Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 17, 1880, Image 7

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    JVr if A drertisem en ts,
Horse Hay-Fork.
pcwrtpttfe ( % NtalogD st-nt froo.
3w. Kbxmbtt S.ji mh, Cheater County, PN.
A New Enrly Sweet Potato,
OITKRIOR in cnrliiicss, productive-
W* n****, Citlor xnl quality. Proiliuftl ruber* largo '
eifii ji lor tin* market to riulit> day*.
(Nt account of its Early Maturity y it is be
lts red to be heftsr adapted for tbitti
ration in the. Northern States
than ant/ other variety.
In h*|* they are Nonivwhat nhorter than the ordinary '
vartetiea,( a gohUn yellow color, rnk very ilry, anil
are f atiperlor flavor, will grow on quit* ordinary Mill j
with hut a allglit riat of manure, ylabltwl a largJcrnp !
the part aeajMn ti|H>n lamt that would not grow above ;
fifteen hitah' laof mru to the acre. An excellent keep- ]
er The nioat valuable variety In cultivafloo.
Price of *lt|M, with lirecth>ii* for planting, by mail,
iioa-paH, centa per down ; fI.'JA for fifty ; per i
hiiitdrtsl; sli.V) per thousand
24 U <l4 Han lay Street, New York. i
.%>//• I ietnr Sewing Machine—Harper Jlrothers, Agents.
•ovements September, 1878.
rithstauding tlio VICTOR has long boon lb.
Ny Sowing Machine in tbo market a fact
I by a bust of witnesses—wo now
confidently claim for it greater simplicity,
a wonderful reduction of friction and n r.iro
tlo is a beautiful specimen of mechanism,
and takes punk Willi tbo highest achievements
or consign Muchiiuw, therefore. liave Dor-ll
ones to patch up and r< -varnish for our
—We Sell Hew Machines Every Time.
Send f>r Illustrated Circular aul prices. Liberal term* to tin- trade. Don't buy
intd you have seeu the
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the
Mafket.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
p'.ateru Rranch 'klice, 235 STATU Sr.. Uunuoo, h.u MIDDLETOWN, CONN.
HARPER BROTHERS, AgenU, Spring Street, - - - BKLI.KFONTE, PA.
It if son, McFartane <(• Co., Hardware Dealers.
Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes,
Itunines* Cards.
IT ARNESS manufactory
KL la llarinan'i N-w Block,
BEM.EFONTK, l'A. 1-lj
I • nvitn,
Hill YTork rtwtifwl. Oo Allegheny utreef,
Hll. r llr.H k-> I. .i! Ifoiwe. 4 |f
X N . "1. Brock(-rt.off Row. J
jvfß All thu HUndnpl I'ulent MMirin#* I'r#*- *
Ion ami family lh*< ivrnntUl)' *.
Hji ;wrL TfWM, .Shoulder Bract*, Ac., kr. | 3
Brnrkerhoff How, Alleghany •Irwt,
B-' It* ll* ;.tnte, I'a.
■ c. fir a k*. Prea'l. J. f. 4'aah*r.
Hl'ti i.y Hlreat. He||*frnte, Pa. 4-tf
Hfif" Dejwialti
■ Ami Allow Interest,
iNaronnt Notes J
Btijr anl Bell
(Jov. Becuritlea,
Goltl and r>tff*nm
A. Biayib, Prefhtwnt.
Hni QiET.OshUr. 4-tf
HS.L sufferers from this disease
are anxton* to he mrwd whmM try hi
Thm* Pl)trder re th# only known
: |H|rill ctr uml all <lUea*a of the
AND Ltrxo*—lnderal, no utronc J* or faith in
a too lo convlnrr yon that tliejr are no hum
will forward to arery eiifferer hy mail, post
|H| don't want yunr money until yon are pwrfertlr
of thetr curative power*. If your life i worth
don't delay In fiving tliNr P"wdrm r trial, an
Mhili surely cure you.
for Inrga box. |SXti, sent to anr port of the
Btatea or hy mail, on receipt of price.
4 iSIO Fallon SIMwl, Br-Kiklyn, N. Y.
