BA VLA Xli ,0 NEWMAN, Allegheny Street, BellefAnte, Pa. ttEADQUABTEFS FOP BABGAINS A.T — BAULAND & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,CARPETS,BOOTS4SHOES, (JENTS' K U li~N IS I I ITS'C* GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c., &c., That has ever been seen in BELLEFONTE, or in CENTRE COUNTY. ALL OVR noons AUK MARKED IX PLAIX I I(J VICES. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY, —AT POPULAR PRICES.— Of R MOTTO IS— "OAK PRICE—TIIE VERY 1.0 WEST—A SI) NO MISREPRESENTATION:' CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA.! 15 Vols. Over 13,000 Payes. Price During July, $G.2~>. J VMONG the wonderful things which have been accomplished for lovers of j good tooks by th "Litennr Revolution," ji hnj-* the most wonderful i* tin* reproduction of this great KiicyclnpNMlia at a merely nominal cost. It la a verbatim reprint of the la*t English edition, In 15 beautiful nonpareil type, hand- | Homely touiid in cloth, for $7.80 ; the name printed ou Miter, heavier |*t|"'r, wide margin*. itinl Itoautl in half • Russia, gilt top, price SIB.OO. The fir*t tu volume* are ready for delivery. Vol. 11 will !* ready July 1". ' The remaining volumes will be completed by October next. $6.25. An Amazing Offer. $6.25. The more widely uml rapidly these volume* are scattered, the greater is their influence in Indue log other purchasers of this and many standard publication*. Accordingly we give atrial terai* t<> early "übsrrßwru. i To all. whose orders and money are received during the month of July, we will supply the 15 volume*, in cloth, for $<3.28, and in half Russia, gilt to|s for $12.80. To any ouc sending from any place, a here wo have no special agent (usually the leading bookseller of the town), a club of five orders, we will allow a com mission of 10 percent. The volumes issued will le sent at once by express, and the remaining volumes when completed. A specimen volume in cloth will be sent, postpaid for BO cents, or in half Ru-sla, gilt top, for SI.OO, SIHI may lI returned at once, if not satisfactory. The "CHVMHXR.*'* KANCIAMDI i" comprises the first 15 volumes of our "Library of Cnlvrrsal Knowledge," and the remaining volume.*, complete ill tbemswlves, will l#e sold separately when published. Standard Books. Library of L'nivetxal Knowledge, Jl vols.,slu..'o, Milmnn's Gibbon's Rome, 5 vol*., $2.50. M.icaulay's History of England. .'lvois.,fl 541. Macaw lay's Life ami Letters, 50 cents. Macau lay's F.*ay* and Poems, 3 vols., SI.M). Chamber*'* f'yrlopa-dia of Rug Literature, I vol*., JJ. Knight's llbtory of Kngland. i vols . PI it tar* h's Lifes of Illustriou-s Meu, 3 vols., $IJ0. G elk is * Life and Word* of Christ, 50 rents. Young's Bible Concordance, 311,tXK) (pre paring.) Ai me library of Biography. 50 cents. B-s'k of Fables, .Ksop, etc., illos., 50 cents. Milton's Complete Poetical Work*. s> cents. PhakespHsre's Complete Works, 75 *nt. Works of Ihkiite, translated by Gary, 40 cents Works of Virgil, translated by Drydeii, 40 cents. Th Koran of Mohammed, by Sale, ;* cents Adventures of Don (julxot**, illu*., .'*) cents. Arabian Nights, illu*., 50 cents liuuyan s Pilgrim s Prlrft, tnun.jr order, letter, <.r l.y ExpreX. Erection, of on. dollar may I* ent In J...lajre ntainin. Addr.