her forehead, and at one side a large pearl star. She had on both arms at least a dozen brace lets—some handsome ones, some only bands of colored glass. Her feet were covered with coarse white socks; her shoes green leather with scarlet heels. Some, of the ladies wore bright red trousers reaching to the ankle; but this was quite the exception. They wear a long veil reaching from head to foot, generally made of some smart print or muslin. I ought to mention that every lady wore a small leather case around her neck, containing some artli from Mecca and verses from the Koran. The faces of my hostess and friends were much decorated, the eyebrows broad ened and carried quite across the nose. Some had small designs tattooed on the cheeks. The hair is very long and thick, generally dyed red; it is worn plaited in many thin tails, twisted with gold thread. The hands are well shaped, but nails and palms are stained a dnrk red. — Tinslcy's Magazine. Infr. nta Cloak*. Infants' cloaks for midsummer wear are made of nainsook, and are edged on both upper and lower capes with tucks and a ruffle of Hamburg embroidery. Sometimes the upper capes of these little cioaks are entirely covered with tiny sprays of hand-wrought embroid ery. Besides the nainsook cloaks two blankets are added for wraps in every infant's layette, one of fine flannel with a simple border, the other of cashmere elaborately embroidered. The little ecru muslin close-fitting infants' caps have an entire crown of delicate Saxony work. They also have a frill of muslin around the face, and soft muslin strings to tie beneath the chin. The general fancy for bright coloring has caused some encroachments in babies' ward robe effects, and, though the best taste still prefers pure white sashes, many fashionable mothers now include a pale rose-colored and a baby-blue Surah sash among the other effects of thoir in fants' layettes, >°uhl4n Fancies. Large collars are to be revived. Bismarck shade* Will be worn in the fall. mitti are worn again in all styles. Round waists with belts nrc much j worn. Linen dusters in long mantle shape are new. Amber-colored roses arc worn on black hats. All sorts of lace and net mitts are worn. Bunchy and aggressive draperies are dying. The long Mercutio plume is the fash- I ionable feather. The gypsy bonnet is the rage in Paris ! and New York. Tell not your secrets in a cornfield: it has thousands of ears. Illumination of red or orange grows in favor for black dresses. Almost all the female companions of Queen Victoria are widows. The Queen of Sweden is liable to go ! out any moment with heart disease. 1 Your grandmother's bead bag, if you have it, is the acme of style in reticules. Low coiffures arc worn by young ladies, high Roman crown braids and pull's by matron*. Nun's veiling is the latest white and cream-colored novelly for summer toilets of ceremony. Embroideries in jet, in pearl, in amber and in iridescent beads are among clc- I gant trimmings. Many linen suits arc made with al most plain skirts and plain round cor sages with wide belts. The most fashionable long gioves for full dress are of undn ssed kid, white or in very pale shades of color. The imported English gypsy hats have a netted cord covering the front and back of the turned up brim. Dressy white eibow capes have a foundation of white Surah silk, covered with tiny plaitings of Breton lace. A new and odd fashion is to lace up dresses with silk lacing strings and leave the tags hanging as ornaments. Very simple elbow capes are of any black silk or wool fabric, with three or four plaitings on the edge and a rufile at the neck. TheNorrutown Herald thinks It queer that the Philadelphia policeman who turned to stone should be regarded as a greater curiosity than the one that turned into a beer saloon. Mrs. Boutbworlh, the novelist, has a quaint cottage at Georgetown, D. C.. built in the crevice of a high, steep rock, and commanding n series of ex quisite views of hill and river. Rough-and-ready straws, both black and white, and with wide, irregular biims, are worn as archery, lawn, gar den and coaching hnts, trimmed pro fusely with feathers and bright flowers. A New Y ;rk correspondent telle an interesting story about four women who go to dinners and receptions to talk and i to help the hostess entertain her guests. The price for their services is $25 an hour. Fashionable stockings are in all the new shades of heliotrope,cream, almond, old gold, blue, rose and red, while the instens are embroidered in buttercups, rosebuds, forget-mo-nots and polka dots in contrasting colors. Iti-: not sate to be like one of the pro fessional l/nidon beauties. A lady was mobbed in Hyde Park the other day, the ciowd blocking up the walk in front of tier chair, and some persons standing on the seats to look at her, and all because she resembled the Jersey lily. Pretty aprons to be worn at church fairs, etc., arc made in