A GOODLY HERITAGE. Kottnaate of Airlonlt.nU Pooalblltl. —Some Aito nil hi it m Figure., m C Robert P. Porter has an article in the International Review regarding! agri culture in the United States. We make the following suggestive extracts: Our total cereal product increased in ten years from 1,460.000,000 bushels to •,178,000,000 bushels, the export move ment from 39,000,000 in 1868 to 189,000,- 000 in 1878. About three per cent, of the national supply was exported in 1868; nearly ten per cent, in 1878. Mr. Dodge estimates the crop of 1878 at 9,302,964,950 bushels, of which 946,611,- 607, or nearly eleven per cent., were ex ported. It may surprise many to find that only about nine per cent, of our total grain product, by bushels, is ex ported. Yet this is an Immense item in the world's markets, and with cheapen ing transportation is capable of being greatly increased. The only hope for the British and Russian farmer is the high rates of transportation here, and the fact (as some British writers say) that tne American farmers, through bad farm ing are exhausting the soil. Such talk is the merest nonsense. It has been truthfully said that in the area yet to be subdued between the Missouri and the Pacific coast, the proportion of the cultivated area devoted to wheat will be larger than in the territory already occupied. When all these available iands are taken up, and population threatens to press upon the subsistence, fertiliza tion, with rotation, will increase the rate of yield (as has happened in the most populous districts of Europe), and then the center of wheat production may possibly recede slowly eastward, obedient to the impulse of improved agriculture. Careful estimates show that the United States is capable of maintaining an area of 200,000,000 acres of corn lands, which, with the average yield of the past ten years would give us over 5,250,000,000 bushels of corn. While the western line of maize culture traverses the eastern slopes of the Rocky mountains at an average elevation of about 5.000 fe< t, wheat can be grown 9,000 to 3,000 feet above the maize line. Recent geographical reports show that a large portion of the Pacific coast is susceptible of culture, either with or without irrigation. The governor of Washington Territory claims for it great superiority in wheat production, and prophecies a yield in the near tuture three times as large as the present sup ply of California. The Governor of Dakota estimates the area suitable for field culture, and especially suited to wheat growing, at 40,000,000 acres. These views may prove too sanguine, but there is a good basis for some en thusiasm. The Indian Territory, says J. R. Dodge, though only half as large has nearly as much more available for agricultural production. Montana, better adapted to grazing purposes, is estimated by Professor Cyrus Thomas to contain 7,800,000 acres of irriga ble lands. In all there is an aggregate of 200,000,000 acres of land, from the northern and more elevated portions of which the grrwth of the maize is ex cluded, in which wheat farming will for many years exist as a specialty. Turning from corn and wheat to one other great staple, we find that, accord ing to Edward Atkinson, the whole cot ton crop of the whole world could be raised on a section of Texas less than one-twelfth of its area; or could be divided between any two of the other principal cotton btates without ex hausting one-half of their good lands. The world's cotton crop is now equal to from 10,000,000 to 12.000,000 bales of cotton, over 5,000,000 of which arc an nually raised in this country Here, then, is the rich heritage to which we are born. Our Pilgrim fathers found it, yet knew it not. Nearly two generations passed away before the treasures of this continent attracted the populations of the old world, nor do they to this day understand the vast ness of our store. We have learned something of the distribution of our agricultural interest, of its drifting to the West and Southwest, and of its changed conditions. We have seen the population of the older States overtake their food-producing capacity, and have learned something concerning that de ficiency and the source from which it is supplied. Certainly we feel reassured about the continued abundant yield of our soil. This generation has witnessed the migration of the center of corn pro duction from the South to the West; andof wheat from the Middle States to the ar West. Not the least interesting of these changes has been the remarka ble increase in the cotton crop since free labor has taken the place of slavery. But the great central fact is the increase in the past