®hc ®tntw Jferaswat. ♦- Thursday Morning, June 24, 1880. ConßSfPoaniNca. COIIUIIIIIIR Important nnwa, solicit ed from any port of th county. No romiuuniratiima innartod unless acroinpnnliul by the mil iiama of tho writer. Department. —Quinces will be plonty. —The spas are filling up rapidly. —The Academy closes to-morrow. —Gauze underwear, at Lyon & Co's. —Abundant in our town—book agents. —Tuesday's market aboundod in cher ries. —Now shados of dress silks, at Lyon & Co's. —A good deal of grain will be cut noxt week. —Lock Haven Normal commencement next week. —A splendid child's suit for $1.06, at Lyon A Co's. —Fine straw hats for men and children, at Lyon & Co's. —Mr. Samuel Foster spends this week in the mountains. —Mr. Jos. Merryman, of Bald Eagle, was in town on Tuesday. —The Morning News says that Belle fonte has 120 old maids. —Curtin's Place is to have a Sunday School Convention soon. —Quite a gay host of bright young ladies are visiting Bellefonte. —Next Tuesday the public school teach ers for 1880-'Bl will be elected. —Miss Emily Natt is out of town onjoy ing herself among other friends. —Next Sabbath is the regular commun ion season of the Presbyterians. —Bellefonte should be proud of her church and her school architecture. —The Reformed brethren are pushing slowly the building of their church. —The Directors intend giving tho public school building a general overhauling. —Friend Speer, of Pleasant Gap, drives a new pba'ton. We should say his wife. —Mr. John Curtin is prettily fixing up the grounds about his home on Linn street. —Miller reported the Cincinnati Con vention telegrams. How accommodating he is. —Fourth of July is a coming. Don't you j hear the shooting crackers, pop! pop! ! j pop! I ! —Mr. C. M. Bower is away this week, j visiting friends in the lower end of the county. —County Superintendent Meyer has evidently recovered. He was in town on Saturday. —Now lightning-rods have been put on j the public school building and some old \ ones repaired. —Mr. Isaac Guggenbeimer has moved from his home on Linn street, to the home on Allegheny street formerly occupied by Mr. Sussman. —Company "B," Bellefonte Fencibles, met at the Armory, Bush's Arcade, last Tuesday night. —The great Sunday-school Convention ! of the Cumberland Valley promises to bo very fino this year. —Dr. Kirk after a rather long absence, is home again, and we are told intends remaining hero during the summer. —Friend Rine keeps all about the spring in very neat order and safe. True to his trust let Mr. Rine be kept in his estate. —That genial clerk among clerks, Mr. Chas. McClure, has left his position at Philipsburg and again reside* in Bellefonte. —Mr. Hturdevant and wife of Philips burg, spent last Sabbath with Mr. Ardcll. Mr. 8. is married to a niece of Mrs. Ar dell. —Mr. Moses Kline, of Philadelphia, is at present visiting in town. Mr. Kline and his family were formerly residents of this place. —Tho A. M. E. Church of this district will hold a Sunday School Convention soon. No doubt they will have an inter esting time. —Although it requires but a few cent* to purchase cigars of Harry Green, yet thoae who do so are among the moat sensi ble of men. —lt is estimated that over one thousand housea and barns were destroyed in tho northern part of the State during the month of May. —Mr. and Mm. Shugert will return on Saturday. We hope Mr. 8., whose system waa much axhauated, will come home fresh and strong. —Williamsport has a darkey one hun dred and nine years old. Three timet mar ried he choae hi* last partner when he was 77. He la a blvkstnith. —Mrs. Tyson, who with her son and daughter has been visiting friends in York county, has, we see, returned. We hope hep* was a pleasant visit. —Mr. John M. Duncan will give an entertainment in Reynolds' ball on Friday