Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 24, 1880, Image 7

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    New Advertisements.
Horse Hay-Fork.
t /
Itoarrtptive Cfttnlojpie Mtit
Jw. Kbnnbtt Sgr*t, Cheater (Viunty, Ph.
A New Early Sweet Potato,
SITKKK )lt in enrliness, productive-
DM, color And quality. l'rodtin><l tul>cr Inr#*'
No. .ugh for tli* market in eighty day*.
f/;i account of its Early Maturity, it is be
tiered to br better adapted for Culti•
vat ion in the Sort hern States
than any other variety.
|n ihapr they are <>m\vhit ahorter than the ordinary
rarietiea, •! a gulden yellow color, cook v*rv dry, anil
hrv of aiiperlur tlaror, will grow on quite onlinaiy ami
kith lait a •lt|(ht <\wt of manure, yielded a large crop
Ihe p<o*t neaAoit upon land that would hot grow hlhjv*
Iftecii huaheUof corn to the acre. An excellent keep
er The m>>-.t valuable variety in cultivation.
Price of alipa, with direction* fur planting, by mail,
fto cent* per dozen ; fl iA for lUty ; Si.iKj |*r
lundrcd; #12.00 per thousand
1). K. BLISS & SONS.
14 M >1 Bart lay Street, New York.
Neil- Victor Sewiuij Machine-—Harper Brothers, Af/ents.
rovements September, 1878.
rithntaudiug the VICTOR has long been tlir
,ny Sewing Machine in the market—a fact
il by a host of volunteer witness**— wo now
confidently claim for it greater simplicity,
a wonderful reduction of friction and a rare
combination of dusirablequalitioH. Itnshut
tle i.H n beautiful specimen of mechanism,
and takes rank with the highest achievements
[of inventive genius. Note. —We do not loose
'or consign Machines, therefore, have no old
ones to patch up and ro varnish for our
We Sell New Machines Every Time.
Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy
[until you have seen the
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Western L ranch Office, 235 Statz Sr., Chicaoo, Inn. MIDDLETOWN. CONN.
HARPER BROTHERS, Agents, Spring Street, - - BELLEFONTK, PA.
Wilson, Me Earl a nr. <1 Co., Hardware Healers.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
Jin.sitif.ss Cards.
In Harman't New Block,
All work nll,r executed. On Allegheny atrect, i
nruler ilrotki-rholT lluoae. 4-tf |
- ' M • ft. ItriH-ki-rhoff Row. . Jj
•£ All th* FM*n<t.r<l I MULLEIN*** PR*- *
•orijition* HIKJ FAMILY KOCI|M> iccurnUl;. .
& prepared. Triweea, Bhoiil<L*r Mr*. I, Ac., Ac. ' JJ
P *"* 11
Brorkerhoff How, ALLEGHENY atreet,
1-1y Mlafoltl, P%. I
R. c. HUMES, Pren't. J. P. RAITII. F'AlH'r.
Allegheny Ptreet. B* 11 R font*. Pa. 4-tf
And Allow Intereat,
DUniuol Not**;
Buy AND Bell
flov. HcnritlM,
Oold and Toopons, I
JAMBS A. BBAVBR, Prwident.
J. D. BRCB*T. <4-tf I
\LL sufferers from this disease
Hint •[" anxloua to l>t cared ahoald try I)n.
DERS. Theee Powderi are the only preparation known
tlmt will euro CosatfUSTVDR mot nil diaeuaae of the
Tim. .lT aaa Lcaus—lndeed, ao ilmna li our fnlili In
them, ami nlwn to rollrlnr. you tlmt lhf nr. no hum-
Ini*. w. will forward to erery .nlf.mr l.jr ninil, poet
paid, n mm Tsui Box.
We <lon't wnnt your mon.y until yon nr perfectly
eatiefled of th.tr rurntl*. powert. If your llf. I. worth
anrlnx, don't d.lny In firing theee Pownxna a trial, a.
th.y will aurely cnr. yon.