decade of our agricultural products, and the rapidity with which the Western States, ushered into exist ence as it were by the war, have devel oped their vast resources. The small ness of our exports compared with the home consumption should stimulate alike the producer and those en gaged in transportation to continue to push our wares by the aid of cheap freight into every foreign country, t>s the facts show that the possibilities of our agricultural interests are as yet an unknown quantity. Dogs and the Weather. Dogß are not without their weather lore. Thus, when they eat grass it is a sign of rain; if they roll on the ground and scratch, or become drowsy or stupid, a change in the weather may be expected. As, indeed, in the case of the cat, most of their turnings and twistings are supposed to be prognosti cations of something. There are nu merous other items of folk-lore con nected with the dog to which we can only incidentally allude. Thus, in Ireland it is considered unlucky to meet a barking dog early in the morning, and on the other band just as fortunate for one to enter the house first thing in the day. They are commonly said to possess a wonderful Instinct for dis cerning character, generally avoiding ill-tempered persons, and making friends with any stranger who happens to be of a kind and cheerful disposi tion. The life of adog is sometimes said to be bound up with that of his master or mistress. When either dies, the other cannot live. It is curious that this faithful companion of man should have become a term of reproach and be used by most of our old writers. Ttius we find various phrases such as "dog bolt," "dog's face." "dog's leach," " dog-trick," etc., all of whio'i were in tended to convey the idea of contempt. In the days gone by it was a common practice in the oountry house for the dog to turn the spit at the kitchen fire, & custom which is described by Dr. Caius, founder of the ooliege at Cam bridge which bears his name. 2 Voids Affected bj Diet. There is no question that when the system is in perfect oondition it has a marvelous ability to withstand not only the extraordinary changes of our Now England climate, but even these with what would generally be considered gross carelessness added. I have known men who would stand in the snow with almost fronen feet and chop in the log ging Bwamp, day after day, all winter, and when spring came join the "drive," standing hours together, upon occasion, in cold water, wet to the middle, often retaining wet garments all day, exempt from any kind of illness, until, the sea son over, having a period of loafing in summer, they would be subject to severe " coldB" for the first time during the year, and perhaps be laid up with fever of some form. It may be said that these men had become " used up " by the winter and spring campaign and that the summer sickness was the nat ural result. Such is not the fact. So long as they were working hard all day long, and tne cold weather lasted, their systems could not only withstand the large amount of food swallowed, bu* absolutely needed it to keep up flesh, strength and animal heat. Hence, while these conditions lasted, these men remained in perfect physical con dition, equal to any amount of labor and exposure incident to their business. But when all these conditions were re versed, and the men ignorantly held to the same diet, which they invariably did so long as appetite lasted, disease was the inevitable result. Often they would lose their appetites in season to save them from violent illness, but few escaped more or less harm from eating in excess of the requirements of the system. In the army, during ac tive service, with no surplus of" hard tack," colds were comparatively rare, though we marched all day in the rain and slept on the ground in wet. clothes at night; but when we were in camp, in comfortable quarters, taking little ex e-cise, and got a nice box of turkey, pies, cakes, and the like, from the dear home friends who pitied us so, tiie prevalence of "colds" was something fearful to contemplate. How often we remark upon the fact that when in winter we have a week or two of nice warm weather, " everybody has a cold," and such weather is called "un healthy" and "unseasonable." If our stoves and furnaces had palates to tickle and were self-feeding, what " summer complaints " there would be. Fires would burn as briskly in July as in January, and fire pots would be burned out as fast as stomachs are used up under the prevailing custom of sup plying fuel to the human machine with out regard to the weather or other modi fying conditions. Let us continue to exercise sufficient care as to wraps, flannels, avoidance of draughts, and unnecessary exposure; but aside from all this we should live in so rational a manner with regard to diet, air, exer cise and cleanliness, as to be proof ngainst disease, and become less like the old lady who caught her last cold " hik ing gruel out of a damp basin."