Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 24, 1880, Image 4

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    She Centre fmeniat.
The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper
lished every Thursday morning, at Bellefunte, Centre
county, Ps.
TERMS—Cash In sdvanre, SI BO
If Dot )>aid in advance U OO
Payment* mails within three month* will he rou
■ldered in advauce.
A LIVE PAPER—devoted to the interests of the
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SPECIAL NOTICXS 25 per cent, above regular rates.
De Golyer Garfield,
Custom House Arthur.
As announced by stunning posters,
and conspicuous type in the Bellefonte
Republican, a meeting to ratify the
nominations made at Chicago was
held in the Court House ou last
Thursday evening. Chairman Ran
kin had for several days, been assidu
ous in his endeavors to heal the sores
and apply soothing lotions to the
wounds made by the clash of factions
in the county. His success can be
judged by this outcome of his efforts to
restore tranquility and good feeling to
bis badly broken party lines. At half
past seven o'clock the Mountain City
band -marched to a prominent position
in the Diamond and entertained a mis
cellaneous crowd, largely composed of
the small boy, with excellent music,
and Chairman Rankin rushed about
in a nervous and troubled uiauuer
vainly looking for the bright lights
who were to shine on his benighted
people. The band played long and
persistently, but the faithful failed to
put in an appearance. At five min
utes of eight o'clock the first detach
ment arrived. James Milliken, a
Washburne mau, came across the
street arm-in-arm with Robert Valen
tine, a pronounced Grant man, closely
followed by Dr. Hayes and Col. Robt.
McFarlane, Blaine, and John G. Love
the champion of the "Old Command
er." Chairman Rankin brought up
the rear looking exceeding lugubrious
and gave the order to the band to re
pair to the court room. The crowd
gradually filed in, and as it was grow
ing late, an organization was immedi
ately effected. Robert Valentine was
elected President, and was flanked by
Captain Austin Curtin and Robert H.
Duncan, as Vice Presidents. A. A.
Dale and James Montgomery were
named as Secretaries. Immediately
upon assuming the chair Mr. Valen
tine called the nffeeting to order and
briefly explained its object. He said
they had met to concur in the nomi
nation of Garfield and Arthur and
to bury the hatchet. He remarked
that there should now be no Blaine,
Grant or Sherman men, they should
all be Republicans. As Mr. Valen
tine took his seat their was faint ap
plause. At this time the court room
was not over half full and the out
look was not encouraging. Chairman
Rankin now appeared upon the scene
and moved that James Milliken he
called upon to address the assembled
multitude. Mr. Milliken's remarks
were void of interest and elicited
hut little applause. The most impor
tant information vouchsafed the audi
ence by this gentleman, was that Gar
field's nominatien had been favorably
received by the Corps Legislatif, in
Paris. All this time the managers of
this grand outburst of Republican en
thusiasm, were anxiously gazing to
ward the doors, hoping that people
enough would arrive to fill up the
benches before the great event of the
evening—the speech of Gen. Beaver.
John G. Love was soon on the floor,
to fill in, but his remarks did not
seem to take well, and although he
endangered the safety of the globes
upon the chandaliers, by the vocifer
outt manner in which ho denounced
tlio Democracy, the applause was not
of such a nature as to make any one
uncomfortable. While he was appa
rently killing time, Htrains of music
floated in through the widely opened
widows of the sanctuary of justice, and
relief was plainly expressed upon the
countenances of the heretofore restless
chiefs. Succor was at hand, the court
room was now evidently about to be
In a few moments in walked the
Pleasant Gap band followed by a
large crowd, headed by the irrepress
ible Abe Miller. The seats were
rapidly filled up and the cries be
gan for " Beaver," " Beaver." The
General swung himself forward and
was soon engaged in a pathetic
apology for his course at Chicago.
He based his action upon the belief
that Grant's nomination would have
best benefitted the Republican party
of the South. He was touching in
his appeal to his associates, not to go
back upon the poor negroes. He pre
dicted in carfully rounded sentences,
that Garfield would carry at least
three Southern States and named Vir
ginia, Florida and Georgia. Warm
ing up with his theme, he, in u little
while had added North Carolina to his
list, ami before the poor Democrats,
who composed at least one half the
audience, could catch their breath, they
saw Mississippi slip from her moorings
and float into General Beaver's harbor.
