BA VIA Mi r NEWMAN, Allegheny Street, Belief ante, Pa, tt£ADQUART£HS fOfl BABCAINS j —AT— BAULAND & NEWMAN'S BEE HIVE STORES. We are now displaying at our DOUBLE STORE ROOMS the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, BOOTS .25. \MONG the wonderful tiling which have been accomplished for lovers of good Ik*'W* hy ths "Literary Reyolutiun,** perlia|w the most wonderful I* the repriMtoctlon of this great Encyclopa-dla t a merely nominal ruit It i* a verbatim reprint of tha la*t English edition, in I>' beautiful volutu* t lear i*ot|*reil type, hand soiuvly U'titid in cloth, for $7.00 , the name printed on liner, heavier paper, with- margins, and bound in half UiiHsia, gifT top, price $13.G0. The first ten volumes are ready for delivery. Vol II will Iw ral* July D, The remaining volume* will he completed by October next. $6.25. An Amazing Offer. $6.25. The more widely and rapidly these volumes are scattered, the greater i* their influence in itidu< ing other purchaser* of this and many standard publication*. Accordingly we give *|M*rial terms to early *iilhm rihers. T all. whose orders and money are received during the month of July, we will supply the l.' volume*, in loth, for and in half Ku**i*. gilt top, for $12.50. To any one en ling from any place, where we have no special agent 'uvually the lea/ling hkftelSi-r f the toWn , a loh - I five order*, we will allow a cum tiii-slnn of 10 percent. Til" volumes ismied will be sent at once hy exprciui, and the remaining volume* when onipleted. A specimen volume in cloth w ill \u> sent, postpaid for HO cents, or in half Ku*sia, gilt t"p. for SIOO, and may he returned at once, if not satisfactory. The M t'it am ii tan's KmcycloP.vm k" comprises the first 1" volumes of our "Library of I'niversal Kn "W ledge," ami the remaining volumes, complete In them*e|ve*, will te *o|d s>-|>arat"ly wheu published. Standard Books. Library of Universal Knowledge. 21 vols., sl< -0. Milnian'sGibbon's Rome, 5 vol* , Fi AO. Nl.i. aulay's lli*tory of Kuglaud, l vol#., Jl.-'n. Maranlay's Life and Letter*, *0 cents Macaulay's K*#ay* and Poems,,*) vol#.,fl.KO. Chamber*'* Cyclopa-dta of Eng Literature, 4 vol*., $J Knight'# lll*tory of England, t vol*., ft. Plutarch's Lifes of Illustriou* Men, .1 vol*., f IJ>O. (•eikle** Life aud Words of Christ, . f a'i cents. \ oiing's Bible Concordance, 311,wmplete Works, "•* sent*. Work* of Ihinte, translated by Oary, 40 cent*. Works of Virgil, translated by Dry dsn, 4# cent*. The Koran of Mohammed, by Sale, L". , ents Adventure* of lhn Quixote, illu* , *#) csiU. Anihtan Night*, illu*., *0 cent* Bunyau'* PilgTim Progress, illu* , .V) cant*. Rohinson Crusoe, lltns., .'i' cent*. Munchausen and Oulliver's Travel*., iO cent*. Omit by bank draft, money OMI.T, registered latter, or by Ki|r*. Kr&ftioni of atagf> stamp*. Address AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE, JoIIN 11. AI.DKN, Manager. Tribune Building, New York, A rj.t l ArOTX 1 Q! • IkHtoo, If. I, Hasting*; Philadelphia. losry A Co.; Cincinnati. Robert Clarke AC ; ■G-VJJLJII VJXJJO IndUriapoli*, Bown.Htewart ACo : Clan-land, Ingham. Clarke A Co. ; Toledo, Brown. Kagar A Co.; Chicago, Ald o A <'had wick; in smaller town*, tlia h-*d*ng Hookeller, only one In apim a. 80LR AOSNCT IN BRLLKFONTK, J_J STIHTZER ( CENTRE COUNTY, m: fsxu. ] I, WM. K. BtK HncLD, Clark of the Or- J tbao' Court of said rminty of Centre, do hareby rarti- , fy, that at an Orphan*'G>urt, held at lu-llefonte the •Jtith day of April. A. D. lHHfi, before the Honorable the Jndge* of mid Court, on motion a mla WM granted upon Rebecca Curtin, Julia C. Harvey, Irwin Harvey. 