Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 08, 1880, Image 1

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    BHUGERT & FOHSTKR, Editors.
VOL. 2.
fit t ntre jnemocr.it.
Terms X 1.50 per Annum, In Advance.
S. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Ed.lor..
Thursday Morning, July 8, 1880.
Democratic National Ticket.
WILLIAM 11. KNGLIHII, of Indiana.
K. Emmet MmiHghßti, WtllißUi 11. PUjifori
Iit IMnt.
1. John Slfvin, l-*. tfrorge A. I'm*!.
2. Edwin A I'uo, W. A. M. B**ut<ti,
.1. Joint M. Cdtiiplii'll, IT. J.i*. Linton,
I Oil tea Duller, I*. John S. Mllb'r,
.. John N. MolTet, '•- J. O. Suxto ,
• Edwin Waldon, -i. 11. M. Bower,
T. Na.han C. JitniM, 21. 1. A. J. Bui Italian,
H. George Filbert, -1- i'liriatopher Ma*." e,
P. JatneaG. Mcßpnriii, dd. Robert M. GI*N I>,
I". Alfred J. Martin, Jl. Thorn** Brndford,
II Adam Oornnger, '£*. Harry W. Wilson,
12. Frank Turner, Samuel Griffith,
I i. IV J. Birmingham, 27. J. Boas Thomson.
14. 11. K. Da via.
Democratic Stato Ticket.
OKoKOK A. JKNKB, of Jefferson County.
KoHF.KT P. DKCHKRT, of Philadelphia.
IN tho Democratic electoral ticket,
as published in many of our exchanges,
we notice a mistake that should he cor
rected. In some of the papers the
name of Mr. Bower, of the Twentieth
District, is printed C. N. Bower, and
iu others C. N. Bowers. Neither is
correct. It should bo ('. M. BOWER.
THE chasm, so long dividing the
Democracy of New York, has been
bridged over by the nomination of
Hancock. Tammany and anti-Tam
many are unitedly to work for the
great soldier and statesman. This
means success to Democracy and dis
aster to the DeGolyers.
AT his recent visit to Yale College
! Rutherford B. Hayes was made an
' I.L.D. by the pliaut professors of that
institution. They did not, however,
require him to lay aside the title he
[ acquired from the Xto 7 commission
under the tutilage of Jo. Bradley and
S Mad. Wells. The FRAUD still remains
I to adorn the 1.1..D.
DON CAMERON, in a letter from the
I White Sulphur Springs, declined the
I chairmanship of tho Republican Na-
I tional Committee on account of im-
I paired health. He promised active
■ service in the campaign, if his health
I permitted. But will his health allow
I him to plank up the $50,000 ? Doubt-
LET it uot he forgotten that James
I A.Garfield, the Republican candidate
I for President, was one of the 8 to 7
■ commission, and very actively partici
■ pated in stealiug the presidential office
I from the regularly elected candidate.
■ Let it also be remembered that he was
■ sworn to decide according to the evi
■ deuce and the facts, but voted thnt
■ both were aliunde.
Ex-Gov. HARTRANKT has not yet
■ assumed the collectorship in the I'hila-
Bdelphia custom house, to which he was
■re appointed after the adjournment
Hot the Senate. The Governor is in a
■quandary. By accepting the appoint-
Hmcnt he can draw no salary until con-
Hfiruied by the Senate, and if rejected
■will be placed in a very novel posi-
Htion indeed. He will he out of
I MOUAT, the return manipulator in
HPhiladelphia, and delegate to the Chi-
Hcugo convention, was on trial last week
Hfor falsifying the returns of one of the
Bwards at the last election in the city,
evidence against him is damaging,
Hand he bids fair for an early assign-
Hment to an inqiortant class of Phila-
Hdelphia politicans who have or ought
■to have prominence in the State insti
■tution located at Cherry Hill.
■ SENATOR BAYARD made a powerful
Hand effective speech at Wilmington,
■Del., on Friday evening last in favor
Hof the election of General Haucock
■to the Presidency. The speech was an
■eloquent tribute alike to tbe enlarged
Band enlightened views of Statesman-
Hnhip enunciated by our candidate, and
■his purity and efficience as a brave
Hand far-sighted defender of our Re-
Hpublican institutions iu time of danger.
Tho Doomed Republican Party.