VALLn(; SI( k\E**
).■ Ilamlm*— ky 081 month's uosas nf Or. Oon-
Bl CnUbratod Infallibl* Fit Powdara. To oon
anffrrrr. Unit llima yvw-lcra will do nil "• claim
Hon wr will arnd thrm hy mall, roar r*lo, a rasa
am. Ab Dr. Onnlard la thr only phyairlon that
made thla diar... a Bporlal alndy, and MB to
th-maanda ha b-wn raBH*anTLT car-
H lh mb. uf th*B. Pownaoa, a wiix BDtuim *
HmiT enr* In *y*ry com., or naruap toti *U
axrannao. All auffarcra -boold (Its thmw
an anrly trial, and Im conylnccd <d their enm
for I Bran tmx.ta.Ot, or 4 hoxra for fIAdW, sent
lo any |wrt of Ui# United Htale* or (ismih on
of uric*, or hy cxpram, C. O. D. Addrene
:WW Folton Street, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Outre County Farmers' Homo.
Improved Stahllng and ireful ll<tltrH. I.ow Spo. inl
Itatea for Jurymen and Wltneaeee. 4'hainlinewa, Com
fort and Table Unexcelled.
lignln.t Hie Prndtlrer* of our Food, Ihmi whom none
are more worthy, or more entitled to attention. The
lluah llutiee hating over three tlini'N the rn|M<ity of
olher hot*!,. Iln-re l no occoeion or dl*|>Mit|[>n to
plum lli. gnrrta In altlc room. Till, nccount* for Itn
growl))* laa-nl Tnolo. W>• do not Inn! yonr tinnier lo
till! rule nod I>rullt of partiee dlainuw-<l*d with thu
hotel. riv-ir.l 1) P. l'K' r rtHS, Proprietor.
V ! (Oppoalte the Knllrond Station,)
A. A. Roll I.HK.CKKK, l'ropriptur.
TIIROUUU TRAVELERS on tin- railroad will And
thla Hotel an excellent place to lunch, or prte urea
meal, ae AM. TRAIN'S "top about 24 minuhut. 47
Thia houae. prominent In a city famed for Ita com
fortable hoteU, U kept In every reaped e.pial to any
hmt-claiix hotels In the country. Owing to the •trln
genry of the tiuiee, the price of board li *••! re.lucm|
toTiurr. noLLAHH per day. J M KIIIHIN,
Bellefonte a know shoe
R. R.— Time-Tahle In effect on and iflcr Mat
I 1, 1LM:
• lenveti Anow fihoe 7.20 A. v. arrives in Bellefonb
, i 9.1( A. x.
Ueavra Ballefonte 10.2-" A. x., arrive* nt Bnow Shoe
1 11 VT A *
Leave* AnoW Shoe 2*l F X., Arrive* in lUlUL.nl*
I J 4*> f. X.
Ip*ym Bellefonte -.IA r x., arrive* nt Hnow ffhoe
*i-ieral BxpinlxtexdeDt.
-1 9 ROAD —Ttme-Taldr, April 2S. !>*:
Exp. Mail. IBBltiti. hast* Mao. Ei|. Mall.