Prlra. for lant' IMIX, s3.>, eent to any part of tho
Unite.) Sutra or Canada, hy mail, on receipt of price.
44 ly 380 Fulton Street, Bn.iklyu, N. Y.
I llnmlmg-hy nna month', UMM of Or. Oou
lard't Celebrated Infallible Fit Powder* To roo
rlnr. tuff.r.ra that thm. powdere will ilo all w. rlalm
for tham wo will aend Uiam hy mall, roar rain, a mix
raitt MX. Aa Dr. Goulard la th. only phyalaiaa that
haa *r*r mod. thio dla... a eperlal atudy, and aa to
our knowledge thonaamta liar. Wo rxxMtniaTLT cor-
M| by th. naaof tliee# Pownxna, wt WILL atiuatn a
rmuasiXT cur. In .Tory caae, or aarona Ton ALL
MOW BY axmxniD. All lufferete ahonld giro thaaa
I'owd.ra an anrly trial, and ba conrlnced of [hair rum
live powers.
Price, for largo box, $3.00, or 4 boxro for $lO,lO, aant
hv mall to any part or tha wIM Stataa or Canada oa
racl.pt of price, or by expreaa. C. O D. Addreaa
44-ly. 3SO Fulton Streat, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Plain or Fancy Printing.
Wo have unusual facilities for printing
HoT Printing done in the best stylo, on
short notica and at the lowest rates.
HajfOrdorg by mail will receive prompt
H R. —Time-TSL 1* In P(FPT OTI end MAT
!*•!Snw Hh* 7.80 A. m., arrive* In BrlUfontr
9.10 A M.
, ll"l!ofoiilo.it'a A. srHres st Snos Hhop
He'll A. M.
Srtww Shoe 2.'*) f. V.,*rrlr*a In Hfdlefonie
j T. M.
I [.♦•AYf Bellffunte "..15 r. M .snivss At Snow Shoe
6&7 r. M HANI KL Kilo A US.
Opnerol Snp^rintendent.
j -1 J ROAD.—'Tilne-TaMe, April 40, 1**":
I Exp. Mall, wxarwaan. taaTWAXD. Exp. Mail.
Ul. M. r a.a. a
*1" 832 Arrtre at Tyrone Leare T 4 820
" 3 6 2.1 bear. Kail Tyrone Lear.... 7IS ft 27
1 '• 21 " Vail " ... 719 31
7Vi 817 ...... " Bald Eagl. " ... 723 837
74" I ...... " Fowler " ... 7XI a 4r,
I7 42 6 3 " Hannah " ... 738 li 7
'7 as 655 " Port Matilda " ... 744 OIS
I7 27 547 " Martha " ... 7.V 2 02*
7|H S3k " Julian " ... I 040
7 9 527 " I'nlonrllle " ...8 110 43
7 <ai SlO " Snow SIIO. In " ... k '2l OSI
808 &IS " Milewharg " ... k24 OSS
I 8 48 6 5 " Bellefonta " ... *32 OSt
838 453 '• Mlle.hurg " ... 84S 10 3
82> 44S .0... " Cnrtln " ™8 SS ll> 14
81 440 " Mount Eagl* " ... oOnlo 19
8 9 431 " Howard " ... 0 810 20
SV. 420 .... " Eagl.rill. " ... 01810 42
SSO 4IS " Beet h Creek " ... 0810 47
534 4 3 " Mill Hall " „ 03411 00
t29 400 " Flemlngtoa " ... 037 11 4
52S 3SS •• lee k llaren " ... 942 11 I
I —(Philadelphia and Erie Dlrlalon.) —On and
after December 12, 1877 :
ERIE MAIL learea Philadelphia 11 SS p m
" " Harrlal>nrg....„ 425 a m
" " Wllllamaport BXS a m
" " Lock llaren 040 a m
" " R.nnro,„ 10 SS a m
" arrire* at Erla 7 lopm
| NIAGARA EXPRESS leare. Philadelphia... 7 20 a m