To the miiul of any intelligent and
observing individual, who will for the
moment lay aside all party prejudices
and selfish hopes, and dispassionately
inquire into the present condition of
political affairs in this country, the
overwhelming defeat that awaits the
Republican party this fall must be
come apparent and conclusive. Even
at this early period of the momentous
contest that is upon us, the signs that
point to this result are so numerous
and unmistakable that he who runs
may read them without trouble or em
The strength of the Republican
party has been its weakness, and to
day it is without policy or principle,
I save to maintain its grasp upon power
I to benefit its vast army of office hold
| ers at the Cost oF the great body of
citizens. It emerged from the war of
the rebellion powerful in the ability
of its great leaders, the number and
zeal of its adherents, with every branch
of the Federal government in its pos
session, nearly ull the State govern,
ments under its absolute control, and
seemingly irresistible for all time to
come. Why is it otherwise now? Ah,
the boundless power of those years had
within it the seeds of decay. They
are the fatal feebleness of to-day, and
appear as a sign of the approaching
downfall that cannot be misunder
stood. Light has began to dawn upon
the public mind, and people no lougcr
hesitate to inquire into the relations
of cause and effect. Why, they ear
nestly ask, has this once proud, com
pact and powerful organization degen
erated into a mere mass of incoherent
factions and wrangling cabals, without
puapose or desire except to advance
the interests of some one of the ninbi
tious, selfish and unscrupulous chiefs ?
inquiry teaches them the cause. Tak
ing the close of the war as a starting
point in their researches, they learn
that since that time the policy of this
party has not been one of wise states
manship or purity in administration.
They learn that instead of devoting
labor and thought to the preparation
and enactment of wise and bcueficcnt
laws for the public good nnd for the
restoration of the broken and impov
erished South, the law-makers of the I
times could think of nothing better j
than measures to perpetuate party i
supremacy by the destruction of the 1
reserved rights of the States, for the
centralization of nil power at Wash
ington, and of repression nnd tyranny
to be enforced by the bayonets of the
army. They sec that corruption has
been rife in the high places of the Na
tion ami in every department of the
public service ; that political intriguers
have usurped the positioiis that should
be filled by statesmen, so that the
course of the party has been down
ward with headlong speed from those
days until the present moment. They
know full well that the present Re
publican administration is the crea
ture of fraud ; that it came into being
through the perpetration of as foul
and as desperate a crime against free
government as the world has ever wit
nessed, and they realize fully as well
thnt this monstrous perversion of right
and justice must meet condign punish
ment from an aroused and indignant
Later still, they beheld the intrigue
ing, fighting claus of which the party
is now made up in deliberation at
Chicago. In the violence of the fray>
each faction determined upon nothing
else than the utter destruction of the
others, it was too painfully to be seen
how little any of them were actuated
by motives of patriotism or by a desire
to promote the welfare of the people.
For days the angry strife of faction
went on, growing in bitterness and in
tensity with each passing hour, until
at last in sheer desperation a nomina
tion for the Presidency was thrust
upon a man with a clouded record
who had never been thought of for
the place. It is a nomination that
would never have been made in a
calm moment of deliberation, and it
fell still-born upon the public. It has
evoked no favorable responsive echoes
from the country, and will sink in
popular estimation until tho day of
tho election. The nomination made
by the same body for Vice President
is not a whit better, and has met with
a reception just as cold as that given
to the other.
No one can be deceived in regard
to these nominations, nnd they furnish
but another evidence of the defeat
to the stalwart followers that comes
apace. The people of the United
States, with the painful experience of
the past before their eyes, and after
many years of mal administration, en
tailing untold burthens uud vexatjons
upon them, are in no mood to again
entrust the two highest offices in their
gill to men whose past conduct in
official station will not bear the light
of investigation. The manifestations
of this determination are plainly evi
dent and cannot be disputed or mis
| construed.
Reader, expect the Republican par
ty to meet its Waterloo next Novem
-1 !>er. You will not l>o disappointed.
DKSI'ERATIOK seems to have seized
; the Republican party from the mo-
I mcnt of the nomination of General
j Hancock. As evidence of this is the
: silly attempt to connect him with the
execution of Mrs. Surratt, with which
he had no responsibility whatever.