I *■ *• r n. i. a
* I" •-HI Arrlae at Tyrone l.eavn ... 7 * * m
I * d i'' Ej.lt Tyrone I.eare... 7 IV H
7 ' *il " Vail •' ... t H B .71
"v. 817 .... " Hid iu K u " 7 a * ;i7
i7 4* B < " Fowler " ... 7:n * f,
j7 VI £ .1 " llanaah M ... 7SB 11 7
! 7 s&k o p (ir , Pallida " ... 741 MIB
7S, r, 47 " Martha " ... 742 2*
71* IS '• .Julian " ... 1 to
'i 7 " h27 " UnlonTllle " ... 11 ft 4.1
7UI 518 " Fnow Hhoa In " ... *2l 9 .'.I
■ft Ml ft Ift " Milethnrx " ... ft 34 ft ftft
!B B ft ft " Belle font# " ... ft 3X M
ft .IB 4 ftft ...... Mileahurx " ... ft 4ft 10 ft
ft Jft 4 4ft ....„ " Cnrtia " ft ftft lo 14
B Ift 4to " Mount Kagla " ... ft Ofi 10 10
0 0 4 111 " Howard " ... 9 ft 10 So
ft V. 4JO o Ea*leilla " ... ft 1 jo 4k
ft 4 < 4IS " Beech I'raek M ... ft 23 10 ft
ft 14 4 ft - Mill Hall " ... ft .14 11 01
ft kO 400 •< Flernlnxton •' ... ft 37 II 4
ft 2ft ft ftft ...... " Dock ifaren " ... 042 II ft
I —(Philadelphia and Brie Diflalnn.)—On and
, aftar Dereiaber 12, 177 :
ERIK MAll. leaara Philadelphia It ftft p m
" " llarrlahurf 426 am
" " WilliamMfiort 9 oft an,
" " Lock Harm-.... nR ,. M ft 40 a m
. "•• Ranoyo. 10 ftft a m
" arrttea at Eri 7 ftft p
NIAOARA r.XPRF.!S leare. Philadelphia. . 7 21) a m
" " llarrhdiiirg.... In fto a m
" " M llllamaport. 2 2o p m
" arrlTaa at Kenoro. 4 41) p in
! PaaMnpera by thla train arr.re In Hellr-
I fonle at, 4 26 p m
FAST l.lNKleaeea Philadelphia II 46 am
" " Harrl-hiirx.................. 3 Bft p m
" " WHllamMnolt 7 .10 p m
" arrlrea at hock llaren 840 p m
I PACIFIU EXPRESS I-arm lee k llaren.... 6 40 a m
I " " Wllllamaport... 7 ftft a 111
" arrtTea at llarrlahnr* 11 ftft a m
" " Philadalphka. .. 3 4ft p m
DAY EXPRESS lea res Renoeo 10 10 am
. " " Lock llareu. 11 20 am
" Wllllaaieport 12 40 am
I " arrlrea at Karrlehnrx.4 10pm
" PhllMdelphla, 720 p w
KHK MAII. laaree Renom ( Aft p m
" Wk Haeen.......~ m ... ft 4ft p m
" Willlanieport 11 06 p m
" arrlrea al Harrtahurg. 3 4ft a m
I " " Philadelphia 700 am
, FAST LINR I rarer Wllllamepnrt 12 3ft a m
" arrlrea al 11err1etDirK................. 3 ftft a m
" Philadelphia 7 3ft a m
j Krle Mall Weal. Niagara Kapreaa Wert, Wk Hans
1 Accommodation Weal, and Day Kxnraaa Boat, make
I , Cloae eonaecllona at Northninl erland with L. kB. R
, R. tralna for Wllkoeharre and Sernntnn.
Erie Mall Weal, Niagara Ripreea Waal, and Brla
Kxnraee Wert, and Ucli llaren Accommodation Weal,
make . tore eonneottnn at Wllllame|-.rl wltn N. 0. B
W. tralna north.
Erie Mad Wert, Niagara Rxprea* Wert, and Day
Kaprert Kort, make cliwe connarllou at Wk Harm
With B. I. Y. R R. tralna.
Brie Mall Baal and Wert ooanect at Brla with tralna
on L. S. 8 M. S. R. R.. at Corry with 0. C. 8 A. V. R
R., at Emporlnm with B. N. Y. 8 P. R. 11,, au l al
Diiftwaod with A. V. R K
Parlor can will rim between Philadelphia and
Wtlllama port on Niagara K*pr*ae Wret, Erie Ripreoe
Weal, Philadelphia Expreae Boat and Day Bxprem
Boat, and Snnday Expreae Bart. Sleeping own an all
night Imlaa. *. A Hoinn,
•len'l Superintendent.
Plain or Fancy Printing.
"We have iintmual facilitieN for |irinting
Printing done in the beat atylo, on
abort notice and at the lowest rate*.
Order* i.y mail will receive prompt
ahr Cmtrr Slmocrnt.
TH* T**T F Til* > .TIO*AL WCLr.lt* l TH* I*T*LLI
Kvery farmer in his annual rrperxener
U.nearer* mmethinrj of mine. Write it ami
eml it to (he "Agricultural Ed\tor of th*
DKMOI'HAT, ftellefontr, I'rnn'a," that other
farmer* may hare the benefit of if. Let
communiratumn be timely, and be nure thai
they are brief and well painted.