" " Harrirbnrg.... 10 AO am
" " Wllllam.port. 1 01pm
" arrirm at Rannro. 4 40pm
PaaM-ngera by tbla train arr.r. in Bellw
fnnle at 4 3S p m
FAST LINE learea Philadelphia...... 11 45 am
" " Harriahnrg 335 p m
'• " Wllllameport 7 30pm
" arrlrea at ifaren. 840 p m
PACIFIC EXPRESS leare. Lock Harm 0 40 a a
" " Wllllamaport... 7 Man
" arrlrea at llarrlalmrg 11 SS a m
" " Philadelphia.... 3 45 pin
DAY EXPRESS laaree R.noro 10 In a m
•• IfOf k llar.a . II 20 a a
" " Wllllamaport 12 40 am
" arrire. at Harriahnrg............ 4 10 pa
" Philadelphia. 720 pm
ERIE MAIL Imwaa Renoro 0 3S p m
" leick llaren 045 p m
" " Wllllamaport 11 OA p m
" arrlrea at Harriahnrg... 243 am
" " Philadelphia 700 am
FART LINN learea Wllllamaport 12 SS a m
" arrlrea at Harriahnrg. 3 58 a m
" " Philadelphia. Ittn
Erie Mall Weat, Niagara Ripr.ee Weat, lawk Harea
Arc,.nun.el.lion Weat, aad Day Etpreaa Kaat, make
1 cloee connection, at Nor (hum her land with L. B. R
K. traina for WllkeeWarre and ScraaUin
Rrle Mall Weat. Niagara Kxpreaa Waal, aad Erie
Kapreea Weat, and 1/Ork llaren Accommodation Weal,
make cloee enrtaection at Wllllaaieport wit a N.C. E.
W. tralne north.
Erie Mall Waat, Niagara Kxpraea Weat, aad Day
Eapreea Kaat, make cloee coaaectlon at Lock Heren
With R. B. V. R R. tralne
Erie Mall Baal and Weat connect at Erla with tralaa
' on L. S. tM.S. R 8., at Oorry with 0. C. SA.Y. R
R., at Rmporlnm with R. N. Y.I P. E R., an I at
DriDwood with A. V. R. R.
Parlor cam will run between Philadelphia aad
Willlama port on Niagara Expreaa Weot, Erie Expreea
Weat, Phildelphla Etpreaa Kaat and Day Expreea
Kaat, aad Sunday Rxpraaa Kaat. Sleeping can oa all
night traina. W*. A. Eaiawia,
Gent Superintendent
obncb and rsorrrßiTT or tub fbbmbr.
Every fanner tra hit annual experience
discovert something of value. Write it anil
tend it to the "Agricultural Editor of the
Dkmockat, Beliefonte, J'enn'a," that other
fannert may have, the benefit of it. Let
communication! be timely, and be cure that
they are brief and well pointed.
"In due season ye shnll reap, if ye
fuint not."
In using Paris Green or London
Purple for the destruction of potato
hugs, it is well to exercise a little
care and common sense, particularly
if poultry has access to the lot. We
recently learned of a man who mixed
the poison with bran because lie did
not happen to have anything else
convenient. Of course his chickens
eat the bran, and of course the chick
ens died. Air slaked lime and plas
ter are very good articles for its ap
plication in a dry state, but we pre
fer mixing it with flour and stirring
the Hour in water which is "whisked"
on the vines with a small broom or
turkey wing.