India muslin, the bib and square pocket in front marie of close-set runners of muslin, the apron bordered with a pulling and thin narrow lace out at the back, so a- to form a point beneath a large muslin bow. The colors adopted by fashion this summer are yellow and purple in all shades, from deep'orange to straw color, and from dark violet to the faint lilac tint which goes this year by the name of heliotrope. Deep red and lire color also are liked in small quantities. For day weir the old white skirt is being superseded by those of black, lus terless silk, trimmed witli several nar row flounces, finely plaited. Ladies of extreme elegance choose the petticoat with reference to the shade of the dress —exactly of the same shade or a decided but harmonious contrast. The. double pins attached by chains, that have been out of tusbion for so many years, are now being revived, and are used for caps and cravats. In the caps they are placed either across the front or to one side, and on the cravats they are fastened in one above tire other. They are also to be seen in some of the new velvet and lace toques lor out-door wear. Plaited skirts for walking-dresses are more popular than they have ever been, and are most variously made. Some are boz-plftited in single plaits, others are double kilts, while many have three kilted flounces covering them. Most ol the skirts of one plaiting lall at the foot on a narrow plaited border, which is often of a dark orange or red, in con rast to the goods of the skirt. Mittens of black and white silk are stiil very popular for evening wear, and some of the most elaborate are very open and fine, and have small flowers em broidered on them in colored silks. They are v< ry long, and are kept up by colored satin ribbon run in and out at the top and tied in a bow. The most elaborate of evening hose match the mi;tens in fineness and embroidery. The hood in every known shape—ex cept the ugly and unbecoming old "jelly-bag"—seems brought into requi sition. But they are all wide open, large and with the lining turned out, so as to show completely. No cords and tassels are used with them, as of old, hut a cord is sometimes run through the outer edge to draw it up and tie it round the throat; or a bow of ribl©y 7 trues. _______ The peculiar Western fish, theciseoes of Lake Geneva, Wis onsin, have just begun to bite, and parties are catching twenty 1 o thirty doxen a day. The eiscoes bite for a few days every year and then retire to deep waters and hold their mouths close for a year. It is wonderftil how silent a man can be when he knows his cause is just, and bow boisterous he becomes when he know* he is in the wrong. FARM, HARDEN AND HOUNKHOLU. IMINMI of Ilorxi' r new formation, and may be used with great advantage in all hoof dise:iges.— William Ilornc, M. D. Y .8., in IHxie farmer. Btidilluu Peach Tree*. Charles Block, Higginstown, N. J., writing on the budding and after-treat ment of the peach in the C/r.cncr.i' Monthly, says: We begin as early in August as possible; generally the first week have the branches and leaves all cleaned off for six inches up the trees. Clean out ail clods, weeds, etc., so that there will be nothing in the way of the workmen; the buds are cut trie night before thay are wanted and spread out on grass, well wet, with leaves on. Then early in the morning the leaves are cut closely to the eyes of the bud; the buds j are kept in a wet cloth in tiie shade at the nursery. The budder wraps up in a ; cloth enough sticks or limbs to bud ; several hundred and rami's tlieiu tied fast to his waistband by his side; lie j takes out a stiek.'ftolds it in his left hand I with lower end from him and plat es his ' knife—wbirb may be any kind with a b'ade pretty thin and of good quality— about hall an inch below the hud; then with a drawing cut— gradually deeper cut about as Tar above the bud; rut about halt way through a medium-sized stick, not so deep as in a larger one. Take out the knife and cut crosswise of i the limb, just through the bark, about half an inch above the bud, making a I tout bud about one inch long; place the point of the knife within one or two inches of the ground on the seedling, making a cut upward just through the hark alxiut one inch lone: then make a cut at the top t>( it crosswise, making a T slipped cut after it is done. In mak- | ing the crosscut, the knife has to have a certain twist, which throws open the 1 bark enough to admit the point of the hud without the aid of bone orquiil. Now take hold of the bud cut on the limb with thumb and forefinger of the right band and twist it sideways and it will come off, lraving the woodcut with it on the limb; tin n thrust the lowir point of the bud in the seedling fully bntf-way up; then with thumbnail or side of the thumb push down so that the bud just fits in the stock We tie with bass matting, cut about one foot long and in strips quarter of an inch wide, making three or four wraps, and tie in a single knot in front ol the bud. The ties have to be loosened in ten days or two weeks, according to the growth ol the tree. They ore slit by the knile about half-way up the mat, directly back of the bud. It does not injure the tree by the knife cutting through the bark. After this there iB nothing needed until the next spring, when the tops are cut off close above the bud, any time after March 1, until the buds begin to grow. Now this is our mode, but it depends a great deal on the performer, who must strain every nerve and guard against every false motion, making as few as possible to do the work. RMOTHF.RF.I> CHICKKNS.