— Journal qf Chemistry. The International Exhibition at New York in 1883. For two years a constant agitation has been kept np in New York for the holding of an international exhibition in this country in 1883. The dwellers in towns remote have, during this period, heard but little of the labors of the handful of public-spirited men who have persistently carried forward the movement to the point it has now reached. Patiently and prudently they have gone on from stage to stage, hav ing the satisfaction at each successive step to witness a decided advance in all the essential elements of success. The holding of an international exhibition in this country in 1883 is now an as sured fact. The initiatory difficulties inseparably connected with a scheme of such magnitude, particularly those in regard to the obtaining of necessary legislation, have all been overcome, and the preliminary arrangements and com plete organization of the United States international exhibition commission of 1883 are being pushed forward to a speedy completion. A special act of Congress providing for the holding of such exhibition has been obtained; bills have been passed in the New York legislature granting to the commission ers who may be appointed, powers to acquire such lands, etc., as may be re quisite, and the governors of the several States are rapidly nominating com missioners to assist theprojcct to a suc cessful termination. The plan of the proposed exposition is on a scale of such magnitude that it completely eclipses everything of the kind in the past, and may probably never be sur passed in the future, and the movement has now entered upon a career of public recognition and public favor which guarantee the ultimate accomplishment f all its projectors have hoped to ocalize Origin of Amber. Nearly 3,000 years ago, Pliny, the naturalist, wrote that amber was the fossil resin ol an extinct cone-hearing tree, and modern science can say of it but little more. The original amber producing forest probably reached from Holland over the German const, through Siberia and Kunschalka, even to North America. One of the most celebrated deposits is on the peninsuinof Sam land, a portion of Prussia, nearly surrounded bv the Baltic sea. The northern pnrt of this region, constituting the promon tory of Brusterort, is billy, and the const bonks are often 160 feet to 300 feet high. At one time all the amber found here, even by the peasants in plowing, be longed to the German government, the tinder, however, receiving one-tenth of its value. For a piece in the Berlin museum, weighing eighteen pounds, the finder is said to have received a thousand dollars. During stormy weather, when the wind and waves beat violently against the coast, a great quantity of amber is washed up. The total yearly product is, however, ap parently on the decrease, and so the price of amber Is on the increase. Professor Zoddach, of Konigsberg, concludes that the trees yielding the amber resin must have grown upon the grecn-.'and beds of the cretaceous forma tion, which at the time formed the shores of estuaries where the lower di vision of the tertiary accumulated. Im mediately over the amber-producing strata rest the hrown-coal beds, the fos sil plants found in which differ entirely from the ntnher-bed flora. Many insects find plntite arc found embalmed in the ntuhrr. Over 80 species of the former have been named, and over 100 of the la' tor. Boie—" What time do yon retlrs hercP" Young Indy (bored)—" Soon as the company goes.' 4 A Strange Bird. An interesting story respecting the habits, under peculiar circumstances, of the chapparal cock,commonly known us the "roau runner," is related by a California lady, who takes pleasure in reproducing any interesting matter re garding the natural oeauties of her na tive State: It appears that a family named Davies, being engaged in olive culture, occupied the "Old Mission" at San Diego, around which is a dense growth of cactus, passing through which, one day, Mr. Davies heard a strange noise resembling the sound made by a pair of pigeons billing and cooing, winding up with a succession of short, quick, )erky notes, thus—per root! per-root! per-root! The listener searched until he discovered the cause of his surprise, which was a nest of four young birds of the specie* Geococ cyx