*.. BOOK EXCHANGE, JOHN B. ALDKN, Manager. / Tribune Building. New York. A Tt-vJiJii wXT-lO t lnlianapoli*, bovsen, Stew art A( > •, le-for* the Honorable the I Judge* of -aid Court, on motion a ml* was granted I upon Kel** r* Curtiii, Julia C. Harvey. Irwin llinrr, L. It. Curtin. Govt*. Cnrtin. Cone Our tin "guardian," (aiiinr, Ji*. Candor, K. W. Curtin, t!<•> heir* , ami Irinl reprwenutiva of Astin Cnrtin, deceased, I t<> cnr Into (N.urt on the 4th Monday of August nrxt, to accept or refuse in m cept at the valuation, r to | show caum why the real estate of *aid daceawd should not be told. Nairn* notice to be given a* In impii-dtion. | In tNtlmnnjf wherwf, I have hereunto set ny hand ; and nllltnl the •••*! of *aid Court, at Bellefonte, the 2flth day of April, A I) I*hm W. K. ItV'KCHKIKI.U, C. 0. C. Atteet: Jon*, Sheriff. IV-,w GEORGE W. THOMAS | fUST RECEIVED another lot of FRESII MACKEREL. And to l aold at uaual low prhes: jjQL'AftTKRM at $1 h* | KITH at fife. t PRODUCE tken In exrliange for KIHMIN. iUMf ,S. P A. LOKIt, General Merchant*, Allegheny Street, lleftefonte, J'a. S. &D.A.. LOEB. Having purchased largely previous to tlie late advance in prleeii, we are prepared to hlt are these advantages with our t ratle. Our stock of Men's,, Boys' and Children's Clothing Is far ahead of anytiling to he found in the County for QUALITY ami PRICES. Fine Goods—Elegant Fits—a specialty. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS we are ottering at 25 per rent, less than present prices in first hands. TW TIRY annns we aro equally well supplied at low prices 111 lilt 1 UUUIIO mi CANNOT be underaold. IN SWAPS or ar S e or Small, Old or Young—all kinds, ill UIIULiU, grades and qualities—at prices that in this "Boom" are wonderful. With increased room, provided for our over increasing business, and extra facilities for light, prompt attention and honorable square dealing, WE DEFT ALL HONORABLE COMPETITION. S. A A. LOEB,! IS. & A LOEB, THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. Stories ami Ballad's, by K T Aldett, illus.. si cent*. A' liie Library of Modern Classics, 50 cents. American Patriotism. -Oceiii*. Tainc's History of Lnglidi Literature, 75 cents. tVeil's R.-ok of Natural History. 11. Pn toral Handy Lexicon, l'. cents. Haying*, by author of H|*rmwgraaa Paper*, 50 cents. Mrs. ID-man's Poetical Works, tin cents. Kltto's Cyclopaedia of Itib Literature, 1 vols., %1. Kollin's Ancient History, %1/I'k Smith's In. tionsry of tin* llible, illus , '* rents. Works of FUviu* Joseph us, L' Comic History of the t\ H . Hopkins, illus , !<*i cents. Health by Rierciae, Dr. Jeo 11 Taylor. cents. Health fir Women. I>r. Geo. 11. Tavlur. -V5 cents. Library Maga/ine, Hi cents a ff0.,91 a y-ar. Li'irtf) Magn/.ilie. boUOd volumes, isi cent*. ISIVM from the Diary of nn Old Lawyer. 11. Kacli of the alsve bound In cloth Iftiv vuall. post- i age extra. Most of the book* are also published in fins j tuition* and fin* bindings at hirher r*t-* DKM-'hl I'Tl V E AMI TK.It VI TO 1 CU US BENT EIIKK (IN IIIXjt'K-T FOR Tilt: CAMPAIGN. Til K " PATRIOT " IM'RINiI THE PURAIIiKR- Tl A I. I'ANVAW. IX order that everybtnly, no matter how pmr in purse, luay read the news during the grmt political struggle of IWMJ,1 W MJ, THE DAIIT PATUIOT i (Sun-Ujr edition Included) will !*• sent ly mail to awy addr****. po*tsge free, from the pree.>nt time until the fifteenth of November next, for toclult of five or more, (and one ropy free to the sender of the club,) f"J.