©lie Centre gtraflrat BELLEFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper PUBLISHED IN CENTRE COUNTY. Garfield the Candidate. From WitMhiiigtou Post. The'nomination of James A. < lariield, as the Republican party will quickly discjver, is a terrible mistake, and one from which there is no recovery. There was not a candidate voted lor by the Chicago convention who would have been so weak—save and except Grant. Edmunds would have satisfied the In dependents and the Pusists. Wash burne would have been strong with the Germans, while Sherman would have found a great support where Garfield will find weakness. There is nothing that could have been said against ltlaine that cannot be said against Gar field, while, as a leader with power to inspire enthusiasm and herculean en deavor, Elaine is so greatly his superior as not to be mentioned in the same con nection. The Republican party has been in angry contention for nearly two weeks and the result is Garfield. Garfield —the salary-grabber. Garfield—the proven beneficiary of the Credit Mobilier swindle. Gin field—who sold himself to the He Gotyer paving company for the piti ful sum of $;.0U0. Garfield—the assassin of Fiu John Porter. Garfield—the pulp protectionist. • Garfield—a man with the voice of a lion, and the heart of a sheep—irreso lute in purpose and with a record stain ed in every page. How can he bo held to be purer than Elaine when a Republican investigating committee exculputed Mr. Elaine from all participation iu the Credit Mobilier swindle, and yet fasteued it squarely upon Garfield ? How can he be sustained above Elaine when Elaine refused to take a dollar of the salary-giab which Garfield both voted for and clutched ? When has Elaine been convicted of selling his vote for s.*>,ooo? Certainly if the Republicans were honest in their search tor a pure candi date they did not find him in Garfield. As for his running qualities, we are candidly of the opinion they will he principally contined to ufiio, mid in Ohio, to the Western Reserve. What should make him strong in New York, New -Jersey or Connecticut? Is his opposition to the anti-Chinese legisla tion of last year likely to obtain for him votes on the Pacific slope, or his ultra tariff notions productive of popularity iu Illinois? This is all dehutable terri tory, and will be sure to be carried next November by the man who comes near est to the specifications. Mr. Garfield may carry < 'hio, but with the right nomination at Cincinnati he cannot carry California, Oregon, or Ne vada, Colorado, Illinois or Indiana, New I York, New Jersey, Connecticut, New I Hampshire or Maine. When he sits | down and adds the votes of these eleven 1 Northern States to "the solid South" he can faintly begin to realize what asses the delegates to the Chicago convention made of themselves when, in attempt ing to get away from Grant, they rushed to him. Garfield's Record. A SHORT SUMMARY OK HIS DOINGS WHILE IN CONGRESS. Fnm the Bt. Limit ]'-t-I>i*|,L h Garfield's character is as dubious as his talents are unquestioned. His hands are stained and unclean, not by mere rumor but by the evidence and testimony of prominent liepubli cans, by the ojKcial record of Congress. He took twenty shares of Credit Mo bilier stock, that is twice as much as most of the other Senators and Repre sentatives—and retained every penny of the enormous cash dividends though he had never paid one penny for the slock—never paid for it except in votes. He was a member of the Ross Shep herd District of Columbia ring. In one case he could not received $.">,000 for putting through, as a chair man of the Committee on Appropria tions, an enormous appropriation for the swindling De Golyer pavement. Compelled to admit'the receipt of the money, he tried to excuse himself by assertion, under oath, that the money was a fee received as an attorney. This led to the proof that he never uttered one word or wrote ope syllable or did a single thing in the matter except to put through the appropriation ; that he never had a case, never received a fee, never acted as an attorney in his life while at Washington. Precisely as in the case of Colfax, the attempted ex planation made the thing a thousand