evening, July 2. One of tbo good old ex hibition* once so common in town. —Mr. Fred Reynolds, nephew of Major Reynold*, has finished hit Academic course and will this fall enter upon bia college course at Princeton. Wo bid you success. —Officer Montgomery arrested a drunk en Irishman on Monday. The son of Erin became pugilistic beyond endurance and was given quarter* in the lock-up for reflection —Mr. William Walter, of Froeburgh, Baden, exhibited a pleasing and instruc tive panorama of European views in Mr. Duncan's school last Tuesday morning. The boyi and girls highly enjoyed It. | —There were one hundred and twenty eight guests registered ut tho Brockorhoff House since our last issue, of whom seven ty-live were coniinerciul travelers. —There is HH great demand for cigars in summer ns in winter, and in both seasons Ilarry (Ireen's is tho place to buy them. —Benjamin Fraser, colored, a resident of .Spring township, insists tiiat ho is 110 years old. So says Mr. Ed. Woods, enum erator for tho township. —They have removed tho scaffolding around tho new house of M r. George Val entino, and for a few days have been blast ing rocks in tho front yard. —Wo learn that Mr. Frank. Blair was tho victim of a Ureerackor. which exploded yesterday while in his possession, inflicting injuries to his eyes tiie extent of which we did not learn. —Tho time has been when diseuses of tho Kidneys were considered serious affec tions, but fortunately all feur of any fatal results from those troubles are now dispell ed by tho certainty with which Days Kidnoy l'ad always acts. —Tho Disciples are holding a large bush meeting in Curtin township. Rev. Messrs Mitchell, Long and Baird are conducting tho services. Wo should not wonder if not far oil' there should bo held a Disciples' Garfield ratification meeting. —At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Lowisburg, Centre and Spruce Creek Railroad Company, tho fol lowing officers were elected for tho ensu ing year : President, Strickland Kneass; Director .1, G. B. Roberts, Edward Smith, Wister Morris, .1. N. DuDarry, Eli Slifer, James I*. Coburn and G. F. Miller. —We learn that John Martin, u citizen of Howard township, was killed, on Tues day, at a barn raising on the property of James Turner, in tho same township. The death of Mr. Martin was caused by the falling of a pole which had been left resting against the bam after all had been raised. Mr. Martin was about 4" years of age and leaves a large family. —Our friend, Mr. S. K. Faust, of Miles township, sends us a stalk of what ho calls Russian wheat, that measures 6 feet and ft inches in length. It is a boardy variety of wheat, and if the sample before us is a fair specimen of what Samuel can do in the way of grain raising we pronounce him as good a hand at it as he is at car raige building. —Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, held its commencement exercises last week. On Thursday morning last twenty-seven studconta graduated. This the largest Senior class which the institution ever had. Our townsman, J. 1,. Spangler, Esq., was present, and by his energetic speeches and aff°able behavior added to the esteem in which he is held by his former school companions, —At the raising last week of tho now Evangelical church, at Howard, an acci dent occurred that might have been very serioua. A number of men were walking on one of the upjier cross-ties, some sixteen feet high, when the post supporting the tie gave way, and with rafters tumbling after them, all the men were precipitated to the unfloored sleepers below. Beside some scratches, bruises, and the like, no damage was done. —What occasions so much traffic over our railroads ? Car after car rolls into our station with their precious contents. On many of the most firmly packed boxes may be observed