Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 01, 1880, Image 7
Xew Advertisements. DOUDLE HARPOON Horse Hay-Fork. BEST IN THE WORLD. Daxcriptlte Catalogue eiit frt\ VK N NOCK MANU FACT I' 111 N(J CO., ; 3w. Kimnxtt SqVAU, CliMti>r County, I'n. j A Now Early Sweet Potato, EARLY GOLDEN. SiPPERIOU in earlincw, productive- W tiMut, color and quality. Produced tuber* large •boq|li for flu Mifkit InvMitydftjfi 1 On account of its Early Maturity, it is be- ' lif red to be better adapted for Culti vation in the Northern States than any other variety. In ha|M tlu*y are somewhat shorter tlian the ordinary \ virodiN, o| n ir>lil*n yell<w color, cinik very dry, and are of *it|orior flavor. Hill grow on quite ordinary toll ' with hut a flight roat of manure, yielded a large crop the past irßMin upon land that Hoiild Hot glow ahove tifteen bushel* of Corn to the acre. An excellent keep er The no-t valuable variety in cultivation. Price of wlfh diiectionv for planting. by mall, I |nit-|niil, ftu cents per do/.en ; $l -.' lur titty . S'i.'t) per hundred 51 2. Vi per thousand I). K. BLISS fc SONS. *24-3 U llarc lay Street, New York. j Mew I'irfor Setviny —Harper lira!hers, Ayents. tMEW VjCTOB. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! 'Ovements September, 1878. ritliHtandiug the VICTOR baa long bom tin ny Sowing Machine in tho market- a fart tby a boat of volunteer witneHsen—we now u wonderiul reduction of friction ami n l . ro tin in a beautiful Hpeciimn of lueckniii.Mii, and taken rank with the hifjhevt ncliiovium r.t.s We Sell Hew Machines Every Time. Send for Illustrated Circular aud prices. Liberal terms to tho trade. Don't buy until yon liavo seen tho Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, tV.stem UraaeU Odieo, Statu Sr.. < loxcaoo, 111. KIDDLETOWN, CONN. IIAItPEU BROTHERS, Agent*, Spring Street, - - - 11KLLKFONTK, I'A. Wilson, Me I'arlane ,(1 <V>., Hardware Healers. HARDWARE! WILSOiN", McFAULANE & CO. DEALERS IN STOVES, RANGES t HEATERS. ALSO -- Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes, AND BTJILDEBS' HIA-K'ID'WA.E.EI. AI.LKIitIKMY BTKRKT, .... IIL'MKJU BLOCK, .... II KI.I.KFi >NTF., I'A. lliisiitrss Cfirils. 1 TARNESS MANUFACTORY in Humum'* New Block, IIUBVOm, FA, i 1) P P. BLAIR, 1 • JEWELER, WAT*HRA, CLOCK*, JtWILHf, Ac. AH work neatly **,. ntMi. On Allegheny *tr*et. under BrocktrhnfT ||nu<M. 4.if | DKALKRS IN PURE DRUGS ONLY. • I ZELLERA SON, a! B if • DRI OOIRTfI t ' 2 !f fl. Ilrork erhofT Row £ £ ;*crl|tin* liiil Family Kwlpfi accurately! #. ! 35 | prepared. Truaae*, Shoulder Hriwe, Ar., Ac. '2 1 ?1 4 " 11, f oris DOLL, 1 J FASHION A BLR BOOT A BIIOKMAKRH, Brockerhoff How, Allegheny *tret, 1-ly MMMiti, Fi< *. \ in mm, Pren't. J. f. iiuhik, (knh'r. |JM RST NATIONAL RANK OF I BKLLKFONTF., Allegheny Street. Ilellefonte, Pa. 4-tf ( lENTRE COUNTY 1J A N KINO \J company H>cait> Ami Allow Intercut, Diwounf Not"*; Hoy and Ml CioV, M urltie*, Hold and Coupon*, : Jawm A. Br.i vkr, Pr-id#nt. J. d. >Wi—t,oMir. 4-tf j CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED. \LL sufferers from this disease that re an x ton* to he mrH should try D i KISSNKKS CELEBRATED 00NHI MPTIVK POH- ' I'KHS Tlifw Powder* are the only pn|ration known that will cum Cowstarr(oa and all tliH*e of th* TfinoT axn Ltrvo*— Indeed. atrornria our faith in j them, and al*n to convince you that they are no hum hit*, we will forward to *very unfferer by mail, |*,*t I paid, a rnrit Trial Box. We don't want your money until yon are perfectly ! Mtiflpd of their curative power*. If your life i worth earing. don't delay in giving theee Powuvfea a trta!, a* j they will *ure!y cure yon. Price, for large box, ent to any part of th* t'fitted Statea or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. . Addrea*, ASH & ROBBINS, * 