times worse. It added to the proof of bribery that of perjury. He was a leader in the salary-grab, and again, unlike many other members, never returned the $4,000, the taking of which was so unanimously condemn ed by the people that the very next Congress repealed the law by an almost unanimous vote. He voted for every one of the many jobs, land grants, subsidies to railroads, etc., that were granted since 1862. He and Sherman and Stanley Mat thews were the three Ohio friends of Mr. Hayes who went down to Ixnisiana and managed the . returning board. The electoral vote of that Slate was, in reality, not stolen by the returning board, but by Garfield and Sherman, who furnished them with the inspira tion, the courage and the temptation to commit that crime. The returning board rascals were only tools in the hands of Oarfield and SheTmnn, who spoke, promised and acted as the per sonal and immediate agents of H. H. llayes. Garfield made a speech of great pow er against the Electoral Commission hill, upon the sole ground that it com pelled an investigation of the returning board frauds, compelled to go behind the returns. But, the bill passed, Garfield became a member of the commission. He took this oath : "I, James A. Gar field, do solemnly swear that I will imparti ally examine and consider all r/uestions sub mitted to the commission of which I am a member, and a true judgment give thereon, agreeably to the Constitution and laws, so help me God." This oath Mr. Garfield also signed. Yet he voted at least a hundred timoß with the other seven Republicans against the very and the only thing the commission was created to do—to "examine and consid er" the questions of fraud—voted that the commission had to be deaf, blind ami dumb, could not go behind the re turns and, in fact, could examine noth ing. consider nothing, except to count in llayes. Garfield, though formerly professing to be a revenue reformer, turned out to be a servile tool of the lias tern protec tionists. This present Congress failed to reduce some of the most unjust and oppressive duties largely through the efforts of Garfield, who as a member of the Committee on Ways and Means protected the interests of the Eastern manufacturers. Garfield's vote on the electoral com mission counted in llayes, sifter his voice and hand hud managed the re turning board steal in Louisiana. 11 is , election would mean not only the com plete popular indorsement of the theft of the Presidency, but practically the con- j (inuation of it in the mime political family. Garfield is a regular machine politi- \ cian. He has had no other income ! than that received from office. He bus ' made his living out of politics for twei - ty years, lie needs office for a living, ! and is, according to Republican evi 1 dence contained in the Congressional lie- j cord, not above temptation. A ROYAL ROMANCE. lIOW PRINCE AI.nCRT CAJUK A-tt'OOIXC AM> HON TIIE VOL*Mi VJLXEN OK KM.I.A \ I). Kium Mr*.Olipliuut in Harper'* for Jul). It was in October of the year 1 -S.'ll) that the two young Cohurg princes came to England. They brought with i them a letter from King Leopold, which ran as follows: My Dkakest Yictokia : Your cousins will themselves be the hearers of these lines. I recommend them to you. They are good and hone.-t creatures, deserving your kindm -s — not pedantic, but really sensible and trustworthy. 1 have told them that your great wish i< that thev should he quite at their ease with you. The young men arrived. Their cousin, no longer the little girl of Kensington in the homely, old fash ioned house, but a great Queen, re ceived them at the top of the Iloyal staircase, amidst all the magnificence of Windsor Castle, as if thc.