The sentence wits the result of a Re
publican Court Martini, led by IA-W
Wallace, Joe Holt and other malig
nauts, urged on and finally executed
with indecent haste by Republican
officials to satisfy Republican clamor
for blood, in which General Hartraufl,
whom the Republicans twice elected
governor of Pennsylvania, was forced
to lie the executioner. The Raltimore
American aud Philadelphia /'re** have
| come out with an interview nllcged
Ito have been had with Prof. Tonry
! and his wife, who was the daugh-
I ter of Mrs. Kurratt, reflecting upon
General Hancock, which the Pro
fessor pronounces a forgery made
out of the whole cloth. He states
that no such interview was ever had,
ami that neither he or his wife ever
1 cast any reflections on Hancock in
that connection. Leading Republican
newspapers, claiming respectability,
must iudeed be sadly pressed when
driven to a silly and discreditable
forgery to misrepresent General Han
cock, w hen it is well known to every
body who bus any intelligence or
knowledge upon the subject, that he
hnd no more power to prevent or con
trol the Republican murder of this
poor old woman than the King of
Siam. These editors know well that if
the power had been lodged with General
Huncock, instead of Republican mnlig
nante, the disgraceful record would
never have been written upon our his
tory. It is not pleasant to refer to it
under any circumstances in view of the
disgrace it has entailed, but if the Re
publican party want to revive this
shameful piece of history woven by
political marplots, they will get euough
of it.
" WILL General Hancock resign ? "
is a question now agitating the New
York Tribune and kindred papers.
Did Grant or Scott resign when placed
in nomination ? But of course he
will resign. The Commander-in-chief
will not wnnt to draw the salary of a
captain, when the people direct him to
step up to the head of the column.
His resignation of subordinate rank
will certainly lie in'about the 4th of
March next. Anybody might know
THE plank of the Republican plat
form that relates to civil service re
form is supposed to be a tribute of
respect to the Hayes administration
for kicking Arthur, Republican candi
date for Vice President, out of the
New York custom house in order that
the affairs of the office of collector of
customs might be honestly adminis
| Garftold's Tariff Record.
The Republican leaden) of Pennsyl
vania find it rather difficult work to
fi;( Garfield riglit upon the tariff qucs
tion. The record in against him. His
speeches and his recorded votes an a
member of Congress, to nay the least
of? the tin, place him in an extremely
equivocal position, and make his real
opinions upon the tariff issue a matter
of grave doubt. He declared in Con
gress in 1870 that " the large majority
of the great thinkers of the present
day are leading in the direction of
what is called free trade and at the
last election for Hjieaker of the House,
four Republican members from Penn
sylvania, viz: Judge Kelley, of Phila
delphia, Russell Errett and Colonel
Bayne, of Pittsburg, and J. \V. Kill
ingcr, of the Dauphin, Lebanon and
Northumberland district, refused to
vote for him, when the Republican cau
cus made him the candidate of the par
ty for that place against the Mr. Ran
dall, because they had a suspicion,
baed upon his previous utterances
and votes, that he was a free trader,
or at least unsound upon the question
according to their ideas of protection.
After sitting together for sixteen years
in Congress, it will appear strange to
most jiersons that Garfield's views
upon a matter that was discussed at
every session during that period of
time, should have been so uncertain
that Judge Kelley could not trust him.
Upon this subject of Mr. Garfield's
record, the Ilarrisburg Patriot presents
one chapter. That journal remarks
that "on the 13th of March, 1871,
lie following joint resolution was
passed by the House of Representa
A enacted, etc., That from and
wter the passage of this joint resolution
no tax or duty shall be levied or col
lected on foreign coal."
On the parage of this resolution
Mr. Garfield voted -lye. .See Oonyres
eional Globe, Part 1, 42 d Coiigrest,
jtagr #2.
During the debate in the House on
the above bill, March 10, 1871, Gen.
(iarfield said :
" But I desire to ask gentlemen
whether, considering the odium that
the whole lantr has to hear in conse
quenceof this duty on coal, they think
it wise to perpetuate this tax, which is
of so little value either to the country
or the treasury. I think it unwise to
continue this duty on coal and I ntn
therefore in furor of its repeal." Congrtt
tinruil ft lobe. Part J, Pirn! iSoruw 42 >1 Con
greet, Page 59.
For his votes and speeches in this
session of Congress General < iarfield
was made an honorary member of the
Cobden club. He certainly deserved
the compliment on the part of the
friends of free trade. Had a Demo
crat received such a distinction iu
England he would have been subject
ed to the usual taunt about " British
gold " from the organs of protection.