In the meantime Senator Alexander
had walked down the aisle and was
received with applause. He was doubt
less mistaken for the speaker frojp
abroad, whom Chairman Rankin had
unsuccessfully angled for. General
Beaver at last succeeded in getting
things fixed entirely to his satisfaction,
having taken all the States in the
Union and placed them in the Repub
lican column. The Democrats cer
tainly start into the canvass under the
most unfavorable circumstances. The
only thing the General found fault
with was the Chicago platform. He
deprecated all allusions to the past,
saying that if his party wished to win
they must look to the future, and in
order to be successful they must carry
some Southern States. He added im
pressively, "We cannot elect our can
didate for President this time in the
North. We must have the electoral
votes of Southern States." As he re
tired there wa a blank look ou many
a face, and while the band played the
stalwarts had time to recover from the
astonishment this announcement had
caused them, and then A. O. Furst
was called out, and lie unfolded the
bloody shirt and claimed thut they
did not need any but northern men to
elect their candidate. This pleased
the boys and as he retired, Chairman
Rankin jumped to his feet and asked
for three cheers for Garfield which
were stoutly given. The grand (?)
ratification wasat Aiieud. The speak
ers all touched Garfield and Arthur's
records with gloved hands. They had
no explanation to offer, they said.
They will have before the campaign is
MK. A.(). FURST, in the first heat
of his bloody shirt harrangue, at the
Court House on last Thursday eve
ning, faced the coat of arms which
overlooks the bench and bar, and said
in an awe stricken voice, that "there
were inscribed the three attributes of
General Garfield's character." Mr.
Furst's eye-sight must have been bad,
for on turning his gaze toward the
frescoe he failed to find the "attri
butes." lie supplemented this ringing
remark by saying that they ought to
have been there if they were not.
The "attributes" alluded to are the
simple words, "Virtue, Liberty and
Independence." The Barcasm contain
ed in this little tribute to Garfield's
"attributes" was fully appreciated by
the Democrats, and a sort of a sickly
smile curled over the faces of the
whipped in Republicans, who were
brought to the meeting while protest
ing against its object. Mr. Furst was
not entirely happy in his manner of
drawing attention to I>e Golyer Gar
field's "attributes."
MR. Finn 1 said at the lie Golyer,
Credit Mobiiier "ratification" meeting
lent Thursday night, that there were
enough of Republicans in the North
to elect Garfield, and that General
Beaver's newly discovered friends in
the South might as well consider them
selves on the other side of the fence.
from our ragslar Corro|M>inlent.
WASHINGTON, I). C., June 21, 'BO.
Congress has adjourned, leaving our
village to resume that degree of ex
treme quietude which characterizes the
recess. Though our census taker shows
that we now have a population of 170,-
000, an increase since 1870 of nearly
40,000 people, yet the absence of all
manufacturing industries enables Con
gross, by its presence, to exercise a
marked effect upon our city's business,
and particularly upon the streets and
promenades. Our hotelß are, through
adjournment, half closed, and every
other channel of trade or business, or
pleasure-seeing or going, is similarly
effected. Adjoutnment to us is as Jack
Frost to a summer resort. The Capitol
is deserted. Its bright flugs which have
flaunted so gaily over the halls since
the first Monday of last December, are
furled. The crowds which thronged
the lobbies have migrated, and we shall
see no more of them till next winter's
harvest of spoils brings them back
again to us. The House proceedings
during the last twenty-four hours of
the session had less of interest or
excitemeut in them than we have ever
seen in the past. At 4 o'clock on Tues
day it adjourned till 10 r. a., Wednes
day, which gave but two hours for busi
ness before the hour for final adjourn
ment arrived. This unprecedented
action avoided the rush, excitement
and turmoil attending the last hours of
Congress, where they are devoted to
one prolonged session, extending
through the whole night and until
noon. In some respects it was a wise
proceeding, for it killed a score of
swindling, thieving measures, whose
friends had hoped to drive into passage
under the usual press and inattention
of the last hours, while other and meri
torious bills are merely delayed.