-c two wondering knights had been emperors. Hut after this grand reception the commonest of incidents brings hack the princely travelers and the royal circle into the sympathy of homelier j life. Their portmanteaus, it is to he supposed, had gone astray, as happens to so many of us—or at least did not arrive iu time—and the dinner hour was near. "Their clothes not having arrived," the Queen writes iu her journal, "they could not appear at dinner, but came in after it, in spite of! their morning clothes." There was a circle of visitors assembled, ami no doubt some little tremor in the air— ! wonderings and whisperings and close I watching* of all the looks and words interchanged between the cousins. Prince Albert was now full grown, in all the freshness of twenty, the age nt which a handsome youth is hand somest, before any of the bloom has been rubbed off. "There was in his countenance a gentleness of expression, and a peculiar sweetness in his smile, with a look of deep thought and high > intelligence in his clear blue eyes and . expansive forehead that added a charm to the effect he produced in those who ! saw him, far beyond that derived from mere regularity or beauty of features." ; He was as good as he was handsome, full of high purpose and most delicate conscientiousness. And the life in the beautiful old castle in those mellow autumn days was gav and bright as heart could desire. The head of the house was young and light-hearted, the visitors all proud and happy to contribute to her amusement and to keep the palace gay. The. way of life in Windsor dur ing the stay of the Princes was much as follows "The Queen breakfasting in her own room, they afterward paid her a visit there, ami at two o'clock had luncheon with her and the Du chess of Kent. In the afternoon they all rode, the Queen and the Duchess and the two Princes, with Lord Mel bourne and most of the ladies and gentlemen in attendance, forming a large cavalcade. There was a great dinner every evening, with a dance after it three times a week." This ideasant reaction went on for a week. The brothers had arrived on the Bth, Prince Albert and Queen Victoria being then both of a mind (to believe their own statements) that the tacit understanding between them was over, that they would not marry —not they —for years to come. But l>eforc the 15th had come something had changed the notions of the young pair. Yet the wooing was not all easy and plain before them, as before othqr pairs. These were not the days in which afty noble knight, even a prince, would address a queen. What had to be said must be said by her, not by him— a strange necessity. But no doubt it seems a more diflicult matter in talk ing of it than it was in the doing of it. When the young Prince was summon ed alone to the voung sovereign'# pres ence no doubt tVi first glance, the first word, was enough to tell him that hi# cause was won. "After a few minutes' conversation the Queeu told him why she had sent for him." A happy mist falls over all that was said and done. When the young pair emerge from it and are seen again of ordinary men, there is a maze of gladness about them which finds expression iu the same words all unawares : "These last few days have passed like a dream to mc, and I am so much bewildered by it ull that I know hardly how to write, hut I do feel very happy," writes the Queen to her uncle —he to whom this good news would he so welcome. And, "More I can't write to you, for at this moment I am too bewildered," says the Prince on his side, striking, as became him, a holder note and throwing his rapture and happiness into the words of the poet: IbiM Aug** Hiflit lieu 111 111 If i• i ollf'tl, K* M'IIUiIIImt -In* llriz iii " I'pon (ho iijrm IIHII VEIL O|MU* lright, Tli* biurt la with delight. All this charming little idyl is told to us by the chief actor in it, the Queen herself, iu the fullness of her heart, and the wonderful humiliation and simplicity with which she through out puts herself in the secondary place is oucof the most remarkable exhibi tions of womanly nature that ever was revealed to the world. "How I will strive to make him feel as little as possible the great sacrifice he has made," she savs iu her journal, noting down the events of that wonderful day, "1 told him it was a great sacrifice on his part, but he would not allow it." JONATHAN KIMVAItHS. THE NKEAT NKTT KNHI.ANI) TIIKOI.IHU AN, ILLS TEA' III.NO AM) ITS RESULTS. l)r. ii W. II*•liii a iu the lutfttTifttionnl Htvlow. It is impossible that people of ordi nary sensibilities should have listened to his torturing discourses without be coming at last sick of hearing of in finite horrors and endless agonies, it came very hard to kind-hearted per son- to believe that the least sin ex posed a creature God had made to -u< h exorbitant penalties. Edwards' whole system had too much of the character of the savage people bv whom the wilderness had so recently been tenanted. There was revenge— "revenging jii*li<>" was what he called it - insatiable, exhausting its ingenuity in contriving the most exquisite tor ment.