tho inscription "Sechlor & Co., Bellefonte, Pa." This is tho secret. Sechler A Co. keep the best groceries in the market. In doing so tboy increase trade, create a greater demand, and thus benefit the consumer, and all to whom they entrust the details of their business. —" ADVAVCK AMI RBTRBAT. Personal Experiences in the United States jd Con federate States Armies," by the late Gen. J. B. Hood, is just now published by Gen. Beauregard at New Orleans, La., the entire proceeds of which will be devoted to " The Hood Orphan Memorial Fund." Tho price of the book, Bvo., handsomely bound in gray English cloth, is Three Dol lars, sent free of postage, registered, bv mail. See the advertisement in another column. —Well do tho residents around tho fa mous Niagara Falls remember the sad oc currence of a beautiful young French lady, who, reaching over the precipitous cliff, stooped to pluck a lovely flower, and in so doing, fell into the plunging torrent to rise no more. Nothing more sad can be imag ined, unless we except the fact that very few communities have in their midst grocery stores equal to that of Sechler & Co. Such towns are In a condition too woeful to be imagined. —lf a farmer or planter sells directly to consumers, or if he sells, assigns, consigns or disposes of his tobacco to persona other than those who have paid special tax, eith er as leaf dealers or as manufacturers of tobacco, snuff or cigars, of persons purchas ing tobacco for exports, he becomes liable, as a retail dealer in leaf tobacco to a special tax of Ave hundred dollars, and to the ad ditional tax of fifty cents on evsry dollar in excess of one thousand dollars on his sale. Just remember this. —A prominent Bellefonte Republican who was importuned on the night of the Garfield ratification meeting to help fill up the yawning apacaa in the Court room, replied to the Ward striker who was industriously drumming up recruits, that be had bts mouth fixed for spring chicken and that the Chicago Convention had chosen to give him pigs' feet. And he immediately consigned the Rankin-Beaver- Valentine love feast to n warmer climate than the thermometer is likely to indicate In any portion of the world during the Hummer. —The wheat crop is maturing a great deal earlier this summer than is its wont and tho good news is that the crop will be an abundant one. —Buffalo Run is to have a new Metho dist church at what lias been known as "The Waddell appointment." Tt will bo called "Stevenson's church." —Wo hear that the family of Mr. Jacob Valentine visited the Penns Valley cave a day or two ago and that they lost their way, to the inconvenience and delay of all. —Miss Bertie Alexander and Miss Mary McKco are attending tho closing exercises of Wilson College at Chambersburg. They are also visiting friends in Hagers town. —Mrs. Ogdon and Mrs. Robinson, the lady teacher* at tho Academy, will both leave town as soon as the school shall have closed. Wo do not know whether they return. —Tho Mountuin City Band serenaded Mr. W. K. Burchflcld their old leader at his residence on Bunker Hill. The lucky trnup finding him at homo played several quite pretty airs. —President ohortlidge is expected to be present at the college commencement. Many of our citizens will then have tho pleasure of meeting him. Let his wel come be cordial. —Prof. Bauer, tho writing master, re turns to liia home at Ht. Marys when Mr. Duncan's school shall close. The Prof, is a good writer and has, we hope, bright prospects before him. —Ah !Me ! Another circus is a coming. Ilurruli ! Heigh-ho, another circus i* a coming. Wo don't know when or whose, but it is a circus at any rale. Now, boys, that love the monkey cage, rejoice. —Rev. Dr. Stuart Mitchell.—pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bloomsburg— with his wife spent a day lust week with Mis. Putrikin on hi* way home from the meeting of the General Assembly. —Mr. Clement Dale left on Monday morning to attend the commencement ex ercises at Gettysburg. Clem is one of the Pennsylvania College's alumni, and wo have no doubt he will find great pleasure by the scene* of college days. —lt was an umusing sight to see Kd. Brown lead an ob*lre[>erou* calf down Allegheny street on Monday afternoon. Ed. persistently went one way and tbe calf pursistently went the other. Between lliein they made an amusing parade. —There are many candidates already for tbe superintendency of the common schools of Centre county. The election take* place next June. Mr. Meyer will then have served his second term. Throughout he ba been u faithful and most efficient officer. —Two young men—we withhold their names advisedly—gave Mr. Peters no little trouble last Sunday. Insult and oaths , were hurled against him, to all of which j we hear he opposed a firm gentlemanly bearing and finally subdued the irascible i inebriates. Miss Margaret Schaffer so pleasantly known to many of our citizens, graduated a week or two since at the Lutherville Female Seminary. Miss S. is a former pupil of Rev. Dr. Hughes, under whose care she was no doubt irnjeilled to her lat- ' er successful course. —< >ur bright and vivacious young friend, i Miss Dare, expect* soon to depart for Cape ' May, to spend a few weeks at that delight ful summer resort. If Miss Jennie makes her anticipated visit she will be an agree able addition to the gay society at the Cape, and will attract much attention. Miss Snowden, one of our accomplish ed musical instructors, has left town for a short vacation. She goes to Frecport and tbenee to Cincinnati when she will hasten home to take up her happy work again. Wo trust that Mis* Snowden's pleasure may be measured by the desire of her pa tron* for her return. —The population of Lock Haven is as certained to be 6,825. One ward lias been set off since 1870, when the inhabitant* numbered 0,980. The Journal estimates that had this ward remained a part of tbe city the decrease in population would have been 401, and charges it to a want of en terprise in not encouraging manufactures. —For the political campaign this fall the Harrisburg Patriot offers cheap club rates for that excellent Democratic journal —both daily and weekly. We call the at tention of Democrats to these rates, be lieving that they cannot do a better work for tho parly than by giving the Patriot as large a circulation as possible. See adver tisement in another column. —There was a delightful hop at the Brockerhoff House on last Friday evening, in which a large number of our sprightly young folks participated. Tbs music was furnished by Fred Smith's excellent orches tra and the refreshments were all that could be desired. The "light fantastic toe" was in motion until a late hour when flirtations were at end, and the soft noth ing* whispered into listening ears were suddenly cut short, and bad to be postpon ed until a more convenient season. —Messrs. Orownover A Son, of Pleasant Gap, are selling out their entire stock, of merchandise at cost. Here is a chance for bargains that should not be permitted to pass by unheeded by person* who want cheap store goods. These gentlemen have recently purchased a mill property In another part of the country and expect shortly to engage in the milling business, hence their desire to dispose of their store at Pleasant Gap. Give them a call, exam ine their stock and buy what you want at cheap rates. —Mr. Foutz, who lately left Bellefonte for Curwenrvllle, in driving u fine business in hiit new home. He ha* lately contracted for the making of thirteen thousand tele graph arm*. Congratulation!, Henry. —Hon. Mr. McLellun of Chambersburg, known