Tiif.re is yet time to sow 1 f ungnr
! ian Crass or Millet, and inake n gootl
: crop. This would help out many
a farmer whose promises of the hay
j crop is short.
1 Mb. I). P. Jam is<in reports his
! Gwynedd herd of twelve Ilolstein
cows as giving an averagae of some
, thing more than thirty-three pounds
of milk |>er day for the month of
Wk notice hy our western ex
changes, that the amber sugar cane or
sorghum, is Wing planted in that
section quite extensively. It would
lie well to experiment with it in our
county. If successful It would help
diversify our crops, at the same add
one of the necessities of life to our
home productions.
Wk do our farmer readers who are
in need of n Horse fork a kindness
by calling their attention to the ad
vertisement of the I'cnnock Manufac
turing Co., which will lie found in
another column of this page. This
is a case in which our experience en
ables us to fully endorse the state
ments of the advertiser.
Onk part each of white heloborc
and flowers of sulphur and three or
four parts of soot, thoroughly mix
ed together, and applied to melon,
cucninlier and squash vines, in the
early morning, when the dew is on,
will keep at bay the miserable little
stripped bug, which, unless something
is done to prevent it, will assured
ly destroy them.
Green Fodder for Short Pasture-
The dairyman must not forget, at
this season, that August and Septem
ber arc wont to bring short pasture,
which operates most disastrously
upon milk production. Now is the
time to provide against this contin
gency. A bout one-filth of an acre |ier
cow, put into green crops, will furnish
all the green food required when the
pastures dry up, ami the better the
quality of the food the better will the
cows hold out their full yields th rough
the season.
The most universal crop used for
this purpose is fodder corn, and, al
though sonic regard It as very poor
food, it has a value greater than any
other crop yet tried for this purpose.
The great objection made to it is its
deficiency in albuminoids required to
make the casein of the milk, and,
from this fact, when fed alone itolten
reduces the yield of milk. Thia ob
jection has force, l>ut it may be an
swered by saying that it is not neces
sary to few! fodder corn alone—that
it is an excellent succulent food, hav
ing all the starchy and fatty elements
necessary, and that this lack of albu
minoids may be made up for with
green cloviy, millet, or wheat bran,
or a small amount of oil-meal. It is
not a perfect food in itself, and very
few such foods are known. The dairy
roan should seek for variety in food
—not for i single food to bo given
for all purposes. Corn has the great
advantage of being adapted to almost
all soils, and of producing so abund
ant a crop that only a small amount
of ground is required for each cow,
It comes into feeding condition at the
very time wanted, and remains fn
for some weeks. It stands drouth
better than roost other crops, and
yields more tons of green food to the
' acre tlmn any other crop. These ad
! vantages entitle corn to great cbnsid
| cration aw a green crop for late suin
: iner and lull feeding.
When planted for this purpose,
early and late varielica should Ins
used. The early, eight-rowed New
England held varieties, and Crosby
and other early sweet varieties should
he planted for August feeding; and
the Southern White, Western Yellow
and Stowell's Evergreen ft wee t should
he used for later feeding. The best
method of raising a valuable crop of
any of these varieties is to plant in
drills 40 or 42 inches apart, with one
bushel of seed to the acre, and culti
vate as for a held crop. The thicker
stand will cause the stalks to he
smaller, hut there w ill "he a plentiful
formation of ears, which will not in
jure the quality, and if suffered to
nearly ripen will add much to the
value of an acre for winter feeding.