-V per ropy. Without Hunda) edition, the Iltn? PATRIOT will be eent h? mail to anv address, perio| for f'J.Att; to rlnl*aof live or more I (with one copy free to sender of dub) fJ.uU |ur copy. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT from the present time until the week sffer the Presi dential sleet hm will le sent to any addree*, p>e*tage ' free, for F"RTT to clulw of five or upwards j for TuttTT-Fivg Ctnt* |nder of club. IN every case the money niu*t areorn- ' HAy the order. Now i* the Ikil to get up rliil* ; Democratic local organ! Rations cannot rtrrnlate chea|e er and more affective campaign literature than news papers furnished at th-*e extraordinarily low rate*. Eend in your orders s< Mr eased Ui PATRIOT PtsLt.* HI *O Co., IUMISRI R'i, PA. jn NEW ENTERPRISE, i LEXANDER & CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —ANI> SEED STORE, BELLEFONTE, I'A. j They Tni'ftn by thi* nil the name import*, , that is. to ileal in and to furnish to farmer* at the : lowest |HiaihU price everything in the aha(* f an j agricultural Implement that farmers u*e, Including SEEDS of all kind*. At preseut we have of) hand and are the authorised agent* for the *al of ths OLIVER , a* a combine*l machine, Is tliAln t machine of the kind In the market TIIK GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGK I* the XotTistoWD Gleaner and Binder. Call and set it !I* wonderfully perfect. Any boy twslve year* dd. with on# horse, will fol low and bind all the grain that any Reaper with side delivery will cut. It not only hinds hut gleans, and will *.ve th- price of the machine In one year, by taking up front the stubble that which is n lost. TIIK Mr*] I ERR T GRAIN DRILL, either iih ~r without bnsiriraat hoes, with or without fertiliser and •oH-.f sowing atta' broeutn. It is the best grain drill for all purp-*e* in the market, j THE GKlftEft TIIREIIIIER AND SEPARATOR.— . The reputation of this machine I* so WS|| established j that we ran aay nothing sUnt it that the p>p|e do * not know. Any person wanting one, or in m-sd of j repair* for these n.w in the county, please call. IIKKIINKK'tf PATENT LEVEL TItEAD HORSE ■ PoW KR, for one and two hor-, with Patent Speed Regulator. Little Giant Thre*her and Cleaner. I W A HONS CARRIAGES HI GGIEB and I'll ETONJt. —.Wears agents for the tle of the . ebbrat'd CONK- I LIN WAGON, the reputation of which is so w< II **nb ; li*h I. al*".f the < ORTLAND PLATFORM SPUING W.AGoNS, (Village*. Phretons and Ituggie* All are | warranted. Call and ***• specimen* and examine rata j loguee a* to style* and peh "* I buying el* where. Catalogues furnished on application. PLASTER AND FERTILIZERS —Cayuga plaster I finely ground, a* good a* the best Nova Scotia, at the I.w prl.e of IT (*• |MT ton. Peruvian Guano • Id on orders only. Pho*pliAte* always j/n hand. manures for different ciops sold umpn >rder* at manu fartursn' price*. POWDER.*--We are |>ii|*wder on hand and *old at wlude • *|e prices ; al*o fuse. GRAIN.— After the gr- wing crop I* hsrve*!**! we will V prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain COAL— Our ysrl is always apM-ked with the lowt Anthra. ite Coal which we *r)| at )owet pries. 