Now that the executive committee
of our county agricultural society is
making preparations for the fair this
fall, we respectfully present for their
consideration a rule adopted by the
Ohio Hoard of Agriculture:
"Exhibiters in the live stock de
partments will be required to display
over each stall or pen occupied by
their stock, a placard containing the
name, age, and breed of the anitnal
occupying the stall or pen, and also
the name and post office address of
the owner. The placard will be fur
nished and filled up at the Secretary's
Heretofore it has been deemed
good policy, not only by our local
society, but by all, cither county, or
state, which have come under one
observation, to have the ownership
of all articles nnd animals placed on
exhibition hidden under the numbers
by which the}* are known in the Sec
retary's books, at least until after pre
miums are awarded- The only rea
son to be given for this is that the com
mittees should be relieved from the
temptation to partiality which would
arise from their knowledge of the
proprietorship of the articles or ani
mals they arc examining, This is a
reflection upon the integrity of the
committeemen which the oflicers of
the society have no right to entertain,
in advance, of those whom they ask
to assume the somewhat arduous and :
wearysome duties of the position, j
In addition to this the measure fails
to accomplish its purpose. If there;
arc men on the committee who can
be influenced in their award of prizes
or diplomas by the fact that Hon. A.
8., owns'tlns animal, or Col. C. I>., is
the proud and ambitious proprietor
of that one, they will generally man
age to And out which stall the animal
occupies, whether it is placarded or
not. Thus the only object sought in
refusing permission to placard until
after premiums are awarded is de
feated, while exhibitors lose the
greater part of the value of the ex
hibition to them, and visitors are de
deprived of much of the satisfaction
to which they are entitled. Upon
this subject the Prartical Farmer
very justly says : "The idea that com
mittees must not know whose stock
they are examining ought to be ex
ploded with such force that the pieces
could never be brought together
again. Put men on committees who
will give the awards to the meritori
ous nnimals not to their owners."
From lb* Amrrtnui Agricnltnriat.
(larget and abortion trouble the
dairymen. We believe in preven
tion. The former may surely be
prevented by due care. As soon as
the udder contains milk, it should be
relieved by drawing ofT a part of it,
if there is any tendency to hardness.
These diseases are often a conse
quence of weakness. A fat animal
may be weak for want of food.
When a cow's time approaches and
the feed is suddenly reduced, dis
turbance of the system is caused.
Circulation becomes irregular and
congestion occurs in the most suscep
tible organs. The udder it the prin
ciple one of these at this period, and
an attack of garget is very sure to
occur. This may not alwaa be so,
but long experience and observation
convinces us that it generally is. The
remedy is obvious.
Extracts and Comments.
The ox-eye daisy has become a great
pest in some sections of the country.
Those who lire troubled with this weed
should bear in mind that it is propagat
ed by seed, and not by root, anil that
to rid themselves of it they have only
to mow before the seed is ripe. It may
take two or even three seasons to rid a
field of this innocent-looking flower
Philadelphia Record,
We desire to give this paragraph
B|>ecial prominence because in some
parts of our country the daisy seems
to have obtained a fine foothold. It
has, of late years, been establishing
itself in great strength at the Bide# of
the track on the line of the Bald
Eagle Valley railroad. Last year
the ofllcers of the road had it mowed
when in blossom, and we took occas
sion to tender them the thanks of
the farmers, whose lands admin the
roßd, lor their thoughtfulness. This
will avail nothing, however, unless
farmers themselves take pains to sec
ond the It. It. authorities, We re
member noticing a year or two ago, a
large field on the pike between Belle
fonte and the State College, which
was completely surrendered to this
troublesome weed. Mowing isa sure
remedy, and one easy of application.
Let it be promptly and persistently
The piping note* of the little chick"
are sounding all over the land, and they
will bring forth the usual periodical
deluge of "sure cure for gape*."' I wish
to suggest to the Farmer* who are in
the habit of giving "sure cures," tha
for novelty's sak- they say nothing
about ted pepper, black pepper, slack
ed lime, camphor, carbolic acid, tur
pentine, or '"twist a feather" in the
chick's throat. I make this request
because I have frequently known all
these to fail. Hut if the coops are kept
clean, and the hens and chick" free
from lice. 1 think a cure will not be
needed.— Frank Wifftamtcn in In<hana
We have not tried nil the "sure
cures" enumerated by Mr, William
son but have miserably failed of any
good results with such of them as we
have tried, excepting the last one
which might be called cleanliness.