44-ly 3mi Kulton Street, Rnmhlyn, 11. Y. I TITS, EPILEPSY, OR FALIJK6 SIC KM EMS PIRMANENTLY CURED—No ! Humbug-by on* month', utaga of Or. Qoh lard', Colobr.tod Infolliblo Fit Powdara. To con vince snlferer* (hot llm* |>*derv will do nil wr claim ! for thnm wr will arnd thrui by moll, root rata, o raaa TOIAk •<>*. A, l)r. Oonlard la th* only phyaletan Ihot li.a .r mod. thla diaraaa o special atn.ly. Mid M to j our knowladge thousand. havab-en PIOM4,IOTLT enr- I rd by Ihr im of these Powoaas, i wiu. cituXASTta 0 cure In .Tory ow, or narumi rot' ai.l aoxar ixeaxnrn. All antTerera ahould rim three Powdrro on aarly trial, and ha convinced of their cura tive power.. Pi Ire, for largo Ih>k, $3.00, or 4 Ikum for f 10.00, .rut hv mall to any part of tlia United Stale, or Canada on rrciept of price, or by express C. O. t>. Address ASII A HOHHINS, 4 -)y. 3tW Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. T. Flower Seeds Given Away To every Yearly Subscriber to The American Garden, A HlfAllTO II.UOTIUTKI) JOURNAL. ONLY 2 6 CENTS A YEAH. BAMPLK COI'IKS. In CKNTiC I \ICVOTKD exclusively to the (!ar _l ' cli'i.iliK lutcrKi of Aiurrii.n. CnnUllm Iwlvo imu... of rlim. ly prlnli'il IHHU' I. t.-Intiuic to IIOKTI CI LTI UK. FLOItICI LTUKK, I II K LAW N, FLOWKK AM) \ KUKTAULK (lAltliKN In all tliulr vurlod lc|iarliunfiU. KoiTlli nr Dn. F. M. IIKXAMKK. Till. ,io,mlar Mii|cttzlin*, linrt'tufurn |iul>lialu-'l |,y ll**' 11, SON A CO., will hormillar 1.0 |"iMUIul li.v Um l'loiH iit |iro|irlt'U>r>, lu niu-utlrely howUrt..,aoil mil ai ill Jaoiiarjr, April, July auJ October of eat h year. Firt number will la- r.u.ly about April JOIIi. Flower Seeds for the Wild Garden. Kvrjr yarly >ubacrib,<r will rwelvr, In ailditloii In the paper, a packet •>( I'L'jWi.H Sialifl oK Till WILII livhukn, which contain* a mix tin• of upaord tt.sr. 11l VAHIKTIKa, atitllcieiit fttt a square rod of grotfnd. which will give a piufuaioii of (lowers dtiiing the entile eunMli for M'Vftul yearn in aucctHMion In* *tru tiotin for sowing and subsequent Treatment of Flower heed", ll* Well an lor other plants for tin- Wild Garden, will tie found iii the Apiil tiuuiher of the Amekican (PARIIX.N. B. K. BLISS & SONS, Publishers t *ll -3w ,'4 Han lay Street, New York. OELLEFONTE A SNOW SHOE H. R.—Time-Talde In effect on and after Mav l.lkwi: Leavefl Snow Shot 7.20 a. m.,arrives In Bellefbnte ; ♦.in a m j Bellefonte 10.2-* a. m .arrive* at Know Hlhp< i 11/.7 A. v i Ircavea Bnw Sht# 2 t) r.M.,arriye in lldlf<>nte ' \V. r. m. I#eave B#>llefti)te ".,I't p v.. arrives at Know Bhie J fi &7 r. M. DANIEI, KIIQADH, Oeneral Superintendent. DALD EAGLE VALLEY RAIL. i-1 K 'AD.—-Time-Table, April 1 1 K*p. Mail. wisTwaan. *atwari. Kip. Mail I *• r*■ rm.a. m ; "I Jo fl 3*2 Arrive at Tyrne Leave..... 7 M 21) * '• -*i Kaat Tyrone Leave... 71A 9 */7 7*9 21 " Vail " ... 719 A .11 • M fl 17 M Bald Kag*e ... 721 H:C I7 4* n ...... •• Fowler " ... 7 t; e 4<; j7 12 f .'I •• Hannah " ... 7ld W " 7 :t5 ft Aft ...... •• pfrt Matilda " ... 744 9ld 727 ft 47 •• .Martha "• ... 7 ft 2 V 2* 7l# 61H M Julian M ... H \ |pi 7 '• ft 27 " I'nlnnville " ... HII p4l 700 ft IH " Snow Shis In " ... k2l 9 ftl I ft -A & Ift " MilFwt.nra " ... * '24 9 Aft 'ft 49 6 ft " Bellefr.nts M ... H32 9AI ft 39 4AA '• Mileehurg " ... 9 4ft 10 3 ft 2A 4 4ft M Curtln " ... ftft lo 14 ft 19 440 •• Mount Eagle " ... 9On lo 1 ft 411 •• Howard " ... 9 hID '29 6 fto 420 .... M KaglenUe • ... 91910 42 ft '< 4 Ift " Beech Creek M ... 92210 47 A• 4 1 " Mill Hall M ... 914 11 (*) ft 29 400 " Flemlngtna M ... 937 11 4 ft 2ft 3 Aft M Lck Itavcn " ... 942 11 9 I >KNNKYL V A NIA R AILROAD. 1 •—(Phllnd.lpbl. end Krie Diri.ion.) —On end , .fter December 12, 1177 : W P.HTWARD. | EKIR M All. leave. Philadelphia 11 M p n, " " lUrri-lnrc ll.Ua j " " willlam.