- : there was the hereditary hatred glaring on the babe -in its cradle; there were the suffering wretch and the plea.-ed and shouting lookcrs-on. Every natural grace of disposition: all that had once charmed in the sweet ingcuuou-iiess of youth, iu the laugh ing gayety of childhood, iu the win ning helplessness of infancy; every virtue that Plato had dreamed of; every character that Plutarch had drawn—all were iifhnded with the hot iron which left the blackened iuscri|>- tion upon them, signifying that they were accursed of God—the damning Word nature. There is no sufficient reason for at tacking the motives of a man so euiut lv in lite, hd holy in aspirations, so meek, so laborious, so thoroughly in earnest in the work to which his life was given. But after long smother ing in the sulphurous atmosphere of his thought one cannot help asking, Was his or anything like this—is this or anything like this—the accepted belief of any considerable part of Pro testantism? If so, we must say with Baeor. : "It were Ix-tter to have no opinion of God at all than such an opinion as is unworthy of Him." A "natural man ' is better than an un natural theologian. It is a less vio lence to our nature to defy protoplasm than it is to diabolize the Deity. The practical effect of Edwards' teachings about the relations of God and man has l>equeathed a lesson not to fie forgotten. A revival iu which the majority of the converts fell away : nervous disorders of all sorts, insanity, suicide, among the rewards of his elo quence ; religion dressed up in fine phrases and made much of, while morality, her poor relation, was get ting hard treatment at the hands of the young persons who had grown up under the reign of terror of the Northampton pulpit; alienation of the hearts of his people to such nn extent as is rnrely seen in the bitterest quar rels between pastor and flock—if this was a successful ministry, what dis asters would constitute a btliure? EXIT THE DRI M. TIIE HISTORY-OP THE INSTRUMENT THAT HAS JUST BEEN ABOLISHED. Prom Pri, Coir. London Morning port. Drummers and their drums are to lie eliminated from the French army by the reforming zeal of Gen. Farre, and that the infantry soldier will not mareh better in consequence of this latest innovation mny be safely predicted for any attempt lie may have made hitherto to keep step has been mainly due to the ratnplan. Gomparativelv little importance, how ever, is attached in France to regu larity of step, though a regiment which makes any show of it is invariably the most cheered at reviews, this being oue of the inconsistencies prevalent here which it would be vain to at tempt explaining. The minister of war explained before the budget com mittee that his reason for adopting the chnngo is hecause drums are not com batants, so he proposes to replace them by trumpeters, who do come under that category. Eikq. the white leath er aprons of the sappers, which have disappeared for some time, the little pnrehment-covered cylinders are henea forth doomed. Ido not know wheth er the origin of the drum has ever leen traced by some patient inquirer. We have been told that it comes to us from the East, ami that the Moors first brought it into Europe. Certain is the fact that the most savage races have always rejoiced in their tamtams, and us the pleasure of making a noise is inherent in human nature, perhaps the most effective way of creating a din was invented by Adam's sous, or grandsons. But the drum does not appear to have been used in the French army until towards the close of the fourteenth century, and its introduc tion is attributed to the English in vasion under Edward 111. Its gen eral adoption by the infantry dates back to the tifne of Louis XI., when the Swiss element was largely infused into the royal forces. The drum at that epoch was a shapeless instrument, and served more for rallying the troops or for the conveyance of the word of command than for regulating the step, which was far from being as measured as it is now. Each captain had a drummer in his private livery, and he employed him to carry his orders or his instructions as much as for heating the word of command ; the drummer in those days appears to have been a kind of aiil-dc-camp. The covering was usually made from the hide of some animal,generally an ass —though if it be true that John Xixa, the avenger of lluss, bequeathed his .