—Prepare the fowls as lor roasting, and put them in a pot of boiling water until tender. W hen within twenty minutes of being done add a teacuplul of rice, which will cook in the gravy. Add parsley, pepper and salt, and serve the fowl on a dish with tire rice around it. ICE CREAM CAKE.— Take the whites of five eggs, one and a half cups of sugar, one-naif cup of butter, one cup of milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda, oce teaspooonful of cream tartar, three cups of Dour. Separate this mixture and color half with strawberry coloring. Flavor this with vanilla, the white with lemon. Put in the white, (then the pink. Bake slowly. OnANGE JEM.T.— PeeI twelvg large and sweet oranges; cut t hem into small pieces, and squeeze them thoroughly through a linen ba;- To one pint of juice add one pound of sugar; when the sugar is dissolved put it over the fire; dissolve two ounces of isinglass in iust hot water enough to cover it, and add it to the jelly as it begins to boil, it boil very fast for twenty minutes. Put it iiot into the jars, and tie it up. SOUKFLK PUDDING. —Put into a stew pan a piece of butter the size of an egg. When it is melted add half a tablespoon of flour. Stir on the fir ' a few minutes, but do not allow it to color; then add a gill of milk, stir until it boils, and then stir in the juice of one lemon strained, and the rind of two lemons either chopped very fine or grated. Add pounded sugar to taste, and, off the fire, the yolks of fou* eggs, which you stir n well. Whisk the whites of six eggs into a still froth; mix them to gether with the above, pour the mix ture into small molds, bake in a quick oven and serve promptly. ncrease iu Agricultural Products. A writer in the International Review says that in fifteen years the production of wheat and barley in the United States has trebled; corn, cotton and tobacco more than doubled,oats increased nearly 140,000,000 bushels, potatoes nearly doubled, and hay increased more than one-third. He gives the figures for the chief crops in 1805 and 1870, according to which the production of wheat has in creased from 148,553,000 bushels in the former year to 44-1.750,000 in the latter corn from 704,427,000 to 1,544,809,000, oats from 225 252,000 to 304,253,000; rye from 19.544,000 to 22,640,000; baney from 11,391.000 to 40,184,000; potatoes from 101,032,000 to 181,369,000; hay from 23,538,000 tons to 35,648,000; tobacco from 183,317,000 pounds to 384,059,000, and cotton from 2,229,000 let lea to 5,020,- 1 000. The remarkable inerea'e in the production of cereals has beet, largely owing to the settlement and develop ment of the Western and Northwestern Suites. Within the present generation 1 the ecnter of corn production has shifted j from the South to the West, and oi 1 wheat production from the Middle 1 States to the far West. In 1849 fifty- ' nine per cent, and in 1859 fifty-two per J cent- of the corn crop of the country was ( produced in the Southern States. In 1877, 850.000,000 bushels were grown in ' Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, lowa. Missouri ! Kansas and Nebraska, while the produo- 1 lion of nil the restof the Union amounted 1 to 494,558,000 bushels. The increase of ' the tobacco crop lias been chiefly in the ' South, where tiie production increased 100,000,000 pound- from 1870 to 1878. 1 During the same period the yield of not- 1 ton increased from 3,012,000 bales to ' 5,216,600. This increase was mainly in * Arkansas and Texas, the crop of the ? former !-"tate swelling from 111,000,000 ' pounds in Ih7o to 318,000,000 in 1878 1 and that of the latter State from 157,- 1 000,000 pounds in 1870 tJ nearly 500,. , 000,000 in 1878. According to the writer ' already cited, only about nine per cent, ol our entire grain crop is exported, in- . eluding 24.70 per cent, of the wheat and 0.49 per cent, of the corn produced. The exports have rapidly increased in • >the past few years. and are likely to in- ' crease in the future, especially if the cost ' of transportation shall be reduced. 