|.rt • ,lA. in I " " Inck Haven MOia " Kanovo ]0 7,6 a m " arrive, at NIAUAHA EXPRESS leave. Philadelphia.. 7 2b a m " llarrlabiirg.... In Mi a m " William.port. 22n p m " arrive, at Itenuro. 4 4n p u , | Paawneera by thi. train arrive In Delle- I fonte at 4 36 p m FAST I.lNKlevea Philadelphia II 46 am " " Ilarrlehurg 336 p m •• " Wllllaln.lM.rt 730 pm | " arrive, at l.nrk llaven 140 p m EASTWARD. PACIFIC EXPRESS lenvea Dock Haven..... (1 40 a m •' '• W'llllainaport... 766 a m " arrive, at llarrl.hnrg 11 66 a m " " Philadelphia.... 8 46 p m | DAY EXPRESS leave. Renovo 10 lo a in " " liOck Haven 11 Ulan " " W'llllainaport 12 40 am " arrive, at Harrtahnrg 4 In p in " " Philadelphia. 720 p m KRIE MAID leave. Rennvii S 36 p m " lioek llaven 046 p m '• W'llllam.port II 06 p m " arrive, at liarrlahnrg 2 46 a ra *' H Philadelphia 700 am FAST liIRR leavea Wllllam.pnrt 12 36 a in " arrive, at llarrlalmrg 3 6H a m " Philadelphia. 736 a m Erie Mall W'eat. Niagara Kvpreea Weat, l/oek Haven i Accommodation W'eat, and Day Expreaa Kaat. make i cloae connecttona at Nortliiimtierland with 1,. A B. R R. tralna for W'llkeabarra and Kcranton Erie Mall Weat. Niagara Expreaa W'aat, and Krla Expreaa Weat, and liock llaven Accommodation Weal, maaa cloae connection at W'llllama|mrt wttn N. 0. R. W. tralna north. Krle Mall W'eat, Niagara Expreaa Weal, and Day | Ex praaa Kaat, make rliwe eonnertloii at Lock Haven With H K V. K H tralna. Erie Mall Kaat and Weal connect at Krla with trains on I. H. A M. S. R. 8.. at Corry with 0. C. A A. V. R. IL. at Kmportnm with B. N. T. A P. R. R„ an I at Driftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor cars will rnn between Philadelphia and Willlamapnrt on Niagara Expreaa Weat, Krte Expreaa Weat, Philadelphia fcxprem Kaat and Day Expreaa Kaat, and Sunday Expreaa Kaat. Sleeping can on all night tralna. ffx. A. B.ukwia, flen'l Superintendent. ®hc Cenlw |l mural. n KLLBFONTK, PA. NKWB, FA<"I'H AND BUUU KfTJ lONK. Til E T KMT r TUB NATIONAL UKLIAHK IK Till INTILLI OSROI ANI> t'UOHI'IiKITT Or Tli rARHBII. Every farmer in hit annual erjtenence discovers somethiny of value. Write it anil ■lend it tn the "Ayricultnral Editor oj the Dkmockat, Hellefunte, I'enn'u," that other farmers may have the benefit of it. Let communications be. timely, and be sure that they are brief ami well/minted. WE liuvc received, under date of Juno 12, "Bulletin 44" of the Con necticut Agricultural Experiment Station, which cautions the public against the "Pallard Fertilizers." One of these is the "Concentrated Privy Guano," the right to manu facture which is being offered to farm ers in several parts of this State. We advise our readers not to invest largely in this right until a thorough investigation shall have satisfied them that they are right in going ahead. We have discovered in our own wheat fields and others in the vicin ! ity a new enemy to the wheat crop — j at least new to us. As the wheat ap ! proaches ripeness, many heads—say one in ten or twelve —suddenly turn almost white, and upon examination are found to he dead. A close ex amination discovers a small worm, somewhat resembling the wire worm, except in size, in the stalk, between the upper joint and the head. What : is it? and where does it come from? | Since writing the above we notice j that our exchanges speak of the same ! trouble in other parts of the State. The Army Worm. This wonderfully destructive pest i lias made its appearance in great | force in Maryland and New Jersey, and on Long Island. It is impossible to any that it may not soon strike us, | and in order that our farmers may he forearmed, wc copy from our ex changes in the infested districts descriptions of the methods there adopted of fighting them : Considerable excitement exist* in Maryland over the