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All advertisements for a less term than three months 90 rents per line for the first three insertions, and ft cents a line for each additional insertion, notices one-half more. Kditoriul notices l' rentk per line.* A lilH'ral discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows i I wj A| 9FAci occrriin. B BMj £li|l One inch (or 12 lines this type) $• ss.sl2 Two inches. " I'M 1^ Three inches 1" l'i $1 Qilar.'er coinmu (or . r Inches) ;t V Half column (or 10 inches) , ftft one column (or 90 Inches) '. j 3ft j sft! 100 Koreign advertisements must be paid for before in sertion, except on yearly contracts, when half-yearly payments in advance will he required. POLITICAL NOTICES, Ift cents per line each insertion. Nothing inserted for less than 60 cents. Ilrsi.vxstf NOTICES, in the editorial columns, 15 cents per line, each insertion. LOCAL NOTICES, in local columns, 10 cents per line. lh'iiMMTutic National Convention. Wise Conclusion. DETAILED PROCEEDINGS OK THE I,AST DAY'S SESSION. CINCINNATI, June 24.—The chair call ed the convention to order at 10.35 A. m. l'rayer was offered again by Rev. Dr. Taylor, of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. He prayed for that un animity and harmony in the convention so needful to accomplish the patriotic end which it had in view; that individual members might lay aside their personal predilection for the highest welfare of the whole nation; that the choice of the convention might result in the election of a man of enduring character, blameless in life, unsullied in reputation and of exalted patriotism, and tbat the persons elected might be brought to oc cupy their places. Mr. Peckinan (N. Y.) rose to make a statement on behalf of the New York delegation heard with great emotion— | [Cries of "platform," and he took the J deck.] The delegation heard with great j emotion the votes given yesterday for 1 the honored statesman of New York, 8. J. Tilden. [Great applause.] The chair rebuked the interference with the proceedings by outsiders, and promised it would ask the convention to preserve order at any and all hazards. Mr. Peckliam resumed: The delega tion had received a letter from Mr. Tilden, in which he renounced himself as a candidate for renomination. Know ing him to be honest in purpose and action, we accept bis letter as a renun ciation of all claim and all candidacy. He now presented the letter for such action as the convention desire, but the delegation have this morning agreed upon another candidate, and he named Speaker Randall. [Applause.] The chair asked if the convention would have Tilden's letter read. Cries of "Yes" and "No," but on viva voce vote it was decided no. Mr. Thomas (Ky.), offered a resolu tion denouncing as unconstitutional and unrepublican any State Law affecting a citizen on account of religious or non religious views. Referred. While the second vote was being taken, Mr. Hall, of Ohio, stated that in obedience to instructions they cast •12 for Thurman, another Ohio delegate denied his right to announce the vote and Haid the delegation are now consult ing as to how Ohio's vote would be cast. [Cheers.] Ohio, when again called, gave 44 for Thurman. Before the official vote was an nouneed Wisconsin asked permission to change its vote. [Cries of "agreed" and some noes.] Somebody raised a question of order that the vote could not be changed. The convention agreed to it, and Wisconsin cast for Hancock 20. [Great cheers.] There was now a scene of great con fusion. New Jersey changed to Han cock 18. [ Immense cheering, long con tinued, and great confusion which the chair vainly tried for several minutes to suppress.] The chairman of the Pennsylvania delegation rose finally and said Pennsyl vania was proud of her sons—both of them—one a great soldier and the other an able, eminent statesman. She would gladly vote tor either, and then he changed the whole vote to Hancock. | Immense cheers and excitement. A great portion of the audience and con vention rose cheering, waving banners, fans and tossing hats.] Hancock's banner was brought to the front of the platform amid great en thusiasm, the band playing "Hail to the Chief." The small banners of States voting for Hancock were brought for ward to salute Hancock's large banner. Virginia changes solid to Hancock. The chairmen of many delegations flock ed to the front of the platform to rush in with changes. Nevada, 6 to Han cock. Rhode Island is solid for Han cock before the official announcement of the result. A motion was made and carried for a new call of the roll of States. The sergeant al arms announced that the chair had ordered no applause until the call should be finished. Alabama voted solid for Hancock, Arkansas, California, Colorado ditto. Announcements of changes to Hancock from Tilden States were greeted with hisses in the galleries. Each State fol lows suit with a solid vote for Hancock until Indiana is called, which State votes for Hendrioks solid; lowa, Han cock, 21 ; Tilden, 1 ; Maryland, Han cock, 14 ; Bayard, 2; New York, 70 for Hancock, received with cheers and hisses. (All the remainder solid for Hancock.) The audience and conven tion rise and cheer; band plays "Hail Columbia." Mr. Mack, of Indiana, moved to make Hancock's nomination unanimous. He expressed the deep feeling of his State for Hendrioks, but they were loyal to the Democratic party and would do their duty manfully. MR. RANDAM.'s SPEECH. The CHAlß —Gentlemen, I have the pleasure of introducing to you a dis tinguished gentleman who has been voted for for President and who desires to second the nomination. I present to you Samuel J. Kandull, of Pennsyl vania. (Applause.) Mr. Randai.i,—Fellow Democrats, I am here to second the nomination of Pennsylvania's son, (leneral Hancock. (Applause.) Your deliberations have been marked by the utmost harmony and your act is an expression of the heart of the American • Democrat in every State in the Union. (Applause.) Not only is your nomination strong, but it is one that will bring us victory. (Applause.) And we will add another Stale to the Democratic column—the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (applause), the keystone of the Federal arch. Not only is this acceptable to every Democrat in the United States, but it is a nomination which will com mand the respect of the entire Ameri can people. (Applause) 1 will not de tain you longer than to say that you will find me in the front rank of this conflict, second to none, and that every energy of my mine) and every energy of my brain will be given from now until we shall all rejoice in a common victory on the November Tuesday coming. (Applause.) There is a great mission ! ahead of the Democratic party, and you have selected a standard bearer whose very nomination means that if the peo ple ratify your choice he will be inaug urated. (Applause.) I thank you for this cordial greeting, and I beg of you not to suppose for a moment that I am in the least discomfited, but, on the contrary, my whole heart goes forth with your voice, and I will yield to no man in the effort which shall be made in behalf of your ticket, chosen this day. (Applause.) The Chair will have the honor to present to you Senator Wal lace, of Pennsylvania, who desires to as sure you that Pennsylvania is safe for Hancock. MR. WAI.I.ACE'S SPEECH. Mr. Wallace said—• Gentlemen of the Con vention: On behalf of the great Keystone State of the Union our delegation sends to you thanks and greetings. History repeats itself. In this great city of ('in-' cinnati the Democrats of the Nation named their last President, and to day they name their next. (Cheers.) His tory repeats itself. In those days they named a son of Pennsylvania, and to day again they inscribe upon the ban ner of the Democracy the name of a gallant son of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania. He will lead us to vie- ! tory. His name is invincible. The word rings out, "Advance the column—move 1 on the enemy's works!" Let there be i no defence, but aggression, aggression, j aggression and victory is ours. (Cheers.) I tin behalf of that great Commonwealth, i as one of her sons, I came here to assure ' you that I feel, as does every member of her delegation, that you have given us in this nomination the means once more of plucing the Keystone in the 1 column of Democratic States—(cheers) —and when November shall have come , you will find that the energies of those who now clasp hands in behalf of this , our standard bearer will have work ed wonders in that Commonwealth.— i (Cheers.) In response to loud calls Wade Hamp ton advanced to the platform and said, in behalf of the soljd South, which was once arrayed against the gallant soldier, he pledged to him its solid vote. There was no name held in higher respect in the South than that of the man who had now been made the standard bear er of the Democratic party. Hancock was one of the first alter the war was over to exert his influence for resUJra tion of the Southern people to their civil rights. He pledged South Csrolina to give as large s majority as any Demo cratic State in the Union. Judge lloadly, for Ohio, seconded the motion to makefien. Hancock's nomin ation unanimous. Victory in Ohio in October meant a unanimous vote in No vember, and the Democrats expected to win that < ictober victory. The conven tion bad commanded to Ohio *to take the (iarfield gun, and they would try. [Applause.] The action of to-day wiis worthy of that other day on which the Declaration of Independence was sign ed by John Hancock. [Applause. | The chair put the question on the pending motion, and announced that Winfield S. Hancock was the unanimous choice of this convention for Democratic President of the United States. The band played "Dixie" to great cheering: followed by the "Star Span gled Rani\er," in which the great organ joined with fine effect. Then came "My Country 'Tis of Thee,".to the tune of "America," rendered in the same man ner. A transparency of the Philadelphia Randall association was brought in with Randall's )>ortrsit on one side