well to many of our citizen* und who died recently, had anin*urauco on in* life of thirteen thousand dollars. The Penn Mutual a few day* ago paid thi* to Mrs. McLellan. —Clintondale lot an old citizen in the death last Sunday of Mr. Vonada who i* a relative of the family of that excellent cit izen of Centre county, Mr. Adam Vonada living near Hublersburg. —Mr. Willis, the gentleman who for so *hort u time and with such marked suc cess led the band, has been compelled to cancel his engagement with the boys. Wonder if their old leader can be prevail ed upon to again lead them. —The Presbyterian Sunday-school of this place will hold it* annual summer fes tival in the wigwum this (Thursday) night and to-morrow evening. Ice cream, cakes and general confectionery will be bounti fully dealt out. Co one and all. —Mr. Newton Gordon who a week ago was suddenly called to Philadelphia re turned on Saturday and indeed look* quite refreshed. "Newt" the boy, is now Mr. Gordon the business man to whom in his new enterprise we bid all |>ossible success. —Mr. C. A. Lindsey, the former popu lar tobacconist of thi* place, expects to re side in Snow Shoe the remainder of the summer, lie is an excellent watchmaker and wilt try to make his visit at Snow Shoe tinuriciully profitable by repairing all tbe watches whose intricate internal mechanism may be disordered. —A cheap excursion to Watkin's Glen will be given by the V. M. G. A. of Wil liaiiih|*irt, commencing Tuesday, June 2'.*, and lasting three duys. Tickets will be sold for $2.50 with the privilege of ex tending the excursion to Niagara Falls at correspondingly low rates, if desired. That a large number of persons will accompany the excursion is assured. Next week will conclude tbe com mencement exercise- at the majority of our schools arid colleges. In essay and oration the graduating students will be told how to end their school days and bow to commence life in the world. Among the many les sons which should not be overlooked is that every student will do well to com mence his marketing operations by pur chasing the necessary groceries at the great store of S. A. Brew A Son, in thi* place. —The accident which occurred to tbe tower of the Presbyterian church on Sun day evening is a serious one indeed. Sev eral ton* of stone were precipitated to the ground, crushing the fine cut stone steps leading to the right hand vestibule of the Church and doing considerable damage to the pavement. To an iinpracticed eye it looks as though the whole steeple is in danger. The stone used in the construc tion of the base must have been very bad, and tbe judgment of the builder have been greatly at fault in using such material in so important a part of the building. It wa Providential that the catastrophe did not occur earlier in the evening or it might have resulted in loss of life. —At about half past one o'clock, on Tuesday morning of last week, Mr. Samuel Decker, residing a short distance below Zion, in Walker township, was amused from his peaceful slumbers by the discov ery of fire in hi* wood house—a frame building a short distance from tbe dwell ing. The flames were under such headway that they could not be subdued and the building was totally destroyed. Besides a lot of wood, the building also contained a variety of farming implements, and car penter tools, all of which were burned up. About the time the fire was under full headway a shower of rain came on. But for this fortunate circumstance, and the prompt aid given Mr. Decker by his good neighlmrs of Zion, bis valuable resi i dence and barn would no doubt also have been destroyed. It I* supposed the wood house was set on fire by prowling tramps or thieves. —Commencement week at the Stale College begins next Sunday. A gwid time is anticipated. We append the programme: Sunday, June 27.