In previous years we have never fail
ed to have more or less cases of ga|>cs
among our chicks, while this year
among two hundred hatched we have
not, up to this time of writing, June
IC, discovered a solitary case. It
so happens, too, that wc have paid an
unusual degree of attention to clean
liness ia everything connected with
the fowls. There is not a louse about
coops, hens or chicks. The hens are
kept in little \ coops set about in
the potato patch and truck garden,
with little wooden troughs for water
immediately in front, so that the hen
can reach it as well as the chicks.
The food is thrown upon the ground;
that for the hen within easy reach of
the coop, ami that for the chicks scat
tered about so far from the coop that
the hen cannot get it, and yet near
enough to prevent the hen from fret
ting. The troughs arc filled with
fresh water at least thice times a day
and washed out at least once. The
coops being small and light, can be
easily moved by sliding them along
the ground, leaving the hen under
them. They arc changed to fresh
ground every day, and the place from
which they have been taken, thor
oughly dug over, burying all the
droppings, ami completely removing
the foul smell which a brood of!
chicks will always leave after a
nights roosting. Of course, all this
is some little trouble, but not really
so much as one would think, and
there is a deal more satisfaction in it
than in having flock after flock "die
off with the gapes."
If the paddle or float churn is used
a high rate of speed should not be al
lowed, for the rapid beating of the floats
lias also a tendency to break down the
grain of the butter, and no manner of
after working or fixing will restore that
granular formation so desirable and so
imperative, if keeping qualitiea are
sought. The floats should—while work
ing close—not be allowed to come in
contact with the shell of the churn,
and the journals need careful packing
or the blackened cream will streak the
butter.— Cor. 0/ Practical Farmer.
AH this trouble can be avoided by
using one of the new style churns
which have no "paddles or floats"
but do their work by causing the
cream to fall from side to side of the
chum, sach ss the "Rectangular"
made by t Cornish & Curtis, of Fort
Atkinson, Wis. No danger of "break
ing down the grain of the butter" in
them, nor of having any "blackened
cream to streak it." The paddle or
float chnrn is as much out of date
now In a good dairy, as a cradle in a
forty-acre wheat field.
How Butter May be Spoiled.
By Prof. ifnry Ht^wart.
flood butter may be spoiled in the
churning. Overeliurtiing ruins the
texture and changes the proper waxi
ness to a disagreeable, sticky grcasi
ness. This is the more easily done
in the churn, with revolving dashes,
which will press the butter against
the side of the churn and squeeze
and rub it until it is spoiled. Too
long churning spoils the quality by
the oxidation of the butter and the
premature formation of strong-flavor
ed acids in it, the full preserving
presence of which we call rancidity,
it may lie spoiled by churning at too
high a temperature, by which it is
made soft and oily, and of a greasy
texture and flavor. No subsequent
treatment can remedy this error. It
may lie spoiled before the cream
reaches the churn by keeping this
too long, or what is practically thg
same, by keeping it in too warm a
place ; . r 0 degrees is about the right
temperature if cream is kept a week ;
i( it is kept at €2 degrees, three days
are long enough. White specks are
produced in butter by overchurning,
or by having the cream too sour.
Hither of these faults produces curd
in the milk and the small flakes of
this cannot be washed outof the but
ter. Milk from a cow in ill health,
and that is acid when drawn, will
produce specky but'er. Ho will the
use of salt conta'nirg particles of
lime, which unite with the butter and
form insoluble lime soap.
Recuperating Worn Land.