appearance of the army worm. They first appeared in the wheat tiebfn, and wherever found have eaten the heard entirely off. and have otherwise injured the wheat. They are now leaving the wheat and are seek ing the younger and more tender grain*. The fir*t corn field* attacked were there of John A. Mitchell and 8. N. Hyde and son, near Baltimore, and as far a* the march had extended when discov ered the fields are entirely hare. Con cave ditches were at once dug through the fields, and a panel fence taken down, which stopped their further pro gress in that direction. The farmers ; are now digging ditches around their corn fields. Every few yards in these ditches pits are sunk, into which the worms fall in their efforts to cross. In those pits can be seen great masses of the worms, and as the pits fill up the worm* are burnt and thrown out to make room for others. They hegiti to march about noon, and during the afternoon the roads adja cent to the fields where they are is cov ered with the moving army. The only effective remedy in fighting them so far has been in the use of deep trenches dividing the fields to be pro tected from the field already attacked. The deeper the trench the better, and it will he improved by pit* or wells dug still deeper. With these trenches and pits a boy with a broom can stop an artny, but it is better to keep fresh "red top'' satur ated with Paris green or London pur ple in the bottom so that tbey may eat of it and die. On one farm every means of destroying them was tried, and all means except the trenches, even the attempt to destroy by a heavy iron rol ler, has failed. The owner says; "Wc have abandon ed our iron road roller as of no earthly use, Jt weighs about a ton when weighted, end, although it of course kills a great many, with such an army as we have to contend with, it was of but little use, "Ip running the roller it would soon become so moist with the crushed worms that the dry dirt would adhere to the roller and make the roller lumpy ; *o that many would escape. If the grass is short the roller is effective, hut if long, it is of no use. Next we have used tar, but with no efTect whatever. They will go right over it, and if one gets stuck i' simply makes a bridge for another. We have tried salt, dry sow ing it in winnows; also made a brine of it, with no efTect whatever. We used kerosene oil by pouring it in the plough ed furrows or ditches prepared for them. It stopped their progress only momentarily, lor the dead ones only formed bridges for those marching be hind. Then we tried lime, without the least particle of effect. They cared no more for it than brown sugar." A WOMAN who has raised a large number of hens says that after vain ly trying the recommended remedies for lice, she hit upon a plan of giv ing then, once or twice a week, a large loaf made of Graham flour in which a handful of sulphur had been mixed. \ EXPERIENCE has demonstrated that the best soil on which to raise the early amber cane is a sandy loam well fertilized. Agricultural Books and Periodicals. We are under obligations to Hon. F. 8, Gold, Secretary of tho Conn. State Board of Agriculture, for a copy of his report lor IMTV'XO. Bound in the same volume of (lie report of the Slate Board proper, is the report of the agricultural experiment station, which was establish ed by Act of Assembly in 1X77, "for the purpose of promoting agriculture by scientific investigation and experi ment." The two reports cover neatly six hundred pages of matter of great value to every thinking farmer. Last Saturday's—June 26—issue of the Scientijic Amm-ian contains a finely illustrated article upon the "army worm" which is doing so much damage along parts of the sea coast from Virgin ia to the interior. It is not at all improbable that this terrible