1.1 MK —we make the |et white lime ill the |t*W. Its propertie* for ins hsniral and agricultural pur |ms*> excel Sll other* FAIRBANKS* N!AL)!fl—We are their agents In Centre county and will *upply sll parties wishing gnM| and true seal'-* at their lowest prices. We extend an invitation to everylsely in want of anything in our line U* call at our store rooms, op iH**ite the Bush llott*e, and see what we have, and learn from those in attendance more |*irtlcularty the •onpe of Mir business. ALEXANDER A CO Dellefonta, Pa., May fi, I AMI. putf / ; IRAKI) HOUBB, V ■ CORN KII t'HE.*TNt'T AND NINTH STREETS, riiutnrHU. Tlii. h-tM*. (iromin-nt in • city hm-d fur forulil. tu.t.l., 1. k. |.t In -rcrjf r—|xxl to muy flml-rl** hnt-lf In th. crmatry. olng lotW.tiin ncjof th. tlm—, Ui. prtrnof Iwnrd hm* I—n r-litrml LO IICIII MLUM |T JJ. J.M KIUBIN. H.Mii.r, GOLDSMITH, ST KIN ,(; HKXTRR, Allegheny Strut, UeUrfonte, I'a. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! —AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. WE ARE SELLING OUR SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURING. LOOK JLHSTID COMPAKE PBICES. Full Suits, formerly - - $4.50 at 3.50 " - 5.50 " 4.00 " - 6.25 " 5.00 " " - 7.50 " 0.00 " - - 9.00 " 7.50 V\ It AM. (-OOIH |\ iItOI'OK TIOV. We are bound to sell our Goods to make room for our GRAND FALL and WINTER STOCK. Don't miss the chance as we are not fooling. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF! forget the place. Opposite Reynold's Opera House. SAMUEL LEW IN, Manager, A STERNBERG WILL UK F01TSI) AT THIS STQKK. Allegheny Street, Bellofonte. Pa VNXUAL financial Htatcnient of the receipts and • of tln- spring 8< bool district for tin* Vnr ending 7, ikcnni (irons amount of ta* duplicate f 170a hj Halauri* od hand from Uat >*ar f2l 'CI Htat* IWjmililllOl i*l 7S Amouut from Ileum r townahlp t7 f.7 Total receipts. f.'77 lf KXI'KNDITIKKH. Building snd lot f 6*7 7) Fuel, r*p*lf%, Ac .. f 'i ;7 Teachers' wag**...,. 167* lj Gd lectors and treasurer* !•-• 107 £.l HetrrUrys fee 10 Total .'X|M>n'.*. 7 1 Amount due treasurer f 2*5 Resources .. #7 4.* Indebtedness...#. f7a <*• II EN IIY HECK, Prudent P. N. MAINMAST. Bfcrrtai;. 2<-*r Auditor'M Notice. In the matter of the Atgned In the CnmitKNi Plea* Estate of Jon* O ITIK. j of Ccttlra county. The undernigned Auditor, appointed to inak# dl.trihuUoti ut Hi. IwUi,, •< in tin- 11.11.111 i.f J. l> Hhugert, Ka>|.. As*igtie- of John ("urtin, among the rri-ditor* arl th*e 1< gall* entitled thereto, a 111 attend to the duties of his aj-i*-int merit In the Court nm at Ih llrfonta, on Tl iJIAV. the .''* l day of August, at 11 o'llock. A. M All persons lntern*-third of the present value of th*> property. Any portion of the |-rinft|ssl can le paid off t any time, and It haa !••. n tin cuatom of the company to permit the principal p. remain a* long a the Iwrower vriftlt*. if tha interest ia promptly |iil Apply" l> I- MIKRMAN, Atton>*yt law. .'•27 (Vmrt treet, I'.eadiag, Pa., or to DAVID KLINK. Co t Appraiser. -tf In llvf>-rite, I'a' I'rofensional Cartl*. |?RANK FIELDING, I I.AW AND COLLK/TIHN OFFICE, I'i-ly - I.KARKIKI.iI, PA. \\ T A. MORRISON, ' • ATTIIRNKY AT I.AW. RKLI.KFOKTR. PA Office fr W<* C. f. AltltVMg. c. a. loaM ALKXANDKR k ROWER, I V ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bcllefonte, Pa , may !>• cnanlted in Kngliah or tier* man. OffW• in (iarman a Ituihling. 