Whei the ear is in the milk, it has
the greatest value for the production
of milk or flesh in feeding. When
corn is sown thickly, so as not to
l>crmit the formation of ears, it is
ready for feeding when in tassel. It
then contains all the nutritious ele
ments of ripened corn in a soluble
condition. But there is a prevalent
error of opinion in reference to the
value of small and large stalks. The
general opin on is that small stalks
are more nutri ions and less woody
than large ones. liut to show that
this is an error, let any one select
twenty pounds of large stalks in tas
sel, and likewise 20 pounds of small
ones, also in tassel. Now take a
small, bard-twisted twine and meas
ure tiie circumference at the butt of
all the stalks, large and small, and
see which has the most outside sur
face to a given weight. If we are to
sup|>ose that the large stalks average
1 inch in diameter, and the small
stalks \ inch in diameter, then it
would take foursinall stalks to weigh
as much as one large stalk, and the
circumference of four half-inch stalks
will be just twice as much as a one
inch stalk. Therefore, the small
stalks are likely to have twice the
outside rind of the large ones, pro
vided you raise a crop equal in weight
of each kind. The rind of a large
stalk is a little harder and tougher
than the 9inall one, but since there is
only half as much of it, wc cannot
properly say that the large stalks
have more indigestible woody fibre,
but ratber less.
When the corn has been raised in
the mnnner described and the car has
reached the milk, the best waj' to
feed it is to run it through a cutter
and cut it into half inch lengths. If
the dairymen has also a second cut
ting of clover to mix with it, then
mix in one-quarter clover while cut
ting the corn, and cut both together.
This mixture will produce a large
flow of excellent milk. The proper
elements arc well combined in the
two foods. Hut if lie has no clover,
then he may mix one-third green mil
let, or green oats and peas, or llun
gntian grass—and if he has no other
green food, then let him mix in one
fourth of clover or other good hay,
and it will all be eaten clean and pro
duce good milk.
liut if the dairymen have no straw
cutter or power, when the corn is in
the succulent condition we have
mentioned, cows will eat it pretty
clean, and the ears will give it more
value than when grown too thick to
ear. Sweet corn is richer in album
inoids and fat, and is preferable to
the common field corn as green fod
der, hut you can seldom raise as
large a crop—so that it might Ik*
as well to plant aliout half of each
is an excellent green crop
when successful; and to Ik- success
ful the soil must be of very fine tilth.
A line, rich loutn is |>crliaps best for
Has fine seed. A heavy crop of mil
let stands four to five feet high, with
heads 3 to 6 six inches long. A large
crop ought to weigh 10 to 12 tons
green, or al>out half as much as good
fodder corn ; but it has nearly double
the hutriment of fodder corn in its
green state, so that a large crop of
millet has a great value, whether fed
alone or In connection wiih fodder
corn. It is usually sufficiently ma
tured for feeding green in 00 to 76
Hungarian gram is also a species
of millet, having a somewhat shorter
stalk and shorter head,but producing ,
fodder of alHiiit the same quality. 8 ,
to 18 tons of green Hungarian fodder
is a good crop. Soil required Is about
the same as tor millet.
I'm* and Oat* —this makes an ad- I
mil able green crop for producing milk
—is right for feeding green when the
pea begius to form in pod. This a
nitrngeneous food, and well adapted
to mixing with fbddcr corn. A good
crop will weigh green, about ten tons.
It is easily grown upon gr<yit variety
of soils, and may he sown up to the
10th of June, liut earlier sowing gives
a heavier crop.
A <iaßiir.Nt:n recommends that to
koep bugs ofr melon and squash vines
a tomato plant he set in each hill,
saying that when be had followed
this plan, his young plants were not
Ir you have a row of trees the
whole length of the road againat your
farm, aet a row on the line between
your farm and your neighbor's. They
will be very ornamental aa well m
The Most Famous Butter Cow.
A ufinti, Agri< uJlurUt tor J tin <• |.
The most famous living butter cow
today Is "Jersey Hello of Hcitoate,''
the projierty of Mr. C. O. Kllms, of
Scitnate, Mass., dropped in 1871,
and bred by Mr. K. 11. Sohicr. She
is now nine years old, or will lie
on the I btli of next month (July).
She is a beautiful cow of a rich-yel
low-fawn color, shading into a dark
er tint upon the head diversified and
mapped out with considerhle white.