and on the other the legend. "For President of the United States, Winfield Scott Han cock." Mr. Voorheea, of Indiana, spoke. He said that though somewhat sore-hearted, the Indiana Democracy would do her duty in supporting the nominee of this convention. They had hoped to follow their gallant leader in this campaign, but they would follow with cheerfulness the gallant leader who bad been given to them. He referred to the confeder ate brigadiers, of whom so much had been heard. He knew them and Han cock knew them, and knew that they could rely upon thetn to assist in up holding the constitution and the rights of the people under them. He eulogiz ed Hancock's course in uplifting down trodden civil law and liberty at the end of the war, making a second declaration of independence—a second declaration of the constitution. He was worthy of their confidence—in war and peace— and with him they could safely trust the institutions of the country. Mr. Faulkner (N. Y.) spoke briefly, but could not be understood. In ro sponse to loud calls, Mr. Rreckenridge, of Kentucky, came forward and said they had to day turned their swords into prun ing hooks, with which they would reap the harvest of victory next November. They had shown that they were again n united people and knew no north, no south, no east, no west, [Cheers|. They had put in nomination here to day a man who had given his blood for the union. It was a national candidate whose name they put out to-day in the name of the democratic party. Ken tucky always voted the democratic ticket, but he asked what say the doubt ful states. He asked New York, Penn sylvania, < )hio,Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois and Indiana if they could carry this ticket in triumph and each re sponded affirmatively amid applause. In conclusion ho invoked the Clod of battles to give the democratic party a triumphant victory. |(treat applause.] At this point the Tammany men, led by Kelly and Schell, entered the hall amid great cheering, and were greeted with music by the organ. The confu sion and excitement continued several [ minutes before it could bequelled. Mr. Kelly proceeded to the platform and was greeted with a lively Irish air by the band, and there were great calls for him. The said it gave him great pleas ure to announce to the convention that its action to-day had united the great democracy of s>ew York ; also, that the contestants from that State had come here to give in their allegiance. He in troduced Mr. Kelly, who was received with great applause and some hisses. Kelly said it was true that Hancock's nomination had united the democracy of New York. Though they had been fighting bitterly for five yeurs, let past difllculties be now banished forever. [Cheers], Never again would he refer to what transpired in the past, either here or in New York. He disowned ever having been actuated by personal feeling, though in the anxiety of polit ieal contests they sometimes said of! each other that for which in more sober moments they were ready to ask for giveness of each other. New York could not be carried except by unity in the democratic party, and now that this had been secured tie felt it safe to promise that New York would give her electoral vote to the ticket made here. Hancock was not only a great soldier, hnt a statesman as well, a gentleman against whom nothing can be said [cheers]• In conclusion he said to the New York delegation sitting in conven tion let us return to our homes, organ- ! ize our party, and let him who shall first refer to the troublesome and discordant past tie denounced as a traitor. [Great I applause j. For himself he promised to ! do all in his humble power for the sue. j cess of the democratic ticket, turning j to the New York delegates, he said : let us once for all take each other by the | hand. We have a great duty to perform j together. Let us do it with one heart i and voice. | Applause.| Mr. Fellows (N. Y.) came forward in response to calls, hut was so hoarse as to te very indistinct. He commended today's action as superb. They hail healed all the distractions existing here tofore in the democratic party, and they were now united to fight one common foe. | Applause.] But they had done still more in strengthening the discord ant strife which had for years dominat ed the whole country. They had re strained us nil to a common country. At the conclusion he and Kelly shook hands formally amid great applause, the hand and organ playing "Auiu Lang Syne." At this point Susan B. Anthony press ed forward and ascended the platform, presenting a paper to the chairman, who handed it to the reading clerk. It proved to he a printed appeal by the Women's Suffrage association and was read by the clerk. TIIR PLATFORM. The Democrats of the United States in convention assembled declare: FIR-T. We pledge ourselves anew to the constitutional doctrines and tradi tions of the Democratic party, as illus trated by the tenchings and example of a long line of Democratic statesmen and patriots and emtiodied in the platform of the last