scourge may reach us in time, and it would b* well for those who wish to he fully informed as to its nature, habits and the means of combat ting it, to send for this number. I'ricc 10 cents. Munn A Co., .'IT Park Bow, New York. Hay for Milk Produotiou. "Old Fanin*r w In tli" THLuno. A dairyman speaking lately of the i irest kind of hay for fuelling his cows I during the winter, places them accord l ing to their value in the following or ! der : Ited clover rowen, clover hay, ; fine English hay, hordsgrass. These | should he cut as soon as the earliest | heads begin to blossom. I wonder jhe does not mention timothy and {orchard grass; fur if sowed thick and cut just before flowering tliey uiuke excellent hay for milch cows as well as sheep. By lierdsgrass I sup pose redtop is meant, as it hears the former name in some localities. But tiiere are two other grasses better than either of the above to produce choice butter and to fatten stock rap idly, and these are June or blue grass and white clover. The late Mr. C'lift, one of the best farmers in Put nam county, New York, paid partic ular attculion to these two latter grasses for hay considering that their mixture, half and half, making up a ton of hay, was worth for butter and to fatten animals thrice that of most other hay ; and although these did not pro*luce over a third as great a weight per acre as timothy, still they were the most profitable to grow on suitable lands, and there were the ad ditional considerations of less stor age-room required and less labor in handling. In The Wrong Place. W. I. ( hanjl s-rUin In Prm Ural farmer Some years ago, when I was teach ing, my father's farm, the one I now own, was rented to a not over labori ous tenant. He complained of lack of fertility—said he couldn't get hay and grain enough to winter the cows, etc. I Raid : "You should save and apply the manure better, then. The cows linger shivering in the fence corners and along the lane fences all •lay, when they should he in the warm barn where they would need less hay to keep up the animal heat, and where their manure could le all saved and properly used." "Wal," he re plied, with a grin, "I 'spose they leave their dung and urine somewhere round on the farm, ntul it's a mighty sight easier than to shovel it out of the stable." Ah! There was just the trouble. It was "somewhere around" in snow drifts or on the fro zen ground or lane where not needed, ar.d where its value at any rate would waste in every thaw and rain till summer. It was "like water spilled on the ground which cannot be gathered up." It was in the wrong place. The fence corners arc not plowed and the lanes do not raise crops of wheat. Now this, it seems to me, is the I fault witk man's farming. He doesn't ; always tare, all the manure ami use it in lite right place and time and way. 1 If any man docs, he is, so far at least, a good husbandman. A FARM ditfers from almost every other kind of property in its rapac ity for perpetual production. A horse or a cow lives but a few years, and the problem for the farmer is how to produce the greatest profit from tliem for the short period of their life. But a farm never dies—or never should die. It is a possession for all time, and should be farmed with reference to its perpetual productive ness. The man who for immediate profit "skins his farm" by injudicious cropping is as short-sighted as if he should skin his living cow for the profit in the bide. THE prizes to be offered at the next State Fair will reach in the aggre gate $40,000 including $8,500 for cattle; $7,000 for horses (racing pro hibited); $6,500 for sheep; s.'s,ooo for swine ; $1,500 for poultry ; $2,500 for the dairy ; $4,000 for tools, im plements ami machinery ; $3,000 for State, county, club and individual exhibits