1 Thus, the total exports of all cereals in- ' creased from 39,000.000 bushels in 1868 ' to 189,000,000 in 1878. About three per 1 cent of the national product was ex ported in 1808. and nearly eleven per cent, in 1878. In addition to this, the exportation of live-stock, into which corn entcra more or less, has increased tenfold within the past twj years. Butter—Cheese—Milk. The value of the land and stock em ployed in furnishing milk, butter and cheese in the United States is estimated at $1,300,000,000. Over 3,000 factories are engaged in the manufacture of these articles, besides the tens of thousands of private dairies. One manufacturer in Western New York has over thirty fac tories. Others in different parts of the country have from five to thirty each. There are several firms in New York city which handle from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 worth of butter and cheese annually. The annual production of cheese in the United States is estimated at 350,000.000 pounds, and of butter 1,500.000.000 pounds. The value of the two is about $350,000,000, $50,000,000 more than tlie wheat crop, one-seventh j j more than the hay crop, one-third more than the cotton crop and only one-fifth less than the corn crop, 'flu re are 13,000,000 cows In the United States, which is over six limes the number in Great Britain, and more than twice the number in France. The cheese and butter exported this year have paid j freight to ocean transportation com | panies amounting to 81,000 000. or al most enough to support a line of ocean • steamers. They pay to railroad com panies annually over $5,000,000, and milk pays nearly as much besides. The annual production ol milk in the United States may be safely valued at $ 00 • 000,000 A Curious Insert. ' Don't catch that bumble-bee in your fingers—it will sting you." said li by stander to a dentist with scientific proclivities who resides in the coun try. 'Not a bit of danger," said the doctor; "the fact is that fellow is not a l>ce at all, only a fly made to resem ble the bumble-bee very closely, but differing therefrom in some point easily detected by any one with a slight knowledge of insects. He is a very formidable fellow among the smaller insects, devouring great numbers of them, but altogether incapable of in jury toman. In fact be is one of the beneficial kind, because he destroys whole hecatombs of insects during his short lifetime. You see I handle it without injury. It is a bom fraud, made to represent bumble-bees for two reasons: Because its victims do not expect to be eaten by the honey-loving bumble-bees, and itse: niesare fright ened away by fear of the terrible busi ncss end of fbet lnc t. There are many such 4 a imicry in the in sect world. It bciongs to the genus laphira." "How do you distinguish them from bees?" "Easy enough. Bees have always four wings. This fel low, you tee, hns only two. That gives him away. He is a fly sure to the few who know that, but a terrible bumble bee to all the rest." The young man who was referred to pa when he popped the question, slated that he vuitM the convention as an instructed delegate.-jHWadeZpMa Chronicle-Herald. Full ruches of black lace form reft high about the necks of most handsome summer mantillas, dolmar vbdtes and shoulder capes. A White Han's Sacrifice for a Squaw, The M&niboulin Expositor, a Hritisfc American paper, says: News has just been received of the death of Arthur Cole Hill, who died at Serpent riv-r The deceased came from England, was about thirty-five years of age and r>o scHsed of a good college education. if. entered the Her vice of the Hudson Hay company for three years, arid upon Uj,. expiration of his time signed for two years more. After putting in about one year of the latter term he made the ac quaintance of a squaw and wanted to get married, but as he could not do so until he left the company, he wrote to head, quarters for his discharge and his salary up to that time. Mr. Mackenzie, who was in charge of the post at the time also wrote explaining matters, which r>y suited in the discharge not being granted Hill was then sent up Jatko Superior to another post, where it was thought |,< would give up the idea of marring a squaw, but lie did not -top there long—he deserted and got married. Aeeort'ngvj some rules of the company, a man -.vim does not serve his time out 10-e- ail h. ' ;• m< ney, and such was the COM- with LI;:J However, he beard from bis brother Henry Hill, who, we an- informed, holds some oflice in the Hank of England. there w:is $.500 to his credit there, tie intended to sue the Hudson Hay coin puny for back pay, which Ls UIKJU- SOOO. Alter he got married he made hi home among the Indians at SerjMmt river, U/.