1.. 11. Curtin, Cona. Curtin, Cona Curtin "guardian." Mali*** Candor, Js. Candor, K. W. Curtin, tha heir* and legal representatives of Anatin Curtin, dareawad, to come into Court on the 4th .Monday of August na*t, , to accept or refute to arrapt at the valuation, or to ahow rau* why tha raal estate of mid deceased should not ba wdd. frame notice to l> given aa In inquiwitloii In testimony whereof, I have harennto eat my hand j and affixed tha weal of *aid CoQrt, at Bellefoiite, the , -ftth day of April, A. I> l*w W. K BUBTIIPTKLD, C.O C. ! Attaet: JOH* PeANutx*. Sheriff. £V-'.w , GEORGE W. THOMAS J UST RECEIVED another lot of FRESII MACKEREL. And to lie no Id at uanal low pricaa ; QUARTERS at |1 M | KITS at !*V. I'RODIX'K taken in exchange for gratia. 'isr tf 8. A. LOEB, General Merchants, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, J'a. S. &c A_. LOEB. Having purchased largely previous t< the late advance in prices, we are prepared to share tliese advantages with our trade. Our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing is far ahead of anything pi be found in the County for QUALITY und PRICES. Fine Hoods—Elegant Fits—a specialty. OUli IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS we are offering at per cent, less than present prices in first hands. mfIPY PfOOnS we 3X6 equally well supplied at low prices JJUI UUUUO and CANNOT be undersold. IN SHOPS ar ® e or ® or Young—all kinds, ill UflUiiD, grades and qualities—at prices that in this "Boom" are wonderful. With increased room, provided for our ever increasing business, and extra facilities for light, prompt attention and honorable square dealing, WE DEFT ALL HONORABLE COMPETITION. S. & A LOEB,! !S. & A. LOEB, THE OLDEST GENERAL MERCHANTS IN CENTRE COUNTY. Stories and Ballad *, by K T Aldsn, illu*. *•< cents. A > iiiu Library of klderii Clmmii *, AO cents. American Patriotism, "* cents Taine's History of English Literature, ?•> cents. Cecil s Book cf Natural History, 11. Pirtoral Handy lexicon, cents. Sayings, by author of !*pnrruwgnv* Papers, f 0 rent#. Mrs. 11 etiiaii *' Poetical Works, osiits. Kit to'* I'ylopieli* of Bill. Literaturs, '4 vols , |J. Rollin s Ancient History, S-' j.*. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, illu* . '.Vicente, Works of Flavin* J<*ei>hu*, f: Cotnlc Hi*torv of the u. S.. Hopkins, illu*., &n cents. . Health hy Exercise, Dr. Gso. 11. Taylor,ill cents. Health for Women, Dr. Geo. 11. Taylor, :tA rents. Library Magazine, 10 cent* a No., $1 a year. Library Magazine, bourn! volumes, 00 rents, leaves front the Diary of an old Iswjtr, f I. Ear It of the above Imnnd In cloth. If by mail,|sait age extra. Most of the |nok* are also puMielted in flns edition* and An* bin/ting* at high* r rate* DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGI'EB AND TERMO Tri CLUBS BENT FREE UN REQUEST FOR TIIE CAMPAIGN. TUB " PATRIOT " DVRIXO TIIK I'RE-HI UK!t> TIAL CANVAKK. FN* order tbat everybcxly, no matter how |ioor In purse, may read the news during the great political struggle of IHKo, the DatLT PATX9OT (SuntUy edition Included) will le *#nt by mail to any address, |o*tage free, from the prs*ent time until the AOeenth of November next, for $3.00; torlulm of five or more, (and one copy free to the sender of the < tub.) $2-Vi |er copy. Without Sunday edition, the DULY Patriot will he pent lv mail b> anv sddreas, p*itaga free, for wine |erial for f'i Ail; b rlnltof five or more (with one copy free to sender of dab) f'i'") per copy. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT from the present time nntil the week after the Presi dential election vrill l/e sent to any addre**, postage free, for FoRYT ClITt; to chilis f Ave or Upwarls for Tmirtv-Five Cxjits jer copy, with one copy free to •ender /f clnb. In every ca*# the money must accom pany the order. Ntw i* the time to get up clutw. lieiiHicrßtic local organizations cannot circulate cheap er and more affective campaign literature than new* |-a I-era furnished at the*e extraordinarily low rate* Send in your orders addreaeed to Patriot PT sushiro Co., HarrisrT*ro, Pa. 26. NEW ENTERPRISE. 4 LKXANDKR A CO., AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT —AM) — SEED STOIiE, HKLLKFONTK, l'A. ThovnwHn by thi# all tho natnn imjorti, that la, t< deal lii and to furnUli to farmer* at the lowest |*sihle price everything in tbs shape of *l, *gn. implement that farmer* uic, including BKKD> of all kind*. At present wi- lu*f i" reputation of tku uiihin I* v1t thai we n wanting one, or In need of r*(>air* for three now in the county, p|.M< call IIEKHN F.llfl PATENT LEA EL TREAD HORSE POWER, for one and two horw*. with Patent Hperd Regulator. Little Giant Threeher and Cleaner. WAGONS, CARRIAGES. HI OGIESan l PII VCTOHS —We are agent* for the *ale of the *J which we seil at loww| price LIME —We make the b*t white lime in the State. It* propertl*# for nie htnical and agricultural pur poae* excel all other* FAIRBANKS' SCALES.—We are their agent* in Centre county and will supply all partiea wishing food and true erale* at thefr lowest price*. We extend an Inrltation to every!**!? In want of anything in our line to call at our store rooms, op iMMite th* Bush House, and ere what we have, and learn from those in attendance more particularly the scope of idir hu*iie*. ALEXANDER A 00. |te||ef..nts. I*a , May A, IBM). p. If / lIRA RD ROUBI. V I CORNKR CHKftTNUT AND NINTH BTRF.KT9, rmLtMtirmt.' Thl hon>. pmniinnt in • rlty for It, com forulil* hotel., la krpt In >r| m|m| to njr flral-rlaaa hot, 11 In th* country, "wine to th* atrin- C-ncy of tka Ulrica, tha prtr, of hor North Third Htreet, Oil PRI.CI CLQTIIIG HOUSE, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., TIA.W OPENED A. STOCK OIF GLOTHUTTG Such as has never been seen in Bellefonte, which they will RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TIIK PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. The motto is, "ONE TRICK TO EVERYBODY." SAMUEL LEWIN, Manager. A. STERNBERG WILL BE FOUND AT THIS STORE. Hurry K. Hirhs, Hardware. ( TL-A.IR,:R,Y IKI. HICKS, [Successor to T. A. IIICKS & BRO.J DKAL.KR IX HARDWARE, SADDLERY, OILS, | PAINTS AND STOVES. EVERYTHING AT BOTTOM PRICES! TO SUIT THE TIMES. Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. South of Diamond. I'rofejmionat <'a rtUt. |?RANK FIELDING, 1 LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE, IMy < I.KARPIKLI>. PA. w A. MORRIBON, ' ' • ATTOItNRV-AT-I.AW. HKI.I.KKONTK, PA. Ofllra In W.aidrinc'a Rl.irk. .ppoaltr tbrCuuit Ilium Conaultation In Knyllah or German. i'-lj 0. f. illlirut. c. M nowEi ALEXANDER A ROWER, - V ATTTIIINKVG AT LAW, Rallafont*. PA , mr b consultM in English or Gar man. Offka In IIN KV AT-LA W, IIRLLKPOKTR, PA. IAII door to Ua laft in th Court llnuaa. t lj D& KELLER, • ATTORN ET AT LAW. Oflkt on Allrfhrny Utrwt ftonth aid* of Lyon** flora, l*ly BilUfcaU, Pa. TOHN BLAIR LINN, TL ATTORNEY AT LAW, HRt.LKfONTX. PA. Ofllca Altaghany Ptraat, orar Pat Office il-ly T L. BPANGLKR, 0 • ATTORNEY AT LAW, RXLI.RFoNTK. CENT RR COUNTY, PA. Special attention to Collect