A practical farmer writes as fol
lows: It is 110 use to tell a man to
sow clover when the land will hardly
raise buckwheat. It won't catch
only in little spits, and those will
freeze out. I will tell my way. Plow
the ground in May and sow three
fourths bushels buckwheat to the
acre. Fit the soil thoroughly before
sowing. This crop w ill be in blossom
in June, when it should be rolled down
and chained under as he plows. Not
later than July 10th, reduce surface
to a good seed bed and sow the same
again. This crop will be grown large
and be in full blossom soon enough
to turn under and prepare the ground
for wheat. I have had a second crop
grow four feet high. 1 bought a farm,
some parts of which wore very poor,
hilly, and not easy of access- ()u
these fields buckwheat has lieen the
key to success in bringing them back
to what they once were. After two
crops of buckwheat have been plowed
underclover will "catch." The wheat
crop ought to be dressed, with three
to five wagon loads of well rotted
manure to the acre. I place red clov
er first to put power and life into land,
and buckwheat second. For worn
soil buckwheat is the best by far as
it grows so rapidly and can lie turned
down in one season and soil fitted for
Manure in Potato Hills.
Mr. No* Vutk Work!.
"Fresh manure in the hill with po
tatoes does not answer. It will make
the potatoes scabby. The best com
mercial fertilizer to use is the one
richest in potash. I have always ob
served that we get the largest yield
of potatoes on new soil, and the
yield diminishes in proportion to the
number of crops produced. I prefer
soil to any kind of stubble for pota
toes. Have used a mixture of plas.
ter and ashes on potatoes with great
benefit. When the tops arc four or
five inches high I dust the mixture
on the foliage, and can see an impor
tant change in less thnn two weeks.
I prefer to apply it to the foliage
rather than the ground, as it repels
the beetle. Hectles never attack vig
orous growing tops, but choose the
feeble growing ones."
Protect Agriculture.
Frnn th N York Tiru>.
The latest assault on the tarilf
comes from the manufacturers of cot-
Urn and woolen fabrics. Finding
their power of competition in foreign
inarketa greatly abridged by the en
hanced cost of dyeing materials, due
to protection, they ask for the remov
al of duty upon chrome, iron ore and
bichromate of potash, which form the
basis of most of the chemical colors
used for cotton And wool. This an
eminently just demand, and is part of
a movement which will result in lop
ping off a great many of the absurdi
ties of our taritr system. In fact,
with the gradual discovery that the
best way to encourage native indus
try is to reduce custom duties to
the simplest possible elements, the
entire structure of our protective leg
islation will be undermined. Where
the principle to be only recognised
that agriculture is the most import
ant of our industries, and the one
which, being unprotected, is forced
to pay tribute to all the reat, the pro
cess of simplyfytng the tariff would
be very decidedly hastened.
TRIER is more to be learned about
farming than there is now known;
the world it waking up to the fact
that farming it a science as well aa a
routine of toil, a theory as well as a
FKKD poultry every two hours
when young (beginning with an early
breakfaat), and half aa often after
six weeks old ; but never give more
than can be eaten clean each time.
Large Grope without Manure.
Cor. at Country Onlletiian,
I do not HU ppoae that Mr. J. A. Ev
critt intended to build up expectation's
that will not, under ordinary circurn-
Htances, be realized when he eta ted
(in bin advertisement, on page 'A3G)
that his potato yielded 548 bushels
from one acre without argy manure
whatever. Ido not wish to prejudice
any one against buying his potatoes,
for if they are valuable, they should
l>e disseminated, and this can only Ist
found out by trial, But it is foolish
to expect that the highest and best
results can be secured without corn
plying with all necessary conditions.
How often men have bought improv
ed stock and brought it home, delud
ed with the idea that it takes little
feed and little care. These arc the
men that expect try reap where they
have not sown. -They denounce the
whole thing as a swindle, and they are
right if one can get something from
nothing. The sooner this delusion is
exploded, and people learn the true
advantages of improved seed or stock,
the lietter.