of farm, orchard and gardeu products; $4,000 for wool and wool products ami other manufactured goods. EVERY needed means for the ap proaching harvest should be made ready. Mowers, rakes,scythes, barns, stack bottoms, etc., should all be examined and put in order. The Old Ways and the New. r" in* In from tin- i/it?s<low, wlf**, %*lwi" th giurs is full mik] urt-fu; I IjoMiTm! out t!fM*u tn rsiic to M'V J*.tin's iihw mu lilfiw; It iiin'li' m> 01-I e>'4 siim | again to #•" tli.it uiows-f mow, Ami I (notvl'd n sigh llivn ytlic f wnog worn* twen ty yemru ngu. M.utv un l muni * 0i•- day I v IIIO*nI, With tli* >• f Ihi- fe orcliiiig sun Till I thought my piMr l* k would l>ri*k >-r- tuy tank for tin* <hty Ma* dufii*. I Ofton think of fill' .U.vs Ol toil in tin* fi'-lds all over th> farm. Till I the sweat on my wrinkled brow mid the old pulii cuifie In my mm, It wus hurd work, it was slow woik, it swinging thi ol*! *<yth<- til* li , I'nlik" (lie liiow r that went through the gra* Ilk<- d'-stk through tin- ranks of no n. I sto.nl and looked till my old e>a ached, art taxed at lU sfMO'd ami |m>w or Tim work it took me ;• day hi do it done in one short hour. John said I hadn't mn-o th half; wh'-u he liuti It Into his wheat I d sen it leap it, ami rak- it ami put it in huudies ; Then so*, I a vank*-'- will em along slid to work j to Isru To reap and thra*h it, and hag it up and send it Into thi burn I John kinder laughed when he said it, hut I said to tin hired mau. ' " I've s* mi ie mil' h in my piigiimage, thru' my three score yat* sod t'-u. Thst I Wouldn't be suiprised to sew tt railroad in the air, Or s V utih * • in a flyiu' ship s'goin' mo-t any where.' j There's adilh-reme in the woik 1 done and th work my Uys no v do . , Kleady sod slow iu the good old way, worry sud fret , ill the new. lint so|n<-)i*>w I think was happiness* rrowhd Into those toiling day, I The f,i-t yorfig mail ol tin- pres-rit won't #i- till they < hang" their ways j To think tuHt !• should live to *.- w.,rk d..ris in this Woitdrrftil way! Old tools sr- of little s-m •• nw, and farm in' is almost play; Ihe woiii"ii have got their n-win* mo* hum*, fit* ir wring*!• and every eh h tlnng. And now play t ij, (he d<**r yard, m eit in the pallor and sing. T'waMi t you that had it so .-iu.y, wife, in the days so long gone by ; You n/ u|. early and est up Isle, a-tolliug f-r you j There W'-reciiws to milk there mm* butter to make, sud many a day did you stand I A-wathiti inj talticd garments, ami wringing them by hand. I Ah, wif", our children will ticvar see the hard work *• have seen, I for the h'-avjr task a tid the long task is done with a machine. ! No longer t lie noise of the ec* the do I hear: the m>w* I •!—there, I hear it alar* i A rattiiu' along through the Ui! stunt grae with the fioise of a railroad car. Well, the old tool* ara now shoved away tbey staii I la-gathering rust, I.lke many an old man I've ae n put aside with only s crust; | When the eye grows dlrrf, when the sf"p is wak.wheo the strength goes out of his anil. J The bo-I thing a |or old man tan do i ttf hold the I deed of the farm. | There is .ii" old way that they <an't improve, although It has |*n triisd I Ity mm who tudiad and studied, and w .rrird till tlo-y died; j It has shown undimmed for age#, like gold refined from its droas It's tli" wy to the Kirigihon of H<-*t*n by the simple way of tbr < r** —John 11. Yates | Early VineH. A hint to these who are *lesiroua | of early melons, tomatoes, cucumbers i and squashes w ill Ikj of value, 1 ptliink. (Jo to a pottery ami have a ! hundred or two hundred small pots, two inches across the top and one at the bottom. Plunge these in your cold frame or hot-led, in rows; fill with dirt, and put two seeds in each {one. If both come up, destroy one. | Let