-kin to his gallant companions in arms to form the covering ola drum which was to summon them in case of danger, material more noble was at least once made to serve the purpose. Tliedruni was not used for drilling infantry to keep step until the middle of the eighteenth century, and the roll such a.- we now know it was only regulated some hundred years ago. The drum mer's art then became more dillicult, and to perfect it regimental schools were established, the master of which was the drum-major, who in recent times was still such a prominent and popular personage in each French regiment. The period of his greatest glory was the I'irst Empire, when a drum-major of the Grenadiers of the Guard had rank as a captain and wore a uniform which cost Napoleon CI 20. I'uder the Ke.-toralion and the Monarchy of July drum-majors were given to the regiments of firemen, and even to those of the National < iuard, but of late years their prestige lias diminished in a great extent, and also their stature ; thev are no longer such ini] swing clothes-horses, all lace ami feathers, towering above ordinary mor tals ; the race has, in fact, been visibly deteriorating. Such a> they are, how ever, they will now di-apjwar from the head of French regiments with their drums. What Is a Cold I Apropos of the subject of taking cold, the Ixrndon Is meet remarks: It is startling to discover how little we know about the commoner forms of disease. For example, a "cold." What is it ? How is it produced, and in what does it consist ? It is easy to say a cold is a chill. A chill of w hat part of the organism ? We know by daily exj>erience that the hotly ns a whole, or any of its parts, may be reduced to considerably lower temperature than will suffice to give to tnan a cold if the so-called chill is inflicted upon the surface suddenly. Is it then the suddenness of a reduc tion of temperature that causes the cold ? It would IHi strange if it were so, because few of the most suscepti ble of mortals would take cold from simply handling a piece of cold metal or accidental contact with ice. The truth would seem to be that whftt we call cold-taking is the result of a suf ficient impression of cold to reduce the vital energy of nerve centers pre siding over the functions in special or gans. If this is the fact, it is ensy to see why nature has provided the stim ulus of a strong fit of sneezing to rouse the dormunt centers and enable them at once to resume work and avoid evil I consequences. This explains why the worst effects of dole! do not, as n rule, follow upon* a "chill" which excites much sneezing. Shivering is a less effective convulsion to restore the par alyzed nervous energy, hut iu a lower degree it may answer the same pur jiose. The shivering that results from the effect of a ]x>ison on the nervous centers is a totally different matter Wo s|K-Ak onlv of the quick muscular agitation and teeth chattering which occur whenever the body is exposed to cohl and evil results do not ensue. It follows from what we have said that the natural indication to ward off the effects of a chill is to restore the vital energy of the nerve centers, and there is no more potent influence by which to attain this object than a strong and sustained effort of the will. The man who resolves not to take cold seldom does. Rivalries ami Jealousies of Itirds, John Burroughs, under the head of "Spring Notes," in the Christian Union of May 12, writes the followiug para graph concerning the rivalries and jealousies of birds: "I notice that during the mating season of the birds the rivalries and jealousies are not all confined to the males. Indeed, the most spiteful and furious battles, as