During the session 1,107 bills and
joint resolutions were introduced in the
Senate, and 4,188 bills and joint resolu
tions in the House of ltepresentatives.
The number introduced during the first
(or extra) session were respectively 773
and 2,520, making a grand total of 8,784
bills and joint resolutions introduced
thus far during the present Congress.
Business people in Washington com
plain very bitterly of the depression
and dullness which bus set in since the
Chicago nomination. Whether well
founded or not, there was a general
impression among all classes here that
that the nomination of Gen. Grant
would be a great thing for Washington,
and Democrats showed quite as much
anxiety on the subject as Republicans.
Notwithstanding that the personal
influence of Mr. Hayes and the mem
bers of the administration was ex
erted in favor of Secretary Sherman,
the great msjority of the office holders
were also in favor of Grant. They had
an idea that Grant could be elected.
Hut the election of Garfield is consider
ed as involved in doubt and uncertain
ty, and business men say, in conse
quence of this, all the officeholders of
Washington have shut down, and are
making nothing but absolutely neces
sary purchases. As is known, not
a gun was fired in Washington over the
nomination of Garfield. Subscriptions
had been made for the firing of a
thousand guns over the expected nomi
ination of Grant, but the subscribers
declined to permit their money to be
spent in salutes over any one else.
From advices received here from the
■South it seems that the same feeling
of disappointment exists there among
the colored voters over the failure to
nominate Grant. In many towns and
villages extensive preparations had been
made to celebrate the nomination of
Grant, but Garfield they had never
heard of, and everything fell stillborn
on the announcement of his nomina
George C. Gorbam has at last become
reconciled and nay* he is going to Cali
fornia to stump the State for Garfield.
Mr. Blaine expects to spend about a
month at the White Sulphur Springs,
and then take the stump.
There was much disappointment that
Mr. Hlaine did not speak at the Oar
field serenade on Thursday night last.
In fact, with the exception of General
Logan, all of the speakers after Mr.
Gartield were of the small fry genu*.
The enthusiasm, which WAS meager,
was manufactured by the paid clerka of
the several and the pyro
tecnica burned were paid for from the
slender means of the same parties.
The demonstration was a failure in
every particular but one, and that one
marked the whole as a success. When
the procession brought Mr. Garfield out,
reeking as he is with the memory of
Credit Mobilier and DeGolyer jobs, he
leaned on the arm of Secor Robeson,
Grant's late .Secretary of the Navy. Of
all the rotten wrecks of the Grant re
gime, there is none, not even Belknap,
whose official life is so ordorous with
the stench of crime, jobbery and fraud
as this man Robeson, and the confiden
tial relations which his appearance with
Garheld implies, creates a harmony of
feeling, a fitness of things which mark
ed the demonstration as a grand
The Republican nomination for Gov
ernor of Indiana seems to have gone
begging. No one on the snot of suffi
cient consequence appeared to care for
it, and .Secretary Thompson was inquir
ed of by telegraph if he would have It.
He replied that he could not endure the
labor of the canvass. The convention
then nominated Judge Porter, who is
the first comptroller of the treasury.
His nomination was almost as unex
pected as that of Garfield at Chicago.
The adjournment of Congress leaves
the members of the administration free
for summer jaunts. Mr. Hayes, with
some of bis family, has already inaugu
rated the series of official summer excur
sions by a trip to Ohio. This week he
will attend the commencement at Ken
yon College, from which he graduated in
1842. Hec'y Ramsey, with several army
officers, will shortly leave for a Western
trip, but nominally to inspect the mili
tary prison at Fort Leavenworth. Sec
retary Sherman will leave next week
for a "vacation and rest." Gen. Sher
man goes to St. I'aul to attond the cele
bration, on July 3, of the discovery of
the Falls of St. Anthony. Secretary
Schurz will shortly make a trip to Deer
Park, and Secretary Evarts will look
after the fences on his Vermont farm.