1>1)> nvut.iMriß i. vmiT atrniT. OKAVER k OEPHART, i) ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offlfa n Allegheny itrM, north of High, Ihlle font*. Pa I I| OF. FORTNEY, • ATTORN RY AT I.AW, lIKLLKKONTR, PA. Last da*r to the left in the Court llouae. 2-ly 08. KELLER. • ATTORN IT AT LAW, Offtca on Allegheny Btreet Hooth aide of Lyon's •tore, My Bellefonte, Pa. TORN BLAIR LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IIEI.I.EFONTE. PA. OfTL# Allfhm; ItrwL Ful OflLv. *l-ly T L. BPANGLER, tl • ATTORNEY-AT LAW , BELLKFONTR. CENTKK COUNTY, PA. Hpfcial att*nUnu to Collections prwrtlr#* lu *ll th# Court#; Cnninlutlnna 111 Herman or B'.glih. My f. a. wraaay. crarx aoxnoa. MURRAY k GORDON, ATTORNEYN-ATLAW, PA. Will attaiul lb. Brllffonl. Court, wbrn apM-iullK •mployad. t ly r P 0. HIPPLE, A • ATTORNEr-AT-LAW. UICR IIAVKN. PA. All biHlitw |n|ill; att.ndMl to. 1 Ijr WM. I*. MITCHELL, PRACTICAL BL'RVKTOR, luck HAVEN, PA. Will *tt.nA to all wnrb lu ClMriltM, ontr and Clinton aounUo*. Oaoa Q|.|KMIU. k 11.r.n N.llonal lUnk 10-1y WC. HEINLE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, BKLLKPUNTR, PA. fHBr- In Conrnd Honoo, atroot SpMial .lUntlou p,n to tb. nollactk* o< tlilau. All linalnm. atundni to pnanptly. Sl-ly . A. VAUoca. a. k a a ana. WALLACE * KREBB, " * ATTuIINEYB-AT-LAW. CLEARTIELb. PA. Will attnd ud try cannot at IMlnfont. wbon np. etolly rohtlnod. My WILLIAM M, PA. All htiaineaa promptly attended to. 1-lj INK. J. W. RHONE, Pentißt, can bo fouad at bin oflko. and rmrtd.nro on N.rth alda of High atroot, thro, dnoft Raot of Allogbony, IWll.font., Pa. |i,u JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., 'HTNICUN AND lURaEON. 0f Allh.ny St., orar EotjUC. IWu Ntoro. •" ,f RELLKKONTR, PA. MiHct f/a nt o tin. .1 US T 0U T. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE & RETREAT, I'rfMOtiai t'..rfn-rivurvn in the I Hitt il Staft m ami Con/i ti trate Stolen Annie*: By GENKKAI. .J. B. IIOOI), loit. Cnnfoilr.t .lutw Amu puMMiM for The I loot! ()r|iluui Memorial Fund — ar— UKNKRAL (1. T. iSKAI7HK(AIU), NR.W ORLKANK, ]swi. I Tho .ntir. jirnrln arinlna Ir. iu tho ]■■ of tlita { w .rli r doiutod lo lb. Tin II -l <>r| lim, Mnnorinl j Puinl. lii> h I. liirontod lu I n1|..l Pinto. !!• i!i-tf tb. t*ii uifnht* il* m N. w i>rliii. 'tin in. I.ik Innd.nta <■( .likli " I ',T.ata aaraaanLr r,a thin wot.n, i mt a I-rot mr or atrrtr nrtr„, not nr. ia him* j toaatiatr Knot!.ii Cutt, at TIIUKK DULL A HA, oa I* i Km a Hanrr Dmntaa, witb Mnam.a Ki-.a. TIIKKK HOLI.AK.W AND KIKTY CKNTB—in ll.rr Rocab Mo ao, Ur nrtta. POI It laiI.LAIU-, oa in aa.r I.r, inr Tl aai r Muaono, rill tint Kim. nn Kill riVK la ILI. A Rl • in tb. rod pi at,., lormn r.mlttinc l.y mall or •aprow, of th. amount ill . roviu.-rod lottor or t,y a ! |ot.l nrrl.r. loink draft, ..r rh~k. a i>.|.t will l.i> lm loiiHltatol.T ..r.t IN* of (."L*A'. rod U Mmd rlao, mat tor. Tb. roliim. |. pul.lDtml latbo l-nt .til. of ijp,. I Krapbtr, on .loawnt ||*r, with illattralioai, oxoratod I M 1.1ab0.1 ,|m iui.ti. of art. Tb. ambor, thr ul.joct, th. purjow., all iUlk. rmd.r I II worthy a |>lr. In .r.ry library.—on rtory .l.wk—or | |..n tb. l. k aii.lf of .inr bona. In Ih. rountry. j A.rit, w.ntod In parry town and montv in th# I'nitol -ut#. .11.1 . |.r#br#n<# will Iw. gum to b. i.- | or.ldtr dl tiaifiol vpl.mnp of thr .rrn.r | To tin- iadip., who fori .!■ ir. to ri|.n#i thoir i vm : |tliy with Tna 11008 Oam-a MxNoauL Kian, tl.