among the domestic fowls, arc fre quently between females. I have seen two hen robins scratch and pull hair in a manner that contrasted strongly with the courtly and dignified spar ring usual between the males. The past March a pair of bluebirds de cided to set up housekeeping in the trunk of an old applo tree near my house. One day an unwedded female apjieared and pmltably tried to sup plant the lawful wife. I did not see what arts she used, hut I suw her being very roughly handled by the jealous bride. The lmttle continued nearly all day about the orchard and grounds, and was u battle ut very close fjuar ters. The two birds would clinch in the air or on a tree, ami fall to the ground with beaks ami claws locked. The male followed them about, hut whether depreeatingly or encouraging ly I could not tell. Occasionally he would take a hand in, hut whether to separate them or whether to fan the flames I could not tell. So far as 1 could see he was highly amused, and culpably indiiiercnt to the issues of the battle." —————— - •+- - . An A-<-<*inllli*.li• h. A pretty May custom still obtains in the more primitive villages of Sun bin, J'avaria and Tyrol, distant from the great railway routv.*, and compar atively untouched by the prosaic ten: per of coutenqiorary German culture. On the first Sunday of the flowery month, the unmarried girls of the hamlet, armed with leafy houghs, visit iu pro cession the young wivta who have been wed during the pikst year, and make formal inquiry in certain set phrases hallowed bv long custom, with respect to their health and happiness. Ktiquette prescribes that each married woman thus distinguished should re ceive her maiden visitors at the outer door of her house, before which they take up their stand in double line. After thanking them for their kind inquiries, she passes slowly between their ranks, receiving from each iu turn n light blow, inflicted with the green branches, a* a mark of maiden ly disapproval of her faithlessness in their virginal sisterhood. Having endured this gentle discipline, she is expected, according to her husbands means, to make a pecuniary offering to the vestal baud, and the total amount of this ouaiut May-day collection is expended by the village girls in au evening of festivity, to which they in vite the mnrringahle bachelors oi' the village. At this merry-making all the outlay for musicians and refresh ments is defrayed by the youthful hostesses, who, however, reserve to themselves the privilege of "engaging partners." The whole picturesque ceremony was performed the other dnv at Tuuksdorf, near Papenburg, with strict fidelity to traditions that have been traced back to the middle agvs, and probably owe their origin to an even earlier period of German history. Somk wonderful relies of an an eient race of people have recently been discovered in eastern New York. A writer from that section enumer ates a number of articles,among which we notice the following: A number of arrow-heads, small copper awls, a sea-shell adapted to use as a drink ing vessels, several bono awls, frag ments of deer-horn instruments, a gouge made of bone, a necklace or head-dress conuMiscd of copper and shell heads, ami many other articles, all of which were unliko anv ever found in Indian hurving-grountfs. Iu one grave were found *0 arrow-heads. HAVING traveled around the world Grant returned to take a trip up Salt river. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. KfJiLtt Tim. Nt Oil it—ruurtb Monday* nt J., nary, April, Arii-tuf,. r. EHM"" A. fx* k Hat,, Jail* II rrkvir !■„ PlVlt*. A*jlr.U. Htatti Fbabck, Julia |, m „ friAlu/iiKUrt .1 ' utit llttru k<-UII.T Vxki i. I Couuljr Hurti ) 1.1 J ,-n ii latum. j CoroliM -Or. Ju.riH Afc I Cuuiiiy OMMWnot rAran OMM OM *_ I JACOB liL'aaLt I (dark i" Coonty OMMaMoasm lit**, 1:,,, Alluruay Ui ( "iiuijr ( 1 M. IV art 1 Jaiiltur ~f Ilia Omrt lluuaa—Habthim 0man,,,,, '>miily Aii'lilur. Jum T. Hrtwakr, i,vmi r w UtN), Tll'lßA* K. JaMl>*. • Jury 'Vrmnilaalotc r- Johb MUSBub luviiW f,,, j ftn|riiil*i,di,tor I'uUl. fklua.lt IToMUbb, If,, ' Nutari*' I'nl.lli—K*A M ilL*B w w .. . i It. I". ('MEMkMaB. Uallaf'.l.ta. DIRECTORY. (lMl*. liilim lu4a| t ao * T| r. n. Tiaj.