The other members of the cabinet are
also arranging for their summer recrea
tion. FEI.IX.
What Garfield must Explain.
Prom thf Now York Il-r*l<i, Intl.
What is charged is that he he had
Credit Mobilier stock to the amount of
two thousand dollars; that he never
paid nor expected to pay a cent for it j
that the dividends on the other stock
which went with it were so enormous
that they paid for the Credit Mobilier
stock and left a surplus of three hun
dred and twenty-nine dollars which
was paid over to Mr. Garfield, making
the actual bribe two thousand dollars of
stock which cost him nothing and the
surplus which he received in money.
When the exposure came he threw up
and repudiated his stock ; but had there
been no exposure he might have retain
ed it. llis acceptance of the surplus
of dividends beyond what was neces
sary to pay for the stock looked like an
acknowledgment that the stock was his.
There must be some better explanation
than has yet been presented before the
country will think otherwise. We are
willing and anxious to see a defense
which is not as damaging as the origi
nal charge. Will any Republican con
tend that if the three hundred and
twenty-nine dollars which Mr. Garfield
received from Gakes Ames was a sur
plus of dividends on his slock he is tit
to be Presidens T If, as Mr. Garfield
tried to have it appear at the time, it
was borrowed money, why did he bor
row so singular a sum ?
The defense put forward for the five
thousand dollars received in the De
Golyer business is equally lame. It is
not denied that he received that sum,
but it is asserted that it was a counsel
fee. It is not yet shown what service
Mr. Garfield rendered to earn it. It
was equal to a full year's salary as Con
gressman, a salary which is earned by
many speeches on the floor, much ar
duous lat>or in several committees, and
many services for his constituents. It
is averred that he never made a speech
nor did any namable thing for that lurge
counsel fee. If he did, let his friends
present a bill of particulars. If they
can find nothing to insert in such a bill
let them cease prating about a counsel
fee, for it will be evident that the
money was' paid him because he was
chairman of the committee on appro
priations. We waive the indecorum of
taking a counsel fee in the interest of a
job foa which Mr. Garfield's committee
was asked to make appropriations, and
simply suggest that a precise statement
be made of the services he rendered as
counsel. If the list of services proves
to be a blank what interpretation will
be put on the offer and acceptance
of the counsel fee? Mr. Garfield's de
fense is thus far in such weak and un
skillful hands that he should take it up
Garllcld Already on the Defensive.
Cl**Unl Di*ptrb to th* Ntw York ll*ral<l.
Gov. Charles Foster, before leaving the
city for his home at the capital, made,
at the request of a reporter, the follow
ing statement to the charges regarding
Gen. Garfield's course in the past, Gen.
Foster is Garfield's particular friend and
accompanied him from Chicago, making
speeches to relieve the General from
talking all along the route. The inter
view, therefore, has a special value and
may be considered almost what Mr.
Garfield himself would say :
"The charges against Garfield," said
Mr. Foster, "are to be thoroughly set
tled. From what I know about them,
and I think 1 know all about them,
there is not the slightest reason to be
lieve in any corruption. I also know
that fair minded and well informed
Democrats have the aame impression.
Ilis connection with the Credit Mobilier
and DeOolyer matters were both inves
tigated by Congressional committees.
The foundation of the charge in the
Credit Mobilier case was very slight.
The only connection he had with the
De Golyer matter was very indirect and
remote. When the reports of the com
mittee were made to Congress no re
commendation for action against him
was made. He himself has fully met
all these charges in the minutest detail,
and any one who cares to be informed
on the subject can easily find bis de
fense in phampblet form. He was the
subject of a fierce assault during his
candidacy for Congress in 1874, in his
district. In thst election he suffered
quite seriously in the reduction of his
majority, but so thoroughly are his con
stituents convinced of his integrity and
blamelessness, that in the last election
his majority was at its highest."