National Convention of the party. SECOND. Opposition to centralization ami to that dangerous spirit of en croachment which tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create—whatever be the form of government—a real despot ism. No sumptuary laws; separation of Church nnd Stale for the good of each; common schools fostered and protected. THIRD. Home rule; honest money, Consisting of gold and silver and paper convertible into coin on demand; the strict maintenance of the public faith, State and national, and a tariff for rev enue only. FOURTH. The subordination of the military to the civil power and a gen eral and thorough reform of the civil service. FIFTH. The right to a free ballot is the right preservative of all rights, and must nnd shall be maintained in every part of the United States. SIXTH. The existing administration ia the representative of conspiracy only, and its claim of right to surround the ballot boxes with troops and deputy marshals to intimidate and obstruct the electors, and the unprecedented use of the veto to maintain its corrupt and despotic power, insults the people and imperils their institutions.- HEVINTII. The great fraud of IBT^-"7 — by which, upon a false count of the electoral votes of two States, the candi date defeated at the polls was declared to he President, and fof the first time in American history the will of the peo ple was set aside under a threat 6f mili tary violence—struck a deadly blow at our system of representative govern ment. The Democratic party, to pre serve the country from the horrors of a civil war, submitted for the time, in firm and patriotic faith that the people would punish this crime in 1880. Thia issue precedes and dwarfs every other. It imposes a more sacred duty upon the people of the Union than ever address ed the conscience of a nation of freemen. EKIHTH, We execrate the course of this administration in making places in the civil service a reward for political crime, and demand a reform by statute which shall make it forever impossible for the defeated candidate to bribe his way to the seat of a usurper by billeting villains upon the people. NINTH. The resolution of Samuel J, Tilden not again to be a candidate for the oxalted place to which he was elect ed by a majority of his countrymen, and from which ho wns excluded by the leuders of the Republican party, is re ceived by the Democrats of the United States with sensibility, and thoy declare their confidence in his wisdom, patriot ism and integrity, upshaken by the assaults of a common enemy, and they further assure him that ho is followed into the retirement he has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fellow citizens, who regard him as ono who, by elevating the standards of public morality and adorning and puri fying the public service, merits the last ing gratitude of his country and his party. TENTH. Free ships and a chance for American commerce on the seas and on the land. No discrimination in favor of transportation lines, corporations or monopolies. ELEVENTH. The amendment of the Burlingame treaty. No more Chinese immigration, except for travel, educa tion and foreign commerce, and there in carefully guarded. TWELFTH. Public money and public credit, for public purposes solely, and public land for actual settlers. THIRTEENTH. The Democratic party is the friend of labor and the laboring man, and pledges itself to protect him alike against the cormorants and the commune. FOURTEENTH. We congratulate the country upon the honesty and thrift of a Democratic Congress, which has re duced the public expenditure $40,000,- 000 a year; upon the continuation of prosperity at home, and the national honor abroad, and, above all, upon the promise'of such a change in the admin istration of the government as shall in sure us genuine and lasting reform in every department of the public service. [This was re-read in response to de mands, and wus received with applause. | The platform was adopted. WILLIAM 11. ENGLISH FOR VICE I'KESIDENT. At 1.35 Editor Joe Pulitzer, of St. Louis, moved to complete the ticket by nominating the Vice President. This was agreed to, and William 11. English, of Indiana, was nominated by an Alabama delegate. The Alahamian made the point that to add strength to Hancock, Indiana's vote must be placed beyond a doubt in the October issue. At this the lloosiers yelled with delight. Mr. Irish, ot lowa, nominated ex dor. Bishop, of Ohio, but was pretty generally hissed for doing so. The nomination met with open disapproval from the < 'hioans in the gallery, who ! do not want even one of hei sons to step in now nnd mnr the love feast. 1 "No! no!" was the cry, and Bishop's ' name wns withdrawn. The nomination of Mr. English wus then made unani mous. A motion that a committee of.one from each State be appointed to notify the candidates of their nomination and request their acceptance was carried. Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana. Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ne braska, Nevada. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Ver mont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wis consin seconded the nomination of English. Pennsylvania, when called, said that "profoundly grateful for the great honor ; done her by the nomination of one of her sons for the head of the ticket she j had no nomination to present for vice- i president." Mr. Vilas, of Wisconsin, then ad- ! dresses! the convention in an eloquent i manner, ami moved to nmke the nomi- ! nation by acclamation. < thio withdrew j their nomination and English was unan- j imously nominated. Cheers. < >n motion of Smith Weed, the thanks of the convention were returned to President Stevenson. A resolution thanking the secretaries and clerks was also adopted. It was ordered that a committee of one from each State, and the president of this convention, be appointed to notify'the nominees of their selection and invite their acceptance. A resolution in favor of a representa tion to the District of Columbia and the territories in the national committee was tabled. The roll of States was then called for the presentation as members to the national committee. A resolution leaving the selection of the place of holding the next national convention to the national committee and making its basis of representation the same as at the present convention was adopted. A despatch, just received from Sena tor Thurman, says:—"Hancock will make a splendid candidate and can be elected." This was received with wild applause. Tilden also sent a congratulatory des patch, but it was not so warmly greeted, after the nomination of Hancock, as it would have been while there was still a chance for the claimant, and the cheer ing was very faint. Hendricks telegraphed:—"Hancock is acceptable to Indiana, nnd its delega tion should take position in the ad vance." While the convention is finishing up the odds and ends of its work a chance is obtained to test the individual feeling of the delegates. The joy at the issue is very great, and from no tongue can one hear anything but unqualified con fidence in the running strength of Han cock and English, and the Pennsylva- one and all, are unanimous in the opinion that the State is going to justify Speaker Randall's predictions as to the result in November. The clerk read dispatches from all sections endorsing the nomination, and the fact that guns are firing in Ken tucky, Indiana, New York and Penn sylvania created the best of feeling. On motion of Mr. Preston, of Ken tucky, at 3.07 P. M.. the convention after thanks from the chairman and his con gratulations adjourned tint die. Surgeon General Hamilton, who has just returned from Memphis, says that Memphis is excellently drained and is much cleaner than It has ever been be fore. While there may be a few cases of the fever in Memphis this year the doctor thinks the fatal disease will not reach anything like its proportions in years past. OUR CANDIDATES. IFLOUKAI'HICAL SKETCH OF CEN. HANCOCK. WINKIELD SCOTT HANCOCK, was horn in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1824. He graduated at West Point in 1844, served mainly on frontier duty till 1846, and afterward in the-war with Mexico. He was breveted •as first lieutenant for gallant and merit orious conduct in the battles of font re ran and Cburubusco. From 1848 to 1858 he was again on frontier duty in various parts, and from 1859 to 1861 was quartermaster of the southern dis trict of California. At the breaking out of the civil war he was recalled to Wash ington, and was made brigadier-general of volunteers, September 23, 1861. Dur ing the peninsular campaign he was es pecially conspicuous at the battles of Williamsburg and Frfixer's Farm. He took an active part in the subsequent campaign in Maryland, at the battles of South Mountain and Antictain. Hav ing been made Major General, he com manded a division at Fredericksburg and G'hancellorsville. On July 1,1863, the first day of the battle of Gettysburg, he wns sent by General Meade to decide whether a decisive battle should be given there, or whether the army should fall back. He reported that Gettysburg was the place to fight, and took ironic diute command until the arrival of Meade. In the decisive action of July 3 he commanded on the left centre, which was the main point assailed by the Confederates, and was severely wounded. For his conduct at Gettys burg he received (May 30, 1866) the thanks of Congress. Having been dis abled by bis wound, lie was on sick leave until .Murch, 1864, being mean while engaged in recruiting the second army corps, which was placed under his command. He took the active com mand of this corps at the opening of the campaign of 1N64, and bore a promi nent part in the battles of the Wilder ness (May 5, 6), Spottsylvania Cojrt House (May 9 20), and North Anna (May 23, 24), the second battle of Cold Harbor (June 3), and the operations around Petersburg until .June 19, when, his wound breaking out, he was for a short time on sick leave. ' He afterward resumed -command, and took part in several actions until November 