lotp; prartkee la all the Court*; Oonanltaliotia In German or Enfllab. Mjr . i. ncaaiT. rmn noanon "VfURRAY k GORIX)N, A*A ATTORNRTRAT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Will ationd tbe BelloSinte Ounrta when ap~ tally employed. My r P C. HIPPLE, A- • ATTORNEY AT-LAW. ' LOCE IIAVKN.PA. _ All boalnem promptly aHmdnl to. J-ly \V M - P. MITCHELL, * * PRACTICAL HI'RTKTOR, LOCK UAVKN, PA, Will at land to all work In ClaarMtd, Centre and Clinton eountim. Otßra* Lark Harm National Rank. MMy WC. HEINLE, • ATTORNRT AT LAW, RKLLKPONTI, PA. Omca in Con not How*, Alleghany atreat. AaV?^ 4 ? 1 "Mention gi ran to tha oo 11 action of cIAIhm. All bnnfnaaa ittaodM to prunptl/. *l-ly W. A. WALLA CI. . I miML WALLACE A KREBB, " " ATToRNKt S-AT-LA W, CLRARPIKLD PA. *"l attend and try oantM at Ballafonta wkaa ape dally ratalnad. My WILLIAM McCULLOUGH, T * ATTORNRT-AT-LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. All hnalneaa promptly attended to My f\R. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, CRII i: J'JS?' *' hl * dßra and realdenr* na N.rth SAL&TSV" 4 -^ F)R. J AS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., 1 PHYSICIAN AND SUROBON, Omra Allegheny St, om Edcler'a Irn Star*. HBLLRPONTR, PA. Mi seel I a neons. JUST OUT. HOOD'S GREAT BOOK OF THE WAR. ADVANCE &"RETREAT, l',rsonaf FTperieiieen in the United State* and Van fed erate States Armies: BY (IKNKKAI. J. B. HOOD, !-•*rianWln.ral Confederate SUtni Army, {•UUli*d FOR The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund —T— GENERAL G. T. HKAURKGARIJ, NEW ORLEANS, 1880. Th* *ntlr. pror*o.*T WTATO. corrtmxii 3TTI R..**, MI > NX* IM.,TOO*AIH uuxiet AXB A ri*l t*U. txuaarino, MAM urttMiT r* TUT* W..*, r... 1 t.A* Mo o.X, nxr.AXT RRTI-B. POT'R HOLLAR*. n 111. RWDFL fr..m n |.I,D remitting I.R mail <.I riprewt. ..f 01. a in. .ANT In a letter or L,;I L—t.L order, I-ANK drxfl. or .book, a COPY will U IM nmliai.LV aonl free of portage, ax aarund- F !**• Tb vulum. u published In th. I ...I al.l. cd typo craphv. on elegant |at|wr. wlUi, . ui*d M HLSHM •JKM IRNEFI. IF IH. TB* luihor , th IIHJL,IHS ptirpo**, ALL iUik* r*nd*r It worthy A |.LARN IN **r*f*r*ncw will \*> gir*n in h..ti • •rahlj diw IIIH Ul< NUA of th* MM v. T THE ]*!>'•, WHO f**L a d*ir* t'*x|>rv* th*ir jm |WTHY WITH Til* llofiD (LIMTR MIM I.UI KCXD, th* aal* of thi* N*.K ANITI* tl.Hr cirri* ..f fri*nda, will AFFORD an *xcs||*l>t WAY of contributing uUtantal ai l TO av d**rting a mu*. V r rat*W to agrnta, A , *SDR*M with full (•articular*. Gwri. G. T. BKAT;RROARI>, I'ubliaber, O* NTNTIR OR TH* IIOOD MRW aui FRWP, • Nl <'H| o , |, a Bottling EMtabliKlunent. IV (TTI.KD POUT Kit. ALE and I', F.Kit. r PHE undersigned reajx-ctfully in- J f.irnia th. rltirrn. ..F Ciin> coiiatr that 'll* HU o|un~l a IW.t tltnfr K.lahll>hMrnt. on Bl.h .p .Irx-t, in TH. II.ROUGH ..( IL||.f. 1,t.. and will bo at all Utnoa pr.par.-d to furul.H ITIRTER, AI.E and HEER HT th. d..*MI or RW It, aupplving LLIW L.I.N { , WH.lhor to H..t.1, r oxtail rant, or pnvat. Ml.|.norw, th.v will found of TH. puriwt and tw-.L . T nalllv. N.HInl in •I.H a manu.r that thHr lif. and *,.irtt* ai. |U. a. fro*h a. thongh drawn f P . M th. ra.K or hair.