Calirornianus. lie took them home, and succeeded easily in raising them in a coop, like chickens, the old ones feeding them. Their beautiful plumage soon attracted the attention of a number of visitors to the Old Mis sion. The birds were finally released, but they regularly returned at night to the coop and lingered around, becoming satisfied habitues of the barnyard. Two of them died. The two remaining fought until one vanquished the other, which lor a while repaired to the cactus, but returned with the nest-making sea son. In the meantime the sole remain ing bird had become so seltisli in its attachment to Miss Davies that it lie came a nuisance to the household. It would allow no living thing near her, showing its jealousy by darting fiercely at the object of its hatred, pecking it furiously with its sharp bill, whether at, dog or child, oftentimes drawing blood, after which it would retire satis fied. For its own dainty consumption it would bring in beetles, bugs, spiders, and when anything larger was captured —tor instance, a lizard or small snake —it would fly to its mistress, strut around her until noticed and petted for its enterprise, during which it coos like a parrot whose feathers are being rubbed down. With the returned mate it began a nest on a small table by the window in the young lady's room. The nest —a most uncomfortable affair about the depth of a soup-plate -was made of large, rough sticks, some of them about ten inches long, which they brought and laid on the outside of the window sill, if the window remained closed, for the occupant of the room to add to the nest, winch she faithfully did, and the nest was soon completed, the inner lining being dry grass and straw. Hut one egg was laid in this rude nest in its present location, inasmuch as the male one day decided the fate of " household and home " by bringing to his mate a large gopher snake, which twirled itself around bis beak more than half alive, whereupon, witli a peculiar nervous sensation, the lady immediately re moved their lodging to the "cold ground " among the cactus, where the birds hatched a promising brood, and again brought them to the house for food like chickens. The young birds are much like young turkeys, and at full size arc about as large as half grown turkey hens. The "road runner" particulary mentioned never forgot its attachment to Miss Davies, and would follow her every where after its chicks were grown; they only parted when the family lelt the country, leaving the birds behind, which they now regret.— .San Francisco Bulletin. Extraordinary Success la a Reviving Corpse. Out in Colorado recently n vigilance committee concluded to lynch a certain bunko ateerer, and two physicians of the town, having been interested in re cent experiments in electricity on the bodies of persons who had been hung, arranged with the chairman of the com mittee to let them have the body to ex periment on. It was arranged that he should have the corpse sent to the hot. 1 and putin a private room, and then the ph\ ->icians were to be sent for, as though they knew nothing about it, and were wanted to revive the victim. Tney got their electric batteries ready for the business and awaited the sum mons. Soon a boy called on them with the information that they were required at the hotel. They took their machines and started, nnd on t leir arrival were shown into a room. On the bed lay the body of a man partly undressed and with an expression of agony on his face. It was a horrid sight, but the young doctors overcame their nervousness, and immediately, without a word, placed the handles of the batteries in the hands of the victim and turned on the current with much force. The effeci was marvelous. The body at once assumed the appearance of life. It sprang from the bed, the eyes opened and glared wildly about, the mouth opened and forth came a terrible yell. Then the body began to perform n wi.d dance, and the shrieks, mingled with invectives, came thick and fast. The corpse evidently strove to let go of the flattery handles, but was unable to do so. It began to call for help, and in its struggles the observations heaped upon the doctors were positively frightful. They aroused the whole house, and presently the landlord and a lot of guests burst into the room, and the first tiling the landlord did was to ask: "What the deuce are you doingP" " Reviving the c ,rpse," said onaof the doctors, who was nearly wild with cutnuaiasra. " CorpseP" cried the landlord; "that's the£man who wanted you to come and lance a boil for him. They turned off thebatterics, and after the man with tiie boil had recovered himself a bit