-r mm ting, wndataday af 71.* a .. a ' trlira.l, 'I t. M. 11l ll.a W'lyaatb.lMrOMMt • I Spring xid nrjab. Psrtor, irr, Willi** Lrui drill*, HprtUif ftlia-t, a.ulli of Mtll-liat • . ■ amlT' k i>. M. Prayar-uwatlng *1 T' ; 1 M Hi 11..1*1... 11.a,1, H i.'lat .la . ■f tliurtli. Parlor, lt< t .1 |> i,|, Curtlft alr'-al. tul rjf Sprill/ nr. JOIIVN ROMAN ' ATHOI.K SII, u( ,; llitliup >lr.a( |a.t.w-|| All'(l/.-lit >.l,<| |',.|, . M I Malay S m41A3(1 A a ami; l , a * all ■ T al. u tiML r. llaV. A .1 11 It 11*|, tl'l* ul lil'M tail 'an Alla(||a|,y an I pal, I. -I of All. fl.aiT 1.1..1 Unit- all'*-. jl". >1 * ii ai.'i 7'> r M. Kadi,..:,, . M. 41.-I NMhydßMol Hnii.|a| Jl- u. 1 u , !(• .-i.i,;,, ; W 11 * w. i •! A . i': *A ■ !• -. • >r ikt 4 H1..1 PTr) fl. Liy Hi! 5 -p K 11, . , j A*- !riil'll til*- a A I | liM tu tla# l f— .m ll, fjrM J TKMrEf:4\CE PKAYJ h Ml IT tn w I {haii ff'M**l daring {.*►! \. ■ j. th i'H-UtiV !!•• r -,lm 4'j If, l' s , It I ! Lk j• *rriu Uandjr tfpilmrtii 7 ;,^ FOREIGN NEWS ' an.'rat'-a nualal air. Tlila la tui i'lam. i.t.-A ht a a. tnaot, l>l, ly ( .j.ifd. tibdrr th bftul ,( THE HOME, k-Iriny rttlja- f r prartiral dial,*. |,iat. ' , ,1 t 'lntl.lUf ami I' -t kaapinc up 111. tl, i, a.t : tl,a li.aavt Jnia fifty Italu ~f . H , ... , •HII 111 Ull dapai 1 a, ant M | -t. . , l-l. i ; f|tt. II..t puMiratkm Iftt.it I: |v . alal I*.ml >o n. rt'• p-iti.laiit. nt| t| lata.' ... km# Tin II -ma Itapartnaaßt of tb Kuin lln tfllmktkNMnh Mm tkm tUapnir of Oia papa: Tba lut i..;. • SKILLED LABOR j •f' ibd ftfirthitig poL. ■ r j v rt rhAtikw n-1 Ut.r *n*irjg i c*r Hfo'.li r< ;•. 7 i • J-Agi ur 1 't#*l t- All tb lkU-1 j tm.r ' thf mokMi.O j... M r HUT !in A X S- n | M fOAlurr i f4 Ann (Itrwt, >!•■ \.>*l STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (Eighth .YtftMui &rhr*>f r>i\frict LOCK HAVKN, CLINTON OK, PA. A. X. KAI It, A. M., J'rinciyn!. r PHIS SCHOOL,as at jrvsont con- I atltn'ad. nffiut h# aary tint lartlit"* 1* fl faationtl and Claaaliai Inaitnti -. HUll.libb* rpaiivoa. laritiar and inmmndlntw. r plataly haata.l by ataatn. wall *, ntnatitl. ami farm* ad with a t*.uMtllul aupply c.f purr tttrt,a.(l tpnii watar. ,UsttnM kaalthfnl and t-aay uf anraaa. Stimmndintt nanary uatr. Taaabara aapat i< a.a.l, tlTn i*nt. and all. to tl.i "tk. Ibt. t|Jtna. firm and kind, naifurm and tkt*ifli K\|-, Tit.w m<>d. rata flftj canto a waak dedutijon tu tlioaa pi apt nti|i t taarb. Studanta adtnitta>l at any lima. Cnurtaa ..f atudy ptaarriiwt by tha Stata I Mob School. 11. I'rajmitkc). 111. Klamantary IV. an title. tpjt yrt onrmatt I Acabnilt. 11. Oammarrtal 111 Mutoc. IV An Tin Klrmantary and Scianttfic ct.oraa* ara I*' taaantnal, and atn.fat.ta gimluatinf tharaia rat*- Stat* tilplomaa. < unfair log tba fnllonlnc and corn* pondlnc (latitat Maatat o| tba Klnnant*. and Matn of Aia Sciat.taa. i.tnlmi.t tn tha ntbar cotraaa ra,i Svrtual t'artiftrata* | tbair nttainmatita, Hgnad 1 tba Faculty. Tba Prafnaalonai court at ara llbaral. and arc ' tin t■ till,t>*ut pat infartor t. th-aa of oar t-aat mlltft Tba Statu mjutraa a bi*bt nrdat ot titi*'!' Tha time demand it. It ia una of tha prima oftiad of tbia arbool to kdyto tarara It hy fartdahinc Into llatMit and afhciant tavkan for liar a. boolt To tk and It aolb IU youac paraona of pml aldllttaa a 4 rood purpuaaa— tb.am abo tUalra to Impfova tbf lima and tbalr tml. nta, ** aladantt To all anch' pntmlaaa aid In dat n( tbair piwart and abitndio opiaarutnittaa A* all-paW lalair altar laatinf acho. rot catal.ttfua and tanna nddraaa tba Prtnctful pcaap or tnrartm: Storkholdani' Tiuataaa—J. It Hanon. MP. A ' Ibat Jacob Mrr.au, K M Kick f.md, Samnal ChrW. A N Maul.. K li. Cu.k. T. C. liii.pl... U,. 0. bii.tn* (IMIdW-k.Ht* - KanklnTlohn A. IW* Stata Truataoa— ll. ti A, 0 Curtin. Rt II hPf fknt-ach. Uan J.-aaa M-mll Htm. TV it liana Mlflar.I 6 C M 1,. 1 ay, S Millar M.tiumkk. Ka.,. IIHIUM. lion. Wt 1.1.1 AM niOLbH. It—idant. CtoaHlal t, P lian. Jt.Vk: MKKRII.U.V Prraidcnt. Lk liatto." S MUX A H M.filt.Ml, K. Sa.tat.ry, TllllMAb V AKDI.KV. Ttmnnr, • For Sale. \K AIIM containing Fifty Acrf and h.rtpe than** auactad n l WlbSPI*' 1 *' IKAMK MLTI.PIMI and out l-utldtnc*. Tltla ln.|nira of A. J A T. K. nmST- Ml Uaktuttlla, tVntra nwnAt, I*