—Jt i\ M. Baccalaureate Sermon, by Rev. J. F. De Long. 8 P. M. Anniversary Address of Young Men's Christian Association, by John M. Duncan. Monday, June 28.—8 P. w. Senior Class Day exercise*. Turtdoy, June 2.—2 P. M. Reunion of Cresson Literary Society. 8..10 p. M. Reunion of Washington Lit erary Society. 8 P. m. Alumni address by Prof. G. C. Caldwell, Ph. D. Wednesday, Juno 80.—ft a. m. Artillery Salute. 10 A. M. Annual meeting of Board of Trustees. 12 m. Alumni dinner. 2 p. m. Meeting of Delegates and Alum ni to elect trustees. 8 p. m. Junior contest for tho Oratorical Prize. Thursday, July I.—lo a.v., Graduation Exercises. s* —We are the authorised agents for the tela of the Geiser thresher and separator, with horse power or Peerless steam engine, at low prices and on favorable terms. We are alvo egents for the salo of the Ueebner patent level-tread taorso power, for one or two horses with patent speed regulator, with little giant thresher and cleaner. All warranted to do good work. 28-61 Alex a Nina A Co. ' —We advise all persons to order fall and winter clothing early. Our heavy weights will be on sale May Ist. HMf. Moktoomikt A Co., Tailors. Tub C'knbub or Ckntke Countt.— We It fa v o compiled from pn*t nqoirt* the fol lowing table allowing the population of the vnritmH borough* and biwri*hi|ia of Centre county for the decade* of 1870, 1860 and 18.V), in order that the reader* of the Dem ocrat will be able to make comparinon* with the return* of the enumerator# for 1880. The work of the present enumer ators is now nlrno*t finished, and we hope that next week our table of fiopulation will he complete with the figure* of 1880. Ihirotiglia and Tomiablp#. IHWi. | ISTIi IMi l#'#i. Il#ll*funta— North Wnrtt. 1 ll#' 1127 " IViuth tt anl. IX7-1 'Jin s W##l Waid... : 'iji'j j i ZIP* VAT, | J341 loan Hllownrd Ihiro ! 4'", #',l Mileaburg Iji#i W,i 4T" I.Mllllirlrii ! '#,7 • Plilllp.l-nill 17*- lufii 'I! jut,null# tpii Ih'tinei 1 L lII#- Hogg#..... > 21:*.' 1M: lull Huroaid | :JP, 4-4 elV.lleg# 11211 f'urtln 4V-, 2:: Ki-rgueni ! 2111 17M IWO Rragg , inn,! l-'.v. IHA llalm a 137,4' lAOnl 24',2 Half Mu„ii_ I VU, iiarh# tin law 1- * lag] llunard I kT'.i lirr-l 12#2 lluatun - ad; < (v/n| 374 l.lle-rly I<#.2: 74* '.7 Marion 1 (,-7.1 01 c Mil## I 14.*,21 132",, 1147, 1306 Pattun i 7<.l 721 04: 147 l'#uu— #oj 11.* lo'W Puller.— 23 Ji, 2*2 l* 21V7 ltu*h 19B3; , IlKiKl IK-'- 221", Taylor !,u i-| ;p. t'nlun SIT *l# ttalk#r,.„„ laan, lt#7 1221 W'urth t.*s,| 24i .##2 Tutal i oxl, 31.41- 27.00,1 21 I'd a Howard l-urunvl, fr„m lluwartl to" nabip. I, Mlllli'-lni fr-uti P-nn t,iwii,bi|, In 1-7', , Pbill|Mlturg Iron, Ku#h townahlp. d I'nlonvlll# from Luton wwttaiiij # Collegr fr-uti llariiaand R#Dti#r P-wn*)iii A Pleasant JAL'nt, —lt was our pleas ure laat week to run down into Clinton county, and between friends arid Christian fellows enjoyed a good time. Saturday afternoon after a delightful drive, we met the Alcyone Literary circle at the home of Mr. Allison White, in Clintondale. Thi# is not "one of them literury societies, but a genuine organir.ation whoße aim is not pleasure hut culture. Unable to dwell on it, suffice it Pi lay that lower Nittany i* a better social valley, hat a higher social culture, because of the Alcyuuo. The third anniver-ary of thi# noble hand w iil be held on the third of August. Sunday morning we were in another "Methodist Children'* Meeting" and found a church well-trim med with many flowers, a repon*ivo rend ing prepared, and a fine service of song under the control of Mr. Lyman Kddy, a share in the appreciation of whose worth Clinton divide# with Centre. In the borne of his childhood, hy the side of a glad mother, hi- seemed never so happy, and in him we all rejoiced. The service was de lightful, full of song, with