AT 12 o'clock on Wednesday the I6tb,
in accordance with the resolution fixing
the day for the close of the second session
of the 45th Congress, the Senate after
(taring adopted resolutions of thanks to
Mr. Wheeler and the president />rs Um.,
quietly adjourned, The closing hours
of the house were noisy hut at twelve
o'clock the speaker called quiet and
said : "The hour fixed by the resolution
for the final adjournment of the two
bouses has arrived, and now, with an
expression of goed will towards everv
member and delegate on this floor, and
with a hope for their safe return to
their homes, I declare this house, in its
seoond session of the Forty sixth con
gress, adjourned without day."
Thus the seoond session was brought
to a close, And the participants in the
exsiting proceedings of the past six
months separated to prepare for their
homeward journey.
Nellie White, aged ten, of Hoboken,
was bitten by a dog last fall, and has
had a constant dread of dogs ever sinoe.
Recently a Newfoundland dog barked *£
her and she fell unconscious. Bhe now
shows symptoms of hydrophobia. Her
recovery is doubtful,
The Buckingham, Buck* county,
school directors have advanced the
wage* of teachers to >4O per month.
The Lycoming tannery, at Williams
port, turns out 20,000 hides a year, and
uses in that time 12,000 tons of hark.
The recent census shows the imputa
tion of Jiarrisburg to be 30.412, an in
crease of a little more than 31 per cent,
in ten years.
A reunion of old citizens of Indiana
county was held in Indiana on Wednes
day last, Itev. David Blair, aged 'J4,
invoked the blessing.
The first baby named after James
ALram Garfield bus made its appearance.
It is a foundling, and at present resides
at the Pittsburg city poor farm.
Joseph Gray, of Susquehanna town
ship, Cambria county, has sold to a
Clearfield firm, 1,500,000 feet of hem
lock timber, to be delivered in time for
next spring's rafting.
Col. James L. Nutting, at one time a
prominent coal operator and of late a
prominent Republican leader in Schuyl
kill county, died suddenly at I'ine
Grove, on Sunday last, of paralysis.
A little girl named Kirchof, of Pat
terson, fell from a swing a fortnight ago
and broke her shoulder blade. Fearing
punishment, she did not disclose her
condition. A violent fever resulted.
She died Tuesday, of last week.
The Supreme Court on Saturday af
firmed the judgment of the Dauphin
county court in the case of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company vs. the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, one of the
tax cases decided by Judge Henderson
some moths ago in appraising the capi
tal stock. The amount at stake is $27,-
Wiiliam L. Uhler, a wealthy retired
citizen of Lebanon, aged 50 years, com
mitted suicide by banging himself, late
on last Thursday night, at the residence
of George W. Hensel, Quarryville, Lan
caster county. An inquest was held
and the jury brought in a verdict of
suicide while laboring under a Ift of in
Considerable excitement prevals in
the vicinity of Newmanstown, Lebanon
county, on account of the supposed dis
covery of gold. I>r. S. K. .Smith pur
chased five acres of land on South
Mountain, sunk a shaft and is taking
out a mineral which he claims to be
gold ore. He says he ha applied tests
which prove the presence ol precious
At Iterwick, Columbia county, there
is a mysterious woman. She has re
cently arrived from no one knows
where, and at night she walks the
streets, and meeting gentlemen stojis
them, raises their hats and peers intent
ly into their faces. She then replaces
the hat. expresses dissapointment at not
recognizing the party and turns sway.
Mr. John 11. Shoenberger, of Pitts
burg, who was married to Mis* Alice
Taylor, in New Yord, on Tuesday of
last week, and sailed on the following
day with his bride for Europe, is said to
have made her a wedding present of a
check for a million of dollars. The
bride is a sister-in law of the rector of
Trinity Church, Pittsburg,of which Mr.
Shoenberger is warden and to the
building fund of which he gave, in one
subscription, SIOO,OOO.
The argument of the Steintnan Hen
sel case, involving the right of Judge
Patterson, of Lancaster, to disbar attor
neys for criticisms as editors, attracted
the largest crowd to the Supreme Court
room on Saturday morning that has at
tended during the session, including
many ladies. Mr. Samuel H.Reynolds
defended the action of Judge Patterson
by an able and elaborate argument, and
Mr. McClure followed for the plaintiffs
in error. It is not expected that the
decision will be rendered before < cto
Gettysburg battlefield Memorial
Association held its annual business
meeting at Gettysburg on last Monday.