She is above medium size, weighing
350 pounds when in her best condi
tion, and really represents exactly
such an animal in appcaracc, as well
as characteristics, us may he, and
frequently is, produced by the direct
cross of the Guernsey and Jersey
breeds. One of the iiest uses, by the
way, to which inferior or unregister
ed animals of either Guernsey or Jer
sey blood can he put is to mingle
their blood. Cross-breeds develop
with great uniformity, the excellen
cies of both the parent breeds. In
the case of "Jersey Helle of Scitn
ate," it is a question, which probably
can never meet with a solution—
how much of her rare qualities does
she, or does she not. owe to a remote
Guernsey cross 1 Her butter is ol as
rich a color, and very much the tex
ture and degree of firmness (or rath
er lack of firmness when compared
with average Jersey butter) as the
highest colored Guernsey product,
and this high color is held through
out the winter. [The American Ag
riculturist gives an accurate and
beautiful picture of this cow in con
nection with the article from which
this extract is made].
The Kllms' cow we have said is to
day the most famous butter cow liv
ing. We mean to intimate that she
holds that position only until some
rival shall lie fully attested to yield
more than 22 pounds 13 ounces of
butter in a week, or more than 705
pounds in a year. Some cow will
surely do this within a year or two,
so that unless this wonderful cow
excels her own record, she will be
forced to accept a second or even a
lower place.
A Profitable Poultry Accout and its Les
Hitler in Rural N't Y<ik*r.
Having kept an accurate account
of the receipts and ex|>enses of my
liens for the last 13 years, it may in
terest readers of the llural if the re
sults are given :
Amount fur thick* na n<l eg^i
loM In I iTrer* fl' HiR
Amount ir f*vl in j:i yr% $1,446.1**
" " fmttry fowl* and eg| . M *z
'* M " BiidtlKMn and r )*ir
to -hoitae mi .. R.i„
act fig aa MA profit— SItS.U
or n profit of about 66 per cent. The
number of hens kept ranged from 50
to 2*o. The lest results were ob
tained when 150 were kept. I am
well aware that this report falls In-low
many highly colored ones that we
read of in the papers; hut it has the
merit of being a truthful one. All
poultry and eggs were sold at matket
rates, none having been sold at fancy
prices, so that this profit is a legiti
mate one, and can he realized hy
any person using common sense in
the management of his hens. The
highest profit in any one year was
$203 88, in 1 870 ; tiie lowest $26.25
in 1875. In Hie years I*6o, 1870,
IH7I 1x72. the profit was $633.12,
leaving $402 20 for the other nine
years. This difference was partly
owing to the change in price of eggs
and chickens, and partly to a change
in the breed of my fowls. Hwill be
seen that each dollar paid out in the
13 years, has given a return of $1.65
often within the week, certainly as
often as once per month u|Kin an av
A Little Farmer's Story.
A little fellow, ten years of age,
giving his farm ox|>erienec in St.
Nicholas , preaches a better aermon
than he was aware of om the text
"How to make boys like the farm."
He says : When I was four, niv moth
er took me to see my grandfather,
who gave me a dollar. When I came
home mv father offered to give ine a
heifer for the dollar and a year's
work at five cents a day. I said all
right, and after a year's work was
done he sold the cow and gave me
the money with which I bought a
four-year old cow. After a while
this cow had a calf, and when he waa
a yearling she had another. When
the first calf was a two-year old 1
traded him for another cow. The
first cow by this time had a third
calf and the second cow also had a
cslf. I sold two of the yearlirgc for
$23 and had $6 besides. I put this
money at interest for ten rents on a
dollar a year. Afterward I bought |
another cow, selling the first old one
for $27, buying two pigs. By trad
ing round I now have two cows, two
calves, two pigs, a pony and saddle,
and $24 in money at interest, all
made in six years.
LRorMtxotis crops, like clover, do,
somehow or other, gather a good
supply of nitrogen where cereals,
such as wheat, harley, rye and oats,
would half starve for lack of It, snd
this in the face of the fact that legu
minoua plants contain a great deal of
nitrogen and cereals relatively Utile.
Hence a heavy nitrogeneous manure
may pay well for wheat and be in a
large part lost on clover.
Liquid Manure.
Vrom lh Antfri'mo AjcrW uitiuUt.