he got a shot gun and chased those doctors five miles into the mountain. Tie Hlrdle Round the Earth. If yon scud n telegraphic dispatch from Pari* it will reach Alexandria. Egypt, in ft hours; Berlin, in I hour and 3d minutes; Basle, in 1 hour IS minutes; Bucharest, in ft hours; Constanti nople, in 5 hours; Copenhagen, in 4 hours; Cuba, in 10 hours; Kdlnburg, in I hour 30 minutes; Dublin, in 3 hours; Frankfort-on-Mnin, in 1 hour 90 minutes; Genera, in I hour IS minutes; Hong Kong, in 19 hours; Hamburg, in 9 hours 30 minutes; Jerusalem, In 6 hours; Lirerpool, in 9 hours; London, in 1 hour IS minutes; Madrid, in9hours 3o minutes: Manchester, in 9hours 30 minutes; New York, in 4 hours; New Orleans, in 8 hours; Rio Janeiro, in 8 hours; Rome, in 1 hour 30 minutes; San Francisco, in i I hours; St. Peters burg, in 3 hours; Saigon, in it hours; Southampton, in 3 hours; Sydney (Australia), in 16 hours; Valparaiso, in 19 hours; Vienna, in I hour46minutes; Washington, in 6 hours; Yokohama, in 14 hours, .and Zanzibar, in 7 hours.— Ad rice to Correspondents, Never write with pen or ink. It is altogether too plain, and doesn't hold the mind of tbc editor and printers closely enougli to their work. If you are compelled to use ink, never use that vulgarity known as the blot ting-pad. Ii yon drop a blot of ink on the paper, lick it off. The intelligent compositor loves nothing BO dearly as to read through the smear this will make across twenty or thirty words. We have seen him hang over such a piece of copy half an hour, a'l the time swearing like a pirate, lie felt thatgood. Don't punctual . We prefer to punct uate all manuscript sent to us. And don't use capitals. Then we can punct* uate and capitalize to suit ourself, and your article, when you see it in print, will astonish, even if it does not please, you. Don't try to write too plainly. It is a sign of plebian origin and public school breeding. Poor writing is an indication of genius. It's about the only indication of genius that a great many men possess. Scrawl your article with your eyes shut and make every word as illegible as you can. We get the same price for it from the rag man as though it were covered witli copper plate sentences. Avoid all painstaking with proper names. We know the full name of every man, woman and child in the United States, and the merest hint at the nnme is suflicient. For instance, if you write a character something like a drunken figure " 8," and then draw a wavy line, and the letter M and another waving line, we will know at once that you mean Samuel Morrison, even though you may think you mean " I>emuel Messenger." It is a great mistake that proper names should be written plainly. Always write on both sides of the paper, and when you have filled both sides ol every page, trail a line up and down every margin, and back to the top of the first page, closing your article by writing your signature just above the date. And how we would like to Set hold of the man who sends them. ust for ten i inutes. Alone, in the woods, witli a cannon in our hip pocket. Revenge is sweet; vuni, yum, yum. Ijixy your paper on the ground when you write; the rougher the ground the better. Coarse brown wnipping-pspcr is tiif* best for writing sour articles on. If you can tear down an old circus poster and write on the pasty side of it with a pen stick, it will do still better. When your article is completed, crunch your paper in your pocket, and carry it two or three days before send ing in. This rubH off the superfluous pencil marks, and makes it lighter to handle. If you can think of it, lose one page I out of the middle of your article. We can easily supply what is missing, and we love todo it. We have nothing else to do!— liurlinyloti Hi ckeyc. -. • A Wlnnt of the Revolution. A letter to the Petersburg (Va.) Ap pro! says: The allusion in a recent let ter of your Iuisa correspondent to the old revolutionary giant-hero, Peter Francisco, revives many traditions and reminiscences of the wonderful perform ances and daring deeds of that extra ordinary man. M v father, recently de ceased at the age of ninety, well remem bered Lira, having often seen him in his native county of Buckingham, and re lated many nnecdotesof his stirring and perilous adventures and hairbreadth escapes as he heard the recital fall from the fips of the giant himself. He de scribed him as six feet one inch in height, his weight iWO pounds, his complexion dark and swarthy, features bold nnd manly, and his hands and feet I uncommonly large, his Ilium hs being as large as an ordinary man's waists. Sucii was his personal strength that he could easily shoulder cannon