A leading protectionist organ re
marked the other day that a tax on
tea and coffee is " one of the hobbies
of the freetraders." On the 13th of
March, 1871, the following bill passed
the House of Representatives.:
"H* it enacted, That from and after
the paasage of this act tea and coffee
shall be placed on the free list and no
further import duties shall be collected
on the same."
On the passage of this lull Mr.
Garfield voted No. See Congrettional
Globe, Part 1, 42 d Congreu, page 82.
Thus it appears that Gen. Garfield
occasionally rides a bobby of the free
traders. The object of bis vote was
to retain the duties on tea and coffee
so that they might be taken off some
protected articles. We are not com
plaining of these votes of Gen. Gar
field, but present this chapter from his
record to show how false is the pre
tense of the protectionist organs of
Pennsylvania that he belongs to their
school of political economy. When
they have digested this tariff record
of their candidate for President there
is more of the same to he administered
to them. It will not do to give them
too strong a dose at one time."
THK old veterans of tho war are gal
lantly rallying around the standard of
Utica, N. Y., who has always been a
j staunch Republican, the presiding
officer of the convention choosing del
j egates to the late Republican State
j Convention, is now president of a
Hancock club, organized the day the
nomination was made at Cincinnati.
Associated with General Grid ley are
many veterans of the -Oth army corps
who served with him. This is one of
many samples which might he pro
And still they come. General A.
L. Pearson, a prominent leading Re
publican of Pittsburg, has publicly
declared his intention to vote for Gen
eral Hancock. To clear away the
rubbish and enable him to enter active
ly iu the campaign for the success of
the great Pennsylvania soldier, he has
resigned the chairmanship of the City
Itcpuhlicau Executive Committee, of
Pittsburg, and his mcmliership iu the
I nion Veteran National Committee,
which is also a political organization.
Gen. Pearson does not travel alone.
Many other soldiers will keep him
GKX. GARFIELD may have filled
with all the credit that is claimed for
him the comparatively safe position
of chief of staff to Gen. Rosecraus
at the battle of Chickamauga, hut
notwithstanding that fact the latter
earnestly favors the election of another
man to the office of President of the
United States. At the recent Demo
cratic ratification, held in the City of
San Francisco, (ien. Rosecrans was
persuaded to overcome his dislike to
apjs'aring in public at political dem
onstrations and to preside over the
meeting. <>n taking the chair he made
a strong appeal in favor of his former
pupil, Winfield Scott Hancock. He
concluded his speech in the following
words: "The Democratic Convention
at Cincinnati has proposed a candidate
for President of the United States, to
whom, when a young man, I taught
civil and military engineering, and I
know him very well. He is a cleau
man—(loud cheers) —a gallant and
prudent commander and a brave and
chivalrous officer. I think the nomi
nation promises to do things for the
future which ought to make every
patriotic man's heart leap for joy."
I IIE first page of the IK'llefonte J'e
publican two weeks ago was illuminated
with portraits of Garfield and Arthur,
hut we are sorry to notice that in the
text of the pajier there has been no
satisfactory explanation of Garfield's
connection with Credit Mobilier and
DeGolyer transactions; neither has
any reference been made to the un
ceremonious way in which the Hayes
administration bounced Arthur out
of the New ork custom house on
charges uf gross corruption in office.
MIL LEDI'C, the Commissioner of
Agriculture, recently made a trip to
the South with a view of introducing
the culture of the tea plant in that
section. He found the people in the
proper localities anxious to undertake
the new industry, which promises to
bo a complete success from the tests
already made; The mucky lands of
North and South Carolina are said to
be the liest adapted for tea culture in
the country.
AT a recent meeting of the Associa
tion of Veterans of the Mexican wnr
of Washington City, a resolution was
passed strongly urging kiudred asso
ciations of Mexican veterans through
out the United States to organize cam
paign clubs and "rally aronnd the old
llag as a grand army of Araericau
warsmen iu support of the nominee of
the Democratic party for the Presi
dency, General Winfield Scott Han
GEN. SHERMAN takes no part in
the present political campaign, hut he
says, "write the best thing you can
put in language about (ten. Hancock
as a soldier and a gentleman and I
will sign it without hesitation."
IT is expected that Garfield will
make a full explanation of his con
nection with the Credit Mobilier scan
dal and tho DeGolyer paving contract
in his letter of acceptance, upon which,
it is said, he is now very busy.