Governor Hoyt was elected President
and Robert G. McCreary Vice Presi
dent. The following Directors were
also elected : General W. S. Hancock,
General 8. W. Crawford, General Louis
Wagner, (Colonel C. W. Hazzard, Colonel
John Taylor, Captain J. M, Vender
slice, Colonel C. H. Buckley, J. Law
rence Sheck, N. G. Wilson, John M.
Krauth, Charles Horner and Major
Robert Bell.
John lrey, ex Commissioner and a
prominent farmer of West Nantmeal
township, Chester county, states that
six years ago the army worms, which
arc now attacking the grain and grass
in some portions of that county, made
their appearance in that township in
vast numbers, They crawled up the
timothy sulks and ate thb heads. The
wheat was also greatly damaged by
them, and the fields looked as if they
had been strewn with bran. At that
time the worm was not designated as
the army worm.
Upon complaint of H. 11. Hughes, of
Franklin, J. T.Jones, of Bradford, and
others, the grand jury of Armstrong
oounly have returned bills of indict
ment against Henry Harley, W. 11.
Abbott, John U. Drum, Wm. Warm
castle and T. Wharsen for fraud, false
pretenses and other crimes upon the
Pennsylvsnia transportation company,
The defendanU were all formerly oon
nected with the company. Mr. Harley
having been president, Mr. Warmcastle
general superintendent, Mr. Abbott
treasurer, Mr. Wharsen a director, Mr,
Drum book keeper. The cases are set
down for trial on the second Monday in
September next.
I'eylng School Warrants.
From lb* llstilihnrz Patriot.
State Treasurer Butler has determin
ed to honor all school warrants as fast
as they are presented for payment
numbered from one to a thousand. As
the School boards make their reiiorU to
the Superintendent of Public Inetruc
tion, warranU are drawn in their favor
for the amount due them and number
ed in the order or the reoeption of the
report. The method ofTera a premium
Jo prompt report. The appropriation
to schools i. $1,000,000 a year and of
the amount appropriated for 1870 it is
proposed to pay about $450,000 before
•toiiping. The county superintendents
and oerUin pupils in the Sute Norms!
Schools have received nearly SIOO,OOO
uf the appropriation.
Currie, the Texas murderer, was ac
quitted on Saturday last on the ground
of insanity.
Mr. Hayes expects to leave for Tali
fornia with Secretary Thompson a r ,,|
party, about the Ist of July. He will
make a general tour of the Pacific
Mr. Max Maria Von Weber and Mr.
Bohnstedt. aent to this country by t},,,
Prussian Government to study the
American railroad system and the rev.
ulation of rivers, have arrived in Wash,
iogton on their way across the continent.
John W. White, of Osaipee, N. 11., on
last Thursdry attempted to ahoot his
wife, who was upon a train which was
just leaving the station. A passenger
struck up the revolver, and the ba||
penetrated the side of the car. Ik-fore
White could be secured be cut bis own
tbtoat and he will probably die. ]J<-
haa been separated from his wife on ac
count of his dissipated habits.
Richardson, Moore, Smith A Go's aw,
1 daning and (louring mill, at Snow IJjl],
lid., was burned on last Friday evening,
involving a loss of $25,000, u[>on wh,<i,
there was no insurance. Aliout Jtgj
O<X),OUO feet of lumber were included in
the loss. Fears for the safety of tie
village were at one tune entertained,
but the favorable course of the wind
allayed them. The Salisbury fire de.
partment arrived on a special train and
efficiently aided in sutaluing the flarn<-.
Mtsa Jessie Raymond, who entered
suit at Washington, in March last,
against Senator Hill, o( Georgia, for se
duction, claiming SIO,OOO damages, aj,
peared in the Circuit Court on lan Sat
urday. The defendant's counsel bad
filed a demurrer setting forth that
plaintiff's allegations are false ; that
the declarations are bad in suleUnce,
and that there is no cause for action.