well-timed word# from Mis* l'uella Dornblazer, Rev. Mr. Cronce and other#. All this over we had a good dinner at the home of Mr. Wat#on, where was a good old-fashioned family gathering, Mrs. Kddy greeting in proud joy her two son* and daughter. Between Mr. I.yman EJdv and hi* brother Can fleld, with Kev. Mr. Cronce, there was a house full of music till late in the after noon, when we took our departure for Howard and Bellefonte. A good time among good people. The Weihunu Yemtekhay Morning —The early hours of yesterday morning witnessed a happy scene which took place at the plea-ant boarding house of Mrs. J. B Butt*, on Allegheny strict. It was the wedding of her daughter, Mis# (iertrude, to our young friend, W. F, Keber, Esq. Miss Gertrude has long been a well-known society favorite, and Mr. Keber i* court reporter for thi# judicial district and it a comjtetent, industrious young man. The ceremony wa solemnised at six o'clock bv Kev. m. Laurie, of the Presbyterian church, in the presenco of the immediate relative# of the happy pair. Many hand some present* were received. They de parted on the early train, a large delega tion of their young friends bidding them a joyful farewell ai vhe depot. They will include New York City, Coney Island, Boston and other placet of interest in their pleasant jaunt, which will be prolonged through several weeks. Each has a large circle of influential Acquaintance* in Cen tro county who join in wishing them a long life filled with happiness. Forever thrnttghoat ||f , long ,|, T , May falreat (Wera air#* their way, The National GT Akb.-The following general order No. 9, has been issued from tlie Adjutant General'* office at Harris burg, bearing date June ICth : "Ka. hcnm mis*ioned officer in service on July 1, 1880, or who may thereafter be elected or appointed, it hereby directed to promptly report to thi* office, through intermediate headquarters, hi* full name, with postoffice address, where born, the date and rank &f hi# present commission, his previous mili tary record in the service of the State, other States, or of tha United States, as an officer or enlisted man } giving date of muster-in with rank, each change of rank, and date and cause of muster-out in each enlistment." OrENTOTHB Public.— The^Bush Houae, Bellefonte, Pa., will formally open Juir 3d, 1880, for the inapaotion of the public. An oration will be delivered from the balcony of the hotel at 2r. M. After the oration tha hotel will be thrown open to the public for Inspection. In the evening will be a grand display of firework* on Half Moon HUI, which can he viewed from the halconiee of the Bush House Dinner at 12 M. and supper at 6 r. M. Tickets for meals at the office. D. P. Pan**, Prwp'r. Business Notice*. —Ladies' lint* trimmed to order, t 1, v ,„ A Co *. —Lyon A Co. ell the Ixnt Bellefonte. ' —Don't buy any shoes until you hat* ■eon Lyon A Co'*. —For your lawn* and summer dr% goods, go to Lyon A Co'a. —(ireat bargain* in a 1 pacta do*ten only *.io cent*, at Lyon A Co'. —Come and look at our light colora; suit*, all wool, for worth $lO 00 Lyon A (.'o'*. —Why are horses and eattle after tai ii - Robert*' Hone Powder* like a new 1* ■ dried *hirt ? B* —At the present time wben there are many worthier* iiiiament* in the market it would be Well to inquire Whieh I* tj. le-Kt. Thi* will le* found in M It It j#.. Kmhrocation'—it i a panacea for ailr/ii that require rubbing either on mar. r HO cent* j**r bottb Why do you cough when v., , t . find rpeedy relief in Sim-# Syrup of To- Wild ('berry and ID-rebound * It .# ■ moat plea-ant and efficacious remedy knoai fr>r Cough*, Cold*, Croup, Asthma", and d.