TERMS: $1.50 per Annum, In Advum-p.
subject of the above title, an old and well,
known citizen of thin county, died at the
residence of his daughter, Mis* Margaret
I'runer, in thii place, on Monday last. He
waa born in lirush Valley, near Wolf's
Store, in 1804, and at the time of his decease
was seventy-six year* of age. He came to
lieilefontein 1818, and in 1820 married Mis*
Harah Denny, Rev. James Linn officiating
at the wedding. Kight children were born
to him—five son* and three daughter*—
two of the *ori* preceding hirn to the silent
tomb. All the other children live in this
place except Kdward, who it a prominent
citizen of Tyrone. While in thi* place he
was identified with the construction of the
Bald Kagle canal, and also with the Ty
rone and Clearfield railroad. He served
for many year* as Justice of the Peace.
Luring a short period of hi* later year* he
lived in McVcytown, Mifflin county, but
more than a year ago he returned to spend
hi* last day* in Bellefonte. He wa* pos
sessed of coniiderable inventive genius,
hi* two most successful patents being a
horse shoe machine and a hydrant, many
of the latter being now in use in thi* place.
By nature he wa* kind and affectionate,
endowed with generou* impulses, and ever
ready to assist all around him. Those
who knew him best will moit mourn hi*
MILLS. —The Democracy of Gregg town
ship held a rousing and enthusiastic Han
cock and English ratification meeting at
Spring Mills, on Saturday evening last,
which was largely attended, and proved
that the sturdy yeomanry of the valley are
alive to the importance of the campaign
that i* before them. Mr. William Kerlin
officiated a* Pre*idcnt of the meeting, as
siiled by a number of Vice Presidents.
Among the Vice President* wa* the ven
erable Alexander Kerr, one of the oldest
and rnot respectable citizen* of Potter
township, who never lets an opportunity to
show his faith in the old party he ha*
served so long and faithfully pas* by with
out coming to the front. The meeting
wa* held at Mr. 1. J. Grenoble'a store,
and wa* addressed by Messrs. Fortneyi
Bpangler and Heinle, of Bcllefonte. In
connection with the demonstration there
wa* a grand display of fire works—the
beat it is said ever seen in Penns Valley.
For thi* addition to the attraction* of the
occasion, we are informed, great credit
i* due Mr. Ed. Krumrine, one of the
most active young Democrat* of Gregg.
Without doubt, Penn* Valley may he set
down for the largest majority this fall ever
cast for the Democratic ticket.
SKKVRS.—The annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania Reserve Association, of
which ex-Governor Curtin i* President,
will convene at the Opera House, Harris
burg, next Thursday, July 1 ft. We ac
knowledge the receipt of a beautifully
printed invitation to be present. The As
sociation is composed of the survivors of
the Pennsylvania Reserve volunteer corjis,
and these annual gatherings are source* of
great pleasure to them. Excursion tickets
good from July 14th to the pith will bo
issued over all railroads, and can be order
ed from George C. Kelly, Harrisburg, Pa.
Members of the O. A. K., on their way to
the encampment at Gettysburg on the liith,
have the privilege of stopping over at
Harrisburg. It will be an occasion of
great interest.
—We advise all persons to order fall
and winter clothing eor/y. Our heavy
weights will lie on sale May lt.
19-tf. MOXTOOMKRY A CO., Tailors.
- ii I
A 24,500 barrel oil tank was struck by
lightning near Bradford, Thursday even
ing last.
It costs Erie county $3,000 annually
in money paid nut ot the treasury lor
sheep killed by dogs.
Wsyne MacVeagh, of Pennsylvania,
spent last week in liondon, in company
with Gen. llawley, of Connecticut.
Ninety-six of the Swedes who work
ed in the oosl mines at Osceola during
the strike, have left for the West.
Col. John W. Forney has made a con
tract with a publishing honse for a bi
ography of Gen. Hancock, which will
shortly be issued.
The coal shipmenta from the lfouU
dale region for the week ended June
26 aggregated 3b,366 tons, an increase
over same time last year of 5,023 tons.
The Arm of Drexel & Co. sent to
their New York branch a few days ago
a check for $4,200,000 surplus funds of
the Pennsylvania railroad, which thev
desired invested.
Kliss Heisler, a married man, forty
years of age, while fishing at Aiientown
on Saturday afternoon was taken with
a fit and fell In the water, drowning
before assistance arrived.
Governor Hoyt arrived at AUantie
City on Friday. Secretary Quay baa
been doing some suoemful fishing at the
wreck, catching thirteen aheepe-head
and one shark the other day.
NO. 28.