weighing 1.100 pounds, and he had seen him take a man in his right hand, pass over the floor and dance his bead against the ceiling with as mueh ease as if he had been a doll-baby, ihe man's weight was 105 pounds. Partaking of the pa triotic enthusiasm of the times, he en tered the American revolutionary army at sixteen. He was present at the storming of Stony Point, and was the first soldier, after Major Gibbon, who entered the fortress, on which occasion he received a bayonet wound in the thigh. He was at Hrandywine. Mon mouth and other battles at the North, and was transferred to the South under General Greene, where he was engaged in the actions of the Cowpens, Camncn. Guilford Court House, etc. He was so brave and possessed such confidence in his prowess that he was positively fear less. He used a sword with a blade five feet long, which he could wield like a feather, and every swordsman WHO came within reach of him paid the orleitof his life. Where the Iceberg* and lee Fields to me From, The icebergscomechieflv from Green land, being formed by rivulets, etc. The vast ice fields seen upon the hanks of Newfoundland are brought there by the vast currents of the sea and wind. They oomc mostly from the coist of Isihrador, and are parts of the fields that are formed during the long winter in the great bays and inlets of the labra dor coast. Icebergs are continually changing their line of floating, owing in part to the breaking off of pieces of the upper mass and the melting away of the submerged portion. Their mo tion is always slow, nnd accidents can rarely happen from them to prudent mariners. They float along the hanks of Newfoundland, und finally, striking the warmer waters of the Gulf stream, soon disappear. The movement of a field of ice is accompanied by much crashing, and is often obscured by a dense log, through which rise the tope of the bergs. On two occasions during the Arctic cruise of the Juniata, in the Polaris search expedition, that vessel barely escaped destruction by icebergs. One of these was in the middle of July, 1873. During a dense fog at midday, off Cape Farewell, an immense berg was suddenly seen to loom up out of the fog not more than a ship's length directly Ahead. Fortunately the vessel was run ning at slow speed, and her course was quickly changed, and she cleared the foe mountain by about 100 feet. On another oocaeion, off Fiskernaes, in a dense fog, another very large berg was seen a little on the port bow, and a ledge of rocks on the starboard bow, not more than 500 feet distant. Ihe engines were stopped and reversed, and the vessel only escaped destruction by a lew feet.— Philadelphia BuUkin. In Mtting out cabbage and similar plants selects cloudy day, and do not let a sdaht rain drivs you out of the Held- FOR THE FAIR HEX Fashion Notes Epaulets ol small rosebuds are worn on white India muslin dresses. The newest turbans have wide-rolled rims and crowns sloping to a point. Unllned silks of black surah are im ported to wear with black silk or grena dine skirts in the house. Maltese gloves in cream, pearl, white and old gold are made with luce bands in the wrist this year. Mitts are to be worn over gloves this summer. Mitts •.lone should make the hand warm enou/ 1 in summer. China handles for parasols are too fra gile for general use, and are followed up in the satin covered handles, with ivory mountings. A new lace pin is in the form of a bee with an oval and emerald body and diamond wings, perched on a gold bar tipped with pearls. Imperial dragons wrought in scarlet and Chinese cTiaracters form the em broidery of some black silk gowns which are called Oriental. White zephyr wool embroidery on white cashmere is effective if the ribs of tlie leaves and the stamens of tlie flowers be traced in silk. All shades of coffee brown, including cafe au lait and clair coffee, and the pale leather tints, will be much worn, as they are newer than the cream colors. Worth recently made for a customer a polonaise of scarlet Bengaiine very long in front and slightly draped behind to show a skirt covered witli small ruffles of black surah. The imported gingham suits are the prettiest of all wasli dresses. A gay fancy is of trimming light blue and white-checked gingham with bands and pointed tongues of dark scarlet-colored gingham. Suits for young girls are made up with hooded jackets or a hood on the bacx of the dress itself. They are loosely fitting affairs, of dark green or navy blue chuddah or serge, or camel's hair cloth. Itoyal Bridal llrritri. lioniton lace owes its great reputation to its sprigs, which were at first woven into the ground, but latterly "applique," or sewn on the ground. In the course of the last century the making of the plain net ground on the pillow was a separate branch of the trade. The net : was lieautiful and regular, but expen- ! Hive, as may be judged from the fact that the thread by which some of the finer qualities were made cost as much i ;ts $350 to $525 per pound weight. The j worker was paid in a rather curious fashion. The lace ground was spread out and covered with shillings, and as many coins as the piece would accom modate were the reward of the maker. It was no uncommon thing to pay SSOO for a lioniton lace veil when tlie busi ness was in its palmy days. The inven tion oi machines for making lace dealt a severe blow to the peculiar industry of Devonshire, and it threatened to become altogether extinct. Mrs. Bury I'alliser records that when wedding lace was re quired for her majesty Queen Victoria, it was with difficulty the necessary number of workers could be obtained to make it. It was undertaken by Miss Jane Bidney. who caused the work to be executed* in the small fishing hamlet of Beer and its environs. The dress cost $5,000; it was composed entirely ef lioniton sprigs, connected with pillow by a variety of openwork stitches; but tlie patterns were immediatly destroyed, so it cannot be reproduced. The bridal drcs-es of the Princess Royal, the Princess Alice and the Prin cess ot Wales were all of lioniton point, the patterns consisting of natural (lowers, ferns, etc. Many of the more experienced hands find employment in restoring and remaking old lace, and the ingenuity they display in this direction is said to be marvelous. A Udr on Grmautlri. " A Ixidy Physician " writes to a New York paper as follows: For years past 1 have been con vinced that the mania for gymnastic exercise, athletic development and muscular power has l>oen productive of •a vast deal of harm. Years ago a theory in vogue for gaining health was dieting, and hundreds of people dieted themselves into insanity or the grave. Now the mania is for exercise, and hun dreds of yomijK men, and (although it may seem a rfflicu'ousstatement) young women also, are killing themselves by "exercise." Nature rebels at "knot ted " muscles, and requires the full pay ment of a serious penalty whenever the folly is perpetrated of developing mus cle as a business, through the swing ing of dumb-bells and Indian clubs. The long walks which are taken too frequently and with quite too much vim, under the influence of a spirit of emulation to win a bet. are productive of far more injury than benefit. But most of all. 1 want to call attention to the idea of daily bathing. It is a sim ple form of suicide, lacking the element of crime, because done through igno rance; lacking the horror, because it lacks the crimson stains and mangled form of the ordinary suicide. Our young men are not c-catent until thev are scrubbed hald-headt-d by the willing barber, and lx>k an their youth very " near of k-n " indeed to their aged grandsires. Were rebellion raised when the whiskers arc tampered with, and the fact that fashion benevolently and fortunately guards against them.nodoubt they, too, would be shampooed out of existence so effeoturally as to leave the " coming man " without that becoming adornment. The poor body is literally scrubbed out of existence. Nature guards her outposts very jealously, but she cannot do double duty in one direction without signal failure in some other. Conse quently, when the surface of the b-dy is daily denuded of the cuticle under je vigorous application of the itarlmruos "coarse towel," she must repair dam ages at the expense of tlie digestion or the natural eliminations of morbid mat ter: some organ loses the harmony with its fellows which is necessary to a per fect whole. 'Cleanliness is not only "next to godliness." but> very large part of it. and it is highly important that battling should be employed as a hygi enic force; out not the shower-bath when an exhausted body is slowly wak ing from an unnatural sleep, nor a cold sponge when the day's duties have ex hausted both mind and body. To change the clothing frequently and permit a thorough airing, to expose the entire surfaoe of the body for a few moments to the air of the room on rising and re fripg, ■ liffht brushing with a soft brush or fine towel, and a good bath onoe or twice a week are ail that an America* can do and retain health. Light exer' cise of those muscles not called ino" play in the daily routine is also desira.' hie, hut it should be calisthenic, nv gymnastic, and should not include a vi orous pound ingot the chest, than whie}, nothing can be worse for