-eaae- tending to pulmonary eon-uu.v lion. Ha* been rold for over thirtv tea-, and i* especially adapted P. children," doe* not nauseate, and consequently it <-u be used in aufßcient quantity a- to off-. i, cure. Try one bottle and you will n<--,.. be without it. Price 25c. and W* i*-r |, tie. Sold everywhere. Ark your drug'- for it. —The popularity of M. B. R-.U-rb Ilone Powder* i proving itrelf in th* • reared demand throughout thi- sut from the fact that the public are at ;#■: finding out that it i* possible to obn. r package of Horse and Cattle Powder * tr rlrietly pure and free frotn rucb adu.*.". alio..* ar bran, cake meal, and ctn*r gredient* calculated Pi puff the at :n* instead of ■ uring it of the di*eare u .# . u ;. fering from. M. B. RoberU' Horre Pow. der* contain rio adulter.and are /, . cheaper than any other, a* but a tal •- *|>nful i* required fur a do-e. A-k ar,v old bor#eman *- to tlieir merit*. For n,.'* everywhere. Price reduced P> 2". ; r package. Philadelphia Market*, I'au u>iimu, June ;j. )■* Kl-.ur I* dull, Rot anstiaagvd Hate. -ft.- I*#-. , ■ rolu-iing Mlan-sota -atr## at $4 AOm, • |-, t , • family *1 H.Mui; *-tn, . al 'a... atl-1 l**t#til# al l"V - 77 Wli-at u loaf lit# and 2r !-.w#r Sate# o4 I lidUr #l* lurtndlnt r#d at fl CJGlir.. an.l-r at fl .1 t tlie u.*nl, flr#t nll.lli.lKa I. lurjBad.. rT - ] Oikktf |-ef l-.tif,.l , pff pound 20 • 4untry ltin p#r pond..w ]v llftib*, infftr uk 4... ]; lUfitfl L*rd p#r p*r dot It PoUt'r** F>PT but he I . f>ri*d lnwf MARRIAGES. AVm—SHOWAI.TKR—At th* r#ai.letir. .if 11,1 bride# father, R. Ii SU.waiter. K*>, . near rtitlij** trnrg. on Thnratlay. dun# 17. I*wi. t.y k< < A V Credthtoti. Mr. (Vmelioa IS' tiavl# id ftillii#! uij. and Mi*# Enimi T M-ivitl*r. KHKAMKR-fTAOKK-At Jarkenavfll*. June 1" i*~- by Re,. Ilanrell, Mi So Krwamer * Mia. Ilettle Stager, all .( Jar ka.nville 0t.!I# Ontrty. Pa The abor* tirl#f in .tin# atinonncea an ###iit trail* ful of great joy to tb# happy ixoi(4e whoee nap tiala It eel#l rrated Marriage, a) way# on* uf tb# mod bappy event# whtrb or*ttr in the Urea ~f rnblonart mortal#. 1# rendered d. nl ly ao wben heart# aa well i' band# enter the tovtng alltanoc. Mr. and Mr*. Kie*a er rerived many and happy rengratulatlon# and *e *tend to them oar t#l ml#be, h.fing that lben fa. tore Uvea may I* like a long bright maimer day . fait of #nn#bine and itemed by no clottd. HUMAN IIARPSTRH—At the home of the tir-ii. Jon# IT, I him, hv J Alfrwl Kiwer, . Wilaon. of N#w York. Dr Praukltn II YaVal.li and Miaa Jane R. VanYnlrab. A* wUI be noticed, tb* happy event, of whKk Ib# abov# te an announcement, took place y#M#rda, Th# • nturner annablne ki##ed the earth throagh an nt>- < londed aky amnnd the hapj y rwaple and war prop! tioa* of the general joy wbkb the event produced The hrtde and groom are allied to a* by the tender ti* of retattnnahtp, and w* nan unite wlh other# la *l#b tag them much joy Thep ar* well rolled to wk Other. May then lutar* live# le> a# blight tbfwagboat a* "aa their wedding day DEATHS. FRARKRUKR— At rblltpehwrg. on Wedn#wde, eve "In*. Jeee It, larai, Alton, tamnt HuM *f C. T frylergw, he, RI.At *KK -In tteorge# Valley, Jon# T, of diptblb# Ha. ktimbetb Jan# lUana#r, aged 8 yearn, I" UiOlb and 11 data IdlRO —On th* 14th ineu. In Oregg townehlp, Oatbw In* May, daughter ef Unami and Sarah hong, aged 2 yearn. New A dvrrtifirmrnt*. 4 NNt'AL flnwicikl klatomcnt of ■AW the ren#4pta and #lfeaditnr-# of tb# f SH' , 't Nrhool btatrtct 1.0 th* tear #wdlng Jan* T, HnMi RBRKIITa Ornm amount of taa dnpUrot*... sl,l* *4 knlanr* on hand from laat year—..... Ail IW* awmnprlaUee Amonnt from Banna* Wwmhfr W Tatnl raradptn....... 14 _ KVPKNDITIHRI Rnlldfng and M I *7 TI TMal. repair*. 4t AM T Tear ben' wanaa IT 1* Oafleta a tad trvaaarar* Aa*....._ n — I*l St Sarretary. ftp...., „ , ~ no . Total eapewdltnrea . •* Aamnat Ana trvaanrer . 4 * Waannnnn -■ B/T • ladebtedaem *7* 0* HKNkT BBCK. rtneldwl. " l. lUtnaaav, kacreurt *-