them grow here till the second | or third leaves show ; then transplant !to their hills in the garden. The ad ; vantage is that you can transplant ' vines without disturbing the roots or checking growth. Lima beans and vines are especially in need of some such method. In this way a month of growth can be secured from mid j die of April to middle of May. The j vines will then Ikj out of the way of { bugs before they appear. Nast can I picture the surprise of the striped bugs when they find themselves too late for breakfast. This method is quite superior to the use of inverted sods. It is, of j course, understood that beans and 1 vines cannot IK? started in a hot-bed {in the usual way. It is better even j for tomatoes, pep|>er9. cauliflowers, Ac., to start them in pots. The cost j of the pots will not exceed two dol lars a hundred, and they will last, if I well baked and stored properly when I out of use, for ten years. 1 have j them in use since 1868, and three { fourths are still sound. It will still IK? well to make sure against* all failures by having on hand a few boxes, with mosquito net ting closely tacked over the top. Press these down over the transplant ed hills. Most of tho advertised i plant protec'ors are perfectly reliable. Marbled Beef. i Fn-ni th" Chicago Time* Americans have succeeded in pro ducing beef sufficiently fat to meet ! the demands of any market. Unfor tunately, however, for the quality of the beef the fat and lean are not well distributed. The fat is in huge masses and is useless as human food Specimens of tincly-marbed beef are rarely found in this eountry. Un doubtedly our method of feeding beef cattle causes the absence of "the streak of fat and streak of lean" that are so desirable. Our animals are for the most part fattened on corn, which produces a large amount of hard tallow, that is deposited in masses outside the flesh. The best marble beef is produced by cattle that feed on rich, tender grasses. The best beef known in the London mar ket comes from the mountain r*gion* of Scotland and Ireland where the cattle have little or no grain. It was at one time thought that the breed of the rattle raised in these localities was the cause of the marbled appear ance and of the prime flavor of the meat. It now seems to be settled that the superiority of this beef is due to the |>eculiar feed of the ani mals. Corn produces an abundance of fat, but it is not fat of tbe right kind and it is not deposited in the right places. It is likely that we have made too much use of corn in the production not only of beef but of pork and mutton. THERE ia probably no potato that is a better keeper than the Snow flake. Care of Milch Cows. Yrow tb* W Nlrfi hum I. During the intense hot weather of the Hummer, cows, unless in very ex tra pasture, with a plenty of shade and water, fail very much in their productiveness. When once partially dried up, it is hard to bring them in to a full flow of milk again during the season. The greatest care should therefore be taken to give a plenty of some kind of nutritious soil-feed, corn, oats, or whatever other green feed a farmer may happen to have. Feed they must have or dry up— there is no such thing as milk and butter without feed. 1 f cows are obliged to work hard all day, in short pasture, during hot weather, to obtain barely enough to keep them alive, they will become both too much heated and fatigued to keep up a full How of milk, and who, ! ever expects any profit from cows in hot weather must feed them enough, so that as the heat of the day ad vances they may retire to the shade, for comfort and repose. Kxeessive heat is more injurious to a milch cow than short feed. Cows require plenty to eat without great exercise to ob tain it, and rejw. It is more profit able to feed