To answer several inquiries at
once, we may any tliat either horse,
cow, sheep or hen manure may lie
lifted, ami no definite rule can be giv
en beyond the caution to not UHC it
toofttrong. Where there is a provls
ion for Having the drainage from
stables, this may lie used upon the
garden if ftufllciently diluted. A
cask or barrel may be prepared by
putting some straw in the bottom and
half or two-thirds filling the barrel
with horse, cow or sheep-man tire.
This is to serve as a leach, pouring
water in ut the top and draining off
the manure "lye" at the bottom. The
old direction to dilute this "the color
of boarking-bouse tea," is perhaps as
definite as any. Where guano is
used, one pound to five gallons of
water is abundantly strong, and with
the liest Peruvian Guano, twice the
quantity of to a pound would
le safer. In the use of liquid man
ure, B orne precautions are to be obser
ved. It is not to lie applied to the
foliage, but to the roots of the plants.
In dry weather, draw away the sur
face soil, apply the manure, and
when this has soaked in return the
s >il. This is to prevent the baking
of the wet soil and forming a crust.
A Ix'lter way to accomplish this is to
place a mulch of straw, litter or chips,
on the surface around the plants. The
manure may lie applied through this
mulch, in a dry time, do not use
the liquid manure unless the plant*
can IK.' kept watered as needed until
rain falls again.
Feed the Good Milkers.
The best milkers use all the food
they can get to make milk, and suffer
in their own flesh in cousequence.
The dairyman should carefully ex
amine each cow in his herd, and see
that her wants are provided for. He
is sometimes very ungrateful to his
best cows, those that pay a fine profit,
ami he allows them to draw even on
their own flesh to increase their yield
of milk. A practiced eye detects the
wants of such cows in a moment.
Tliey are striving to do their best for
their owner, and want a little extra
food to keep up their own flesh while
they are yielding a large return for
the food consumed. Prof. Iforsfall,
whose practice was given in the Jotir
nal a short time ago, gave about* 2lbs
of liean-meal to each of such cows
per day. Bean-meal is very rich in
moscle-forming food. We cannot
use this here, because of its expense,
but we can use what is equally as
good—oats and corn —two bushels
•f oats and one of corn ground
together, mixed with an equal weight
of wheat bran or middlings. Give 2
lbs. of this mixture with lb. of oil
meal to each good milker. This will
cost about 3 cents per day and will
well repay it In the condition of the
cow, besides the increase in milk. It
is the good milkers that pay for feed
ing. As they deal generously with
you, deal ye even so with them. Poor
milkers do no even pay their keeping.
They should lie fed well only to fit
tin in for the butcher. Let them be
used for what they were intended—
Fodder Corn.
Fr<*ai lh Firm Journal.
People who grow corn for green fod
der and cut it young, soon learn to
value itjlighly,and they are half right,
while those who grow the mature
stalk, on which nubbins are found
full of sweet juice and substance,
contend that green corn Is valuable
fodder, and they are wholly right. It
should lie planted thinly, in rows,
and cultivated, not sown broadcast,
as is often done.
Where to Begin Farming.
Mr. Ooossman in credited by the
Mobile RrgiMcr with the sensible re
mark that "farming operations should
begin the in garden, and get out of it
only when the household has ample
provisions made for its own table.
The garden, too, is the best of schools,
and it is rarely that the farmer steps
from the garden to the poor farm."
Ira man had an scconnt in hank,
and ten thousand dollars to his credit,
snd were to check n|>on that account
from time to time without making
any deposits, it is evident the result
would be the exhaustion of the ac
count and the dishonorofbis checks.
Just so with the farmer; the most
ordinary observation should teach
him that if he continues constantly
to remove crops, and applies nothing
in return, liis soil will soon be ex
WHEN plants are to be transplant
ed they shook! lie well wet down
several hours before moving, so M to
allow the water to soak well around
the roots, and if this is done while
the sun Is shining brightly, it will be
best to shade the plants for a time,
till the water has soaked in.
Two sound eyes to a hill are snf
ficicnt. As many potatoes can be
raised therefrom as if whole potatoes
were used.
Tint best jiotatoes grown under
favorable circumstances contain twen
ty per cent, of starch; poor ones,
about ten per cent
Low ground and excessive richness
are injurious to the potato.