Judge Wylie sustained the demurrer
and gave judgment for the defendant.
This ends the case at least for the pre*
At the Democratic National Conven
tion, held four years ago, at St. Ivoui-,
there were only two ballots for Presi
dent, the official report of the proceed
ings giving the result as follow..
(WudlitaU*. Vint K(.|
Tlldrn. of !<■ Vork li: , a
Hemlrt'k. ..f iMfIMML U
lUt< <trk. f JVr.r.at Jtt,,
Ali o, <•( OMi |
I'.n t *r). of m*fe ;;
of S cw ... I* j*
Tliurmau • f QM|
On the first ballot Thurman had three
votes from Nevada, but they were chang
ed before the result was announced. Jn
like manner sixteen votes of Missouri,
which had been cast for J a*. O. Broad
head. of that State, were changed to
Tilden. Pennsylvania voted solidly for
Hancock on both ballota, but Wallace
waa the first in the convention to move
that Tilden's nomination he made unan
About 8 o'clock last Saturday even
ing the steamer Grand Republic, which
had just landed at Brooklyn, N. Y.. the
2.000 excursionists of the Henry Ward
Beecher Sunday School, from Rockawsv
collided with the steamer Adelaide
which plies between that city and Long
Branch, and which had also just landed
her passengers, with the exception of
one lady. The Adelaide got the wort
of the collision, and sunk before tug*
which grappled her could haul her up
to a wharf. Nolody is known to hav>-
been lost on the Adelaide, unlet* it may
have been a boy known as "Joe" who
has not yet been accounted for, though
in the confusion he may have escaji-d
and gone home without reporting. The
accident appears to have been caused
by criminal indifference on the part ot
those in charge of the boat*, as one gsve
the signal for the right of way and the
other answered with a refusal signal, and
the crash-canie.
■ —♦
The First Forty.Niner Bead.
Gen. John A. Sutter, the discoverer
of Gold in California, and one of the
earliest pioneers on that coasj died at
1:20 r. w., on Friday, the IMb instant,
at his room in Made* hotel, at Wash
ington City. He had been sick for
about a weak with inflammation of the
kidneys, and passed away quietly, in
full |ssen of hia faculties. The tail
news of hit death was at once telegraph
ed to 4 hit home, at Litiz, Lancaster
county, Pa., where bis aged wife resides.
John A. Sutter waa born at Baden.
Germany, in 1802, and when not twen
ty years of age entered tbe French
army as a lieutenant. After serving
for seven years be entered the Swiss
army, where he remained until 1534.
He then determined to try his fortune*
in the New World. Ihi first stopping
place waa St. Louia, ana from there he
pushed on to Weatport, Mo., where he
>n *n active and eEtensive
trade in live atock. At this period hu
adventurous spirit waa aroused bv a
description he heard of the Pacific
then an almost unknown country.
In 18.18, in company with six men he
undertook the journey of 2,000 miles
over the wild wide wastes of Indian
country. After a varied expetience he
reached fort Van Gouver, and not find
ing any means of reaching San Francis
co, be took passage for the Sandwhicb
Island*. After engaging in trade be
tween the islands and tbe pacific coast,
in the year 1847 Geu. Sutter founded a
colony a abort distance up the Sacra-
Bento rir. He became an extensive
cattle dealer and trader, and hia house
o|>ened its hospitable doors to the foot
sore adventurer and traveler, and bis
generosity ia one of the bright pages in
the history of the early pioneer days
ol California. It was in digging a mill
race that gold waa first discovered. For
the peat fifteen years he baa been try
tng to obtain some recognition from
Congress, but, like all private claimants,
he has been neglected, until deeth has
rendered all reparation impoaaibie.
Gev. Brown, of Miwdwlppl, Drowned.
a enn > June 13.—Governor
A. G. brown, of If iaaiaaippi wits thrown
from bis horse into a pond, near his
borne, last night and drowned. The
deceased resided near Jackson Mills
and wasi 6, years old. He waa Cover
nor of Mississippi for two terms and
served his Sute aa* a member of Con
greaa and of the United Sutes Senate.