shorts, oil rneal, or other grain, where pastures are short, than to suffer cows to dry up. Cows should lie driven very slowly, particularly in hot weather, that they may not be overheated; and if 3'ard ed nights, should always have a full supply of clean water. Cows give , more milk and do better w hen kept constantly in the pasture, unless they arc soil-fed in the yard or stable. I The Better Way. The usual custom in regard to the horse manure pile is to let it leach and lie exposed to air and rain, and when it is carted to the field the "llrefang" has burned its value out, the nitrogen or the ammonia having, bv the fermentation, all escaped. This loss can easily be avoided. The horse manure can be thrown into the yard where the cattle can tramp It into the soil of the yard, or it can be | mixed with the manure from the cat | tie stalls, for this las seems to coun | Unbalance the heating and volatile nature of the former. Some farmers who wish to keep the manure separate from the other, for special purposes, sprinkle the heap with salt and use plaster, which holds the heat in check ; but then it ; will have a tendency to "fire," which I can only •be prevented by throwing water upon it. But this remedy has ; its loss, unless "just enough" is used, isoas to prevent a waste of its solu ble parts. A very thorough incor jmration of the horse manure and I that of the cow stable is secured by using the former as an absorbent for the manure ditch, and the liquids are then all saved and the stables have a noticeable absence of odors, which is ' largely due to the use of the absorb j cnt. There is yet a need of greater 1 economy almut the treatment of the manure piles and heaps that are lea thro' the summer to ta used upon the wheat lands. The loss in valuable properties is usually very great, and may be almost entirely avoided, if j the manure of the yard is thrown up into piles, or under shelter, which I would be better. 1 nr. American AgrirulturiM says: | "If tliere was any doubt about the lest time for cutting grain, the gen- I eral experience last year went far to ward settling the question. All over i the country a hot spell came on just as the cutting became general, and , the grain shrank badly. Had the ' harvest locn a few days earlier, the I total grain would have been enor mous. In the writer's field, stop ping the cutting for the 4th of July ! holiday last season, caused a loss of SIOO in the quality of the grain and in shrinkage of weight and bulk, i As soon as the grain is solid, but will still crush dry between the fin- I ger nails, it may be cut, aud hot weather will not injure it in the shock as it will when standing. Dead ri|H> grain is not only less valuable, but the straw is worth less than if cut three or four days earlier. MR. JOHN MCDOWELL, of Wash ington county, Pa., keeps 650 highly improved sheep, which cost annually $1.54 per head ; his wool averages four pounds of hrorik-washed wool |icr head. In 1675 his wool sold for 56 cents per pound, or 2.24 per head. On account of severe winters the crop costs 15 cents per pound, which makes his net income per sheep $1.64. His sheep are worth $3.50 per head, and his profits are 56 per cent of the capital invested. The land on which he pastures his sheep is worth about $1.50 per acre. AN Indiana hen,killed for dinner the other day, was found stuffed with ten eggs, five perfect and the rest soft-shelled. It is suggested that she was holding for higlu-r prices. PROTECT the nesting birds. Thous ands of eggs are stolen every year by nest-robbing urchins, who are re sponsible in a Urge measure for tho scarcity of the birds. SET your liens always in the even 'n 8i ' n preference to placing tliim on the hatching nests by daylight. Young fowls will do better in this way Invariably.