# aal# of till# !•> k among tlirlr . irri# of la, will afford an rir.llmt way of curitHLuiini; .ulwiantial aid to ao drai-rung a nana.. For trrma, rat#a to ag.i,t>. A. , addri-aa wi<, full pnrtirtiUni. (iKN i. d. T. Bkacreu ard, PubHtber, Oa aaiutr or inr lluob Miw .ui Frab, Naw Oata-ai. La Hot!ling Establishment. ; WITTLKI) MKTKR, ALE and BEER. r pHE undersigned roß|>ectfu)ly in- X forma tl.# rlliri N. of Ontrw ( tbat'h# har O|N-L a Rottllng Katalillabmrnt, on Rlahoi. ,tio.t. In LB" llorough..R H#l|pf.,nto and will I- at all tlmiw pr#|.ar>..| to fumi.H PoItTKK. ALE and Hl. Kit L.V th# dorm OR rder* left el hit pltce of huine, or eent hy |-.*ul cerd. will rer*is* pttimpf ettentb-n I. H SIMTZEU. CANCER REMOVED, WITHOI r KNIFE, and in most " ™ CA-OW wI TB '>NT HUB, AM ' \ t., C. W P. FIPIIKII. Itoalabtirg, It-Xm* Centre County, Pn. ' l S fl| HflMl H ■■■ B^Uli lMIB? THE ONLY CURE For Dial,tie*, Gravel, Dropxy, liru/ht't Iht rate, Fain in ike Hark, Inability to Retain or t Expel the trine. Catarrh of the iUatider, Rum in/f or Painful f 'nnatinp, I trie k ]hi*{ Deposit, Affection* oj th t Spine, Kervout Debility, Fe male Weakness, and all Ihseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urin ary Organs. It .wold. INTERNAL madlclnoa. I. mmfortahl. to tb# |all#nl. OrUln la Ibt *fl#rt. and CI RKK whm nothing #!#• can. AmM all otb#r Rtbaay I'am, aa many wurtlilnw Imllattna. ar# Iwdag formd anon tb# ■*r*#t W will ##nd o#rtlhr#t-w of car##, and oar book, "How a Uf# wa* K.tpd," frp# U|.a> tho rmwdpt of your addrwrn. DAY'S PAD •• anld hy Drnggtata, or a*wt by mall on mwlpi of iwira, $2.00. R. POTTS GREEN, BEI.I.RFUNTR, PA., WIIOI.RSALR AOKNT KUR t'KNTRE COI NTY. "OROCKERHOFF HOUSE, A > RRI.LRFONTR, PA, W. H. TELLER, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on .#w—d Floor, •-Fr# Rn## to aad ftoat all Trwlba. *p#clal ratm to w I til I an, II and larnra. |.|| GARMAN'B HOTEL. Oppoaft* Court Una#*, HRLI.kFONTE, PA. TERMS H8 PER DAT. A good IJrcry attacb#D. |.|y Harry A*. Hick *, Hardware. HABBY IC. HICKS, [Successor to T. A. IIICKS & 15H0.,] lUCALKR IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. |" EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BKL LKFON TE, PA. South oj Diamond. j l>ry (iotxl* and Groeerie*. J JARPER BROTHERS, PI RI.NO PTRKKT, PKI.LKFoJiTK. FA llhvq their counter* nd shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT KATKS Purchased at - BANKRUPT KATKS l BANKKI7PT KATKS WHICH THKV OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. T „ _ , OOXFIRTIKa or Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, BOOTS .„d SHOES HOOTS and BHORS at very low price*. BOOTS and BHOKS 1 HATS and CAPS Latest *tyle# of H ATS rfhd CAPS ~ . „ "ATS and CAPS Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Paraaol*, Ladle*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Grocerie*, Ae. Comprising rr thing that ran h fc ß nd la a trai olnaa atora. HARPER RROTHERS, PFKI.NO BTRRITT, . . RKI.UCPOKTR. FA. tXIUNTRT PRont'CK taken In axrhaaga at tha hlghaat walk at prtca |IJJ M i srciia hcom*. WOODWARD SEMINARY, ! BOATding pad Diy School for Young Lodiet and Littlp Children. SECOND AND LOCUST BTRKKTS, I!ARRISBURG, PA. Ragnlar tarm' will Iwgi. PRPTKNRKR 1% IT*. Ooorw of tludj—Oaaatr and Nrirntiftr. vilh Music •nn Art. Board aad tuition Una POM to RWfl , %n