The principal advantage is this : If
you have extra conditions, you want
the stock that will make the most out
of those extra conditions ; but those
extra conditions are a necessity, and
are absolute esscnt als without which
you cannot succeed, and the nearer
the conditions are complied with, the
better the success. By feeding to a
Short-Horn in 18 months all the feed
that an ordinary scrub requires to
mature and fatten it in four years,
the Short-Horn will be the most prof
itable. He will not require near so
much feed as the other animal does.
Hut compel him to live on scanty
herbage and joor winter feed from
before his birth until maturity, and
he is the most pitable and hungry
looking object one usually sees. It
is the same in the vegetable kingdom.
What farmers most need to know is
that a high state of fertility is ne
cessary, and how to most wisely and
cheaply produce this high state of
productiveness. Then they must
plant the most productive potato, all
other things being equal.
Beaus for Stock-Feeding.
In Orleans county, X. Y., bean
culture has since the beginning of
the war come to occupy a poßition of
no small importance. Mr. I). 11.
I'atridge, of a firm who sell from
30,000 to 50,000 bushels each year,
gives Kural Home these items of cx
perience in utilizing the inferior por
tion of the crop as feed for stock.:
"During the winter season Messrs. P.
£ Is., keep from fifteen to twenty-five
families picking beans, and the dam
aged ones picked out together with the
split beans screened out before picking,
are sold to our farmers for feeding
sheep and swine, but mostly for sheep.
Some are fed to cows, and with good
results. 1 have in mind one farmer,
formerly from this county, but now liv
ing near Spencerport, who has purchas
ed a good rnaoy beans of us for feeding
his cows, and he stated that when feed
ing meal he would change to feeding
beans, there would be an increase of
from one to two quarts per day, in the
amount of milk, and when changing
from Leans to meal a corresponding de
crease. They are specially adapted to
the feeding of sheep, not only having
the fattening properties of corn, but
elso containing some ingredient which
enters largely into the production of
wool. They are more valuable for feed
where wool is the object sought for than
corn. As to feeding swine, they have
to learn to eat them by degree#, and
then by cooking and mixing meal or
bran with them, they answer very well
to feed to young pigs or store hogs, and
will give them a good start; but pork
made mainly from feeding beans is not
considered by our farmers worth more
than the salt it lakes to preserve it. It
always produces soft, spongy pork, and
in cooking fries sway to almost nothing;
also, the lard from same will not hara
en, but remains of a soft, oily nature.
Where swine are fed upon beans, and
last six to eight weeks before slaughter
ing, then changed to corn, the results
are much better, the corn seeming to
harden the meat. Messrs. P. k 11. sold
quite a good many tons of poor beans for
feeding sheep one year ago at $S per
ton ; they are now selling them at sll
per ton, or 35 cents per bushel, there
being a steady demand for them for
feeding sheep. A large number of our
farmers have been feeding sbeep for the
market the past Winter, and have been
well paid in every instance.
"WOMAN can do a great many
things and do them better than can a
man," say Mr. Hyde, in the N. Y.
Time*; "but she never waa made to
run a farm. Hhe haa various and in
creasing rights, but following the
plow, driving oxen, managing bulla
and breaking colts are not among
them. She is an indispenaable help
meet to the farmer, but her sphere is
a domestic one, literally domestic,
that is, belonging to the house.
When she takes upon herself the
prerogative of mingling with the men
in the field, loading hay and moving
it away, directing about the breeding
of stock, and displaying her eques
trian skill on the road or race-oouree,
she unscxes herself and becomes a
man in petticoats.
SraiNRMNQ liberally with a solu
tion of "one spoonful of coarse pow
dered saltpetre to a pail of water,
proved in the case of a correspondent
of Vick't Monthly % "an admtrhble
remedy" for the potato beetle, squash
bugs and the maggot a that work at
the roots; also for other insects, be
sides "invigorating all plants, espec
ially rosea."