-! TLI. ('KLEBRATKD ROCHK.STKR STOCK I* A PPrrjALTT. TTRDCR* L*fl at hi* PLACW of ITIUMN***, or **nt TR |Xtal curd, will RWRWIV* PHNTUPT attention. Addr*, 1 1J SRITZEH, H'SM R*ll*font* T Ontr* CO M Pa. CANCER REMOVED, AVirHOl T KNIFE, Rnd in most " T oaana without pain. Applv to C. W P. FISIIER. Rnalahnrc. LT-SM* Cwntr* Conntv, Pa. SEP* H! PAD THE ONLY CIJWE For Th.thela, Grovel, Drop*,, Bright*t Da ea*e, Pais in the Park, Inability to Retain or Rrpelthe 1 rinc.Catarrhqf the Btadder.Bvrn itor Painful Urinating. liriric Ihat Depotit, AJTeetinn* oj the Spine, Nervoia Debility, Fe male W rakncM, and all Ditcaeee of the Kidney*, Bladder and Urin ary Organ*. It arntda IKTRRNAL m—ltrlnwa. Ix ronifortaH. to th* patient. (Vrtaln In It* *ff*rt. and CI'RICS wh*n nothing *la* ran. Amid all othr Kmxtr PAMA a* many wurthlma Imltattona ar* Iwlng Snrmd nana th* *• •" > ' l frtt m ot rurrw. and am, book. How a ur wa Kavrd," frit* up.* tli* rwcMnt of yonr addtw M -—* F. POTTS GREEN, RKI.I.KftNTR. PA., WWOI.RSALR AORNT KHR CENTRR COI NTT I>ROCKERHOFF HOUSE, •*-* RRIXEFHTTR, PA. W. R. TELLER, Proprietor. Oooi Sample Room on Seeimd Floor, 09-ttmm BUM to and from all Tmlna. Special rat* >w wltniaxx. andjnmra. fAARMAN'S HOTEL, VI Opposite Onurt llouar. HfcIXRrORTR, PA. TERMS II.W PRR DAT. A good 1.1 very attached. j.jy Dry (iooiln and Groccrie*. • ] JAKPER BROTHERS, 1 j BPBI.NO FTKEKT, IIKLLEFOXTR, PA, . Have their counter* and shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, ' f BANKRUPT KATKH Purchased at - BANKRUPT RATES I BANKRUPT KATES WHICH THEY OKPKR AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. COXSI3TIXQ OK Dry Good*, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, I _ _ Notion*, Ac. 1 BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. . BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latest style* of HATS and CAPS 1 „ „ HATS and CAPS Carpet Bars, Umbrella*, Parasols, Ladies' Cloaks, ' Carpeting, Groceries, Queens ware, Ac. ! Comjirtslnj ter7 thing that can b* fouod ia a Brat f lam store. HA It PER BROTHERS, SPRING STREET. . . BELLKPONTE, PA. COUNTRY PROPUCK taken in At tba highest market price. M incellatieou*. WOODWARD SEMINAR!' Hcirdiag izi Day School for Touaa Ladioi aad Littls Children. SECOND AND LOCUST STREETS, HARRIBBURG, PA. Regular Una will l-gin SKPTF.MRER 10, I*T. Court* nf sillily—<'] AMI r and Scintifh, with Mumc ami Art. , Board ami tuition from li'iO to (SM a mar and BO , e*t fm , For circular. and all doairahl. iofurm.tlnn addro, ' zlftm I'RI NCI PAL. PENSIONS. A BL disabled Soldiers and heirs of 1 a drowarod wbo dIM from aoamqaapeaa lr r . v .'. r ;J n J h * * rm T> sr. awltl*d to PENBIOMB. I XO ARRRARB alloaod aftor JULY 1, ]MHO B,mt .tarn,a In, fall Inrtrucli.ti. ID all kltid* of Bo)di*ra' claim.. J. H. 81 PHKRD A CO., Pmnum Atlv't 9u P Btrat. WASH!XOTON. p. 0 Centre County Farmers' lloine. BUSH 'HOUSE. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Improrod StaMln* ami CUroful Ho.tJ.rm Low 8roril Kates lor Jurymen ami finesse*. richness Com ft*i Mid Ttblt lVxrell4. NO DISCRIMINATION again* th. Producer. of oar Food, than whom 808. aro worthy, or m<.ro natttlrol to .iroatloa Ttro Ito.h I||W hating otr thro, timro th. caaarttr of othr hot.!., 1. BO nrmDia or dtonwitioß to pUro lh r* In attic rooaw Thl. account* far Ita trowing Local Trail. W. do 801 trad yowr honm to ih. car. ami pro*l of nartiro HarotnwM with th. hoi.l. "-If 1 IV P. PKTRR*. Proprtotnt pKNTRAL HOTEL, V. > (Opfvwlt. th. Railroad Mutton,) MII.RSBI RH. CBfTBR OOUXTT, PA. A. A. KOULBKCKER, Proprietor. THROUGH TRAVKLKRR oa th. railroad will M thl. Hold an plaro to lußch. or proraro B dinl.M Al,l, TRAINIi *t ,o -to pall afatnity. 2 ' • r *** vsraaas firttLe Ssreaaa. Owr Itoofcjf laatructtoe, Ac., "How to Pwartraa futim aaat fto* o rental; atoo aarapla capita of th. Me tm Bbooaa.iha lam tort' Journal. R. 8. A. P. LACBY, Poteni Attorney,, l*> 4 P SL, a*ar Patoal OWro, Waahlngtoa, P. (J,