the lungn. ' Water Hspply. Of the danger of injury to health from polluted wells, it is hardly possible u, say too much. In one cholera sensor in Ix>ndon six hundred deaths traced to the use ot a single street j u tD[j Typhoid fever has \x in repeatedly, in. deed many times, known 'oaffect wim * families who resorted to a well for common supply, while others in th* same neighborhood, using differed water, were not attacked. Worse y*' perhaps, seems to be the subtlety wit which organic poison may be con eyed by water, through milk in dairymen'* supplies. Several times this has hp. pencd in ixmdon and elsewhere in Eng. land. In one instance, so far as peared, the only mode ofcontarnination was by the milk-pans at the dairy beiij. washed in water from a stream inv which leakage had occurred irom i neighboring vault. At anothertim<- several well-to-do families in London one of them that of a phvsieian,w. r< *'■ fected with typhoid fever. It found that they were ali supplied wiu. milk by a company which furnish**! milk from several dairies. i: was ascertained that cases of fev* only where the mot scrupulous sweet ness, cleanliness, and freshness of every, thing is maintained. This is the chief tof flood butter-making; and tig moral of it may be extended and ap plied by saying that perfect clean line of water, food, air and person, is < where absolutely necessary to perfect health. —American //> allh Primsr. What a Shoemaker Did bj Studj. Most of our readers have hi-ard o! "the learned blacksmith" (Eiiliu bur rit), but "the learned shoemaker," though not nearly so famous. wa, in his way, quite as remarkable a man. Charle3C. Frost, a learned sho< raaks and sciences, and at tlie time of his death was well ver-ed in geology, uJn'-r --nlogy. entomology, zoology . con tioingy, meteorology and botany, especia.ly the latter, to wliich he devoted his particu lar attention, and in the department of cryptogams he became ieadirg authority. The I'zsr's Grandson. Mrs. Lucy Hooper in one of her Paris letters says: Sometimes one hears it tie things shout the Czar of Boas is | which makes one inclined to pardon | Nihilism and to comprehend the dyns I mite plots. The other day I went to j visit a very charming old lady, who is an American, and who ha lived for j many years in Europe. Whilst turn ing over tlie pages of her photograph album. I came across the portrait of * | child, a boy of some six or eight year? | of age, so singularly beautiful that ray I attention was at once interested. The j little fellow was drcss'-d in a Knicker- I bockcr suit of black velvet, with his fair hair cut llo.bein-wise over his brow, and a lovlier or nobler image of healthful boyhood never gladdened s parent's heart. On my making somr exclamation of admiration, my friend produced several other photograph! of the same child, remarking at the same time that the picture, so far from ex aggerating his beauty, hardly did it justice. Bhe then tola of her meeting with the boy and bis mother Swin it zcrland. The child was the son of the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, the mother be ing bis secretly-wedded wife. Bv om-e mand of the czar the husband and wife were separated, and the latter was oreed, not only to consent to a divorce, but to marry another man " How could you consentf" asked my friend when the unhappy lady related her story. The eyes of the speaker fihed with tears and her lips quivered. "It was for my son's sake," she whispered, and then she said no more, being evi dently still not wholly freed from the toils of the " giant spider of the North." as Whitticr once called the czar in one ol his fervent lyrics on freodom. Sever! Never answer questions in general company that have been nut to others Never, when traveling abroad, be over-boastful of your own 00. ntry. Never lend an article you have bor rowed, unices you have permission U> do no. Never attempt to draw the attention of the company upon yourself. Never exhibit anger or impatience, or excitement, when an accident hap pens Never pane between two persons who are talking together, without an apol ogy. Never enter a room noisily. Never fail to close the door after yon, if you found it ekteed. and never alam it- Never forget tbat if you are faithful in a few things, you may be ruler or r many. "You must admit, doctor," said * witty lady to a celebrated doctor of divinity, with whom she was arguing the question of the "quality ot the sexes'—"you must admit that worn*" was created before man!" "well, really, madam," said the astonished divine, " I must ask you to prove your case." That can be easily ioue. sir. Wasnt Ere the first maid **