26. when he was called to Washington to Organize the first eorps of veterans. After the close of the war he was placed successively in command of the middle department (186.", *6), the department of Missouri (1866- 7 , of Louisiana an 1 Texas (18G7-'B.) Louisiana and Texas comprised the Fifth military district, and after Gen. Hancock assumed command his first official act was to inform the people of those stales that he had come to be their Governor under the Reconstruc tion Act, and to let them know how he proposed to rule over them. He issued his celebrated "General Orders, Number 40," dated the 29th day of No/ember, Probably ro morertVtonished and delighted people rould be found than the people of Ix>uisianaanible that Congress should pa-s an act al . idling the local codes for Louisiana and Texas—which I do not believe and it should fall to my lot to supply their places with something of my O-MI i do not see how- I coul'Fdo better th ui to follow the law* in force lu re prior to the rebellion, excepting whatever ther. in shall relate to slavery. Power liny destroy the form*, but not the pr.m , pie* of justice; these will live in spite even of the sword. History tell* t;> that the Itoui-in pandect* were iost fi i a long p.-nod among the rublish that war and revolution had heaped upon tlu-rn, but at length were dug out of tiie ruins—again to be regarded as a price les* tren-iire."' These two great paper* may be said to form the platform of General Han cock. As t-ueh they were accepted bv .the Democracy of 1868, and their author was prominent among the candidates for the Presidential nomination at the Convention of that year, of course it was not to be expected that be should long retain command at New Orleans and be himself applied to be relieved February 27, 1808, his course having brought him into conflict with Congress ami with Vtie General of the Army. His request was granted March 16, 1868, and he wa shortly afterward sent into exile as commander of the military division of Dakota, where lie remained three years—lß69-72. In D 72 he w.is appointed commander of the military division of the Atlantic, with head quarters at New York city, where he has since resided. This appointment, made upon the death of General Meade, was creditable to President Grant, since unfortunately, he was not on speaking terms with General Hancock. The Democratic nomination for Governor of Pennsylvania was tendered him in 186.', but declined. He was again a promi nent candidate for the Presidential nomination at Baltimore in 1872. General Hancock was married in St. Louis in 1856 to Miss Ktmira Russell. He has had two children. One of them, Miss Ada Klizabcth Hancock, a young lady of great promise, died in New ork at the age of eighteen year-. The only surviving child, Russell Han cock, is now a planter in Mississippi. hi person General Hancock has just lv won the sobriquet of "the Superb." He is the beau ideal of the gallant soldier, tall, shapely, blonde, with clear blue eyes full of meaning and decision. He is a knight tant pevr rt sans reprwhc, gentle to his associates, kindly and genial to his subordinates, yet possessed of an innate dignity with which few would care to trifle. Hi* dicipline is plain and direct, hi* loyalty to superi ors unquestioning and unflinching, bis devotion to law and justice ingrained upon his inmost self. The democracy is to be congratulated upon having made choice of a standard bearer whom men of all parties delight to praise, and in whose hands the reins of Govern ment may securely be trusted. w I t.i.i AM H. xxausa, or INDUS-A. The Democratic candidate for the Vice Presidency was born in Scott coun ty, Ind., August 27, 1822, studied for three years at th'* University of South Hanover, Ind., studied law and wa* admitted to the bar in 1846. but devot ed his time chiefly to agriculture, being the owner of an extensive estate. He was a clerk of the Indiana House of Representative* in 1843. in the Treasu ry Department at Washington during the administration of President Polk, 184-4-48, and of the Indiana Constitu tional Convention of 1850. In the fol lowing year he wa* elected to the Indi ana legislature and immediately chosen its Speaker, a remarkable compliment to no young a man, during Ins first term of legislative office. In 1852 he was elected to Congress and was three times re elected, serving from 1853 to 1861. He has not since then held any important office, but has become a prominent element in Indiana politica through hi* wealth and his long experi ence. He has resided for many year* at Indianapolis as President of the First National Bank of that oity, bis former oaahier having Wen John C. New, lately Treasurer of the United States. In 1878 Mr. Knglish retired from the presidencv of the bank and Mr. New took his place. The name of Mr. Knglish has fyequently been men tioned of late as a possible candidate for the Presidency, and his almost unanimous nomination for the second place on the ticket is good evidence of hi* popularity in Indiana and the " wstern States generally.