- lowing their life, fishing, hunting, • -. t and received a small amount lor V,,:. Di aller Murray's mill at that pla •<•. I. -• November lie took si k, an 1 as th r- DO medical attendance at band he 11 : on till iiis death. Frank Mil'er, wtiol a boen trading on the N'orth Shore all v. in ter, went t-> am Hill at the sugar Ottlb about fifteen miles from Serpent rivn ; upon asking hirn what '.van the ma;<-r] lie replied tout he had la-en siek. hu - {•■ • better then. Miller stopped in tin vig. warn that night, and next morning H i took worn- and tol 1 Ljrn he was djl g. He told Miller that if anything har.p< .. i and if tiis money could be obtain' 1 h;. wife waa to have it. H- wafl - ent 1 while. Suddenly a gun was lired. fo - lowed by two more reports, then turning on bisside he-aid: " Frank, do you k.vnv what that mean-?" On being told ;h: bo did not, he sai 1: " That mean-Ihere's a death in the camp, hut 1 ain't a gone coon yet."' After lying quiet a few mo ments be asked Miller to teaeli hi boy to pray, and that was his la-: r< ,ui ; he died •' 2 p. M. It was a hard - < c, Miller being the only white man with him; the de eascd's wife and child. h< mother and four Indians, comprised the funeral. The body was rolled in a blanket and drawn out r-f camp on a dog sleigh, followed by the little proce-s - in single file, and placing a few arrow - in the grave they buried him. Deceased was well liked both by the Indians and white m> n, and bis -ad death 1- deeply felt by all who knew him. How a Kentucky Fount ry loan makes. There are comparatively few residents of the town who know what ta - during the hours betwi.n the peej-o'- day and full sunrise Those first to ap pear on the streets, which is just about the time that the combat bt'twcin day and night is equally balanced, are near y always half-way disguised, and are anx ious not to be recognized when met. II recognized and accosted, an excuse k always ready to account for the > ariy ap pearance. Those people have slee;? eves and languid looks, betokening that tue drowsy god had been neglected in their last night's offerings. With .iphl and hurried fim I soot appears, and wiii appear no more until late in the day or the next morning. Now theday is beginning to gain tie ad vantage of night 'I bird* b;- r • sing, and soon a fall chorus from th< cemetery surge toward and fili the streets witii the melody of tlnir K>r.g. Singers perched in . < trees of th< • lend their voices to swe.i ih voiu The next people to appear are the old colored women, on their way to the places where tll emp'.-. %<•'.. Be fore they have disappeared the old'r colored men, who wait upon the store*, come up and stand in groups, waiting for the time to rouse the clerks, for they dare not do it so early. The bat shops are the first to open. The sound of their saws and knives can be h f nrd before the disguised class hardly dis appear. About the time the other | co.ored men come, the customers of the butchers begin to drop in. These are old white gentlemen, who believe that early customers get the tender steak. Now day has gained the victory, and night is fast retreating westward. A general rattling of doors begin, the younger colored men and women till the streets, going in various dire - tions. Undressed cierks appear, ar.d ] with a lazy yawn exchange morning { salutations with theirneiglibors. Some half dressed proprietors, with last ) niflit's films yet upon them. come. I Shutters are opened, blinds art raised. specimens of wares are put upon the ! streets, the sun lias come in fuil splen dor ; the stages arc making r< any to leave; travelers are taking their places: some are going to and some are coming from breakfast; the later store- are open : the streets are fil.ed with v hi' les and people, and Richmond is on the full tide ol another day.— Richmond (Ay ) Herald. - An Interesting IJelir. We have at our office a handsome specimen pf the "diseoidal stone." a kind of stone implement thai has very rarely been found outside of East Ten nessee and adjoining sections. The* relics deserve a passing notice on account of the rapidly growing interest in arch- I aeology. and especially in American an tiquities. The name is given to this type of relics by the aeicntitta from its shape —that of a double convex disk. They arc usually made of the hardest quart*. Tory symmetrical and beaulituUy po.- ished. and the manufacture of a sing.e one, without the use of metallic toon, must have cost the ancient workman the labor of months. The traditions of the Cherokeea do not reach back to the origin of these implements, but only say that their first people found the® here and made use of them in plajiM " ohungke," a game described by ear.y writers as being similar to ten -pin* Like many relics of the stone age, whose use cannot be accounted for, toe dis eoidal atone is ascribed to the mounn builders. The present specimen was recently plowed up in n field n r Kingston. It U made of beautUuir*: ricrated quartsite, polished smooth af> the finest marble, and so hard that it would turn the edge of the best tern; pered steel drill. Whatever Its origjua. purpose, it must have bwn something the owner considered vsry Important. It was probably connected with so®* superstition or some religious belief or ceremony.